Male external genitalia. The structure of the penis: anatomy, physiology and hygiene features

Anatomically, the genital organs in men are closely related to the urinary organs and are divided into internal and external. The internal ones include the testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, bulbourethral glands, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and the external ones include the penis and scrotum (Fig. 1).

I. Male genital organs (diagram). 1 - bladder; 2 - seminal vesicle; 3 - mesoranous part of the urethra; 4— Littre gland; 5 - testicles; 6 - scrotum; 7 - corolla; 8 - head of the penis 9 - external opening of the urethra; 10 - tail appendage; 11 - head of the appendage; 12 — spermatozoa are lysed; 13 — seminal vesicle (longitudinal section); 14 - prostate gland; 15 - vas deferens; 16 - ejaculatory duct; 17 - mening tubercle; 18 - tunica albuginea; 19 - tubules; 20 - lobule; 21 - mediastinum of the testicle

The testis (testis; Greek orchts) is a paired glandular organ, with external and internal secretion, produces sperm, external secretion, male and female sex hormones. The testicles are located in the scrotum, covered with a common skin and the fleshy membrane of the scrotum; the remaining membranes are formed as a result of protrusion of the abdominal wall and layers of the peritoneum when the testicle moves from the retroperitoneum to the scrotum.

The testicle is an oval body, somewhat elongated and laterally flattened. In an adult, the testicle has a length of 4-5 cm, a width of 2.5-3 cm, a thickness of 3-3.5 cm. The mass of each testicle is 20-30 g. It has two surfaces: the inner (flatter), facing slightly anteriorly ; external (more convex), facing slightly posteriorly. Shifting into each other, the surfaces form the front and rear edges, as well as the upper and lower rounded ends.

The upper end of the testicle faces slightly anteriorly and outward, and the lower end slightly backwards and inward. The left testicle is located in the scrotum slightly lower than the right one and is separated from it by a vertical septum. The testicle is suspended from the lower end of the spermatic cord, which is attached to its posterosuperior edge. The epididymis is closely adjacent to the testicle along the posterior edge. At the lower posterior edge, the testicle, together with the tail of the epididymis, is fixed to the scrotum by a ligament (lig. scrotale).

The testicular tissue is covered with a white, dense fibrous tunica albuginea (tunica albuginea). The tunica albuginea along the posterior edge of the testicle forms a wedge-shaped thickening - the mediastinum of the testis (mediastinum testis, maxillary body), protruding with its sharp edge into the organ. Fibrous septa (seplulae testis) extend from it in a radial manner, which, connecting with the inner surface of the tunica albuginea, divide the testicular parenchyma into 250-300 (lobuli testis). The apexes of the lobules are directed toward the mediastinum, and the base toward the tunica albuginea. Each lobule contains 2, 3 or more convoluted stone tubules (tubuli seminiferi contor).

The diameter of the tubule is 0.2-0.3 mm, with a lobule length of 2-3 cm, the length of the tubule is about 30-45 cm. Approaching the mediastinum of the testicle, convoluted tubules connect to each other. with each other, pass into direct channels (tubuli seminiferi recti). Direct channels penetrating into the mediastinum form its network, passages - rete testis (Galerian network). 12-15 efferent tubules (duetuli efferentes) emerge from the testicular network, which penetrate the fibrous membrane of the head of the epididymis and again, strongly twisting, form a series of conical lobes in it, corresponding to the number of testicular efferent tubules entering it. Further, merging, the efferent tubules form a single epididymal canal.

The place of sperm formation are convoluted tubules, the proper membrane of which is lined with sustentocytes (Sertoli cells) and germinal epithelium, from which spermatozoons develop. Straight tubules and tubules of the rete testis already belong to the excretory tract. Between the convoluted tubules of the testicle there are connective tissue elements, vessels, nerves, and also interstitial endocrinocytes - testicular glandulocytes (Leydig cells), which perform an incretory function, producing sex hormones.

Blood supply. The testicle receives blood from the testicular artery (a. testiculars), which arises from the anterolateral abdominal aorta; from the artery of the vas deferens (a. ductus, deferent is), which is a branch of the internal iliac artery (a. iliaca interna), the bottom of the artery of the levator testis muscle (a. cremasterica), extending from the inferior hypogastric artery (a. epigastrica inf.). All arteries widely anastomose with each other, providing good blood supply to the testicle, epididymis and its membranes.

The veins are collected in a pampiniform venous plexus, which, gradually reducing, turns into the internal spermatic vein (v. spennaiica interna) and flows into the inferior vena cava on the right, and into the left renal vein (v. renalis sinisfra) on the left. Partial blood flows into the iliac veins.

Lymphatic drainage: very thin lymphatic capillaries of the superficial and deep networks of the testicle are collected in vessels that drain lymph from the testicle. These lymphatic vessels on both sides, as part of the spermatic cords, accompany the testicular arteries and veins to the deep inguinal ring. Having left the inguinal canal, they flow into regional lymph nodes located retroperitoneally from the level of the external iliac arteries to a level 1-3 cm above the renal vessels: on the right into the lymph nodes located on the anterior surface of the inferior vena cava, and on the left into the nodes located in the area of ​​the abdominal aorta and further to the nodes in the region of the renal hilum.

Innervation is carried out by the branches of the femoral and genital nerves (n. genitofemoralis et n. pudendus). They form a plexus around the spermatic artery (plexus testiculars) and go further to the epididymis and testicle. The nerves anastomose with other plexuses and receive branches from the renal and solar plexuses.

The epididymis (epididymis) is a paired oblong organ, closely associated with the testicle, and is part of the vas deferens. It is located vertically along the posterior surface of the testicle, has a length of 5-6 cm, a width of 1-1.5 cm and a thickness of about 0.6-0.5 cm. On the epididymis there is an upper, slightly thickened and rounded part (head), a middle part (body ) and the lower, somewhat expanded (tail), which, bending upward, passes into the vas deferens. The anterior surface of the head and tail of the epididymis is intimately connected to the testicle at the head by the superior ligament of the epididymis, and at the tail by the inferior ligament of the epididymis. The body of the epididymis is thickened and lags behind the testicle, forming a pouch (sinus epididymides). Normally, the appendage is easily palpable through the wall of the scrotum.

12-15 efferent tubules of the testicle open into the head of the epididymis, which, twisting, form the same number of conical lobes in it. The efferent tubule, connecting with the tubules of other lobules, flows into a single duct of the epididymis, which makes numerous bends in the body and tail of the epididymis and only then passes into the vas deferens. Most of the anterior surface of the epididymis is covered with a visceral layer of the testicular membrane, which penetrates deeply between its body and the testicle, forming a pocket. Therefore, the epididymis lies in the serous cavity, with the exception of the tail, the inner edge of the body and the head, which lie outside the serous cavity, since they are not covered with a sheet of the testicular membrane. On the testicle and epididymis there are small formations that are remnants of the primary genital ducts and occur in the form of hydatids (suspensions).

The testicular appendix (appendix testis, Morgani hydatid) is a whitish, rounded formation with uneven contours and clearly visible vessels on the surface. It is attached at the junction of the head with the appendage and is a remnant of the proximal tubule.

Appendage of the epididymis (appendix epididymidis) is a non-permanent formation that resembles a cyst on a narrow stalk, attached to the head of the epididymis.

The appendix testis (paradidymis, organ of Giralda) is located above the head of the epididymis, anterior to the spermatic cord. The appendage is yellowish in color, attached to the tunica albuginea with a wide base, and is a remnant of the primary kidney.

Pendants, deviating ducts (ductuli aberrantes) - found on the body of the epididymis. Externally, they are similar to the appendages of the head of the epididymis and are blind tubules (remnants of the primary kidney).

The vas deferens (ductus deferens) is a paired organ that is a direct continuation of the caudal section of the epididymis. Making a sharp bend, it rises along the tail, body and head of the epididymis and becomes part of the spermatic cord. In the latter, it, located behind the testicular artery and vein, rises vertically to the external opening of the inguinal canal and passes it obliquely upward and laterally. Behind the internal opening of the inguinal canal, the vas deferens leaves the vessels of the spermatic cord, goes down and back along the side wall of the pelvis: it crosses the external iliac artery and vein, located anterior to them, and reaches the side wall of the bladder.

Next, the duct penetrates between the wall of the bladder and the ureter, crossing with the latter, bends to the bottom of the bladder, approaches the midline, forming an expansion, below which the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle located on the side flows into it. The ejaculatory duct formed from their fusion passes through the thickness of the prostate gland and opens at the apex of the seminal mound in the prostatic part of the urethra. The length of the straightened vas deferens is about 40-50 cm, diameter is 0.4-0.5 mm. Its wall consists of an outer fibrous membrane, a middle muscular layer, including longitudinal and circular layers, smooth muscle fibers and a mucous membrane lined with prismatic epithelium. The vas deferens can be easily palpated due to the dense consistency of its walls from the tail of the appendage to the external inguinal ring.

The spermatic cord (funiculus spermaticus) is a paired anatomical formation that suspends the testicle with the epididymis, which is located in the form of a cord 15–20 cm long, 1.5–2.5 cm in diameter, extending from the superoposterior edge of the testicle to the internal opening of the inguinal canal and palpated through the skin scrotum of the groin area. The spermatic cord includes the vas deferens (ductus deferens), testicular artery and vein (a. et v. testiculares), artery and vein of the vas deferens (a. et v. deferentis), and veins of the pampiniform plexus (plexus panvpiniformis), interconnected by loose fiber ), lymphatic vessels, as well as a thin fibrous cord (vestigum processus vaginalis) - an obliterated remnant of the vaginal process of the peritoneum.

The vas deferens is located more posterior and medial to the vessels. All these elements are covered by the membranes of the spermatic cord, which pass into the membranes of the testicle, which are formed as a result of protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall during the descent of the testicle into the scrotum. Outside, the spermatic cord is covered with the external spermatic fascia (fascia sperm atica externa). It is a continuation of the external fascia of the abdomen. Underneath it lies the fascia of the muscle that lifts the testicle (fascia m. cremaster). It extends from the edges of the superficial inguinal ring and covers the underlying muscle, the levator testis (m. cremaster), which originates from the transverse and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Under the muscle that lifts the testicle is the internal cremasteric fascia (fascia cremasterica interna), which is a continuation of the transverse fascia. The innermost is the tunica vaginalis testis, which is formed from the processus vaginalis of the peritoneum. The tunica vaginalis of the testicle consists of two layers: directly lying on the testicle and epididymis - visceral - and separated from the first by a slit-like space (cavum vaginale) - parietal. This cavity is covered with endothelium.

During pathological processes, serous fluid may accumulate in it. Along the spermatic cord, the vaginal process of the peritoneum is obliterated and only above the internal opening of the inguinal canal the leaves diverge, passing into the peritoneum. If the vaginal process of the peritoneum is not fused (fusion should occur by the time the child is born), congenital hydrocele of the testicle, membranes of the spermatic cord and hernia can be observed.

The blood supply to the spermatic cord and its membranes is carried out by the cremasteric artery (a. cremasterica), which arises from the inferior epigastric artery (a. epigastrica inf.). It has anastomoses with the wild artery (a. testicularis), which emerges from the anterolateral wall of the abdominal aorta, goes down behind the peritoneum, located on the surface of the psoas major muscle and, having passed the inguinal canal, goes in the spermatic cord in front of the vas deferens, giving branches to testicle and epididymis. The artery of the vas deferens (a. ductus deferent is), is a branch of the internal iliac artery (a. iliaca int.). Almost to the appendage it is fused with the vas deferens. By anastomosing with each other, all three of these arteries of the spermatic cord provide nutrition to the testicle, epididymis and all its membranes.

The outflow of blood occurs through the pampiniform plexus, merging into the trunk of the internal spermatic vein (v. spermatica int.), which flows into the inferior vena cava (v. cava inf.) on the right, and into the left renal vein (v. renalis) on the left. In addition, the outflow of blood occurs in the vesical plexus, in the internal iliac vein (v. iliaca int.).

Lymphatic vessels drain lymph from the testicle, epididymis and membranes to the lymph nodes located along the iliac vessels, as well as the aorta and pudendal vein.

The innervation of the spermatic cord is carried out by the branches of the femoral and genital nerves (n. genitofemoralis et n. pudendus). They form plexuses around the spermatic artery and vas deferens (plexus testicularis et deferentialis) and go further to the epididymis and testicle.

The scrotum (scrotum) is an unpaired musculocutaneous container, divided by a vertical partition (septum scroti) into right and left halves, each of which houses the testicle with the epididymis and the scrotal section of the spermatic cord. The scrotum is located in front of the perineum and behind the root of the penis, attached to the inguinal-pubic region. Its skin extends into the skin of the penis, pubis, thighs and perineum. The skin of the scrotum is pigmented, covered with sparse hair, and contains a significant number of sweat and sebaceous glands, the secretion of which has a specific odor.

Along the midline of the scrotum, a suture (raphe scroti) is determined, corresponding to the septum located inside, consisting of connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers of the testicular meatus. The suture of the scrotum passes at the top into the middle suture of the penis, located along its ventral (posterior) surface. The thin skin of the scrotum is closely connected to the next layer, the so-called tunica dartos.

The meatus contains a large amount of elastic fibers and smooth muscle tissue. It is a continuation of the subcutaneous connective tissue of the groin and perineum, devoid of fat. When the fleshy membrane contracts, the cavity of the scrotum decreases and its skin acquires transverse folding. The inner surface of the meatus is lined with the common tunica vaginalis of the testicle, consisting of many layers covering the testicle and spermatic cord and formed as a result of protrusion of the layers of the anterior abdominal wall during the descent of the testicle into the scrotum.

Between the inner surface of the fleshy membrane and the levator testis muscle, which envelops the spermatic cord and testicle, there is a layer of very loose fiber, which passes into that of the penis. This loose fiber helps during operations to separate the skin of the scrotum and meatus from the membranes covering the family cord and testicle. Along this same fiber, inflammatory infiltration easily passes from one area to another.

The blood supply to the scrotum is rich and is carried out by the anterior scrotal branches (rami scrotalis ant.), coming from the external genital arteries (aa. pudendae ext.), posterior scrotal branches (scrotales post.) from the internal genital arteries (aa. pudendae int.), as well as branches interstitial (aa. perinealis) and cremasteric (a. cremasterica) from the inferior epigastric artery (a. epigastrica inf.). The cremaster artery has rich anastomoses with the wild artery, which arises from the abdominal aorta. The veins accompany the arteries of the same name and flow into the external genital veins (vv. pudendae ext.), into the venous plexus of the spermatic cord (pampiniform plexus - pi. venosus pampiniformis) and the lower rectal veins (vv. rectales inf.).

Lymphatic drainage occurs to the inguinal lymph nodes (nodi lymfatici inguinalis superficiales) and further to the lumbar ones.
Innervation of the scrotum is carried out from the sacral plexus through the pudendal nerve (n. pudendus) by the posterior scrotal nerves (pl. scrotales post.), from the lumbar plexus through the ilioinguinal nerve (n. ilioinguinalis) by the anterior scrotal nerves (rin.scrotales ant.) and the genital branch (ramus genitalis) of the genitofemoral nerve (n. genitofemoralis), as well as from the sacral plexus through the perineal branches (rr. perineales) and the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (n. cutaneus femoris post.)

The penis serves to perform copulation, conduct ejaculate (sperm) into the woman’s vagina, and also remove urine from the bladder through the urethra to the outside. There is a head (distal part), shaft (body) and root (base) of the penis, with which it is attached in front and below the pubic region at the base of the scrotum. Besides; distinguish between the front (back), back (bottom) and lateral surfaces. The shaft of the penis consists of two cavernous and spongy bodies. The corpus spongiosum surrounds the longest segment of the urethra.

