Numbness in left toes. Why do my big toes go numb? Let's figure it out

Sep 28

Why do my toes go numb?

Numbness of the limbs is an unpleasant sensation experienced by a person, which is often accompanied by a burning sensation, a feeling of tightness, burning or chilliness.
Why do my toes go numb? There can be several reasons for numbness in the toes.

Numb fingers may be a sign the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Migraine;
  • Poor circulation in the leg area;
  • Presence of intervertebral hernia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Severe deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • Ischemic attacks involving one leg, a specific part of the leg, or both legs;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Nerve damage caused by vascular deformation due to rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases;
  • Some hereditary diseases associated with nerve damage.

What is the right thing to do for a person who has numb toes: see a doctor or wait until the symptoms disappear on their own? You should definitely consult a doctor if attacks of numbness in your toes occur frequently, if they are accompanied by pain, as well as weakness, loss of sensitivity, if your toes do not feel heat and cold.
Numbness of the toes can occur when a nerve is pressed for a short time as a result of a person adopting an uncomfortable position for a while. When you change that position, the numbness goes away within a few minutes. If numbness in the toes does not disappear after changing positions and occurs quite often, you should consult a doctor.

Numbness of the toes may occur due to a disease of the arterial vessels located in the legs. This disease can provoke inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels, the occurrence of obstruction in the arteries, as well as impaired blood circulation. As a result, partial gangrene of the limb may develop. Numbness of the toes can also occur due to nerve injury caused by osteochondrosis, tunnel neuropathy or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Why do my toes go numb?- most common reasons:

  • Uncomfortable posture when sitting or lying down. In such cases, a tingling sensation appears, which goes away when you change position;
  • Lack of vitamin B12 in the body. This vitamin is involved in various metabolic processes of nerve fibers, so its deficiency leads to general weakness, fatigue, as well as impaired sensitivity, irritability, and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Pinched nerve, which is caused by problems of the spine, for example, osteochondrosis;
  • Raynaud's disease. This disease is manifested by circulatory disorders of the arteries and can be provoked by hereditary factors, stress and alcohol or nicotine intoxication.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Obliterating endarteritis. The arterial vessels of the lower extremities are affected by this disease. With it, significant vasoconstriction occurs, causing disruption of blood circulation, accompanied by a feeling of numbness and cooling of the extremities. If the disease progresses, complete blockage of blood vessels and even gangrene may occur.
  • Neuropathy. This disease affects the nerves. It is caused by intoxication or metabolic disorders. Symptoms of this disease: itching, burning, tingling, sensations of tightening of the toes, and spontaneous pain may occur.
  • Ischemic stroke of the inferior cerebellar or vertebral arteries.
  • Sometimes numbness in the toes can occur due to hyperventilation, which is accompanied by shallow, rapid breathing in a state of fear or anxiety.

The consequences of numbness in the toes can be very different - from blood circulation disorders to gangrene of the extremities. The consequences depend on the cause that caused the numbness.
If numbness in the toes is caused by osteochondrosis, the person may gradually lose the ability to walk.
Numbness of the toes can also be caused by cancer, in which a tumor grows from inside or outside the spinal cord, creating pressure that causes numbness.
Treatment for numbness in the toes involves treating the disease that causes it.

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of numbness, which is accompanied by tingling and “crawling” in a certain part of the body. This sensation can occur in various parts of the body; in some cases, it is caused by an uncomfortable posture that causes insufficient blood flow to one or another part of the body; it is absolutely harmless in nature and passes quickly. A signal for concern may be frequent and prolonged numbness in one or another part of the body. In such cases, it is worth finding out the reason for its appearance and consulting a doctor.

In our article we will look at the most common causes of numbness in the toes. In some cases, this feeling, as already mentioned, appears for completely natural reasons. For example, you put on uncomfortable or tight shoes, sat in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Such compression causes pinching of the nerve and poor circulation; after eliminating the source of the problem, numbness quickly passes and is not a sign of any serious disease. If you experience such sensations quite often and for no apparent reason, especially at night, then you should think about visiting a doctor and do not put it off.

Causes of numbness in toes

One of the common causes of numbness in the feet is diabetes.

There are many reasons for numbness in the fingers of the lower extremities and it is impossible to determine the correct cause of such sensations. If such symptoms occur frequently, you may need to consult a neurologist, neurosurgeon, angiologist or chiropractor. For a more detailed examination, the doctor will prescribe a series of diagnostic instrumental and laboratory tests, analyze the results, make the correct diagnosis and be able to give recommendations for the treatment of the underlying disease.

The list of diseases accompanied by numbness of the toes is quite large:

  • microstroke;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • transient ischemic attacks;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • angiopathy of various origins;
  • endarteritis;
  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory processes in the bones of the lower extremities and spine;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • lumbar stenosis;
  • sciatica;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • tumor damage to the peripheral nerve;
  • cancer diseases;
  • injuries and frostbite;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • leprosy;
  • hereditary amyloidosis;
  • lack of vitamin B12 or B6;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • flat feet;
  • corns.

The disease that causes mute toes can be quite serious, and it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor. Having studied the list of the above reasons, you can see that many of them significantly affect the usual lifestyle, and if they progress, they can lead to disability.

Additional symptoms of numbness in toes

Numbness of the toes may be accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:

  • loss or decreased sensation in the area of ​​numbness;
  • pain;
  • cold snap;
  • feeling of "crawling";
  • tingling;
  • general weakness.

In addition, the patient may also experience symptoms of the underlying disease that caused numbness in the toes. The degree of their severity will depend on the stage of the disease.

Diagnosis of numbness in toes

At the first stage of the examination, to identify the true cause of the feeling of numbness in the toes, the doctor conducts a detailed survey and examination of the patient. The tactics of further instrumental and laboratory diagnostics will depend on the results obtained.

The set of diagnostic procedures may include:

  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood for sugar;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • serological analysis (for rheumatic factor);
  • microbiological examination;
  • tests for tumor markers (if a tumor is suspected);
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • angiography;
  • rheovasography of leg arteries;
  • bone biopsy (if bone tuberculosis or osteomyelitis is suspected);
  • scintigraphy (if a malignant neoplasm is suspected).

After analyzing the data obtained, the doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment for the underlying disease causing numbness in the toes.

How to help yourself with numbness in your toes?

A person who is periodically bothered by numbness in the legs should consume a sufficient amount of foods containing B vitamins, in particular B12.

If numbness in your toes is not caused by a serious illness, then you can help yourself.

