Wild plants: names and photos. Medicinal plants and their uses

The flora of our planet is extremely diverse and beautiful. A huge number of different life forms of plants gives not only aesthetic pleasure, but also brings very tangible practical benefits: they are a source of nutrition, decorative elements, and a supplier of food. medical supplies, a source of pure and fresh air filled with oxygen and so on.

Among all life forms of plants great place allocated specifically to herbs, both cultivated and wild. They occupy almost 50% of the total flora of the planet, so we will consider them.

Herbs: general characteristics

Most often, herbs include plants that have slightly modified shoots. That is, in the classical sense, a shoot should include a stem, leaves and a flower. So, not all structural parts may be observed in herbs. Often the stem is modified, the leaves acquire a shape and size that helps them adapt to the conditions as much as possible. environment.

Flower like reproductive organ, of course, all herbs have. However, they are also very different in size, shape and color. This factor will depend on the pollination method of the particular plant species.

Wild herbs are a very large group, including representatives from almost all known families of angiosperms. The names of herbs are very diverse. There are both historically established “names” and scientific data based on binary nomenclature (in Latin, the first name is genus, the second is species). For example, Leonurus heterophyllus, or motherwort.

The root system, shoot branching, flower and leaf structure - all these botanical characteristics will depend on the specific genus and species of plant, so it is impossible to identify any common morphological characteristics for all wild herbs.

Classification of herbs

It can be based on different signs, but most often the division of herbs into:

  • Annuals - buttercups, cornflowers, ageratums, cinquefoils, daturas, poppies, chamomiles - the names of herbs in this group can be listed for a very long time, since they are numerous.
  • Biennials - mallow, spurge, sweet clover, lupine, forget-me-not, bellflower, viola and others.
  • Perennials - begonia, anemone, alyssum, St. John's wort, reed, iris, wood sorrel, oregano, elecampane and others. The names of herbs in this category reflect their purpose. Obviously, this includes many well-known medicinal species.

In addition to this classification, another one can be given. The basis is the area of ​​human use.

  1. Medicinal herbs - celandine, string, thyme, chamomile, sage, calendula, burnet, lily of the valley and others.
  2. Cultivated agricultural plants - vegetables, fruits,
  3. - ginger, fennel, horseradish, anise, parsley, basil, lemon balm, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, saffron, laurel and so on.
  4. Ornamental grasses - ornamental cabbage, bordered euphorbia, Daurian moonseed, young, bergenia, kochia, rogersia and many others.

According to the place of growth, all herbs can be divided into mountain, forest, meadow, swamp, desert, steppe and garden (weeds and cultivated plants).

Wild herbs in Russia

There are a lot of such representatives. Almost all wild herbs, names and photos of their representatives can be seen in any corresponding encyclopedia. Let's try to take a closer look at the diversity of Russian wild herbs.

More than 900 species are known only for medicinal purposes, and there are many others. Their distribution across climatic zones is uneven. It is known that most plants, including herbs, are located in the more southern, southeastern and eastern regions of our country. The northern, northwestern and western regions are densely populated, but not so diverse in species composition.

Thus, we can cite as an example the region of Siberia (Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East, all nearby areas, up to Chukotka). Here the most common wild herbs, the names of which are as follows:

  • parfolia;
  • Tribulus;
  • dandelion;
  • sorrel;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • primrose;
  • viburnum;
  • calliper;
  • Highlander;
  • bergenia;
  • various sedges;
  • feather grass;
  • sagebrush;
  • quinoa;
  • celandine and many others.

Among those listed you can find both medicinal and conventional types. They have one thing in common - these are representatives of the flora living in wild conditions. Herbs are plants that are simply impossible to cover in one article. Too many of them. The European part of Russia is represented by a variety of beautiful flowering herbs that form entire carpets of different colors, making the wild nature unimaginably beautiful. Among them are the names of herbs such as lingonberry, common loosestrife, speedwell, common heather, Fischer's clove, forest geranium, and chickweed.

Due to good climatic conditions, the central zone of Russia is famous for its many medicinal species herbs, which also create a beautiful summer, spring and autumn landscape with their flowers. These are such as fragrant roses, lily of the valley, young shoots, oak grass, nightshade, blueberry, jasmine, hawkweed and others.

We will dwell on mountainous areas and their various herbs in more detail later.

Forest chin

A beautiful perennial plant with a bright pink corolla and a wonderful honey aroma that attracts pollinating insects from June until September autumn days. Many grazing animals choose this wild-growing beauty for food, since its roots, stems and leaves contain a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. Belongs to the Moth family (Bean family). Its main economic importance is as a perennial, it carries out annual soil drainage, participates in soil-forming processes, and is good for livestock feed. Medicinal value does not have.

Buttercup caustic

A very widespread plant classified as poisonous. It is found in almost all zones of Russia and is highly adaptable to environmental conditions. Includes several types of grass, the names and photos of which can be seen below.

Buttercup varieties:

  • caustic (" night blindness"in common parlance);
  • Kashubian;
  • creeping;
  • Spring chistyak;
  • garden and others.

It is not suitable for grazing animals, since the shoots of the plant are poisonous. Once dried to hay, it is safe. It is not used in conventional medicine, but in alternative medicine it is very common as a remedy for rheumatism, open wounds, boils, tuberculosis and burns.