The proximal contours of the cavernous bodies diverge under the pubic symphysis, forming the legs, and are attached by suspensory ligaments to the lower branches of the pubic bones, and are covered from above by the ischiocavernosus muscle. Anterior to the pubic symphysis, the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum come together and are attached to it by the suspensory ligament and the movable praciform ligament, which encircles the base of the penis in the form of a loop. At this point the fixed part of the penis ends, which passes into the movable pendulous part. The cavernous bodies grow together, forming gaps in the septum, and are covered with a common dense fibrous capsule (tunica albuginea).

The corpora cavernosa are the main structures involved in penile erection. Cavernous tissue resembles a sponge in structure, the predominant part of it consists of smooth muscle cells, which, connecting with each other, with rare connective tissue fibers and attaching to the tunica albuginea, form randomly located cords containing vascular capillaries and nerves.

The cavernous tissue is lined from the inside with endothelial cells. Below, in the groove between the cavernous bodies, there is the corpus spongiosum with the urethra passing through its thickness. Proximally, the corpus spongiosum forms a thickening called the bulb, covered by the bulbocavernosus muscle. The spongy body at the distal end of the penis ends in a cone-shaped thickening - the head of the penis, at the top of which ends in a vertical slit and the external opening of the urethra. At the base of the glans there is a recess into which the pointed anterior ends of the cavernous bodies of the penis are inserted.

The edge of the head, covering the ends of the cavernous bodies, fuses with them, forming a thickening (corolla). the circle behind which the coronary sulcus is located. The spongy body of the penis is enclosed in a thin tunica albuginea containing a large number of elastic fibers. The tissue of the corpus spongiosum is a structure with internal spaces, rich in elastic fibers. This structure ensures the free passage of fluid and closure of the lumen of the urethra after urination or ejaculation. The corpus spongiosum of the head, containing a lot of fibrous connective tissue, and the venous plexus with a large number of anastomoses, is involved in erection.

The skin of the penis is thin, easily displaced, at the top of the glans it is tucked in and attached by internal layers at the base of the glans, forming a free fold - the foreskin. On the inner layer of the foreskin there are sebaceous glands, the secretion of which is part of the prepuce lubricant, which collects in the coronal sulcus. A space is formed between the head and the foreskin, which opens in front with a hole, which, when the foreskin is pulled back, expands and lets the head through. On the skin of the lower surface of the penis, a suture is identified, which passes from behind to the scrotum and perineum, and in front forms a median fold (frenulum) of the foreskin, with which it is attached to the head.

In an adult man, the size of the penis is variable. At rest, its length from the pubis to the end of the head is on average 9-10.5 cm, its circumference is 6 cm.

Blood supply. After dividing the abdominal aorta into two common iliac arteries, the internal iliac artery departs from each of them, which, after large vessels branch from it to the gluteal muscles, is called the internal pudendal artery (a. pudenda interna). The latter, giving branches to the perineum, bladder and rectum, passes through the urogenital diaphragm, becomes the artery of the penis (a. penis) and is located in the horizontal plane. The terminal branches of the artery of the penis are the bulbous (a. bulbi penis), urethral (a. urethralis), as well as the deep (a. profunda penis) and dorsal (a. dorsalis penis) arteries. All these arteries are paired, connecting with each other by deep and superficial anastomoses, they provide good blood supply to the penis.

The bulbous arteries, having entered the bulb of the penis, scatter into several branches, one of which goes into the corpus spongiosum, the others remain in the bulb. The urethral arteries penetrate the corpus spongiosum of the penis where it lies in the inferior groove. Next, the urethral artery goes inside the corpus spongiosum up to the glans penis, where it anastomoses with the branches of the dorsal artery of the penis. The arteries of the urethra pass first into capillaries, which gather into peculiar venous plexuses of the mucous membrane of the urethra, and then into a system of cells of the corpus spongiosum.

Thus, the bulbous and urethral arteries provide blood supply to the corpus spongiosum and tissues of the urethra.

The deep arteries, the most significant of the branches of the penis, penetrate the cavernous bodies at the point where the latter join to form the shaft of the penis. They are the main source of arterial blood supply to the erectile tissue of the cavernous bodies, which are peculiarly dilated capillaries. Having penetrated the corpus cavernosum, the deep artery of the penis, giving off lateral branches, gradually becomes thinner and, reaching the apex of the corpus cavernosum, anastomoses there with the artery of the same name on the opposite side and the terminal branches of the dorsal artery of the penis. The dorsal arteries, the same diameter as the deep arteries, are a direct continuation of the artery of the penis.

They pass along its back, on both sides of the azygos vein of the same name, under the fascia, heading to the head of the penis, in which the terminal branches of the arteries form anastomoses. On their way, the dorsal arteries give off multiple branches: to the membranes of the penis, branches that penetrate the tunica albuginea and give rise to vessels that go into the spongy tissue, as well as arterial trunks to the tissues surrounding the spongy and cavernous bodies, and to the skin of the penis. The skin of the penis is partially supplied with arterial blood through the external pudendal artery, which arises from the femoral artery, which is a continuation of the external iliac artery.

Venous outflow occurs through the superficial and deep veins of the penis, which anastomose with each other. The superficial vein of the penis (v. dorsalis penis superficial is) collects blood from the skin, subcutaneous tissue, lies immediately under the skin and, bifurcating at the base of the penis, flows through the external genital vein into the large saphenous vein of the thigh (v. saphena magna) or directly into the femoral vein on each side. The outflow from the cavernous and spongy bodies occurs mainly through the systems of the deep central (v. profunda penis) and deep dorsal vein (v. dorsalis penis).

From the central part of the cavernous bodies, blood flows into the deep veins, which leave the cavernous bodies at the point of their divergence and flow into the genitourinary venous plexus. The veins of the bulbous section of the cavernous bodies also flow there. The deep dorsal vein is the largest vein of the penis with a well-developed valve system, arising from the venous plexus behind the glans. It passes under the fascia along the midline of the penis in the superior groove between the two arteries of the same name. The deep dorsal vein receives blood from the spiral veins of the glans penis, from the corpus spongiosum through the circumflex veins and from the peripheral part of the cavernous bodies through the emissary veins.

There are also anastomoses connecting the deep veins to the saphenous superficial dorsal vein, so that blood from the subcutaneous tissue and skin can flow through the deep dorsal vein into the urogenital venous plexus.
Lymphatic vessels are collected from three networks of lymphatic capillaries located in the tunica albuginea, fascia and skin of the penis. Having formed into a large-loop plexus, they pass through the thickness of the fascia, heading to the root of the penis, from where to the superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes or to the nodes located along the external iliac artery.

Innervation. Somatic, sensitive innervation is carried out by the branches of the pudendal nerve (n. pudendus), which passes through the S2 and Sr roots. The common trunk directs it next to the pudendal artery to the back of the penis. After the perineal nerve departs from it as the dorsal nerve (n. dorsalis penis), it gives branches to the cavernous and spongy bodies, the head. Located along the superior groove lateral to the dorsal artery, it innervates the skin, foreskin and frenulum of the penis.

Autonomic innervation is provided by the inferior hypogastric plexus (pl. hypogastricus inferior), which contains both sympathetic and parasympathetic elements. Sympathetic fibers originate in the thoracolumbar spinal cord T12-L2 and, spreading in the direction of the hypogastric plexus, entangle the aortic bifurcation and the left iliac artery. Parasympathetic nerve fibers originate in the sacral segments of the spinal cord S and then go as part of the pelvic nerve (p. pelvicus). Sympathetic fibers, closely intertwined with parasympathetic fibers, descend to the prostate gland, where part of them forms the cavernous plexus.

Their nerve endings are located in the smooth muscle fibers of the structures of the penis in the cavernous and spongy bodies. It is generally accepted that the erectile reflex is associated with preferential stimulation of the parasympathetic system, which causes relaxation of the smooth muscle and elastic elements of the arteries and fascia, which is accompanied by increased blood flow to the penis. The ejaculatory reflex occurs due to the prevailing stimulation of the sympathetic system, which leads to contraction of the smooth muscle structures of the vas deferens, accessory sex glands, urethra, etc.

The urethra (urethra) is a slit 5-6 mm wide, delimited from the surrounding tissues by the mucous membrane and muscle-elastic elements, which starts from the neck of the bladder with an internal opening and ends on the head of the penis with an external opening between two longitudinally located sponges. The urethra (Fig. 2) serves to remove urine and secretions of the gonads.

It has fixed (posterior) and movable (anterior) sections. On its way, the urethra passes through various formations, and therefore is anatomically divided into intravesical, membranous, prostatic and spongy parts. The intravesical section, located in the thickness of the bladder wall (its length is 0.5-0.6 cm), is covered with a mucous membrane containing multilayered epithelium, similar in structure to the mucous membrane of the bladder. It is surrounded by a layer of smooth muscle fibers that form the internal urethral sphincter, or bladder sphincter.

Directly adjacent to the intravesical section is the prostatic part of the canal, which is the widest section and has a length of about 3-3.5 cm. On its posterior wall, approximately in the middle, there is an elevation (spermata), on which two orifices of the ejaculatory ducts and the opening of the male uterus open, occupying the central part of the seminal mound.

1 - intravesical section; 2 - prostate; 3 - membranous section; 4 - bulbous section; 5 - spongy section; 6 - scaphoid fossa

On the sides of the seminal mound there are multiple openings through which the excretory ducts of the prostate gland open.

The mucous membrane of the prostate gland of the urethra forms longitudinal folds, and its epithelium passes into the epithelium of the ducts and glandular ducts of the prostate gland. The muscular layer of this part of the canal is closely connected with the muscle tissue of the prostate gland and bladder.

The prostatic part passes into the narrowest membranous section of the urethra, 1.5-2 cm long, which penetrates the urogenital diaphragm 2 cm behind the arch of the pubic bones. The thickness of the wall of the membranous section is about 2 mm. It has longitudinal and circular layers of smooth muscle fibers and is surrounded by bundles of striated muscles emanating from the deep transverse muscle, which form the external voluntary sphincter, or sphincter of the urethra. The membranous section is firmly fixed and, together with the prostatic section, forms the fixed posterior section of the urethra.

After the membranous part, the spongy, anterior, mobile section, about 17-20 cm long, begins. The bulbous and hanging sections are distinguished, which pass through the spongy body. In the bulbous section (its length is about 7-8 cm), the urethra expands again and the ducts of multiple glands of the mucous membrane open in it - gl. paraurethrales (Littre's glands) and the ducts of two bulbous-urethral (Cooper) glands. Next, the bulbous section of the spongy section of the urethra passes into the pendulous section (length 10-12 cm), the distal part of which passes through the head of the penis and is called the capitate section.

In this final section, the slit of the urethra widens to 0.8-1 cm, forming a scaphoid fossa, which is a rudiment of the vagina and is lined with stratified squamous epithelium. The mucous membrane of the rest of the spongy part of the urethra does not have a submucosal layer and is covered with single- and stratified prismatic epithelium; on its anterior surface there are lacunae of the urethra (lacunae urethrales, Morgagni lacunae), into which the paraurethral glands open.

The urethra in men forms two bends along its path. The first (permanent), prepubic, concave downwards, covering the syphysis, and the second (non-permanent), subpubic, concave upward, formed when the fixed part passes into the movable one. The subpubic bend disappears when the penis is abducted to the anterior abdominal wall.

Thus, along the urethra there is an alternation of anatomical narrowings and expanded areas. The anatomical narrowings of the urethra are the external opening of the urethra, the membranous (external sphincter) and intravesical (internal sphincter) sections. The dilated areas in the urethra are considered to be the scaphoid fossa, the bulbous dilatation and the prostate. The lower wall of the anterior urethra, down to the membranous part, can be palpated. The lumen of the urethra is constantly in a collapsed state. Only the passage of urine and ejaculation straightens its walls.

The blood supply is carried out through the branches of the internal iliac artery, the continuation of which is the internal pudendal artery: the prostate part is fed by the middle rectal artery and the inferior cystic artery; membranous - inferior rectal and perineal arteries. The spongy section of the urethra is supplied with blood by the branches of the internal pudendal artery: the urethral, ​​as well as the dorsal and deep arteries of the penis.
Venous drainage occurs through the veins of the penis to the veins of the bladder. Lymphatic drainage from the prostatic and membranous parts of the urethra is carried out to the vessels of the prostate gland, to the internal iliac nodes, and from the spongy part of the urethra to the inguinal lymph nodes.

Sensitive innervation of the urethra is provided by branches of the dorsal genital and perineal nerves. Autonomic innervation is provided from the prostatic plexus of the inferior epigastric nerve,
The prostate gland (Fig. 3) is an unpaired glandular-muscular organ, resembling a truncated cone in shape, in which there is an apex, base, anterior and posterior surface. Its weight is about 25 g; vertical size - about 25 cm. It eccentrically covers the initial part of the urethra and is closely adjacent with its base to the bottom of the bladder, and with its apex to the urogenital diaphragm.

The urethra passes through the prostate gland from its base to the apex, located in the middle plane, closer to its anterior surface. The anterior surface of the prostate gland is attached to the pubic symphysis by the paired puboprostatic ligament and is separated from it by loose tissue with the venous prostatic plexus located in it. The posterior surface of the prostate gland borders the wall of the rectum and is separated from it only by a thin rectovesical septum, which is the frontal layer of the peritoneal-perineal fascia.

The visceral layer of the pelvic fascia (prostatic fascia) covers the prostate gland along with the venous plexus and, connecting to the rectovesical septum, forms a receptacle. The seminal vesicles are located behind and above the prostate gland, and the vas deferens are located medially. The excretory duct of the seminal vesicle merges at an acute angle with the expanded part of the efferent duct (see Fig. 3). Formed after this, the ejaculatory ducts penetrate through the posterior surface of the prostate gland, moving through its thickness below, medially and anteriorly, opening in the prostatic part of the urethra with two openings on the seminal mound.

Between them, in the middle part of the seminal mound, there is the opening of the prostatic uterus, located inside the prostate gland and being a rudiment of the Müllerian ducts. With its rounded lateral and lower surfaces, the prostate gland is fixed by the fibers of the anterior section of the levator ani muscle, during the contraction of which the prostate gland is pulled up to the top of the seminal tubercle to form lacunae, anastomosing with each other, as well as with the veins of the prostate gland, where venous blood flows out.

1 - prostate gland; 2 - seminal tubercle; 3 - opening of the ejaculatory duct; 4 - opening of the uterus; 5 - seminal vesicles; 6 - ejaculatory duct; 7 - ampulla of the vas deferens; 8 - vas deferens

The seminal tubercle receives sympathetic innervation from the inferior hypogastric plexus (plexus hypogastrics inf.), aparasympathetic innervation is carried out by the splanchnic pelvic nerves (nn. splanchnici pelvini).

The seminal vesicle is a paired glandular organ, has a fusiform shape, its length is 5 cm, width 2 cm, thickness 1 cm. It is a highly convoluted tube with multiple protrusions and therefore has a tuberous surface. In the straightened state, its length is 12 cm, and its diameter is 0.6-0.7 cm. The upper expanded rounded end of the seminal vesicle is called the base. The base passes into the body and, tapering downwards, ends with the excretory duct, which, connecting with the vas deferens, forms the ejaculatory duct, penetrating the prostate gland and opening with a common opening on each side of the seminiferous mound.

There are also front and back surfaces. The seminal vesicles are located above the prostate gland lateral to the vas deferens and their anterior surface is adjacent to the bottom of the bladder, to which they are tightly fused, and their posterior surface is to the anterior wall of the rectal ampulla. The lower ends of the seminal vesicles converge and lie at the base of the prostate gland, the upper extended ones are located at a considerable distance, covering the place where the ureters enter the wall of the bladder.

The peritoneum, forming the vesico-rectal cavity, covers only the upper parts of the seminal vesicles. The position of the seminal vesicles can vary significantly due to the filling and emptying of the bladder. The wall of the seminal vesicle consists of an outer connective tissue layer of muscle (longitudinal and circular) fibers and a mucous membrane, forming multiple folds and jagged elevations, covered with single and multilayer prismatic epithelium.

