Restless mini bull terrier. Exact copy - miniature bull terrier Toy bull terrier

In this article I will tell you all about interesting breed miniature bull terrier. I’ll figure out how to choose a puppy, how to care for it, what its character is, and who definitely shouldn’t get a minibull.

The history of the breed goes back a little over 80 years. Mini bull terriers are the result of selective breeding. At the beginning of the 20th century, "random" dwarf puppies from the litter were left for breeding and tried to consolidate the dwarf “effect”. Such little puppies were excellent rat catchers: tireless, nimble and brave.

Over time, the need to catch rats disappeared, but the miniature branch of the breed had already gained popularity. Breeders continued to work, crossing miniature puppies with terriers. This made it possible to reduce aggression and get rid of a number of genetic diseases.

Only in 1963 did the minibull “make its debut” at the exhibition. It entered the FCI system as an independent breed in 1991.

Description of standards and characteristics

Breed standards:

  • Weight no more than 15 kg
  • Height no more than 35.5 cm
  • Wool hard, dense, shiny without undercoat
  • Color white with spots or colored.

Keeping and caring for a mini bull terrier

The Mini Bull Terrier is an ideal city pet.

It is perfect for keeping in an apartment. The dense short fur does not remain on the furniture, and according to the description, it sheds seasonally only 2 times a year.

Minibull hygiene is simple - trimming nails, cleaning ears and brushing with a stiff brush during the molting period. The pets themselves are very clean and will not cause any inconvenience to the owner.

With nutrition, the situation is a little more complicated. Genetically the breed is predisposed to overweight. Therefore, the diet of both the puppy and the adult dog must be strictly controlled.

No “table handouts” or “sweets”, as this will only harm your pet.

Up to 4 months, add lean meat (veal) and cottage cheese to the diet for better skeletal formation. Then - only balanced dry food. For example, Purina food offers a separate line for dwarf and mini breeds, which is called Purina Small and Mini.

This is a general category of food, which in turn is divided into food for puppies, adult dogs and for pets with increased physical activity. For each age and type of content, you need to choose the best option.

The Minibull is a lively and active dog.

I assume that you are a responsible owner who closely monitors physical activity pet, walks and trains it a lot. In this case, your friend needs about 200 g of dry food per day.

I will say one thing about minibull walks - the more the better, at least 2 times a day for an hour, and for adult dogs it is recommended to arrange training - running with weights, jumping, active games. Physical activity is a necessity associated with both the physiology and psyche of the breed.

Minibulls are choleric, that is, emotional, excitable dogs. If you don't let them get tired, they will torture you with their attention and destroy the whole house.

Character traits

Yes, yes, the question should be posed exactly this way: “Am I worthy of the honorary role of owner of this brave dog", and not vice versa.

Despite its “modest” size, the minibull is not a toy and a cure for boredom. The noble blood of warriors flows in his veins. But this dog’s heart is also noble.

Perhaps, main feature his character is devotion. For a minibull, the owner and his family are a pack. And the dog’s life mission is to protect this flock. But in return, the “bulka” requires endless love and attention.

Another one distinctive feature breeds – developed intelligence and intuition. These dogs literally understand human speech and subtly sense the mood of their owner.

Remember the characterization of the hero of the famous film? “Nordic character, self-possessed...” - this is exactly the character you should have. Two choleric people in a pack (sorry, in a family) will not get along.

Small children, pets and other “burdens” are a categorical no.

Your pet will be in best case scenario perceive them as competitors, or at worst, as a threat. And we remember his attitude towards the threat to the owner - “search and destroy.”

Who should definitely not have a mini bull terrier dog:

  • For elderly people as a companion.
  • Families with small children and other pets.
  • Lonely people who are often away from home.
  • For inexperienced dog owners.

It’s probably not worth starting your dog owner story with a mini bull terrier. But if you have experience with animals, you are responsible, attentive, like long walks and are ready to devote time to your pet, more loyal than a friend can't be found.

Education and training

During selection, the aggressiveness gene was largely suppressed, but we must not forget that historically the Mini Bull Terrier is a fighting breed.

If you doubt your abilities and experience, it is better to contact a kennel club. But, thanks to the developed intelligence of dogs, you can train them yourself.

The basic principle of training is “do no harm.” It is absolutely forbidden to break character, therefore methods of physical violence and cruel punishment are unacceptable. You will achieve obedience, but will completely cripple your pet’s psyche.

Conventionally, training can be divided into several stages:

  • Give puppies up to 4 weeks of age freedom and a sense of security.. This is how their calm, friendly attitude is formed
  • Do not overload until 4 months. At this age, the dog’s relationship with other animals, people and the owner is formed. One person in the family should be involved in upbringing. The main thing is to let the animal understand its place in the hierarchy and accustom it to the regime. At this same stage, the concepts of dos and don’ts are laid down. For example, you can play, but you can’t bite.
  • An adult dog needs to be taught a set of commands. Reward for compliance with a treat, a walk or a game.

Of course, bull terriers need to be punished, but without physical force. You will need patience here. Send the offending dog to its place, gently and persistently do not allow it to leave until it realizes the full extent of its guilt. Be sure to mark the end of the punishment, for example, with the command “walk!”

Health and prevention

Like any bred breed, mini bull terriers have their weak points. These are the kidneys, ears, eyes and heart. Unfortunately, the only DNA test available is PLL, which stands for lens luxation. The rest of the negative genetics can “shoot” over time, even if you adopted a healthy puppy.

The risk can be reduced by buying a dog from trusted kennels with a good history.

