Features of chin liposuction. Techniques for performing chin liposuction. Laser liposuction of the chin

A double chin is a serious cosmetic defect. It can appear over the years due to a decrease in skin elasticity. Also, a double chin is formed when recruiting overweight or with a special structure of the bones of the lower jaw and neck. There are other reasons, but the result is the same - a thick roll of skin and fat framing the face. There are many ways to fix this problem. One of the most effective and radical is chin liposuction. Many women are intimidated by this procedure, but in fact it is quite safe and can easily eliminate a double chin.

Indications for chin liposuction

Today, surgical liposuction of the chin is the most effective method elimination excess fat on this area of ​​the body. It allows you not only to effectively remove fatty tissue permanently, but also to activate the production of collagen, which ensures skin elasticity and maintains the shape of the chin.

The main advantage of liposuction is that it gives a long-term, almost lifelong effect. In place of the removed fat cells, new ones practically do not form, so the roller will not form again.

Whether or not to do liposuction is determined by the doctor in each specific case. Typically, indications for surgery are:

  • unaesthetic or unattractive appearance of the chin;
  • folds and jowls in the lower part of the face;
  • sagging skin due to age loss elasticity;
  • development psychological problems associated with excessive massiveness of the chin.

The most common problem The problem associated with the chin, for which women turn to plastic surgeons, is the formation of a fatty pad under lower jaw. Excess fat tissue causes the facial contour to “float”. This causes discomfort, both psychological and physical due to the inability to turn and tilt the head normally. Liposuction can quickly and effectively remove fat and prevent its return.

What is liposuction

Before prescribing this particular method for correcting the shape of the chin, the doctor weighs the pros and cons and analyzes the prospects for using other methods. If there are no alternatives and surgery is the only way to remove the fat pad, a thorough examination is carried out for allergies and other contraindications.

Liposuction is one of the least traumatic surgical operations. It does not involve making large incisions in the skin, and recovery is usually quick and relatively painless.

There are several methods of performing liposuction. But their essence is the same - fat is sucked out using special devices. But in order to suck it off effectively, body fat need to be destroyed and made liquid. They do this using mechanical impact, special solutions, laser, ultrasound and other methods. Depending on the method of destruction of fat cells, types of liposuction are distinguished.

Before the operation, the doctor notes exactly where the liposuction will be performed. An anesthetic is injected into these areas. Then punctures are made through which a blunt-tipped cannula is inserted. It does not injure tissues and allows you to effectively suction pre-liquefied fat masses. The doctor aspirates the fat and models the shape of the chin. Then the punctures are sutured with invisible threads. Average the whole operation takes 40-60 minutes.

If the patient is diagnosed with not only excess fatty tissue on the chin, but also other problems, liposuction can be combined with other interventions, for example, lipofilling, platysmoplasty, or a circular lift.

Preparation for the chin liposuction procedure

Usually the doctor talks about all the nuances of preparing for surgery at the first appointment. If the preliminary examination reveals pathologies that do not allow liposuction to be performed right away, the patient will be advised to treat them first. But even absolutely healthy people In order for the operation to go perfectly and without complications, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Stop smoking. U smoking people healing of any wounds occurs more slowly, and marginal necrosis is common. If you can’t completely give up cigarettes, you should try to reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum. Practice shows that reviews from smoking patients are always worse than those from leading healthy image life.
  • Notify your doctor about the medications you are taking. medicines. Many people take medications regularly, such as hormonal medications contraception or blood thinners. The doctor should definitely know about this, since many medications can affect the course of pain relief, blood clotting, and postoperative recovery.
  • Monitor your mood. A negative attitude, fear and anxiety can have a bad effect on the operation and the healing of tissue after it. If you have uncertainty, fear or any other depressive mood, you can visit a psychologist, ask the doctor to prescribe the appropriate sedative or get support loved one. He will be able to go to the operation and support the patient there.
  • Immediately before liposuction, doctors recommend avoiding any food or drink.

Postoperative period

Immediately after the operation, a special pressure bandage is applied to the chin, which will have to be worn from 10 days to one and a half months. Typically, liposuction is not accompanied by blood loss, since there is no damage to blood vessels. That is why immediately after the operation there are no bruises or bruises.

