Unusual breeds of animals bred by man. Strange animals created by nature and bred by man Artificial animals like real ones

So, animals or robots - which of them will rebel faster against annoying humanity? Trick question: Thanks to science, guessing is no longer necessary. Enterprising researchers from all over the world are creating artificial animals that may one day begin to rule the earth, sea, sky and people at the same time with their iron paw. And people have already created such animals; all that remains is to work a little on artificial intelligence.

1. Walking unit support system

Here, look at this. What are these - artificial cows? Semi-intelligent bulls?

These are semi-autonomous robots known as the Walking Unit Support System (LS3 for short). The roboticist walks alongside them and gives them commands, which they seem to obey. Bye.

Also known as DARPA Mules, these strange headless horse-like creatures are supposed to help soldiers carry things during combat, although they will also likely be used to transport machine guns and fire those machine guns at the enemy.

One LS3 is capable of carrying 180 kg or two or three people - you never know how many enemies it will catch. And by the way, he can find enemies very easily thanks to advanced voice recognition technology. Yes, the LS3 knows how to find a person just by sound.

If you think that the LS3 doesn't look menacing at all, but rather awkward and completely harmless, then you just haven't seen the robot in action yet. Look at the video: a guy is walking through the woods, and suddenly an LS3 appears in the frame on the right. You can hardly hear him - quiet sound The only noise is from the engine at speed and the hooves, which are also not very loud. Yes any normal person will be scared when he sees something like this in the forest where he went for a walk.

LS3 is a joint project between DARPA and Google-owned Boston Dynamics. Both companies are no strangers to robotics: among their creations is the Bigdog, designed specifically for military operations. Mechanical dogs, by the way, have recently been taught to grab concrete cinder blocks and other heavy objects and throw them at a target with deadly accuracy. So it's only a matter of time before the LS3 gets the hang of it and starts throwing cars at people.


So now people have started making robot bees.

Of course the bees are playing vital role in the ecosystem, but they have always been quite dangerous. The fact that they are being replaced by robot bees does not change anything. Of course, now artificial bees are nothing more than conceptual models the size of a fingernail and do not work well yet. But we all know what science is: after someone creates a basic concept, other scientists quickly begin to create more and more new inventions on this basis.

In ten years, we will suddenly discover 30 million of these same robot bees around us, capable of shooting at people with huge stingers or even electricity. Moreover, the scientists working on the project say: “We have now learned how to create reliable prototypes, which allows us to conduct more aggressive tests to improve our robots.”

After such statements, it seems that it is only a matter of time before bees acquire collective intelligence. The reason why artificial bees are created is clear: real ones are gradually dying out. However, creating hordes of these insects and releasing them into the wild to pollinate flowers could lead to a scenario that would require Will Smith and a flamethrower.

3. The fastest ostrich in the world

The ostrich may look stupid, but we must not forget that this avian mini-tyrannosaurus is one of the most perfect death machines in the natural world: it is capable of tearing apart a lion with one blow.

You won't be able to outrun an ostrich, you won't be able to defeat an ostrich, and, of course, you won't even be able to kick it. You don’t even have a chance to hit him with a knife - by the time you take it out of your pocket, the ostrich will have time to kick you three times, and then also slash you with its huge claws, like the animals from Jurassic Park. In general, a person has no chance against a living bird, but science has decided to create a robotic ostrich.

Our friends at DARPA have launched THIS - a creepy robotic ostrich that can circle around you at great speed. But this is just the beginning: the ultimate goal is to create a robotic bird that will run at a speed of 80 km/h and carry a heavy load. He will also be able to run over rough terrain and even jump over obstacles.

Now the design does not seem to include giant knives or machine guns on the legs, but we are talking about a DARPA project. Once the robot is perfected, it will become the perfect war machine, and can only be kept safe by short-circuiting it or befriending a little boy - well, we've all seen those movies. The only thing he won't be able to do is fly.