  1. Take care to buy comfortable shoes with wide toes; when trying on, make sure that the shoes do not squeeze your foot and that your toes can move freely.
  2. Try to change your position more often and sit in a comfortable position. If numbness occurs, massage to normalize blood circulation in your toes.
  3. If there is strong physical activity on the lower extremities, do not forget to give a relaxing massage and take contrasting foot baths.
  4. To improve blood circulation in your legs, do physical exercise (jogging in the morning, simple warm-up exercises, frequent walking, etc.).
  5. Normalize your daily diet. It should include foods high in vitamins B12 and B6 (liver, meat, milk, egg yolks, fish, wheat germ, brown rice, legumes and cereals).
  6. Avoid excessive consumption of coffee and strong tea. Avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking. These harmful substances cause vascular spasm and contribute to their structural changes.

These measures will be an excellent prevention of numbness in the toes and will have a beneficial effect on your overall health. Don't neglect them!

Folk recipes

In some situations, simple and affordable folk remedies can relieve the discomfort caused by numbness in the fingers of the lower extremities.

Recipe 1

Lubricate the numb finger with honey and apply a regular bandage to it. Wear warm socks and leave the bandage on overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage and wash your foot in warm water. Sometimes 3-4 procedures are enough.

Recipe 2

Before going to bed, lubricate the often numb finger with camphor ointment, massage it and put on a warm sock. It is better to carry out such procedures before bedtime. Sometimes 2-3 rubbings are enough.

Recipe 3

This method of Tibetan monks is applied directly to numbness of the toes. Hot water is poured into a basin and the foot is immersed in it. The fingers press with force on the bottom of the pelvis - the affected finger quickly acquires sensitivity.

Recipe 4

Grind 10 g of black pepper to a powder and stir it in 100 ml of vegetable oil. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for about half an hour. Rub pepper oil into your finger 1-2 times a day until the numbness disappears.

Remember that self-medication can be unsafe! If numbness does not go away and often occurs again, be sure to visit a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination to find out its cause!


Exercises should be done immediately after waking up and repeated 2-3 times during the day (for pain, up to 6-8 times).

  1. Bend your toes until you feel a crunch. Repeat up to 80 times.
  2. Stand near a wall (facing it), raise your arms up and rise onto your toes. You must remain in this position for one minute (you can count up to 60). Repeat 6-8 times.

After the numbness disappears, the exercises can be repeated once a day.


A course of treatment for numbness in the toes caused by the disease can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. It will be aimed at treating the underlying disease, eliminating pinched nerve fibers and restoring vascular patency.

The course of treatment may include:

  • specific therapy - it is used to treat hormonal or metabolic disorders, infectious diseases or oncological pathologies;
  • medications - to improve nutrition of the affected tissue area, normalize blood flow, eliminate muscle spasms or swelling, vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, drugs to normalize blood circulation in the lower extremities, chondroprotectors can be prescribed;
  • physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual techniques - local effects, all these procedures create favorable conditions for restoring nutrition and blood flow in the affected area, eliminate muscle spasms and normalize innervation;
  • unconventional methods - used to consolidate the effect of other methods; acupuncture, moxotherapy (treatment with cigar ashes from wormwood), hirudotherapy (leeches) and stone therapy (hot stone treatment) can be prescribed.

The number of procedures is determined strictly individually for each patient and depends on the type and severity of the root cause of numbness in the toes.

To summarize, let us say once again: numbness in the toes can either be caused by completely harmless reasons or be a signal of the onset of a dangerous disease. Don’t forget – frequent and prolonged numbness in your toes is always a reason to consult a doctor!

Which doctor should I contact?

If your toes are numb, it's best to see your GP first. He will conduct a diagnosis and be able to suggest a diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis and treatment, you may need to consult a vascular surgeon, neurologist, neurosurgeon, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, nephrologist and other specialists. You can get rid of numbness in your toes, including with the help of a physiotherapist, massage therapist, or reflexologist.

Numb fingers are the result of diseases that affect the nerves and/or blood vessels of the hands. Very often, numbness of the fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome) is associated with working on a computer: constant typing and working with a mouse. In such cases, daily hand exercises and contrast baths help.

Often the cause of numbness in the fingers can be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. You should definitely go to the doctor, because... Due to problems with the spine, blood circulation to the brain is disrupted, and this is a risk of stroke. In a few sessions of manual therapy, the problem of numbness in the fingers can be solved.
Numbness in the legs is one of the symptoms of diabetes, but it also occurs with other diseases. At a minimum, it is necessary to undergo Doppler ultrasound to check the blood flow in the vessels of the legs. Only after this will it become clear what causes numbness in the legs and how to treat it.

Treatment of numbness in fingers with folk remedies:

Pickles for numb fingers.

Cut 3 salted (not pickled) cucumbers into cubes, chop 3 medium pods of red hot pepper, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 7 days in a dark place, strain and rub this liquid into your hands. This may be due to problems with the peripheral nervous system, in particular with the nerves responsible for innervation of the arm. The reasons for this can be different - both related to the nervous and circulatory systems. You should consult a neurologist.

Pumpkin for numb fingers.

Cook pumpkin porridge and apply it to your hand, starting from the shoulder, wrapping your entire hand in a woolen scarf. The porridge should be warm. The same porridge can be used 5-6 times, that is, as many procedures as are needed for a course of treatment. The porridge should be heated in a water bath.

If your arms and legs are numb

For 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. l. rock salt, 50 g of 10% ammonia and 10 g of camphor alcohol. Combine everything and stir well until the salt is completely dissolved. Rub the resulting mixture into sore joints at night.

Wool thread for numb fingers.

Tie a woolen thread around your wrists.

Wild rosemary and apple cider vinegar for numb fingers.

It is necessary to infuse wild rosemary in apple cider vinegar (1:3) for 7 days. Then rub this medicine into your fingers 3 times a day until recovery.

The method of Tibetan monks for numbness in fingers.

The method of Tibetan monks: pour hot water into a bowl and forcefully press the bottom with your finger. The finger quickly comes to life and acquires sensitivity. Often, numbness in the fingers is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, so daily exercises are necessary.

Recipe from the Austrian healer Rudolf Breuss for numbness using contrasting hand baths. Black pepper will relieve numbness in the fingers.

You will need 100 g black pepper. You can take ground peas directly, or grind the peas. Pepper should be poured with 1 liter of vegetable oil. Place this mixture on low heat and cook for half an hour, stirring from time to time. Then let the oil cool. Rub this oil into your fingers several times a day and soon you will forget about your problem.

