Features of the Negroid race. Black and white

* Black people suffer from heart attacks 2.5 times more often than white people. Perhaps because their blood levels of nitric oxide, which ensures the proper functioning of the heart, are reduced.
* Cancer is perhaps the biggest racist among diseases. The risk of dying from a malignant tumor is one third higher among blacks than whites. For example, breast cancer in black women is much more difficult to treat than in white women because black women have fewer estrogen receptors. And some cancer cells, which pose almost no danger to a white person’s body, develop into a fatal tumor in an African. In addition, cancer in blacks is more likely to mutate into more dangerous forms.
* According to statistical studies, blacks, on average, start drinking and using drugs earlier than whites. And the consequences of these dangerous hobbies are more serious for them. In general, however, blacks still drink less than whites. But they smoke more.
* Black newborns are more likely to suffer from sudden death syndrome.
* Black people sweat more than white people.
* In terms of blood groups, Europeans are closer to Africans, and in terms of the immunoglobulin system - to Mongoloids.
*Hepatitis C virus also affects blacks more often than whites.
* Skin cancer is a “privilege” of the European race, but prostate cancer is a “privilege” of the African race.
* Europeans are the first at risk for multiple sclerosis. This terrible disease affects Asians and Africans much less frequently.
* Indians, Hispanics, Europeans and Africans have different rates of diabetes. Reds and blacks fall victim to the disease at an earlier age and are more likely to suffer kidney damage. And the whites have vessels.
* Black girls under 10 are slimmer than their white peers. But, starting from the age of 12, black women are more likely to be obese.
* Who is smarter? On average, the Central European and Eastern Mongoloid groups of people have the largest brains and the highest IQ (which is also a controversial criterion).
* Dementia in old age is most common in Europeans, and least common in Africans and Latin Americans.
* Whites have the highest plasma cholesterol levels.
* Lupus erythematosus is a disease of Indians and West Africans. It is not so common among the white population.
True, it should be noted that international marriages reduce all “racial medicine” to nothing - who knows in what bizarre set of genes the child received from parents of different colors.
And don’t forget that all children in the world smile in the same language!

Black starts and wins

“Black is fast,” says American Joe Entine, who recently wrote the book “Taboo, or Why Black Athletes Are Better and Why Everyone is Afraid to Say It.”
After analyzing the results of the competitions and the records of the Olympics, Entain proves that no one can overtake black runners. Naked facts: out of the 200 best results in sprinting, black athletes belong to... 200. And not a single white athlete has run a hundred meters faster than in 10 seconds. But even at long distances, in most cases whites see the backs of blacks, and not vice versa.
It is interesting that black sprinters originate from West Africa. And the stayers are from Eastern. What is the reason?
Back in 1995, English doctor and runner Roger Bannister suggested that black athletes have anatomical advantages over white ones. For this, Bannister was immediately bombarded with accusations of racism and explanations: they say that blacks run faster because they live high in the mountains (like, for example, members of the “fleet-footed” Kalenjin tribe) and have larger lungs, or because they a special diet, or because as children they have to run kilometers every day to school...
All these assumptions were refuted. Research by Danish scientists has determined that oxygen is consumed by blacks and whites in equal quantities, the diet of Africans is much worse than that of Europe, and children of any color are equally hardy.
But! Because lactic acid produced by muscles accumulates in the blood more slowly in blacks, they begin to feel tired later. Why slower? Because Kenyans, for example, have much thinner calves than Europeans, on average 400 g each. This means that the lever into which the leg turns when running requires less muscle effort, and less lactic acid is produced with less muscle load. Thus, the Kenyan athlete has an 8-fold advantage due to his skinny legs!
There is one more feature: in the muscles of blacks there is an enzyme that helps fatty acids oxidize faster and, therefore, quickly obtain the energy necessary for running.
Kenyans win over long distances. And the Ethiopians are on short ones. What helps them and other West Africans stay ahead in short races is another genetic feature: the skeletal muscles of these tall, heavy athletes are the type of muscles that contract very quickly. They can produce energy for some time without oxygen, that is, anaerobically. This means that the runner may barely breathe during a short burst.
In general, East Africans have the "skinny calves" genes, while West Africans have the "super fast twitch" genes. This is racism in favor of blacks.
What could be the result of this "racist" study? The emergence of genetic doping: someday they will begin to introduce “black” genes under white skin.

