Is it possible to replace the installed lens again? Eye lens – what an artificial eye crystal looks like. Lens replacement surgery: possible complications

Just a few years ago, patients with cataracts were doomed to partial or complete blindness. With the invention of the intraocular lens, it became possible to replace the clouded lens with an artificial implant. And also correct refraction at high degrees.

What is the service life of an artificial lens, is the lens replaced again, what to do if the implanted lens becomes cloudy? Read about these features of a progressive ophthalmological invention in this article.

How many years will it last?

Artificial lens- made of special materials and capable of taking on the functions of refraction and focusing of light rays.

Thanks to the use of biocompatible materials, the artificial lens takes root well in the capsule bag and does not cause rejection reactions or allergies.

All manufacturers of synthetic lenses claim that this type of optics has an unlimited service life. Such a lens is placed once for a lifetime. Its original structure does not change over the years, and the surface is resistant to chemical and biological reactions.

Only in some cases, opacification of the posterior surface of the lens is observed, which can reduce the quality of vision and requires special measures to eliminate the defect.

Does the shelf life of an IOL depend on the material?

Modern lenses are made from materials with increased plasticity. So-called soft IOLs can be made from:

REFERENCE: Rigid IOLs are currently practically not used because they require large surgical incisions and a long recovery period.

The first generations of intraocular lenses had an imperfect structure and composition. Therefore, they had a limited service life due to the deposition of calcium phosphates on the surface. All modern IOLs from any materials demonstrate increased biocompatibility and transparency. But, according to statistics, when using IOLs based on polymethylacrylate, complications and lens opacities are observed more often.

Problems and risks after implantation

In modern ophthalmology, IOL implantation is carried out using phacoemulsification technology. The operation is considered safe and low-traumatic, there are no large incisions on the mucous membrane, and the rehabilitation period is short.

Postoperative problems are determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and the surgical technique.

Possible complications:

REFERENCE! After lens implantation surgery, in some cases the shape of the cornea changes, which can lead to development. It can be easily corrected or...

As with any surgical intervention, after phacoemulsification the risk of developing inflammatory reactions increases. They can affect the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis), the choroid (uveitis), the iris and ciliary zone (iridocyclitis), and the vitreous body (endophthalmitis). These conditions require emergency treatment and are eliminated under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Laser cleaning of intraocular lens

When asked whether an intraocular lens can become cloudy over time, experts answer in the affirmative.

The causes of clouding are associated with the occurrence of recurrent cataracts, which are called secondary. It develops already on the operated organ of vision. But it does not affect the anterior part of the lens capsule, but its posterior zone.

During the operation, this part of the organ of vision is not removed or corrected. Here physiological processes associated with the division of epithelial cells continue. If the cells grow rapidly, they can affect the implanted lysus and reduce its transparency. The resulting film makes it difficult for the rays to pass through and focus, so the patient may complain of vision problems. How long does it take for secondary cataracts to develop? Most often, clouding is observed 6-18 months after surgery.

Modern ophthalmology offers a laser dissection technique to solve this problem. Laser cleaning is carried out with a YAG device - it generates radiation with a power of no more than 50 watts, which is enough to clean the IOL. The laser acts specifically on the clouding of the posterior capsule, cleaning it and returning its former transparency. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and causes minimal discomfort to the patient. The service can be obtained at an ophthalmology clinic - the estimated cost of the procedure is 10 thousand rubles.

IMPORTANT! Good vision is restored immediately after a laser vision session or gradually improves over 2-3 days after it.

Is it possible to re-replace with a new implant?

Patients who experience decreased visual acuity some time after surgery may mistakenly believe that the IOL needs to be replaced with a new implant.

Similar symptoms occur with secondary cataracts, which do not require replacing the artificial lens with a new model and are corrected with laser cleaning.

T Theoretically, IOL explantation is possible, but is indicated only in the most extreme cases. A serious indication for removal of the implant is displacement of the lens towards the retina, fundus or vitreous.

Symptoms of displacement:

  • trembling of the iris;
  • “crescent moon” effect;
  • double vision;
  • decreased visual acuity.

The ophthalmologist develops tactics for correcting this pathology for the patient individually. This may be removal of the IOL without subsequent replacement, implantation of a new implant, or transscleral suture fixation of the installed lens.

