Can honey be stored in plastic containers? At what temperature should honey be stored? How to store honey at home in an apartment

It is no coincidence that this unique natural product is called the “gift of bees” - amazing with a pleasant taste and countless vitamins and microelements. We are talking about honey, the irreplaceable and healing properties of which have been known since ancient times. It strengthens the immune system, helping the body cope with various infections and diseases. To get the maximum benefit from it, you must follow a certain regimen. In the article we will analyze in detail and learn the secrets, consider the basic rules for storing natural honey.

Requirements and storage conditions for honey

All varieties, even those with the optimal composition, retain all their nutritional properties, but are still prone to inactivation of biological components. In this case, aging occurs at an increased rate, especially when a suitable regimen is not followed. In order to preserve its beneficial characteristics, it is advisable to ensure that honey is stored at a constant temperature (for example, in the refrigerator).

Honey should be stored in a dry place, protected from light. Closed cabinets or cardboard boxes are ideal for this purpose. Being hygroscopic, it has the ability to absorb moisture and absorb odors from the environment. It is important to pay attention to the drawer locking system. It is not permissible to leave it near strong-smelling food or building materials. This option is suitable for cottage residents. Residents of megacities can choose a balcony or windowsill as a place to store honey (just not in the light, of course!), the optimal humidity is about 60-80%.

Where to store honey, you need to choose one where the climate is cold and stable. A pantry or wooden cabinet in the kitchen is suitable for these purposes. The temperature should be around ten to twenty degrees Celsius. When a treat is exposed to changes in conditions, it may darken and lose taste. If the ambient temperature briefly reaches a high value - above 20C, it should be understood that such changes are not dangerous for sweetness. However, this can contribute to rapid decomposition, loss or deterioration of color, aroma and rare ingredients important to human health. If the weather changes, it is still recommended to place it in the refrigerator.

Hygroscopicity of honey

When storing purchased honey, you should remember: it has some hygroscopicity, as a result, it easily absorbs various odors and moisture from the outside and retains them. Honey is easily fermented, and this process may be accompanied by the appearance of bubbles. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully close the lid of the jar. The fermentation of sugars and the subsequent appearance of spherical formations is a sign of the beginning of the loss of the taste of honey and its unique quality characteristics.

Even in ancient times, attention was paid to the hygroscopicity of honey. It was noted that honey should never be stored in barrels made from fresh, raw wood. Due to its hygroscopicity, honey dried out (took up moisture), after which significant cracks appeared in the walls. With the appearance of cracks, the question of the tightness of such barrels was no longer raised - honey simply flowed out of them.

How to choose the right honey storage container

  • Clay pots or any other container is great for long-term storage of honey. A distinctive advantage is that it does not allow sunlight to enter, and prevents the penetration of third-party aromas and moisture. It is no coincidence that our ancestors chose and preferred clay utensils for these purposes.

  • Plastic box. Most manufacturers choose plastic only because it is lightweight and easy to transport. However, if it has an unpleasant odor, it is better to avoid using it at home. The container must be marked with special signs: PP, PP or “5”, which confirm their safety and stability.
  • Glass jars convenient and safe for preserving fresh honey. The glass material itself does not react with the substances contained in them, and therefore does not emit unpleasant and dangerous substances and toxins. The only negative is the ability to transmit sunlight. A dark-colored container will do. The disadvantage of such dishes is fragility and high cost.
  • Wooden utensils- can influence the organoleptic properties, give it a truly excellent aroma, while preserving all the microelements and characteristics. However, you need to take a close look at the choice of container. The best option is dishes made of birch, linden, and beech. You should not take containers made from wood species that emit essential oils (conifers, for example).
  • Metal container- not quite a suitable alternative. The thing is that the metal oxidizes over time, which negatively affects the properties, and after consumption, the health and well-being of people who can become poisoned. In this case, you need to choose the right metal utensils. An excellent option is containers that do not contain zinc, copper and lead.