Exercises for numbness

If your arms and legs are numb, do these exercises every day, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.
Curl your toes so hard that they crunch. Repeat 81 times (9 times for 9 exercises).
Stretch your arms along your body and clench your fingers into fists 81 times.
Get out of bed and stand facing the wall, resting on your toes, and raise your arms up. Maintain this pose for a count of 60.
Do the exercises 3 times a day. And if your arms and legs not only go numb, but also hurt, then it is better to repeat 6-8 times. After the numbness and pain go away, the exercises can be done once a day.

The cause of numbness in the fingers may be a lack of vitamins

If your fingers are numb, then you need to eat more foods that contain vital vitamins.
The first essential vitamin is B12. There is a lot of it in animal products. People who often go on diets or are strict vegetarians lack vitamin B12. If you don't eat meat, eggs or fish, then at least add brewer's yeast to your dishes. They can be bought at the pharmacy.
The second essential vitamin is A, which is formed in the body from carotene. For this we need fish oil, as well as carrots and many red vegetables. In addition, fresh greens and leafy salads (I advise you to be sure to eat a good bunch every day). Just eat the listed products with vegetable oil (you can also use butter or sour cream).
The third valuable vitamin is nicotinic acid. There is a lot of it in nuts, broccoli, whole grains and wheat sprouts.

Jan 29, 2016tigress…s

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Numbness in the toes is scientifically called paresthesia. This phenomenon is associated with impaired nerve conduction in the limbs, and can be short-term or long-term.

Causes of numbness in the fingers of the lower extremities

The sensitivity of the limbs can be impaired by factors that are in no way related to pathologies.

These include:

  1. uncomfortable position (for example, squatting);
  2. hypothermia;
  3. wearing tight, narrow or high shoes for a long time;
  4. insufficient nutrition, in particular lack of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium;
  5. excessive drinking or smoking (impairs blood flow);
  6. insufficient physical activity, sedentary work;
  7. stressful situations, nervous overstrain;
  8. muscle fatigue due to excessive physical activity.

These and similar causes of numbness in the toes are usually short-term. To prevent them, it is enough to follow preventive measures, and elimination does not require long and complex treatment.

ATTENTION! If the fingers of the lower extremities go numb often for a long time, and the reasons listed above are absent, you should urgently consult a general practitioner.

Other factors that lead to paresthesia of the toes require consulting a doctor, serious examination and complex therapy. Among them are diseases such as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumor formations in the spine;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • spinal tuberculosis;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • microstroke;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • arthrosis and many other pathologies.

Numbness can be observed during pregnancy, but after childbirth it goes away on its own. In addition, in some cases it is a consequence of chemotherapy. There are a large number of other causes that cause paresthesia of the lower extremities, which only a specialist can identify.

Symptoms of the disease

If your toes go numb, then this is a symptom of impaired innervation and/or blood supply. It may be accompanied by other manifestations, for example: pain, redness, tingling, swelling. It is imperative to pay attention to a number of other accompanying signs. They may be evidence of a disease, which will allow the doctor to quickly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment:

  1. A feeling of numbness, accompanied by goosebumps, dizziness, and weakness may indicate vitamin B12 hypovitaminosis. In addition, increased irritability and tinnitus may occur.
  2. A herniated disc leads to disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses. It often manifests itself as numbness of the thumbs followed by pain.
  3. With endarteritis (narrowing of the arteries), the toes of both feet go numb. A characteristic symptom is increased chilliness of the limbs. If the vessel is completely blocked, gangrene occurs.
  4. In addition to loss of sensitivity, atherosclerosis is characterized by severe pallor of the skin on the fingers. My feet are cold all the time and don’t get warm.
  5. In diabetes mellitus, after the numbness goes away, a feeling of cold occurs. After which the cold is replaced by a burning sensation, tingling, possibly with pain.
  6. Osteochondrosis manifests itself mainly in the toes of the right foot. Associated symptoms: muscle weakness and flabbiness, goosebumps, pain.
  7. In the case of varicose veins, in addition to numbness of the toes, there is a feeling of heaviness, swelling in the limbs, and night cramps.
  8. Neuroma (benign tumor) gradually spreads from the toes to other parts of the legs, causing pain when walking.
  9. With neuropathy, there is a feeling of tightness in the fingers, with the average being numbness. In addition, the disease is characterized by: severe pain, itching, burning in the legs.
  10. If a nerve is pinched, numbness and other symptoms will appear on the affected side. Additional signs in this case will be: chilliness, increased sweating, loss of balance while walking.

Thus, if numbness does not go away for a long time, and is also accompanied by other symptoms, you should urgently consult a specialist.


To find out why your toes are numb, you will first need to visit a general practitioner. After collecting anamnesis, he will prescribe laboratory and instrumental examinations. In addition to general blood and urine tests, it is possible to prescribe diagnostic procedures such as:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • radiography;
  • angiography;
  • CT or MRI;
  • rheumatic tests and a number of other, more specific ones, for example, analysis of tumor markers or electroneuromyography.

If necessary, the patient is referred to specialized specialists: phlebologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, and so on. A detailed examination makes it possible to identify the reliable cause of the disorder and draw up the correct treatment plan.

Treatment methods

When the doctor finds out the true reason why the toes are numb, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment. It is aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the immediate disease that caused the numbness. In addition to the use of medications, the complex of therapeutic measures includes:

  1. physiotherapy;
  2. massage;
  3. physical therapy;
  4. folk remedies.

In addition, you will need to follow a certain diet and reconsider your lifestyle.


For numbness in the toes, it is possible to prescribe the following groups of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate pain, swelling, redness;
  • muscle relaxants for muscle relaxation;
  • means aimed at normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes to restore the activity of nerve endings.

Depending on the identified pathology that caused the numbness, other medications may be prescribed.


Physiotherapeutic treatment methods are prescribed simultaneously with medication, if this is permissible for the identified disease. Physiotherapy improves blood flow, improves the tone of muscle tissue and blood vessels. For numbness in the toes, the following procedures are used.

  1. Electrophoresis. Widely used in neurological practice. Improves the conductivity of nerve impulses, effectively eliminates the symptoms associated with numbness. This result is achieved due to the deep penetration of drugs directly into the damaged area.
  2. Laser therapy. Starts restoration processes in all tissues.
  3. Magnetotherapy. Helps eliminate pain, restore muscle tone and nerve conduction. Positively affects the cardiovascular system.