The punctures through which the cannula is inserted are usually not noticeable to the outside eye, as they are made behind the ears or in the chin fold.

Immediately after the anesthesia wears off, patients may experience pain and discomfort. Sometimes it is even necessary to prescribe painkillers, but in about two days everything goes away. Sometimes there is slight swelling, but this also disappears on its own. If the operation is very extensive or any complications arise, you will have to stay in the hospital for a day or two. In other cases, you can go home after a couple of hours.

After surgery, you must listen to the advice of doctors:

  • avoid excessive physical activity, this can cause the formation of hematomas;
  • do not swim in bodies of water to avoid infection;
  • do not overcool;
  • do not visit the sauna;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • avoid long stay under direct sunlight.

Subject to all rules recovery period It will be short and easy. The doctor will warn you about lifting the restrictions.

Chin liposuction – consequences and results

The consequences of the operation and the severity of the result depend on the chosen technique and the initial condition of the patient. Usually, about a month after the operation, the first results can be assessed. But the oval face will finally form in about 3-6 months. If there is a need for additional procedures, for example, mesotherapy, thread installation or laser tightening, doctors recommend performing them during this period.

Sometimes after surgery a small pouch of skin forms under the chin. This usually happens if the fat deposits were too large and the doctor removed them all. That is why experienced surgeons usually remove no more than 60% of the entire fat pad. Then the result will not be so pronounced, but there will be no unattractive flabby bag under the chin.

The main consequence of liposuction is the patient’s beautiful chin. But sometimes there are complications:

  • bleeding and hematoma formation, and in difficult situations, thromboembolism;
  • tissue edema and aseptic inflammation;
  • purulent inflammation due to infection;
  • formation of bumps and irregularities;
  • allergy to anesthesia.

In most cases correct execution operations by the surgeon and compliance with all his recommendations by the patient avoids complications and negative consequences. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing a clinic and a doctor, and also take his advice with the utmost seriousness.

Chin liposuction: before and after photos

Removing excess fat under the chin is a simple and relatively inexpensive operation. But it allows you to achieve amazing results. A clear jawline rejuvenates and refreshes the face. Even without expensive circular braces I manage to lose about ten years. Before and after photographs help you evaluate the results.

Methods of performing chin liposuction

The result and effectiveness of chin liposuction largely depend on the chosen fat reduction method. Lipolysis methods are constantly being improved, becoming safer and less traumatic. Each of modern methods has its advantages, and the doctor selects the optimal one depending on the patient’s condition.

Classic method

This is the oldest and most traumatic method of removing fat deposits. In the process of classic liposuction, a cannula connected to a device that creates negative pressure (similar to a vacuum cleaner) is inserted into the fat layer through small incisions in the skin. Then the doctor moves the cannula in different directions and in this way destroys adipose tissue, which is then sucked into the vacuum cleaner device.

Today this method is practically not used, since mechanical destruction of fat often damages blood vessels and nerves. It is also possible for hematomas and scars to form under the skin.

Tumescent method

This is a fairly common and popular method. The difference between the tumescent method and the classical method lies in two main points:

  • Before inserting the cannula into the fat depot, an injection of Klein's solution (a mixture of saline, lidocaine and adrenaline) is made. It liquefies adipose tissue and causes vascular spasm, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.
  • A smaller diameter cannula is used, which also prevents damage to blood vessels and nerves, and the formation of scars.

Thanks to the presence of lidocaine in Klein's solution, this operation is absolutely painless. After the fat has liquefied, it can even be removed with a syringe. This reduces the likelihood of tissue injury. But the duration of such an operation is much longer.

Chemical liposuction

It would be a stretch to classify this method of combating fat deposits under the chin as a type of liposuction. It consists of introducing lipolytic solutions into fat depots. These include phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate, as well as caffeine, some amino acids and antioxidants, green tea and artichoke extracts, and vitamins. These substances stimulate the breakdown of fats at the injection site and their removal naturally.