Rules for storing comb honey at home

If you managed to buy this amazing product, you will have to comply with certain storage conditions.

  • The first is the humidity level, we recommend no higher than 60%. In this case, the room must be ventilated. Residents of big cities can put it in the refrigerator.
  • Secondly, the honey storage temperature is about 3-10 °C.
  • Third - a dark closet. You should not leave vegetables or fruits that have a pronounced pungent aroma nearby. We do not recommend leaving them in close proximity to comb honey.

To do this, the honeycombs are cut into pieces and placed side by side in clean containers. Cover tightly with lids. Please note that not all of them may be suitable for this purpose. You should not choose metal - from copper, lead, zinc. When coming into contact with treats, substances are formed that can cause serious poisoning. It is best to choose a glass jar or ceramic pot.

Shelf life of honey

Under the influence of external factors, the organoleptic characteristics of honey change. Healing characteristics may be lost even if a number of recommendations are followed. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it at home for no more than two years. When exposed to light and humidity, the beneficial qualities can quickly evaporate. It begins to darken, crystallize and thicken just a couple of weeks after pumping out of the frames.

In apartment conditions, when the temperature constantly reaches more than 22C, spoilage can occur much faster. At high temperatures, honey begins to deteriorate and darken within six to nine months.

Basic rules for storing honey at home

In order for healthy food to last as long as possible, it is necessary to comply with the established standards:

  • The ideal ambient temperature is no more than 20 °C. Keep in a cool, dry place. The container should be tightly closed.
  • Away from the light. Excessive sunlight can negatively affect its quality. In particular, this leads to the transformation and activation of negative factors, especially the enzyme that responds to antibiotic activity.
  • A pantry or cellar is an ideal place to store high-quality honey, which will help preserve the taste and unique properties of sweetness. However, you need to make sure that these places are far enough away from the oven, stove, boilers and heating lines of the house.

Honey is an unprecedented natural product that has invaluable benefits for human health. But to use them to the maximum, it is not enough just to purchase a quality product. You also need to know where, in what and how to properly store honey at home.

You can purchase directly from our apiary "Sviy honey".

Where should honey be stored?

The answer to the question of where to store at home is obvious. The ideal place would be your refrigerator. However, some housewives manage to find other places that fully meet all conditions. Their full list is further in the article.

At what temperature should honey be stored?

The optimal storage temperature for honey is from +1 to +20 degrees. You can slightly exceed this norm, but be prepared that the beneficial properties will slowly fade away. But a temperature of +40 degrees and above will become critical for the bee product - when heated to this level, it will turn into a useless sweet mass.

The storage temperature of honey according to GOST is slightly higher - no more than +25 degrees. But the document says nothing about the lower limit of the temperature regime.

Articles on the topic:

How to melt honey so that it remains healthy?

Is it possible to add honey to tea?

Is it possible to freeze honey - it has been proven that a temperature not lower than -5 degrees will not cause significant damage to the healing composition. However, it is better to avoid such a cold regime - some of the vitamins will still be lost.

Humidity level

Please note that storing honey at home requires a minimum level of humidity. That is why the balcony and loggia will be unsuitable places - even if the optimal temperature regime is maintained there, the weather can change to rainy at any moment.

Keeping the product in a kitchen cabinet is good in terms of humidity. But are you sure that the right temperature will always be maintained in your home? Agree, +18-20 degrees for the room is quite cool.

Article on the topic: How to store bee products: instructions and expiration date

In this case, we once again come to the conclusion that the refrigerator is the optimal place to store bee products. You can control both temperature and humidity.

Additional terms

When choosing a place to store honey, also pay attention to indirect factors:

  • it should not be exposed to direct sunlight
  • there should be no toxic or dusty products nearby
  • It is recommended to keep it out of the reach of children

The last rule is explained quite easily: like any other medicine, honey has its own daily requirement. If a baby decides to indulge in sweets and exceeds the maximum dose, this can provoke certain ailments: from diarrhea to an allergic reaction.