Thermotherapy is highly effective for numbness in the toes. Alternating heat and cold eliminates swelling, pain, cramps, and inflammation. This procedure helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

ON A NOTE! Currently, you can purchase a magnetic or laser device for home use. But it should be used for medicinal purposes only after consulting a doctor.


For some diseases, massage is contraindicated (for example, gout during an exacerbation). In other cases, it must be included in the complex of treatment measures. The procedure has the following effects on the toes:

  • restores blood circulation;
  • improves tissue nutrition and oxygen saturation;
  • promotes a more complete supply of medicinal substances to damaged tissues;
  • eliminates pain;
  • relieves muscle and vascular spasms;
  • normalizes the conduction of nerve impulses.

In addition, it can act as the only therapeutic method if the cause of the disorder is shoes or excessive stress.

Exercise therapy complex

If your fingers are numb, a specialist may recommend doing special exercises every day. They are aimed not only at eliminating symptoms at the time of treatment, but also at preventing the occurrence of a similar problem in the future.

The exercises included in the complex are simple. This could be: squeezing and unclenching fingers, picking up objects from the floor, rising and falling on toes, and others. Regular exercises will help strengthen blood vessels, muscles and ligaments of the feet and fingers, normalize blood flow in the lower extremities, and restore skin sensitivity.

ON A NOTE! It is very useful to perform such exercises as a preventive measure every day when working in a job that requires long periods of sitting or standing.

Folk remedies and recipes

To treat numbness of the toes in folk medicine, the following remedies are used:

  1. baths with decoctions of medicinal plants (oak bark, conifers, nettle, calamus);
  2. infusions for internal use, for example from lingonberries (a teaspoon of leaves per 300 ml of boiling water);
  3. honey compresses (done at night for a week);
  4. black pepper oil for grinding (to prepare, infuse a mixture of 0.1 kg of pepper and a liter of vegetable oil in a water bath for half an hour).

There are a lot of recipes, so choosing the right one in terms of ingredients and method of application is not difficult.

Dangerous consequences

Numbness not associated with a disease does not in itself pose a threat to human health. For example, if it occurs after wearing tight shoes, then after some time it goes away on its own, without special treatment or consequences. It is dangerous because it can indicate a latently developing pathology, for example, endarteritis, which can result in gangrene.

Another example is problems with the spine, in which numbness in the toes is one of the symptoms. A timely visit to a doctor with a complaint of discomfort in the limbs will help stop the development of diseases such as hernia, osteochondrosis, and malignant formations.

Prevention measures

In the absence of serious illnesses, numbness in the fingers can be prevented by simple preventive measures.

  • Include running and walking in your physical activity.
  • If the activity involves prolonged sitting, you need to take breaks with preventative exercises.
  • Buy shoes made from natural materials that are comfortable for the feet, with medium heels.
  • If your legs are overloaded, be sure to do contrasting douches.
  • Avoid hypothermia.

If, despite the measures taken, your fingers continue to go numb, then you should definitely consult a specialist.

Numbness in the toes has a favorable prognosis if the cause is identified in a timely manner. Even if a serious pathological process is detected, the symptoms can be effectively eliminated and the disease stopped.

When it comes to treating numbness in the extremities, it is important to understand that various treatment methods will be aimed not so much at relieving unpleasant symptoms, but at eradicating the cause that caused the loss of sensation in the toes. That is why it is so important that the diagnosis is not only timely, but also corresponds to the true state of affairs.

Drug therapy for numbness of the toes includes painkillers, drugs to relieve muscle spasms (muscle relaxants), and vitamin and mineral complexes. If the loss of sensation in a limb is associated with impaired blood circulation in the vessels, in addition to the above remedies, angioprotective drugs are prescribed that relieve inflammation and improve blood microcirculation, as well as drugs that reduce blood clotting to prevent the formation of blood clots, which is typical for varicose veins and thrombosis.

If the cause of numbness in the toes is somehow related to the functioning of the joints, then chondroprotective drugs can be added to the general list of medications that can restore cartilage tissue and optimize the condition and function of the joints, thus preventing their negative effects on nerves and blood vessels.

To improve nerve conduction, vitamins and mineral complexes are most often used, and less often medications are used. A decisive role in this case is played by preparations of B vitamins, especially those containing vitamins B1 and B12, which are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Minerals worth paying attention to are zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium. These substances, along with vitamins and amino acids, are responsible for the health of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Frostbite, diabetic foot and other conditions with the formation of purulent wounds require the help of antibiotics to prevent blood poisoning due to gangrene.

Medicines for numbness of extremities

Numbness of the toes is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations such as burning, tingling and pain. In order to relieve these symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of patches, tablets, ointments or injections. The most commonly prescribed medications are Analgin, Paracetamol, Pentalgin, and salicylic acid derivatives. In case of pronounced pain syndrome due to intervertebral hernia or rheumatoid arthritis, stronger drugs are prescribed, such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, etc.

"Meloxicam"- an inexpensive non-steroidal drug, characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. It does not have a negative effect on cartilage tissue. It is used both in the form of tablets and by injection.

The method of administration and dose of the drug depend on the diagnosed disease. The tablets are taken once a day with food. Injections most often involve administering the drug once a day. The dosage of the medicine can range from 7.5 mg to 15 mg per day.

Taking the drug may be accompanied by dyspepsia, anemia, skin rashes and itching, headaches and dizziness, problems with the kidneys and liver. You must notify your doctor about any side effects of the drug.

Precautionary measures. Taking large doses of the drug can cause an overdose, accompanied by clouding of consciousness, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, gastric bleeding, respiratory arrest, and the development of kidney or liver failure. Treatment of this condition involves taking measures that accelerate the elimination of the drug from the body: gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal or cholestyramine.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age, to patients with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, peptic ulcers and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for bleeding, for cardiac, renal or liver failure, during pregnancy and lactation.

In case of peripheral circulation disorders, varicose veins, diabetes, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, as well as lesions of the spine, angioprotective drugs are prescribed to improve microcirculation. These include Pentoxifylline, Doxilek, Vazaprostan, Antistax, etc.

"Doxylek"- a drug most often used in the treatment of pathologies that cause numbness in the toes.

The dosage and method of administration of the drug depend on the disease. The usual recommended dose of the drug is 250-750 mg per day. The frequency of administration is from 1 to 4 times a day. Capsules are taken without chewing, during or after meals.

Taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: digestive disorders, changes in liver parameters, allergic manifestations.

Doxilek is able to enhance the effect of blood thinning drugs, in particular Heparin.