Mountain herbs

The most famous among these are, of course, Altai herbs. Great amount cosmetics, medicines, tinctures, balms, ointments are created based on extracts of these miraculous plants.

After all, the very air of this mountainous area seems to heal. Almost all plants grown on the rocky surfaces of Altai are medicinal. Animals that eat these herbs are the strongest and healthiest. People who use fees from these places for treatment have fewer chronic diseases than residents of other areas.

Some Altai herbs that have received national recognition and are most often used by humans:

  • red brush (Rhodiola quadripalum);
  • milk thistle;
  • golden rod;
  • hill solyanka;
  • penny man;
  • upland uterus (ortilia unilateral);
  • Veronica black;
  • White bloodroot;
  • small basilisk;
  • the rank is squat;
  • burnet;
  • common calendula;
  • sweet clover;
  • Umbrella hawkweed;
  • marshmallow;
  • Chokeberry;
  • sandy immortelle and many others.

Balms that combine several herbal components are very common. They help with a variety of problems: cleanse, soothe, tone, normalize blood pressure, restore sleep, relieve headaches and chronic fatigue, etc. Such wild mountain herbs, the names of which were given above, are very valuable objects of medicine.

Milk thistle

Another name for this Altai herb is milk thistle. Since ancient times, this plant has been revered as a very good medicinal assistant. Infusions from different parts herbs help against liver diseases, cleanse the intestines and eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve swelling and treat jaundice and many other ailments.

The plant itself sometimes reaches 1.5 m in height. The leaves are very beautiful, with a white border and a dissected edge. The flowers look like round cones, dark pink or purple. A very valuable property of milk thistle, which allows it to be used in both folk and traditional medicine, is complete absence side effects.

Beautiful appearance allows it to be used not only as a medicinal plant, but also as an ornamental plant in many gardens and orchards.

Rhodiola quadripalum

In common parlance - an endemic plant of the Altai region. One of the most popular among these mountain herbs. It is used in both folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of female diseases of the pelvic organs, infertility, male prostatitis, and inflammation. Helps stop bleeding, normalizes work of cardio-vascular system, helps in the treatment of various types of viral and bacterial diseases.

Externally very interesting, unusual herbs. The description is as follows: low plants growing on rocky surfaces, with narrow, closely spaced leaves. The flowers are inconspicuous and pale, but the leaflet-shaped fruits are very bright and red. The shape of the leaves resembles a brush, which is why this plant got its name.

The most common medicinal herbs

This group includes many representatives around the world. There is also a wide variety of them in Russia. After all, almost all plants (with the exception of highly poisonous ones) contain useful alkaloids, essential oils, resins, tannins, minerals and other components that allow them to be used as medicinal herbs. The names of the most common and famous representatives of this group, growing in our country, are as follows:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • White bloodroot;
  • coltsfoot;
  • lemon balm;
  • Umbrella wintergreen;
  • hog uterus;
  • common raspberry;
  • large plantain;
  • motherwort five-lobed;
  • calamus;
  • Golden root;
  • fragrant collision;
  • Red viburnum;
  • calendula;
  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • common rose hip;
  • Eleutherococcus senticosus;
  • echinacea;
  • series;
  • celandine and many others.

Obviously, it is simply impossible to list all the plants, since their species diversity is too great.

Aloe arborescens

From home potted plants often as medicine Agave or aloe is used. It is a succulent plant with thick, fleshy leaves topped with thorns. Aloe juice contains many (up to 200) different useful substances. They help treat open wounds, inflammation, bacterial and viral diseases.

The most common herbs

They have been used since ancient times as medicines, but most often as food additives that make dishes refined, original and very aromatic. Some titles herbs In Russia, we will summarize the article: horseradish, dill, parsley, celery, parsnips, black pepper, cardamom, peppermint, lemon balm, mustard and some others.

Herbal treatment. Table

Herbal treatment

Herbal treatment has now become very popular, ethnoscience recommends a huge number of recipes for herbal treatment of various diseases. I present to your attention information about the use of certain medicinal plants for the treatment of specific diseases.

Herbal treatment. Application for various diseases

Diseases Herbal treatment Plant parts used
1.Atherosclerosis with high blood pressure 1.Chokeberry


3. Knotweed

4.Marigolds (Calendula)

5.White willow

6. Motherwort

7. Marsh dried fruit

8. Baikal skull cap

9.Astragalus wooliflora


Flowers and fruits

Grass and roots

Roots and leaves

Grass and flowers

2.Atherosclerosis with low blood pressure 1. Sandy immortelle

2. St. John's wort

3. Burnet

4. Large plantain

5. Arable steelweed


Flowers and grass

Roots and rhizomes

3.Heart failure (weakness of the heart muscle)

2. Arable steelweed


4.Marigolds (Calendula)