I would also advise not to overcool your pet; its coat is short and has no undercoat. This is definitely not a dog to be kept outside.

Don't forget about vaccinations. If everything is in order with genetics, then the dog’s other diseases can only be explained by the owner’s negligence.

Vaccination of dogs up to one year of age is carried out according to the schedule:

  • 1.5 months – enteritis and, repeat after 2 weeks
  • 2.5 months – plague, repeat at 7-8 months
  • From 4 months -
  • From 8 months – rabies

Be sure to carry out deworming (colloquially “deworming”) 2 weeks before vaccination. After vaccination, observe a 2-week quarantine.

How to choose a puppy

The only place to go to find a new friend is to go to the nursery. I have already described genetic risks. They can be reduced by tracing the dog's pedigree. You cannot buy second hand, even if they offer it cheaper.

The cost of raising a puppy until it reaches selling age is at least $200. This amount includes food, care, vaccinations, and regular veterinarian examinations.

Thus, a healthy puppy, but not promising enough for exhibitions, will cost at least 300 - 400 USD. A specimen with good pedigree and exterior – 700 – 1000 USD. There is no upper limit, as you understand.

In Russia good nurseries there are in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Far East.

So, “to be or not to be” is up to you. But remember that a friend is forever.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Hans Müller, ex-president of the Swiss Bull Terrier Union: “If you just want a dog, don’t buy a bull terrier, because... In order to raise such a dog, you need to be a person!”

Miniature Bull Terrier Bull Terrier Miniature) is similar in every way to its older brother, only smaller in stature. The breed appeared in England in the 19th century from English white terrier, Dalmatian and Old English Bulldog.

The trend to breed smaller and smaller bull terriers has led to them becoming more Chihuahua-like. In the mid-70s, miniatures began to be classified by height rather than weight, and interest in the breed was renewed.

  • Bull Terriers suffer without attention and must live in a home with their family. They do not like to be alone and suffer from boredom and melancholy.
  • It is difficult for them to live in cold and damp climates due to their short fur. Prepare clothes for your bull terrier in advance.
  • Caring for them is simple; just comb them once a week and wipe them dry after a walk.
  • The walks themselves should be from 30 to 60 minutes long, with games, exercises and training.
  • This is a stubborn and headstrong dog that can be difficult to train. It is not recommended for inexperienced or mild owners.
  • Without socialization and training, Bull Terriers can be aggressive towards other dogs, animals and strangers.
  • They are not suitable for families with small children, as they are too rough and strong. But older children can play with them if they are taught to handle the dog carefully.

History of the breed

Similar to history. Bull Terriers were the same size and went all the way to large dog, which we know today.

The first Toy Bull Terriers were shown in London in 1914, but did not catch on at that time because they suffered from growth-related problems: congenital deformities and genetic diseases.

Breeders have focused on breeding dogs that are not large, but not dwarf, smaller than a regular bull terrier.

Mini Bull Terriers did not suffer from genetic diseases, which made them more popular than Toi. They were similar to the standard ones, but inferior in size.

The creator of the breed, Hinks, bred them to the same standard: white color, unusual ovoid head and fighting character.

In 1938, Colonel Glyn created the first club in England - the Miniature Bull Terrier Club, and in 1939 the English Kennel Club recognized the miniature bull terrier. separate breed. In 1963, the AKC classified them as a mixed group, and in 1966, the MBTCA, The Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America, was created. In 1991, the American Kennel Society recognized the breed.


A miniature bull terrier looks exactly like a regular bull terrier, only smaller in size. At the withers they reach from 10 inches (25.4 cm) to 14 inches (35.56 cm), but no more. There is no weight limit, but the body must be muscular and proportional and the weight ranges from 9-15 kg.

At the beginning of the century, the distinction between breeds was made by weight, but this led to the fact that the dogs resembled a Chihuahua rather than a bull terrier. Subsequently, we switched to growth and limited the limit to 14 for minis.


Like Bull Terriers, Miniatures love family, but can be stubborn and capricious. However, they are better suited for people with limited living space. Tenacious and brave, they know no fear and fight with huge dogs who cannot be defeated.

This behavior can be corrected through training, but cannot be eliminated completely. It is better not to let them off the leash while walking to avoid fights. And they chase cats in the same way as ordinary boules.

Miniature Bull Terriers are independent and stubborn and require training with early age. Socializing puppies is important because it allows them to be sociable and bold.

Puppies are very energetic and can play for hours. As they age, they become calmer and should receive enough exercise so as not to become fat.


The coat is short and does not form tangles. It is enough to comb it once a week. But, it does not warm and does not protect from insects.

In winter and autumn, dogs need to be dressed extra, and in the summer they need to be protected from insect bites, to which they are often allergic.


It is logical that the mini bull terrier has health problems in common with its big brother. More precisely, special problems and no.

But, white bull terriers often suffer from deafness in one or both ears and such dogs are not used for breeding, since deafness is inherited.

Inbreeding (the process of crossing a regular bull terrier and a miniature bull terrier) is legal in England, Australia and New Zealand.

Inbreeding is used to reduce the incidence of exophthalmos (displacement eyeball), since the average bull terrier does not have this gene.

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It is not without reason that fighting dogs attract the gaze of any person. These four-legged athletes combine strength, a sea of ​​energy, boundless devotion and incredible intelligence. Unfortunately, not every dog ​​lover has the opportunity to keep a classic representative of the breed in his apartment. The miniature bull terrier is almost a copy of ordinary bulls, but thanks to its compact size, it can easily live even in a small living space. Read the description of the Mini Bull Terrier breed, see photos and videos about the breed.

