Which side should you sleep on? Where to sleep with your head: correct sleep according to the cardinal directions

Good dream- this is a guarantee good health and well-being. Meanwhile, many people don’t even think about which way to sleep with their head in order to get enough sleep and feel good throughout the day. Exist different opinions and beliefs about how to sleep properly. They are based on the ancient knowledge of Indian and Chinese sages and human common sense.

A person usually sleeps 7-8 hours a day, but, in addition to this, he also likes to read and watch TV while lying on the bed. Many are ready not to get up from it at all. Therefore, it is first important to determine the correct position of the body during night rest.

It is advisable to sleep in an upright position, on your left or right side. It is undesirable to fold in a semicircle, as your head ends up on the bed without a pillow and your neck may become stiff. In this position, the body will experience a lack of oxygen. If you sleep like this all the time, you may experience serious problems with health.

It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic or regular mattress, but not too soft, as it will sag. When choosing a new bed, you need to take this seriously. There are several beliefs about what it should be like:

The right bed will help you take a break from accumulated problems and gain strength for the next day.

Yogis' opinion

Indian sages will help answer the question of how to lie down correctly and where to sleep with your head. They believe that a person consists of electromagnetic fields, like the Earth. According to this theory, north is in people's heads and south is in their feet.

According to the teachings of yogis, the bed should be placed with the head of the apartment towards the northern part of the apartment or to the north-east. It is in this position that you can achieve harmony and attraction of the energy pole. A compass can help you determine the direction correctly.

Having decided on the location of the bed, you can observe yourself for a while. If your well-being and mood have improved, success in business has appeared, this means that the biofield completely coincides with the electric field of the earth.

Feng Shui teachings

This is an ancient Chinese teaching. Here you can find answers to many questions that arise. modern man. It tells you how to properly arrange household items, and will also help you determine how and where to sleep with your head.

According to Feng Shui, choosing a place for a bed, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

In China you can find houses built in an unusual way. The facade of the building is huge, massive - this is the side of Water (Yang). Behind the building you can see another part (Yin) - the side of the Mountain. The bed is placed in this direction.

Currently, architects do not take such moments into account; all the customs that were revered in ancient times are gradually leaving modern culture.

Direction Vastu Shastra

There is an ancient teaching of Vastu Shastra, based on the harmony of the Universe. It is formed on the basis of astrology and is associated with the influence of the sun and moon on the human body.

Ancient manuscripts, written in Sanskrit and translated into Russian, teach about which direction you should sleep with your head. This theory is completely opposite to the teachings of the yogis. Its supporters believe that the energy of the Earth has a negative effect on the condition of people.

According to Vastu Shastra, you need to sleep by following simple guidelines:

Impact of cardinal directions on sleep

Exist different teachings, which talk about issues of proper sleep. But there are people who are not supporters of any theories. They just want to know which way is better to sleep with their head, to stay healthy and achieve what you want:

What does the Orthodox religion say?

In the Orthodox religion there are no clear concepts about which side of the world you should sleep with your head on. A person is free to lie down as he pleases. The main thing is to achieve privacy with yourself and drive away bad thoughts.

Over the years there have been some superstitions and traditions about how to sleep properly:

  1. When a person sleeps facing north, the connection with divine forces weakens, but if one lies in the direction of the east, then, on the contrary, it can be strengthened.
  2. You can extend your life years by lying on the south side.
  3. But dreaming to the west contributes to the development of egoistic personality traits.
  4. It doesn't promise anything good to lie down with your feet to the door - that's just how they carry out the dead.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to sleep with your face turned to the mirror. You can lose your health and bring adversity into your life.

To believe or not in these signs, and where it is better to sleep with your head - everyone decides for himself.

Sometimes the area and layout of the home do not allow the bed to be placed as required by Feng Shui or religion. But perhaps there is no need to attach great importance to the position of the body in sleep, but it is worth paying attention to the needs of the body.

As an experiment, you can sleep on the floor for a while, choose a comfortable free place where you can give free rein to your movements. You need to lie down in an arbitrary position, and in the morning see whether the position remains the same or has changed during the night. The experiment should be carried out for several days and observe which side the position of the body changes to in the morning, where the bed should be placed.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which different people had to go to bed in one direction. In the morning their physical and psychological condition. It turned out that those who were very tired during the day instinctively turned their heads to the east. And people who were overexcited or nervous went north.