The drug is contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric bleeding, liver and kidney diseases, blood clotting disorders, and in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Intended for the treatment of patients over 13 years of age.

"Heparin"- a drug that reduces blood viscosity and prevents thrombus formation, which is prescribed in the form of an ointment, subcutaneous or intravenous injections and droppers for numbness of the toes associated with circulatory disorders.

The method of use and dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor individually in each specific case.

Side effects of the drug include skin and general allergic reactions, bleeding and hemorrhage, pain in the head, joints and the injection site, redness of the skin, digestive disorders, increased blood pressure, and changes in laboratory parameters.

In case of an overdose of the drug, bleeding of varying intensity is observed.

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug,
  • history of thrombocytopenia caused by taking Heparin,
  • various types of bleeding,
  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You should be careful when taking the drug for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, pathologies of the central nervous system, and oncology.

If numbness in the toes is caused by degenerative processes in the joints, resulting in damage to nearby nerves and vessels, chondroprotective drugs that have a positive effect on cartilage and bone tissue are used to stop the pathological process. A striking example of such a medicine is Chondroxide, which normalizes metabolism in cartilage and has a regenerating effect on bone and connective tissue of joints.

The drug can be used either in the form of tablets or as an ointment or gel, which are applied directly to the skin over the area affected by the underlying disease 2-3 times a day. Tablets are also taken 2 times a day, 2 pieces at a time, with a small amount of liquid, regardless of meals.

The course of treatment with the drug, depending on the patient’s condition and the form of medication used, ranges from 2-3 weeks to six months with the possibility of repeated courses after 3-5 months.

The drug has few side effects. Sometimes allergic reactions occur, nausea and stool upset appear.

It also has few contraindications. This is the period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as hypersensitivity to the drug. Caution should be exercised in taking the medicine if you are prone to bleeding.

Treatment of numbness of the toes due to diabetes mellitus or frostbite may include taking antibacterial drugs (Gentamicin, Ampicillin, Ofloxacin, etc.) in order to avoid complete loss of sensitivity due to necrosis of limb tissue and to exclude death in as a result of blood contamination with their breakdown products.

Physiotherapeutic treatment for numbness in toes

In the treatment of numbness of the toes, physiotherapeutic treatment is becoming widespread, which is often more effective and safe than medication. A variety of physical therapy methods allows you to select the right treatment option for various pathologies in which there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs, and to find an individual approach to the treatment of each patient.

Recently, temperature therapy has become increasingly popular, i.e. heat and cold treatment. For numbness in the toes, contrasting foot baths and cold therapy give good results, which quickly and effectively removes inflammation, relieves swelling, and has a pronounced anticonvulsant and analgesic effect. Such procedures help not only to quickly restore sensitivity in the hands and feet, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Electrophoresis used in all cases where it is necessary to enhance the conduction of nerve impulses or improve the activity of muscles and tissues. It helps relieve all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany numbness of the limbs. Drug electrophoresis has found wide use as part of the complex therapy of any neurological diseases, since with its help the necessary drugs are introduced directly into the affected area, providing a strong therapeutic effect.

Pain and numbness in toes can be relieved by several laser therapy sessions, which, using a stream of light particles, stimulates restoration and normalizes the functions of various human tissues.

A similar effect has magnetotherapy, which also stimulates the body to fight various diseases, improving brain and heart activity and relieving the pain that accompanies numbness in some pathologies.

And, of course, it is simply impossible to overestimate benefits of therapeutic massage with loss of sensitivity. If numbness is not associated with the development of any pathology in the human body, but is only the result of being in an uncomfortable position or wearing inappropriate shoes, massage is the only therapeutic method that allows you to remove the symptoms of numbness in a short time.

Relaxing and therapeutic massage is also useful for numbness of the toes due to certain pathologies, since it helps to safely and effectively relieve spasms of muscles and blood vessels, improves blood circulation and tissue trophism, relieves pain, restoring sensitivity to the body.

Useful for numbness of limbs and moderate physical activity. Daily jogging, swimming and some exercises (squeezing and unclenching your toes, rolling a round object with your feet, walking on your toes and heels) will help not only relieve the symptoms of numbness, but also prevent the occurrence of this condition in the future.

Methods of manual and hirudotherapy(leech treatment), acupuncture and reflexology, balneological baths, mud massage, transcutaneous/percutaneous electrical stimulation, stone massage help improve the patient’s condition and permanently consolidate the results obtained from complex therapy.

Traditional medicine for numbness of the limbs

Alternative treatment is measures and means that will help alleviate the symptoms of numbness in the toes on your own, without resorting to the help of doctors. But this does not mean at all that the use of folk experience should be uncontrolled and occur instead of drug treatment.

Let's consider folk recipes that can relieve the symptoms of numbness in the toes and enhance the effect of pharmaceutical drugs that are designed to fight the underlying disease.

  • Recipe 1. Wraps with honey. They are carried out for each numb finger separately. To do this, the finger is smeared with honey, which is thoroughly rubbed into the skin, and then wrapped in a piece of cloth or bandage. It's better to do this at night.
  • Recipe 2. Garlic-lemon infusion. 1 lemon and a head of garlic are crushed, poured with 2 glasses (500 ml) of water and left for 4 days. The infusion is drunk before meals in the amount of ¼ glass.
  • Recipe 3. Rub: pickles and hot peppers. 2-3 cucumbers are cut into cubes and mixed with 3 pods of ground red pepper, add 500 ml of vodka and leave in a dark place for 7 days.

Tibetan medicine recipe. Pour hot water into a large bowl at a temperature you can tolerate. Place your feet in it and forcefully press the bottom of the bowl with your fingers. After a few minutes, sensitivity in the fingers is restored.

Don't forget about herbal treatment. For numbness of the toes, wormwood, motherwort, chicory, and wild rosemary have a positive effect. Herbal tinctures with vodka or apple cider vinegar are used for medicinal rubs.

Homeopathy for numbness in toes

Treatment of a disease that causes numbness in the toes continues for more than one day, which means that you will have to saturate your body with chemical compounds that are part of the prescribed pharmaceutical medications for a long period. You can resort to traditional medicine, but by themselves they will not bring the desired recovery. This means that it makes sense to try the effective and safe remedies that homeopathy offers us.

As already mentioned, one of the minerals involved in the correction of nerve conduction is zinc. Zincum metallicum is a homeopathic medicine that replenishes the reserves of this trace element in the body. The product is used in high dilutions, at least 12th. A homeopathic doctor can give a more precise prescription.