Article on the topic: TOP 5 rules for consuming honey

What is the best way to store honey?

There are three main options for containers where it is better to store honey:

  • glass
  • plastic
  • enamel
  • tree
  • clay
  • wax honeycomb

The latter option cannot be called “container”, since the honeycombs also need to be stored in some kind of packaging. However, it is believed that it is best to buy the product in its natural shell - wax honeycomb. This is where bees store honey in their natural environment. This way it retains maximum of its beneficial properties and remains liquid longer.

Article on the topic: Honeycomb: a sweet dessert in a natural shell

In what container to store honey - the best option is glass jars. This is an environmentally friendly container. Plus - the jars can always be closed with an airtight lid to prevent moisture or foreign odors from entering.

Enameled and earthenware, as well as wooden barrels, are considered equally environmentally friendly. But when choosing how to store honey at home, remember: you may have problems with the tightness of such containers.

Plastic containers can be used to store bee products, but only for a short time and provided that you use food-grade plastic.

How long honey can be stored - the answer to this question still remains a mystery. Many argue that the product generally has an unlimited shelf life. But there is a condition: honey must be of high quality, that is, natural, mature and without additional impurities. It’s easy to check whether the product you purchased is correct even at home.

Interesting fact: several years ago, archaeologists found honey in the tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh. According to historical information, this ruler was buried several thousand years ago. It is not known exactly how many years honey is stored in such conditions. However, it remained completely edible.

Some sources provide a completely different answer to the question of how long honey can be stored. If you follow GOST, the shelf life of a natural product is no more than 2 years. But every beekeeper knows very well that a natural delicacy can remain fresh, tasty and healthy for even several years - provided it is stored correctly.

Article on the topic: Does honey have an expiration date?

How long can honey be stored at room temperature - if the optimal conditions are violated (from -5 to +20 degrees), then the shelf life will be shortened. How much depends on the specific variety. For example, sunflower and acacia varieties are considered more “hardy”. But rapeseed honey is very “capricious” and without refrigeration it can ferment after just a few days.

Any honey has its own period of crystallization - a process as a result of which it becomes more viscous and hard. The duration depends on the variety and the ratio of glucose and fructose. If there is more of the former (for example, sunflower honey), the product will become sugared faster. If glucose prevails (for example, acacia honey), there is a chance that the dessert will remain liquid longer.

Articles on the topic:

Rapeseed honey: a delicious bee dessert

His Majesty, Acacia honey!

Sunflower honey: the benefits of the most common variety

Storage conditions have almost no effect on how long liquid honey is stored at home. However, you can make the honey sugar later rather than earlier:

  • storage in a natural shell - honeycombs. By purchasing comb honey, you can keep the product liquid longer if you follow all the rules.
  • temperature regime. Store the product in a place where the temperature is stable from +18 to +20 degrees. Low temperature, on the contrary, accelerates crystallization.
  • stir frequently. If you stir the honey frequently, this will slightly slow down the crystallization.
  • whipping. There is a special technology in which honey is whipped with a powerful mixer at a temperature of about +12-14 degrees. The “sugar” crystals are crushed, the delicacy acquires the consistency of cream and a more delicate taste.

Article on the topic: Cream honey: how to turn a bee product into a delicious dessert

Does honey spoil during the crystallization process - no. This is completely natural and there is no need to be afraid of it. However, if you are a passionate lover of liquid honey, you can always heat it up a little - but not above +40 degrees. This will return the product to its original consistency.


Wikipedia: Bee Honey

Video "Honey storage conditions"

Just recently I was surprised to learn that I have been storing honey incorrectly all my life. I keep it in the kitchen cabinet next to the radiator. And I’m glad that it doesn’t crystallize so quickly, remaining liquid longer. And to the question whether it is possible to store honey in the refrigerator, I would confidently answer: no, of course!