Colored spots of shame

* Increasingly, on the streets of Russian cities - St. Petersburg, Chita, Moscow, Vladivostok - people are killed simply for the color of their skin and the shape of their eyes. The white bastard raises his shaved heads: there are about 50 thousand skinheads in our country, according to the most minimal estimates (for comparison: in all other countries of the world there are about 70,000 of them!).
* According to polls, 60% of Russians are hostile to foreigners. Africans and Asians rank 3rd and 4th on the hate list.
* Representatives of all skin colors have offensive words towards people of a different race. So, for example, dark-skinned Latin Americans have the phrase “Am I blacker than you?” meaning "Why are you ignoring me?"
* In 2004, 300 racially motivated attacks were recorded in Moscow. In the West, such acts are called “hate crimes.” At the same time, only 5 court sentences were handed down with the wording “For racial crimes” - in other cases, extremists are tried as for ordinary hooliganism.
* The other extreme, although, of course, far from being so bloodthirsty, is American hyper-political correctness, when a black cannot be called black, and a police dog is accused of racism because it finds drugs exclusively from African-Americans (a real case in Pennsylvania).

We were all dark once

The concept that there are only 3 major races on Earth - Caucasian, Mongoloid and Equatorial (Australian-Negroid) - is considered outdated. Today, most scientists identify about 6 large races and 30-40 small anthropological types. Races differ from each other in several dozen indicators. The main differences are the shape of the hair on the head; hair on the face and body; shape of the eyelid, nose and lips; hair, skin and eye color; height.
According to modern ideas, there are two “trunks” within the species Homo sapiens - Eastern and Western, in which the six main races are equally distributed. The western trunk includes:
Caucasoids (synonym - Caucasoids). The typical representative is Indian. The main difference is the strong profile of the face, that is, its sharp features;
Negroids. Spiral hair and black skin;
capoids. These are South Africans with yellow-brown skin and childish features.
The eastern trunk includes:
Mongoloids. The main feature is the special structure of the eyes. They are considered a young race - only 12,000 years old;
Amerindians. These are the Indians;
Australoids. The most ancient and very diverse race.
And where is the place among them for the “white man”? Initially, all humanity was dark-skinned. Loss of pigment is a consequence of frequent mutation, selection and isolation. Until the 15th century, white-skinned and light-eyed people made up an insignificant part of the Earth's population and they lived in the area of ​​the White and Baltic Seas. But the settlement of the gigantic territories of North America and northern Eurasia led to an increase in the white population. By the middle of the 19th century, the range of whites increased from 7 to 75 million square kilometers.
It is not known exactly how many ethnic groups and races there are in the world.
At the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 2.5 billion people in the world. Of these, more than a third are people with white skin. But the picture has changed. There are now approximately 6.1 billion people in the world, and two-thirds of them are Asian. In general, the ratio of people by skin color is returning to pre-Columbian levels due to low white birth rates and high rates of intermarriage.

Scientific opinion

A survey conducted among scientists in 1985 shows how controversial the issue of human race is. The statement “The species Homo sapiens has biological races” was agreed upon by all
16% of biologists,
36% of physiologists,
41% of physical anthropologists
53% cultural anthropologists.


Not only humans have races. They are found, for example, in salmon and sturgeon fish and in cuckoos. Different races of cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of different species of passerine birds, and therefore the shells of eggs of different races of cuckoos differ in color.


“How lucky the thick-lipped one is!” - Rodrigo throws out with annoyance, having learned that the beautiful Desdemona chose Othello over him. Actually, it is precisely this remark that allows us to assume that in this tragedy by William Shakespeare, although other characters call the main character the “Venetian Moor,” what is still meant is not the Moor as such (i.e., not an Arab), namely Negro, because Arabs belong to the Caucasian race, but thick lips are a characteristic feature of another race, Negroid.

What explains this racial characteristic? Unfortunately, on the Internet, one has to meet very diverse judgments on this subject - in the style of “Nigers have brains”, etc. - but you and I are not racists, and we will not stoop to such etiological myths (as myths about the origin of certain characteristics are called).