5. Motherwort

6. Baikal skull cap

7. Wild strawberries

Grass and flowers

Fruits and flowers

Roots and leaves

Fruits and leaves

4. Herbal treatment of uterine spasms and blood vessels 1.Glycyrrhiza naked

2.Violet tricolor


5. Wild strawberries

6. Curly parsley


Leaves, flowers

Fruits and leaves

Seeds, leaves, flowers

5. Insomnia, neuroses 1. Black elderberry

2. Angelica officinalis

3. Meadowsweet


5.White willow

6. Motherwort

7. Tricolor violet

9. Meadow chin

10. Rosehip

11. Baikal skull cap

Fruits, flowers

Leaves, flowers

Leaves, flowers

Flowers, fruits

Roots and leaves

6. Liver diseases (hepatitis), cholecystitis 1. Sandy immortelle

2. Calendula (marigold)


4.Cornflower blue

5. Wild strawberries

6. Rosehip

7. Gray alder

8. Carrots

9. Tricolor violet

10.Black currant

11. Scented dill


Leaves, flowers

Flower petals

Leaves, fruits

Cones, leaves

Fruits, leaves, buds

Seeds, grass, flowers

7. Diseases of the kidneys (nephritis), bladder (cystitis) 1.Astragalus wooliflora

2. Hernia smooth

3.Black currant

4. Cumin

5. Lingonberry

6. Wintergreen rotundifolia

7. Curly parsley

8. Black elderberry

9. Meadowsweet

10. Wild strawberries

Flowers, grass

Buds, fruits, leaves

Flowers, seeds, grass

Leaves, fruits

Leaves, flowers

Leaves, flowers, seeds

Leaves, fruits

leaves flowers

Leaves, fruits

8. Gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum 1. Horse chestnut

2. Large plantain

3. Dry marsh

4. Sandy immortelle

5. Meadowsweet

6.Glycyrrhiza naked

7. Gray alder

8. Wintergreen roundifolia

10. Curly parsley

11. Rosehip

Fruits, flowers, leaves

Leaves, flowers

Leaves, cones

Flowers, leaves

Leaves, flowers, seeds

9. Herbal treatment of edema (cardiac, renal, ascites) 1. Angelica officinalis

2. Horsetail



5. Lingonberry

6.Black currant

7. Carrots

8. Silver birch

9. Black elderberry

10. Blueberry

11. Rosehip

12.Curly parsley

Leaves, roots, flowers

Leaves, fruits

Leaves, buds, fruits

Flowers, seeds

Flowers, fruits

Shoots, leaves, fruits

Leaves, seeds, flowers

10. Colds, flu, acute respiratory infections, ARVI 1. Meadow chin


3.Fennel is fragrant

4. Rowan

5.Glycyrrhiza naked

6. Black elderberry

7. Tricolor violet

8.Black currant

9. Scented dill


Flowers, leaves

Flowers, fruits

Fruits, flowers

Buds, leaves, fruits

Flowers, seeds, grass

11. Herbal treatment of dystrophy (exhaustion) 1. Rowan


3.White willow

4. Angelica officinalis

5.Black currant


7. Sophora japonica

8. Rosehip

9. Wild strawberries

10. Common hazel

11. Edible honeysuckle



15. Meadowsweet


Leaves, roots, flowers

Buds, fruits, leaves

Flowers, leaves

Fruits, flowers

Fruits, leaves

Fruits, leaves

Flowers, leaves

12. Herbal treatment diabetes mellitus 1.Walnut


3. White yasnotka

4. Large plantain

5. Sandy immortelle


7.Glycyrrhiza naked

8. Marsh dried fruit

9.Edible honeysuckle

Leaves, catkins, pericarp

Grass with flowers

13. Thyrotoxicosis (disease thyroid gland) 1.Chokeberry


3. Motherwort five-lobed


Flowers, fruits

14. Herbal treatment uterine bleeding, hemophilia, hemorrhoids 1. Highlander


3. White yasnotka

4. Highlander

5. Arable steelweed

6. Rosehip

7. Knotweed

8. Horse sorrel

9. Marsh dried fruit

10. Horsetail

11. Gray alder


Flowers, fruits

Grass with flowers

Roots, grass

Shoots, flowers, leaves

Leaves, cones

15.Ischemic stroke, thrombophlebitis 1.White willow

2. Red clover


4. Wild strawberries

5. Horse chestnut

6. Meadowsweet

Measles, leaves

Leaves, fruits

Leaves, flowers, fruits, bark of young branches

Seeds, flowers, leaves

16. Herbal treatment of dermatitis (for external and internal use) 1. Silver birch

2. Wintergreen roundifolia

3. Hernia smooth

4.White willow

5. Red clover

6. Meadowsweet


8. Carrots


10. Gray alder


12. Large plantain

13.Black currant

14. Licorice naked

15. Tricolor violet

16. Horsetail

17. Horse sorrel

18. White yasnotka

Buds, earrings

Flowers, leaves

Leaves, flowers

Flowers, seeds

Leaves, cones

Unripe fruits, catkins, pericarps, leaves

Leaves, buds

Leaves, flowers, shoots

Grass with flowers

17.Female infertility, menopause, postmenopause 1. Sophora japonica

2. Arable steelweed

3.Common hop

4. Garden beans

5. Red clover

6.Chinese green tea

7. Male fern

Fruits, buds

Pod valves

Young shoots

18. Herbal treatment of male menopause (androgen deficiency syndrome), impotence, male infertility 1. Highlander

2. Cumin

3.Glycyrrhiza naked

4. Hernia smooth

5. Common hazel

6. Dill


8. Wintergreen roundifolia

9.Rhodiola rosea


Seeds, grass, flowers

Leaves, catkins, young shoots

Grass, flowers, seeds

Leaves, flowers

19. Herbal treatment of cataracts, fragility of blood vessels, hemorrhages 1. Sophora japonica

2. Blueberry

3.Chinese green tea

4.Edible honeysuckle

Fruits, buds

Leaves, fruits, shoots

Leaves, fruits

● The above table is a new development of herbalists in Russia.