There are no punctures or aspiration of fat during chemical or injection liposuction.

This technique is not traumatic and rarely causes side effects, but its effectiveness is very low. It is necessary to carry out several procedures for the result to become at least slightly noticeable. Typically, such injections are recommended when there is very little fat tissue and very minor correction of the jawline is required.

Ultrasonic liposuction

This method involves the destruction of fat deposits under the chin using cavitation caused by ultrasound. There are two ways to perform ultrasonic liposuction:

  • Invasive. In this case, a special cannula is used that transmits ultrasonic waves. It is inserted into the area of ​​fat accumulation through a small incision. Intense ultrasound then destroys the fat and the resulting mass is sucked out through a cannula.
  • Mixed. Fat destruction by ultrasound occurs through the skin, without cuts, punctures or any other violation of its integrity. The resulting emulsion is then sucked out using thin cannulas. This way it is possible to minimize trauma to the skin surface.

The main advantage of laser liposuction is the reduction of skin sagging after the procedure. Ultrasound causes contractions in the skin cells, so it becomes more tightened than after using the tumescent method.

During the treatment of fat cell accumulations with ultrasound, neighboring tissues can become very hot. This often leads to their damage. Vessels and nerves may be damaged.

Laser liposuction

This is one of the most high-tech methods for removing a double chin. It is based on the effect on fat deposits using an intense light beam. To do this, a cannula with an emitter is inserted into the adipose tissue. Further removal of the broken down fat can occur naturally through the blood and liver or through aspiration through a cannula.

Laser lipolysis- a very accurate method. Therefore, it is used where there is little fat and it is required to act in a very dosed and selective manner.

During treatment with a laser beam, in parallel with the breakdown of fat, there is an effect on nerve endings, so the procedure is practically painless. The laser also causes blood coagulation, so if the vessels are damaged, they immediately seal. This prevents bleeding and hematomas. The laser beam is able to stimulate collagen synthesis. This leads to natural rejuvenation and tightening of the skin.

Radio wave method

Radiofrequency liposuction is the most new method double chin removal. It simultaneously eliminates fat and tightens the skin. This is one of the most safe methods. It prevents bleeding and hematoma formation.

Two electrodes are used to carry out the procedure. One is located on the surface of the skin, and the other is inserted into the fatty tissue through a small incision. Between them is a field of strong radio frequency radiation. It destroys fat cells and causes the skin to shrink and tighten. The surgeon constantly monitors tissue temperature, energy supply and electrical conductivity. This allows the fat to be broken down evenly, creating an even and uniform contour of the chin.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of chin liposuction depends on many factors. Firstly, this is the price of consumables and the fee for the surgeon’s work. In addition, the amount of fat deposits and the complexity of the work are taken into account. Also, the cost of the operation is influenced by the reputation and degree of “promotion” of the clinic and doctor, the availability of additional services and restorative procedures. Even geographical position clinic is of great importance for pricing.

The most inexpensive are considered classic liposuction, tumescent and chemical. Their average cost starts from 15 thousand rubles. For the same money you can make laser or ultrasonic liposuction, but in an unknown clinic with an incomprehensible reputation far from the capital. average price for such a procedure in Moscow about 30 thousand rubles. Radiofrequency liposuction is in approximately the same price category. Ultrasound will cost a little less, on average 25 thousand rubles. Injection liposuction costs about 1 thousand rubles per injection. The final cost depends on the number of injections.

There are several factors that can contribute to the formation of a double chin. It mainly arises due to too heavy weight And sedentary lifestyle life, but with age the skin loses its elasticity, which leads to sagging. Muscles that are not used often lose tone, including saphenous muscle neck, which runs down from the jaw along the neck. Additionally, losing a lot of weight can create loose skin around the neck area.

The chin area includes the area below the edge of the jaw, and extends to the front of the neck. Strictly speaking, the term "double chin" is a misnomer. A double chin is actually a neck problem that forms due to excess fat in the neck area, which is located just below the chin, creating the appearance of a double chin.

