Healing herbs for headaches. We choose herbal tea. Herbal headache infusion

Often used to relieve headaches healing herbs. In addition to relieving discomfort, they provide positive impact for the whole body.

The use of herbs externally

Naturally, healing herbs used not only in the form of infusions and decoctions. They are often used externally as well. Some recommended recipes:

  • When the head hurts and is spinning, lovage will help. Leaves of fresh grass are wrapped in a cloth and used as a compress, applied to the temples. Dry leaves can be brewed, and gruel can also be used as a compress.
  • It is good to rub the temple area with lemon juice. You can also apply citrus fruit peels to them.
  • Mix laurel and eucalyptus, pour the mixture into a fabric pad. Lie on your side, and put a pillow with plants under your head. On the side where the pain is most pronounced. Pain usually subsides quickly.

The methods are very effective and really work.


People suffering from migraine often relieve their condition with the help of herbs. But the effect can be achieved only by simultaneous procedures: herbal tea plus a compress. This will eliminate the pain much faster.

Peppermint is famous for its medicinal properties. The grass is brewed and kept for about 20 minutes in a water bath. Then you need to let the broth settle (an hour). The cooled drink is drunk before meals, 70 ml each.

You should not throw out orange peels, they perfectly relieve migraine pains. To do this, grind the crusts and pour them with red wine. You can add sugar for taste. Drink warm several times a day. The dose is not more than a third of a glass. This composition should be taken for two weeks. After a course of treatment, the number of migraine attacks will decrease dramatically.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to collect blooming jasmine flowers. They have a pronounced aroma. Flowers are poured vegetable oil. This mixture is insisted for a month and a half in a gloomy place. Be sure to stir occasionally. When ready, strain and drain into a dark glass container.

It is used in the form of rubbing the temples or the back of the head during a migraine attack.

The letter is also popular. It is necessary to infuse this herb, drenched in red wine. Aged for 40 days, and then the mixture must be boiled. It is taken three times a day, no more than 30 drops. The course is three weeks. If headache failed, the treatment will have to be repeated.

Also helps with migraine corn oil. Mature cobs are collected and grains are poured with vegetable oil. This mixture must be infused for 30 days and taken three times a day, one spoonful.

Most Effective Herbal Recipes

If you are tired of taking painkillers, then you can try to resort to help folk remedies. Herbs for headaches perfectly relax, saturate the body with vitamins and remove toxins. What are the best herbs for headaches?

There is a group medicinal plants, which have long been known for their effectiveness in eliminating pain in the head.

  • Rose hip. Tea with rosehip berries can strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol and relieve pain syndrome. Brew and take 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • Mint. The plant has a positive effect on nervous system and relieves migraine attacks. Mint infusion is recommended for colds, it will quickly remove high temperature and headache. Infusion is desirable to drink regularly. It is prepared very easily: in a glass of boiling water, a spoonful of mint. If the painful syndrome is caused by overwork, then mint is mixed with chamomile and fennel. This collection is very effective for headaches. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The prepared drink is left in a thermos overnight. In the morning, drink 200 ml on an empty stomach.
  • St. John's wort. This herb contains hyperin, a substance that helps in the treatment of depression and associated pain heads. It is brewed like tea and drunk in half a glass.
  • Oregano. It has vasodilating properties, which allows you to remove painful spasm. A spoonful of dry oregano is added to 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for at least 30 minutes and then drink half a glass. This infusion is strictly forbidden for pregnant women, since oregano sometimes causes bleeding, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Melissa. The infusion perfectly dilates blood vessels and relieves pain around the head. Melissa is desirable to mix with chamomile or mint. Brew and infuse for an hour. This herbal mixture is very healthy tea with a headache. Some simply add the leaves of the plant to traditional tea.
  • Dill. An infusion of seeds successfully copes with migraine attacks. It is better for pregnant women to consult a doctor, as contraindications are possible. Especially if you have future mother low pressure.

Headache is eliminated not only by pills. The correct means are medicinal herbs. Using well-known plants, tea therapy can be carried out.

  • Lime tea. good and from colds and for headaches. The effect is enhanced by the addition of mint.
  • rosemary tea. Usually drink if nervous exhaustion is observed.
  • Red clover tea. The flowers of the plant are brewed, and the drink is taken without restrictions.