Do you think no one will encroach on heaven? Of course.

4. Robot seagull “Festo SmartBird”

Yes, our sky in the future will be populated by metal seagulls like these - not crows or even falcons. Scientists do not consider humanity a worthy adversary, so they did not take any bird of prey as a prototype; even a seagull would be enough for us.

From afar, the robotic seagull will look like an ordinary bird, and it will move almost as smoothly as a living one - but not quite, a robot. Its wingspan will reach two meters, so up close it will scare you so much that when it starts pouring napalm on you, you won’t even be offended that some stupid... seagull killed you.

5. Bionic penguin

In movies and cartoons, the penguin seems like a clumsy creature, but in practice everything is a little different, because penguins swim perfectly.

Now look at this. It doesn't even look like a real animal, it's not a cute robot penguin - it's a killer torpedo with glowing eyes, created to kill other species that unwisely fall under its razor-sharp wings.

Also, the bionic penguin (as it is called) is equipped with a highly sensitive sonar, which it uses to navigate, search for objects under water and, of course, communicate with other bionic penguins. Yes, these creatures can cooperate.

Do you think you'll be safe on the shore? Be that as it may: on land, the robot transforms and gains the ability to fly, so you won’t get far from it. So what if real penguins can’t do this? It's time to improve nature.

And the bionic penguin has skin like the T-1000 model from “The Terminator”, and he looks like a ghost. By the way, it was also designed by Festo.

6. Hyper-realistic spider robot

What's this - exact copy live spider?

Yes, that's her. Also with hyper-realistic movements. What's more, this thing is relatively easy to make - most of the parts are 3D printed. This means that once this robot becomes sentient, all it will have to do is get a 3D printer and then bury the world under hordes of its fellows. Here, look how it moves.

There may be no reason to panic - it's just one crazy guy's idea. Yes, he sincerely believes that such a spider is a funny, cute toy.

And there is another spider, albeit a six-legged one, developed by a completely different person and equipped with various devices for, for example, orientation in space. Thus, there are two people in the world who can make spider robots with their own hands. Of course, this may not mean a trend, it may not mean anything at all, but...

Yes, people. It's time to pack your things and seriously think about colonizing other planets. The fact that we will now be creating arachnid monsters at home means that there is nothing left before the inscription “game over” on the screen.

1. Big cat from the jungle. The most expensive breed Cats are called "savannah" and are a domesticated version of the wild serval. The breed was bred in the 80s of the last century. This breed was bred not only for scientific interest, but also for the purpose of preserving wild cheetahs and leopards in nature - the most popular “cats” among wealthy gentlemen. An alternative to wild predators is very affectionate and sociable, despite the formidable and dangerous look, as befits a relative of wild cats.

In 1986, Bengal breeder Judy Frank introduced the first Savannah, a true serval calf and a domestic siamese cat. Only in 2001 the breed was officially recognized and registered.

Savannahs reach 45 centimeters at the withers and weigh about 14 kg. The price of a kitten is from 7 to 23 thousand dollars.

2 . Savannahs' habits are more reminiscent of a dog's: they play fetch, walk on leashes, splash in ponds and are easy to train. Savannah representatives also lack feline independence - cats are as loyal as dogs and follow their owner, waiting for him at the door if he leaves.

3. Domestic fox. Back in the 50s of the last century, Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev put forward the idea of ​​​​domesticating the fox. He took the population of silver-black foxes as a basis. Belyaev and his colleagues raised several generations of domestic foxes, choosing the smartest and most obedient ones from each litter.

As a result of this selection, playful, human-friendly animals were obtained, whose habits resembled those of a dog. Despite the fact that foxes were not crossed with other breeds, their appearance changed: white spots appeared, tails began to curl, and ears began to droop. Such changes were explained by the fact that during the process of domestication the level of adrenaline in the blood of animals decreased.