A longevity herb that promotes rapid recovery from many diseases. Perennial with numerous stems. The leaves are silvery-green, covered with a light fuzzy coating, blooms numerous purple flowers, collected in inflorescences.

It is indispensable for maintaining good health. IN medicinal purposes They use leaves collected in the second half of summer.

Improves memory, helps fight depression, and increases performance. Positively affects the functioning of the digestive system, relieves intestinal colic.

It normalizes blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, so its properties are used in the treatment of dizziness, and is also taken as a restorative agent after strokes.

For respiratory diseases it has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Will be beneficial when bronchial asthma, sore throat, laryngitis and chronic bronchitis.

For women who want to prolong their youth and beauty, it is very useful to carry out a course of rejuvenation with the help of sage, take the infusion in the morning, on an empty stomach. It contains female phytohormones, so it is believed that this medicinal herb helps with infertility, relieves inflammation in gynecological diseases, treats frigidity and relieves nervousness during menopause.


The most popular flower on summer cottages, flower beds and flower beds. An annual plant that blooms from June to October with bright orange fragrant flowers. Its popular name, marigold, is familiar to everyone since childhood.

Tinctures and ointments are made from calendula flowers, and decoctions are used for lotions. Calendula infusions are taken for gastritis and colitis, liver and gall bladder diseases, coronary disease heart and chronic bronchitis.

And yet, this plant is more widely used for external use because it has a strong wound-healing effect. With the help of calendula tinctures, you can cure herpes, various pustular diseases, oily seborrhea and eczema, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Rinsing will help with stomatitis and periodontal disease. Douching – for cervical erosion.

However, despite the enormous advantages, the use of these drugs is not allowed for everyone. The use of infusions is contraindicated in case of low blood pressure and pregnancy. It is believed that even limited use of the plant can aggravate toxicosis and cause severe vomiting. It is not recommended to use infusions when treating children under 12 years of age.

Sea ​​buckthorn

A thorny shrub with narrow long leaves and bright orange fruits. It got its name because large quantity berries tightly adjacent to the branch.

It is a very valuable plant containing a whole “bouquet” of vitamins. Such vitamin composition found very rarely in plants.

Entire books have been written about sea buckthorn treatment methods. There are countless diseases that can be cured with its help. Drugs can be used to treat a wide variety of internal chronic diseases– inflammation of the stomach, intestines, colitis. Fresh juice is very useful for hepatitis.

Sea buckthorn oil improves memory, lowers cholesterol, protects against radiation exposure and prevents tumor growth. It is used to treat trophic ulcers, psoriasis, bedsores and burns.

In people who use fresh fruits sea ​​buckthorn, strengthens the immune system and increases physical activity, including sexual. Tinctures made from fresh frozen berries help quickly cure the flu and coughing. A decoction of sea buckthorn branches is used for hair loss and baldness.


This plant has always saved us from many ailments. In ancient times, healers prepared a healing decoction that cured people from a suffocating cough. She is still very popular today.

Helps with colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Drops from her decoction will cure the most severe runny nose.

For stomach irritation, warm, unsweetened tea brewed from coltsfoot leaves is very useful.

For skin diseases, it is applied to boils, abscesses and ulcers.

At erysipelas– powder from crushed raw materials is sprinkled on wounds.

Valerian officinalis

Special therapeutic effect endowed with the root of this plant.

Tinctures are used for weakness of the body, insomnia, stressful conditions, migraines, tachycardia.

With its help, some diseases of the liver and thyroid gland are treated.

Hot flashes during menopause are more easily tolerated.

Rose hip

Its fruits are an invaluable source of vitamins.

Will relieve vitamin deficiency, anemia and liver diseases.

Helps with serious colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Rosehip oil can cure a serious skin disease - psoriasis, and for women who dream of losing weight, using its decoction will make this very easy.


Absolutely everyone knows that mint is a very healthy plant. But, unfortunately, not every person is aware of all its beneficial properties.

Mint will help with heartburn, all kinds of inflammation, heart pain, food and alcohol poisoning.

Peppermint oil eliminates muscle pain that arose after severe physical activity, and is also used to treat the spine.

The decoction relieves it toothache and itching from insect bites.

Peppermint drops will stop nausea and dizziness.


The unsightly looking weed is familiar to everyone since childhood. Which of us has not applied its leaf to a broken knee?

This natural medicine, graciously given to the inhabitants of the earth by nature.

As an expectorant for bronchitis and tuberculosis.

As a tonic for dysentery and diarrhea.

Externally – for bee stings, boils and open wounds.

Lungwort officinalis

Widely used in herbal medicine for lung disease and hemoptysis.

A decoction of this herb is drunk for headaches and nervous diseases.

It improves blood composition, heals the kidneys and bladder.

Crushed raw materials are sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding, and lungwort juice is used in oncology.


Its rhizomes have medicinal properties.

It is popularly believed that it can cure nine of the most serious diseases.

Provides great help for jaundice, dropsy, urinary retention, anemia.

It is useful for arrhythmia, varicose veins veins and atherosclerosis, recommended for impotence and painful periods.

Strengthens the immune system and protects against the flu virus.