Intraocular lenses are modern ophthalmic implants designed for lifelong use. High quality workmanship, thoughtful design and the use of biocompatible materials make IOLs the most effective and safe method for eliminating lens pathologies.

– a serious, technically complex microsurgical operation; after the intervention, new pathologies sometimes arise that interfere with the normal restoration of vision. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to choose a high-quality lens and strictly follow the ophthalmologist’s recommendations during rehabilitation.

Laser eye lens replacement

Indications and contraindications for surgery

The main indication for eye lens replacement is cataracts; the pathology is often diagnosed in old age; the disease progresses rapidly and is characterized by a blurry, indistinct image.


For what pathologies is eye lens prosthetics performed:

  • presbyopia– when destroyed, the lens becomes hard, cannot change curvature, and farsightedness develops;
  • astigmatism– the shape and curvature of the lens changes, the image becomes blurred, the person has to constantly squint, the operation is performed in the absence of a therapeutic effect from other methods of therapy;
  • severe forms of myopia, burdened by other ophthalmological problems, when the eye can hardly see.

With astigmatism, vision is impaired and the image becomes blurred.

Installation of an artificial lens is the only effective way to remove cataracts in old age.


The operation is not performed for inflammation of the eyes, a miniature size of the anterior chamber of the eye, or retinal detachment. Contraindications for lens replacement are progressive forms of farsightedness, exacerbation of any chronic disease, recent stroke, heart attack.

Lens Selection

Artificial lenses (intraocular lenses) have different indicators and characteristics, which affects their cost, properties and quality. You can see what different prostheses look like in the photo.

Types of eye lens

This is what an installed eye lens prosthesis looks like

Before undergoing surgery, give up alcohol and smoking a week before the procedure.

How to prepare for prosthetics:

  1. 7-10 days before surgery, stop wearing glasses and contacts.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking for 5 days.
  3. The day before the intervention, take a shower and wash your hair.
  4. On the day of the operation, you should not drink or eat anything, or use cosmetics, perfumes, or deodorants.

Before admission to the hospital, patients undergo a general and biochemical blood test, a test for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, coagulation, a clinical urine test, an ECG and fluorography. A person needs, the final conclusion is given by a therapist.

Artificial lenses are made from biocompatible materials, so there have been no cases of prosthesis rejection.

How is the operation performed?

The person is hospitalized a day before the operation, has a conversation with the patient, and the surgeon explains in detail the stages of prosthetics and explains the rules of behavior. The intervention is carried out on one eye, and some time after, a second operation is prescribed.

The process of replacing the lens of the eye

Stages of refractive lens replacement:

  1. Surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia - the patient is given an injection of an anesthetic drug, or an anesthetic is instilled into the eyes.
  2. The surgeon makes several punctures and opens the anterior chamber of the eye.
  3. Phacoemulsification is carried out - the solid core is liquefied with ultrasound or evaporated with a laser.
  4. The eye cavity is cleaned with a special suction.
  5. A rolled-up lens is placed in a special tube and inserted into the eye chamber, where the prosthesis is straightened.
  6. The lens is centered and strengthened with arms.
  7. The eye is washed with an antiseptic and a bandage is applied.

During the operation, blood pressure and pulse are constantly monitored; the entire procedure lasts 20–30 minutes; if there are no complications, the patient is sent home after 24 hours.

During the operation, the person is conscious, he must strictly follow the surgeon’s instructions - the outcome of the procedure depends on this.

Postoperative period

Rehabilitation after eye microsurgery takes place at home; the patient must regularly visit an ophthalmologist; the bandage will have to be worn for 7–14 days.

After the operation, it is necessary not to remove the bandage for some time.

Pain and stinging are observed for a week; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve discomfort.

How to behave after prosthetics:

  1. Wash your eyes daily with Furacilin solution and use antiseptic drops.
  2. The operated eye should not be scratched or put pressure on it.
  3. During the week after surgery, reading and watching TV should be no more than half an hour a day.
  4. Intense physical activity, heavy lifting, drinking alcohol, smoking, bending are strictly contraindicated.
  5. Sleep exclusively on the side opposite the operated eye, or on your back.
  6. You cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or use cosmetics for 1–2 weeks.
  7. When taking a shower or bath, water should not get on the bandage.
  8. You can only go outside wearing dark glasses.
  9. It is necessary to reduce the daily intake of salt, spicy foods, animal fats, and drink less water and tea.