4 . To purchase such a domestic fox, you will have to pay at least 7 thousand dollars. Moreover, keep in mind that foxes are very curious and love to repeat the actions of their owner. You may also need to buy a baby lounger for your pet if you want to relax peacefully in your favorite chair without kicking out your curled up fox.

5. Half-zebra, half-pony. Not a single person has ever managed to tame a zebra, despite many attempts. There is also no practical need for such attempts: zebras are not flexible in character, and their endurance is practically zero.

However, scientists decided to try to domesticate at least half-zebra. By crossing male zebras with females of other equines (ponies, donkeys, horses), the whole line new species called “zebroids”: zebra and horse - zors, zebra and donkey - zonk, zebra and pony - zoni.

6 . All zebra hybrids are sterile. Therefore, they will not have offspring. The most famous zebroid was Sir Sanderson Temple's zonk from Lancashire. All his life, the zonk drove a cart along the alleys of the park.

7. Kama - a small camel. To obtain new breed Scientists crossed a male dromedary camel and a female llama. These animals are actually... distant relatives, whose evolutionary path diverged millions of years ago. The difference in height did not allow reproduction naturally, so scientists resorted to artificial insemination.

In 1998, the first kama was born in Dubai. The cub was named Rama. Then Kamila, Jamila and Rocky saw the light.

They have short ears a long tail, like a camel, cloven hooves, like llamas, complete absence hump. Kamas have an easy-going nature, small stature and thick fur. They are hardy and strong, like daddy camel.

However, the most important thing is that camel-llama hybrids are fertile.

8. wolf dog Sarloos. It took scientists more than a decade to breed the domestic wolf. In 1925, the Dutch breeder Lander Sarloos crossed a Russian she-wolf and a male German shepherd. Then he devoted his entire life to selecting the strongest and hardiest dog-wolf puppies, crossing them with each other.

Since 1969, after Sarlos's death, his daughter and wife continued the experiments.

9 . The animal obtained as a result of many years of crossings is no different in appearance from a wolf - strong, intelligent, hardy, with a stubborn, independent character. These dog-wolves do not know how to bark, periodically howling at the moon.

The only difference between a dog-wolf and a wild wolf is that they recognize humans as the leader of their pack. Therefore, as service dogs they are irreplaceable. In Holland and some other countries, these dogs are used as guide dogs in rescue operations.

Man has learned to tame unruly representatives of the fauna world, as well as to breed new breeds of animals.
We invite you to learn about five new amazing breeds bred by man.

1. Savannah.
The most expensive cat breed to date was bred in the 80s of the last century. The Savannah is a domestic version of the wild serval. This breed was not bred solely for scientific interest. The thing is that big wild cats are especially popular among the rich. To protect animals from the hands of these gentlemen, breeders developed an alternative - a cat that looks like a formidable predator, but is affectionate and gentle inside.

2. Domestic fox.
The Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev first began breeding domestic foxes in the 50s. The basis was silver-black foxes. The geneticist and his assistants raised several generations of animals, from which they carefully selected the smartest and most obedient. Selected individuals were crossed with each other. As a result, a special friendly species of fox was obtained, with habits reminiscent of a dog.

3. Half-zebra, half-pony/horse/donkey.
Man has not yet managed to tame the cute zebras, but in principle there is no such need: these horses are not particularly hardy, and they have a lousy character. But still, scientists decided to domesticate, even if not a zebra, but at least a half-zebra. As a result of crossing male zebras with females of other equines (ponies, horses, donkeys), many other species called zebroids were obtained. Crossing a zebra and a horse produces a zorse, a zebra and a donkey a zonk, and a zebra and a pony a zoni.

4. Kama.
This animal was created by crossing a male dromedary camel and a female llama. The first Kama was born in 1998 in Dubai. Scientists nicknamed the newly hatched baby Rama. This was followed by the birth of three more cama cubs - Kamila, Jamil and Rocky. Cams are distinguished by short ears and a long tail, like a camel, and cloven hooves, like their mother. By the way, the hump is missing.

