The lymph node in the groin does not pass in women. Where are the lymph nodes in the groin. When an illness is a sign of genitourinary pathology

Lymph nodes act as an indicator of a person's health status. If a malfunction occurs in the functioning of the body, they can increase in size and become painful. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women requires immediate diagnosis and determination of the root cause of the phenomenon.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What are lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes are organs of the lymphatic system that act as a natural filter. Lymph passes through them, which is cleansed of harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms. Because of this, the system reacts faster than others to the emergence of an infection.

Lymph nodes in the groin of women are responsible for cleansing the fluids of the pelvis and lower extremities. If infection occurs, this can lead to an increase in the size of the lymph node. Normally its size is 1.5-2 cm.

The inguinal nodes are located in the femoral triangle. Their increases are called . The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. It affects one or more nodes. This phenomenon is typical for systemic diseases. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin can indicate a whole list of diseases.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women

Most often, lymph nodes become inflamed due to bacteria entering the human body. Typically, such a reaction is provoked by staphylococci. However, infection alone is not enough. The body must contain factors that, upon admission, fight the disease. The prerequisites for the development of pathology are a whole list of factors, the list of which includes:

  1. Presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. There is an acute infection with staphylococcus or tuberculosis bacillus. Once in a favorable environment, microorganisms begin to actively multiply.
  3. There were injuries or damage to the genital and urinary organs. This also includes microcracks.
  4. The patient was diagnosed with cancer. And if cancer cells are in a person’s blood, the lymphatic system tries to fight them. However, nothing can be opposed. As a result, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs.
  5. Infectious diseases are present. They can be acute or chronic. This includes measles and a number of other diseases.
  6. Fungal diseases of the genitourinary system. Most often it leads to inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  7. An unsuccessful surgical operation was performed.

Inflammation can be specific or nonspecific. In the first case, the lesion is localized in the pelvic organs. If the disease is nonspecific, the entire human lymphatic system is affected.

Types of disease

Experts identify several forms of treatment for pathology. First of all, the disease is divided into acute and chronic. Depending on the nature of the inflammation, serous and purulent are distinguished. Each of the subtypes of pathology has its own characteristics and signs. This leads to differences in treatments.

The most benign form of pathology is serous. During development, a person practically does not feel unwell. The size of the enlarged node is small. It is soft to the touch. In pathology, inflammation affects only the inner part of the lymph node. Does not apply to nearby tissues. If a patient is diagnosed with this form of the disease, the prognosis is always favorable. Treatment usually does not take long.

Chronic may not be accompanied by special symptoms. There is a slight increase in lymph nodes. In this case, there are no symptoms of general malaise. The complexity of the pathology lies in the fact that it is difficult to treat. It must be remembered that, regardless of the absence of unpleasant sensations, the inflammatory process in the tissues continues. As a result, the patient may face a number of complications. So, one of them is lymphosarcoma.

Symptoms of pathology

It is quite easy to suspect development in the groin. The main symptom is swelling and enlargement of the lymph node in size. It can protrude greatly above the skin. The formation is hard and hot to the touch. An increase in local temperature occurs due to the course of the inflammatory process. Upon palpation, a person feels unwell. Its character can vary from a slight tingling sensation to severe pain. The skin around the inflamed lymph node turns red.

The disease also has a number of other signs, the list of which includes:

  • there is an increase in drowsiness;
  • a person loses appetite;
  • pain may occur during physical activity;
  • there is a general increase in body temperature;
  • the patient may experience chills;
  • a woman experiences rapid fatigue;
  • the patient feels weak.

If the pathology arose as a result of complications of other diseases, the clinical picture may be supplemented by other symptoms.

Additional features

Depending on the type of infection that provokes enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin, the disease may be accompanied by different symptoms. Soreness, mobility of the lymph nodes and their density changes. So, if a similar phenomenon occurs during pregnancy, it is most often provoked by chronic diseases, the list of which includes:

  • colpitis;

In the process of bearing a child, a woman’s immunity is greatly weakened. Even as a result of banal hypothermia of the legs, inflammation of the lymph nodes can develop.

If a woman is diagnosed with syphilis, the size of the lymph nodes may increase 5-10 times. At the same time, their palpation does not cause discomfort. There is also no redness of the skin. At the initial stage, syphilis is characterized by the appearance of chancre. This is the name given to painless non-healing ulcers.

Gonorrhea in women usually occurs in an erased form. However, the pathology also provokes enlargement of the lymph nodes. Their size can increase up to 2 cm. With pathology, the formation is dense. They are not fused to tissues and move easily under the skin. However, touching them causes severe pain. Inflammation can also affect nearby lymphatic vessels. In the inguinal folds they can be felt like painful dense cords.

If infectious mononucleosis occurs, other groups of lymph nodes become inflamed along with the inguinal ones. When the disease occurs, their volume increases to 2-3 cm. They create a kind of chain. Lymph nodes are not fused to the skin. They are dense, but do not cause pain on palpation. No redness of the skin is observed. However, there may be some swelling over the group of lymph nodes.