Experience has shown that at certain moments a person is in different states, and accordingly, he needs to sleep in his own position each time. That is why round beds are now very popular, on which you can sleep as you wish and comfortably.

Every organism is individual, and each has its own correct position in a dream. But in any case, the optimal direction for a particular person will be the direction in which it is convenient for him to sleep, so that when he wakes up, he feels a surge of vigor and strength.

There is one common opinion according to which the position of the body in a dream relative to the cardinal directions affects internal harmony, family happiness and a person’s well-being. To some, this information seems unfounded, while others are trying to find out where to sleep with their heads - north or south, or maybe even to the west? Thus, we decided to consider several points of view, methods and teachings, some of which contradict each other.

Where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui?

Adhering to the principles of this teaching, some arrange furniture in the house, plan meetings and significant events. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you also need to sleep with your head in a certain direction, and for this you first need to find out the Gua number. So called magic number, which is calculated differently for men and women.

Men need to take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them. If the number is two digits, add the two resulting digits again. The result will be one numeric value. If you were born before 2000, subtract this result from 10, and if after 2000, subtract it from 9. As a result, you will find out your Gua number and be able to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui.

To determine the Gua number, women need to carry out the same calculations, and having received one digit, we do not subtract it, but add to it 5 (if born before 2000) or 6 (if born after). If you end up with a two-digit value, sum up its numbers.

Gua cannot be equal to five, so when obtaining this value for men, Gua is equal to 2, and for women 8. And let us remind you that according to the Chinese calendar, the year begins in early February, and not in January, so if you were born between January 1 and January 4 -February 5, calculate the Gua number for the previous year.

Based on the number obtained and personal preferences, choose the direction where to lay your head. We offer a detailed table that will help you understand everything. The cardinal directions are indicated by the first letters of their names: N - north, S - south, etc.

Gua Number

For success and prosperity

For good health

For love and relationship building

For personal growth and development

Please note that according to Feng Shui, other directions are unfavorable for a particular person and can lead to trouble. Decide for yourself whether you trust this teaching or not.

What do Indian yogis say?

Indian sages believe that the direction of the head during sleep must be chosen taking into account magnetic fields. According to this theory, it is better to go to bed with your head facing north or northeast.

True yogis from India are sure that every person has a special electrical charge, so the north is in our heads and the south is in our feet. Residents of this country strictly adhere to these rules both for night sleep and day rest. They are sure that if you put the bed in the right position, you will wake up in the morning with good spirits. If in the bedroom it is not possible to place the bed so that you can sleep with your head facing north, sit with your head facing east - this is also acceptable, according to yogis.

Eastern Vastu technique

According to the ancient Indian teachings of Vastu, each person must take into account where to sleep with his head - it depends on physical health And mental condition. By positioning the bed incorrectly, you will not sink into deep dream and don't get enough sleep, but circulation internal energy will be disrupted and this will lead to health problems.

So where should you sleep with your head according to Vastu? The teaching categorically does not recommend lying in the direction of the north, since the planet’s magnetic field has a direction - from south to north. The human magnetic field is directed in the same way: energy enters through the head and exits from the feet. Therefore, when you go to bed with your head facing north, it is as if you are trying to bring two magnets together with equal poles, but they repel each other. Based on this logic, the human body endures destructive influences.

According to the eastern teachings of Vastu, it is undesirable to lay your head towards the northeast and northwest, but the following directions are considered favorable:

  • Head east. When we go to bed with our heads in the direction of the Earth’s rotation, torsion fields act on the body and we recharge. Spirituality is strengthened, a connection with the deity is established, and positive qualities are developed.
  • Sleeping with your head facing south is also useful according to Vastu - this way you will receive a boost of energy and harmonize with the world around you. People sleeping in this direction have good health and are distinguished by longevity.

Where is it recommended to sleep with your head according to the Veda called Ayurveda? People who practice this ancient Indian teaching prolong their lives by uniting the mind, physical body, soul and sense organs. In general, the body turns into a single whole with space and the environment.

According to Ayurveda, any disease is a consequence of loss of harmony between body and soul. The teaching says that in our sleep we recharge ourselves with the energy of the cosmos, replenish our vitality and become wiser, but without the correct positioning of the bed this cannot be achieved.