Extra fat in the neck area can be hereditary, and if so, it usually appears in early adulthood. Fat can also be deposited, progressing with weight gain. A number of patients develop a double chin due to aging, even in the absence excess weight, as a consequence of age-related redistribution of subcutaneous fat.

Exercise and non-surgical procedures have little effect on the chin area.

What are the results of chin liposuction?

Regardless of the reason, the location of excess fat in the neck area can make a person look flabby and emphasize his age. Since the cause of a double chin is always fat, liposuction is the most popular, simple, safe and least expensive method of treating this problem. cosmetic problem. Chin liposuction aims to highlight the jawline.

Liposuction of the double chin makes the neck slimmer and younger. The procedure is intended for patients 30-50 years old who have excess fat in the neck and good quality loose but not loose skin. The procedure itself contributes to some tightening of the neck skin. The procedure reduces the volume of soft tissue under the chin and along the jawline, creating a better angle between the jaw and neck. As a result, patients experience a more defined chin, an improved profile, and a reduction in the amount of loose skin and wrinkles on the neck.

Double chin liposuction reveals the natural jawline and neck contour.

Removing neck fat causes the neck skin to re-drape the contours of the underlying neck structures, such as muscle, cartilage and bone. With elastic skin there is high probability that the skin will contract and adapt to the new contour of the neck. However, it should be kept in mind that the amount of skin tightening in response to liposuction is relatively small. As you age and your skin loses its elasticity, you may need to additional procedure face and neck lifts to give optimal results. Procedures that complement liposuction in this area include laser resurfacing and chemical peels. Fatty tissue removed from the chin area can be used for lip augmentation.

How is traditional chin liposuction performed?

The plastic surgeon will begin the operation by injecting the neck with a tumescent fluid, which is a combination saline solution, local anesthetic and adrenaline. The solution helps to narrow blood vessels, reduce bleeding, and prevent bruising. To remove a double chin, the surgeon makes very small incisions in hidden areas, inserts a small stainless steel tube known as a cannula into the incisions, and sucks fat from the space between the skin and muscles.

Liposuction of the chin and neck works in two directions: volume reduction and tissue tightening. The suction process creates small tunnels through the fat layer after surgery, which subsequently fall away, thereby eliminating the double chin. This procedure can only be performed with local anesthesia and is considered outpatient.

The tumescent chin liposuction procedure usually takes 45 minutes to an hour. The microcannulas used for fat removal are only 2-2.4mm in diameter and are performed slowly and calmly to reduce the risk of irregularities and fluid accumulations. The incisions do not require stitches and close naturally within 1-2 days. Tumescent chin liposuction can be performed in combination with other plastic procedures.

After removing the fat, a few days of pressure from the bandage allows the skin to “shrink” and form a new neck contour. This procedure is most successful for people who have good skin tone on the neck, allowing the skin to tighten evenly after fat removal. If the skin lacks elasticity, it will need tightening.

How is laser chin liposuction performed?

Chin liposuction can be performed using laser surgery. During this procedure, there is no fat absorption process. The cannula includes a probe through which energy is delivered. Laser energy is used to gently melt fat just under the skin. Lipolysis occurs (destruction of fat accumulations), breakdown products enter the blood and are excreted from the body.

Laser liposuction is the safest and most effective method for removing fat from the chin, cheeks and neck.

Laser liposuction involves less undesirable consequences, including scars. As a rule, patients recover quickly and have natural look faces. Laser surgery is not effective at removing large fat collections. Laser lipolysis is effective in removing up to 0.5 liters of adipose tissue. The impact of the laser activates the production of collagen, thereby promoting skin tightening. Laser surgery lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.

Risks and side effects of liposuction

Chin liposuction is not required general anesthesia and is performed on a small area of ​​the body, so it is one of the most safe procedures liposuction with a very low risk of complications.

Risks of liposuction include:

  • bleeding,
  • infections,
  • wavy skin,
  • skin irregularities,
  • localized soreness
  • asymmetry,
  • accumulation of fluid (seroma).

Because the facial nerve, which controls the lower corner of the lip and passes through the neck area, there is a risk that this nerve may be paralyzed or weakened, resulting in an uneven smile and possibly even drooling. Fortunately, this is rare and the risk can be further reduced by using blunt (rather than sharp) cannulas.