The Miniature Bull Terrier breed was first registered in England at the beginning of the 19th century. At this time, the British were actively engaged in the selection of standard bull terriers used for dog fights. To breed a real athlete, white terriers, bulldogs and Dalmatians were selected for breeding. The resulting litters often began to produce miniature but stocky puppies that were copies of their athletically built parents. The babies were not culled, but were used as rodent hunters (mice and rats). Thanks to their small size and agility, the dogs very quickly caught tailed pests and dealt with them.

To adjust the size of mini-bulls to the perfect size, they began to use toy terriers in selection, but soon abandoned this idea: the puppies turned out to be too light, and the features of terriers began to be visible in them more and more clearly. After some time, the miniature bull terrier breed was finally brought to the required standards, and now the miniature bull terrier is a 100% smaller copy.

Mini Bull Terrier Standard Required

Miniature copies differ from their older brothers only in size, appearance dogs is identical. The breed standard must combine the following requirements:

  • the head is necessarily ovoid in shape, a long and deep muzzle, smoothly transitioning to the nose, the skull between the ears looks flat;
  • the nose is curved, the earlobe is always black, the nostrils are wide and well open;
  • lips are wide, close to the gums;
  • the lower jaw is equipped with white teeth, strong and deep, only a scissor bite;
  • eyes in the shape of small triangles, narrowed, pupils black or dark brown;
  • The ears are small and thin in size and can be cropped;
  • the neck is strong and muscular, has no skin folds;
  • the stomach is tucked, the chest area is wide and powerful;
  • the back is slightly convex;
  • the tail is thickened at the base, noticeably narrows towards the tip, at rest it is located between the hind limbs, and when moving it takes a horizontal position;
  • shoulder blades with pronounced muscles, wide;
  • the front legs are parallel to each other, seemingly strong, the hind legs have pronounced muscular thighs and knee joints;
  • the paws are compact in size, the toes are curved, the claws are black;
  • The coat is short, rough to the touch, and the hair is straight.

The classic color of the Miniature Bull Terrier is white, but spots on the head are allowed. According to the standard, red, brindle, pure black, brown and red colors are also allowed. The main requirement for color is that one color should charmingly predominate more than others.


Miniature Bull Terriers – hyperactive dogs, so a stay-at-home owner is not suitable for them. These four-legged pets are ready to run, play, frolic around the clock and will never refuse to accompany the owner wherever he decides to go. You need to walk your dog a lot and fruitfully; 10-minute walks will not do your pet any good. While walking with the animal, you need to be active (let the dog run, jump, carry heavy objects, engage in tug-of-war). If the bull has not splashed out its energy enough, the dog may begin to cause mischief at home (gnaw shoes, furniture, spoil children’s toys and the owners’ things).

Despite the fact that the miniature bull terrier belongs to fighting breeds dogs are a very affectionate animal. The pet simply adores all family members and shows special love for children. Due to the low pain threshold, the dog allows children to do a lot of things: pull their ears, pull their tail, paws. However, if the dog did not grow up with children, he may be jealous of small residents. For a bull terrier, the owner comes first, and when a newborn child begins to take all the owner’s attention, the dog is capable of being offended and mistaking the baby for a potential rival.

Experiences aggression towards other animals, because this dog was originally bred to fight with its own kind. When walking, it is better to avoid communicating with other dogs, otherwise fights will inevitably occur. It should be remembered that despite its reduced dimensions, the miniature bull terrier is an exact copy of its standard counterpart, which means that the power and clenching force of its jaws is quite large. Not every person will be able to unhook him from another dog.

A pet will be able to get along with other four-legged animals only if the animals grow up together from childhood. It is not recommended to let a bull terrier off a leash on the street, since four-legged friend constantly strives to get into fights with other relatives. The socialization of the dog must be carried out from an early age, then the mini bull will grow up obedient and balanced.

The Mini Bull Terrier is completely non-aggressive towards people, because if a puppy shows even the slightest degree of aggression towards a person, the dog is immediately discarded. Bull Terriers become very attached to their owner and try to follow him everywhere. Experienced breeders claim that boules are able to sense the mood of their owners; if the person is happy, the dog rejoices with him; when the owner feels bad, the pet becomes depressed.

Particular attention should be paid to walking the dog, because a pet such as a miniature bull terrier requires daily training. Walking with your pet for 15-20 minutes is not enough; walks should last at least 1 hour. Moreover, the walk itself should include active physical activity. If the dog has nowhere to put his energy, the pet begins to splash it out on things around him or becomes completely uncontrollable.

Miniature bull terriers are only suitable for keeping in apartments or private houses; in a kennel or enclosure the dog will simply die. Pets are deprived of the undercoat inherent in many breeds, so they are constantly cold and catch colds. With the onset of cold weather, you need to take your dog out for a walk only in insulated overalls. During the hot season four-legged pet should be protected from sunburn and overheating.

Coat care should consist of weekly combing (with a soft rubber brush); this breed does not need grooming. To make the coat shine, you can wipe it with a piece of soft suede. Water procedures should be carried out only as needed; frequent bathing will lead to dryness and irritation of the skin.

Every week, the Bull Terrier should wipe its ears with a gauze or cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide, tea leaves or chlorhexidine. Several times a week, the dog’s eyes are wiped to remove dirt and their teeth are brushed with toothpaste intended exclusively for dogs. When brushing your teeth, it is convenient to use a special rubber brush. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow, but not more than once a month. In dogs that are highly physically active, their claws usually grind down on the asphalt on their own.