If a woman develops genital herpes, watery blisters appear on the genitals. They are painful. However, this rule does not apply to lymph nodes. When they are palpated, minor pain occurs. The skin over the lymph nodes is practically unchanged. They are soft to the touch and have a dough-like consistency. The lymph nodes are not fused with the surrounding tissues.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a woman encounters a pathology, she should consult a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist. After the risk of disease arising as a result of nonspecific inflammation of the vagina or uterus, as well as genital infections, has been eliminated, the specialist will redirect the patient to a therapist. If necessary, you may need to visit an infectious disease specialist, surgeon and oncologist.

First of all, the patient is interviewed. The doctor studies the general picture of the disease, then conducts an external examination and palpation. Then the woman may be referred for the following studies:

  • X-ray;
  • tomography;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Allows you to suspect the reasons that provoked the occurrence of the phenomenon. In most cases, the prognosis for inflammation of the lymph nodes is favorable. However, you should not delay treatment.

Therapy for inflammation of the lymph nodes consists of the use of medications, physiotherapy or surgery. Conventional methods are applied comprehensively. If the process is accompanied by other diseases, their treatment is also carried out. This will eliminate the likelihood of relapse and increase the effectiveness of the treatment methods used.


Conservative treatment methods are most often used. Therapy consists of taking tablets and using local treatments. Usually the patient is prescribed hormonal antibiotics. One of the most common medications is penicillin. The dosage is determined individually. Local treatment consists of the use of antiseptics. Salicylic and tetracycline ointments have proven highly effective. Local treatment is performed carefully if the disease is purulent in nature. The use of ointments is advisable only as part of complex therapy. They must be supplemented with systemic antibiotics. Otherwise, the therapy will not give results.

Physiotherapy and surgery

In addition to antibiotics, physical therapy may be prescribed. UHF and electrophoresis are most often used. The methods have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, in the case of a purulent type of the disease, physiotherapeutic procedures are not used. The fact is that during their execution the tissues are heated. This in turn leads to the release of pus.

Sometimes surgery is performed. The method is used if a large amount of pus has accumulated in the lymph node. The operation is not very complicated. The doctor will open the lymph node and install drainage. This is a special silicone tube that is required to drain the pus.

The speed of treatment depends on the stage and form of the disease, correctly selected therapy and the woman’s immunity. For serous pathology, the duration of treatment is 5 days. The chronic or purulent form of the disease requires longer treatment. In some cases, therapy may take several months.

Disease prevention

It should be borne in mind that not all nodes in the groin area respond well to treatment. Therefore, it is better to avoid inflammation. To do this, it is recommended to take a number of preventive measures. A woman should:

  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • carry out timely treatment of any infectious diseases that appear in the body;
  • support immunity by taking vitamin complexes;
  • add fresh vegetables and fruits to your daily diet;
  • give yourself moderate physical activity;
  • refuse unprotected sex.

As you know, the organs of the lymphatic system play an important role in protecting the body from infections and viruses. They are the first to react to any change in the body. For example, inflamed lymph nodes in the groin indicate the presence of a pathological process in this area. Often the nodes become enlarged due to sexually transmitted diseases. It is to this area of ​​the body that tumors of the lower extremities, genitals and rectum metastasize. Therefore, any enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin forces a person to undergo a full examination of the body to rule out oncology.

Anatomy and size of inguinal lymph nodes

Photo 1. Structure of the lymphatic system (photo:

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin are not uncommon. It is this group that belongs to the large regional nodes of the lower limb. Some of them are placed in a chain along the inguinal fold and can be felt. The part also lies in the upper third of the thigh and on the lata femoral fascia. In this area they are divided into two large associations:

  • superficial;
  • deep.

In turn, superficial lymph nodes are classified as follows:

  • upper ones - collect lymph from the lower half of the abdominal wall, gluteal region;
  • medium - lymph flows from the external genital organs, perineum, anus, they are the first to respond to sexually transmitted diseases;
  • lower ones. Lymph enters them from the lower extremities. It is to this part that tumors metastasize.

Knowing the localization, we assume in which area the pathological process has started. Therefore, it is important to examine both the rectal area and genitals in case of lymphadenitis.

During palpation, the patient is asked to expose the inguinal folds. The doctor needs to palpate the area above and below them. His hands slide at right angles to the crease. When nodes are detected, they are carefully examined in a circular motion to the right and left. All groups of these entities must be checked. Hernias are also diagnosed in a similar way. Normally, the inguinal lymph nodes are palpated as nodules:

  • normal size (diameter up to 20 mm);
  • round or oval shape;
  • painless;
  • movable;
  • not fused to adjacent tissues;
  • normal temperature;
  • do not differ in color from the rest of the skin;
  • elastic consistency.

Thus, most often this category of lymph nodes can be palpated. Their number ranges from 3 to 15. The norm is considered to be sizes that do not exceed two centimeters. Also, in a healthy person, the lymph nodes can be felt as soft and easily displaced. It is considered normal when they do not cause discomfort.