Ivan tea is good for headaches. But in medicinal purposes drink should be no more than one month. It is recommended to take one spoon of the drink before meals.

But the best of the healing teas is considered strong tea with honey, which can also be added to green tea. Tea for headaches has always been considered indispensable and unique means. Sweet tea you should drink in small sips and then it is advisable to lie down.

Natural remedies for all occasions

There are many folk recipes that quickly relieve headaches.

  • But you should choose the right method correctly, and this is done by trial method.
  • The choice must be made after determining the cause of your condition.
  • You'll have to be patient, because folk treatment does not work immediately.
  • If you use medicinal plants correctly, then after two weeks you will forget about the pain in your head for a long time.

You can always use time-tested recipes:

  1. Regular tea. Green tea with mint is especially effective. Eliminates spasm and soothes.
  2. Thyme. They brew and drink.
  3. Hawthorn. It is advisable to use daily. Drink like tea and without restrictions.
  4. Buds of cedar. Brew, insist and drink a solution of 50 ml several times a day.
  5. Herbal collection: elecampane, clover and elderberry. The infusion relieves spasms and normalizes well-being.

Use to reduce pressure pine needles. They are mixed with rose hips and husks onion. The mixture is brewing. Then you need to strain it and you can drink a whole glass three times a day. It helps not only blood vessels, but also has a healing effect on the respiratory system.

Which way to get rid of painful symptoms, decides the person suffering from pain. But in order not to harm health pharmaceutical preparations It is better to use natural remedies.

Migraine may be accompanied by the following:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • visual disturbances;
  • intolerance to loud and harsh sounds, bright flickering light.

Symptoms most often appear between the ages of 13-23 and become more severe by the age of 35-40.

What reasons?

The disease can be caused for the following reasons:

  • most often it is hereditary;
  • overstrain (both physical and psychological);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • factor of sudden weather change;
  • high sensitivity to products that contain tyramine.

Reference! Tyramine is physiologically active and toxic organic matter. Found in cheese, chocolate, chicken liver, sausage, citrus fruits, nuts and caffeine.


An attack usually lasts from several hours to several days. It may be preceded by a condition called an aura: 10-15 minutes before an attack, there is discomfort in the eyes, problems with vision and visual perception. This is characteristic of classic migraine. This condition does not precede the usual form of the disease.

Migraines occur intermittently - usually once every ten days. Seizures have been found to be more frequent when the patient is under stress. It should be avoided - you can practice massages, aromatherapy and music therapy.

Treatment Methods

7 out of 10 people experience migraines regularly. Many of these people prefer treatment with folk remedies. They have proven to be quite effective and effective method treatment and prevention.

If you experience the above symptoms too often, they appear in a more pronounced or unusual form, consult a doctor without fail!

What are the benefits of plant collections?

Of the folk remedies, the most common decoctions of herbs. They qualitatively help relieve pain, relieve tension and relieve nausea. Also often used for prevention.

After regular intake of these, substances accumulate in the body that reduce the frequency and number of seizures. Action fees will be the most effective general strengthening, vasoconstriction, relieving spasms and pain, as well as a sedative effect.

Herbs for migraine

List effective plants for the prevention and relief of a migraine attack:

Decoctions of them are made according to the following simple scheme:

  1. It is necessary to grind the herb (or a mixture of them) into 10 grams of powder.
  2. Add two glasses of water.
  3. Leave for 3-4 hours.

Drink 3-4 times a day cold after meals for six months.

Headache Recipes

With peppermint

To make mint you will need:

mint preparation:

  1. Pour water over mint and place in water bath for 15 minutes, while stirring constantly.
  2. Leave for 45 minutes to cool the broth.
  3. Strain and add more water.

It is necessary to drink half a glass three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.

With grass, flowers and leaves

Take the following plants in equal quantities:

Insist and take half a glass 3 times a day, as well as at the time of the attack.

With raspberries and herbs

You need to take the following ingredients:

Insist, take one glass in the morning and evening.

With roots and leaves

Preparation of roots and leaves:

  1. One cup of boiling water (per tablespoon of chopped herbs).
  2. Add powdered herbs to the water and insist until cool.

Take 2 cups of infusion per day.

