Nettle decoction for plum diseases. Nettle infusion is an effective fertilizer for the garden; it can be compared to blood or bone meal. How to use nettle as fertilizer

Experienced gardeners know that nettle is not an enemy, but a friend of cultivated plants.

Therefore, they do not fight it, but try to find the maximum use of nettles in the garden.

The soil on which this “weed” grows is fertile and healthy, because after the decomposition of the stems, leaves and roots of the nettle, neutral humus is formed containing a large number of macro- and microelements necessary for plants.

Nettle fertilizer for plants

Very effective thanks great content nitrogen, carbon, iron and other microelements.

By periodically adding nettles to your compost heap, you can significantly improve the quality of your compost.

Nettle infusions

As a fertilizer from nettle, it is good to prepare infusions. The plant is harvested in early summer before seeds form.

Fill the container halfway with crushed nettles and add water, adding about 10-12 cm to the edge.

While preparing nettle fertilizer, the container can be placed in a greenhouse with cucumbers and tomatoes.

The “fragrant smell” will repel pests, although not every person will be able to go there. To reduce the smell, some gardeners add a little valerian to the container.

After 12-15 days, when the nettle infusion stops bubbling and becomes dark color, it can be used.

For non-root regular fertilizing of crops, the nettle infusion is filtered and diluted with water 1:20.

For root fertilizer, the ratio of water to infusion is 1:10. Nettle fertilizer heals the soil and activates the development and growth of plants.

Despite wide application nettles in the garden, some crops are not recommended to be fertilized with infusion. These include: onions, beans, garlic, peas.

Using nettles in the country

Nettle can also be used as a mulch for some plants to protect against aphids, slugs and snails.

It has been noticed that garden crops adjacent to nettles become much more resistant to diseases.

To combat aphids, you can also prepare an infusion of nettles. For this 2kg fresh leaves pour 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours.

After straining, you can treat the affected plants. It is possible to get rid of pests thanks to the action of formic acid contained in nettles.

Using nettle to spray tomatoes will help avoid activity

Decoctions and infusions of these plants are indispensable for the prevention of fungal diseases; They also help in pest control. Certainly, herbal remedies not as effective as chemical drugs, but they act delicately enough, so they can be used often. With systematic treatments, they increase the resistance of roses to diseases and pests and at the same time do not seem to cause addiction. And most importantly, I am not afraid for the health of the animals living at the dacha. You can prepare not only an infusion or decoction of one plant, for example, nettle or horsetail, but also a mixture in equal proportions - this is even more effective.

I usually use decoctions and infusions for spraying roses, sometimes for watering at the root. I spray it in the morning or evening (although horsetail decoction is more effective in the sun). Using a sprayer with a telescopic handle, I carefully wet the top and bottom part leaves. And so that the broth does not drain, I add a few drops of liquid soap to it. I collect nettles from spring until flowering. Horsetail - when it is fully developed. I use some immediately, and dry some in reserve. Previously, I sprayed roses every week, but now the current natural balance allows me to do this less often.

So, simple and time-tested recipes: Infusion and decoction of wormwood to combat sucking pests, sawflies, and leaf-eating caterpillars.

For the decoction grind 500 g of herb, add a small amount of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain and dilute with water to 5 liters. use for spraying or watering.

To prepare the infusion 150 g of fresh or 15 g of dry wormwood pour into 5 liters cold water. Leave for 14 days until fermentation ends. Then mix 1 part of the infusion with 10 parts of water and use for watering and spraying. You can also use an infusion of wormwood prepared without fermentation: it is infused for about 1-3 days.

Infusion and decoction of nettle or horsetail

For the decoction Grind 500 g of fresh green mass or 100 g of dry, add 5 liters of cold water. Infuse for a day in a plastic container. Then pour into a saucepan, close the lid tightly and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. cool, strain and pour into plastic bottles. Store in a cool place. For spraying, dilute the decoction with water in a ratio of 1:5. When it ferments, it can only be used for watering at the root (in a ratio of 1:10).

For infusion Pour 1 kg of fresh green mass or 400 g of dry mass into 10 liters of cold water. Infuse in a plastic bucket for 14 days, stirring as often as possible. To speed up fermentation, the bucket is left in the sun. As soon as fermentation stops, the infusion will be ready for use. To get rid of what occurs during fermentation unpleasant odor, you can add chopped herbs and valerian root. Strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10 for spraying or watering at the root.