The same applies to potassium and calcium preparations: Kali phosphoricum, which is used in 3 and 6 dilutions, Calcarea phosphorica (3, 6, 12 dilutions), Calcium carbonicum (as prescribed by a doctor). For pain and numbness in the toes, magnesium preparations can also be prescribed: Magnesium carbonicum or Magnesium phosphoricum.

If the nervous and skeletal systems are affected, preparations from the spider Tarentula hispanica or Teridion may be prescribed. The dosages of these drugs depend on the pathology for which they are used. The first drug is recommended to be used in the 3rd dilution and above 2 times a week. Doses of the second may vary significantly.

Numbness of the extremities due to impaired peripheral circulation is treated with the homeopathic drug Aesculus compositum, which should be taken 3 times a day after meals. The medicine is available in the form of drops; its daily dose ranges from 3 to 10 drops, depending on the age of the patient. The drops are diluted in a small amount of water; it is recommended to hold them in the mouth before swallowing.

For any nervous diseases, including numbness of the toes due to nerve damage, the drug Nervoheel has a positive effect.

No matter how good and safe any homeopathic medicine is, its prescription should be made by a homeopathic doctor, and not by the patient himself. Despite the virtual absence of side effects, when using homeopathic remedies it would be useful to take some precautions, because any drug may not be so safe if a hypersensitivity reaction develops. And some drugs are not recommended to be taken until a certain age or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Is surgery necessary for numb toes?

Numbness of the toes is a pathology that requires mainly conservative treatment, which includes therapy with medications, homeopathic and folk remedies, physiotherapy, behavior and lifestyle correction. Surgical treatment in this situation is rarely used and only in connection with the underlying disease that caused the numbness of the limbs. Such diseases include varicose veins, spinal hernia, and spinal cancer.

For example, for varicose veins, the doctor may resort to phlebectomy, which involves surgical removal of damaged veins. With vein thrombosis, it may be necessary to remove the blood clots that are causing the blockage of the blood vessels.

Surgery is used to combat herniated intervertebral discs, as well as malignant neoplasms of the spine. Sometimes such an operation not only helps relieve symptoms of numbness in the legs, but also saves the patient’s life.

In severe cases of frostbite of the fingers or diabetes mellitus, when a purulent process progresses at the site of the wounds and tissue necrosis develops, amputation of a finger or part of a leg is sometimes resorted to.

Numbness of the toes is a decrease or complete loss of sensitivity of the skin of this anatomical area, which is often combined with symptoms such as tingling, burning sensation, crawling, and pain. In medicine, this disorder of sensory function is called paresthesia.

Paresthesia is a very common phenomenon; it can be observed both in a healthy person due to certain physiological factors, and can be one of the first symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore, it is very important in case of development of numbness of the toes, which does not go away on its own or often recurs, to seek professional medical help to determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

External reasons why toes go numb

Very often, numbness of the toes is not associated with any illness, but is a normal reaction of the body to some irritating factors.

The main physiological cause of numbness in the feet is associated with prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, sitting cross-legged. The fact is that in this position the blood flow through the blood vessels of the lower extremities is disrupted, and the nervous tissue is the most sensitive to the lack of oxygen and nutrients. Because of this, the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers slows down significantly, which is accompanied by a disruption in their functioning and the development of a symptom such as paresthesia.

Sensitivity is restored immediately as soon as the person changes position and blood flow to the feet is normalized.

Staying in this position for a long time is often accompanied by numbness in the toes.

The second most common physiological reason why toes go numb is wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes. The development of paresthesia in this situation is based on the same mechanism - disruption of normal blood circulation and the development of ischemia of nerve fibers. Addiction to high-heeled shoes leads to frequent numbness of the big toe.

Another external factor that causes numbness in the toes is hypothermia, which is accompanied by a violation of the sensitive function of the nerve endings of the skin.

In some people, numbness in the toes of the left or right foot is associated with a lack of vitamins (especially group B) and microelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium) in the body.

If, after analyzing your lifestyle and the physiological causes of paresthesia described above, you have not found the answer to the question of why the toes on your left or right foot go numb, then you need to think about the pathological causes of this symptom and seek medical help.

Hypothermia of the legs is often accompanied by numbness

Pathological causes of numbness in the toes

There are many dangerous causes of numbness in the fingers of the lower extremities. Let's look at the most common of them.


Diabetes mellitus develops due to an absolute or relative lack of the hormone insulin in the body, the main task of which is the utilization of glucose. Glucose is the main energy material for all cells of our body, but in the case of diabetes, it cannot get inside the cells, which is why they develop “starvation”. In such a situation, the body is forced to adapt to another method of obtaining energy - the breakdown of fats. Unfortunately, as a result, a lot of by-products are formed - ketone bodies. They are very toxic to all tissues, especially to nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to the development of such complications of diabetes as diabetic foot.

Diabetic foot is a common and very dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus.

This syndrome develops against the background of progressive damage to small vessels, nerve fibers, muscles, bones and skin of the feet. It is characterized by frequent foot injuries, very poor wound healing, the appearance of corns, fungal infections of the skin and nails, numbness in the legs, and pain in the feet. Diabetic foot is often accompanied by severe suppurative and necrotic processes, and also causes limb amputation.

You should know! When your toes often go numb, you should be tested for type 2 diabetes, as this is often one of the first symptoms such patients experience and prompts them to see a doctor.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

As you know, atherosclerosis is a systemic process and can affect all vessels in the human body. The arteries of the lower extremities are no exception. Partial or complete blocking of the lumen of a vessel by an atherosclerotic plaque is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, including numbness of the fingers of the lower extremities, pallor and cold skin of the feet, tingling and burning, spasms of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, and intermittent claudication syndrome.

The last symptom is especially characteristic of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. It manifests itself as pain and heaviness in the legs while walking and is associated with a lack of blood supply (arteries clogged with cholesterol cannot provide the necessary blood flow during physical activity). After stopping and resting, the pain goes away.

A serious complication of this pathology is gangrene, which threatens leg amputation and even death if medical care is not provided in a timely manner.

The absence or weakening of the pulse in the arteries of the foot indicates atherosclerotic damage to the vessels of the lower extremities

Diseases of the lumbar and sacral spine

If the toes on your right or left foot often go numb, you should also think about the pathology of the spinal column. Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, protrusion or herniation of the intervertebral disc of the lumbosacral spine may be accompanied by complications such as compression and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. One of the characteristic signs of this pathology is numbness of the toes of the right or left foot (depending on which nerve is damaged). The disease also manifests itself as a nagging or burning pain in the gluteal region; painful “shooting” like an electric shock is possible on the back of the thigh and lower leg.