With rhizomes and bark

Pour boiling water, insist overnight and strain. Drink the resulting infusion 4 times a day for half a glass.

Teas for migraine

In addition to infusions and decoctions, you can brew teas from collected herbs. Use the following soothing herbs for migraine:

Alternate them every day and drink tea with honey.

If decoctions and tinctures of herbs do a better job of preventing migraines, then tea helps more by relieving symptoms and improving the condition during an attack.

Treatment with decoctions can be dangerous. When picking herbs for headaches, make sure you don't mix anything up and that it's the right herb, otherwise the herb you find may be toxic. You may also be allergic to some. If started allergic reaction, consult a doctor without delay.

More details about folk recipes against migraine can be found

Herbs for headaches can be harmful to those patients who have an allergic reaction to them. That is why, everyone needs to clearly know what he is allergic to. This will avoid various problems associated with this deviation.

To cure headaches, the use of herbs and fees will be quite effective.

A decoction of chamomile. To prepare this herbal collection from a headache, you need to boil 70 g of a dry plant, pouring it with a glass of water. Keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then the agent is cooled to room temperature and taken orally. You can also use the prepared remedy in the form of a compress on the back of the head. A decoction of chamomile not only defeats a headache, but also calms the nerves well.

A decoction of peppermint and lemon balm. You need to take these herbs, with one more, the other less, and pour 90 ml. vodka, let it brew for 2 weeks, strain. A remedy is used in the form of a compress on whiskey or drink, 10-15 ml per cup, for example, tea. Such a decoction is not replaceable for migraines.

A decoction of spring primrose. 1-4 large spoons of dried primrose flowers brew in 200 - 450 ml. boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain. After that, drink the decoction every hour all day. Relieves headache.

A decoction of spring primrose, lavender, rosemary, mint and valerian. Take these herbs in equal amounts, mix, boil 100 g of the collection in a glass of water. Let it brew for an hour and take before going to bed. Normalizes sleep, relieves headaches.

Collection of valerian herb, lemon balm leaves, willow bark, St. John's wort, lavender flowers and hop cones. 10-20 g of the collection pour 150-300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 20-60 minutes. Take twice a day. Relieves stress, relieves migraine attacks.

Infusion of coriander seed, lemon balm leaf and peppermint. Move everything, take 40 g of this collection and pour 20 ml. water and 100 ml. alcohol. Let it brew for a day and use as a compress on the back of the head. Helps with acute headaches and improves blood circulation in the head.

An infusion of primrose and coltsfoot flowers. 100 g of a mixture of dried flowers pour 400 ml. boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Take orally five to six times a day. Helps calm nerves and relieve pain.

A decoction of St. John's wort and oregano. Pour five large spoons of this collection with a liter warm water, let it brew and wash their hair. It helps a lot if you have a migraine.

Collection of motherwort and cudweed. Mix equal amount fresh herbs and take 2 tablespoons before meals. Great for migraines and relieves stress.

Infusion of thyme, lilac flowers and cornflower. Mix all containers in equal quantities, pour boiling water, taken in a small amount and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. Helps with headaches.

A decoction of sweet clover and hops. Take these plants and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink a small cup three times a day. Helps improve blood circulation throughout the body and relieves headaches.

Collection of valerian root, hawthorn, oregano, sweet clover, peppermint, fennel, motherwort and chamomile. Mix everything and brew 250-300 g in one glass of boiling water. It is necessary that the broth is infused for about 3 hours and then taken three times a day. Helps with headaches and migraines.

Now that it has become clear which herbs help with headaches, you can safely use these remedies in the right situation. It is not at all necessary to run to the pharmacy and buy medicines, because there is a simple and useful way beat the headache. It remains only to wish everyone never to experience such problems.

The headache is caused different reasons. Headaches can occur with various disease states often associated with disease internal organs, poisoning, infections, various mental disorders and nervous disease. Most often this vascular pain caused by dilation or constriction of cerebral vessels. Causes of a headache may be a violation of cerebral circulation, excess or stagnation of blood in the vessels of the brain, an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Headache may also occur in healthy people with severe physical and nervous overwork.