First, let's remember - where do blacks live? However, now they already live everywhere - even here, in cold Russia, so it is more correct to pose the question differently: where is the homeland of the Negroid race? Of course, in Africa. Africa is a very hot place, rich in sun. It is no coincidence that it is considered the “cradle of humanity”: where else could creatures almost devoid of fur survive, if not in hot Africa? But the hot African sun is not only a blessing, it can also be an enemy! After all, overheating is also not good for the body; accordingly, those creatures that have acquired reliable protection from excess heat survive in hot climates.

How can the body cool itself in extreme heat? By evaporation of moisture. The stronger the heat, the greater the evaporation (this is why in hot weather you always want to drink - because the body loses a huge amount of water through evaporation). Evaporation occurs in different ways: from the surface of the skin (sweating), with breathing, and also through the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. The larger the size of this very membrane, the more moisture will evaporate, the better the body cools, and the thick lips of blacks are precisely the way to increase the area of ​​the mucous membrane. Their wide nostrils serve the same purpose.

The same purpose - protection from the hot African sun - is served by other features of the Negroid race: curly, coarse hair protects the head from overheating (a kind of natural “headdress”), black skin well reflects ultraviolet radiation, which in large quantities is detrimental to the human body.

Sometimes you hear the following reasoning: okay, let’s assume that the traits of the Negroid race were initially formed under the influence of the African climate. But why don’t they occur, for example, among residents of southern Italy - it’s hot there too? And why haven’t those blacks who have been living for several generations in countries with a less hot climate than Africa—in the same United States—lost such traits? And for some reason, Caucasians living in Africa do not turn black and do not acquire other signs of blacks...

Let's start with how many years blacks live in America - about 400 years, no more. For evolutionary processes, this is, one might say, a “short moment” - evolution counts for millions of years before any noticeable changes appear.

Secondly, those who raise such a question do not quite accurately imagine the mechanisms of evolution: conditions changed, which led to a change in characteristics. In reality, everything happens somewhat differently: changed conditions allow those individuals who, as a result of random mutations, possess certain characteristics to survive and leave offspring. Previously, perhaps, such mutant animals were also born - but they had no more or even less chances to “pass on the genes” than other individuals, but now - under different conditions - they find themselves in an advantageous position. This mechanism will not work - there will be no evolutionary changes in the species. And for Homo Sapiens, for more than 20 thousand years, it’s not that it doesn’t work at all, but it works very limitedly: a Caucasian in Africa will not die from sunstroke - he has hats, a sun umbrella, and air conditioning. In the same way, a black man does not risk freezing in a cold climate - there are warm clothes, there is heating... That is why Caucasians feel great in the hot regions of Europe - our species mastered these territories even when they could do something to oppose natural conditions.

But races were formed in that distant era when man was defenseless against nature, and survival (and, accordingly, leaving offspring) was determined precisely by biological, including racial characteristics. When social evolution began to “suppress” biological evolution, the need to change racial characteristics disappeared.

Why do the Chinese have narrow eyes, dark skin, and short stature? Why do Arabs have thick eyelashes?))))
Is the task puzzling? And their lips are like canisters with a supply of water!)))))

Typical Negroid signs appeared after part of the population left the Southern Mediterranean for the tropics and are the result of the body’s reaction to changed natural conditions. They are mainly aimed at combating body overheating. As a result, those Australoid characteristics that the ancestor possessed were even more intensified among the Negroids of Africa. The dark color (as a result of the high melanin content) protects the skin from burns. Curly hair creates a special air layer around the head. A narrow, tall and long head, typical of blacks, heats up more slowly than a wide, low and short head. A wide nose with large nostrils, thick lips with an extensive surface of the mucous membrane enhance heat transfer, as do a large number of sweat glands per unit of body surface, which is typical for all...

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According to modern ideas, the external differences between representatives of different races are due to the peculiarities of natural geographical conditions. That is, the external signs of people of any race are the result of adaptation to the climate conditions in which they live. The Negroid (or rather, the Negro-Australoid, or equatorial) race was formed in the tropical climate of Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Oceania and Australia. In these parts, people are exposed to a hot, humid climate and high levels of ultraviolet radiation. The external signs of Negroids are evidence of how this race has adapted to such a climate.