Functions of lymph nodes

The body's lymphatic system is primarily responsible for the immune response. For example, a change in size, consistency or shape indicates the presence of lymphadenitis (inflammation). The main functions of these entities are the following:

  • biological barrier (retain infection or cancer cells);
  • outflow of lymph from central organs to the periphery;
  • ensuring an immune response to harmful microparticles;
  • transport of proteins into the bloodstream;
  • growth and differentiation of lymphocytes occurs in them;
  • also the release of certain metabolic products from tissues.

It follows that lymph is a colorless liquid similar to blood plasma. It houses many types of white cells responsible for the chemical absorption of foreign microorganisms. Lymphatic capillaries form vessels, which together with the ducts form a complete system. It is thanks to her that the body cleanses itself and fights infection.

Why are the lymph nodes in the groin enlarged?

Photo 2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin (photo:

Almost all of the above ailments occur without clinical symptoms for some time. But at the same time, it is the lymph nodes that will increase over time. Why is this happening? First of all, this indicates that the body has detected an infection and is actively fighting it. Lymphocytes accumulate at the site of the lesion, surround the bacteria and the process of self-healing begins. Then the shape of the node changes.

Important! It is necessary to find out the condition that caused lymphadenopathy. After all, it is much easier to treat oncological tumors in the early stages of development

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

You need to know that an enlarged lymph node is not always its inflammation. Lymphadenitis occurs when pathogenic microflora or foreign cells penetrate the lymphatic system. For example:

  • infections - staphylococcus, streptococcus, diplococcus;
  • open tissue damage - abrasions, injuries;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases (colpitis, vulvitis);
  • sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes;
  • generalized blood poisoning - sepsis;
  • balanoposthitis - in men due to poor personal hygiene;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • purulent diseases - boils, abscesses, phlegmon;
  • malignant and benign tumors of the genitals, rectum;
  • fungal diseases - pyoderma;
  • immunodeficiencies - HIV-AIDS;
  • tuberculosis.

Inflammation of the nodes in the groin area occurs when there is a source of purulent infection in the area of ​​the lower extremities or reproductive system.

If the cause of inflammation is a lesion that is located close to the groin, then lymphangitis can also be observed. This condition occurs when the lymphoid vessels become inflamed.

Clinical picture of lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy

Lymphadenopathy is considered to be an enlarged lymph node without an inflammatory component. It comes in the following types:

  • local - when nodes of only one precinct group increase;
  • regional - several components from one category or related areas increase;
  • generalized - may increase in many areas from different parts of the body.

The main clinical signs of lymphadenopathy will be:

  • increased size of the lymph node;
  • increased body temperature;
  • possible weight loss;
  • increased night sweats.

Lymphadenitis is a condition when lymphoid tissues become inflamed. It can be serous and purulent. And also, based on the duration of the disease, it is divided into:

  • acute - the disease appears suddenly and its symptoms progress rapidly;
  • chronic - the duration of the disease is from a couple of months to several years;
  • recurrent - periods of exacerbation alternate with remission.

When inflamed, the lymph nodes in the groin area look like:

  • increased in size;
  • there is an expansion of the focus of inflammation;
  • painful;
  • welded to fiber, motionless;
  • with a local increase in temperature;
  • redness and itching at the site of inflammation;
  • with swelling of adjacent tissues;
  • compacted;
  • with the formation of conglomerates;
  • accumulation of pus, a symptom of fluctuation.

At the height of the inflammatory process, the serous form is complicated by the purulent form. In turn, the consequences of the purulent form can be phlegmon and blood poisoning. Therefore, you should not put off going to the doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment of inflamed groin organs can save you from trouble.

Important! Inflamed inguinal lymph nodes in women are a common consequence of gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases

Which doctors deal with the pathology of inguinal lymph nodes

Before proceeding directly to the treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. The tactics of therapy depend on this. Which of the additional studies the therapist will prescribe, along with consultation with specialists, will become known after his visit. Medical specialists are:

  • surgeon;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • gynecologist;
  • dermatovenerologist;
  • oncologist.

The surgeon treats inguinal lymphadenitis when drug therapy does not bring the desired effect. It determines the indications for surgical treatment. If there is a purulent form of lymphadenitis, then the doctor solves the problem surgically.

Consultation with an infectious disease specialist is necessary if an enlarged organ of the immune system is the cause of a viral or bacterial disease. He interviews the patient in detail and looks for symptoms of suspected diseases. If this could not be done, then another specialist will treat this condition.

A gynecologist or dermatovenerologist detects both sexually transmitted diseases and an enlarged lymphoid node. First of all, these specialists deal with the treatment of the underlying pathology. Having eliminated it, the lymph nodes in the groin in women gradually return to their previous state.

An oncologist deals directly with the treatment of cancerous tumors and their consequences. Based on his experience, he chooses a conservative or surgical method of therapy. If the malignancy of the process is proven, then treatment is combined. It includes radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.

Important! It must be remembered that treatment tactics are selected individually and depend on the etiology of the disease.