Headache Remedies
For a headache attack, we recommend:
1. Place the patient in a separate room, isolate from sounds and bright light, as they increase headaches (for this you can use a bandage over your eyes and tampons in your ears). Put a tight bandage on your head.
2. Drink a glass of hot fresh strong tea with sugar and lemon (if there is no high blood pressure).
3. Take a hot hand bath. To do this, pour hot water (about 45 ° C) into a bowl or pan and lower your hands for twenty minutes, periodically adding hot water as it cools. This procedure helps relieve spasms of cerebral vessels and stop headaches.
4. Take a hot foot bath (especially recommended for increased blood pressure). To do this, pour hot water (45 °) into the bucket, lower your legs for 15-20 minutes.
5.Make a head massage: massage brush slowly pass along the head longitudinally, starting from the front. Duration 3-5 minutes until a feeling of warmth appears in the scalp.
6. Massage hands and feet
7. For headaches mental fatigue ethnoscience advises to dip your feet in hot water up to the ankles for 20 minutes or take a warm bath. Drink 1 teaspoon of peppermint in 1 cup of boiling water. Open the window and get some fresh air.

Herbs for headaches

Herbal collection for headache at all times could also, like medications, relieve pain, while herbs cannot cause such harm as various medicines do to the body.

Herbs for headaches can be harmful to those patients who have an allergic reaction to them. That is why, everyone needs to clearly know what he is allergic to. This will avoid various problems associated with such a deviation.

To cure headaches, the use of herbs and fees will be quite effective.
1. 1 part each of the herbs - valerian, lemon balm, oregano and 0.5 parts mint.
Application: pour two tablespoons of the collection of these herbs on the floor with liters of boiling water. Leave for at least 30 minutes. Drink hot at 200 g for headache attacks.
Relieves spasms of blood vessels and lowers high blood pressure potato juice(100 ml per reception).

Traditional medicine for headache recommends cinnamon infusion: a pinch ground cinnamon pour 1 tablespoon hot water, sweeten, leave for 30 minutes, take in small portions every hour. For severe migraines, make a more concentrated infusion of cinnamon. You can make whiskey lotion from unsweetened cinnamon infusion. If the smell of cinnamon is unpleasant, then you need to add a drop of lavender or peppermint oil to the broth. There is another way to use cinnamon for headaches: grind cinnamon powder with butter and smear the mixture on the forehead and temples, after washing the face well (the pores of the skin should be open for better absorption of the medicine).

Inhalation of the smells of orange, lemon, geranium, rose, mignonette, birch, lavender, oregano, lemon balm relieves headaches. For mild headaches, it is enough to rub a few drops into the whiskey essential oils: lavender or mint. With severe headaches, a compress helps: pour 0.5 l into a bowl cold water, add 3 drops of mint. Dip a piece of gauze folded several times into water so that the fabric absorbs more oil from the surface of the water. Squeeze out the gauze and put it on the back of the head.

A decoction of chamomile. To prepare this herbal collection for a headache, you need to boil 70 g of a dry plant by pouring it with a glass of water. Keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then the agent is cooled to room temperature and taken orally. You can also use the prepared remedy in the form of a compress on the back of the head. A decoction of chamomile not only defeats a headache, but also calms the nerves well.

A decoction of peppermint and lemon balm. You need to take these herbs, with one more, the other less, and pour 90 ml. vodka, let it brew for 2 weeks, strain. A remedy is used in the form of a compress on whiskey or drink, 10-15 ml per cup, for example, tea. Such a decoction is not replaceable for migraines.

A decoction of spring primrose. 1-4 large spoons of dried primrose flowers brew in 200 - 450 ml. boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain. After that, drink the decoction every hour all day. Relieves headache.

A decoction of spring primrose, lavender, rosemary, mint and valerian. Take these herbs in equal amounts, mix, boil 100 g of the collection in a glass of water. Let it brew for an hour and take before going to bed. Normalizes sleep, relieves headaches.

Collection of valerian herb, lemon balm leaves, willow bark, St. John's wort, lavender flowers and hop cones. 10-20 g of the collection pour 150-300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 20-60 minutes. Take twice a day. Relieves stress, relieves migraine attacks.

Infusion of coriander seed, lemon balm leaf and peppermint. Move everything, take 40 g of this collection and pour 20 ml. water and 100 ml. alcohol. Let it brew for a day and use as a compress on the back of the head. Helps with acute headaches and improves blood circulation in the head.