Recovery after chin liposuction

The relatively low invasiveness of chin liposuction, both tumescent and laser, allows patients to avoid a long recovery period and reduces the risk of unwanted consequences. Patients usually experience only minor discomfort, and the procedure itself is virtually painless.

After surgery, the surgeon may close the incisions with stitches or leave them open to allow drainage of the wound. This minimizes postoperative swelling and bruises. Absorbent pads are used to absorb drainage fluid and are held in place by an elastic compression headgear. The 3 mm long liposuction incisions, located in the folds of the “double chin”, are almost invisible after healing. Sutures or stitches can be removed after 5-10 days.

A compression bandage should be worn for the first 18 to 36 hours after surgery. Once the bandage is removed, patients notice an immediate improvement in the contour of their neck. In the early years of liposuction, surgeons recommended that patients wear compression bandages for 2-6 weeks, but there is currently no evidence that prolonged compression is beneficial.

Some patients may experience swelling and bruising after the procedure. Bruising usually resolves in 3-7 days. During the first weeks, it is quite normal to experience sensations such as tingling, pain, or a burning sensation under the chin. After the procedure, pain is usually moderate. Painkillers can be used to treat pain. Chin and Bottom part faces may appear swollen for several days. The swelling will subside within a few weeks and the chin will become more defined.

Facial oval is one of the main indicators of youth and attractiveness of the face. A double chin is one of the main problems faced by people who care about their appearance. Therefore, information about what double chin liposuction is, how it is done and what types of procedures exist will be useful to any person.

Double chin: why does it form?

Fat deposits in the lower third of the face are often a consequence of total excess body mass index. In some people, a double chin appears even with a slight weight gain, in others - only with obesity.

The reason for this is the location and number of fat cells. If in the neck area large cluster fat, even the strictest diet and grueling workouts will not be able to make the jawline graceful. Additionally, trying to reduce your body fat percentage may have a Negative influence on the body. Therefore, liposuction of the double chin can become excellent method solutions to this aesthetic problem.

Non-surgical methods: mesothreads

Numerous advertisements for creams, serums and other cosmetics promise to eliminate signs of ptosis. However, you should know that cosmetical tools can only affect the skin of the face, but not the deep tissues that form a saggy double chin. Liposuction is the only way to get rid of a severe sagging chin.

Non-surgical methods also include mesothreads - the introduction of a special material under the skin that creates a frame that prevents ptosis. However, before resorting to this method, you should know that:

  • mesothreads cannot be called a non-surgical method, since its implementation requires fairly deep punctures of the epidermis, as well as a rehabilitation period;
  • with severe ptosis, thread lifting may be uneven, that is, traces of the location of the threads may be noticeable;
  • with pronounced fat deposits, mesothreads are absolutely useless.

Thus, it is obvious that the most reliable way to guarantee a lasting effect is liposuction of the double chin. Feedback about the procedure allows you to evaluate high degree security surgical intervention.


If fat deposits are small in volume and the soft tissues of the neck and chin are elastic, you can try a non-surgical liposuction method such as the injection of lipolytics.

Lipolitics are injectable drugs based on lecithin, which breaks down fat cells. Lecithin is produced in the liver and is involved in lipid (fat) metabolism, but by injecting it into a certain area, you can achieve a local reduction in the fat layer.

It is important to know that injections for lipolysis are quite painful, because the needle is inserted almost twice as deep as with mesotherapy.

Who needs liposuction?

Technically, liposuction can be performed whenever there is a desire to correct the contours of the face and body by eliminating local fat deposits. But there are factors that can make the result pronounced and durable, as well as factors that negatively affect the result of surgery.

Before removing a double chin with liposuction, it is necessary to establish a body mass index and evaluate total fat deposits on the body. If the body weight is normal and stable, and the sagging oval of the face is the only problem area on the human body, the operation will make the appearance as attractive as possible.

But if the body weight is significantly higher than normal, then the result of the operation may be short-lived. Great importance It also has weight stability: if your body weight changes after surgery, the result will be distorted.