Nettle extract used undiluted to control aphids. Pour 500 g of fresh or 200 g of dry nettle into 5 liters of cold water and leave for 12 to 24 hours. The main thing is not to let it ferment.

Wood ash used for prophylaxis or initial stage various spots and powdery mildew. Spray the roses with water from a hose and sprinkle them with ash. After two hours, rinse the rose bushes well.

Mullein infusion is a proven remedy that gives excellent results in the fight against powdery mildew. Dilute fresh manure with water in a ratio of 1:3. Leave for 3 days, then strain and dilute with water (1:3). Use for spraying roses (spray several times in a row in the afternoon). Bacteria contained in manure kill

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, industrial engineer

Very often, gardeners puzzle over how to increase their yield with the help of organic fertilizers without causing significant damage to their budget. In this case, nettle fertilizer comes to their aid. This the most accessible and inexpensive way to recharge useful substances your landings.

What benefit do garden and vegetable crops receive from this plant “cannibalism”? IN chemical composition nettles include such useful elements, How:

  • potassium – 34%;
  • calcium – 37%;
  • magnesium – 6%;
  • many ballast substances in the form of microelements.

The first three elements are actively absorbed by all types of garden plants, but it is especially useful for.

Plants that have received nettle nutrition also use other elements that are included in its composition. For example, vitamin K1, which is found in large quantities in the leaves of this weed. This vitamin plays important role in the process of photosynthesis, and has a complex healing effect on plants.

You can make fertilizer from nettles very quickly. The material for it is available to everyone, because thickets of this weed can be found in any wasteland. But to make it truly useful nutritional mixture, when preparing it certain rules must be followed:

  1. Nettles are harvested before the seeds appear;
  2. Plants must be healthy, without damage;
  3. The nettle infusion must be stirred 2-3 times a week;
  4. During preparation, the solution should be stored in the sun, at high temperatures it ferments faster.
  5. To speed up the fermentation process, it is necessary to add a process catalyst to the solution: sourdough (food), yeast or ready-made organic fertilizer “Baikal”.
  6. The starter (residues from the previous solution) can be kept in plastic container an unlimited amount of time, and leave it for storage in the basement (previously covered) for the whole winter.
  7. Frequency of application – once every two weeks. After applying nettle fertilizer, it is necessary to water the plants thoroughly.
  8. Get rid of disgusting smell you can by adding valerian officinalis root to a barrel of green fertilizer.

Green fertilizer recipes

Nettle infusions have a wide variety of recipes. The basis is fermented plant mass, to which various ingredients are added. This is done to increase the content in the working solution of those elements that are necessary for each specific plant.

Fertilizer from nettles and bread

The recipe for this infusion is reminiscent of kvass. In fact, this is what he is, only in plant version. To prepare it, you need to take nettle stems with leaves, leftover bread, rolls, crackers, kvass, natural yeast, and leave everything for 3-5 days.

The container in which the cooking process will take place is filled ¾ full with weeds, and filled with water with yeast diluted in it only to this level, otherwise during fermentation the liquid will overflow. The rest can be used for the garden, left to rot between the rows.

The resulting fertilizer from nettles and bread is filtered and diluted at the rate of 1 liter per 10 liters. water. You can add superphosphate to it.

Fertilizer from nettles and dandelions

The basic recipe for this fertilizer remains the same - stinging nettle is used as a basis. Common dandelion is used as the second ingredient. Plants are collected before seeds form, lightly dried, and crushed. After that, they are placed in a barrel, filling it to 1/8 of its volume. Then pour the plant mixture with water, with a solution of humate diluted in it (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

Fertilizer from nettles and dandelions is left for 4-5 days. Then ready mixture can be improved by adding to it, or ready-made organic fertilizers, for example, the preparation “Cinderella” (100 g per 100 liters).

In addition to dandelions, other herbal ingredients can be added to liquid nettle fertilizer:

  • Stepchildren of tomatoes;
  • Shepherd's purse;
  • Comfrey;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Yarrow;
  • Wheat grass with roots;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Chamomile.

From this list it is clear that almost all garden weeds can be recycled. But there are some plants that are not even suitable for preparing nettle extract. This is field bindweed, it is poisonous, and when decomposed it releases toxic substances. Also not suitable different kinds cereal crops, which, when decomposed, can form alcohol-containing compounds that are harmful to plantings.