An infusion of primrose and coltsfoot flowers. 100 g of a mixture of dried flowers pour 400 ml. boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Take orally five to six times a day. Helps calm nerves and relieve pain.

A decoction of St. John's wort and oregano. Pour five large spoons of this collection with a liter of warm water, let it brew and wash their hair. It helps a lot if you have a migraine.

Collection of motherwort and cudweed. Mix an equal amount of fresh herbs and take 2 tablespoons before meals. Great for migraines and relieves stress.

Infusion of thyme, lilac flowers and cornflower. Mix all containers in equal quantities, pour boiling water, taken in a small amount and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. Helps with headaches.

A decoction of sweet clover and hops. Take these plants and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink a small cup three times a day. Helps improve blood circulation throughout the body and relieves headaches.

Collection of valerian root, hawthorn, oregano, sweet clover, peppermint, fennel, motherwort and chamomile. Mix everything and brew 250-300 g in one glass of boiling water. It is necessary that the broth is infused for about 3 hours and then taken three times a day. Helps with headaches and migraines.

Now that it has become clear which herbs help with headaches, you can safely use these remedies in the right situation. It is not at all necessary to run to the pharmacy and buy medicines, because there is a simple and useful way to defeat a headache. It remains only to wish everyone never to experience such problems.

chronic headache

First of all, it is necessary optimal mode work and rest, physical activity(especially on fresh air), more products containing trace elements, vitamins (beets, apricots, potatoes, sea buckthorn, wild rose, currants, sweet peppers, mountain ash, carrots, sea cabbage, white cabbage, onions, garlic).

herbs for chronic headache
From medicinal plants with headaches, infusions of elderberry, Veronica longifolia, round-leaved wintergreen, sweet clover, oregano, St.

Infusion of elderberry flowers for chronic headaches: pour one tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain. It is better to drink with honey ¼ cup 15 minutes before meals three to four times a day.

St. John's wort infusion for chronic headaches: place one tablespoon of St. John's wort in a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, drink 1/4 cup three times a day.
Mint tea for chronic headaches: make a strong brew of black or green tea with a pinch of mint, drink a glass, the pain goes away in 10-15 minutes.
In equal proportions: mint, oregano, fireweed. Application: pour one tablespoon of a mixture of herbs on the floor with liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink half or whole glass.

Infusion of red clover heads for chronic headaches: brew 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for at least 2 hours. Drink 100 ml. in the morning and in the evening.
One part of meadowsweet flowers, yarrow grass (2 parts), tansy flowers (0.5 parts), mugwort grass (2 parts). Application: pour two tablespoons of a mixture of these herbs into 0.7 liters of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours in a thermos. Take 100 ml 2 times a day.

Infusion of lemon balm for chronic headaches: Pour 15 g of grass with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, strain. The infusion has an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant effect, relieves pain in the heart, palpitations, reduces high blood pressure, improves breathing.
Herbal preparations for chronic headaches in combination with high blood pressure:
- St. John's wort (4 parts), plantain (1 part each), motherwort, yarrow, tansy, senna (0.5 parts), wild rose (2 parts each), Chernobyl (3 parts);
- St. John's wort (2 parts), tansy, plantain (1 part each), motherwort, wild rose, yarrow (2 parts each), senna (0.5 parts), cudweed (1 part each), Chernobyl (3 parts), horsetail, hawthorn (0.5 parts).
Application: pour two tablespoons of the collection in a thermos all night 0.7 liters of boiling water.

Herbs for headache against the background of general weakness, skin diseases:
- succession, nettle, knotweed, tansy (1 part each), yarrow, mountain ash, wild rose (2 parts each);
- St. John's wort (3 parts), St. John's wort (3 parts), nettle, yarrow, wild rose (1 part each), mountain ash (2 parts).
Application: pour two tablespoons of the collection and infuse 0.7 liters of boiling water in a thermos.