Marsh cinquefoil

Treatment with this plant is slow and requires patience, but the results can exceed all expectations.

It is believed that it can help with stomach cancer.

It is an axiom that medicinal plants have beneficial properties - otherwise these herbs would not be called medicinal. However, few people know exactly what properties they have medicinal plants– for which diseases their use is recommended, and for which, on the contrary, use medicinal herbs strictly prohibited. To understand this issue, read this material.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of medicinal herbs and plants

In this section of the article you will learn about the properties and uses of medicinal plants such as marshmallow, immortelle, valerian, elecampane and oregano:

Althaea officinalis . The roots have an expectorant, softening, enveloping, analgesic effect, reduce irritation of the skin and mucous membranes during inflammatory and ulcerative processes.

This medicinal plant is contraindicated during pregnancy. infancy– constipation, .

Sandy immortelle. It has analgesic, hemostatic, blood purifying, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, antimicrobial, antihelminthic effect. This medicinal plant also has the property of increasing arterial pressure.

The plant is low toxic, however, the dosage should be strictly observed. Contraindicated in cholestasis.

Valerian officinalis. Reduces the excitability of the nervous system, dilates the blood vessels of the heart, normalizes sleep, relieves spasms gastrointestinal tract, has anticonvulsant activity, anthelmintic and carminative properties. An overdose can cause nausea, cardiac dysfunction, headache, and drowsiness.

Contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting, chronic enterocolitis.

Elecampane is tall. Regulates the secretory function of the stomach and intestines, stimulates metabolism in the body, has soothing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic and anthelmintic properties.

Caution should be exercised in using elecampane for kidney disease; it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Common oregano. The medicinal properties of this medicinal plant include stimulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating appetite, and relieving spasms of the stomach and intestines.

Helps with: headache, nausea, vomiting, in women regulates the menstrual cycle, indicated for insomnia, epilepsy, rickets, diathesis.

Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Healing properties of medicinal plants and their benefits for humans

The properties of such medicinal plants and herbs as ginseng, St. John's wort and calendula are described here:

Common ginseng. Restores strength after illness, promotes longevity. Due to its properties, the use of this medicinal herb is indicated for normalizing blood pressure. Ginseng effectively helps digestion, stimulates cardiac activity, hematopoiesis, and increases the function of the sex glands. But it should be remembered that an overdose may cause headaches, insomnia, and increased blood pressure.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, increased excitability and bleeding, inflammatory diseases.

St. John's wort . The healing properties of this medicinal plant help with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, bladder, etc. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, wound-healing, urinary and choleretic properties. The plant is slightly poisonous.

Contraindicated during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, and during phototherapy.

Calendula officinalis. Used as an expectorant, diaphoretic, urinary and choleretic agent. The benefit of this medicinal plant is that it calms the central nervous system, regulates cardiac activity, and lowers blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent, bactericidal, wound-healing, and blood pressure-lowering properties.

Medicinal herbs: beneficial properties and contraindications

What are medicinal properties and contraindications for herbs such as nettle, burdock, coltsfoot and lungwort?

Stinging nettle . It has general strengthening, vitaminizing, stimulating, hemostatic, wound healing, analgesic, diuretic and laxative properties. The medicinal properties of this medicinal herb are that it increases metabolism, improves blood composition, removes excess sugar from the body, and reduces allergic reactions.

Contraindicated during pregnancy increased risk thrombosis, serious illnesses kidneys and disorders.

Burdock . Used for kidney stones, gout, rheumatism. It has strengthening, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, blood purifying, antibacterial, urinary, diaphoretic properties, stimulates the production breast milk. This medicinal plant is of great benefit to humans in the treatment of skin diseases- acne, rashes, lichen, eczema, boils, .

Contraindicated during pregnancy and intestinal colic.

Common coltsfoot . It has anti-inflammatory, stimulating, enveloping, expectorant, softening, and disinfectant properties. Prescribed for stomach catarrh, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, colds, tuberculosis, arterial hypertension, cough, suffocation, dropsy, scrofula, etc.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, liver disease, and children under 2 years of age.

Lungwort officinalis . It has anti-inflammatory, emollient, expectorant, antiseptic, hemostatic and wound-healing properties. The properties of this medicinal herb are used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, respiratory organs, female diseases, scrofula and hemorrhoids.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, increased blood clotting.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of herbs (with photos)

Below are photos of medicinal herbs and describe the properties of medicinal plants such as lemon balm, mint, dandelion, plantain, wormwood and motherwort:

Melissa officinalis. Regulates the activity of the heart, calms the nervous system, stimulates appetite, enhances the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses nausea and vomiting. The beneficial properties of this medicinal herb are that it has a sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, laxative and diaphoretic effect. Reduces blood pressure.

Contraindicated if increased concentration is required.

Peppermint . It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative, expectorant and choleretic properties. The healing properties of this medicinal herb are used to stimulate appetite, stimulate secretory function gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to use it for breastfeeding; in large quantities it worsens sleep and reduces the secretion of breast milk.

Contraindicated in cases of low blood pressure or the need for increased concentration.

Dandelion officinalis . Bile- and diuretic, laxative, improves metabolism, stimulates appetite, used for jaundice and bladder diseases. Externally - for removal, and also as a cosmetic product.