Therefore, before contacting a plastic surgeon, you must:

  • adjust weight;
  • stabilize the result.

If after this the need for surgery continues, you can go for a consultation and begin preparing for the operation.

Research before surgery

Task preparatory stage- make sure that the health of the potential patient does not interfere with liposuction.

Any plastic surgery requires a number of laboratory and functional studies that give general idea about the state of human health. These include:

  • general urine analysis;
  • clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry ( total protein, ALT, AST, creatinine, cholesterol, uric acid, sugar);
  • prothrombin index;
  • testing for HIV infection and hepatitis;
  • Wasserman reaction analysis;
  • fluorography;

the date of the laboratory tests should not be earlier than two weeks before the date of the operation. The exception is fluorography, which is valid for a year, and testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, which are valid for 2 months.

The final stage of the examination is a visit to a therapist and a specialist doctor. People planning to resort to liposuction need to visit an endocrinologist and get a certificate from him stating that there are contraindications in the form of diseases thyroid gland No.

If the test results do not reveal any deviations in indicators indicating the presence of somatic pathologies, the day of surgery can be set.

Preparing for surgery

As a rule, no special preparation is required before plastic surgery. During a face-to-face consultation with a plastic surgeon, you must inform him about all the medications you are taking and receive appropriate recommendations.

In order to prevent the development of bleeding during surgery and the formation of hematomas during the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to take drugs that can reduce the prothrombin index. The most common drug from this group is acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin.

In addition, you need to avoid colds: any ailment is a contraindication to plastic surgery until the disease is eliminated.

The doctor can also take a photo of the double chin before liposuction in order to evaluate the result after the operation.

Do you need anesthesia?

The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The choice of pain relief method is chosen jointly by the doctor and the patient.

As a rule, the choice is made in favor of general anesthesia. It guarantees minimal psychological discomfort for the patient, and comfortable working conditions for the surgeon. Modern drugs for inducing a patient into anesthesia are as safe as possible and do not entail consequences in the form of nausea, weakness and neurological disorders.

Surgical method

When choosing a method to remove a double chin, liposuction surgical method used infrequently today. It's all about the long term rehabilitation period accompanied by swelling and hematomas in the correction area.

The operation lasts no more than an hour, during the process the doctor injects into the area of ​​the lower third of the face special composition, which includes fat-soluble, analgesic and anesthetic components. After the fatty tissue in the chin area is destroyed, it is removed through special cannulas.

The location of cannula insertion is determined individually. Access can be made from the area under the earlobes, under the chin, and even from the oral cavity. The punctures for inserting the cannulas are small, so, as a rule, there are no visible traces of the intervention.

In case of severe tissue ptosis, it is necessary not only to tighten soft fabrics chin

After the dissolved fatty tissue is removed from the body, the doctor applies stitches and, if necessary, installs drainage. A tightening bandage is applied to the chin area.

Rehabilitation period

After the surgeon removes the double chin, liposuction moves into the rehabilitation stage. Its duration depends on individual characteristics body, but usually lasts 2-3 weeks.

During this time, patients will face problems such as swelling and bruising. It is impossible to avoid this, but it is quite possible to speed up the recovery period. To do this, you must follow all the surgeon’s recommendations, wear a special postoperative dressing, and avoid physical exertion.

In order to better evaluate the result of plastic surgery, surgeons recommend taking photographs before and after liposuction of the double chin. Considering the fact that new contours of the oval of the face are formed gradually, as swelling goes away and a person quickly gets used to the reflection in the mirror, photographs will help to evaluate the changes more objectively.

Negative consequences

Despite the fact that reviews of liposuction of the double chin indicate the safety of this method of improving one’s appearance, there is a risk of complications. Usually the surgeon warns about them before the operation so that the patient can decide whether the procedure is necessary, having all the necessary information.

In addition to the consequences that absolutely all surgical patients will face (swelling, hematomas, loss of sensation), it is also worth knowing about the risk of the following consequences:

  • chronic pain syndrome in the area of ​​the operation;
  • inflammation of soft tissues;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia) of tissues;
  • lumpiness at the site of fat removal.