Tunnel neuropathies

Depending on which nerve of the foot is damaged, numbness develops in different areas

This is a lesion of the peripheral nerves in which they are pinched in narrow anatomical beds formed by bones, muscles, tendons and aponeuroses. Such compression can develop due to several reasons: injuries with disruption of the normal structure of nerve channels, inflammation of tendons, muscles, metabolic disorders in the body (for example, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease).

There are such types of tunnel syndrome, in which the toes of the left and right feet may go numb:

  • neuropathy of the sciatic nerve (occurs during development);
  • femoral nerve damage;
  • tibial nerve entrapment;
  • peroneal nerve tunnel syndrome.

In addition to numbness in the toes of the right or left foot, each of these pathologies has its own specific symptoms, and a neurologist can make the correct diagnosis.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities

The development of varicose veins in the legs, as well as complications of this disease (chronic venous insufficiency, phlebothrombosis, thrombophlebitis) may be accompanied by a symptom such as numb little fingers and other toes, although this is not the main sign of the disease. This cause of paresthesia can be recognized by the following signs: visually visible varicose veins or vascular venous network on the lower extremities, trophic changes (peeling, discoloration of the skin, fungal infections of the skin and nails, trophic ulcers), frequent painful cramps in the muscles of the feet and legs .

Brain diseases

If numbness in the toes of the left or right foot occurs suddenly and does not go away, this may be one of the symptoms of damage to brain tissue. A similar picture occurs with a transient ischemic attack, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, brain tumors, cysts, vascular aneurysms, infectious lesions (encephalitis, meningitis).

Sudden loss of sensation may be one of the first signs of a stroke

Also, persistent paresthesia of the lower extremities may indicate rare but very serious diseases of the nervous system - multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Raynaud's disease

The pathology is based on damage to the small arterial vessels of the arms and legs. As a result, a pathological vasospastic reaction of the arteries to external factors (most often temperature fluctuations) occurs. In this case, the arteries spasm, blood flow in the affected area is disrupted, which is accompanied by numbness of the legs or arms, their pallor, and sometimes pain.

This pathological process can act as an independent disease, but most often it is one of the symptoms of an underlying disease, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

This selective pallor of the fingertips is a manifestation of Raynaud's disease or syndrome

Vibration disease

This is an occupational disease that appears under prolonged exposure to general or local vibration. Such a negative production factor is found in the transport, mining, and metallurgical construction industries. Accordingly, workers in these professions are prone to development.

Under prolonged negative effects of vibration on the lower extremities, nerve endings and blood vessels are damaged. This leads to attacks of numbness in the toes, tingling, coldness and pallor of the skin of the feet, and the appearance of pain. The disease is also characterized by general manifestations in the form of increased irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue, and headache.

Obliterating endarteritis

This disease is also called Buerger's disease. Its development is based on damage to the arteries of the lower extremities - their lumen gradually narrows until complete obliteration. Thus, the blood supply to the tissues of the feet is disrupted, which causes severe hypoxia of the nerve endings and the development of paresthesia of the fingers. In addition to numbness, patients experience severe pain in sore legs, trophic changes in the skin, chronic ulcers, pallor and coldness of the feet, and cramps. In severe cases, gangrene of the lower extremities may develop.

What to do if your toes go numb? First of all, it is necessary to exclude possible physiological causes of such an unpleasant symptom. If none are found, it is imperative to visit a doctor to determine the true cause of paresthesia.

Why do the toes on my left foot go numb? In this article we will answer the most common question from patients. It is asked to doctors in medical institutions and on the Internet. Very often, even small children ask their parents: “Why do my toes go numb?” In this article we will try to find answers to these questions - read carefully.

The first answer to this question is that you may have lost sensation in your toes as a result of poor circulation. Try to do self-massage. If this does not help, then in this case you will need to seek advice from specialists.

What specialists should you contact if you lose sensation in your left toes?

If you realize that you have lost sensation in the toes of your left foot, then contact doctors such as:

  • Specialist - neurologist -
  • Angiologist-
  • Vascular surgeon-
  • Manual surgeon-
  • Neurosurgeon.

So, if you just sat on your leg, or you started to experience numbness after a long sleep, then you don’t have to worry. Your limbs are fine, you are healthy.

Often a person (both an adult and a child) can crush their left leg under their own weight. If you somehow sit down awkwardly and turn your left leg, this causes pressure on the blood vessels and capillaries. When you don’t feel your legs after a night’s rest, be patient a little - walk, stretch your limbs and blood circulation should be restored.

An alarming symptom of limb numbness is the lack of response of the lower extremities to high or low temperatures. That is, if you put your left foot under hot water and then under cold water and do not understand the temperature difference, then immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of loss of sensitivity

Let's try to find the answer to the question: Why is the sensitivity of the toes of the left foot lost?

There can really be many reasons for this. A very common occurrence is:

  • Inflammation of the sciatic nerve-
  • Osteochondrosis-
  • Spinal deformity-
  • The occurrence of intervertebral hernia -
  • Squeezing of nerve endings -
  • Circulatory disorders.

All of the above reasons lead to the fact that the nerve endings of a person’s left limb are compressed and all this leads to loss of sensitivity.

Often, not all the toes of the left foot may go numb, but only, for example, one big toe. Do not ignore such symptoms under any circumstances! The earlier you identify a possible illness, the higher the chances of a positive prognosis.

Video: Big toe on left foot goes numb

Other causes of loss of sensation in the toes

Other more serious causes of numbness in the toes of the left foot may include pathological situations such as:

  • Diabetes-
  • Damage to blood vessels due to inflammatory and infectious diseases in the body, especially progressive, chronic ones -
  • Raynaud's disease is a pathological disorder of blood circulation in blood vessels -
  • Pathological clogging of arteries with cholesterol plaques -
  • Atherosclerosis-
  • Chronic diseases-
  • Alcohol addiction-
  • Smoking-
  • Eating unhealthy fatty foods -
  • Physical inactivity, that is, a complete or partial lack of physical activity.

Some people may not suffer from alcohol addiction, but, for example, after drinking one glass of wine, they begin to experience pathological destruction of blood vessels. No need to expose your body to bad habits!