We use the methane fermentation method

You can improve the above recipes for nettle supplements by using a simple technique. When producing this fertilizer, it is necessary to provide conditions for the formation and preservation of the maximum possible amount of useful substances (for example, nitrogen) in it. For this The container with fermented grass is covered with plastic wrap.

It withstands the deforming changes that methane produced during the decomposition reaction has on it, and ensures that the process proceeds hermetically, without access to oxygen.

Methane fermentation occurs within two weeks. The solution can be considered completely ready for use when it gives off the characteristic smell of fresh manure.

Liquid nettle fertilizer obtained by methane fermentation should be diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 for root feeding, and 1: 5 for off-horse feeding.

Video: example of preparing nettle infusion to save parsley

What plants are this green fertilizer useful for?

Nettle tincture is actively used by summer residents for their vegetable gardens. It nourishes the soil with useful substances and drives away pests on which it has a disorienting effect.

For example, Fertilizer made from nettles and bread is very suitable for strawberries. This fertilizer contains easily digestible elements, such as potassium (to increase the sweetness of berries) and nitrogen (to general nutrition plants). Another plus is that a large number of earthworms appear in the soil watered with nettle extract.

For tomatoes, the nitrogen, potassium and calcium contained in this organic infusion are vital. They help the bush build up vegetative mass and produce high-quality fruits. But nettle fertilizing is not enough for the full development of nightshades; it must be alternated and combined with mineral fertilizers.

Bell peppers and cucumbers are also big fans of this plant organic matter.. They happily consume it throughout the season, with an interval of two weeks between feedings.

Attention: when applying nettle fertilizer for cabbage there is one important nuance– green mash must be aged for at least a week, otherwise it will cause harm to the plant rather than benefit.

This is an organic fertilizer plant origin Very good for flowers. But it must be used together with ash, then the effect will be better. By the way, many flowers cannot tolerate yeast fertilizers, so it is better to use completely plant fertilizers for them.

But not all plants are suitable for nettle infusion as a source of nutrition. Some he suppresses. These are onions, garlic and all legumes.

Many gardeners try to use only fertilizers in their garden plots. natural products. Green fertilizers are the most inexpensive of them. By using infusions based on plant organic matter, in combination with guamates, you can reduce the consumption of mineral fertilizers, and over time completely stop using them.

Video: feeding from nettles in the program “Everything will be good”

It is used as food, used in cosmetology, and is also an excellent fertilizer and means of combating plant diseases and pests. Nettle contains significant amount ascorbic acid, vitamin K, carotene, B vitamins, proteins, a lot of chlorophyll, nitrogen and silicon, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, selenium, etc. Set aside a small corner for nettles so that you always have them at hand .

Green fertilizer from nettles

Nettle can be prepared for... For this purpose, plants are collected before flowering. Nettle has a powerful root system and serves as an excellent natural plant. The soil on which it grew is enriched with nitrogen, silicon, potassium and microelements, amino acids, the humus content in it increases, and the soil becomes darker in color.

To prepare green fertilizer from nettles, you will need 1 kg of chopped nettles and cold water. Place the raw materials in a 10-liter enamel bucket and fill with water. Leave in the sun for up to 1 week, depending on the air temperature, stirring daily to release oxygen. The fermentation process produces a nitrogen fertilizer solution containing many elements, including potassium.

Before use, strain the infusion and dilute with water 1:10 (for watering at the root) and 1:20 (for spraying the leaves).

How to use nettle as fertilizer

Nettle infusion, in addition to supplying nutrients, stimulates growth and strengthens plants, as it contains biological active substances. The improvement is especially noticeable if the plants were poorly developed - after just a few days, their leaves acquire a dark green color, the stems become thicker and stronger.

Nettle slurry is used for feeding. Nettle fertilizer is not suitable for,.

Nettle for late blight

T. Yurchenko, Novosibirsk region

Nettle fertilizer (video)

For information on how to prepare a herbal infusion from nettles, see. Burdock, plantain, dandelion, and clover can be used as raw materials for the infusion. For preparing the infusion, it is advisable to take young nettles, without seeds. 2 buckets of nettle are poured into a 50-liter container, warm, settled water is poured, and 100 g of microbiological fertilizer, for example Baikal EM1, is added. Biological products help get rid of the pungent smell of fermented grass and enrich the infusion beneficial bacteria. As a result, all organic matter in the barrel is better processed: all the foliage right down to the stems. Remember that the biological product only works in warm water, therefore, if you poured cold water into a barrel of nettles, wait, let the water warm up, and only then add microbiological fertilizer.