Contraindicated in pregnancy and stomach diseases accompanied by increased secretory activity.

The plantain is big. It has wound-healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic, enveloping, and mild laxative properties. The beneficial properties of this medicinal herb are that it moderately lowers blood pressure, relaxes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines.

Common wormwood . Analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant and mild hypnotic. Improves activity, stimulates digestion, speeds up labor, and increases menstruation. For fast healing useful for lubricating wounds fresh juice wormwood.

Contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, intestines, and mental disorders.

The plant is slightly poisonous.

Motherwort five-lobed . Has a calming effect on the central nervous system, improves general health and, helps with neurasthenia, hysteria, epilepsy and Graves' disease, has the property of blood and slowing down the heart rate. Increases urination, stops, reduces headaches.

Contraindicated during pregnancy and decreased heart rate.

Useful properties and uses of medicinal herbs

In the final section of the article there are photos, medicinal properties and contraindications of herbs such as chamomile, yarrow, string and sage:

Chamomile officinalis . Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiallergic, antimicrobial, emollient, astringent, diaphoretic. Chamomile has a beneficial effect on metabolism,

Tripartite sequence . It has hemostatic, antiallergic, wound healing, antiseptic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. It is used to improve digestion, for metabolic disorders, and is effective for colds, coughs, as well as gout, rickets, etc. Externally, the series is used for diathesis, for the treatment of psoriasis, scrofula, and various skin diseases.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and in the second half of pregnancy.

Salvia officinalis . Has hemostatic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial properties. Reduces sweat production and milk production in nursing mothers. Used externally for hair loss. Not recommended for acute nephritis, pregnancy, kidney inflammation and severe cough.

Attention! When using the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, always pay attention to contraindications for their use.

It is a mistake to believe that useful medicinal plants are found exclusively in wildlife. Of course, they are mainly collected in forests and meadows. But it is just as possible to grow medicinal herbs and on personal plots - it goes without saying, when creating conditions close to natural ones.

Below you can see photos and descriptions of medicinal plants, as well as find out what medicinal herbs are and how you can grow them in your garden.

Forest and meadow medicinal herbs

St. John's wort (HYPERICUM). St. John's wort family.

When talking about what medicinal herbs there are, St. John's wort is one of the first that comes to mind. It is a rhizomatous herb, but more often a subshrub and shrub. Another name for this medicinal herb is “Ivanovo grass”. It is due to the fact that St. John's wort begins to bloom on Midsummer's Day.

The leaves of this herbaceous medicinal plant are whole, hard, and in some species they overwinter; flowers solitary or in corymbose inflorescence, golden. Flower growers often use herbs or shrubs.


St. John's wort (H. ascyron)– forest medicinal herb of Siberia and the Far East, up to 100 cm high, lanceolate leaves up to 10 cm long.

St. John's wort calyx (H. calycinum)- plant 25 cm high, from the Eastern Mediterranean, leaves are oval, large.

Gebler's St. John's wort (H. gebleri)– a medicinal plant of the wet meadows of the Far East, bright orange flowers, resistant.

St. John's wort (H. olympicum)- dry forests of Southern Europe, height 50 cm, not stable in central Russia, leaves narrow-lanceolate, glaucous, height 25 cm.

St. John's wort (N. perforatum).

Growing conditions. The genus is very diverse in terms of the ecological needs of the species; it also includes typical plants of Central Russian meadows - h. perforated, and drought-resistant, heat-loving subshrubs of Southern Europe (W. cup-shaped, W. Olympic).

They are grown in sunny, wind-protected locations with well-drained alkaline soils. Drought resistant.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer) and cuttings. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Melissa (MELISSA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

Melissa officinalis (M. officinalis)- perennial of Southern Europe, forms a dense bush 40-60 cm high from branched dense stems covered with ovate leaves, jagged along the edges. The entire plant is softly pubescent. The flowers are small, white, in whorls. And if the description of this medicinal plant is unremarkable, then the aroma deserves the highest praise. The plant exudes a very pleasant lemon scent, which is why it is sometimes called lemon balm. The variety "Aurea" has leaves with yellow spots.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded places with rich loose soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) or dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Mint (MENTHA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

(M. piperita)- a perennial from the countries of Southern Europe with a branched, hairy stem 60-80 cm high. The leaves are ovate, dark green; the shoot ends in a spike-shaped inflorescence with whorls of purple flowers. It grows quickly due to above-ground stolons.

Growing conditions. Light and semi-shaded places with loose fertile soils.

Reproduction. Sections of rooted stolons. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.


Lovage officinalis(L. officinaie)- decorative deciduous perennial with thick rhizome. The leaves are shiny, slightly bluish, pinnately dissected, large in the basal rosette and on the stem. The stem is branched, up to 150 cm high, bearing a large umbrella of yellowish flowers. The whole plant has a specific pleasant aroma, therefore it is also used as a flavoring agent.

Growing conditions. Sunny to semi-shaded locations with clayey, rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Soapwort (SAPONARIA). Clove family.

Perennials with creeping rhizomes, growing mainly in the Mediterranean. The flowers are fragrant, collected in a shield.


Soapwort officinalis(S. officinalis)- height 100 cm.

Soapwort basilicofolia (S. ocymoides)- height 10 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with well-drained, light, lime-rich soil. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), summer cuttings.