After a few weeks, the doctor will evaluate your vision and select glasses or contacts if necessary. You should discuss the ability to drive a car and the timing of your return to work with your ophthalmologist.

The first time after the operation, the person sees poorly, all objects have blurred contours - this is how the body gets used to the prosthesis, and gradually all the unpleasant sensations disappear. Visual acuity is restored after 4–5 weeks, but some restrictions are lifelong.

Possible complications

Negative consequences after surgery arise due to the surgeon’s fault, when the doctor’s commands are not followed correctly during prosthetics, or when rehabilitation rules are violated.


  • corneal edema– disappears on its own in 4–6 days;
  • cataract recurrence– deposits appear on the lens, the eye sees dimly, everything unnecessary is removed with a laser, lens replacement is not required;
  • retinal detachment;
  • swelling of the macular area– occurs in diabetics, with glaucoma;
  • displacement of the prosthesis– repeated intervention is required;
  • hemorrhage in the anterior eye chamber– occurs when the lens is not installed correctly, when there is heavy strain on the eyes during rehabilitation, drug therapy is performed, or re-operation is performed;
  • development of infectious processes– the problem rarely occurs; it can be treated with antibacterial eye drops.

During the postoperative period, corneal edema may occur, but it will go away on its own within 4-6 days.

The most dangerous consequence– increased intraocular pressure, occurs against the background of displacement of the prosthesis, with incomplete removal of fluid from the eye chamber during the intervention, and develops without timely treatment. To normalize indicators, special eye drops are used - Betoptik, Azopt.

Where do they make it and how much does it cost?

Lens replacement is carried out in public and private ophthalmology clinics, the average price of a prosthesis is 25–110 thousand rubles. When purchasing lenses in public hospitals, the patient can get back approximately 25% of the cost of the prosthesis if they have a policy.

For paid treatment, the price of lenses is included in the cost of the operation; on average, treatment of 1 eye will cost 35–140 thousand rubles, depending on the level of the medical institution and the qualifications of the doctor.

The basis of the artificial lens is polymer raw material, which does not corrode, is not affected by negative external factors or enzymes of the human body, so the service life of the lens after installation is unlimited.

Eye lens replacement in Moscow in 95% of cases is performed using the seamless ultrasonic phacoemulsification method, which over the past 15-20 years has almost completely replaced the traditional extracapsular extraction technique. Moscow Clinic named after. Fedorov is one of the main eye clinics in the region, where more than 3,000 patients with cataracts and refractive errors are replaced annually with lens replacement.

Thanks to the support of the Moscow Government and the Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov Foundation for Promoting the Development of Advanced Medical Technologies, the Clinic pursues a liberal pricing policy, combining the high quality of medical services provided and the low cost of surgical treatment. At the same time, the Clinic sets itself the task of ensuring the availability of high-tech medical care to a wide segment of the population, in connection with which the Clinic named after. Svyatoslav Fedorov has a system of social benefits and discounts when replacing the lens of the eye.

Lens replacement at the Fedorov Clinic is

Hi-tech. In the vast majority of cases, lens replacement is performed using phacoemulsification. The traditional technique of replacing the lens through a corneal incision is used only in extreme cases of impossibility of phacoemulsification. Since 2017, femtosecond cataract support has been performed for patients at the Fedorov Clinic, along with ultrasound phacoemulsification. The introduction of laser cataract removal into the daily practice of our specialists has raised the level of surgery, patient comfort during surgery, and postoperative treatment results to a qualitatively new level.

Operation security. More than half a century of observational history of patients with eye lens replacement allows us to resolutely state the minimal risks of surgical treatment, high surgical results and the consistency of the postoperative effect. Equally important is the constant technical improvement of both the surgical technology and the instruments and equipment used during surgery.

Versatility. Lens replacement at the Fedorov Clinic is performed for various ophthalmological pathologies. Both in older and older people with cataracts, and in young people with a high degree of myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness, replacing the lens of the eye allows you to completely restore sharpness.