5. Saarloos's wolf dog.
In 1925, Dutch breeder Lander Saarloos crossed a female Russian wolf and a male German shepherd. After that, he began to select the strongest and hardiest dog-wolf puppies, crossing them with each other. After Sarlos died in 1969, his experiments were continued by his wife and daughter. As a result, an animal was bred, the size and appearance no different from a wolf. A strong, intelligent, hardy, stubborn dog-wolf willingly recognizes a person as the leader of the pack.

But now in the human arsenal there is also Genetic Engineering, further expanding the possibilities of creating new species and breeds. However, she also took a big step forward. And now the site will tell you about several unusual breeds purposefully created by man.

Wolfdog of Saarloos

They began to breed it back in 1925, by crossing a real she-wolf and a German shepherd. And further selection of puppies based on phenotypic characteristics. The result was something that looked 100 percent like a wolf. Gray, strong, hardy, stubborn, does not bark, but bites. And at the same time automatically recognizes the person as the leader. That is, all the advantages of a wolf without its main disadvantage. So now these animals are actively spreading throughout the world as a service breed.


Hybrid of a camel and a llama. It was created in the UAE in 1998. As a result of artificial insemination, three small camas were born. There is no hump, hair like a llama, cloven hooves, a long tail, short ears, small size, but at the same time incredible endurance. And most importantly, the hybrids turned out so successful that they were even able to produce offspring. So? soon kamas are slowly becoming fashionable among the residents of the UAE.

Zebra hybrids

It is not clear why people needed to domesticate the zebra at all - it is not very hardy, grumpy, except that it is well protected from local insects. But all the hybrids that could be obtained from it were sterile. That is, there was no talk of breeding a stable breed. But getting a crossbreed had all the advantages of their parents. Hybrids have already been obtained from horses, donkeys and ponies. The last ones were especially funny.

domestic fox

Specific and targeted selection by selecting the friendliest foxes from each litter. The work began in the 1950s, but was only recently completed. The foxes turned out wonderful - smart, tame, playful, except that their ears droop and their tails curl a little, but these are details. So now anyone can get a full-fledged domestic fox. The only pity is that they are very expensive - the price is measured in thousands of dollars.


Hybrid of wild serval and Siamese cat. How miraculously this was accomplished, don’t ask. In any case, starting in 2001, the breed was finally established and certified. Looks like a serval, acts like a serval, but treats people like a cat. But this animal is incredibly expensive - the price can reach up to 20 thousand dollars.

The site team and journalist Artyom Kostin believe that such selection is more normal phenomenon, since the animals turn out healthy and without any specially assigned “brand defects of the breed.”

We also believe that you would be interested in taking a look at another creation of selection -. They are almost like regular ones, only much more compact. And it’s not a fact that they can live without human help.

The fauna is rich in its diversity. But people never tire of experimenting, creating some species. Sometimes this has a practical meaning, and sometimes people just want to get an unusual animal. Most often, human-created hybrids do not take root in the wild, but there are also examples to the contrary. We have created many amazing new animals, and our story will be about the most unusual of them.

Zebroid. To create such an animal, zebras were crossed with horses or donkeys and ponies. The idea of ​​crossing related species appeared quite a long time ago; these hybrids first appeared in the 19th century. Usually the father is a zebra. Very rarely is a donkey the father. Zebroids have distinctive feature from zebras A hybrid is much more comfortable to ride. The new kind noticeably stands out due to its unusual coloring. Part of it may belong to a horse, and part to a zebra. The character of the new species is quite unpredictable and is more difficult to train. Also, zebroids are born quite sickly and underdeveloped; most of these animals live only a few days. And they are often deprived of the opportunity to have offspring.