Briefly about medicinal plants of forests and meadows

Below you can find a description of the medicinal herbs comfrey, yarrow, echinacea and valerian.

Comfrey (SYMPHYTUM). Borage family.

Perennials with thick rhizomes, 30-100 cm high, from the light forests of Europe and the Caucasus. The stems are winged, thick, straight. Leaves are petiolate, lanceolate. Plants are covered with stiff hairs. Flowers in drooping inflorescences - curl.


Caucasian comfrey (S. caucasicum)- 80-100 cm high, forms a thicket, blue flowers.

Comfrey officinalis (S. officinale)- 50-60 cm high, forms bushes.

Comfrey grandiflora (S. grandiflorum)- low (30-40 cm) compact bushes.

Growing conditions. Shady and semi-shady places with moist peaty soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Yarrow (ACHILLEA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

The genus contains about 100 species, found in the meadows of the temperate zone. It attracts attention with its undemanding culture, ability to grow quickly and beautiful gray-green, usually feathery leaves. Small baskets are collected in a corymbose inflorescence (10-20 cm in diameter).

Yarrow(A. millefolium)- with a long branching rhizome, therefore it forms a thicket 70-80 cm high.

Yarrow ptarmika, sneezing herb (A. ptarmica), has a variety with white double flowers - pearl mussel, height - 60 cm.

U "Perry's White" and "The Pearl"- white balls of the baskets are collected in a loose brush.

Yarrow meadowsweet (A. filipendulina)- dense bush, 60-100 cm high, dark green, pinnate leaves; the flowers are bright yellow in dense large corymbs (diameter up to 9 cm).

Yarrow tomentosa (A. tomentosa)- 15-20 cm high, leaves finely dissected, grayish, pressed to the ground, shield of yellow flowers 6-8 cm in diameter.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any garden soil, grows well in sand.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter or spring), by dividing the bush (in spring and autumn). Planting density -5-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Echinacea (ECHINACEA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial tall (up to 150 cm) herbs with a tap root and dense leafy stems, at the top in July-August with a large pinkish basket. The leaves are oval, pubescent, with sharp-toothed edges. Three species are native to the grasslands and prairies of southeastern North America.

Most often grown echinacea purpurea (E. purpurea) with a dark pink basket.

Echinacea angustifolia(E. angustifolia) has a smaller and lighter basket.

And Echinacea pallidum (E. pallida)- reed flowers are narrow, pale pink. The last two species are more dry-loving.

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with rich soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. The division of the bush is carried out in the spring. In one place without dividing, Echinacea can grow for up to 15 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Echinacea purpurea will decorate any flower garden, mixborder, and can also be grown as individual bushes on the lawn. Often used as a medicinal plant.

Valerian (VALERIANA). Valerian family.

Perennial rhizome herbs of meadows and light forests of the temperate zone of Eurasia. They grow both as individual bushes and thickets (species with underground stolons). The flowers are small, in a beautiful openwork inflorescence-tassel, the leaves are usually pinnate.


Mountain valerian(V. montana)- bush 40 cm high, pink flowers in bunches.

Valerian officinalis(V. officinalis)-height up to 100 cm, white flowers, pinnate leaves.

Valeriana Fori (V. fauriei)- forms thickets 40 cm high.

Valerian lipophylla(V. tiliifolia)- up to 150 cm high, leaves are large, simple, heart-shaped, flowers are white, in a corymbose inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with moderately moist rich soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring and before winter), by dividing the bush (in spring), they are often weeded. Planting density -5 pcs. per 1 m2.

If we talk about this medicinal plant briefly, we can define its medicinal properties as sedative. And in landscape design it is used to create a dense evergreen ground cover on tree trunks and spots on shady rockeries.

Description of the best medicinal herbs

(SALVIA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

A large genus (almost 700 species), which includes plants of different life forms, growing all over the world. They all contain essential oils and grow in warm habitats. The leaves are ovate, the stems are branched, the final inflorescence is a raceme of medium-sized helmet-shaped flowers.


Sage sticky(S. glutinosa)- subshrub up to 100 cm high, from the forests of Southern Europe, pale yellow flowers.

Meadow sage(S. pratensis)- height 70-80 cm, blue flowers.

Sage rejected(S. patens)- height 70 cm, blue flowers.

Oak sage (S. nemorosa)- height 60 cm, purple flowers.

Salvia officinalis(S. officinalis)-height 50 cm.

Growing conditions. This is one of the best medicinal plants that prefers sunny areas (except for sticky sage) with fertile, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (spring), dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Toothwort (DENTARIA). The cabbage (cruciferous) family.

Perennial herbs 15-20 cm high with a long, clear rhizome and dark green leaves, large pink and crimson flowers. Typical early spring forest ephemeroids, ending the growing season already in June. They are attractive because they form a bright pink flowering carpet in spring. They bear fruit. They form self-seeding.


Toothwort tuberiferous(D. bulbifera)- a plant of the Caucasus with fawn-colored flowers.

Glandular teeth (D. glandulosa)- from the Carpathians, with large crimson flowers.

Toothwort five-leaved (D. quinquefolia)- from the forests of Europe, pink flowers.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under a canopy of trees with forest soils, moderate moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sow freshly collected) and sections of rhizomes (after the end of flowering). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Initial letter (BETONICA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

About 15 species growing in temperate meadows. Short-rhizomatous herbs that form decorative dense bushes of ovate rosettes, crenate along the edges of leaves.