Methods for diagnosing lymphadenitis and lymphangitis

It is important to know what inflamed lymph nodes in the groin area look like. When you notice the first symptoms, you must make an appointment with a doctor. He will examine the lymph node in the groin and examine the diseased areas. If any change is felt, this will help narrow the range of suspected ailments. To find out the cause of this condition, you need to undergo a complete examination of the body, which includes:

  • clinical examination - to determine the extent of the lesion, the extent of the process;
  • general blood test - we determine the possible cause, the severity of the infectious process, exclude malignant neoplasms of the circulatory system;
  • Ultrasound - we determine the shape of the formation, size, adhesion to surrounding tissues, the presence of purulent complications;
  • CT scan - precise localization, the presence of lesions in other parts of the body, you can check the condition of all organ systems;
  • biopsy (puncture and fine-needle) - to refute cancer etiology or if drug therapy is ineffective.

Also, using a biopsy, the causative agent of inflammation is inoculated onto a nutrient medium and the type of pathogenic microbe is isolated. This helps to accurately select drug therapy. The treatment will be more effective, since the action of the drugs is precisely aimed at destroying the bacteria.

The lymphatic system in the human body plays no less a role than the circulatory system. Its functions include cleansing tissues of metabolic products and fighting infections. Lymph nodes are special organs in which the destruction of foreign agents (for example, bacteria, tumor cells, etc.) occurs, and special cells of the immune system mature.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women or men is a pathological condition caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

In itself, enlargement of the lymphatic vessels and their soreness is not a disease, but rather one of the symptoms indicating that something is happening in the body that requires medical intervention.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin or lymphadenitis may indicate the development of various diseases.

Causes of inflammation:

  • infections of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infections of the lower extremities;
  • renal failure;
  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs (tumors);
  • viral and other infections: toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, STDs and others);
  • inflammation can be caused by mechanical injuries;
  • may serve as a response to taking medications.

The disease occurs as a result of microorganisms entering the inguinal lymph nodes. In most cases, the cause of inflammation is:

  • staphylococci;
  • coli;
  • streptococci;
  • diplococci;
  • causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases (since the genitals are very close).

As soon as microorganisms are detected in the lymph node, cells that are responsible for fighting infection and inflammatory reactions gradually begin to “flock” there. As a result, the node itself increases significantly in size.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women

The inflammatory process in the groin lymph nodes in women can develop for various reasons, but the most common of them are:

  1. Oncological neoplasms - as a malignant tumor progresses, all lymph nodes in the body become enlarged and inflamed;
  2. Viral infections - most often preceded by inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, and;
  3. The development of an inflammatory process in the body, the causative agent of which is cocci and tubercle bacilli;
  4. Rejection of the transplant and development of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​surgical intervention;
  5. Vaginal candidiasis ();
  6. Diseases transmitted through sexual contact – , ;
  7. Received groin injuries - blows, falls.

In any case, a thorough diagnosis of the woman’s condition is carried out to identify the etiological factor of lymphadenitis. Any scratch can cause inguinal lymphadenopathy, but it needs to be detected.


The manifestations of lymphadenitis in men and women do not differ. First, the affected node increases in size, and the skin over it turns red. Itching and discomfort may occur.

Main symptoms of inflammation:

  • increase in size of lymph nodes;
  • the presence of pain, especially when moving;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the inflammatory process;
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • deterioration of health;
  • chills, fever;
  • the appearance of signs of intoxication;

As the process progresses, the person feels pain. A feature of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is their constant movement when walking - which gives the patient even more discomfort.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin: photo

What inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of a woman or man looks like can be seen in the photo.


To establish the true cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, it is necessary to assess the patient’s complaints and the results of his clinical examination, on the basis of which an examination program is drawn up.

It must include:

  • clinical and biochemical tests;
  • bacteriological blood culture;
  • puncture biopsy of the affected lymph node;
  • cytological and histological examination;
  • radiography and ultrasound examination of adjacent organs;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

Traditional treatment of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in men and women can be carried out using conservative and radical methods.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes?

Mild inflammation of the nodes goes away on its own, without any treatment. Prolonged swelling (more than 2 weeks), accompanied by pain, fever and weakness, usually indicates a serious illness, which should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Other suspicious symptoms may include pain and itching in the genital area, bloody urine or stool, genital sores, nausea or vomiting.

Conservative therapeutic methods are used in the initial stages of the disease and include:

  1. Keeping the affected area of ​​the body at rest;
  2. Use of local antiseptic dressings;
  3. Use of antibiotics;
  4. Ointments with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. These include Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment;
  5. Physiotherapy, including ultrasound treatment, galvanization and electrophoresis together with antibiotics.

If a purulent inflammatory process is detected, an operation is performed that involves opening the affected node and extracting the pathological purulent contents. In such situations, antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are used to drain the resulting cavity.