Supporters of this system Indian medicine It is recommended to sleep with the body position facing north, as this ensures unity with the deity. It is also useful to sleep with your head to the east, because it develops spiritual inclinations and intuitions. You can also place the head of the bed to the south, but in no case to the west, otherwise you will be deprived of strength and energy.

Where to sleep with your head in a Christian way

There are many religions in the world, radically different from each other, so each has its own positions regarding certain actions. Orthodoxy is more widespread in our country, so let’s find out where you should sleep with your head in a Christian way? The religion does not focus on this, but there is an opinion that according to the Orthodox it is better to sleep with your head in the following directions:

  • in the south for longevity;
  • in the east to strengthen the connection with God.

But the northern and western directions are not recommended. In many ways this is due not to Orthodoxy, but to folk signs that came from the distant past. Over the years, they began to be associated specifically with Christianity, although they have no direct relationship to it.

According to signs, you can sleep with your head towards the door, but you cannot lie down with your feet towards it (this is how they carry the dead out of houses). You should not lie down with your head in front of the mirror, as this attracts illness and failure. It is also believed that you should not sleep with your head towards the window, but this is more likely due to the fact that it can blow through you. This has nothing to do with the cardinal directions, but is all this capable of influencing the correct and healthy sleep, decide for yourself.

What common sense says

Sometimes parents do not know where the child should sleep with his head, and begin to study different teachings and superstitions, many of which often diverge, and this only makes the choice more difficult. If you trust common sense or intuition, everything will not be so difficult.

Go to bed in random directions: today to the southeast, tomorrow to the northwest, if the room allows you to make the necessary rearrangements. After a few nights, you will understand which direction you sleep most comfortably. Correct result Only magnetic storms can distort them, so for the purity of the experiment they will have to be monitored and taken into account.

And further interesting information to think about the location of the bed and the cardinal directions. Russian scientists recently conducted a study in which participants had to sleep on the floor in a random direction. In the morning, the influence of well-being and mood on body position was checked. As a result, it turned out that overtired and tired volunteers intuitively lay down towards the east, and those in an excited state before going to bed lay down with their heads towards the north.

It becomes clear that there is no single and correct body direction for sleep for everyone. It is important that you have freedom to move at night and that your body is in a comfortable position so that you can get enough sleep and recovery.

Expert opinion on where to sleep with your head

Specialists called somnologists study sleep disorders, and there is even a branch of medicine called somnology. So, they note that to restore strength and wake up in the morning in good mood requires a comfortable bed, Fresh air indoors and the right pillow. It doesn’t matter which way to sleep and how the bed will be positioned. For example, if you are suffering from insomnia or are not getting enough sleep, try lying on the other side or moving the bed, but often the reason is not in the direction of the head, but in the physical or mental health, or many other factors.

We hope we have helped you figure out where to sleep with your head - north, east, south or west? And we also note that the opinion of somnologists applies to both an adult and a child, so sleep in a way that is comfortable for you, and put your child to bed according to the same principle!

Have you ever wondered where to go to sleep with your head? It is believed that not only the restful sleep, but also human health, internal and family harmony. Some people think that arranging furniture in an apartment by checking a compass is nothing more than a fashionable hobby, while others find a completely scientific explanation for this.

Head north or south?

According to the teachings of yogis, man has his own electromagnetic field, just like our planet. The Earth's magnetic field is directed away from south pole to the north. The human magnetic field or the flow of energy charged by our consciousness is directed from the head to the feet.

If you go to bed in such a way that your own field and the Earth’s field are coordinated, that is, with your head to the north or northeast, this will benefit your health, allow you to get a good night’s sleep and feel energetic in the morning. Also, the correct flow of energy helps strengthen love and affection between spouses and acquire material wealth.

The ancient Indian teaching of Vastu, on the contrary, states that you should not sleep with your head in the north, northeast or northwest directions. In this case, it is as if there is an interaction between two magnets with the same poles, and the person loses energy, waking up completely broken.

In addition to the magnetic field, a person is also affected by ring (torsion) fields caused by the rotation of the Earth. During sleep, these fields also affect human consciousness. In this regard, there are the following statements about the sleeping position:

  • head to the east - spirituality develops in a person, the best personal qualities, connection with God;
  • to the south - longevity;
  • to the west - the risk of developing selfishness;
  • to the north - a person becomes more rational and “soulless”.