Minimally invasive nature. Thanks to technical progress, it became possible to avoid extracapsular extraction with a wide corneal incision, the use of general anesthesia during the operation, the need for hospitalization of the patient in a hospital, and the need for “maturation” of the cataract, when the patient could no longer navigate in space on his own. Nowadays, lens replacement can be performed if the patient has minimal visual discomfort on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, without incisions or stitches, through special self-sealing micropunctures 1.8-2.2 mm wide, formed with a metered diamond blade or using a femtosecond laser.

No age limit. Lens replacement at the Clinic named after. Svyatoslav Fedorov is performed at any age of the patient. Restrictions on surgical intervention in patients of this age group may be due solely to the general severe condition of the patient. In young people, surgery can be performed from the age of 18 in cases of high degrees of ametropia, when the possibilities of laser vision correction are limited.

Short duration of the operation. The total duration of the entire operation, taking into account the preparatory stages, is about 15-20 minutes. In this case, the duration of the surgical intervention itself does not exceed 10 minutes. According to the internal regulations of the Clinic, surgical treatment is always performed on only one eye. If there are indications, it is recommended to operate the fellow eye no earlier than two weeks after the first operation.

Painlessness of surgical treatment. Replacing the lens of the eye is an absolutely painless operation for the patient. The minimally invasive nature of the intervention makes it possible to operate under local anesthesia. Anesthetic eye drops completely eliminate pain.

No hospitalization. Surgical treatment at the clinic named after. S. Fedorov is carried out without hospitalization in a hospital. Just 1-2 hours after surgery, the patient receives recommendations from the attending physician and can leave the clinic.

Short rehabilitation period. The patient notices restoration of vision after lens replacement within a few hours after surgery. However, the process of improving visual functions and stabilizing vision will occur within the first two weeks from the moment of surgical treatment.

Stages of treatment at the Fedorov Clinic

After completing the necessary medical documentation, the patient is placed in the preoperative ward, where he is examined by the attending physician and preoperative preparation is carried out. After preoperative measures, the patient is invited to the operating room.

Despite the outpatient nature of the operation and the absence of general anesthesia, eye lens replacement at the Clinic named after. Svyatoslav Fedorov is performed in a sterile operating room. During the operation, only disposable consumables and microsurgical instruments are used, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection during surgery.

After disinfection and local anesthesia in the form of anesthetic drops, an eyelid dilator is applied to the operated eye to prevent spontaneous blinking of the eyelids.

Using a diamond ultra-thin dosed knife, the surgeon creates a tunnel corneal micropuncture 1.8-2.2 mm wide, which is the main incision through which all further stages of the operation are performed. The special profile of the tunnel incision and its small size ensure good self-sealing in the postoperative period without the need for sutures.

Micro-puncture of the cornea with a diamond blade Removal of the anterior wall of the lens capsule

After performing capsulorhexis - a circular dissection of the anterior wall of the capsular bag - the surgeon, using an ultrasound probe, crushes the lens substance into a suspension, which is simultaneously aspirated from the eye. Currently, the Clinic named after. Svyatoslava Fedorova offers her patients a completely innovative way to replace the lens - femtosecond assisted surgery. The main difference from ultrasound phacoemulsification is the use of a femtosecond laser during surgery to form a corneal incision, create capsulorhexis, and crush the substance of the native lens.

Crushing the lens of the eye

Having completely freed the “bed” of the lens, an intraocular lens (IOL) rolled into a cylinder is implanted into the capsular bag. An IOL is an artificial eye lens, individually designed for each patient. Inside the capsular bag, the artificial lens opens independently, the surgeon controls the correct position of the haptic elements of the intraocular lens and its centering relative to the visual axis of the operated eye.

Implantation of artificial lens Position of the artificial lens

After all stages are completed, the edges of the tunnel incision are hydrated, the eyelid dilator is removed, antibacterial eye drops are instilled, and a protective aseptic bandage is applied to the operated eye. And the patient is escorted to the postoperative ward, which he can leave 1-2 hours after examination by the attending physician and go home.

The morning after the operation, the patient arrives for a follow-up examination by the surgeon, receives all postoperative recommendations, treatment prescriptions and a postoperative visit schedule.