What conditions are needed to store honey?

Storage conditions for this product are determined by parameters such as temperature, humidity and exposure to light. Each of them deserves separate consideration.

Condition 1. Temperature

We are accustomed to thinking that honey itself is an excellent preservative and cannot spoil. Indeed, it contains enzymes that prevent bacteria from multiplying. Moreover, during the first year, fermentation processes continue. But! Only if it is stored at the optimal temperature.

So at what temperature is it best to store honey?

  • The optimal range is considered to be from minus 6 to plus 20 degrees;
  • If it is higher, the vitamins contained in the product will begin to be destroyed.. And as a result of accelerated fermentation, the toxic substance hydroxymethylfurfural will begin to form in it;
  • If you store honey in the refrigerator, it will quickly lose its viscosity., its color and taste will change. But the beneficial properties will remain;

  • At temperatures above plus 40 degrees, most vitamins are destroyed immediately. And you get a tasty, but practically useless product. We often make it this way with our own hands by heating the frozen delicacy in a water bath;
  • Having chosen the storage temperature, it is better not to change it. This will adversely affect crystallization - it will be uneven.

Thus, we can conclude that too high a temperature is much worse than low temperature. This means the answer to the question whether honey can be stored in the cold will be positive.

Moreover, the answer to the question whether honey can be frozen will be just as affirmative. It will become hard, but will hardly lose its beneficial qualities. Another thing is that this is simply not necessary.

Condition 2. Light

Sun rays are very harmful to this product, as they destroy inhibin, the enzyme responsible for its antimicrobial properties.

In addition, they heat the container. We have already talked about the effect of high temperatures. Therefore, the instructions recommend keeping this delicacy in a light-proof container or simply in a dark place.

Condition 3. Humidity

Humidity is one of the indicators of maturity.

  • For a mature product it is less than 21%, and it can be stored at a temperature of 10-20 degrees;
  • Unripe honey has a moisture content above 21%, and store it only in a cool place with a temperature of up to +10 degrees.

This parameter is measured by a special device - a refractometer. If you are a true connoisseur of honey and buy it in large quantities with a year's supply, then it is advisable to purchase such a device. It will help you choose a high-quality mature product that is guaranteed not to ferment.

But honey can also absorb moisture from the environment, which leads to a deterioration in its quality and shelf life. Therefore, it must be tightly closed. This is necessary for another reason: in addition to moisture, the product also perfectly absorbs foreign odors.

Storage containers

Another important question: what is the best way to store honey. Ideally, this should be a honeycomb sealed with wax by the “manufacturers” themselves. They maintain the optimal temperature, regardless of the environment, and moisture does not penetrate.

If you place the honeycombs in a closed container or wrap them in film, the honey in them will retain its benefits and taste for a very long time.

But filled honeycombs are not easy to buy, and getting treats from them is problematic. Therefore, let's keep it simple - consider the traditional options:

Image Storage containers

Method 1. Glass jars.

This is the most convenient container because it is easy to fit a tight lid to the jar. And the shelf life of honey in glass containers is very long.

Method 2. Wooden utensils.

It should be made of deciduous wood - linden, birch, alder. This is an ideal gift wrap, and such barrels create a cozy mood in the apartment.

Method 3. Clay pots and jugs.

An interesting, but not the most convenient option, since tight-fitting lids for them are difficult to find.

Method 4. Plastic containers.

One important condition: they must be made of high-quality food-grade plastic and have lids.

This sweet delicacy can also be kept in enamel or stainless steel dishes. But how long honey can be stored at room temperature in such a container will depend on the absence of chips and scratches on its inner surface.

And here ordinary metal utensils, even galvanized ones, are not suitable. Honey will react with the material, oxidize it and absorb harmful substances.


Considering all that has been said, you can decide where it is better to store honey, based on your conditions. If you live in a private house, you can keep it in a dry underground or cellar. The temperature there is right and it’s dark.