Bulb-urethral glands (Cooper's glands) are paired glandular organs located in the thickness of the urogenital diaphragm above the bulb, the spongy body of the penis. They are a homologue of the large glands of the vestibule of the vagina (Bartholin's glands) in women. Having a spherical shape (about 1 cm in diameter), they are located almost side by side, and sometimes touch, separated only by the fibers of the deep transverse muscle of the perineum (m. transversus perinei profundus), which surround them on all sides. Therefore, the bulbo-urethral glands can be palpated through the perineum only during inflammation, when they are significantly enlarged. These glands are tubulo-alveolar. The left one is often more developed.

The ducts from the alveoli, merging into larger ones, turn into a common excretory duct. Each gland has its own excretory duct 3-6 cm long, the wall of which is richly supplied with smooth muscles. Excretory ducts from the glands pass through the urogenital diaphragm, converge at the level of the bulb, penetrate between it and the posterior wall of the urethra and, perforating the latter, end with slit-like openings in its bulbous section.

The nerve fibers of the gland are obtained from the pudendal nerve (p. pudendus) of the seminal tubercle and form lacunae, anastomosing with each other, as well as with the veins of the prostate gland, where the outflow of venous blood occurs.
Lymphatic drainage occurs in the lymphatic vessels of the prostate gland.

The seminal tubercle receives sympathetic innervation from the lower Hypogastric plexus (plexus hypogastricus inf.), and parasympathetic innervation is carried out by the splanchnic pelvic nerves (nn. splanchnici pelvini).

The seminal vesicle is a paired glandular organ, has a fusiform shape, its length is 5 cm, width 2 cm, thickness 1 cm. It is a highly convoluted tube with multiple protrusions and therefore has a tuberous surface. In the straightened state, its length is 10-12 cm, and its diameter is 0.6-0.7 cm. The upper, expanded, rounded end of the seminal vesicle is called the base. The base passes into the body and, tapering downwards, ends with the excretory duct, which, connecting with the vas deferens, forms the ejaculatory duct, penetrating the prostate gland and opening with a common opening on each side of the seminiferous mound.

There are also front and back surfaces. The seminal vesicles are located above the prostate gland lateral to the vas deferens and their anterior surface is adjacent to the bottom of the bladder, to which they are tightly fused, and their posterior surface. - to the anterior wall of the rectal ampulla. The lower ends of the seminal vesicles converge and lie at the base of the prostate gland, the upper extended ones are located at a considerable distance, covering the place where the ureters enter the wall of the bladder. The peritoneum, forming the vesico-rectal cavity, covers only the upper parts of the seminal vesicles.

The position of the seminal vesicles can change significantly due to the filling and emptying of the bladder. The wall of the seminal vesicle consists of an outer connective tissue layer of muscle (longitudinal and circular) fibers and a mucous membrane, forming multiple folds and jagged elevations, covered with single and multilayer prismatic epithelium.

The blood supply to the seminal vesicle comes from the descending branch of the artery of the vas deferens, as well as from the branches of the arteries of the bladder. Venous drainage occurs into the vesical venous plexus and even into the internal iliac vein.

The lymphatic vessels of the seminal vesicles are directed to the internal iliac lymph nodes.

Innervation occurs from the plexus of the vas deferens.

Bulb-urethral glands (Cooper's glands) are paired glandular organs located in the thickness of the urogenital diaphragm above the bulb, the spongy body of the penis. They are a homologue of the large glands of the vestibule of the vagina (Bartholin's glands) in women. Having a spherical shape (about 1 cm in diameter), they are located almost side by side, and sometimes touch, separated only by the fibers of the deep transverse muscle of the perineum (m. transversus perinei profundus), which surround them on all sides. Therefore, the bulbo-urethral glands can be palpated through the perineum only during inflammation, when they are significantly enlarged. These glands are tubulo-alveolar. The left one is often more developed.

The ducts from the alveoli, merging into larger ones, turn into a common excretory duct. Each gland has its own excretory duct 3-6 cm long, the wall of which is richly supplied with smooth muscles. Excretory ducts from the glands pass through the urogenital diaphragm, converge at the level of the bulb, penetrate between it and the posterior wall of the urethra and, perforating the latter, end with slit-like openings in its bulbous section.
The bulbourethral glands receive their blood supply from branches of the internal pudendal artery (a. pudenda interna). Venous outflow is carried out into the veins of the bulb and genitourinary diaphragm.

Lymphatic drainage occurs in the external iliac lymph nodes.

The nerve fibers of the gland are obtained from the pudendal nerve (p. pudendus).

O.L. Tiktinsky, V.V. Mikhailichenko


Signs of puberty in boys.

Puberty in boys is characterized by accelerated development and maturation of the body to perform reproductive functions. An increase in the level of sex hormones leads to the progressive development of secondary sexual characteristics. Boys from the age of 13 show the highest rates of growth and weight gain. The maximum growth spurt is observed in the period between 12.5-15.5 years and is about 10 cm per year. Also, under the influence of hormones, the size of the testicles and penis increases; Pubic hair appears without a clear horizontal boundary of hair growth, characteristic of girls. Hair appears in the armpits and on the face, as well as an increase in the cartilage of the larynx and the subsequent process of “breaking” the voice. By the age of 15, mature sperm appear in the sperm and pollutions– involuntary eruptions of semen during sleep – first ejaculations.

Male genitalia divided into external and internal.

The internal genital organs include:

a) testicles with appendages,

b) vas deferens,

c) seminal vesicles,

d) bulbourethral glands,

d) prostate gland.

The external genitalia include:

a) scrotum

b) penis.

Paired seminal gland, weight 20-30 grams.

They are located in the scrotum, separated from each other by the scrotal septum and surrounded by membranes.


a) formation of spermatozoa,

b) formation of androgens.

Appearance: a laterally flattened oval body approximately 4 cm long.

In the testicle there are:

a) medial and lateral surfaces,

b) upper and lower ends,

c) anterior and posterior edges.

The epididymis is adjacent to the posterior edge of the testicle.

The outside of the testicle is covered tunica albuginea from the connective tissue from which the substance of the testicle extends partitions, dividing the testicle into 250-300 slices.

At the posterior edge of the testicle, the septa converge, forming testicular mediastinum.

The lobules contain convoluted seminiferous tubules(2-3 in each slice) , the walls of which are formed spermatogenic epithelium and supporting cells.

Near the mediastinum of the testicle, convoluted seminiferous tubules become straight seminiferous tubules, entering the mediastinum of the testicle. In the mediastinum they intertwine, contacting each other, and form testicular network. 12-15 extend from the testicular network efferent tubules, going to the head of the appendage.

From the period of puberty (12-14 years), spermatozoa begin to be produced in the spermatogenic epithelium lining the convoluted seminiferous tubules. The full cycle of sperm development occurs as they move from the convoluted seminiferous tubules to the straight ones and then to the epididymal duct, amounting to about 70 days.

In the connective tissue septa of the testicle and in the tissue lying between the convoluted seminiferous tubules, there are glandular cells (Leydig cells), which produce male sex hormones - androgens.


(lat. epididymis)

A paired elongated organ located on the posterior edge of the testicle.

Functions: accumulation and maturation of sperm.


a) head – upper part

c) tail – lower part.

The head of the epididymis includes efferent tubules, which merge to form a convoluted epididymal duct, passing through the body and tail. The epididymal duct becomes the vas deferens, which arises from the tail of the epididymis.

VAS deferens

(ductus deferens)

A paired tubular organ 40-50 cm long. It is a continuation of the epididymal duct.

Function: removal of sperm.

From the tail, the epididymis rises up behind the testicle as part of the spermatic cord, passes through the inguinal canal into the pelvic cavity, where it is separated from the vessels and nerves. Next it goes along the side wall of the pelvis back and down to the bottom of the bladder and the prostate gland.

The terminal section of the vas deferens expands - ampulla of vas deferens, which connects to the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle. In the ampulla, mature and immobile sperm accumulate and are stored.

Wall of the vas deferens from 3 membranes:

a) internal – mucous membrane,

b) medium – smooth muscle,

c) external – adventitia.

Spermatic Cord

( funiculus spermaticus)

Located in the scrotum and throughout the inguinal canal.

The spermatic cord includes:

a) the vas deferens with its vessels and nerves,

b) vessels and nerves of the testicle.

It's all surrounded internal spermatic fascia. On top of the fascia in the inguinal canal is levator testis muscle.

At the deep inguinal ring, the spermatic cord splits into:

a) vessels and nerves - go to the retroperitoneal space,

b) vas deferens - goes to the pelvis.


(vesicula seminalis)

This is a particulate formation that has the shape of an elongated and flattened sac about 5 cm long and about 2 cm wide.

Location: located between the bladder and rectum.

Function: is a gland and secretes a secret that contains substances that serve to nourish sperm and liquefies sperm.

Structure: has a cellular-shaped cavity. Derived from the seminal vesicle excretory(excretory) duct, which connects to the vas deferens and forms vas deferens, passing through the substance of the prostate gland and opening with an opening on colliculus into the prostatic part of the urethra.

The wall of the seminal vesicle consists of thin mucosa, smooth muscle membranes and adventitia.


(prostata, glandula prostatica)

An unpaired glandular-muscular organ of a chestnut-like shape, weighing approximately 20 grams. It is located in the pelvic cavity under the bladder, covering the initial part of the urethra.

In gland there are:

A) base – directed towards the bladder.

top - directed towards the urogenital diaphragm.

b) front surface - facing the pubic symphysis

back surface - facing the rectum.

inferolateral surfaces

G) Shares – right, left and middle (intermediate)

The outside of the gland is covered with a capsule, from which partitions extend inward, separating gland lobules(30-40), which secrete a secretion that dilutes sperm and activates sperm motility. The prostate glands extend from the lobules ducts, which open on back wall prostatic urethra sides of the seed mound.

In the prostate gland a lot of smooth muscle tissue. Her meaning:

1) throwing out secretions from lobules.

2) acts as a urethral sphincter.



The paired gland is the size of a pea.

Located in the thickness of the urogenital diaphragm on the sides of the membranous part of the urethra.

Excretory duct(length 3-4 cm) opens in the initial part of the spongy urethra.

Meaning: secretes a viscous liquid that has an alkaline reaction and serves to alkalize and liquefy sperm.



    urine excretion

    sperm removal


A) head. It opens the external opening of the urethra.

b) body. Its upper anterior surface is back. There is a narrowing between the head and the body - neck.

V) root - attached by ligaments to the pubic bones.

The penis is covered with thin skin, which forms a skin fold in the anterior section of the penis - foreskin, which can move. There is a slit-like cavity between the head of the penis and the foreskin - preputial sac. The contents of this sac are normally preputial lubricant (smegma), a whitish mass that is a mixture of secretion products of the sebaceous glands of the foreskin and desquamated epithelium of the preputial sac. On the back surface of the head, the foreskin forms a fold - bridle.

The penis consists of 3 cylindrical bodies:

A) 2 cavernous bodies – lie in the back area. Their posterior ends diverge and form crura of the penis, which are attached to the lower branches of the pubic bones.

b) corpus spongiosum – located under the cavernous bodies. It has thickenings at the ends: in the posterior section - bulb of the penis, in the anterior section - head of the penis. The urethra passes through the corpus spongiosum.

Both corpora cavernosa together and the corpus spongiosum separately are covered with dense tunica albuginea (fibrous) from which numerous crossbars extend into these bodies, delimiting numerous cavities that communicate with each other and are lined with endothelium. During sexual arousal, these cavities fill with blood, as a result the cavernous and spongy bodies swell and become dense.

All three bodies of the penis outward from the tunica albuginea are covered with fascia, on the outside of which there is skin.

It represents a musculocutaneous sac located downward and behind the root of the penis. From the inside, the scrotum is divided by a septum into two separate containers, which contain the testicles with appendages and the initial sections of the spermatic cord.

The scrotum is a protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall and consists of the same layers as the abdominal wall.

Wall the scrotum consists of seven layers, which are also called testicular membranes.

1) Leather – thin, easily forms folds.

2) Fleshy membrane - corresponds to the subcutaneous tissue, it contains elastic fibers and bundles of smooth muscle cells. When the external temperature decreases, the smooth muscle tissue contracts and pulls the scrotum and testicles towards the perineum, and when the temperature rises, it relaxes, stretches and promotes the descent of the testicles. Through these processes, the scrotum helps maintain the optimal temperature necessary for spermatogenesis (34-35 o C). The fleshy membrane forms scrotal septum, separating the right testicle from the left.

3) External spermatic fascia – derivative of the superficial fascia of the abdomen.

4) Fascia of the levator testis muscle - derivative of the native fascia of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen.

5) Levator testis muscle - consists of muscle bundles that branch from the transverse and internal oblique abdominal muscles.

6) Internal spermatic fascia – derivative of the transverse fascia of the abdomen.

7) Tunica vaginalis – it is serous and corresponds to the peritoneum. Consists of two plates: parietal(fuses with the internal spermatic fascia) and visceral covering the testicle with the epididymis. One plate merges into the other at the posterior edge of the testicle. Between the parietal and visceral plates there is a slit-like closed serous cavity.


This is the process of formation of male reproductive cells. Occurs in the spermatogenic epithelium of the seminiferous tubules of the testicles. It begins with the onset of puberty in young men and continues almost throughout life. Sperm maturation occurs within 72-74 days. The original cells are spermatogonia. From them are formed first order spermatocytes, which are divided by meiosis into two identical cells - second order spermatocytes. After the second division, 4 immature germ cells are formed - gametes or spermatids containing a haploid set of chromosomes. They undergo complex processes of growth and differentiation into active, moving sperm. Sperm consists of a head, neck and tail. Most of the sperm head is occupied by the nucleus. The DNA of the nucleus encodes information that is passed on to offspring.

It is a mixture of secretions of the testicles and their appendages, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands and glands of the urethra. It is a light gray cloudy liquid with a characteristic odor; consists of sperm (60-120 million in 1 ml) and seminal fluid, which includes: sodium chloride, glucose, citric acid, lipids. Enzymes, as well as carbonates and phosphates, which support optimal reactions.

Pathways for sperm movement. Spermatozoa from the lumen of the convoluted seminiferous tubules, in the wall of which they are formed, with a flow of liquid that is formed in the supporting cells, enter the duct of the epididymis, then into the vas deferens, vas deferens, where they mix with the secretion of the seminal vesicles, into the prostatic part of the urethra. Here the sperm is mixed with the secretion of the prostate and is excreted through the urethra, receiving the secretion of the bulbourethral glands and the urethra.


Menopause This is a physiological period of a person’s life, during which, against the background of age-related changes in the body, involutionary processes in the reproductive system dominate.

From a biological point of view, menopause is a necessary and inevitable mechanism that allows aging individuals to be removed from the reproduction process, which is advisable for the preservation of the species.

The process of menopause in men is more subtle than in women. It is associated with age-related involution of the gonads and occurs at the age of 45-60 years. Presenters Clinical signs characterized by cardiovascular, psychoneurotic, endocrine and genitourinary disorders.

A special place in the symptoms of menopause in men is occupied by disorders of sexual activity, in which sexual desire mainly decreases and potency decreases (weakened erection, premature ejaculation, decreased frequency and fullness of sexual activity).

Three types of male genital organs

Taoists divide male genital organs into three types according to their size:

1. Rabbit - jade stem

In a state of full arousal, this penis has a size not exceeding the width of 6 fingers - about 12.5 cm in length. A man with such a penis usually has a stocky figure, but a proportionate build and a calm disposition. Its seed is usually whitish in color and is associated with the lungs, large intestine, stomach and spleen/pancreas. He is considered a small man.

2. Buffalo – jade rod

In a state of full arousal, this penis has a size not exceeding the width of 9 fingers - about 17.5 cm in length. A person with such a penis usually has a strong build, a high forehead, large eyes and a restless character. Its seed has a pearlescent color and usually has a salty taste. It is associated with the heart, small intestine, bladder and kidneys. He is always ready to make love and is considered an average sized man.