Liger and tiger lion. These animals were born by crossing predatory felines. The liger has a lion father and a tigress mother. A tiger lion, on the contrary, is a cross between a male tiger and a lioness. Ligers are quite large; they are generally considered the largest cats in the world. They look like large lions, but with blurred stripes. But tigers suffer from their small size; they end up growing smaller than their parents. The liger Hercules lives in Miami, whose height is as much as 3 meters and weighs 544 kilograms. In the hybrid, the males are sterile. But their females sometimes have the opportunity to bear offspring. Ligers love to swim, like tigers, unlike lions.

Beefalo. This breed was bred to obtain best source meat. To do this, scientists crossed a cow and an American bison. Science also knows similar hybrids - bison, crosses of large livestock and Yakov. New species are created so that they can inherit best properties their parents and give them more meat. Beefalo has a bright red color, which is important because it contains much less cholesterol than traditional beef. The truth is that most buyers are generally unaware of the existence of such a product. After all, you can only buy it in a few stores in Seattle. Beefalo breeders say that its meat also has a more delicate and subtle aroma and taste than beef.

Camelama. This animal is a hybrid of a llama and a camel. The camel was first born in 1995. Since the size of animals does not allow them to mate in natural conditions, then scientists were forced to resort to artificial insemination. The resulting hybrid has short ears and a long camel tail. But the camel has double hooves, its legs are very strong and quite long. But this is very important for long journeys through deserts. The camel is a strong but small animal. In addition, it also lacks a hump, and its fur is fluffy, like that of a llama. Breeders have long tried to develop a new hybrid. It was possible to obtain it only by using a camel as a father and a llama as a mother.

Levopard. This animal was the result of crossing a lioness and a male leopard. The body resembles a leopard print, and there is a characteristic color. The spots are not black, but brown. But the head looks more like a lion's. The new hybrid is larger than a leopard. Leopard loves to climb trees and swim in water. The first documented mention of this animal was found in 1910 in India. The most successful experiments in breeding leopard were carried out in Japan. The lioness Sonoko gave birth to two cubs from the leopard Kaneo in 1959, and three years later three more. The male hybrids were infertile, the last of them died in 1985. But one of the females was able to give birth to offspring from a hybrid of a lion and a jaguar.

Servacott. This hybrid is often called a savannah cat. It turned out by crossing the usual domestic cat and a wild African serval cat with a spotted coat. And in order to get the most beautiful individuals they use different breeds cats. It could be a Bengal, Serengeti, Egyptian Mau or Oriental Shorthair. The Serengeti breed itself was recently created by crossing the Bengal and oriental breed. It is named after a national park in northern Tanzania, Africa. This is where the serval lives. In 2001, the Savannah cat was officially recognized as a new breed by the International Cat Association. Servakot turned out to be a beautiful and strong animal. It is much friendlier than regular house cats. Cervacottas are believed to be as loyal as dogs. They are taught to walk on a leash, fetch a thrown stick or even shot game. According to standards, servacotta must have black or brown spots, silver or black color. Typically these animals have high erect ears, a long thin neck and head, short tail. The servacot's eyes are blue in childhood and green in childhood. adult life. These cats weigh from 6 to 14 kilograms. They are not cheap, as for pets - from $600 and above.

Polar grizzly. This hybrid was created by crossing a white polar bear and a grizzly bear. Surprisingly, genetic relatedness does not lead to interbreeding of these species under conditions wildlife. They simply avoid each other, occupying different ecological niches. The grizzly prefers to live and breed on the ground, but polar bear loved water and ice. However, in 2006, in the Canadian part of the Arctic, a strange bear was discovered on Banks Island. The study of his DNA allowed him to be declared a polar grizzly bear, born in natural conditions. Similar individuals had been encountered before, but DNA analysis was simply impossible then. The polar grizzly bear has thick, creamy white fur similar to polar bears. It has long claws, a humped back, small facial features, and brown markings around its eyes and nose, characteristic of a grizzly bear.