Artificial lens. Types and models

In the Soviet Union, the pioneer in the implantation of an artificial lens was the ophthalmologist Academician Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov, and our Clinic proudly bears the name of the great doctor and scientist of world renown. Fedorov's lens was the first model of a rigid artificial lens created for intraocular implantation after extracapsular cataract extraction.

Subsequently, Fedorov's lens underwent significant changes in shape and design used in the manufacture of the material, but for a long time remained the only option for an intraocular lens when replacing the lens.

The rapid transition to microinvasive surgical technologies and the development of cataract phacoemulsification techniques have led to significant changes in implantable IOL models - lens design and materials have radically changed, which has led to the production of modern soft artificial lenses.

The need to replace the lens not only for cataracts in the elderly, but also in young and middle-aged patients has led to the creation of various types of intraocular lenses.

And currently the Clinic named after. Fedorova carries out implantation of all types and models of modern artificial lenses from the world's leading manufacturers, thereby providing a personalized individual approach to each patient and his needs.

After replacing the lens at the Clinic named after. Fedorov you will receive

Replacing the lens of the eye is a completely new quality not only for your vision, but also for your standard of living. The Fedorov Clinic will forever relieve you of low vision, and you will be able to enjoy the world around you without glasses, capturing the subtlest nuances of shape and color. The assistance of the Moscow Government ensures the provision of ophthalmic surgical care at prices affordable for each of our patients.

Lens replacement. Price in Moscow. Fedorov Clinic

Cost of lens replacement at the Clinic named after. Svyatoslav Fedorov, price per eye, rub.

20.08. Eye lens replacement with intraocular lens implantation
Lens replacement with implantation of a domestic soft intraocular lens 35000 — 39000
Lens replacement with soft aspheric IOL implantation 44350 — 58750
Lens replacement with implantation of a soft aspheric IOL with a yellow filter 55750 — 66360
Lens replacement with toric IOL implantation for astigmatism 75000 — 86000
Lens replacement with multifocal IOL implantation 85000 — 91990
Lens replacement with multifocal toric IOL implantation 114000 — 120000

An artificial eye lens or intraocular lens is an implant that is placed in place of a previously removed natural lens if the latter has lost its functions.

Unlike glasses and lenses, IOLs can correct significant deviations in vision, including myopia, farsightedness, and a high degree of astigmatism. Placed in the eye, an artificial lens performs all the tasks of a natural lens, which allows it to fully provide the required vision characteristics.

In what cases is it necessary to replace the eye lens with an artificial one?

The main indication for replacing a natural lens with an artificial one is clouding of this area. The natural eye lens loses its transparency, which is why visual acuity decreases, leading to blindness. This process is called cataract.

Another manifestation of visual impairment is.

Pathology develops under the influence of a number of factors:

  • In old age;
  • For diabetes mellitus;
  • With radiation exposure;
  • After an eye injury;
  • As a hereditary pathology.

The video shows an artificial eye lens:

At first, the disease causes only blurred images. It becomes hazy and divided. The perception of color begins to be disrupted, and photophobia appears. When these symptoms appear, the doctor decides whether it is necessary to remove the natural lens and replace it with an IOL. Drug treatment in such cases does not help, but it can slow down the development of pathology. All that remains is an operation to replace this element of the organ of vision.

There is no point in waiting until complete blindness, otherwise the operation will no longer help and the person will irreversibly lose his sight.

Based on the above, we can conclude that this implant is used only for serious conditions that threaten vision loss. Accordingly, an intraocular lens is used in the treatment of:

  • Cataracts;
  • Myopia;
  • Farsightedness;

It will be useful to find out how early age-related cataracts are treated according to.

The last three points are decisive in making a decision to perform surgical procedures only when there is a high degree of damage.

What does an artificial eye lens look like, service life

An artificial lens includes two elements:

  • Optic;
  • Support.

Support artificial lens of the eye

The optical part is a lens made of transparent flexible material that is compatible with the tissues of the eyeball. There is a special diffraction zone located on the surface of the optical section of the IOL, which allows you to obtain a clear image.

Impaired vision clarity may occur if diagnosed.

The supporting element helps to securely fix the implant in the capsule where the natural human lens was located. During the operation, the flexibility of the material plays an important role. This allows, through a micro-incision with a diameter of no more than 1.8 mm, to insert an instrument with a compressed lens into the capsule area and place it there.