When a double chin is surgically removed, the consequences of liposuction in to a greater extent depend on the incorrect actions of the surgeon, if he does not follow the rules of asepsis, violates the technology of pumping out fat, and touches the nerve endings.

In order to minimize the consequences of surgery, it is important to carefully approach the issue of choosing a doctor, carefully examine the body before surgery and follow all the doctor’s instructions about the preoperative and rehabilitation period.

Having information about why a double chin forms, how liposuction is done, what types of interventions exist and what complications can arise after pumping out fat, you can make an informed decision about whether to resort to radical method correction of facial oval.

There are a number of difficult areas on the body where fat deposits are difficult to correct, and this sometimes brings significant discomfort to a person. Similar areas include the chin. Due to aging, excess weight, genetic factors and other reasons, the volume of this area of ​​the body may increase, and the appearance of 2 chins and unsightly folds may occur. Cosmetology allows you to improve appearance lower face various methods, among the various approaches, liposuction predominates - the removal of excess fat.

Liposuction is not a way to radically counteract excess body weight. It only corrects imperfections in the contours of the lower part of the face that appear as a result of weight fluctuations or with age. In order to increase efficiency, liposuction of the double chin (double chin) is often successfully combined with similar procedures for the cheeks, as well as neck and face lifts, which is convincingly demonstrated various photos before and after cosmetic surgery.

There are non-surgical and surgical removal fat from the chin. Exist different kinds non-surgical liposuction, they are more gentle, fraught with fewer complications, but also less effective than the surgical approach. There are laser liposuction of the chin, as well as cavitation (ultrasonic), radio frequency, injection and cryolipolytic.

Types of non-surgical chin liposuction differ in the methods of destruction of subcutaneous fat tissue. However, in all cases, the destroyed fatty contents leave the subcutaneous layers with the lymph flow, that is, with non-surgical liposuction, the doctor does not resort to inserting cannulas into the treated area and suctioning out the fat emulsion. How much chin liposuction surgery costs is largely determined by the method chosen.

Laser liposuction of the chin

Due to its minimal invasiveness, laser liposuction and chin lift are often the preferred method for improving the shape of this part of the body. It allows you to achieve a slight correction of the contours of the chin relatively quickly and painlessly. Due to the selectivity of its action, this approach makes it possible to achieve very high accuracy in shaping the outline of the chin.

During the procedure, a very thin needle is inserted under the skin. Through it, the specialist uses a laser beam on subcutaneous areas containing adipose tissue. Non-surgical laser liposuction leads to rupture of the membranes of fat cells, their contents enter the intercellular space and are removed from the body with the lymph flow. Also, released fat deposits can be removed from the body using special cannulas. Both of these approaches are completely safe.

Laser liposuction of the chin is sufficient quick operation, it usually takes no more than an hour. This cosmetic procedure compares favorably with the absence of blood loss and hematomas. The impact of the laser leads to coagulation of blood vessels, that is, “sealing” of areas of possible bleeding occurs. Laser exposure also promotes the production of collagen, which has a good effect on the condition. skin and their appearance. That is, we can say that during this procedure liposuction and chin lift are performed simultaneously.

All actions during laser liposuction of the chin are carried out under local anesthesia, which allows you to leave the clinic within an hour after the procedure. For about a week after laser liposuction, you will need to wear compression garments to help secure the new contours of your chin. It is also necessary to adhere to a diet with low content carbohydrates and drink at least one and a half liters of water every day.

Surgical liposuction of the chin

The surgical method of chin liposuction is one of the safest in cosmetic surgery. Complications are extremely rare after this operation, and the result obtained is characterized by severity and durability. In preparation for this procedure, the doctor marks with a marker the areas from which fat deposits need to be removed, then injects lipolytics into the subcutaneous layers - special drugs, destroying fat cells. Then, cannulas are inserted through special small incisions, and the liquefied fat is sucked out using a vacuum.