1. A cap of coarse, curly hair protects it from solar radiation.

2. Dark skin is the result of a high content of melanin pigment in the skin (as well as in the hair and retina), which protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

3. Wide nostrils are necessary for intense heat transfer during breathing.

4. What about lips? The thing is...

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We will talk about anthropological and other features of the Negroid race:

Keep in a black body.
Russian folk proverb.

In numerous studies of the human races, comparisons have been made between the brain weights of Whites and Negroes, which have shown that the Negro brain is approximately 8 to 12 percent lighter than the White brain.
Similar studies were carried out by Bean, Pearl, Vint, Tilney, Gordon, Todd and other scientists. Compared to the White brain, in addition to the difference in weight, the Black brain grows less after puberty.
Although the Negro brain and nervous system mature faster than the White brain, their development ceases at an earlier age, which limits further mental development.
The supragranular (outer) layer of the Black brain, compared to the White brain, is approximately 15 percent thinner.
The frontal lobes of the black brain, which are responsible for abstract thinking, are smaller in mass, less complex...

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101 facts about blacks (to the racist collection)

FACT #2: In...

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Millions of people live on our planet. Each has its own characteristics and original appearance. All people can be roughly divided into races. In this case, these groups will differ in basic characteristics, i.e., skin color, eyes, hair. Such differences are passed on from parents to children. They can change, but this process is very complex and lengthy.

The emergence of racial characteristics

Today there are only a few races. This is a Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid race. They are the most numerous at present. In ancient times, their number was tens of times greater.

The question of the emergence of races is akin to the question “where did people come from?” Despite the achievements of science, these topics still remain relevant and not fully understood. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the division into races occurred under the influence of climatic conditions. The peoples who once inhabited the continents were exposed to various external factors. For example, residents of hot climates have dark skin...

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In the modern world there are 3 races: Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. They differ from each other in physical characteristics: facial features, skin color, eye shape, hair shape and color.

The Negroid race is divided into 2 branches - Australian and African. This article will talk about what the Negroid race is, what nationalities it includes, distinctive features and mixed types of races.

What are races

In layman's terms, races are groups of people who differ from each other in physical characteristics.

Did you know that many anthropologists believe that the most beautiful representatives of Caucasians are Georgians? Well, of course, each of us knows that people of different races fall in love with each other and, as a result, mixed-race children are born from such marriages. For example, the mixing of Negroid and Caucasian races leads to the birth of children whom we call mulattoes. And if in Negroid...

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FACT #1: The white race crossed the seas, conquered rivers and mountains, drained deserts, and colonized the most barren icy expanses. Whites invented printing, electricity, flight, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, photography, motion pictures, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, the railroad, the microscope, the computer, and millions of other technological marvels. They have discovered countless medical improvements, incredible applications, scientific advances, etc. Such great people as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Edison, Bell, Pasteur, Livenhoek, Mendeleev, Newton, Galileo were white. , Watt, Luther, Leonardo da Vinci and thousands, thousands of other famous geniuses.

FACT #2: Over the course of 6,000 years of studied history, the African Negro has not invented anything. No writing, no fabric processing, no...

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All articles

Scientists have found that all external differences between people are associated with the natural conditions in which they live. Consequently, all external signs of different races are the reaction of the body when adapting to certain climatic conditions.
The Negroid race was formed in the tropical climate of Africa, South and Southeast Asia and Australia. People there live in a very hot and humid climate and are exposed to constant ultraviolet radiation.

Representatives of the Negroid race have developed the following differences:

Lots of coarse and curly hair (they protect from the scorching sun) Dark skin, because... it contains a lot of the coloring pigment melanin, which protects against ultraviolet rays Wide nostrils (for greater heat transfer during breathing) Wide lips (excess moisture from the body evaporates from the mucous membrane)

tell friends

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80 years ago, an authoritative scientist and one of the founders of experimental aerodynamics, Ludwig Prandtl, proved with calculations that the bumblebee is a real paradox, because it flies, but should not fly, since its wings are too small to lift and hold such a thing in the air. big body. Today we already know that the large “breasts” of the bumblebee are the muscles necessary for very fast wing flaps. With them, he creates turbulence that holds the insect in the air, and when he moves the wing upward, he turns it with an edge to reduce drag. The result is a system that is almost 2 times more efficient than that of airplanes that do not flap their wings. Prandtl did not take this into account, and the rotation of the wing can only be noticed using high-speed photography, but not unarmed...