If this is not possible, the bottom shelves of kitchen cabinets located away from heating appliances will do. Or insulated loggias.

But in the hot season it is better to place it in the refrigerator. Or start storing it there right away. Let honey change its taste and appearance, but retain its beneficial properties.

My words are perfectly confirmed by the video in this article. I would like to hear other opinions. They can be voiced in the comments.

Everyone knows. This is an effective natural remedy that increases immunity and protective functions of the body. In addition, honey has excellent taste and is completely absorbed by the human body, which makes it an affordable delicacy for a wide range of consumers. Under natural conditions (honeycombs), this product can be stored for centuries. How to store honey at home so that it does not lose its beneficial and tasteful qualities can be found in this article.

Beneficial features

Honey is very beneficial for health. It normalizes the functioning of internal organs, improves immunity and blood composition, protects against premature aging and is considered a source of powerful energy. All these valuable properties of honey are due to its complex chemical composition and extraordinary biological nature. The main properties of the bee product include: density, viscosity, electrical conductivity, fermentation, crystallization, thermal conductivity, thixotropy, hygroscopic heat capacity, optical activity and others. Honey has dietary, medicinal and bactericidal properties. Due to its remarkable qualities, it is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Composition of honey

Honey has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiallergic and bactericidal properties. It has a very rich composition: trace elements, sugars, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, folic and pantothenic acids, zinc, chlorine, boron, aluminum, chromium, silicon, osmium, titanium, tin, lead, nickel, lithium, biologically active substances, necessary for the human body. Honey is a good medicine that helps with burns and wounds, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, biliary tract, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the bee product is unusually nutritious. It includes proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, enzymes, etc. When fructose and glucose are broken down, a huge amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the functioning of the body. Therefore, you need to know how to store honey at home so that it does not lose its valuable properties.

Best before date

How long can honey be stored? As mentioned above, in the conditions of a bee hive it is preserved and retains its properties for hundreds of years. This product contains a large number of vitamins, among which bacteria cannot exist. Scientists found honey in wax combs in ancient Egyptian pyramids, where it was perfectly preserved. At home, the bee product can be kept for no more than two years. Under the influence of light and air temperature, its beneficial properties are quickly destroyed. If certain conditions are met, the shelf life of the product can be increased to several decades.

Storage temperature

To learn how to properly store honey, you need to mentally look into a bee hive. In winter, these hardworking creatures insulate their home so much that the temperature in it does not drop below minus ten degrees even in the bitterest frosts. When the thermometer readings are more than -20 degrees Celsius, the product loses its structure, instantly sugars and hardens. At high temperatures (more than +20 degrees), the chemical composition of honey changes, the taste deteriorates, color is lost, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and bactericidal substances are destroyed. During the heating process, the bee product begins to ferment and becomes a sweet mass that contains only carbohydrates. The optimal temperature for storing honey is from -5 to +10 degrees Celsius.

Other factors

Where to store honey at home? Another enemy of the beneficial properties of a product is light. Honey should never be stored on a windowsill in direct sunlight. Even diffuse light can affect a product that is kept in a clear glass container. Bright lighting destroys all enzymes and valuable components in natural medicine within a couple of days. Therefore, the product must be stored in a cool, dark place. Air humidity is also an important factor. This figure should not exceed 75%. Of course, different honey can withstand different storage conditions. Acacia tolerates moisture well, while honeydew deteriorates at a humidity of more than 60%. However, if the necessary conditions are not met, the product quickly turns sour.

So, how to store honey correctly? A dry, clean, dark and cool place with humidity not exceeding 60% is suitable for it. For example, a closed kitchen cabinet or a tidy pantry.

Cold storage

How to store honey in the refrigerator? To do this, you must follow some rules.