Where to lay your head according to Feng Shui?

Following the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui is becoming increasingly popular among people seeking to achieve success and prosperity in all areas of life. Trying to update the design of their home, many also try to organize the space, arranging all the objects according to the flow of energy flows. Great importance It has proper organization bedrooms, the choice of shape and position of the bed and the direction of the sleeping body.

First of all, it is recommended to avoid positioning your head or feet directly towards the door of the room. If there are two doors in the room, then the bed should not be between them. As an option, a screen can be used to close one of the doors. It is not advisable to sleep on a bed without a backrest behind your head. It is believed that during sleep a person should have some kind of protection.

As for the direction of the sleeping person’s head, it is determined individually for each person. Feng Shui divides people into Western and Eastern types. To determine your type, the Gua number is calculated.

To do this, you need to write the year of birth, add the last 2 digits, if the number is two-digit, add it again. Then you need to subtract the resulting number: for men - from 10, for boys (born after 2000) - from 9. Or add this number: for women - to 5, for girls - to 6. If you get the number 5, you need to replace it: for men - by 2, for women - by 8, since the number 5 does not exist.

Your type is eastern if the calculated number is 1, 3, 4 or 9. South, east, southeast and north are suitable for you. You are a Western type if your number is 2, 6, 7 or 8. Northeast, northwest, southwest and west directions will be favorable for you.

  • Sleeping with your head to the north brings prosperity, stability, improves health, and establishes balance. family relations and gives peace of mind.
  • For young active people, it is more suitable to sleep with your head facing east. This will give you a surge of strength and your ability to develop new ideas and projects will increase.
  • Creative people need to choose western direction, giving inspiration and emotional uplift.
  • Those who want to build a career and achieve success in business should place the bed with the head of the bed facing south.

Where to sleep with your head according to Orthodoxy

People of faith who try to comply with the canons in all their actions Orthodox faith, you may be wondering where to sleep with your head and what impact this has. In this regard, it can be said that the Christian religion, which illuminates the lives of people, does not pay any attention to this aspect. Moreover, such warnings about misfortunes and troubles that overtake those sleeping with their feet towards the doors are considered superstitions that a believer should not succumb to.

From a common sense point of view

If you are a rational person, it makes sense to choose a sleeping position based on your own preferences and well-being. To do this, you can sit on the floor for a while, changing your position as you wish, and in the morning analyze where nature or intuition has turned you. Moreover, it has been noted that a person’s mood can influence the choice of sleeping position.

Everyone can choose the right sleeping position. In this case, we can rely on the opinion that has been established for centuries, which ancient teachings offer us. Or you can lie down the way your body and mind tell you. The question of which direction to sleep in is answered by Feng Shui, the teachings of yogis; There are tips on how to sleep according to Vastu. For centuries, people have been collecting information about what direction the head should be in order for sleep not only to restore strength, but also to bring success in life. various fields life. Let's consider what head position different schools offer us during sleep.

Chinese philosophy will tell you which side of the world you should choose for the position of your head and legs. According to Feng Shui, all furniture and interior items in the house must be properly arranged so as not to interfere with the flow of good energy and prevent the appearance of negative energy. The Chinese also thought about which direction is better to sleep with your head. There is a distribution of people according to cardinal directions: Western and Eastern types. To determine your specific type, you need to calculate your Gua number. We do it this way:

  • We write down the year of our birth on a piece of paper, add up the last 2 digits, if the sum turns out to be two digits, add up the numbers again.
  • Adult men subtract the result from 10, and boys who were born in 2000 and later from 9. Women need to add 5 to the number, and girls 6. For women, the result may turn out to be two digits, in which case the first and second digits are needed fold
  • Eastern type people get 9, 4, 3 or 1 at the end. Western type people get 8, 7, 6 or 2.
  • If the final number is 5, it needs to be replaced for men by 2, and for women by 8; in Feng Shui, the number 5 does not exist to determine the type of person.

Important nuance! You should take your birthday according to Chinese calendar based on lunar months. New Year it begins differently from ours, it can fall on the dates between January 20 and February 20. If you were born on one of these days, ask what year it was in China at that time, this will help you make the calculations correctly.

Sides for oriental type

Sides for northern type

  • West.
  • Southwest.
  • Northeast.
  • Northwest.