The appearance of enlarged lymph nodes always indicates a problem in a woman’s body. The cause - a banal scratch or a serious disease of the internal organs - can only be determined by a qualified doctor. In this case, it is practically useless for a woman to independently treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin. Only after eliminating the “main” disease causing inflammation, the lymph nodes return to normal.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin

Lymphadenitis is a reaction of the lymphatic system to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms or toxins. Normally, lymph nodes, including the inguinal ones, cannot be palpated. Inguinal lymph nodes guard the health of the pelvic organs and lower extremities. When an infection occurs, often with blood or lymph from the primary focus, the synthesis of lymphocytes is activated, the purpose of which is to fight pathogenic aggression. In this case, the lymph nodes increase in size and are detected by palpation.

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, different groups of lymph nodes in the groin increase:

  • The upper lymph nodes, located in the upper corners of the inguinal triangle, are responsible for the gluteal region, the lateral surface of the torso and the abdomen;
  • The middle cluster (in the middle of the inguinal folds) reacts to diseases of the genital organs, bladder and rectum;
  • The lower lymph nodes, located closer to the perineum, become inflamed in diseases of the legs.

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women include:

  1. Skin trauma - cuts when shaving the pubis, cat scratches (even with the slightest damage, inflammation is caused by Bartonella), bruise of the groin area, damage and injuries to the legs (fractures, stab wounds);
  2. Purulent inflammation of the skin in the groin or extremities - most often provoked by streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli;
  3. Allergic reaction - the use of new intimate hygiene products, as well as as a side effect of taking certain medications (penicillins, sulfonamides, chemotherapy drugs, cephalosporins, finlepsin, etc.);
  4. Viral diseases - severe flu in a woman with a weakened immune system, rubella, genital herpes (including Epstein-Barr virus infection), measles;
  5. A nonspecific infection of the genital organs - thrush, especially in the acute period, as well as inflammation of the vulva or Bartholin glands (bartholinitis) can provoke regional lymphadenitis in the groin;
  6. Sexually transmitted diseases - ranging from syphilis and chlamydia, which occur with pronounced primary symptoms, to gonorrhea, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis with a hidden or asymptomatic clinical picture;
  7. Non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital area - ovarian cysts (enlarged inguinal lymph nodes are a characteristic symptom), hormonal imbalance;
  8. Pathology of the urinary organs - chronic cystitis/urethritis, stones in the bladder (when passing through the urethra they damage the mucous membrane, causing an inflammatory reaction), pyelonephritis;
  9. Specific infection - tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus, mononucleosis, HIV, toxoplasmosis;
  10. Diseases of the lower extremities - arthritis of the hip/knee joints, erysipelas, trophic ulcers;
  11. Reaction to surgical intervention - especially often lymphadenopathy (non-infectious lymphadenitis) occurs after operations on purulent foci (gangrenous appendicitis, peritonitis, suturing a dirty wound on the leg, etc.), as well as when an implant is rejected during genital plastic surgery;
  12. Oncological diseases - lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma), malignant neoplasms of the rectum and genital organs, lymphosarcoma, metastases to the pelvic organs.

Important! Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child can periodically occur during the period of active growth. A teenage girl may complain of soreness in the groin due to basic lack of personal hygiene.

Characteristic symptoms

Lymphadenitis can be unilateral or bilateral, single lymph nodes or groups become inflamed. Usually the process begins with serous inflammation, but lack of treatment (elimination of the cause) can lead to suppuration and the formation of adenophlegmon. Inguinal lymphadenitis is characterized by:

  • An increase in the diameter of the lymph nodes to 1 cm or more (normally up to 0.7 cm, with disease they can reach the size of a quail egg);
  • Soreness - absent at rest, but quite pronounced during palpation (palpation) and walking;
  • Changes in the skin over the lymph node - redness, increased local temperature, the skin becomes tense, peels and itches;
  • General symptoms are most pronounced at the stage of lymph node suppuration: body temperature rises, the patient notes weakness and headache, lack of appetite, weight loss.

Chronic lymphadenitis is characterized by mild symptoms, but periods of exacerbation occur rapidly, and the lack of treatment contributes to the formation of fibrous inclusions in the lymph nodes and a decrease in their functionality.

Depending on the type of infection that caused inflammation in the groin, the following symptoms appear to varying degrees: soreness, density and mobility of the lymph nodes.