  • Firstly, the air temperature should not exceed +5...+10 degrees. For refrigeration containers, this is the usual standard temperature regime.
  • Secondly, a certain level of humidity must be maintained in the refrigerator. If it is equipped with a dry freezing function, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you should periodically wipe the walls of the refrigerator from excess moisture.
  • Thirdly, the container in which honey is stored must be hermetically sealed. Otherwise, the product will absorb the odors of moisture and food.

Thus, you can store honey in the refrigerator. However, for this you must strictly observe all the above conditions.

Cellar storage

How to store honey in the cellar? For residents of the private sector, this issue is especially relevant. The level of humidity and temperature in ordinary cellars are far from those necessary for storing natural medicine. Therefore, the bee product cannot be stored, for example, in a glass jar. The most suitable container for storing honey in the cellar is a wooden barrel, coated with wax on the inside. Honey should be protected from foreign odors. If there are pickles, fish, sauerkraut or cheeses in the cellar, it is better to hide the delicacy in another place, for example, in a dark and dry pantry. An open container of honey should never be placed near sugar, salt or cereals. Thanks to these hygroscopic substances, the fermentation process of the bee product is enhanced.

What container is best to store honey in?

The question most often asked by fans of the bee delicacy is: “In which containers is it better to keep honey?” First of all, the container in which the product is stored must be absolutely airtight so that other odors and moisture do not enter it. A glass jar with a tight-fitting metal or plastic lid is suitable. The container must be clean and dry. In addition, you should not add a fresh portion of honey to an old, already stale product, as this will start the fermentation process of the bee delicacy.

What other containers can be used to store honey? Wooden containers made of linden, willow, alder or birch are suitable. You should not keep the product in barrels made from coniferous trees because of their strong natural aroma. Honey is perfectly stored in flasks and cans made of aluminum or stainless steel, intended, for example, for milk products. You can use ceramic vessels, glazed inside, and clay containers. Tin cans with a special food varnish applied to them on the inside, as well as cups made of aluminum foil, are suitable for storing honey.

What should you not store honey in?

Under no circumstances should bee products be kept in lead, copper or galvanized containers, as the acid contained in honey reacts with the metal and forms toxic substances. Iron utensils are also not suitable for use. When interacting with the active substances present in honey, it undergoes corrosion, due to which the product not only loses all its beneficial and aromatic properties, but also acquires a metallic taste and a disgusting chemical smell.

Plastic containers

Today, plastic containers are the most popular container for storing bee treats. It's convenient, easy and inexpensive. However, it should be remembered that such utensils must be certified. How long can honey be stored in plastic containers? Experts say no more than a year. The fact is that the bee product very actively interacts with other substances and is capable of “pulling” chemicals from plastic. Therefore, you should never store honey in non-food plastic containers.

Clay dishes

A clay pot is perhaps the ideal container for storing honey. Beekeepers claim that no matter how much you keep the bee delicacy in such a container, it will always be healthy and tasty. This is due to the natural properties of clay. It does not deteriorate or oxidize, does not enter into a chemical reaction with other materials, does not let the sun's rays through, and even maintains optimal temperature conditions. Therefore, such an active substance as bee honey feels great in earthenware and remains in it for decades. However, it should be remembered that the container in which the product is stored must be hermetically sealed.

Honey comb

Honeycombs are packaging in which honey is stored naturally. Not only the bee treat itself has beneficial qualities, but also the wax from which the honeycombs are made. Moreover, some small, but also very valuable for health, particles are not found in squeezed honey, but are contained precisely in this natural packaging created by bees. Therefore, the question of how to store honey in honeycombs is of significant importance.

  • Firstly, the temperature regime must be observed - from +3 to +10 degrees Celsius.
  • Secondly, you should not keep fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, near the product. Their aroma is essentially a gas for honey in the combs, affecting its composition and natural properties.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to monitor a certain level of humidity. It should be maintained at 60%. A higher number will lead to the honeycomb becoming limp, a lower number will lead to the appearance of moths or mold.

It is best to wrap the honey in the combs in plastic wrap and store it in a cool, dark, dry place.