General rules of feng shui

In addition to specific recommendations on which direction you should sleep, according to the Gua number, Eastern wisdom also gives general tips by choice of position. You can decide where to sleep with your head based on what is most important to you at this stage of life.

Let's consider how best to position yourself in bed to achieve certain goals:

  1. If you lie with your head to the north, you can improve your well-being, strengthen your health, achieve stability and mental balance, and harmony in the family.
  2. It is correct to sleep with your head to the east when young and active people, so they receive a charge of vivacity, a surge of energy, and new horizons open up in making important decisions.
  3. People whose work is related to creativity should sleep with their heads facing west; this location gives emotional uplift and gives inspiration.
  4. Good career results await a person who is accustomed to falling asleep with his head to the south.

If you are wondering where you should sleep with your head, you can listen to the advice of yogis who have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that for the best renewal of energy, it is suitable for a person to place his head towards the north, or at worst, the northeast. This is due to the fact that the magnetic field of the sleeper and the Earth are coordinated.

Our planet's magnetic field moves from south to north. A person also has his own magnetic field, it is directed from the top of the head to the feet. If you lie down so that the magnetic fields move in one direction, then awakening will be easy, the person will be able to fully restore their internal strength.

In addition, this position strengthens family ties, creates a special attachment between husband and wife, and contributes to the acquisition of material well-being.

Influence of torsion field

When choosing which side of the world to sleep with your head in, you need to take into account the impact of the Earth’s torsion field on a person. This is a field that is created above the surface of a planet due to its rotational movements. Scientists say that it also has a strong effect on a person and influences how to sleep correctly in relation to the cardinal directions.

Let's consider what results certain directions of the head give during a night's rest:

  • The Eastern direction develops the spiritual component in a person, helps him get closer to God, and develop his best personal qualities.
  • The southern direction promises longevity and the absence of health problems.
  • The Western direction can cause the development of strong self-confidence and even selfishness.
  • The northern direction develops rational thinking in the sleeper, and gradually the person becomes a pragmatist.

Dream according to Vastu

The ancient Indian teaching of Vastu connects the position of the head with the worship of a deity. To earn his favor, you will need a certain position of the body in relation to the cardinal points. However, choosing how to sleep is not so easy, because according to West, a person interacts during rest with two radically different directions at once (one is the head, and the other is the legs).

It is for this reason that you need to choose which direction is better to sleep, especially carefully. The most successful directions are considered to be the south and east, the west is also acceptable, but the north should be avoided.

Scientific approach

We often think: “If I lie down incorrectly, then everything in my life will be bad.” However, you should not completely trust various teachings, each person is an individual, and therefore everyone will have their own ideal sleeping position.

It is worth considering that our preferences regarding the choice of the side in which it will be head turned, depend on the emotional background, magnetic storms, level of fatigue and other factors.

There is also general recommendations on sleep organization:

  • Doctors forbid sleeping with wet head, as this may lead to colds, hair damage and other troubles.
  • If you need to position the bed in the room towards a certain side of the world, use a compass or a special smartphone application that has this function.
  • It often happens that you sleep poorly and wake up in the middle of the night, which makes you feel tired all day. In this case, consider whether you can move the bed away from the window, buy thick curtains and close the window at night so that road noise does not wake you up.
  • Try to sleep away from front door and choose beds with a massive headboard.

In conclusion

No matter how a person sleeps in relation to the cardinal directions, the main task in choosing a position is to get a good night's sleep. You can experiment with the tips described in ancient teachings, or you can simply determine for yourself how it will be most convenient for you to relax.

If you have trouble sleeping and rearranging your bed does not help, be sure to consult a doctor.

The East is such a delicate matter that it pays attention to those little things that Westerners do not attach any importance to. But gradually the boundaries between cultures are blurred, and Eastern traditions begin to penetrate our Western life. One of them was the coordination of the interior with the principles of the ancient teaching of harmony with the surrounding world - Feng Shui. How to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to turn your head and where it is better to place the bed - let's try to figure it out together.

What Feng Shui teaches

Feng Shui begins in the east with the choice of the location of the house itself. Then it is planned correctly, since the bedroom, according to this tradition, should be located in the northwestern part of the house, and in no case opposite the front door. This will contribute to stable, long-term and harmonious relationships between spouses.