For people who are weakened, prone to headaches when the weather changes, after overwork, it is especially good to use bee products:
Flower pollen (5 g 2 times a day).
Royal jelly (1 capsule 2 times a day).
Remedies using honey.
Other headache remedies:

Mix aloe juice (100 g), honey (300 g), lemon juice (100 g), crushed fruits walnuts(500 g). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.
Mix aloe juice (150 g), honey (250 g), Cahors (100 g). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated. It should be noted that aloe juice is contraindicated for persistent high blood pressure, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, pregnancy (over 7 months), serious illnesses kidneys.
Daily baths: coniferous, sea, bromine-iodine, salt, hay dust, valerian, a mixture of herbs (ledum and motherwort; mint, wormwood and hops, wormwood, mint and valerian). The water temperature is 36-37°C, the duration of the procedures is 10-15 minutes. Course 10-15 procedures.

Traditional medicine recommends for headaches:
- sniff dry grated leaves and inflorescences of oregano;
- wash your hair with an infusion of oregano and mint;
- apply a peeled lemon peel to the sore spot (hold until a burning sensation);
- apply lilac leaves to the head or fresh leaves cabbage;
- apply crushed fresh leaves of the mountaineer pepper to the back of the head.
Headache is not uncommon now, but we are all used to using medicinal chemistry, instead of relieving painful sensations with natural gifts - herbs.

Well, here you have several ways to get rid of a headache - it remains only to take care of the presence of herbs). For sure, most of these collections are sold in a pharmacy, but for those who are passionate about herbs, we advise you to study the time of collection of these herbs and collect them yourself.
Good health to everyone!

The topic of our conversation today is herbal headache treatment, you will learn how to properly apply herbs.

Which herbal teas help with headaches so that you can quickly get rid of discomfort.

Natural herbal treatment will not harm the body, is not addictive and can be a good alternative to pills.

Herbal headache treatment

If the headache is caused by overeating, unpleasant sensations in the stomach or poor outflow of bile, then, as a rule, this pain is throbbing, localized in the temporal, upper part of the head.

In this case, chamomile and wormwood can help very well: we will prepare healing herbal teas from them.

Chamomile tea

To prepare it: take one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let steep for 10-15 minutes.

Drink chamomile tea it is necessary in a warm form, add a little sugar or natural honey to taste.

Wormwood tea

To make tea from wormwood: take one teaspoon of herb wormwood (we take the grass in crushed form) and pour boiling water in a thermos - 500 milliliters. We insist tea for one hour, then strain and you can drink.

Drink tea from wormwood should be 50 milliliters, three times a day for half an hour before meals.

With headaches of a spasmodic nature, oregano herb helps well. Oregano has good relaxing properties, helps with sensitive vessels.

Oregano or oregano tea

This herbal tea is prepared as follows: take a teaspoon of oregano herb (crushed) and fill it with 250 milliliters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to insist for a long time so that the tea does not lose its aroma. Tea is ready. It should be drunk warm in half a glass twice a day.

If the headache is caused by the flu or a cold, peppermint tea can be very helpful. Mint is a mild antispasmodic.

peppermint tea

To prepare Mint tea: boil one liter of water, after boiling, add one tablespoon of dry mint grass to the water. Take the water off the heat and cover with a lid.

Then let the tea brew for 10 minutes and strain it.

Add lemon, sugar or honey to taste.

Headaches caused by a nervous system disorder and depression are best treated with rosemary infusion.

Rosemary infusion

For its preparation: pour two teaspoons of rosemary leaves with 200 milliliters of boiling water. We insist under the lid for 30 - 40 minutes. Strain the finished rosemary infusion. Drink during the day for 5 - 6 doses.

Headaches caused by hangovers are best treated with an infusion of a mixture of peppermint and rosemary herbs.

Mint and rosemary infusion

Mix peppermint and rosemary in equal parts and pour one tablespoon of mint-rosemary mixture with 400 milliliters of boiling water. We insist for 30 minutes. Drink, with a headache from a hangover, half a glass three times a day.

Tension headaches can be relieved linden tea, and also best effect will give brewed lime tea with mint.

Linden tea with mint

To prepare it: mix mint and linden in equal proportions. Take 1 tablespoon of mint - linden mixture and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. We insist under the lid for 20 minutes.

This tea perfectly calms the nervous system, normalizes hormonal balance organism.

Treating headaches with herbs, drinking herbal teas can be very effective and will give good results. However, do not forget to consult with your doctor before using traditional medicine recipes.

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