How to keep honey liquid

Some people believe that liquid honey is the freshest and healthiest product. This statement is only partly true. Indeed, freshly pumped honey is liquid, transparent and light. However, immediately after being removed from the honeycomb, it darkens and becomes cloudy as the natural process of honey crystallization begins. If during storage the bee product is divided into liquid and thick substances, it means that it was removed from the frame too early, it turned out to be unripe, with a lot of water. This fact does not affect the shelf life and valuable properties of honey. If, after long-term storage, in winter, the product remains liquid, this is a clear sign of falsification. By this time, real honey should have already crystallized. If it has become hard and thick, then it can be melted in a water bath. To do this, you need to place the container with honey in a saucepan with hot water and heat until it begins to disperse into a more viscous consistency. It should be remembered that when heated to a temperature of more than 37-40 degrees, the product completely loses all its beneficial properties. Therefore, you cannot heat honey over an open fire.

May retain its beneficial properties. It turns out that compliance with optimal storage conditions makes this product practically without an expiration date. But beekeepers often differ in their opinions about storage rules. How then to properly store honey so that it does not become sugary and lose its healing chemical composition?

Does honey have an expiration date?

If you turn to GOST, they indicate a rather short shelf life for honey, which is 8-12 months. But such norms apply only to industrially produced products. Honey aged even three years is often found on the market, which, according to beekeepers, is even more beneficial. Is it really?

The shelf life of honey can span several decades without loss of beneficial properties if it is stored in a hive. Thanks to the wax coating, air, harmful microorganisms and light do not enter the honeycombs. This creates all the necessary conditions for storing honey. But it’s a completely different matter if the honeycomb is opened and the honey is poured into a container. Interaction with oxygen and bacteria triggers oxidative processes that lead to the “volatilization” of vitamins and minerals.

On a note! A characteristic foam and sour aftertaste are the main signs of spoiled honey.

The main factors that shorten the shelf life of honey:

  • Direct sunlight.
  • Temperature above +20⁰С.
  • Humidity more than 80%.
  • Unsealed packaging.

The ability of honey not to spoil for a long time is also affected by its chemical composition:

  • If there is a lot of honeydew in it, then it will spoil much faster.
  • Honey made by bees fed with sugar, in addition to a short shelf life, will have a poor vitamin composition.
  • If honey is pumped out unripe, it will not contain enough enzymes and biologically active substances. This will promote premature fermentation and souring.

Marvelous! When excavating pyramids in Egypt, vessels with honey are often found, which is completely usable. Scientists even believe that the ancient Egyptians used honey as a means of mummification.

If factory-packaged honey, in compliance with all sanitary standards, is stored for only a year, then what about the sweetness that was purchased at the market. How long and under what conditions can honey be stored at home?

There is simply no clear answer to the question of how long you can keep honey at home. It all depends on its variety, quality, degree of maturity, conditions under which it was bottled and the method of its storage. But it is worth remembering that even if all the rules are followed, after 12 months honey begins to lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, you should not store beekeeping products for years.

Rules for storing honey: creating suitable conditions

If you are not going to use the purchased honey right away, you need to store it properly so that it does not spoil prematurely.


To prevent the destruction of vitamins in honey and the oxidation of amino acids, it should be kept in a room with a temperature from -6 to +20⁰С. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to keep honey at room temperature. If honey is heated above 37⁰C, then most of the beneficial nutrients evaporate, and only carbohydrates remain.

Also, honey should not be heated. Temperature treatment at temperatures of 40⁰С and above promotes the formation of carcinogenic compounds. But freezing honey has absolutely no effect on its shelf life and chemical composition.

Important! Sudden temperature changes can cause crystallization and separation of honey.


Honey has increased absorption properties. Therefore, the lower the humidity in the room where the honey is stored, the better. If the moisture level exceeds 75-80%, you need to seal the container with honey as much as possible. When honey absorbs a lot of water, it becomes liquid and soon spoils.