It quickly straightens and independently secures itself in the place of manipulation. The product does not have an expiration date and its operation is designed for many years if all surgical procedures are carried out correctly and a specific implant with optical characteristics appropriate for the specific case is selected.

Find out what rehabilitation should be like after cataract surgery.


There are several types of IOLs, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In general, in the modern market of ophthalmic surgery and implantation, the following stand out:

Monofocal lens

  • Monofocal lens;
  • Multifocal lens;
  • Accommodating monofocal lens;
  • Aspheric IOL;
  • Spherical IOL;
  • Toric IOL.

The monofocal element is used most often in cataract surgery. It provides excellent distance vision function in different light levels. But near vision may require minor additional correction with glasses (when reading, watching TV, and so on). If the patient is ready to use glasses to correct vision function after IOL implantation, this option is considered the most optimal.

Find out what to do if a black dot appears in the eye.

Often, after vision correction with an IOL, many people complain about the need for additional correction. With certain implants, this factor is inevitable and cannot be avoided.

Monofocal IOL

The accommodating monofocal lens allows for excellent vision both at distance and near. This IOL can change its position in the eye so that the object is focused on the retina at any degree of distance of the object. That is, this lens is capable of simulating the normal accommodation of a young lens.

American manufacturer

The only representative of this type of IOL is the CRISTALENS IOL lens from an American manufacturer. This element has not yet been tested in Russia. All patients who have had such a lens inserted do not need additional correction with glasses when reading. This option is considered the most successful for those people who sit at the computer or read a lot.

Multifocal lenses

The multifocal lens is the latest word in cataract surgery. This type of product makes it possible to achieve ideal vision at any distance without the use of additional accessories - glasses or contact lenses.

This particular implant has all the necessary optical characteristics, which are distinguished by ultra-precision, projecting images to various points simultaneously. Only multifocal glasses can compare in their performance. In the West, three types of such products are used. If the ophthalmologist is experienced, then after appropriate research he can easily select the required type of product.

The choice of lens should be made with your doctor. In this case, you should give preference to high-quality lenses, because their service life is unlimited, and therefore they should last until the end of their lives.

Spherical lens

What does it look like? The spherical lens improves distance vision. It will also provide excellent central vision. The downside of this implant is the presence of some discomfort after surgery. Vision may be distorted at first, but this effect goes away over time.


An aspherical lens is used when vision function deteriorates due to natural aging processes. It usually manifests itself as a gradual decrease in visual acuity, as well as deterioration of near vision. Not long ago, these lenses were developed with a special structure that allows them to perform all the necessary functions of a young natural lens. This increases not only visual acuity, but also contrast sensitivity. To put it simply, the patient begins to see as in his youth. These lenses have not been tested in Russia, but are used successfully abroad.

Toric for astigmatism and cataracts

Toric IOLs are typically used in patients with high degrees of astigmatism (starting at 1.5 D). Compared with aspherical ones, toric ones are capable of correcting not only postoperative astigmatism, but also corneal astigmatism. Corneal or physiological astigmatism develops with age. In such cases, it is not possible to choose the right glasses. Thanks to the presence of a complex surface, an artificial lens of this type helps to correct the curvature of the cornea, eliminating both astigmatism and cataracts in one operation.

The video shows how to choose the right lens:

Is it possible to repeat the replacement operation?

Most doctors do not replace the lens again, since incorrect vision some time after surgery is most often caused not by the quality of the implant, but by the presence of problems in other parts of the eye or other defects. This condition can be corrected either with glasses or with laser correction. The cause can only be identified during a full examination.

You can learn about glasses for strabismus in adults and how to use them correctly.

The lens can be replaced according to indications if the original one is not suitable for one reason or another. In other cases, doctors try to correct vision using more gentle methods.

Manufacturers and prices

Many companies produce artificial lenses for the eyes. The best are foreign companies headquartered in the United States. Also, German IOLs are not inferior in quality. Here are the main representatives of these implants:

Cost varies depending on the type and characteristics of the item. Your doctor will help you choose the best option. As can be seen from the table, Alcon lenses, which are produced in the USA, have the largest price range. They are considered one of the highest quality. Treatment may be needed.

All materials on the site were prepared by specialists in the field of surgery, anatomy and specialized disciplines.
All recommendations are indicative in nature and are not applicable without consulting a doctor.