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Popular myths about manhood (+18) Such a popular myth, which is cultivated by the authors of pulp novels, the creators of second-rate films or specific videos for the adult part of the population about the size of manhood in black men, is actually not true. The difference in the size of the penis of a representative of the white race and the Negroid race can only be significant at rest. In the erect state, there is simply no significant difference, and if there is, it is so small that it cannot be the basis for the assertion that white men do not reach the level of black men in this matter. So the size of the penis depends little on race. The next myth concerns the possibility of determining the size of the penis by any external signs. At the same time, representatives of different nations have different parts of the body or face. Thus, representatives of Asian countries believe that than...

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Why do black people have big lips? How can this racial characteristic be explained? To begin with, it is worth remembering the homeland of the Negroid race. This is, of course, Africa, and Africa is a rather hot place and rich in sun. And too much overheating causes significant harm to health, so in such a hot climate only those organisms survive that have reliable protection from too much heat.

Hello, dear lovers of interesting facts. Today we will look in detail at why blacks have a large reproductive organ. This question is often discussed on various Internet resources devoted to topics and medicine. Indeed, why can representatives of the Negroid race boast more impressive “merits” than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

The topic of penis size causes a lot of controversy. The interested community is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the inherent “gigantism” of Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is very intriguing. So a lot of gossip and fiction appear, each more fantastic than the other.

Lovers films for adults Having compared the parameters of white and black actors, they tend to the opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all consoled by their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite. Many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks had more than whites. Anyone who has been to Asian countries and could contemplate local men “in all their glory” claims that white guys have absolutely nothing to be sad about.

The excitement around penis size did not arise since the heyday of the porn industry, which provided viewers from different countries with the opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for a different reason.

White slavery

Jealous and envious comparison of genitals arose during the era of colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving at the new shores, the white hidalgos of the Old World were amazed at the picture that opened up. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of very respectable size.

Historians who study the southern United States before the Civil War believe that the physical characteristics of black slaves - who were exported from Africa - inspired genuine horror in their masters. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot on a giant slave than to constantly wait for his own wife to cheat on him (which happened not so rarely).

White conquerors of new continents fell into slavery of their own stereotypes and the inexorable laws of nature. A hardy black man with great “dignity” is a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of southern women who are not spoiled by sexual diversity. Puritan morals reigned in Europe at that time, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

One can argue endlessly about whether Africans have particularly large penises or not. For the sake of truth, it is worth getting acquainted with statistical data. Many researchers have studied the issue of penis size among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the famous Institute of Men's Health (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. About 6 thousand men of different nationalities took part in it. The study was conducted in countries that were formerly part of the USSR.

Doctors have found that those with the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average length of the penis here is 17.6 cm. In second place are Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltic people are quite a bit behind them (16 cm).

Globally, the study was carried out by different scientists. The data they obtained was collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a researcher of Syrian origin. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a unique map of penis sizes, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Inexorable statistics

The victory in this secret international competition was won exclusively by naturally gifted gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of an erect penis here is 17.9 cm. At the same time, owners of 20- tiscentimeter organs are quite common.

The Gabonians and Guineans are inferior to them by only 0.1-0.2 cm. In general, nature gave the largest reproductive organs to dark-skinned men in Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, residents of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. The Indians, Chinese and Indonesian aborigines (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the royal size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why are blacks' penises larger?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of certain parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. It is influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Checking Gundersen's map, it's easy to see that men with larger penises live closer to the equator. It’s warmer here, and the locals have a more assertive temperament. The heat promotes the boiling of blood in the veins and the growth of everything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as “large-sized” Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in ice-bound Greenland, guys' penises are 3-4 cm longer than those of people in China, Thailand and India.

Lots of meat - lots of sex

This is precisely the relationship between the described male parameters and diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and India. Equatorial pagan tribes lived by hunting for thousands of years. You won't find farmers in the wilds of Africa.

The population here is raised on the meat of freshly killed game, which, due to the favorable climate, is always abundant. High-quality animal protein is an excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn’t men here be gifted in the physical sense?

In India and China it is a completely different story. World religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism were born in this part of the globe. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living beings inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Plant foods perfectly cleanse the body, promote spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but certainly do not give physical strength.