Dog food

Bull Terriers are prone to obesity, so you need to feed your dog only high-quality and balanced food. The food can consist of natural products or be ready-made industrial. If the owner decides to feed the dog dry food, the brand of food should be chosen very carefully. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers who produce premium and super premium food. When feeding dry food, it is important to provide the dog with clean and fresh water, which will be in direct access. Deciding to feed the dog natural products, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Meat is not suitable for feeding a miniature bull terrier. fatty varieties. The dog is allowed to feed chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal and beef. The pet is pampered several times a week sea ​​fish without bones.
  2. Vegetables and fruits should only be fresh or boiled.
  3. The allowed cereals are buckwheat, rice, and rolled oats.
  4. 2-3 times a week the animal should be fed chicken or quail eggs and fermented milk products.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to feed your dog sweets, chocolate, sausages, and canned food.

Bull Terrier puppies eat at least 4-5 times a day; adult pets need to be fed 2 times a day after a walk. Between meals, it is not recommended to give the Bull Terrier any food from the owner’s table. If you really want to treat your pet, you can give him an apple or carrot.

Feeding the Bull Terrier natural food includes not only fresh and quality products, but also taking vitamin complexes. Only a veterinarian has the right to prescribe vitamins to a miniature bull terrier.


You need to start training your mini bull from the very first days the puppy is in the house. From the first minutes, a small pet needs to be shown who is the leader in the pack, otherwise it will not be easy to re-educate the dog. Bull Terriers love to dominate, so they need a strong and confident owner. It is extremely important to show your pet his place in the pack. The dog must have a rank lower than that of other inhabitants of the apartment. The owner should feed the puppy only after all other residents have eaten, not allow the dog to sleep on high places (on the owner's bed), enter the door first and only then allow the dog to enter. If these rules are not followed, your four-legged friend will quickly take a leading position in the family.

Diseases of the breed

The lifespan of mini bulls is approximately 10-13 years. Miniature bull terriers are distinguished by their good health, but this breed has genetic diseases that are inherited:

  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart. Manifested by seizures and shortness of breath.
  • Complete deafness. It is found mainly in bull terriers that have a pure white coat color. Sometimes there are puppies that have hearing loss in only one auditory organ. These dogs live full life, but are no longer allowed for breeding.
  • Dislocation of the lens of the eyeball. The disease is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort and leads to the development of glaucoma. Without the necessary veterinary care, a dog can become completely blind.
  • Kidney failure. Diagnosed on initial stage the disease can be corrected with medications and a specially selected diet.
  • Cup displacement knee joint. The dog experiences severe pain, begins to limp. If treatment is not started, the pathology ends in arthritis.
  • Allergic reactions. Skin rashes can occur due to a sudden change in food, intake medicines, action of chemicals.

Price and selection of puppies

A miniature bull terrier dog is not a cheap pleasure. The price for puppies without pedigree is from 200$. The most expensive are show-class dogs intended for exhibitions and breeding. The cost of mini bull terriers will be about 1700$. The high cost of miniature bull terrier puppies is mainly due to the rarity of the breed, because miniature fighters have not yet had time to firmly gain a foothold among dog breeders.

Before buying a puppy, it is better to consult with an experienced breeder who will help you choose a dog that is absolutely healthy and has an adequate character. Dogs must be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. The character of the parents. The father and mother must boast a stable psyche to any kind of irritants.
  2. The puppies' build is strong, their belly is toned and elastic.
  3. The eyes are small, shiny, triangular shape, without any discharge.
  4. The head is regular egg-shaped.

You need to choose a puppy who behaves calmly and calmly. If the baby tries to hide in a corner or, conversely, shows aggression towards other members of the dog family, then such a dog can cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Most optimal age puppy at the time of purchase – from 2 to 4 months, raising an older teenager will be more difficult. People who do not have experience with the breed should not adopt an adult miniature bull terrier, since the chances of re-educating the dog in their own way are negligible.

Small size and enormous strength, stubbornness and tenderness, devotion and the desire to dominate - this breed combines incompatible things. A smaller copy of the boule is easy to care for; the variety is suitable for keeping in an apartment. But a minik will turn out to be a faithful companion and friendly comrade only in one case - if you devote a lot of time to the educational process.

The Bull Terrier is a breed that many fear, as the animals were once involved in dog fighting. A smaller copy of a bull does not cause as many fears among others: due to its size, it seems that the dog is less dangerous. But don’t let its modest “dimensions” fool you: this dog is not afraid of anything and fights to the last, just like his “big brother.”

A temperamental dog is not suitable for homebodies, businessmen and people with a soft character. The pet needs an energetic owner with a “steady hand”, who is ready to devote maximum of his free time to him.

Description of the breed

The mini bull terrier is the embodiment of energy, a real athlete, albeit in miniature. Bulls have a memorable appearance: an ovoid head, strong jaws, small and deep-set eyes. Defined muscles and a wide chest indicate a fighter. But a formidable dog, regardless of age, turns into an affectionate puppy next to its owner.