3. Horse - jade hammer

In a state of full arousal, this penis has a size not exceeding the width of 12 fingers - more than 25 cm long. The owner of such a supernatural instrument is usually a large, strong, muscular man with a loud, sonorous voice. By nature he is a glutton, a miser, a lover of pleasure, passionate, reckless and lazy. He moves slowly and has little interest in love - unless he is suddenly overcome by a strong desire. It has very abundant seed, which usually tastes tart. Associated with circulation/sexuality, triple burner, gallbladder and liver. This is a large man.

Wise Taoist sayings about sexual love

An ancient Taoist saying says that a man whose jade stalk is very long (more than twelve fingers wide) will always be poor. A man with a thick jade stem will suffer from grief and illness. A man with a thin and graceful jade stem will have a happy fate, and a man with a short jade stem can even become a king. The ancient Taoist manuscript Su-nu-miao Lun says the following on this matter:

Men's genitalia (genital organs) are as diverse as their faces. Nature took care of this.

A significant number of small men have long tools.

Some big men have small tools.

Thin, weak men often have thick, hard tools.

Large, well-built men often have small, weak weapons.

Three types of female genital organs

The quality of female genital organs does not depend on a woman's build or posture, but on how she uses her organs. Long, medium and small organs have their own charm if a woman knows how to use them correctly.

You can make love to a woman of average type on any day of the year and in any position (Su-nu-miao Lun). The best women of this type are those who come from spiritual families. Such a woman is endowed with blessed signs and does not have the “four defects” of the genitals.

She doesn't have menstrual cycles.

There is no unpleasant smell.

She's not sick.

When she is filled with sexual desire, she does not feel shame or constraint in her relationship with her partner.

In the Taoist tradition, three types of female genital organs are differentiated by size:

1. Doe - jade door

This is a vagina with a depth equal to the width of 6 fingers = about 12.5 cm in length. A woman with such a vagina usually has a soft girlish body and is well built. She has beautiful breasts and developed hips. She eats in moderation and willingly agrees to the joys of love. Her mind is very active. The secretions from its jade door have a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of a lotus flower. She is considered a small size woman.

2. Mare – jade gate

The vagina is 9 fingers deep - about 17.5 cm in length. A woman with such a vagina usually has a small body. The chest and hips are wide and the navel area is raised. She has well-proportioned arms and legs, a long neck and a sloping forehead. The throat, eyes and mouth are large; the eyes are very beautiful. She is very fickle (versatile), gentle and graceful. Loves a good life, peace and quiet. Her menopause is not easy, and her love juices smell like lotuses. She is considered to be an average sized woman.

3. Elephant – jade yard

The vagina is 12 fingers deep - about 25 cm in length. As a rule, such women have large breasts, a wide face and rather short legs and arms. She eats a lot and is very noisy. Her voice sounds harsh and rough. Such women are very difficult to satisfy. Her love juices are abundant and smell like the secretions of a mother elephant in the heat. She is considered a plus size woman.

Harmonious and inharmonious sexual unions

The combination of male and female genital organs suggests nine possibilities for sexual union:

Three suitable unions between partners whose genital sizes correspond to each other.

Six inappropriate unions between partners whose genitals have discrepancies in size.

This gives nine types of sexual unions between a man and a woman. In a suitable union, problems never arise, and different sexual positions must be used to compensate for unsuitable unions.

Harmonious union between a man and a woman

1. Rabbit and doe.

2. Buffalo and mare.

3. Horse and elephant.

Inharmonious or complex union between a woman and a man

1. Rabbit and mare.

2. Rabbit and elephant.

3. Buffalo and doe.

4. Buffalo and elephant.

5. Horse and doe.

6. Horse and mare.

Chapter 8. Nine times ten loving thrusts of the penis

Love sequence 9 x 10

“A man must face the daily test of love with the courage of a brave warrior, for he who merges movement, breath and semen becomes invulnerable.”

Acupuncture points, meridian pathways, and nerve endings throughout the body pass through the penis and vagina, as well as through a person's arms and legs. We call reflexogenic zones those areas of the body in which nerve endings end. They can be activated to stimulate the relevant organs. Massage of the reflexogenic zone of the foot is now familiar to most people. A “sequence of nine times ten thrusts” during intercourse allows for an equally beneficial, but much more pleasant massage of the reflexogenic zone.

As mentioned above, the reflexogenic zones of the penis and vagina are directly related to different organs. This becomes obvious in the example of the reflexogenic zones of the lungs on the penis. If only this area is stimulated, the man will begin to pant and moan. Heavy breathing or groaning clearly indicates a connection between reflexogenic zones and organs. Using this example, you can understand how connections between other reflexogenic zones and organs function. During sexual intercourse, the penis may be massaged unevenly. This is because the folds in the vaginal canal prevent the penis from making even contact with the vagina, causing some areas to be stimulated more intensely than others. But when applying a 9 x 10 sequence, both the penis and vagina experience an even massaging effect. However, many men, at least at first, find it difficult to get through the first sequence, since the arousal is simply overwhelming for both partners. In this case, the man can shorten the sequence, vary individual cycles, or repeat the same sequence more than once. If a man feels that he can continue, he should continue intercourse. A man can experiment until he finds his own rhythm and understands what brings the most satisfaction to him and his partner. He may take a very flexible, non-mechanical approach to performing a sequence of movements; you can easily adapt these movements to individual needs. An additional benefit of the 9 x 10 sequence is that when it is used in conjunction with the stag exercise (pubococcygeus tension with crane breathing) and semen retention techniques, partners are able to experience greater orgasmic pleasure.

1. Simultaneous massage of the head and shaft of the penis automatically delays the moment of orgasm and significantly prolongs sexual intercourse.

2. Stimulation of the shaft of the penis, which “triggers” the urge to ejaculate, is compensated by stimulation of the head, which has the opposite effect.

3. A man and a woman individually determine the rhythm of movements during nine cycles. However, the most favorable is a slow rhythm, which gives more pleasure. In addition, it has benefits for both partners, since with this rhythm energy flows are able to flow more freely throughout the body. When the penis is almost completely withdrawn from the vagina, but not all the way, the vagina instinctively contracts to hold the penis. This automatic response stimulates a woman's ability to wait until she can barely contain the desire.

4. To further enhance pleasure, a woman can intentionally tighten her vagina, as in the stag exercise. This provides additional friction, stimulation and pleasure. The couple must find a comfortable position that allows the man to maintain control over ejaculation. Some couples prefer the so-called "missionary position" for these purposes.

Now the man begins to alternate between shallow and deep thrusts: the first nine times, inserting only the head of the penis into the vagina, and then making one deep penetration (inserting the entire penis into the vagina). This is followed by eight shallow and two deep thrusts, then seven shallow and three deep, etc., until the man has completed just one shallow and nine deep thrusts. In total, there are nine cycles consisting of ten shallow and deep thrusts of the penis - a total of 90 insertions of the penis into the vagina.

5. If a man can successfully complete the 9 x 10 sequence three times in a row (270 penile thrusts in total), he can start over and do the second sequence, etc., the more the better for his partner.

6. The man should repeat the 9 x 10 sequence three times in a row (270 insertions in total) and try not to ejaculate during this time.

By tightening the pubococcygeus muscle, it will be much easier for a man to delay the moment of ejaculation and the associated orgasm, which leads to increased sexual activity.

The same ability to tighten the pubococcygeus muscle and pelvic floor gives a woman the ability to tighten the vaginal area and achieve a faster and more intense orgasm, which can be repeated up to nine times.

7. It is clear that initially performing "nine times ten love thrusts of the penis" can cause significant problems for a man when he makes his first attempts to desensitize his penis and at the same time increase the sensitivity of his partner's vagina, since it is very difficult to control the sexual arousal of both partners at the same time .

8. However, a man should not refuse to repeat this sequence three times. He must make persistent attempts to realize them, since this is the only way for him to find his personal rhythm and adapt it to individual needs.

Sequence 9 times 10 and its effects

1. Nine shallow penetrations of the penis - only the head of the penis enters the vagina; one deep insertion - the entire penis enters the vagina. The woman sighs, breathes heavily and saliva accumulates in her mouth. Strengthening the lungs and large intestine.

2. Eight shallow thrusts, two deep. A woman sticks out her tongue while a man kisses her. Language corresponds to the House of the heart. Strengthening the heart and blood circulation, activating sexual energy.

3. Seven shallow shocks, three deep. The woman's muscles tense, she hugs the man and holds him with both hands. The stomach/spleen/pancreas is stimulated and the function of the digestive tract is activated.

4. Six shallow thrusts, four deep. The woman's vagina begins to pulsate, water flows and covers the penis. The energy cycle of the kidneys and bladder begins.

5. Five shallow thrusts and five deep ones. A woman's limbs and joints become supple and flexible. She begins to scratch and bite the man. This stimulation strengthens bones and promotes growth bone marrow.

6. Four shallow thrusts, six deep. The woman's body convulses like a snake. She wraps her arms and legs around the man's body and squeezes him. The energy cycle of the liver, gall bladder and nerves begins.

7. Three shallow thrusts and seven deep ones. The woman’s blood begins to pulse through the veins, the woman wants to touch the man in all places and feel his body. Heart and circulatory activity increases to pump blood into the farthest capillaries and achieve the highest level of stimulation.

8. Two shallow thrusts, eight deep ones. The woman's muscles completely relax. She bites the man and gets to his nipples. The woman's muscles achieve the highest level of stimulation due to this relaxation.

9. One shallow thrust, nine deep ones. The woman reaches the most intense orgasm and completely relaxes. She completely surrenders and opens up to the man. The bodies of both partners are charged with energy.

Effects in the order of the seven energy centers (energy rising upward)

7. House of the mind - pineal gland - yin form.

6. House of intellect - pituitary gland - yang form.

5. House of growth - thyroid gland - yang form.

4. House of the heart - thymus gland - yin form.

3. House of transcendence - pancreas - yin form.

2. House of water - adrenal glands - a form of yin.

1. The house of the seminal essence - the sex glands - a form of yang.

A. Completion of the first energy cycle – 90 penile thrusts.

B. Completion of the second energy cycle – 180 penile thrusts.

C. Completion of the third energy cycle – 270 penile thrusts.

Yin sequence – shallow penetration of the penis

Yin sequence

The vagina is a melting pot, a vessel of transformation. This is a magnificent golden cave where the essences of yin and yang unite, transform each other and nourish the loving couple. This process occurs both on the physical and on a more subtle level.

Yang sequence

Yang sequence - deep penetration of the penis

All Taoist bed arts are aimed at prolonging the “visit of the messenger (penis) to the heavenly palace” as long as possible by teaching a man the rules of behavior during sexual intercourse and mastering the mastery of love by a man.

Sequence of 9 x 10 penile thrusts

Sequence of yin - shallow push, yang - deep push

A sequence of 90 penile thrusts is yang energy. (Insert the penis forward with exhalation and tension of the pubococcygeus muscle). The penis remains in the vagina.

A sequence of 90 pushes in a clockwise direction. (Exhale) – yin energy with tension in the pubococcygeus muscle. The penis remains in the vagina.

A sequence of 90 penile thrusts in a counterclockwise direction. (Exhale) – yang energy with tension in the pubococcygeus muscle.

A sequence of 90 thrusts is yin energy (inserting the penis forward with inhalation and tension of the pubococcygeus muscle). The penis remains in the vagina.

The energy cycle of the vaginal clock around the labia with its 12 acupressure points is stimulated by a sequence of 9 x 10 loving thrusts of the penis as follows

Chapter 9. The Prostate Gland: The Human Battery

Prostate massage

Men's exercise "deer"

A strong prostate gland has a greater ability to withstand sexual stimulation. As a result, the erection state and sexual desire last longer. With the help of the “deer” exercise, you can prevent prostate dysfunction.

If a man sees a doctor about minor prostate problems, the doctor will usually do the following. He inserts a finger into the man's anus and massages the prostate gland, which does bring relief, although in very rare cases. When performing the “deer” exercise, this massage is carried out automatically. Tension of the outer muscle has an immediate effect on the inner gland. Although in some cases premature ejaculation can be avoided by applying pressure to the n-mo point, this does not solve the problem; This method can only eliminate the superficial symptoms of premature ejaculation. The real cause, which is prostate weakness, should be treated differently.

The tension of the anal constrictor muscle exerts gentle pressure, like a gentle massage, on the prostate gland. The anus acts like a small engine that activates the prostate gland. Stimulated in this way, the prostate gland begins to secrete hormones such as endorphin, which cause an emotional uplift. When the prostate gland begins to twitch, a man may even experience a small orgasm. Alternately squeezing and relaxing the anal muscles during the “deer” exercise leads to a natural increase in strength - without pumping up the muscles and other tiring physical exercises, without anabolic steroids and without side effects.

It is known that prostate disorders do not develop overnight. Early diagnosis and regular massage can prevent possible inflammation of the prostate gland. Therefore, doctors make the mistake of calling prostate diseases a normal occurrence for men over fifty. Prostate diseases are more common at this age because most men do not know anything about preventive measures.

The male stag exercise prevents inflammation or problems with the prostate gland and can even provide the body with valuable healing energy in cases where the disease has already developed. However, nothing happens on its own; daily practice is necessary.

Checking the condition of the prostate gland

According to translations of Taoist medicine manuscripts, there is another very specific way to check the condition of the prostate gland that a man can use on his own. By observing his ejaculation and examining the semen, a man can determine to what extent the function of his prostate gland is impaired. The prostate gland is responsible for ejaculation and any difficulty associated with ejaculation is related to the prostate gland.

Five phases of change serve as the criteria for the study:

1. Semen does not ejaculate far enough.

2. Amount of seed.

3. Abnormal seed.

4. Isolation of semen drop by drop.

5. Impotence.

The seed doesn't ejaculate far enough

The semen is not ejected far enough to fertilize the female egg. Although the prostate gland is functioning, it is very weakened. Consequently, it is not able to provide sufficient compression force to cause sexual arousal in a man. She does a maximum of 2-3 compressions instead of the usual 6-19.

Seed quantity

Instead of the expected amount of semen equal to a full tablespoon, an unusually small amount of semen is released. Any amount of seed less than a full tablespoon indicates:

For digestive problems (causing semen depletion).

On a weak stomach.

For weakness of the spleen and pancreas.

For muscle tension.

For a weak erection of the penis.

A weak seed is transparent, and a healthy seed is viscous.

Abnormal Seed

A healthy seed tastes like vitamin A (smells like yeast) and also has a sweet taste (pancreas).

Abnormal Seed:

Too sweet (drinking too much milk daily).

Salty (indicates a possible sexually transmitted disease).

Bitter (indicates a high concentration of toxins in the body).

If a woman's semen and/or vagina smells like "rotten fish" the morning after sex, the man's liver and nervous system are affected because the liver is no longer able to remove toxins from the body.

This can put undue stress on the nervous system, as the liver and nerves are interconnected.

This smell is especially noticeable in uncircumcised men, since a large amount of semen collects in the foreskin of the penis. In this way, the problem is recognized at an early stage.

Isolation of semen drop by drop

While a normal amount of semen, equal to about one tablespoon, is ejected from a man's urinary canal in a high arc up to 9 cm (18 cm in young men), with a diseased prostate gland, semen leaves the urinary canal in drops. However, even in adulthood, the release of semen in drops is not normal. This indicates the following violations:

Adrenal gland dysfunction.

Renal dysfunction.

Bone diseases (arthritis).

At the age of 35–55 years, the release of semen in drops indicates arthritis and prostate diseases.


The term "impotence" means that a man is unable to achieve and maintain a satisfactory erection due to stressful situations and/or physical or emotional stress. The disease can also prevent normal erections. However, in most cases, the prostate gland is responsible for inadequate erection. If you ignore inflammation of the prostate gland, this can lead to a severe decrease in sexual interest in a man. It also affects men aged 35 to 55 years. General statistics confirm the prejudice existing in Western medicine that men at this age have no choice but to live with such a disorder. Taoist medicine takes a completely opposite view of impotence. Even in old age, a man does not need to suffer from lesions of the prostate gland, since they are associated with injury or lack of massage, the methods of which are suggested in the Taoist exercises “deer”, “crane” and exercises for the muscle that compresses the anus.