The population of these countries switched en masse to a vegetarian diet more than a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises greatly decreased in size, but the people themselves became stunted. It is not for nothing that the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hello Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains with genetics. If the father has a “king-size”, then the son will probably not blush for his “well done” in the bedroom. But why are king sizes found among people from Africa? This is where local cultural traditions played a role.

Black ladies, unburdened by puritanical morality, could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies before their eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

From time immemorial, African natives have professed the cult of the body. They emphasize their virtues with tattoos, paintings, jewelry, and scars. Only in an environment of such sexual emancipation could a device called a “koteka” (a special sheath for the penis) appear. A true symbol of male power!

Under such conditions, it is unlikely that guys with tiny penises could pass on their genes to their descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation in the African forests hardy men with large reproductive organs bred. Law of natural selection.

I hope now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large reproductive organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to have a complex about this. Size doesn't really matter, at least in most cases.

The editors of Webfacts magazines do not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We apologize if this word offended anyone.

In the early 2000s, people even paid money for such verbiage. :) In light of the fact that Obama exists, maybe even relevant.

1. Blacks don't have to spend money on perms and tanning beds.
2. A black man's teeth always seem whiter than they actually are.
3. Every third woman dreams of making love with a black man.
4. Lean muscles + fast metabolism + lack of subcutaneous fat = Blacks are the best at long jumping, running the 100-meter dash and playing basketball.
5. Blacks have a more developed left hemisphere of the brain than pale-faced people, so their intuition can be trusted.
6. Only a black man is able to truly “get into” the delights of rap.
7. Blacks rarely communicate with bears, so they, as a rule, have excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm (see paragraph 6).
8. Blacks look amazing in classic suits (see Men in black).
9. Blacks can wear knitted hats even in the heat and no one will think they are crazy.
10. A Negro can tell another Negro: "Oh, you are a dirty smelly Niger!" and at the same time remain alive and healthy.
11. In a politically correct country, even the laziest black man will receive a good education and get a job. A joke about: “Who has the best chance of being hired right now? One-legged black lesbian."
12. In black churches you can sing and dance.
13. Any Russian video maker with his hands will tear off a black man, dress him in furs, give him dark glasses, put him in a limousine with sexy blondes, because this is considered very cool, stylish and fashionable.
14. In Russia, the most ordinary and lazy black man will receive increased attention.
15. In Hollywood, for a black man there is always the role of a stubborn athlete who made his way through thorns to the stars.

15 reasons why it's not all that pleasant.

1. Alas, it is not known when the last racist will die.
2. Because they say: “It’s dark, like ... a black man’s.”
3. It must have been very difficult to live like that, otherwise why did Michael Jackson become white?
4. Blacks have a lower IQ than whites*.
5. Blacks age faster than whites, their skin is drier, so anti-wrinkle creams do not help them.
6. It is very difficult to maintain the vigor of the spirit, if you are a black man and at the same time consider the word "Negro" an insult.
7. A black man’s hair cannot be straightened without outside help.
8. Negroes are not blondes, and black women are not blondes.
9. To this day, huge black populations suffer from hunger and infectious diseases.
10. South Africa is the center of the AIDS epidemic. Last year, 2 million people died from it.
11. If a black child is born into a white family, then it is useless to point to genes.
12. No matter how hard some leaders try to prove that Jesus Christ was a black man, the Bible does not provide any information on this matter.
13. Negro culture is increasingly withdrawing into itself, which does not allow it to develop.
14. You can get rid of African braids only by shaving your head.
15. Skin color matters and always will.

* Numerous IQ measurements of different ethnic groups in the United States have shown that the largest and most reliable differences are found between the black and white populations of America. If the entire population of America has an average IQ of 100, then for blacks it is 85 and for whites it is 105. Belonging to a race with a lower average IQ creates serious problems. Of course, there are also problems like drug addiction and crime. Among people with low IQ there are significantly more people who do not want to find a job. People with low IQs mostly live on government benefits. The average IQ of blacks admitted to prestigious universities should be lower than that of whites, since, according to the affirmative action program, their passing grade is noticeably lower. Nevertheless, among the black population of the Earth there are no less talented scientists, doctors, engineers, and artists.

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