  • Weight . Maximum acceptable indicator- 15 kg.
  • Height at withers. According to the standard, the maximum height should be 35 cm, the minimum - 25 cm. Excessive miniature is not encouraged: it can cause health problems, since the proportions will be disturbed.
  • Color. White is considered classic. Pigmentation is allowed in the head area. For colored bull terriers, one color should be predominant. The standard allows black, red, red, brown and brindle colors. Three-color variations are possible. Sand and blue shades are not recognized.
  • Lifespan. A dog lives on average 10-13 years. But long-livers are often found - up to 15 years.
  • Character . A cheerful and friendly pet is devoted to its owner, but comes into conflict with other animals. Dogs of this breed are overly energetic and emotional. As a rule, they are jealous.
  • Intelligence. Clever dog, however, it is difficult to train. This is due to natural stubbornness and the desire to make decisions independently. If you find an approach to your pet, its natural intelligence will be fully revealed.
  • Security and guard potential. Representatives of the breed are not suitable for the role of guard and watchman. But the owner will not be offended. This is a great companion true friend. The lightning-fast reaction inherent in hunters has been developed.

Reduced in bull terriers pain threshold. This allowed their ancestors to withstand fierce battles.

Temperament and behavior

Mini Bull is choleric. And in extreme cases. Any violent emotion of the owner, anger or joy, responds to the dog in a hyperbolic way. It immediately turns into a hurricane. The dog does not tolerate loneliness well; it needs the attention of family members. The behavioral characteristics of the breed are described in more detail below.

  • With the owner. Dog owners are amazed by the loyalty and devotion of mini bulls. They become manically attached to a person. The dog is always nearby, trying not to lose sight of its owner even for a minute. It gets to the point that the pet has to be locked in a cage so that it can rest and not keep an eye on its owner. The companion is ready to support any adventure, regardless of the time of day.
  • With kids . He loves children and enjoys playing with them. But you should not take a minik into a family where there is absolutely Small child. The dog may consider the baby a competitor and offend him. Problems often arise when a baby appears in the house where an adult dog lives. Bulls are terribly jealous: it is difficult for them to understand why the owner’s attention is now directed to the baby. But as soon as you explain the rules to the dog and make friends with the child, they will become inseparable. An explanatory conversation will have to be carried out not only with the dog, but also with children: bulls do not like to be teased. If this is repeated constantly, the dog may even bite.
  • With animals . A mini bull terrier will be friends with pets (cats, dogs) if it grew up with them. But animal communication needs to be supervised. Especially if two uncastrated males live under the same roof. The appearance of a new pet in the house often becomes a problem. The Bull Terrier is an owner; he may not allow other pets to approach his owner. When he meets dogs and cats on the street, he regards them as enemies: the call of blood makes itself felt. The fearless dog is ready to fight with brothers who are much larger and stronger than him. Due to the likelihood of fights, it is not recommended to let your pet off-leash in areas where there are a lot of dogs. Your pet needs to be taught to communicate with other animals on the street from early childhood.
  • With strangers. These dogs are devoid of aggression towards people; they love to communicate. Viciousness is considered a breed defect: responsible breeders cull aggressive dogs. But if the pet feels that there is danger from a stranger, it will rush to protect its owner, because for him he is the center of the universe.

Bull Terriers sense their owner's mood. It is believed that they can empathize and sympathize. When the owner feels bad, the pet feels bad too.

Origin history and interesting facts

The history of the breed began in the 19th century in England with the active selection of standard boules. To get the perfect gladiator dog, bulldogs, white terriers and even Dalmatians were crossed. Over time, small puppies began to appear in litters of standard fighters. They were as well built as their parents, but they were miniature. They were not culled, but used as rat catchers. Their small size helped the dogs cope with their task perfectly, while their large relatives found it inconvenient to chase rodents.

In the early years there was no standard for minis. Puppies culled from a “large” litter could differ significantly in size even from each other. To bring everything to a common denominator, small bull terriers began to be bred with toy terriers. They managed to “adjust” the size, but the breeders were faced with another problem: the dogs had predominantly terrier features, and because they were too light weight representatives of the new line, healthy and viable offspring appeared less and less often. Mini bulls were even considered an unpromising breed, but thanks to subsequent thoughtful selection, the ideal was achieved.

Mini and standard: differences

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a variation of the Standard Bull Terrier. To be more precise, it is a smaller copy of it, since the breeds differ only in size, and the external data and character traits are identical.

True, some dog breeders note that minis are more active and playful than their “big brothers.” Real “energizers” who cannot be exhausted. Owners say they are more stubborn than standard boules. In fact, the temperament of the varieties is identical. It’s just that the size of the minis is misleading: owners pay less attention to their upbringing, hence increased activity, “donkey” stubbornness.

Miniature boules live longer than standard boules. They have their own genetic disease- dislocation of the lens. Pathology leads to blindness. When crossing individuals of two varieties, the puppies are registered as mini. This is done so that the pathology does not spread among standard individuals.

Representatives of this breed cannot be kept outside: only in a house or apartment. They will simply freeze in the enclosure. In one of the rooms you need to arrange a place for the “tail”. The bed should be placed away from drafts: a short-haired dog can catch a cold. At the same time, the dog’s seat should have a view of the entire room: it is vital for him to see what the owner is doing. Care is simple, the only difficulty is to provide the pet with proper exercise.


The Bull Terrier's behavior becomes destructive if it is not walked properly. Be sure to take him outside twice a day. And not in short bursts, but for an hour or two each time. During walks, you need to keep the animal occupied with something. Physical activity is chosen depending on the age of the pet.

  • Up to eight months. Intense physical activity should be avoided. The dog’s joints and ligaments are not yet strong: during serious training they can easily be damaged. At this age, a leisurely walk, contact with brothers, and playing ball with the owner are useful.
  • From eight months. Active formation of the skeleton and sculpting begins muscle mass. Special loads are already required. Walking, jumping, running uphill, swimming - all this will please your pet and will help him develop properly.

In adulthood, it is important to maintain physical fitness pet: let him run around as much as he can.