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy is often caused by chronic diseases - colpitis, inflammation of the appendages, thrush. Due to the weakness of the immune defense, even banal hypothermia of the legs can provoke an enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  • With syphilis, the lymph nodes enlarge 5-10 times, but are completely painless, and there is no redness of the skin. In addition, syphilis at the initial stage (40 days after infection) is characterized by the appearance of chancre - a painless ulcer that does not heal for about 1 month.
  • Although gonorrhea in women often occurs in an erased form, in most patients the inguinal lymph nodes increase in diameter to 2 cm. Dense formations are mobile (roll under the skin) and are very painful. Often the inflammation also affects nearby lymphatic vessels: they can be felt in the form of painful dense cords in the inguinal folds.
  • In infectious mononucleosis, inguinal lymphadenitis is combined with inflammation of other groups of lymph nodes (cervical, axillary, etc.). In this disease, enlarged lymph nodes with a diameter of 2-3 cm create a kind of chain. Dense and non-adhesive lymph nodes to the skin do not cause significant pain upon palpation. There are no inflammatory signs on the skin - redness, itching, slight swelling over the affected group of lymph nodes is possible.
  • With genital herpes, in which severely painful watery blisters appear on the genitals, the lymph nodes, on the contrary, give only minor pain upon palpation. The skin over them is practically unchanged, the lymph nodes themselves are soft (the consistency is similar to dough), and are not fused with the surrounding tissues.
  • Cytomegalovirus - with this disease, the inguinal lymph nodes are less enlarged than other groups (axillary, occipital, etc.). Unlike mononucleosis, with cytomegalovirus infection, a single slight increase of up to 1 cm in diameter often occurs, and the pain is moderate.
  • Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis is the result of chlamydial infection through sexual contact. In one inguinal fold a string of enlarged lymph nodes appears, which merge to form a single tuberous area. Pain increases as the disease progresses. As a result, the festering lymph nodes are opened, forming a fistula on the skin.
  • With erysipelas, which often develops on the legs, the inguinal lymph nodes are very painful, but the skin over them is not changed, their mobility is preserved.
  • Borreliosis is a disease caused by a tick bite. Simultaneously with inguinal lymphadenitis, a hyperemic bite area can be detected in the lower part of the body (pelvis, legs).
  • Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes occurs without inflammatory signs on the skin), caused by oncopathology, is characterized by the absence of pain in the area of ​​​​enlarged lymph nodes and their adhesion to surrounding tissues (immobile).

Important! If inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin develops for more than 14 days, this is a good reason to visit a medical facility.

Which doctor should I contact? Diagnostic plan

Since the main cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is an infection, if detected, a woman is recommended to first consult a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.

If a sexually transmitted infection and nonspecific inflammation of the vagina and uterus are excluded, the woman is referred to a therapist, who will prescribe an initial set of examinations. If necessary, he will refer you to a surgeon, oncologist or infectious disease specialist.

The following diagnostic studies and tests may be performed:

  • gynecological examination and smear taking;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • general blood test (increased ESR, leukocytosis), tests for rheumatism and serology;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • comprehensive blood test for infections - HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.;
  • with obvious signs of suppuration and to exclude metastatic lymphadenopathy - a biopsy of the lymph nodes;
  • if a severe pathology is suspected (cancer, cyst rupture) - CT, MRI.

How are swollen lymph nodes treated?

The only correct tactics for treating inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is therapy for the underlying disease that provoked the enlargement of the lymph nodes.

  • Depending on the nature of the disease, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal drugs are prescribed. The choice of medication, dose and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor!
  • The use of home remedies (warming, rubbing, etc.) can accelerate suppuration of the lymph nodes, and in some cases they are simply unacceptable (!).
  • Local therapy - the use of Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol and antiseptic lotions - is advisable only in combination with the systemic use of antibiotics.
  • Physiotherapy - electrophoresis with an antibiotic, UHF - are prohibited for purulent lymphadenitis.
  • Surgical treatment - surgical excision is carried out only in case of suppuration of the lymph nodes and the formation of fistulas.

Forecast and prevention of inguinal lymphadenitis

Timely identification and treatment of the causative disease guarantees the elimination of lymphadenitis. However, enlarged lymph nodes may persist for up to 2 weeks. after completing the antibacterial course. As preventive measures, a woman is recommended to:

  • Maintain personal hygiene, carefully choose intimate products (depilatory cream, gels, soap).
  • Support immunity, sanitize chronic foci of infection, including in the oral cavity.
  • Have gynecological examinations regularly. Treat thrush and maintain normal vaginal microflora, while avoiding douching, which many women “sin” with.
  • If possible, exclude infection with sexually transmitted infections - practice protected sexual intercourse, avoid casual relationships.

Quite often, flu or any other illness is accompanied by enlargement of the lymph glands in the neck. Sometimes the disease seems to have passed, but the nodes do not shrink any further. This may indicate the development of a serious illness.

The lymphatic system, consisting of lymph nodes and vessels, acts as a kind of filter in the human body, containing immune cells.

When an infection enters the body, lymphocytes catch it and transmit a signal to the immune system about the need for activation, stimulating action. Of course, the lymph nodes thicken.

When the infection is severe, the lymph node enlarges and an inflammatory process begins in it. If it is treated correctly, then by the third day the inflammation can be overcome.

The most common are submandibular and cervical lymphadenitis, less often inguinal (caused by infection through a scratch on the legs or from failure to comply with basic hygiene - a person does not like to wash, and then inflammation of the gonads in the subinguinal area develops).

Sore throat, inflammation of the gums, carious teeth, a scratch on the skin, even a runny nose - all these infectious diseases can cause lymphadenitis.

Therefore, after an illness, it is necessary to ask a child or an adult if there is pain in the neck, when turning the head, under the jaws, and palpate these areas to determine if there are painful nodules.

Also, swelling of the lymph nodes is observed with a blood disease (for example, leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis), with cancer.