Complete numbness of the toes of the left foot can occur with diseases such as:

  • Pathological damage to arteries -
  • Pinched nerve endings -
  • Diabetes-
  • Pathology called polyneuropathy-
  • Sciatica-
  • Multiple sclerosis-
  • Raynaud's syndrome disease
  • Osteochondrosis-
  • Disease - tunnel syndrome -
  • Ischemic heart disease-
  • Cardiovascular disorders -
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

How can I eliminate numbness in my left toes?

This is indeed a very simple reason, but still, the toes of the left foot can become numb due to constantly wearing tight, narrow shoes. Often women who wear heels all day long return home complaining of numbness in the toes of their left foot. Of course, both legs can be affected by numbness. Try replacing your shoes with looser ones and compare how you feel.

If you are tired after a hard day at work, you may also experience numbness in your limbs. In this case, you need to rest. Do a self-massage of your feet or take a relaxing shower (bath).

Try to move more, in particular, do preventative exercises in the morning. Again, if the limbs are numb, then, as a rule, a regular walk can restore blood circulation. You can easily eliminate numbness in your left toes without using medications.

At least for a while, try to give up bad habits, start taking multivitamin complexes (they can be purchased at any pharmacy).

Illness and numbness of the limbs

Is the cause of numbness in the limbs a disease? In this case, you will not be able to eliminate the pain syndrome on your own without preliminary diagnosis.

Today, make an appointment with a doctor - for example, a surgeon, a neurologist, as well as a phlebologist and therapist. These specialists will help you undergo appropriate diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

To temporarily relieve pain in your toes, you can resort to some traditional methods:

  • Apply natural honey to the numb toes of your left foot, then wrap your foot in a plastic bag and put on a warm sock. A warm wrap may help restore feeling in your left leg for a while.
  • Another effective technique is to make contrasting baths. First, direct a stream of cold shower to your feet, and then a hot one. This needs to be done in 5 approaches. If sensitivity does not return, then you will definitely have to go to the hospital.
  • Camphor ointment is a very quick method for restoring sensitivity in the toes of the left hand. Apply a small amount of ointment to your feet, then put on socks and go to bed.

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Many people often face this problem when their toes go numb. This can happen in the evening, at night, or throughout the day. To avoid unpleasant sensations, you need to find out why your toes go numb.

Often, numbness of the limbs occurs due to incorrectly selected shoes: too narrow or too tight, with very high heels. This is the most common reason for such sensations. Due to hard and narrow shoes, the blood supply to the lower extremities is disrupted. The solution to this problem is simple: replace your shoes. It is necessary to wear soft shoes that fit so that the foot does not feel compressed, but feels free.

Numbness of the toes often occurs when a nerve is pinched for a short time due to an uncomfortable position taken by a person. As soon as you change your body position, the numbness disappears. If, after changing your body position, the unwanted sensations do not disappear, there is a reason to go to the hospital.

Toes also become numb due to diseases such as flat feet and arthrosis. The hemodynamics of the legs worsens with Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis, and gout. Insufficient blood supply causes paresthesia of the feet. Feet always become cold and freeze all the time. A lack of vitamins in the body, in particular vitamin B12, calcium, and other microelements, can also cause numbness in the toes.

More than 80% of cases of numbness in the legs occur due to diseases of the spine. With such ailments as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, herniated intervertebral discs, a disorder of the blood supply in the legs, loss of sensitivity, and numbness of the toes are often observed. To determine the involvement of the spine in paresthesia of the toes, you will need to conduct an examination, in particular, ultrasound, X-ray, MRI.

Sugar disease and neuroma can also cause stiffness of the toes, burning, tingling, and even pain and itching in the toes. To the listed ailments you can add multiple sclerosis, hereditary diseases associated with nerve damage, ischemic attacks on some part of the right leg or toes of the left foot.

As you can see, if numbness in your toes bothers you, you won’t be able to find the reasons on your own; you need to contact a specialist.

How to deal with leg paresthesia

What to do if your toes go numb? First you need to find out the reason. You can't cope here without doctors. Only after the examinations have been carried out, a specialized specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and give an answer as to why the toes are numb, as well as prescribe adequate treatment.

Causes and treatment are closely related. Therefore, a correct diagnosis is already half the way to recovery. If the feeling of ossification occurs infrequently and is not too disturbing, you can try to cope with the disease yourself:

Honey wraps help a lot. Spread numb limbs with warmed honey, wrap them up and put woolen socks on top. This procedure is best done before bedtime. You can use camphor ointment: before going to bed, apply the ointment to the sore toe, wrap it in a bandage and, putting on socks, go to bed.

If, upon waking up, you feel your fingertips becoming stiff, there is no need to panic. You were probably just sleeping in an awkward position. In a dream, a person does not control himself and can take positions that interfere with blood supply. It’s easy to get rid of unpleasant symptoms; you just need to relax the limb.

The consequences of paresthesia of the toes can be unpredictable: from circulatory disorders to gangrene. It all depends on the root cause that caused such a symptom. When numbness in the toes is a consequence of osteochondrosis (spinal disease), the person risks becoming disabled (may stop walking).

You can eliminate numbness in your toes by curing the disease that caused it.

If one of your toes goes numb

If the first toe on the left foot suffers, and the same signs appear on the right foot, the reason probably lies somewhere in the spine, or more precisely, in its lumbar region. The first toes are stimulated by nerves originating in the 4-5 lumbar vertebrae. When these vertebrae are affected by osteochondrosis, there is a hernia or protrusion of the lumbar column, the first toe can often become stiff.

And in this case, the situation cannot be normalized without medications, and only a doctor can prescribe them. Another case: the first toe on the left foot suffers at first, then turns red and begins to hurt. These symptoms indicate gout, a disease associated with impaired purine metabolism and the deposition of uric acid crystals in the area of ​​the joint of the first finger.

The disease most often affects overweight men who eat a lot of protein foods. Also, the cause of ossification of the fingers can be arthrosis of the first toe. It is mistakenly considered gout, but it is a completely different disease. Gout is much less common, and mainly affects the male population, but arthrosis is more common, and women suffer from it.

As the disease progresses, the finger changes its shape and its mobility is severely limited. And it is almost impossible to return it to its original state. Arthrosis is further complicated by the fact that the second and third toes change during the course of the disease. Because of this, foot deformation occurs, which is very difficult to treat.

When the first toe becomes numb, this indicates the presence of some serious illness (gout, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sciatica, intervertebral hernia, vascular diseases of the legs). When there are protrusions, intervertebral hernia, osteophytes have grown, the middle and ring fingers immediately go numb.

From all this we can conclude that numbness in each toe indicates the development of a particular disease. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of defeating the disease.

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