In some cases, during standard surgical liposuction of the chin, to destroy fat deposits, it is not the injection of lipolytic that is used, but the treatment of the subcutaneous layers using radio wave radiation, ultrasound or laser. However, unlike non-surgical liposuction methods for the double chin and submental area, this operation uses cannulas to pump out destroyed fatty tissue.

Exposure to radio waves and laser leads to heating of fat cells to desired temperature and their transformation into an emulsion, which is then pumped out. The consequences of this method of chin liposuction include risks side effects: minor burns, pain and swelling. However, if these consequences of chin liposuction occur, they disappear without a trace during a short rehabilitation period.

Treacherous profile. Blame it on the chin!

Does a strict diet not help? Fat goes away, but the sagging skin fold of the chin remains? This aesthetic defect is not always associated with age or overweight, sometimes weakness of the chin muscles, flabby skin are simply inherited, and then even in youth the clear lines of the chin and neck are erased. And also the fat pad on which the face rests! Methods for correcting such deficiencies now a large number of. When choosing between them the most effective and safe, you need to understand the essence of each:

  • correction using surgical threads. In the lower third of the face they are often contoured, that is, “tension lines” are clearly noticeable on the face. And most importantly, such a frame is not dense enough, and the fabric still begins to sag in sectors between the tension zones. After all, it doesn’t go away when “stitching” fabrics with threads.
  • Mesotherapy can improve skin turgor and remove a small amount of adipose tissue if lipolytics are also added to the mesotherapy cocktail. However, the correction process stretches over ten procedures and, as mesotherapists themselves honestly admit, is not radical in nature.
  • a circular facelift will bring the desired effect, but this surgery, recovery from which will also take at least a month. In addition, it may not be indicated if other areas of the face, except the chin, are still completely intact.
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Laser liposuction of the double chin

Now let's look at laser liposuction of the chin. Most often, it is combined with liposuction of the so-called jowls and leads to the creation of a clear jawline. At the same time, liposuction of the jowls and restoration of the skin collagen framework are also effective prevention secondary appearance of a sagging chin, because ptosis (drooping tissue) is stopped at a higher line of the face.

The procedure for laser liposuction of the chin is divided into two parts. The patient is given punctures in two places in the submandibular line (they will then be completely invisible), and a laser fiber is inserted through them, through which laser radiation is supplied. It turns dense fat into a liquid substance, which is removed using vacuum suction. Then, through the same punctures, a laser electrode is inserted into the already empty cavity, which is used to treat the lower layers of the dermis by heating precisely to the degree at which the regenerative abilities of the tissue are activated, forcing the site of action to be tightened with a dense collagen layer.

Chin liposuction at the Beauty Doctor clinic

Surgeons of the Beauty Doctor clinic have accumulated significant experience in the use of laser technologies in anti-aging surgeries of the face and neck, and together with German colleagues have developed original methods of laser liposuction and laser facelift.

Center specialists plastic surgery"Beauty Doctor" are experts at Asclepion Laser Technologies, which allows them to perform demonstration operations for surgeons in Moscow and other regions of Russia. An improved technique for laser liposuction of the chin is an important advantage of the expert doctors at the Beauty Doctor clinic. The technique allows you to create an elegant and harmonious oval of the face.

Photos Before and After laser liposuction of the chin

Complications after chin liposuction

In addition to the usual and quickly passing consequences of the operation - slight swelling, it is worth knowing about possible complications after chin liposuction: hematoma formation, loss of sensitivity, hyperpigmentation. To minimize the risk of such complications and avoid unsatisfactory aesthetic results, you need to entrust such a complex operation to a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in maxillofacial surgery, but that's not all.

Simply surgical knowledge is not enough here. Only a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in performing anti-aging surgeries using laser can perform such an important aesthetic operation. Then laser liposuction of the chin will remove fat deposits and tighten the skin, create a beautiful oval and graceful line of the lower part of the face, making the face complete, harmonious, and eye-catching.

Rehabilitation after laser liposuction of the chin

The procedures prescribed after laser liposuction of the chin are standard and are aimed at reducing swelling and hematomas. Be sure to wear a tightening bandage for two weeks, which will allow the skin tissues treated from the inside to properly grow together with the underlying tissues.

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