Hybrid of ram and goat. In 2000, a ram and a goat were accidentally crossed in Botswana. The animals were simply kept together. The new animal is called "Toast of Botswana". The ram and the goat different quantities chromosomes - 54 and 60. Therefore, their offspring are usually stillborn. But the surviving hybrid was able to inherit the characteristics of both of its parents at once. It has long wool like a sheep and the legs of a goat. External hair were rude and inner part wool - soft. The animal turned out to have the heavy body of a lamb. At 5 years old it weighed 93 kilograms. The animal had 57 chromosomes, which turned out to be average between the number of its parents. The hybrid turned out to be very active, with increased libido, although sterile. That is why he was castrated at 10 months. Cases of obtaining such a hybrid have been reported in New Zealand and Russia.

Red parrot fish. They love it in Asia aquarium fish, constantly creating new species. This species was released in Taiwan in 1986. How this mutation was obtained is still kept secret. After all, this allows local breeders to continue to maintain a monopoly on these fish. Rumor has it that the cyclid midas was crossed with the red cichlid. Their fry are gray-black, but by 5 months they become bright orange or pink. We learned this fish in the 90s, they bring it here from Singapore and other countries South-East Asia. If a red parrot is placed in an aquarium, the fish can grow there up to 10-15 centimeters. Color can vary greatly, in addition to orange color yellow is also possible. At some point in their lives, parrots can be crimson, lilac or bright red. However, over time they all acquire an orange color. Experts advise feeding this fish with special food containing carotene, this will help enhance the bright red color of their body. The resulting hybrid also has some pronounced anatomical deformations. For example, the mouth looks like a narrow vertical slit. Because of this, it is very difficult to feed such fish, which is why many of them die prematurely.

Hybrid pheasant. This bird was created by crossing a golden pheasant with a diamond pheasant. As a result, the new bird received a unique coloring of its plumage.

Orca dolphin. Quite rarely, but it is still possible to crossbreed aquatic animals. It represents the fruit of a dolphin from the family of bottlenose dolphins and the little black killer whale. There are only two such individuals in captivity. They both live in Hawaii, in a marine park. The sizes of hybrids are somewhere between the original species. The name of the first orca dolphin is known - Kekaimalu. The crossbreed is easily identified by the teeth. If the bottlenose dolphin has 88 of them, and the killer whale has 44, then the hybrid has 66.

Iron Age pig. To obtain such a breed, domestic Tamworth pigs are crossed with wild hogs. This is how you get a pig from the Iron Age. This hybrid is much more tame than a wild hog. However, it is not as pliable as ordinary domestic pigs. The resulting animals are raised for their meat, which is used in some specialty sausages and other products.

Dog-wolf. These animals interbreed quite often and freely in nature. The wolf is a rather cautious animal, its behavior is unique, and the hunter's instinct is very developed. The dog's jaws are not as developed as those of its wild predatory relative. When interbreeding, wolves are more shy than dogs. It is impossible to predict how the hybrid will behave in the future. Long-term training is required to tame a dog-wolf. After all, a hybrid can unwittingly choose the line of behavior of any of its parents. A dog-wolf can become a very dangerous creature. After all, he will be cunning and predatory, like a wolf, and fearless towards humans, like a dog. Recently, cynologists in the Czech Republic decided to cross Carpathian lone wolves with German shepherds. Experts wanted to get the perfect police dog. But it turned out that the resulting dog-wolf was in no way suitable for such work. The animals were either nervous and cowardly, or overly angry and aggressive. The resulting breed was nevertheless recognized and named the Czech top. In Holland they tried to crossbreed all the same German Shepherds and Canadian pack wolves. The results were also not what they expected. But another breed appeared - the Saarlos Wolfhond. And in Moscow they crossed Siberian Laika and a jackal. The goal was to create a new breed that would be as docile as a dog and have the keen sense of smell of a wild animal. However, the results will be clear only after the third generation of the new breed.

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