Checking the condition of the prostate gland

When urinating, try to completely interrupt the flow of urine by squeezing the muscle that pinches the anus. If you are unable to do this several times in a row, try following the instructions for doing the deer exercise for men.

Prostate massage offers a way to heal from the inside out. This is a good way to prevent the anal area. It should be used in addition to the “deer” exercise after washing the anus. Already during the “deer” exercise, a man may notice that his prostate gland is being intensively massaged. You can gently insert your finger into the anus towards the navel until you touch the prostate gland.

In this case, you should lubricate the anus with oil from the herb of St. John and wear a rubber glove.

Note. Do not use other lubricants under any circumstances, as they contain many substances that can cause quite serious problems with the prostate gland. Do not use lubricants containing the following additives:

Sodium cyclamate.

Dibutyl phthalate.

Sodium bisulfite.


Coal tar.

Iron oxide.



Since these additives have long been known to be carcinogenic, carefully study the composition of the ointment. These ingredients are very easily absorbed by the large and small intestines, duodenum and stomach, and can cause inflammatory conditions in the gastrointestinal tract, which are usually diagnosed as “general diseases”. If this happens, you should immediately inform your doctor so that he can take timely countermeasures if there are problems in the anus.

Please ensure that the ingredients listed above are not contained in the following products you use:

Cleansing milk, soap.

Lotions for body and hands.

Creams and lotions for the face.

Shampoos and shaving creams.

The following substances can cause severe harm to the prostate gland:

All saturated fatty acids.

Vaseline, petrolatum; cocoa butter, creams containing cocoa.

Coconut oil, lard, goose fat.

All animal fats in general. Especially margarine, since it is heated seven times and as a result contains the purest saturated fatty acids (according to Professor Dr. Stephen T. Chan). Creams and lotions for the face.

Shampoos and shaving creams.

Cosmetics and coloring products.

The accumulation of the above substances in the prostate gland can lead to prostate cancer.

Changes in body weight may also be observed, with a possible increase of 9–36 kg in the abdominal area, as saturated fatty acids can be absorbed in excessive quantities by any part of the body.

Saturated fatty acids in the skin block cellular fluid, alter tidal volume and lead to asthmatic changes in the bronchial region. Another visible signal is premature aging of the body and a significant limitation of activity in all areas of life. You can also mention the risk of heart attack and stroke, which prepares the body to explode, like an explosive mechanism with a clock device.

Let's return to prostate massage. Once upon a time, such a massage was performed by family doctors non-specially, when they checked the functioning of the prostate gland and tried to reduce its sensitivity and restore normal function. To avoid premature activation of the prostate gland, you should use the male “deer” exercise as a preventive measure, and also perform a specific massage of the gland by inserting your fingers into the anus. The ideal situation is when a man's partner or wife performs such a massage for him. Possible infection during massage can be avoided by using rubber gloves. Preventive massage of the prostate gland can be a life-saving procedure for a man, since the lack of proper care for the prostate gland can lead to prostate cancer.

Men need to check the condition of the prostate gland frequently, at least once a week, paying attention to changes in its size and elasticity. In this way, unnatural swelling or an enlarged, hard or painful prostate gland can be identified in a timely manner. A hard or very tender prostate may indicate the presence of a disease, even cancer. However, if you perform the male exercise “deer” every day, you can simultaneously prevent possible diseases and treat existing ones.”

Diagnosis and treatment of prostate disorders

Taoist medicine has a number of screening methods for identifying complaints related to the prostate gland.

If one of the signs of prostate disease applies to you personally, there are effective alternatives at your disposal:

Regular massage of the anal area using medicinal ointments.

Squeeze the anus to stop the flow of urine (5-7 times).

Performing the male “deer” exercise to prevent prostate problems or for their rehabilitation.

Massage the meridians and perform the Tao Qigong exercises “getting rid of hundreds of ailments” and “a crane standing on one leg.”

Symptoms of prostate disorders

1. Pain or tenderness along the kidney meridian. Any kind of sensitivity or pain in this area indicates stagnation of energy and insufficient blood supply to the male genital organs. These are: kidneys, adrenal glands, testicles, prostate gland and penis.

2. Frequent urination is often caused by weak kidneys or bladder, but can also be caused by an enlarged prostate gland.

3. Difficulty or painful urination.

4. Pain in the perineum during erection.

5. Pain during ejaculation.

6. Blood in the semen.

7. The prostate gland is very hard to the touch, inflamed or too soft. The prostate should be egg-shaped and flexible.

8. Weak ejaculation or foul-smelling semen.

9. The seed is not thrown away, but flows out drop by drop. A healthy man should be able to ejaculate at a distance of 9 cm.

10. Decreased sensation of pleasure during ejaculation.

11. Premature or nocturnal ejaculation.

12. Impotence.

13. Lack of ejaculation due to excessive weakness of the prostate.

14. Drops of urine continue to be released for several minutes after urination.

Medicines and their effects on the sex glands and organs

Traditional medicines are chemicals that trigger chemical reactions in the body. Unlike medicinal plants, which have no side effects, such drugs do not have a supporting or strengthening effect on organs and meridians. They are only stimulants and have not yet fully understood side effects.

Such medicines can provide immediate relief from any type of physical weakness. Their effect can be felt within a few seconds or minutes. This distinguishes them from plants, whose healing effects can only be determined after weeks or months. However, the disadvantage of chemical drugs is that a person quickly gets used to them. Since such drugs are readily available and easy to administer, a person can increase the dosage as desired. As a result, the medicine ceases to have a stimulating effect. An increased dose causes significant harm to the body and only relieves symptoms, while herbal remedies fight the cause of the problem.

Medicines have the shock effect necessary to return the body to a healthy state. Excessive pressure on the body blocks bodily functions towards the end of treatment and ultimately impairs them. This especially applies to the genitals and meridians.

If medications are taken for a longer period of time, the aura—the person's electromagnetic energy field—is disrupted and the person's normal pattern of functioning is reversed. However, chemical drugs prescribed by a doctor and taken with caution and moderation over a short period of time can be very beneficial - just as alcohol in small doses has a relaxing effect, but in large doses can lead to alcoholism and weakening of the entire body.

For example, regular smoking or drinking coffee, taking hormonal medications or hormones to regulate menstruation, get rid of migraines or problems associated with menopause can destroy the liver by 10%. If a person smokes two or more joints of marijuana per day, he can destroy his liver by 15% in just a month. As for sexual intercourse, if it happens 3-5 times a week and the man ejaculates every time, it causes liver dysfunction in both partners.

Any type of inhaled smoke puts stress on the liver, like alcohol or coffee. Since the liver performs a cleansing function, removing toxic substances from the blood, in such cases it itself is subject to poisoning. The liver, contaminated in this way, will never be able to fully recover unless it is supported by therapeutic Tao Qigong exercises for the liver and pancreas or by ingesting the leaves of Volus rotifolia under the guidance of a Qigong master or professional physician.

Treatment methods for prostate disorders

A man's prostate gland is part gland and part muscle. It surrounds the beginning of the urethra at the opening of the bladder. It is approximately the size of a chestnut. In middle age, it can increase and make urination difficult.

Approximately 60% of men over the age of 40 have an enlarged prostate gland, and another half of these men do not have any associated complaints. Prostate enlargement is sometimes attributed to the formation of tumors. But regardless of what causes this increase, it may be accompanied by the following complaints: bladder infection, bladder distension, urinary retention, development of intestinal infections and bladder stones. These disorders can lead to high blood pressure and even blood poisoning due to uremia. The urge to urinate can also occur in cases where a person is unable to urinate. Sometimes this feeling is false. There may also be a burning sensation during urination. As a result, the bladder often does not empty completely, and this also causes irritation.

Treatment regimen for prostate dysfunction

Therapeutic acupuncture points used in prostate treatment

Chapter 10. Rhythm Theory

Healing Seminal Energy Retention

Many people in the West worry about not having enough sex. The Chinese, on the contrary, are worried about too intense sex life. Since ejaculation in a man and orgasm in a woman (albeit to a lesser extent) weaken the kidney energy, in Chinese medicine, too intense sex is considered a potential source of disease. Eastern men take the consequences of excessive sex very seriously. Many men with impaired kidney qi complain of fatigue after sex. A woman's kidney qi can also be weakened by frequent childbirth in a short period of time. Using rhythm theory, a man can determine how often he can ejaculate. It must be remembered that in Tao it is of great importance to conserve as much energy as possible and lose as little energy as possible. It's best not to ejaculate at all. Only those men who are convinced that this is unacceptable for them should use rhythm theory. The rhythm theory is only suitable for men with a “normal” sex life. Every person who follows the philosophy of Taoism and wants to consciously increase their energy level, make their own body healthier and younger, must find an individual rhythm for themselves. To this end, a man may have to experience ejaculation once, and then live a number of days in complete abstinence, that is, without even thinking about sex. If a man decides to conduct such an experiment, it is better for him to see his sexual partner as little as possible. To avoid offense and misunderstanding, do not forget to explain to her why this is being done. After a few days, a man's sexual desire may increase slightly. You should pay as little attention to this as possible and avoid any kind of sexual stimulation if the desire increases in proportion to time. Having reached the point where it is no longer possible to ignore his sex drive, a man may consider that he has found his rhythm. The number of days that have elapsed since the last ejaculation corresponds to the individual rhythm. In this way, you can determine the time interval after which you can ejaculate without causing harm to the body. By determining your own rhythm, you can determine your biological age. For this purpose, use the rhythm formula. If your cycle lasts 4 days, then from a biological point of view you are 20 years old (4: 0.2 = 20), regardless of how many years you have lived. If your rhythm is 16 days, you are biologically 80 years old (16: 0.2 = 80). This is true even if you only lived 40 years. Everything in the Universe has its own rhythm and cyclicity, including human beings. Women have a menstrual cycle. Men also have their own cycle, although it is not so obvious. According to ancient Taoist manuscripts, there is a specific time when ejaculation does not pose a risk for a man. The intermediate interval between ejaculations serves to restore lost energy and nutrients. The appropriate individual rhythm for a man can be determined as follows:

Age x 0.2 = permissible frequency of ejaculation (after how many days).

If a man, for example, is 30 years old, his cycle changes according to the rhythm of six days (30 x 0.2 = 6). This means that a man, if he is healthy, can ejaculate every 6 days without harming his health. Therefore, one cycle lasts 4 days for a twenty year old man and 10 days for a fifty year old man, etc. Despite following this cycle, vital energy will still be lost during ejaculations; however, she will have opportunities for recovery if the man follows his rhythm. In this way, a man will be able to maintain energy balance. However, in the case of excessive and uncontrolled sex, a man’s energy resources are very quickly depleted. Leading such a lifestyle, a man wears out his body and brings the moment of his death closer. On the other hand, if a man follows his natural rhythm, he is able to control his ejaculations, compensate for losses and thus maintain a state of balance. As a result, he may not become energetically richer, but his energy resources will not become scarce. Between ejaculations, a man can and should have sex as often as possible. However, he must be able to hold back and experience the “highest form of orgasm” until he again reaches the point of safe ejaculation. In a book of advice from the Song Dynasty (581–618 AD), Master Tsu Hsieh, one of the founders of Taoist medicine, gives the following recommendations regarding the frequency of ejaculations in men (as there are also recommendations for the minimum number of ejaculations depending on age): :

20 years – once every 4 days;

40 years – once every 16 days;

60 years – once every 30 days.

Information on the most effective sex therapy for men and women regarding the healing effects of holding energy during intercourse

Taoist methods of restraining sexual energy allow a man and woman not only to achieve a “limitless supreme orgasm,” but also, like the “nine times ten sequence,” have a healing effect on the endocrine system of both partners and their reflexogenic zones associated with the penis and vagina during sexual intercourse. The following effects of male suppression of semen energy come from one of the founders of ancient Chinese diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of Taoist medicine, Master Tsu Hsieh, a prehistoric sage who is said to have discovered the “five phases of change of vital energy qi”: exercise, breathing, nutrition, sexuality and meditation.

Tree-qi of the tiger.

Fire-blood and bodily fluids of a dragon or snake.

Earth-a man between heaven and earth, symbol of a bear.

Metal-12 main paths, meridians of the energy cycle, crane symbol.

Water-8 special paths or magical meridians, symbol of the monkey.

The more often a man refrains from ejaculating during sexual intercourse with a woman, the more intense the essence of his semen, in turn giving him stamina, strength and confidence, as well as health and longevity.

Reminder! During a typical male orgasm, the prostate gland (if fully stimulated) is emptied through a series of contractions and releases approximately 200 to 500 million seminal cells from the “man's energy palace” (located one hand's distance below the navel). This is the equivalent of almost six weeks of energy loss. Such energy loss significantly limits a man's health and longevity. This is why the semen vital energy retention technique should be practiced every day in combination with the deer exercise for men. A man must hold back his ejaculation during sexual intercourse because the more he holds back, the more vital energy and nutrients are produced in his body. This provides reserves for health and longevity, and not only in the sexual sphere. The idea that semen retention can have a healing effect on the body is based on the scientifically proven fact that male semen has high nutritional value. Like blood, semen forms part of the "receptive force" (yin aspect) and is the feminine passive energy of the body and the Universe. Semen and blood constitute the essence of life energy. The male seed consists of an unchangeable and unsurpassed substance that cannot even be burned. When the power of the semen permeates the body, it restores the vitality of the internal organs and replaces the weakened cells of the body.

Extraction technique

Ejaculation - the flow and release of semen - is a feeling of the highest stimulation and special pleasure for any man. A man who prefers the sensation of pleasure caused by the emission of semen will find an acceptable method for himself in the technique of healing semen restraint, in which seminal energy is not lost and sexual pleasure is not diminished. This Taoist technique is called the “extraction technique.” With this form of application of this technique, the man experiences an “extraction” of vital components, that is, the essence of the seed, and their return to the man’s body. The liquid remaining after extraction is generally of no value (according to the ancient Taoist sages, this seed is no longer suitable for reproductive function). The man releases the remaining fluid and experiences the familiar sensation of pleasure associated with ejaculation.

Instructions for using the extraction technique

1. The man reaches an intensity of 98 or 99% until he reaches the point of the last push leading to ejaculation (100%).

2. At this very moment, he compresses the anal constrictor muscle, as in the male “deer” exercise (strains the anus and pelvic floor and holds his breath). This reduces the intensity of a man's sexual activity by up to 60–70%, as does desire. The man can then continue to make deep and shallow thrusts of the penis.

3. The restraint technique should be used 5-8 times in a row. Only after this should the man proceed to ejaculation. Ejaculation occurs, but the remaining fluid is expelled. A man can ejaculate without fear of losing the vital components contained in the semen.


By using the containment or extraction technique, a man learns to control the function of the prostate gland and not allow stimulation beyond 98 or 99%.

When the muscles of the anus and pelvic floor contract, the prostate gland becomes empty. However, here it happens in a different direction than with normal ejaculation. Instead of the seed being thrown out, it goes in and up to the brain to nourish it. This process is called "reverse ejaculation."

Since the “deer” exercise for men used during the extraction technique also stimulates blood circulation in the pubic bone area, the semen along with the blood flows to other parts of the body and nourishes the internal organs, glands, nerves and other parts of the body.

At the same time, the man experiences an acute and ever-increasing orgasm, as the extraction technique stimulates contractions of the prostate.

The extraction technique allows a man and woman not only to experience an unlimitedly powerful orgasm; it also has a healing and beneficial effect on both partners and, most importantly, a very beneficial effect on the man.

Ten forms of satisfaction for a woman and beneficial effects on a man as a result of the use of the technique of retaining seminal energy

Number of Seminal Energy Retentions by a Man - Increases the body's ability to heal itself, as well as strength, vitality and endurance

Once - Intensifies the energy of the seed, strengthens the body and its vital energy. House of seed essence.