Lens replacement surgery is a serious and technically complex surgical procedure. During the procedure, the patient is conscious and, moreover, must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Its success or failure largely depends on this. Replacing the lens helps solve only problems associated with this organ. Often after surgery, new diseases are discovered that prevent complete restoration of vision.

But, despite all the difficulties, lens replacement is the only radical treatment for cataracts and a number of other pathologies. This allows people with serious eye diseases, most often the elderly, to regain visual acuity and the joy of being able to see all the colors of the world around them, read, and watch TV.

Indications for surgery

The lens is replaced mainly when it becomes cloudy - cataracts. This is a common pathological change that occurs in old age. With this disease, objects become blurry and unclear. Myopia or, conversely, farsightedness often intensifies and develops as the perception of close objects improves. The condition is constantly progressing, only timely replacement of the lens for cataracts allows vision to be restored.

The operation can also help with other age-related changes, in particular with presbyopia of the eye. In this case, patients complain of farsightedness, which is associated with the processes of sclerosis of the lens. It becomes harder, loses its elasticity, and therefore the ability to change its curvature. Patients find it difficult to manipulate objects close at hand, and at the same time they have difficulty reading small print.

Lens replacement may be indicated for astigmatism. Its shape and curvature are disrupted, resulting in a reduced ability to focus on an object. Patients report symptoms such as blurred images and the need to squint in order to see an object. The operation is used when other methods are ineffective due to the progression of the disease.

In recent years, lens replacement has also been practiced for myopia. The operation is an alternative to glasses or contact lenses. In most cases, this disease can be treated with laser correction or other minimally invasive methods. The operation is performed only in case of a high degree of myopia, aggravated by other diseases (anisometropia - violation of symmetry in the refraction of the eyes, sclerosis of the lens, etc.).


The operation is not performed in the following cases:

  • Inflammation of the eye structures.
  • Small size of the anterior chamber of the eyeball. He may not allow all the necessary manipulations to be carried out.
  • Destruction, retinal detachment. In this case, there is a risk of disease progression after surgery.
  • Small eyeball, if the decrease is caused by progressive farsightedness.
  • Any inflammation in the active stage.
  • Recent heart attack or stroke.

Choosing a prosthesis

Physical properties

Artificial lenses or intraocular lenses can be distinguished by shape, material, refractive (light refractive) characteristics, and the presence of a certain filter. The main criteria are rigidity, number of focuses and ability to accommodate.

According to flexibility there are:

  1. Soft;
  2. Hard lenses.

The latter are somewhat cheaper, but much less functional. Soft lenses are easy to roll, minimizing the incision for implantation.

According to their ability to accommodate, prostheses can be:

  • Accommodating;
  • Non-accommodating.

The former are able to change their curvature, like the real lens of the eye, which allows the patient to completely abandon glasses after surgery. Such prostheses are much better and more convenient, but they are more expensive and are not produced in all countries.

Depending on the number of foci of vision, the following lenses are distinguished:

  1. Monofocal;
  2. Difocal;
  3. Multifocal.

Each artificial lens has several foci, i.e. points at which the image has maximum clarity. The most common are bifocal dentures. They have two focuses, which allow you to see an object clearly at two fixed distances (near and far). Objects located between these points appear blurry. Multifocals make it possible to focus your gaze at 3 or more distances. The fewer the number of focal points, the more often the patient will have to use glasses or contact lenses.

Company manufacturer

Often it also comes down to the choice of country of origin. Lenses will differ in price, quality, and reliability. Modern patients undergoing surgery in the Russian Federation can choose the following prostheses:

Prosthesis price

The cost of prostheses can range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles. Companies that are still little known on the market, such as Human Optics, usually offer products cheaper than companies such as Alcon. Accommodating and multifocal lenses are the most expensive. For paid treatment, their price is usually included in the cost of the operation. Ordering lenses yourself is quite difficult; companies usually work only with wholesale buyers.

Important! Prices may vary at different private medical centers! When purchasing a prosthesis from public hospitals, customers deal directly with sales representatives. When performing an operation under compulsory medical insurance, it is possible to return part of the funds spent on the purchase of an artificial lens (about 25%).