In winter, the miniature fighter is walked only dressed. Bulls do not have a luxurious fur coat, so they are cold and catch colds. In summer, you should protect your pet from overheating and sunburn.


Bull Terriers are clean. Their coat is short and special grooming is not needed. Care procedures are standard and require minimal effort from the owner. But the animal must be accustomed to them from childhood: the dog must calmly accept all manipulations and trust the owner.

  • Combing. The dog should be brushed once a week using a stiff brush. The procedure is aimed at removing fallen hairs and dust, stimulating blood circulation. During the shedding period, you can brush more often. It is recommended to use a special rubber glove.
  • Bathing. They bathe as needed, but it is not recommended to carry out the procedure often. An alternative to bathing is to dry the coat with a damp towel. If you also wipe it with a piece of suede, the fur will shine.
  • Nail trimming. If you provide the active boules with the proper load, the claws will grind down on their own. Walking on the asphalt helps with this. But it’s worth purchasing a nail clipper just in case. It is enough to check how long the claws have grown once a month and trim them if necessary.
  • Ear cleaning. Once a week inner part The auricle is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in Chlorhexidine or peroxide. The ears are examined for inflammation. Once a month, it is recommended to instill prophylactic drops that will protect against infections.
  • Care oral cavity . Once a week you need to brush your pet's teeth. To do this, you should purchase a special paste and a brush in the form of an attachment for your finger at a veterinary pharmacy.


The owner must choose what to feed the dog based on financial capabilities, availability of free time and personal convenience. The breed is suitable for both a natural nutrition system and industrial feed. Many owners are inclined to the second option, noting that boules develop better physically on food. This option is also more convenient: you don’t need to think through your diet or waste time on cooking. But the products must be premium.

If you decide to feed “natural”, you need to provide a balanced diet. The role of the “first violin” in daily menu allocated to lean meat and offal. In second place are cereals. Supplement - vegetables and vegetable oil. You can diversify your diet with sea fish, fermented milk products, quail eggs. On “straight” required vitamin complexes: they are important for the full development of bones and muscles. The selection of vitamins should be done by a veterinarian.

Regardless of the chosen power system, you need to follow several rules.

  • Feed on schedule. When a dog gets food at the same time, it disciplines him. Always feed after walks: a well-fed pet needs to rest. Stop begging between feedings. You can treat your pet with carrots, but not food or another piece of meat.
  • Focus on age. Your pet's body needs change depending on the different periods. This needs to be taken into account. It’s easiest with feed - manufacturers produce them for different ages taking into account the activity of dogs of a particular breed. With a natural food system, age-related feeding nuances should be discussed with a veterinarian.
  • Do not overfeed. Obesity leads to health problems. Up to seven months, the pet needs to be fed four times a day. Control portions: divide the daily amount of food into four and do not exceed the norm. From seven months one feeding is removed, and from one year onwards they are switched to two meals a day.
  • Don't give "human" food. It can become poison for the animal. For example, there are cases where chocolate led to the death of a dog. Under strict ban All sweets and smoked meats are included.
  • Provide access to water. Your pet should always have a bowl of clean water. A dog that eats food drinks much more than one that eats natural food.

From childhood, wean your minik from picking up on the street. Especially the bones. There is a high risk of poisoning and damage to the esophagus.


Start training your puppy as soon as you bring him home. The pet must understand that there are prohibitions, the desire of the leader is the law, and you can only communicate with others according to the rules. Miss a moment in childhood - problems with mutual understanding will arise in the future, and it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid skirmishes for leadership. An ill-mannered boule not only causes a lot of trouble, but is also dangerous. Despite its size, it boasts a “death grip”. If he decides to bite, the consequences will be dire. In addition, opening the “fighting” mouth is not so easy.

A distinctive “breed” trait - stubbornness - complicates training. It may seem to an inexperienced dog breeder that the pet is unteachable, but knowing the tricks of canine science, you can find the “key”. Get the stubborn guy interested. The dog’s human-oriented nature is on your side: show that you are happy when it follows commands.

  • Unquestioning obedience. Ensure that obedience is always and everywhere. Make contact with the puppy. To do this, include game moments in your training: games bring you closer together. Set aside time for drills every day: this way you can strengthen the developed reflex, and disobedience will creep in less and less often. Choose different locations for lessons. This is necessary to eliminate stereotypical reactions. A well-mannered dog is equally good at obeying both within its own walls and on the street.
  • Place in the "pack". You are the leader and decide for yourself when the dog eats, where it sleeps, and so on. Work on the selection of toys, the approach to the bowl during meals: bull terriers are owners, and this needs to be eradicated. Tell the bull that he is lower in rank than other family members. If the “tail” knows that someone is weaker, it will begin to dominate. This could lead to a big problem. There are known cases when, in the absence of the owner, the pet kept the household in fear, not allowing them to take a step, and then reincarnated into the previous cute tomboy.
  • Positive. Despite the seriousness of their past, Bulki are impressionable and surprise with their subtle mental organization. They don't tolerate shouting. It is forbidden to hit them: assault leads to anger. There is only one training method that works - positive training. If at first positive emotions are evoked by “yummy”, then then by an encouraging word: mini-bulls are greedy for praise.

A situational canine program, according to which four-legged bodyguards are “trained,” is absolutely not suitable for a bull terrier. She purposefully embitters, and this is contraindicated for those with military roots.

Diseases and treatment

The health of representatives of this breed is excellent. But there is a genetic predisposition to certain diseases. It can be detected in advance using diagnostic tests. Carriers of “bad genes” are culled to stop the intrabreed spread of anomalies.