Twice - Strengthens eyes, nose and ears. The house of growth is the thyroid gland.

Three times - Increases the body's resistance, strengthens immune system and slows down the aging process. House of water - kidneys

Four times - Strengthens the endocrine system and replenishes energy reserves: gonads, adrenal glands, pancreas, thymus, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and pineal gland. Adrenal House

Five times - Improves blood circulation, prevents stroke and heart attack, as well as phlebitis. The house of the heart is the thymus gland.

Six times - Strengthens muscles, tendons and ligaments and increases their elasticity. The house of water is the kidneys/bladder.

Seven times - Supplies bones with energy, prevents arthritis and bone atrophy. The house of water is the kidneys/bladder. The house of the heart is the thymus gland.

Eight times - Creates and strengthens the aura, as well as the “sixth sense” - extrasensory abilities. The house of intelligence is the pituitary gland. The home of the mind is the pineal gland.

Nine times - Heals all ailments of the body and mind, promotes unlimited health and longevity. The home of the mind is the pineal gland. The house of intelligence is the pituitary gland. The house of growth is the thyroid gland. The house of the heart is the thymus gland. The house of transcendence is the pancreas. The house of water is the adrenal glands. The house of the seminal essence is the sex glands.

Ten times - It brings a man to a high level of spirituality, since the pituitary gland and pineal gland are completely filled with new vital energy. House of the mind.

These data are taken from Su-Nue Ching's book on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures of Tao Medicine. They can encourage a man to perform the extraction technique, since the more often a man retains seminal energy during sexual intercourse with a partner, the healthier and more resilient his body becomes. The body receives more energy and nutrients, which, in turn, gives it greater strength and endurance, beauty and confidence.

Note. The healing effect of restraining seminal energy also occurs during masturbation. True, it is much more pleasant and useful to use the extraction technique during sexual intercourse with a partner, since reality far exceeds imagination.

Bai Hui – “Meeting point of all meridians” (Du Mai 20), point on the crown

Seven Seed Energies

According to the ancient Chinese classification of the healing system, now known in the West, the male seed consists of “seven seminal energies.” The healing power of the seven seminal energies was appreciated in ancient times, as these energies strengthen and nourish the endocrine glandular system, and therefore the immune system.

"Seven Seed Energies", returned to the body as a result of the extraction technique:

In 1965, Dr. Takuchi Shotai from Tokyo was already studying the “seven seed energies.” The results of his research and the effects of semen energies on sexual desire amazed the Japanese public. What caused such surprise?

Extracts of the "seven seed energies": Siltinum, Cuscuta, Lucium, Rubus, Plantago, Elettaria and Schisandra, were tested on 75 married couples aged approximately 50 to 80 years. The married couples were physically and mentally healthy, but all spouses lost sexual desire and did not have sexual intercourse with each other for years. Just 2 weeks after starting to take these semen extracts, 20 couples resumed having sex, and after another 4 weeks, 50 couples had sexual intercourse.

After 18 weeks, 70 couples had regular sexual intercourse. Due to strict Japanese traditions, this practice was strictly prohibited at that time. Even today, these seed extracts are secretly marketed in Japan, America and even in European countries. With the help of internal Tao exercises and, first of all, the “deer” exercises for men to compress the anus muscle with tension of the pubococcygeus muscle, the “seven seminal energies” are reactivated and sexual potency is restored. However, this simple function regeneration method endocrine system requires daily practice as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect!”

Note. If too much semen is lost, the "seven seminal energies" may take longer to regenerate, greatly reducing the associated activity and ultimately weakening the man's vitality.

Chapter 11. Technique for prolonging ejaculation

Mysterious acupressure point yen-mo

Moxa therapy (moxibustion using tiny cones of medicinal plants) under the testicles to eliminate erectile dysfunction

Acupressure point yen-mo

En-mo technique for protecting the seed

Knowing where, how and when to perform acupressure on the n-mo point naturally requires some practice. The pressure must be precisely calculated - not too strong and not too weak. You can first practice while masturbating until you are sure that you have found this point correctly.

Pressing on the e-mo point is actually very simple. With a little practice, you will be able to press it without your partner even noticing it.

Just before ejaculation, place your hand on the inner thigh and find this point. Press firmly enough to prevent the release of semen from the prostate gland.

If you press too close to the testicles, the semen will enter the bladder and later exit the body along with urine. If you press on the wrong spot several times, the seed will irritate the bladder, which can lead to inflammation.

And if you press too close to the anus, it will not stop the emission of semen. In this case, the exercise will be useless.

To avoid loss of semen, the channels at the base of the prostate gland must be closed with finger pressure. Only in this case will the seed be directed in the opposite direction and absorbed into the blood.

Important Note

A specific acupressure point is placed between the anus and the scrotum. This mysterious point, “the fusion of all yin energies,” the place where controlled and governing vessels unite, is called yen-mo. If you press it with three fingers, it feels like a small depression.

If you press the e-mo point just before the ejaculation of semen, ejaculation can be reversed without ejaculation of semen. With this technique, a man is able to transform his semen and achieve a more intense orgasm without losing semen. At the same time, the seed completely leaves the full prostate gland and is absorbed into the blood. Seminal energy flows upward through the meridians starting at this point, instead of leaving the body (as occurs during normal ejaculation).

Thus, the man does not lose the pleasant sensations that accompany the contraction of the prostate during ejaculation, and does not lose positive seminal energy. However, you should press the e-mo point until the orgasm is completed or the subsequent transformation of the seed.

Even after the peak of orgasm has passed, a man must continue to masturbate and press on the yen-mo point until the pleasant sensations accompanying the compression of the prostate gland end.

The acupressure technique is very win-win, as it allows a man to significantly prolong the erection of his “brave warrior” and continue the love game until the woman experiences orgasm. It is said that this method can also prevent unwanted pregnancy of a partner.

Please remember! If you have prostate inflammation, you should see a doctor and get treatment before trying the semen interruption technique. However, during the recovery period, you can perform the “deer” exercise to compress the pubococcygeus muscle, which will speed up the healing process.

How does the en-mo acupressure technique work?

After you have used the yen-mo acupressure technique and successfully prevented ejaculation, you can check whether the semen has returned to the circulatory system or entered the bladder. For this purpose, you need to urinate in a jar. Cloudy urine means semen has entered the bladder. After one to two hours, this will become more obvious because the seed will settle to the bottom of the jar and clear urine will appear on top.

In men who eat a predominantly alkaline diet, the urine often bubbles. If semen gets into the urine, it will bubble even more intensely.

During normal ejaculation, that is, if you do not press on the e-mo point or interrupt ejaculation using the male deer exercise, about one-third of the ejaculated semen ends up in the bladder.

Both techniques for interrupting ejaculations are not just the fruit of theoretical research. They demonstrate a directed, powerful stimulating result of an act of will, which manifests itself not only in sexuality, but also in the rejuvenation of the body of a man who practices these techniques. Taoists call this procedure of returning the creative power of the gonads to the body “rebirth.” Many men and even women believe that it is unnatural to stop ejaculation, even if it brings powerful positive effects. At the level of human consciousness, ejaculation should seem as natural and inevitable as death. As they say, during each ejaculation a man experiences a “little death.” However, at a higher level of consciousness, everything that people view as unnatural has a completely natural and logical cause. If you want to make a decision in favor of nature and longevity, you simply need to interrupt ejaculation and menstruation, of course, if you do not intend to conceive a child.

“Reverse ejaculation” to prolong erection and life

How can simple methods like pressing the e-mo point and doing the deer exercise for men have such a profound effect on the body?

The prostate gland contracts and expands again during normal orgasm with the release of semen. By pressing the e-mo point, a man can determine how quickly the prostate gland is emptying. In a normal orgasm, this can happen in a split second. When the Taoist technique of acupressure of the yen-mo point is used, the process of emptying the prostate can last up to five minutes, which also leads to a longer and more intense orgasm of up to five minutes. But even more important is the fact that the energy and nutrients of the seed, containing vital components such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids (according to scientific research), are stored in the body. With this technique, the semen does not enter the bladder or urethra. Instead, it remains in the prostate gland. From there, the seed enters the circulatory system, rises up the body and is distributed to the seven glands of the endocrine system, supplying it with energy. It supplies the entire body with vital energies and nutrients, activates skin cells, lubricates joints, strengthens nerves and thus provides excellent protection against diseases such as multiple sclerosis. In acupuncture, the n-mo point is called the “first conceptual meridian.” This is an energy door through which energy continuously flows out of a man’s body. Even sexual abstinence is not able to stop this “leakage”. However, with the help of e-mo acupressure and the “deer” sequence of exercises, you can turn off this “faucet” and thereby prevent the body from involuntarily losing much-needed vital energies.

For this purpose, in Taoism there is also a sitting pose, when the heel of one of the feet presses on the yen-mo point, also stopping the energy leakage. Even in the West this pose is described as an extremely important technique. Sitting on the ischium is not only recommended for stabilizing the entire spinal column; Pressure on the e-mo point, as the point connecting both legs, also stops energy leakage. You can reinforce this effect by closing the anus and pelvic floor in various variations (7 compressions for each of the 7 glands - 49 times in total).

The tip of the tongue is an additional important point through which energy exits. Therefore, Taoist medicine recommends placing the tip of the tongue on the gums and bending it inward to stop the flow of energy from the body during meditation or in situations that threaten to cause stress.

En-mo point as a method of birth control

Women should also be aware of the miraculous effects of yen-mo acupressure, as it can help a woman and her partner achieve unprecedented heights during sexual intercourse. If a woman presses this stimulation point just before a man's orgasm, it increases the desire of both partners many times over.

However, even in ancient China, the technique of acupressure of the yen-mo point helped in family planning and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. Ancient Chinese writers say that peasants, as a rule, rejoiced at the addition of a family because it meant that there would be new workers in the house. If a woman gave birth a lot, it was considered a blessing from the gods, since the poor did not have to pay too much attention to the health or education of their children.

The Yellow Emperor, his ministers and military leaders, the guards and the palace nobility viewed this completely differently. Much more for them important role had a marriage corresponding to the rank of a person, the intelligence and legitimacy of the child, the need to have a son and heir, as well as concerns about his health and good education. All members of the Chinese aristocracy used the yen-mo point and both techniques of the deer exercise for men for family planning to prevent the conception of unwanted, illegitimate children or conception at the wrong time. The need to protect the seed was a deeply held belief. Children should not have to suffer from the stupidity or mistakes of their frivolous parents.

This is why Yi'an, a Taoist physician who lived during the Han Dynasty, wrote:

“Masculinity (semen) comes from yang. However, yang is easily aroused (erection) and depleted just as quickly (loss of the ability to erect). Femininity (jade gate) comes from yin. However, yin is slowly aroused (“releasing the water flow”), and its satisfaction is also achieved slowly (“the nine stages of female orgasm”). So, while yin is present in excess and is persistent, yang is limited and vulnerable (loss during ejaculation). For this reason, controlling ejaculation through acupressure of the yen-mo point is one of the ways to maintain health and longevity.”

The same correlations are reflected in the longer life expectancy of women, who on average live 5–15 years longer than men. The key to returning from imbalance to balance lies in the proper regulation of the relationship between the two sexes: between fire (man) and water (woman), in the yin and yang path that helps us improve health and prolong life through sexuality. The en-mo acupressure point is one of the most important aspects for the transformation of male seminal energy. Only at a higher stage of mastery can acupressure be replaced with exercises to tense the pubococcygeus muscle, which provides more effective control over the direction of the seed backwards. The en-mo acupressure technique is both beneficial and very enjoyable; however, it is soon left behind as a “beginner technique” once a man has mastered techniques such as the stag exercise.

Benefits of "reverse ejaculation"

Now you can imagine my readers, both men and women, asking how sex without male ejaculation can be any pleasure at all? The Yellow Emperor also wondered this when his advisors recommended that he start practicing ejaculation control. On this occasion, the following conversation took place between Ben-Tse and the Rainbow Girl, which is contained in the Taoist manuscript “Secrets of the Jade Chamber”.

Ben-Tse: Against. After ejaculation, a man feels tired, his ears ring, his eyes close and he feels sleepy. He becomes thirsty and his limbs become limp and stiff. The pleasure of ejaculation lasts for brief moments, followed by long hours of fatigue. Surely this is not real pleasure. On the other hand, if a man regulates his emission of semen and reduces it to an absolute minimum, his body is strengthened, his mind remains free, and his vision and hearing are sharpened. Despite the fact that a man sometimes consciously refuses the sensations associated with ejaculation, his love for his woman increases significantly. It seems that he just can’t get enough of his beloved. And this is true lasting pleasure, isn’t it?

Please note that the last sentence contains a particularly subtle and important observation. A man who constantly maintains high levels of testosterone in the body and increases the supply of sperm and other components of the masculine essence by controlling ejaculation feels his love and affection for his wife growing. His love desire also increases.

In the Taoist art of love, the emphasis is not on the romantic aspect of love, but on proper technique. It's more like a sporting event. It is not enough for one side to win - both teams must be "in shape" as a result of practice, and both must know the rules of the game. However, the Taoist view of sex as a battle, a “battlefield strewn with flowers,” is in no way identical to what the West likes to call the “struggle of the sexes.” The latter term refers to a fundamental conflict of opposing views and a violent struggle for sexual superiority that extends beyond the bedroom. Taoists, on the other hand, mean the practical, tactical aspects of the sexual act itself - what they call “bed strategy.”

In the erotic novel The Prayer Mat of Flesh by Li Yu, a Ming Dynasty writer, we find an amazing description of this “combat” approach to sexual relations.

Aside from the number of participants, is there any real difference between the battles fought by armies and the battles fought in bed? In both cases, the commander's main task is to assess the disposition and gain access to enemy forces.

In the sexual act, the man's primary focus is on the woman's hills and valleys, while the woman's primary concern is the size and firepower of the guns.

Who will advance and who will retreat? In bed, as in war, it is equally important to know yourself and your opponent.

Unlike fighting with swords and spears, women have an advantage over men. Therefore, a man should be better prepared for the “battle of love.” But since most men like to think that they are stronger than women, they are convinced that their “five-minute blitzkrieg” is quite enough; Most women pretend to be satisfied, but do not admit to men what they really want.

To be able to give true satisfaction to his partner and replenish his essence and energy instead of losing them, a man must learn to:

Prolong sexual intercourse and repeat it until his partner feels completely satisfied, through the timely use of acupressure on the e-mo point before the moment of ejaculation;

At a higher stage, master the technique of the pubococcygeus muscle (tension of the anus muscles and pulling up the pelvic floor).

Rainbow Girl calls this method "no-leakage contact."

When sexual contacts occur according to the laws of the Taoist path, they become a “limitless source of energy” that never dries up or becomes depleted. Moreover, complete abstinence is just as harmful to a man’s health as excess sexual activity.

Statistical studies on the effects of yen-mo acupressure

For 15 years (1974 to 1989), Americans aged 19 to 64 voluntarily took part in the study. Below are some interesting results obtained by Professor Stephen T. Chan.

About the point en-mo

1. 73% of men who mastered the Yen-mo point acupressure technique were over 30 years of age.

2. 85.4% of all participants felt a wonderful effect.

3. 12.6% did not feel a significant difference.

4. 1.96% felt discomfort from time to time.

One man reported that he felt pain when pressing on the point. This man did not take part in the seminar on “The Tao of Sexuality” held in 1972, but attended only an hour-long instruction on the topic, without paying attention to the instructor’s warnings. In addition, his doctor diagnosed him with prostate inflammation. When he reported that pressing on the point was making his condition worse, he was advised to immediately stop acupressure and first treat the prostate inflammation. Only after this will he be able to resume acupressure training. After undergoing prostate treatment, the man tried acupressure again and achieved remarkable results. A careful study of the possible causes of unpleasant sensations revealed that such sensations were based on psychological factors. Long and regular exercises relieved local stress, relieved fears and nervousness, and the discomfort disappeared.