Progress of the operation

Before surgery, the patient will undergo a series of standard tests. Typically, hospitalization occurs the day before the intended procedure. Recently, in hospitals and clinics on the eve of surgery, a psychologist or medical specialist works with patients, who explains in detail all the stages of prosthetics and tells them how to behave. Sometimes patients are advised to practice looking at a certain point without blinking and following the surgeon’s commands.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient is given drops of anesthetic or given an injection. He lies face up on the operating table. The doctor opens the anterior eye chamber, making several punctures. After this, using a special suction, the contents of the lens and all cellular elements are removed.

progress of eye lens replacement surgery

A tube is inserted into the chamber, in which the prosthesis is folded. In the chamber, the artificial lens expands. The eye is then washed, bandaged, and the patient is admitted to the recovery room. In rare cases, in elderly people, due to anxiety, pressure surges during surgery and tachycardia are possible. All vital parameters are monitored during the procedure. If the doctor has any concerns, the patient is sent to intensive care.

Important! It is necessary to react as calmly as possible to all the surgeon’s words and performed manipulations, and to avoid excitement.

Recovery period

The most important month is the first month after lens replacement. During the postoperative period it is necessary:

Often it is not possible to completely return to a normal lifestyle within 4-5 weeks, so restrictions are extended for several months. The main criterion is the patient’s condition, the rate of eye fatigue, and discomfort.

For the entire subsequent “life with a prosthesis,” restrictions on visiting the bathhouse and overexertion remain. Many patients note that the operated eye becomes more susceptible to infections - conjunctivitis, etc.

Vision change

Patients may notice the following improvements after surgery:

  • The outlines of objects have become clearer.
  • The double vision and spots before the eyes disappeared.
  • All colors look more vibrant.
  • Improved visual acuity.

Important! Positive changes do not always occur immediately after surgery. Sometimes the brain needs time to adapt to new information coming from the eyes. Sometimes you need to wait until the swelling that often occurs after surgery subsides.

Possible complications

Unpleasant consequences can arise either through the fault of the surgeon or due to the patient’s failure to comply with all instructions, or as a result of the individual characteristics of the body, previously unidentified pathologies (for example, immunodeficiency).

The most common complications include:

  1. Corneal edema. It is not a dangerous symptom. In the vast majority of cases, it goes away on its own within the first few days after surgery.
  2. Secondary cataract. Sometimes deposits form on the lens, causing it to become cloudy. This largely depends on the material used. The greatest likelihood arises when choosing lenses made of polymethyl methacrylate. Removal of deposits is quite easy using a laser; in this case, secondary lens replacement is not required.
  3. Retinal detachment. This layer of the eye is very sensitive and susceptible to any external influences. Therefore, surgery can provoke dissection or increase its degree.
  4. Infection during surgery. This risk is not very high because sterile instruments are used during surgery. Antiseptic drops are used for prevention; even if inflammation develops, it is usually successfully treated with a course of antibiotics.
  5. Increased intraocular pressure. This complication is a consequence of lens displacement, incomplete removal of fluid to flush the anterior chamber of the eye during surgery, etc. If left unattended, this problem can eventually lead to glaucoma. With timely diagnosis, as a rule, it is solved by using special medications in the form of eye drops (Azopt, Betoptik, etc.).

The procedure for receiving free medical care, the cost of the procedure

Since 2012, lens replacement can be done free of charge, under the compulsory medical insurance policy. It is carried out according to a quota, which means that the patient must meet a number of parameters and will have to wait for his turn for the procedure. Pensioners and disabled people go first.

In order to obtain the right to undergo surgery, its positive result must be predicted by ophthalmologists. When replacing a lens, age is not an obstacle to entering the quota, since the procedure does not use general anesthesia, which is difficult for older people to tolerate. An argument for refusal may be the presence of concomitant eye diseases that may impede the restoration of vision.

Important! Patients are provided with only a Russian-made artificial lens free of charge; foreign analogues must be paid for independently.

Paid transactions have a wide range of prices. In Moscow clinics they are carried out for 40,000 - 120,000 rubles (for one eye). The cost is influenced by the chosen prosthesis, the reputation of the clinic, and the experience of medical specialists. The most popular medical centers in the capital are Excimer and the Eye Surgery Center. They have branches in a number of Russian cities.

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