  • Deafness. The congenital defect often occurs in white individuals, but non-whites may not be able to hear. If the hearing loss affects only one ear, the dog will live a full life. But she is not allowed for breeding. It is difficult for dogs who cannot hear anything to adapt to the world. The big problem arises from the inability to control them.
  • Lethal acrodermatitis. This is a result of zinc deficiency. Puppies are identified by their flat, inverted paws. In mature dogs, the disease provokes the appearance of keratinized areas of the dermis. There is no cure, but supportive therapy will relieve symptoms.
  • Kidney failure. Characteristic of standards, but increasingly found in minis. At early diagnosis the condition can be corrected with diet and medications.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. They can occur latently or manifest as shortness of breath or attacks. Due to their predisposition, dogs are checked for heart defects a year before mating.
  • Lens luxation. The anomaly causes discomfort and is accompanied by pain. The defect triggers the development of glaucoma. If you do nothing, there is a direct path to blindness. The pathological phenomenon makes itself felt at three to seven years of age. But conclusions about the presence of ophthalmological problems can be made immediately after birth - this requires deciphering a DNA test.
  • Bias kneecap . The dog suffers from pain and develops lameness. This may lead to arthritis in the future. In case of pathology, physical activity is limited, high jumps are prohibited.

Stocky athletes are prone to allergies. When changing your diet, watch for rashes on your skin. If the immune response caused by food irritants is ignored, it can “reclassify” as atopy. When it is difficult to recognize the allergen, you have to use hormonal medications, which affects life expectancy.


If you want to start breeding, be prepared to go to shows. Aggressive dogs, individuals with genetic mutations and deviations in appearance are not mated. It is advisable to discuss pregnancy issues with an experienced breeder in order to clarify the important points for yourself.

  • Mating. The first estrus occurs at 7-16 months. But it is not recommended to knit so early: the body needs to get stronger. Mating is planned no earlier than two years of age. Males also happen from this time on.
  • Pregnancy. Gestation lasts 57-65 days. The first time there are few cubs (three or four), then the number increases. Limit the activity of a pregnant bitch: especially dangerous sudden movements, jumping from heights.
  • Childbirth. If it’s your first litter, you can’t do without the help of a specialist. Without experience and skills, it will be difficult to adopt offspring on your own. If the bitch is too miniature and there are many children, there is a danger of complicated delivery, death of the mother and offspring.

Consult your veterinarian about changing your pregnant bitch's diet. During this period it is especially important protein food, calcium and vitamins. If the dog is up to " interesting situation“she ate food, it is changed to one that meets new needs. At natural menu select special vitamin and mineral complexes.

TOP nicknames

Babies with a pedigree already have a name, but usually it is too long, so the owners prefer to give it a “home name” as well. Some, when naming a puppy, emphasize the strength and power of the breed. Others, on the contrary, want to emphasize the good nature of the minik. You can show your imagination and choose something non-standard, or you can call it something funny. The nickname should be short, sonorous and you like it.

Examples of nicknames for “boy”:

  • Azor;
  • Oscar;
  • Zeus;
  • Caesar;
  • Mars;
  • Tyson;
  • Spike;
  • Hulk;
  • Rocky;
  • Sheldon;
  • King;
  • Cooper;
  • Skipper.

Examples of nicknames for “girls”:

  • Sunny;
  • Dina;
  • Bertha;
  • Linda;
  • Irma;
  • Troy;
  • Fanta;
  • Buffy;
  • Grace;
  • Nora;
  • Ruby;
  • Rosie;
  • Chloe.

It’s not difficult to get used to the name: just repeat it often, call your pet and give it a treat. The puppy that responds cannot be punished: the smart animal will instantly connect the word and the action, and next time it will no longer run up at the first call.

Photo review

The unusual appearance of boules delights some, but seems ugly to others. The egg-shaped head, arched profile and slitted eyes look funny. But the athletic body structure is admirable. Photos of puppies and dogs of this breed allow you to see typical exterior features.

Cost and where to buy

Mini bull terriers are not a cheap pleasure. The price for them is traditionally higher than for standard ones. And all because of high demand and the small number of former “pied catchers”. It all depends on the prospects of the animal, the family line, and external qualities. A puppy whose purpose is simply to be a pet costs from 44 thousand rubles. Promising babies who have an exhibition career await them are sold in Russia for 65-74 thousand rubles (data as of February 2018).

Teens are always cheaper. But dealing with a mature personality is not so easy; conveying the rules of the house will be twice as difficult as it would be for a kitten. Beginner dog breeders should not take in adult refuseniks: this often turns out to be an unbearable burden.

Selection rules

The main thing is to purchase healthy dog without psychological problems. Class is an important matter, but, in fact, secondary, because you choose a comrade for many years to come.

  • Appearance . Pay attention to compliance with the standard parameters: strong bones, ovoid shape of the skull. The eyes and nose are without discharge, the coat is shiny. Puppy fatness is maintained for up to four months. Excessive thinness and a bloated stomach are a signal that worms have settled.
  • Behavior. Watch how the little ones behave. Cowardly and cocky candidates should not be considered because of the likelihood of a bad character, the correction of which will take a lot of nerves.
  • Tests. Responsible breeders test genetics before selling their litter. White children are required to be tested for deafness. Before you give money, check to see if the appropriate research has been done.
  • Relatives . If possible, evaluate the puppies' parents, their attitude towards people and tolerance towards their brothers. If the couple already had heirs, look at how they grew up, find out about titles and behavioral difficulties.