House layout

But selecting a site and independently planning a house or apartment is an unaffordable luxury for many, as is following absolutely all the principles of teaching. But everyone can choose a place for the bed and the direction where to sleep with their head according to Feng Shui. This, of course, will not lead to absolute harmony with nature, but according to followers of ancient teachings, it will significantly improve the quality of sleep.

Qi energy

To make it easier to follow the rules, you need to understand what underlies them. Feng Shui states that the universal life force or Qi energy constantly circulates in the home. It is believed that it enters the apartment through the doors, fills the entire space and exits through the window.

It is not worthwhile to constantly be in the path of energy movement; it will weaken a person and take away his vitality. But when energy stagnates in the house, and especially in the bedroom, this is also bad.

The flow of Qi is delayed by any rubbish that has not been used for a long time, but is still in the house. He needs to get rid of it regularly.

Sharp corners, mirrors, fountains and other interior and decorative elements can change the direction of energy flow. Even the colors in the room and the predominant materials: metal, wood, stone influence the intensity of its movement.

In traditional Feng Shui, absolutely everything is taken into account, down to the smallest detail. Therefore, the services of such a specialist are very expensive. We are primarily interested in how to position the bed in the best way for the sleeper.

Place and conditions for sleeping

To sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, you first need to bring the bedroom itself into maximum compliance with its principles. Its interior should be dominated by soft, natural tones. Peace and comfort are brought into the home by earthy shades: brown, chocolate, soft copper, delicate peach.

Blue or green colors will contribute to harmonious relationships. Discreet light lilac will attract healing energy. Pink will make relationships more romantic.

The following rules must also be taken into account:

Decorate your bedroom with flowers, hang wall sconces, make nice bed linens, and use aromatic scents.

Top destinations

Definitely best direction there is no such thing as a better time of year or better element for sleep, everything is individual. You need to choose the position of your head based on whether it is even possible to correctly place the bed itself. After all, if it is poorly positioned, then no matter where you sleep with your head, your rest will be of poor quality. You also need to take into account the energy characteristics of each direction.


While the bedroom itself is best located in the northwestern part of the house, sleeping with your head to the west is not suitable for everyone. This position of the body contributes to the accumulation of sexual energy and single people will find it difficult to cope with it.

But for a couple in love, it is perfect - the sex life will be active, and the relationship itself will be harmonious.


If we take the universal position of the body, where it is better to sleep with the head, then this is the north. So magnetic fields human body are located in strict accordance with magnetic fields Earth, and throughout the night there will be an active accumulation of energy.

It has been noticed that people who sleep with their heads facing north wake up earlier and sleep better than others.


A person who sleeps with his head to the east reveals his spiritual capabilities. This direction gives additional energy and promotes success in all endeavors. On the other hand, it increases the level of personal ambition. So people with big Egos should avoid this position of the head.

The eastern position is very useful in the heat - it will give you a feeling of additional coolness, as energy flows in its natural direction.


A head located to the south will attract energy during the night for the implementation of the most daring projects. This position is perfect for those who have grandiose life plans. But it does not promote partnerships and is more suitable for ambitious singles.

In addition, the energy of the south can sometimes be too hot and aggressive and can cause anxiety and even nightmares.

Intermediate head positions: northeast, northwest and southeast, southwest combine the energies of the component directions. Their effect on humans is softer and more harmonious. How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui is determined only by you.

The importance of sleep hygiene

But no matter how you arrange the bed and your own body, remember that if the basic rules of sleep hygiene are not followed, the bed itself is uncomfortable, and the clothes hinder movement and do not allow the body to breathe, there will be no benefit from sleeping according to Feng Shui. wait.

The teaching does not cancel natural physiological processes and characteristics human body, but only complements them.

The main conditions for a normal night's rest remain unchanged:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper moderate nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • regular physical activity;
  • correct response to stress.

If you follow these principles, plus decide how to sleep according to Feng Shui, it’s best for you - a sound, healthy sleep with pleasant dreams will not keep you waiting.

Otherwise, no matter how much you move the bed around the apartment and in which direction you lay your head, your body will not get proper rest. No feng shui will save you from chronic fatigue and symptoms of regular sleep deprivation.

However, Feng Shui also teaches this - harmony with the outside world begins, first of all, with inner harmony. First, we put our thoughts and body in order, and only then we begin to transform the world. Or rather, he himself begins to change in accordance with the new energies that you have let into yourself and your home.

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