Within a day, the results of nettle fermentation are noticeable. The infusion foams and acquires a characteristic green color. In total, the infusion may require approx. 3 days before fully cooked. The period of preparation (fermentation) of the infusion will depend on external conditions. In the greenhouse, where the temperature is higher, the infusion will “reach” faster. In an open area to prepare the infusion, you need to choose sunny place It is considered ready when a homogeneous “slurry” is obtained without including fragments of leaves and stems, i.e. the grass was completely dissolved in the liquid. On day 4, the herbal infusion can already be used for feeding.

When using nettle herbal infusion as a fertilizer, do not forget to dilute it with water in the ratio of 3 liters of infusion to 1 bucket of water. Herbal infusion it is better to use the first 3-5 days after preparation, otherwise it will lose its nutritional properties, as a result of fermentation and decay processes, a large amount of poisons accumulates in it.

Date: 2012-03-12

Nettle usually grows in remote corners of gardens, in vacant lots that are inconvenient for growing vegetables. It contains a lot of nitrogen and silicon, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, sulfur and many other trace elements. Nettle has a powerful root system that can stretch for several tens of meters. The soil on which the nettle grew is enriched with all of the above and microelements, as well as amino acids, the earth acquires a darker color

ABOUT healing properties Everyone knows about nettles for human health. Well, almost everything. There is an ocean of information on this topic on the Internet. Did you know (I’m addressing novice gardeners) that this stinging weed is of great value for cultivated plants in the same way as for humans: nettle is a unique storehouse of nutrients for all vegetables with a few exceptions (more on that below), It produces an excellent fertilizer, not inferior to widely used organic fertilizers. In fairness, it should be noted that any cut grass can be used for the same purposes, but nettle has an advantage over other herbs: it very quickly decomposes into its constituent useful elements.

How to use nettles to benefit your garden?

We take a two-hundred-liter barrel, naturally cleaned of oils and other petroleum products. You can burn it with fire in an open space, but we have adapted to cleaning barrels with water using dishwashing detergent like AOS and others, or apartment cleaners like “Mr. Propper” and others.

In this barrel, pre-installed on laid bricks (so that the bottom does not rust) near the beds with vegetables, usually in the sun (although not necessarily), we place freshly cut nettles - fill the barrel by one third, slightly pressing down (without compacting: later you will have to mix). And fill everything with water to the brim of the barrel.

After a couple of days, fermentation will begin in the barrel. This nettle begins to decompose and secrete nutrients in water. During fermentation, once or twice a day it is necessary to stir the nettle with a stick, pushing it deep down to the bottom of the barrel, freeing it from accumulated air bubbles.

Approximately on the fourth day and until the end of use, this nettle infusion acquires an unbearable smell of herbal decomposition. Which, by the way, is liked by many villagers who are accustomed to similar smells - manure, bird droppings, etc. And I advise you to be lenient with this smell - the result will amaze you!

Once a stinky smell appears, that’s it, the infusion can be used. But we use it on about the seventh day, diluting it with clean water in a 1:1 ratio. We take half a bucket (half a watering can) from the barrel, add water until it is full and water the garden bed as usual.

The infusion is useful for tomatoes, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, lettuce, parsley and other vegetables and herbs. And not suitable for beans, peas, onions. The result of this treatment is unusually fast, especially noticeable if the plants were frail before: they stretch right before our eyes, the stems become thicker, and the leaves become dark green. This happens in just a couple of days. And all because the nutrients in the infusion are in finished form and plants do not need to expend additional energy to process them. By the way, you can also water flowers with this infusion.

Another use of nettle is to control pests and late blight. To combat late blight, pour 1 kilogram of fresh nettle leaves into five liters of water, boil, strain, dilute in a ratio of 1:20 and spray once or three times on windless evenings. Let me emphasize: this decoction does not destroy late blight, but strengthens the plant’s immunity to it.

Against aphids, leave 1 kilogram of nettle in a 10-liter bucket of water for a day, strain and spray the plants with the infusion. Treating roses against aphids is especially effective.

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