Thickened lymph nodes can also occur in women who have had their reproductive organs removed. And also - due to damage by the herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, AIDS virus, sexually transmitted diseases, mononucleosis.

If enlarged lymph nodes are detected, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory examination of the blood and pay attention to the level of ESR (the rate at which red blood cells settle). If it is very high, for example, more than 30, then this indicates a serious inflammatory process in the body.

If your lymph nodes are enlarged, you need to get your blood tested.

Having done more detailed examinations, you need to discard the most terrible diseases.

When it turns out that these are the consequences of a cold, flu or sore throat, you need to carry out antiviral treatment, which is aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Although it often happens that one or two “nodules” are enlarged for quite a long time. If it is also submandibular, then in this case it would not hurt to consult a dentist for an examination of the oral cavity; there may be a certain pathology.

As you know, lymph plays one of the most important roles in the metabolic processes of human life. Thanks to the entire lymphatic system of the body, biological filters are formed that prevent foreign elements from entering the blood.

In the inguinal muscles, with the help of lymph nodes, lymph is filtered and neutralized, starting from the extremities of the legs and ending with the genitals.

When lymph nodes accumulate in this place, they form the largest group among others, which is divided into several important parts:

  • The upper cluster of lymph nodes includes lymph from the abdomen, sides and buttocks.
  • The middle cluster has nodes of the perineum, intestines and genitals.
  • The lower accumulation of lymph is in the legs.

Why do the lymph nodes in the groin begin to enlarge?

Normally, men and women should not feel the collection of inflamed lymph nodes in the groin area.

However, if they become inflamed or become infected, the nodes may gradually enlarge. If left untreated, swelling may appear over time and serious illnesses may develop.

Standard the lymph node should not be larger than 1.5 cm, however, during the disease it can increase even 4 times.

To correctly determine the size and condition of the lymph node, you only need to use ultrasound.

The disease is diagnosed using ultrasound

The main causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes are:

  • complications after suffering from colds (ARVI, colds, flu);
  • infectious diseases;
  • getting injured in the groin area;
  • diseases, which will be discussed below.

The lymph node becomes inflamed as a result of the fact that foreign particles begin to fight lymphocytes, antibodies and macrophage cells that are produced by the body.

It is important to know! If women experience severe pain in the area of ​​the inflamed lymph nodes, they should urgently consult a doctor to diagnose and treat the inflammation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that by the increase in the size of the lymph nodes, one can determine the group of diseases: inflammatory (lymphadenitis) or non-inflammatory (lymphadenopathy).

Inflammatory diseases (lymphadenitis)

Very often, if the lymph node in the groin of women is inflamed, the causes are identified as follows: contamination and infection, bacteria or viruses.

Some of them cause inflammation - lymphadenitis, which can expose a person to tuberculosis, syphilis and even plague.

Lymphatic tuberculosis in many cases appears in males. This disease is divided into groups of acute and chronic diseases. If you look at the characteristics of inflammation, they can also be serous and purulent.

Symptoms of serous lymphadenitis

If the cause is serous lymphadenitis in the groin of women, then the lymph nodes become inflamed with moderation. Lymph nodes become softer and no longer adhere to other tissues and lymph.

In this case, the groin area does not swell or redden. There have also been cases of increased body temperature.

When palpated, slight pain may occur. Serous lymphadenitis can be cured conservatively, that is, with the help of antibiotics and physiotherapy.

Symptoms of purulent lymphadenitis

In the case of a sharp increase in lymph nodes in women in the groin, and the nodes begin to become inflamed and ache, swelling begins, then the following reason can be put forward: the occurrence of purulent lymphadenitis.

The diagnosis can be clarified only with the help of ultrasound. During acute purulent inflammation, the lymph nodes can be enlarged several times. They begin to swell and turn red, and severe pain is felt.

What are the causes of inflammation and enlargement of lymph nodes in the groin in women in this case? This happens because lymphocytes with macrophages begin to proliferate, and leukocytes with monocytes migrate. The patient begins to feel worse, his body temperature rises.

We must remember! If this disease is not treated, the tissues that surround the lymph nodes will also become inflamed.

In some cases, patients complain to the doctor that their lymph node has burst. In other words, it opened up on its own. Then only surgery can help here.

Chronic lymphadenitis

Chronic lymphadenitis, regardless of treatment procedures, is protracted. Then the lymph nodes do not enlarge much, they become denser, but do not hurt.

They do not adhere to those tissues and nodes that are located close to them. A low-grade fever may occur, although the temperature may remain normal.

Non-inflammatory diseases (lymphadenopathy)

With each increase and if the lymph node in the groin suddenly becomes inflamed in women, the reasons may differ. Different types of lymph inflammation imply different sources of occurrence.

For example, in this case, tissues are saturated with those cells that can cause pathologies. This disease can occur as a result of leukotic disorders.

Then the lymph nodes have elasticity or density. They may hurt, but not much. Lymphadenitis can occur in both adults and children.