Advice! To seal the jar of honey as tightly as possible, you can fill the edges of the lid with hot wax.


Honey should never be stored in direct sunlight. Heat rays instantly destroy inhibin, an antimicrobial substance, and the honey immediately begins to deteriorate. The optimal solution is to place honey in a dark place.

Foreign odors and volatile substances

In places where honey is stored, there should be no products with a strong odor, such as fish, meat, or smoked meats. Even if the jar is tightly closed, the honey will still absorb foreign odors.

You need to be careful about the presence of things with volatile substances (chemical inhalates with narcotic effects) nearby. Paints, varnishes, rubber, aerosols, gasoline and other products with such toxic substances can make honey hazardous to health.

Where is the best place to store honey?

There are many options for storing honey. Most honey lovers keep it at home in the refrigerator or on the balcony. If possible, it is sealed and placed in the cellar. And beekeepers actually keep honey in honeycombs and pump it out little by little. Therefore, the location of honey storage depends on the technical capabilities of its owner.

Are apartment conditions suitable for storage?

You can find several suitable places for honey in your apartment: on the balcony, in cabinets or in the refrigerator. The main thing to consider is that the conditions are the most suitable.

Room conditions are not the best choice, so if the room temperature exceeds 20⁰C, it is better to put the honey in the refrigerator. There the temperature is suitable and the humidity is optimal.

Many people place honey on the balcony or loggia. This has its downsides. Firstly, in the summer there is a lot of sun, and this destroys the vitamin composition of honey. Secondly, in the fall, due to frequent rains, the moisture level greatly exceeds the norm, which also affects the shelf life. Only the winter period remains, but then the honey will have to be thawed before use.

Advice! If the balcony is glazed, then it may well be suitable for storing honey.

Cellar storage

If it is possible to store honey in a cellar, it is better to do so. There are practically no sudden changes in temperature, and there is no direct sunlight. The main thing is to properly seal the jars of honey so that it does not absorb excess moisture.

Honey comb

If you wish, you can purchase honey in combs, but storing such a product is very difficult. High humidity (more than 60%) will destroy all the beneficial composition, and too low humidity can cause the proliferation of various pests, for example, food moths. You also need to maintain the temperature within +6 - +10⁰С. Therefore, only beekeepers primarily store honey in this form.

On a note! The honeycomb can be divided into small pieces and placed in a glass container with an airtight lid. This will keep the honey from fermenting for a long time.

Honey storage container: what to choose?

Packaging containers play an important role in the preservation of honey. Moreover, not only the material is important, but also the hermetic capabilities.

Plastic containers

Buckets or jars made of plastic are allowed for storing honey, but provided that they are made from food-grade plastics. But it is not advisable to store honey in such packaging for a long time. Since honey contains organic acids, it is considered an aggressive product that interacts with plastic.

Did you know...
Experienced beekeepers consider clay the best container for storing honey. Clay vessels allow air to pass through perfectly, while ensuring a stable temperature regime. True, if we are talking about containers made of environmentally friendly clay.

Glass containers

Glass containers are considered the most suitable. Glass is an environmentally friendly material and does not emit hazardous substances. The only disadvantage of this packaging is transparency. To smooth out this nuance, you need to keep the honey in a dark place or wrap the container in paper.

On a note! Many people think that candied honey is spoiled. In fact, the crystallization process is characteristic of real honey and is not a sign of spoilage.

Alternative honey packaging options

Honey is successfully stored in enamel, clay and wooden containers. But such containers are very rare. But honey cannot be kept in aluminum, galvanized or copper vessels. Harmful compounds of heavy metals can become part of honey.

Advice! If you are going to store honey in wooden barrels, only willow is suitable as the raw material for the container. Coniferous or oak boards will spoil the taste of honey.

Following basic storage rules will allow you to enjoy delicious and fresh honey throughout the year. And in order not to worry about the safety of this product, you should not purchase honey in large quantities.

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