Regarding the “deer” exercise for men

1. The same 3,379 men took part in this study.

2. 78.6% of men who sought to stop ejaculation were over 35 years old.

3. 91% found the ejaculation retention technique helpful.

4. 8.2% were dissatisfied with the results. Almost 1% of men were afraid to use this technique.

Regarding the “deer” exercise for women

A further research report was compiled during the same period. 756 female volunteers aged 21 to 45 years participated in this study.

1. No specific age group showed increased interest in the deer exercise compared to other groups.

2. 95% of all female participants felt better after doing the exercise. 5% did not feel any changes. None of the women felt worse afterwards.

3. Only 221 women decided to interrupt their menstrual cycle. Of this number, almost 40% were able to completely stop menstruation, and another 40% had significantly reduced bleeding (some experienced residual yellowish or brownish discharge). Approximately 20% of women were unable to influence their menstrual cycle.

4. Women who managed to completely stop menstruation took 3 months to do so. It took about 60% up to six months, and 1% of women took a year or even longer.

Chapter 12. Ejaculation. The coming and going of seed energy

The release of semen and its effect on the health and personality of a man

1. The function of the prostate gland is to eject semen, millions and millions of sperm carrying the DNA code of a woman and a man. They determine a man’s health and longevity, as well as his susceptibility to disease. In Taoist medicine, the release of semen is called jing, “the essence of true life force.” This means that jing is the engine of sexual energy, giving the form of matter to new life with the help of some encrypted message - the DNA code.

2. According to this view, ejaculation is a complex process. As the penis is stimulated, the prostate gland begins to fill with fluid. Having reached maximum fullness, it quickly makes several contractions until it returns to normal size.

3. As a result of these contractions, which the man feels as an orgasm, fluid is pushed out of the prostate gland through the urinary canal into the penis and then erupted from the tip of the penis. Each time the prostate gland contracts and then relaxes, the prostate expels semen from the seminal vesicles. A man who practices the “immortal breath” (performing the “deer”, “crane” and “turtle” qigong exercises) is able to feel up to 49 contractions. An orgasm consists of such contractions, which is why prostate dysfunction negatively affects the quality of an orgasm.

4. The male sex glands are the prostate gland and testicles. The penis is not considered a gonad because it is not a gland and does not actually produce anything. This is simply a kind of tube through which the secretions of the glands flow, an instrument that the sex glands use for reproduction.

The testicles produce sperm and hormones; The prostate gland produces seminal fluid, which contains nutrients, hormones and vital energy. The two fluids produced by the testicles and prostate form what we call semen, the vehicle for the transfer of sperm.

5. During ejaculation, a normal adult man loses about one tablespoon of semen. According to the latest scientific research, this amount of seed contains the nutrients of two large steaks, 10 eggs, 8 oranges, 6 lemons and 5 bananas. The seed also contains protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, that is, almost everything that a man needs every day to live. In addition, the seed contains a large amount of vital energy, therefore, each emission of the seed means a significant energy deficit. This explains the feeling of emptiness experienced by a man after ejaculation.

The loss of seed is often colloquially referred to as “arrival,” although it would be more accurate to call it “departure.” Approximately 200-300 million live sperm, hormones, nutrients, vitamins, strength, stamina and even part of a man's personality and self-esteem are "gone" and lost literally in a matter of seconds. The release of semen is a huge sacrifice for a man, as it depletes his physical, mental and emotional abilities for a long time. This phenomenon can be compared to a burning candle that is extinguished by pouring a bucket of water on it.

6. After ejaculation, all seven glands are empty, especially the sex glands, which supply energy to the endocrine system. Taoist medicine comments on this condition as follows:

“If you follow this path and direct the sexual energy downwards, you will empty the seven glands. This means that you have entered the path of people, and all people die before their time (ejaculation - loss of millions of living sperm - shortening of life span). A living lion can turn into a dead dog in the shortest period of time, and a person loses a piece of his youth. However, if you take a different path and direct your sexual energy upward through the seven glands, you will be able to achieve eternal and divine life (reverse ejaculation - prolongation of erection and life).”

Based on personal observations, the ancient Taoist sages were able to draw the following conclusion.

“Being at home or traveling in another part of the world, you may notice that there are many more older and yet still attractive women around than men. Women who experience no loss of sexual energy (except those who have had too many pregnancies) live almost 15 years longer than men.”

For this reason, the ancient Taoist sages began searching and found a way to allow men to experience an even more pleasant orgasm without eruption and loss of vital energy, but with the preservation and use of it.

If a man can direct his semen in the opposite direction, he will be able to maintain both valuable vital energy and an erection. Then the man will have the ability to guide the woman “through the nine steps leading to complete satisfaction.”

What is commonly called the female orgasm is only the fourth stage in the nine-level sequence of energetic potential.

Retention of seminal energy

Based on thousands of years of experience, the ancient Taoist sages discovered that a man must regulate the frequency of his ejaculations. This frequency depends on the strength or weakness of ejaculation, as well as on the age and general physique of the man. Moreover, a man should never force himself to ejaculate, because with each new ejaculation a man harms the entire endocrine system. Any man must regulate the level of his seminal essence in accordance with his own reserves of vital energy (see the table in the chapter on the theory of rhythm).

Master Tsu Hsieh describes the symptoms of "forced ejaculation" as follows:

Ringing in the ears, tired eyes, flaccid limbs, loss of erection and increased dryness in the throat, sleepiness, difficulty breathing and reluctance to move.

An urge to urinate, poor appetite, inability to concentrate, weak pulse, excessive sweating, poor breathing, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea, reluctance to work, aggressiveness, depression, migraines and premature ejaculation.

He advises holding back ejaculation with the stag exercise for men (tension of the pubococcygeus muscle). Tsu Hsieh found that this practice strengthened the vital essence and also sharpened hearing and vision. Additionally, Master Tsu Hsieh adds that restraining passion during lovemaking actually enhances a man's love for a woman. A man feels that he cannot satisfy his passion for his beloved.

Each man must make his own decision about when he wants to ejaculate or retain the semen in his body using the stag exercise for men. A woman should have the intuitive ability to guess the desires of her lover in the same way that she recognizes her own desires and needs. The partner should never demand that the man “come” every time they make love. Instead, she should be ready to experience their love in a new way every time.

All ancient Taoist manuscripts emphasize that another view of sex, as a race towards menopause and physical collapse, has limiting effects on the physical level and harmful effects on the psychological level. In the East, physical love is seen as an opportunity for both partners to experience new heights of bliss, to experience a more intense orgasm without loss of semen.

If a man does not constantly observe the individual rhythm of love (a love sequence of 9 x 10 thrusts of the penis and 108 healing thrusts from the pelvic floor with tension of the pubococcygeus muscle), his vital energy is drained. The consequence of failure to maintain the correct rhythm during lovemaking is “forced ejaculation,” which quickly leads to exhaustion of a man’s strength. As a result, “a hundred bodily ailments” can develop over a period of time.

The old hurried and stressful way of sexual intercourse, which usually proceeds without preparation and in which the woman is usually assigned a passive role, is equally unsatisfying for both men and women, and also causes harm to partners on a physical and mental/emotional level. This method is not an expression of tenderness and affection, but, on the contrary, often leads to alienation and rupture.

Although a woman has no seed to store, she, like a man, has enormous potential for passion. When properly directed, this passion can calm sensitive nerves, accelerate blood flow and regenerate tissue. Through a deeper, truer union that reflects the tenderest feelings of the heart, a man and a woman can alleviate or heal physical suffering and illness.

The method of correct rhythm and periodic retention of seminal energy has a therapeutic effect that no other drug or therapy regimen can compare with. Men and women can benefit enormously from it if they learn to control their physical orgasms with the help of the stag exercise for men and women. However, it is not necessary or even recommended to abstain from ejaculation for an indefinite period of time, since a balanced sexual relationship requires partners to give and receive gifts equally.

The seven glands of the endocrine system are the source of immune protection

You can imagine all seven glands of the endocrine system as vessels connected to each other by a series of arteries or tubes. Each vessel, or gland, depends on all the others to supply the body with vital qi.

When the first vessel, the "House of Seed Essence", is filled with vital energy, this vital energy is slowly distributed through the arteries or tubes towards the remaining six vessels of the endocrine system. The distribution is done from bottom to top, as shown on page 266.

Although Taoist scholars have long passed on to new generations a great wealth of knowledge about the structure, nature and function of the endocrine and immune systems, modern Western science is only now beginning to deeply study endocrinology (the theory of the endocrine system of the seven glands). Unfortunately, this is a relatively new field of medical research and it may take a lot of work to unravel the secret of Tao Medicine, which has the benefit of thousands of years of experience in understanding the endocrine system by comparing it to nature. It is not surprising that a weakened state or a predisposition to disease occurs when one of the seven glands suffers from a loss of energy, which can be caused by various reasons. The gonads then have the task of not only generating a balanced flow of energy to compensate for the deficiency, but also the task of strengthening the weakened flow of energy to restore the highest possible energy level in the body. The gonads form the basis of the glandular system, the foundation on which all other glands rest. All seven glands mutually support each other in the order of their location from bottom to top. If the first six houses are not filled with vital energy, it is impossible to fill the “seventh house,” the “House of the Mind,” with it. Therefore, it is quite clear that chronic deficiency and imbalance develops in the body when one of the components of this glandular system, for example, the uterus or prostate gland, is surgically removed. Therefore, in ancient Taoist medicine, doctors usually tried to use all possible methods before deciding on resection, especially gonadal surgery. Unfortunately, instead of learning from the Taoist sages, Western medicine continues to view individual glands as independent organs that can be treated individually.

Vessel G: House of the Mind - Pineal Gland

(The pineal gland directly influences the other glands through the hormones it produces and secretes. We can communicate on a spiritual level through this gland as it is associated with consciousness and intuition). A new energy cycle begins; This is exactly how we should imagine circulation in the endocrine system.

Vessel F: House of Intelligence – Pituitary Gland

(The pituitary gland controls memory, wisdom, intelligence and thinking.)

Vessel E: House of growth - thyroid gland

(The thyroid gland maintains cellular metabolism in the body and controls growth. It also connects to the respiratory system.)

Vessel D: House of the heart – thymus Leza.

The thymus gland controls the heart and blood circulation.)

Vessel C: House of Transcendence – Pancreas

(The pancreas controls digestion, blood sugar, and body temperature.)

Vessel B: House of water – adrenal glands

(The adrenal glands support the kidneys, bones, bone marrow, and spinal column.)

Vessel A: House of seminal essence - gonads

(The sex glands—the prostate and testicles in men and the ovary, uterus, vagina, and breasts in women—are responsible for hormone secretion, sexual energy and responses, and reproduction.)

In Taoist medicine, aimed at human health and longevity, the removal of one of the glands is truly considered a “crime”, since as a result of this the entire body is deprived of its energetic balance. In a sense, this action is equivalent to opening Pandora's box. When some inflamed body part is cut out, it's like throwing away the fire bell, because we don't want to listen to the alarm every time something burns (Stephen T. Chan). This type of alarm system, created for humans by Mother Nature, involves the tonsils, which are at the forefront of our body's immune defense system. These are the first elements affected by pathogens, which react with an inflammatory process to warn a person of danger. When tonsils are criminally surgically removed, they can no longer perform their warning function. In the case of surgical resection of the gland, Taoist "internal exercises" are a life-saving measure, taking over the function of the removed gland, since these exercises continuously supply the body with energy and hormones and protect it from further weakening. Through the healing internal exercises of the Tao, the seven gland system is provided with new vital energy. The system restores balance and energy levels optimally increase, which also strengthens the body's immune defense. This is the Taoist way of overcoming existing weaknesses and self-healing, and using higher order life energy to open your mental/spiritual center (Stephen T. Chan). Only a person who has strong gonads does not age, since the gonads act like the “wheel of life.” If this wheel rotates freely, illnesses in the body can be avoided. Only in this case are cellular processes in the human body stimulated.

Male finishing play after ejaculation

Penis meridian massage to strengthen erection and desensitize

To maintain future erections, Taoist masters recommend using finishing play with the penis after ejaculation. This practice is also called "milking the jade stem."

1. Desire and energy also disappear after ejection. The flaccid state of the penis lasts much longer than arousal, since the forces that ensure retreat are stronger than the erection. With age, the penis gradually becomes flaccid, making it difficult to get an erection.

2. Therefore, the man himself must create long-term, favorable conditions to maintain penis arousal for a long time. Maintaining an erection is an ancient Taoist secret called the "male finishing game." If a man follows this technique, he may never have to suffer the consequences of impotence in his life.

3. The effectiveness of men's finishing depends on two factors: physiological response and psychological feedback.

4. As a countermeasure against physical weakness after completion of sexual intercourse, a man can develop and “milk” the reduced penis with his hand. These manipulations cause the tissue to relax and allow it to swell again. A penis “trained” in this way absorbs large amounts of blood without problems, which makes erection easier.

5. Each swelling process facilitates the next one. To counter the psychological weakening, a man should not tell himself after ejaculation that it is over. If physical exhaustion occurs simultaneously, negative thoughts can gradually begin to dominate a man's brain and, regardless of his natural ability, lead to impotence.

6. Male finishing game after ejaculation can help a man overcome problems and compensate for the lack of all functions.

"Milking" the penis. Squeeze the shaft of the penis with your hand, starting from the base of the testicles and to the bottom of the head of the penis, as if you were going to “milk” it. Thus, blood enters the head of the penis, enlarges it and strengthens the erection. Using this technique, you can achieve the ideal “mushroom” shape of the head of the penis. It is recommended to repeat this procedure every day early in the morning and late in the evening 81 times with the right and left hands.

Note. Milking the penis only applies to its shaft. Do not touch the head. This method should be used at the end of each sexual intercourse, both with and without ejaculation.

Ancient Chinese acupuncture points used to treat spermatorrhea

The term spermatorrhea refers to the nocturnal emission of semen, which may or may not be accompanied by dreams.

Treatment regimen for spermatorrhea

Ancient Chinese acupressure points used in the treatment of spermatorrhea

Additional treatment regimens

Ancient Chinese acupressure points to relieve premature ejaculation

Treatment of premature ejaculation St-27 Bl-23 Li-4 TW-10 Ki-5

TW – Triple warmer – a triple warmer that affects the nerves, lymph glands and endocrine system (“seven glands”)

Ancient Chinese acupressure points used to relieve painful sensations in the penis

Relief from pain in the penis Lu-7 St-29 St-30 Sp-6 Bl-47 Bl-50

Chapter 13. Erection control

Erection angle in determining biological age

As we know from scientific research, the angle of erection in men changes with age.

Therefore, by measuring the angle of erection, it is possible to determine the biological age or level of health of a man.

The relationship between age and erection angle is easy to understand if you look at a person's hand. The following will show how you can measure the strength of an erection.

In a healthy man

Ages 15–20 The jade stem reaches its greatest strength and forms an angle of 45–60° relative to the body. This angle of erection corresponds to the position of the thumb on the hand, which is associated with the lungs and bronchioles, as well as the lymphatic gland system. The corresponding tree phase is the first phase of change under the sign of the Tiger.

Aged 20–30 years, the excited jade stem demonstrates sufficient strength and forms an angle of about 60–90° relative to the body. This erection angle corresponds to the position of the index finger, which is associated with the large intestine and nerves. The corresponding fire phase is the second phase of change under the sign of the Dragon.

Aged 30–40 years, the excited jade stem has a somewhat weakened state and forms a horizontal angle of approximately 90–108° relative to the body. This erection angle corresponds to the middle finger of the hand, which is associated with the circulatory system and sexuality, allergic reactions and blood vessels. The corresponding earth phase is the third phase of change under the sign of the Bear.

Aged 40–50 years old, the excited jade stem shows little vitality and forms a downward angle of approximately 108–135° from the center of the body. This angle of erection corresponds to the position of the ring finger of the hand, which is associated with the system of seven glands. The corresponding metal phase is the fourth phase of change under the sign of Eagle.