You can test your dog's hearing in a simple way. Take him into a quiet room and create a sound - clap, knock, rattle keys. See if there is a response.


Puppies should only be purchased from kennels that have a good reputation. This is a guarantee that you will get into your hands a baby not only with excellent physical characteristics, but also with a stable psyche. List of current nurseries:

  • "Stardust" in Moscow-;
  • GYNP in St. Petersburg-;
  • Platinum Nuggets in Cherepovets-;
  • AB Pride & Joy in Kyiv (Ukraine)-

The bad reputation of their ancestors is firmly attached to bull terriers. There are breed pros and cons that need to be weighed before purchasing a puppy. But this is definitely not a killer dog, as many people think. Hidden behind a menacing appearance kind heart and a willingness to give boundless love.

Illustration by M. Davidson, © NKU Picture Library

This illustration does not necessarily show a perfect example of the breed.

ORIGIN: Great Britain.


USAGE: Terrier.

FCI CLASSIFICATION : Group 3 Terriers.

Section 3 Bull Terriers .

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : It is reliably known that in the 1950s, James Hinks was the first to breed a new breed of dogs, selecting individuals with an egg-shaped head. Breed, in its modern form, was first shown in Birmingham in 1862. The Bull Terrier Club was founded in 1887. A truly interesting point in the standard is the phrase: “There are no limits to either weight or height. But the dog should look as powerful as possible for its size, consistent with its type and gender.” The dog should always look balanced.

Small bull terriers have been known since the early 19th century, but they did not become popular until the First World War and were removed from the Kennel Club breed register in 1918. In 1938, Colonel Richard Glen and a group of enthusiasts led a campaign to revive medium-sized bull terriers by registering the Miniature Bull Terrier Club. The standard is identical to the Bull Terrier standard except for the height limitation.

GENERAL FORM: Strongly built, muscular, well balanced and active, with a sharp, determined and intelligent expression. A unique feature of this breed is the ovoid shape of the head with a downturned muzzle. Regardless of their size, males should look masculine, while females should look more feminine.

BEHAVIOR/TEMPERAMENT : Fearless, full of strength, with a cheerful character. Balanced temperament, subject to discipline. Although he is stubborn, he treats people exceptionally well.

HEAD: Long, strong and deep to the very end of the muzzle, but not coarse. When viewed from the front, it is ovoid, well filled along its entire length, its entire surface without depressions or depressions. The profile slopes gently down from the top of the skull to the tip of the nose.


Scull : Top part The skull is almost flat from ear to ear.


Nose: The nose should be black. The bridge of the nose is curved downward at the end. The nostrils should be well open.

Lips: Dry and tight fitting.

Jaws/Teeth: Lower jaw deep and strong. Teeth healthy, white, strong, good size, correct form, with an excellent regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth fit tightly onto the lower teeth, positioned vertically in the jaws.

Eyes: Appearing narrow and triangular, slanted, black or as dark brown as possible, appearing almost black, with a piercing gaze. The distance from the tip of the nose to the eyes is noticeably greater than from the eyes to the occipital protuberance. Blue or partially Blue eyes undesirable.

Ears: Small, thin, erect, set close together. The dog should hold them vertically, with the ends straight up.

NECK: Very muscular, long, arched, tapering from the shoulder blades to the head, without folds of skin.

FRAME: With a pronounced bend of rounded ribs; very deep from the withers to the sternum, in relation to which the belly is somewhat tucked.

Back: Short and strong. The back is straight behind the withers, slightly convex in the lumbar region.

Loin: Wide and muscular.

Chest: When viewed from the front, wide.

Hemline and belly: The hemline from the chest to the belly forms a smooth upward curve.

TAIL: Short, low set, carried horizontally. Thick at the base, tapering towards the end.



General appearance: The dog must stand firmly on paws, and the limbs must be strictly parallel. In adult dogs, the length of the forelimbs should be approximately equal to the depth of the chest.

Shoulders: Strong and muscular, but not overloaded. The shoulder blades are wide, flat, fit tightly to the chest, set obliquely, form with humerus almost right angles.

Elbows: Parallel to the body, strong.

Forearms: Strong and strong, with rounded bones.

Pasterns: Set vertically.

Forefeet: Round and compact, with well-arched toes.


General appearance: Hind legs parallel when viewed from behind.

Hips: Muscular.

Knee joints: Well expressed.

Lower legs: Well developed.

Hocks: With good angles.

Hocks: Massive, short and strong.

Hind feet: Round and compact, with well arched toes.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : When moving, the dog appears strongly built, moves flexibly, freely and easily, with a typical self-satisfied appearance. At the trot the front and hind limbs move parallel to each other, and only more high speeds, approaching the center line. The forelimbs grasp space well, the hind limbs move freely at the hips, bending well at the knees and hocks with a powerful drive.

LEATHER: Tight fitting.


Coat: Short, straight, and even harsh to the touch, with a distinct shine. In winter there may be a soft textured undercoat.

Color: For whites - pure White color. Skin pigmentation and spots on the head are acceptable. For people of color - the color should be predominant; other than that equal conditions, brindle is preferable.

Acceptable colors: black - brindle, red, fawn and tri-color. Speckling on white wool is undesirable. Blue and liver colors are highly undesirable.

DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT: The height at the withers should not exceed 35.5 cm. There should be an impression of power corresponding to the height of the dog. There is no weight limit, but the dog must look harmonious.


Any deviation from the above provisions should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be assessed should be proportionate to its severity and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.


  • Aggression or cowardice.
  • Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

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