Muscle lymphadenopathy can be caused not only by the penetration of cancer cells into the tissues. The reasons why lymph nodes become enlarged may include tumors in the buttocks and lower back, groin cancer in women and other inflammatory processes.

Lymphadenopathy is easy to detect due to a significant increase in lymphatic accumulation (it is better to check with ultrasound). The nodes are welded to other surrounding elements. They are tight and don't hurt. It is immediately clear that in this case it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Worth paying attention! If leukemia occurs, then lymphadenopathy can spread not only to the inguinal, but also to other thickenings of the lymph nodes. Lymphogranulomatosis may also appear, due to which some accumulation begins to gradually grow, which does not hurt when enlarged.

What diseases cause enlarged lymph nodes?

Children can also be susceptible to swollen lymph nodes. However, most of the pain begins in the neck and jaw areas.

Lymph nodes begin to enlarge due to diseases of external tissues, including the skin. For example, when neurodermatitis or psoriasis occurs, the node may become inflamed. It grows up to 5 cm.

With dermatosis, the lymph is not painful and adhesive. Purulent inflammation does not occur, but due to melanin, which comes from damaged tissues, hyperplasia is caused.

Sexually transmitted diseases can cause enlarged lymph nodes

Also, lymphatic accumulation becomes inflamed in the groin in people due to sexually transmitted diseases. Then urination will be painful, and the genitals will hurt. Possible presence of pus and ulcers. The genital mucosa may turn red. Body temperature will also increase.

It is important to know! Enlarged lymph nodes can be a sign of HIV infection.

In some cases, if the lymph node in the groin is inflamed, in women the reasons may be the following: organs near the pelvis become inflamed, the appearance of tumors. Then you need to seek help from a gynecologist, use an ultrasound scan and undergo examinations.

As a result of inguinal inflammation, complications arise from wounds with pus and buttocks, leg boils, diseases of the pelvis and hips.

As a result of tuberculosis and plague diseases, specific lymphadenopathy may occur.

It is worth considering that with lymphadenopathy, cancer may appear in the legs, buttocks, and pelvis.

Lymphadenopathy: what is accompanied and what causes it

Usually this disease is accompanied by fever. This is usually caused by an infection. For example, rubella or mononucleosis.

The lymph node can also become inflamed due to infection with syphilis, toxoplasmosis and disseminated tuberculosis disease. In these cases, it is recommended to conduct an epidemiological survey to study the specifics of the infected tissue.

If adenopathy of a social nature is present (that is, a person becomes infected from other people and animals), then special attention should be paid to rubella, which can lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If mononucleosis (changes in blood composition) is observed, then it is better to be wary - toxicosis and HIV infection are possible.

In people with lymphadenopathy, febrile illnesses can be prolonged, and not only the lymph node in the groin, but also the tissues that surround the nodes become inflamed. Viruses of these diseases can be detected using blood and urine tests.

Some diseases of a social nature can cause generalized lymphadenopathy in a specific, acute form.

If unexplained diseases, such as lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis, have been present for more than 2 weeks, you should urgently call a doctor.

It is strictly not recommended to treat the lymph node itself until the exact cause of the inflammation is determined.

Lymph nodes in children under 4-5 years of age are often enlarged. Because they are part of the immune system and actively participate in its work (at this age it is rapidly developing).

For sore throat, sore throat and other purulent edema, do not apply alcohol compresses or warm the lymph nodes with sand or salt.

Such actions are extremely dangerous and will lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition, an increase in pain intensity, and the appearance of suppuration, which will ultimately require urgent hospitalization.

Chronic lymphadenitis can bother the patient for a year or even more, and in many cases a person hopes it will go away on its own. But then he suffers not only from pain in the affected areas, but also from a feeling of weakness and excessive fatigue, and deterioration in performance.

So why suffer so much if you can get rid of the disease.

How to properly treat inflamed lymph nodes in the groin area

Before starting treatment of a lymph node, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Of course, this may not be possible without the use of ultrasound in the groin area. It would not hurt to undergo other examinations.

The beneficial composition of Echinacea can quickly cope with the infection and stop its spread.

Useful composition of Echinacea is able to quickly cope with the infection, stop its spread, and strengthen the body’s protective functions. In parallel, Echinacea is used to treat the underlying disease and its consequences – inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If inguinal lumps appear that are very painful, an ultrasonic examination will indicate the exact cause and source of inflammation.

Thanks to the examination, the causes of these diseases will be determined, the exact parameters of the lymph nodes and their distribution will be determined. In some cases, it is necessary to use a lymphatic biopsy.

If lumps appear in the groin, you should visit a doctor

Inflammation can be treated with conservative methods or with surgical intervention.

If lymphadenitis appears due to infections, then comprehensive initial treatment should be carried out immediately, but as prescribed by a doctor.

If acute lymphadenitis is present, - it is important to start using medications and be treated with physical therapy.

If such a disease is purulent in nature, then it is necessary to be treated promptly.

We hope this article answered all your questions. Don't get sick and take care of yourself!

Watch this video to learn about inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women:

This video will explain what lymphogranuloma inguinal is:

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