Ages 50–80 For years, the excited jade stem is in a weakened state and forms a downward angle of approximately 135–144° from the middle of the body. This angle of erection corresponds to the position of the little finger on the hand, which is associated with the heart and small intestine. The corresponding phase of water is the fifth phase of change under the sign of the Monkey.

The "Five Correlations" under the signs of Tiger, Dragon, Bear, Eagle and Monkey symbolize the desire of these types of animals to copulate and conceive. Ancient Taoist sages correlated these animals with the states of people. However, it is also true that there are no rules without exceptions.

Angle of erection in the mirror of a human hand

During ejaculation, all of the above organs, the seven glands and the erection are weakened. The result is a loss of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Here are explanations of the “internal effects” of the five fingers of the hand:

The lungs, bronchioles and lymph glands are associated with the thumb.

Colonic degeneration and nervous exhaustion are associated with the index finger.

Circulatory/sexual and systemic disorders allergic reactions/vascular system are associated with the middle finger.

The endocrine system and endocrine glands are associated with the ring finger.

The heart and small intestine are associated with the little finger.

These basic rules can be used to determine a man's actual "biological age". The erection angle, correlated with the above categories, shows the actual “biological age” - regardless of how many calendar years the man is! For example, a fifty-year-old man with an erection angle of 60°, corresponding to the erection state of a twenty-year-old boy, may biologically have the sexual activity of a twenty-year-old. The healthier a man's gonads are, the higher the erection angle of his jade stalk will be. Weak sex glands can be strengthened naturally through qigong exercises. Regular exercise is necessary to recharge the lost energy reserves of the gonads. The next page will provide information about jade stem meridian massage.

Erection angle and five primary elements

The Tao of Sexual Wisdom and Love distinguishes five types of energy that are required to achieve a strong erection and a stable jade stem erection angle. These types of energy include:

1. Blood energy (heart and circulatory stability).

2. Muscle energy (complaints of muscle pain or muscle-building exercises, for example, bodybuilding, can be an obstacle to erection).

3. Nervous energy (nervousness, emotional problems or some distracting thoughts can interrupt an erection).

4. Bone energy (bone cancer, weak bones, weak kidneys, arthritis and arthrosis can cause erectile dysfunction).

5. Stretch energy (insufficient elasticity of ligaments, tendons and muscles can block an erection).

All five energies are transferred from a man to a woman during sexual intercourse. If a man cannot achieve an erection, this means that one of the energies is missing in his body.

Chapter 14. Impotence in men

Unreasonable fear of impotence

Impotence is the inability of a man to achieve and maintain a satisfactory erection. For many men, erection is a desperate problem that dramatically changes the course of their lives. The spasms that occur during an unsuccessful erection can eventually damage internal organs such as the heart, spleen, liver and kidneys. Sexual potency disorders and lack of erection are usually caused by the prostate gland, which controls all sexual processes, including erection. As we know from Western medicine, men over 45 years of age usually experience complaints related to the prostate gland. However, in the ancient Chinese tradition there is a belief, confirmed by experience, that disorders of the prostate gland in old age are an absolutely abnormal phenomenon. According to the point of view of ancient Chinese physicians, disorders of the prostate gland can be caused solely by “abuse,” that is, abuse or misunderstanding of its function. The ancient Taoist sages give a man only one piece of advice - to relax during foreplay with the "deep, hidden hollow" and not to worry about getting an erection. A man's attention should be focused on the erotic stimulation of his partner. Even in ancient China, a man's potency was synonymous with his masculinity and was considered an extremely desirable quality. A man who was unable to achieve or maintain an erection felt bewilderment, shame and annoyance at his so-called weakness, that is, the same emotions that a modern man experiences. Despite the help of modern science, doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists have been unable to find a better consolation for their patients than to explain to them that the fear of impotence is unfounded. However, despite scientific evidence, most men refuse to believe that spontaneous or temporary impotence is a completely natural and common phenomenon. Even if they believe it, they still feel shame. Such temporary loss of potency is no more serious than a runny nose. Yes, it is unpleasant and disrupts plans, but it is by no means fatal, so there is nothing to worry about! A man who has only once experienced temporary impotence due to kidney weakness can develop a fear in his soul about long-term impotence. Every time he has sexual intercourse, he is consumed with fear about whether he will be able to perform his function like a “normal” man. To put it simply, in such a situation, the man himself prevents an effective erection due to the horror he experiences of impotence. Many men who are afraid of sexual activity literally break out into a cold sweat at the mere thought of sexual intercourse. It is sad, even tragic, to hear that a man reacts to the opportunity to experience the ecstasy of love with panic horror in the belief that he is powerless in the face of his sexual problems. However, such a situation can be successfully countered with the help of the ancient Chinese “deer” exercise and massage of specific meridians (see previous section). Sexual potency and erection will be restored in a short period of time. But for this you need to practice regularly. Important note! Men are not recommended to take stimulant drugs that promise to restore lost potency, as this can cause serious health problems, as medical and scientific publications warn about today. For example, according to experts who studied statistics, the so-called “stimulant pill” Viagra has already led to 522 deaths in all countries of the world. At the first WHO conference on potency problems, participants argued that this figure was just the tip of the iceberg. They suggest that only in one case out of ten do the developed diseases agree to be considered as consequences of taking Viagra.

“The majority of people who took Viagra and died of heart failure should never have been allowed to take this drug,” says Hartmunt Porst, a urologist from Hamburg, Germany. This so-called dysfunction specialist has been successfully treating erectile dysfunction with local injections for many years.

Acupressure and meridian massage to relieve impotence

Instructions for treatment of impotence

Notes: Bl – bladder – urinary bladder, Sp – spleen – spleen, CV – conceptional vessel – imaginary vessel, Lu – lungs – lungs, St – stomach – stomach, He – heart – heart, Ki – kidneys – kidneys.

All acupressure points - except those located in the center of the body - should be massaged on both sides of the body. Never put pressure on your veins!

Stimulation of the gonads

To stimulate the sex, bladder, and kidney meridians at points on the ankles and feet, first grasp the heel tendon firmly and apply pressure. Pain in this area indicates problems in the functioning of one or more parts of the entire system. Many women and men have increased sensitivity in this area, but they do not know what causes it.

This exercise increases the secretion of male hormones and helps maintain healthy functioning of the male genital organs. In addition, it has a good effect on the brain.

By massaging the inside of the leg from heel to ankle, a very important gland is stimulated: the prostate. Proper functioning of the prostate gland creates favorable conditions for a man's sexual life. In turn, the point located exactly in the center of the popliteal cavity is associated with the kidneys and bladder. Correlations with sexual stimulation have not been extensively studied, but it is possible that when this point is stimulated, the adrenal glands secrete more sex hormones.

Acupressure points

Exercise Instructions

Start with your left ankle and massage it 36 ​​times counterclockwise.

Then massage your right ankle 36 times clockwise.

You should not expect a miracle to happen and the very moment you press on these points, sexual desire will flare up in you. The active mechanism acts rather indirectly. A balanced emotional state is much more important for the successful functioning of the genital organs.

Chapter 15. Gynecological problems

Menstrual irregularities

Many women suffer from irregular menstruation, which the Chinese call “yue fing bu tiao,” although these women are otherwise completely healthy. However, they are very worried when menstruation does not start on time.

Chinese acupressure points for the treatment of dysmenorrhea

Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)

Amenorrhea is the complete absence of menstrual flow. In most cases, the bladder meridian is disrupted. In Western medicine, the absence of menstruation before menopause is attributed to hormonal deficiency. An underdeveloped uterus, ovarian damage and thyroid disorders are considered factors leading to this situation. The pituitary and adrenal glands may also play a role here. Poor nutrition, organic diseases, obesity and diabetes are also considered possible causes. Western medicine usually treats this condition with pills, prescribing various hormones in the hope that one will be effective. However, Chinese medicine takes a specific approach.

Daily warm compresses in the lower back, lumbar and sacral areas.

Warm vaginal shower at 32°C for five minutes.

2. Contraindications

Do not recycle.

Avoid cold and high humidity.

Don't let yourself get discouraged.

Eat well, get enough sleep and exercise.

Leukorrhea (leucorrhoea)

Leukorrhea– in Chinese dai xiai – also called “white stream”. This is a colorless vaginal discharge. This condition is very unpleasant for a woman and is usually caused by an infection of the vagina or cervix. Many facts can weaken these organs and reduce their ability to resist, which makes them easily permeable to fungi and bacteria.

Chinese acupressure points for treating leukorrhea

Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder)

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by bacteria or toxic metabolic products, drugs, food or direct injury. Inflammation of the bladder can be acute or chronic. In its acute form, it may be accompanied by pain when urinating. There may also be a constant urge to urinate with involuntary release of urine. In the chronic form, urination is also often accompanied by burning and pain. In this case, pus is often found in the urine.

Treatment regimen for cystitis

Chinese acupressure points to get rid of cystitis

Additional measures

1. Physical therapy

Relax in bed with your hips elevated.

Cold compresses in the lumbar and sacral areas. If, in combination with acupressure, this does not bring relief, then give an enema with ice water, and after that apply a hot compress to the bladder.

2. Food

Only light food (soups).

To drink a lot of water. Peppermint tea also helps a lot.

Problems associated with menopause

Menopause - in Chinese "yin lian" - is the time in a woman's life when she loses the ability to conceive. Although this life change is a natural consequence of the aging process, it affects different women differently.

Some women hardly notice the changes associated with menopause, but there are also those who themselves go through real hell and make loved ones suffer. There are also women who remain sexually active into adulthood and can even give birth to children, to everyone's amazement.

Typically, the ovaries stop producing viable eggs between the ages of 45 and 50. During this time, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

All kinds of disorders occur due to hormonal imbalance caused by instability of the autonomic nervous system. When the process of ovarian failure occurs slowly, a woman may not even notice the symptoms associated with menopause.

But if this function is lost suddenly, the symptoms of menopause manifest themselves very intensely and painfully: so-called “hot flashes”, tremors, increased irritability, unreasonable attacks of rage, tearfulness, depression, forgetfulness, tremors in the arms and legs, pain in the joints, back, sweating, rapid heartbeat, disturbances in normal urination, complaints of abdominal pain - these are a wide variety of disorders that plague women due to insufficient functioning of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland) and ovaries.

In order to fulfill its main task - to take care of procreation, many processes occur in the male body, one of which is the formation of sperm (spermatogenesis), and the other is their delivery (ejaculation) to the egg. During the process of ejaculation, sperm travel throughout male reproductive system.

Entertaining journey

The point of departure of sperm is the testicle - a paired round organ located in the scrotum. It consists of many lobules, inside of which there are several convoluted tubules (the length of each of them reaches one meter). It is in them that the process of sperm maturation begins, occurs and ends. In addition, the formation of testosterone, the male sex hormone, occurs in the testicles. After emerging from the testicle, mature sperm enter the epididymis, which lies along the posterior edge of each testicle. There they accumulate and wait for ejaculation. At the moment of its onset, sperm travel along the vas deferens - a dense tube about 50 cm long. It originates from the tail of the epididymis, and then connects with the seminal vesicle in the prostate urethra. In addition, part of its path the vas deferens passes as part of the spermatic cord.

Forward, just forward

Sperm pass through the urethra (urethra), a 20-23 cm long tube whose main function is to remove urine from the bladder. The urethra consists of several parts, including the prostatic one; we will talk about it further. Along the way, the urethra forms an S-shaped bend. In the so-called hanging section, it passes along the penis, consisting of two cavernous and one spongy body, ending with the glans penis. In a calm state, the size of the penis is 10-11 cm, and in an erect state, into which it becomes due to the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood, it increases to 12-22 cm.

Deviation from the route

Speaking about the process of ejaculation, one cannot fail to say a few words about the prostate gland, the secretion of which makes up most of the seminal fluid. By the way, it is in the prostatic part that sperm reach the “finish line” and enter the urethra. The prostate gland is located under the bladder and in front of the rectum, occupying several centimeters of the urethra. It has the shape of a chestnut, consists of a right and left lobe, separated by a groove and an isthmus.

Future man

A little boy’s genitals are noticeably different from the “wealth” that an adult man “owns.” The child's penis is small, its head is covered by the so-called foreskin, and the testicles are no larger than a cherry pit. In the process of puberty, at the age of 12-15 years, under the influence of the hormone testosterone, the restructuring of the entire body of the future man begins: preparations are underway for adult life, including the reproductive function. First, invisible processes occur inside, and then puberty occurs, which can be judged by the following signs. Firstly, the boy begins to grow actively, and his voice becomes deeper.

Secondly, the skin of the scrotum becomes folded, and hair appears on the pubis. Thirdly, the glands on the groove of the penis begin to produce a special substance - smegma, which must be removed during the shower or bath.

Male genital organs are conventionally divided into two categories - external and internal. The external genital organs are represented by the penis and scrotum, and the internal ones are represented by the testicles, epididymis, prostate gland and All male work is aimed at producing high-quality sperm for procreation - this is how nature works. In some cases, organ functions may be disrupted, causing reproductive function to suffer - the so-called

The male penis is an organ that removes sperm and urine to the outside. The penis is divided into parts - the head, shaft and base. The trunk consists of cavernous and spongy bodies containing pores. During sexual arousal, blood rushes to the genitals and fills these pores.

The end of the penis is represented by the head. The structure of the male genital organ is special in that the largest number of erogenous points are located on the head. The second most erogenous zone is the lower part of the penis shaft. When these zones are affected, an erection occurs and, as a result, orgasm. At the end, the head is covered by the foreskin, and under it there are special glands that secrete smegma - a substance that serves as a lubricant to ensure normal opening of the head. For males, it is very important to keep the foreskin area clean so as not to become a victim of inflammatory diseases.

The structure of the penis is such that when there is a rush of blood during arousal, the organ significantly increases in size, becomes denser and noticeably thickens. The structure of the male genital organs is arranged in close contact with the urinary ducts. However, nature is prudent, and during sexual intercourse, due to the increase in the size of the seminal tubercle, urine is prevented from exiting, so it does not mix with such valuable genetic material as sperm. When the required number of frictions is achieved, orgasm occurs and sperm is released through the opening of the head, the formation of which is quite complex and depends on many conditions. First, the condensed sperm from the testicles is sent to where it is diluted with a special liquid. With rhythmic movements during sexual intercourse, the work of the muscles of the perineum, abdominals and the prostate itself is activated. It is this complex, coordinated work that allows sperm to be pushed into the vagina with the necessary force so that it reaches its goal as quickly as possible.

The structure of the penis and its functions are clear. Now let's look at the structure of other, no less important organs. The scrotum is an organ that includes both skin and muscle, which serves as a container for and part of the spermatic cord. Usually the skin of the scrotum is somewhat darker than the skin of the penis itself, it is covered with hair and has a sufficient amount of All this is necessary to ensure a constant temperature environment inside the scrotum itself, because it is slightly lower than the general body temperature - about thirty-four degrees, although the internal temperature in the body is - about thirty-seven.

The testicles represent the internal genital organs. They form spermatozoa - the most valuable material in the field of reproduction of their own kind. The testicles also supply testosterone, which is generally responsible for the male sexual sphere; they are located on opposite sides of the penis and often have unequal sizes, but this is not a pathology, but rather the individual characteristics of the body. The testicle is supplied with blood through the spermatic cord, which also carries sperm to the vas deferens. Already from the vas deferens, sperm is removed from the body.

The prostate plays a special role in the male reproductive system. This gland is located at the level of the rectum and just below the bladder. The prostate reaches full development by the time boys reach puberty - approximately seventeen years of age. The main function of the prostate is to make sperm more liquid and thus promote the movement of sperm in this environment. The quality of this secretion significantly affects the ability of sperm to actively move and fertilize. In order for sperm to be more resilient in the vaginal environment, they receive a kind of nutrition from the seminal vesicles.

Men in general and the structure of the penis in particular are formed in the womb. However, growth of the penis continues until about 16-17 years of age.

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