Capital letter grandiflora - grandiflora chistema (B. macrantha = B. grandiflora = Stachys macranthus) 50-60 cm high, beautiful leaves and dark pink large flowers.

Medicinal initial letter (B. officinalis)- taller plant (80-90 cm), smaller flowers.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with fertile soils and moderate moisture.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and seeds (sowing before winter). Seedlings bloom in the third year. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Burnet (SANGUISORBA). Rosaceae family.

Short-rhizome perennials from wet meadows of the temperate zone of Eurasia.


Burnet (officinalis) (S. officinais)- 80-100 cm high, dark red flowers.

Gorgeous burnet (S. magnifica)- height 80-90 cm, large pinkish-crimson flowers.

Small burnet (S. minor)- height 40 cm, graceful inflorescences, red flowers, openwork plant.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with fertile, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in autumn), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density – 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Perennial medicinal herbs with photos and descriptions

Below are photos and descriptions of the medicinal herbs elecampane, zopnik and cuff:

Elecampane (INULA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial herbaceous species (about 200), widely distributed in meadows and light forests in the temperate zone of Eurasia. The rhizomes are thick, powerful, and the root system is deep. The basal leaves are large, heart-shaped, oval, the stems are straight, slightly branched (except for elecampane), the flowers are large yellow “daisies”.


Elecampane magnificent(I. magnifica = I. orientalis)- up to 150 cm high, branched stem, basket -15 cm in diameter in sparse corymbs, spreading bush.

Elecampane tall (I. helenium)- stems are slightly branched, 150-200 cm high, elliptical leaves, baskets 6 cm in diameter, cylindrical bush.

Inula elecampane(I. ensifolia)- 30 cm high, narrow leaves, basket 4 cm, Compacta variety - 20 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any garden soil and average moisture. Hardy perennials.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Elecampane is a perennial medicinal herb that lives without transplantation or division for 8-10 years. Planting density of large plants - 3 pcs. per 1 m2; Elecampane sword-leaved - 12 pcs.

Zopnik (PHLOMIS). Lamiaceae family.

Perennial herbs (about 100 species) with a thick rhizome or tap root, rough leaves, flowers collected in false whorls forming a spike-shaped inflorescence.


Zopnik Roussell(P. russeliana)- 90 cm high, yellowish-pinkish flowers.

Zopnik tuberiferous (P. tuberosa)- 50-70 cm high, purple flowers.

Zopnik meadow (P. pratensis)- 50-70 cm high, pink flowers.

Cuff (ALCHEMILLA). Rosaceae family.

Pay attention to the photo of this medicinal herb - the cuff has a short rhizome and a rosette of round, often fluffy, bright green leaves forming a spherical bush. At the height of summer, loose openwork inflorescences of small yellow flowers rise above them. Flowering is abundant and long lasting.


Alpine cuff(A. aipina)- with trifoliate dense leaves and small inflorescences.

Red petiolate cuff (A. erythropoda)- with gray-green dense leaves, 30 cm high.

Soft cuff(A. moiiis)- the most beautiful, stable, undemanding cuff. Its leaves are round, fluffy, pale green with a wavy edge, up to 6 cm in diameter. Peduncles are numerous, up to 60-70 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with loose, fertile neutral soils and moderate moisture. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Easily tolerates division and transplantation. Planting density - 5 bushes per 1 m2.

One of the most colorful, consistently decorative and interesting plants in mixed flower beds. The cuff looks good in flower beds of the “natural garden” style and in mixborders together with cornflower, heuchera, cornflowers, coreopsis, etc. It is used to decorate bouquets, giving them lightness and delicacy.

Medicinal herbs and their cultivation

Thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya grass(THYMUS). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

A large genus (about 400 species) of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs with recumbent or erect woody stems and straight, upward-pointing peduncles. They grow on rocks in the southern regions of Eurasia. The leaves are small, oval, opposite, leathery, usually overwintering. Due to recumbent, rooting shoots, plants quickly grow, forming low, dense “mats” and “pillows” (10-30 cm high), emitting a pleasant aroma. In mid-summer, numerous inflorescence heads of small flowers appear.


Lemon-scented thyme (Th. citriodorus).

Common thyme (T. vulgaris)- height 5-15 cm, leaves are pubescent on the underside.

creeping thyme (T. serpyllum)- leaves are larger than those of other species.

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with light, well-drained soil, neutral or alkaline. Grows on sands.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), by seeds (sowing before winter), by cuttings (in spring). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used as a carpet plant in mixed flower beds, rockeries and on paths among tiles. Looks good in containers.

Hellebore (VERATRUM). Melanthiaceae (lily) family.

Tall (100-150 cm) herbaceous perennials growing in meadows and steppes of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Powerful short rhizome and deep roots. The stems are straight, thick, and bear tough, folded along the veins, elliptical, beautiful leaves. The flowers are small, open, in a large paniculate inflorescence. All species are similar in appearance.


White hellebore (V. album)- flowers are whitish-greenish.

California hellebore(V. californicum)- flowers are white with green veins.

Black hellebore (V. nigrum)- flowers are blackish-brown.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich soils are moisture-loving, but tolerate drought well.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 5th-6th year. By dividing the bush (in spring), the divisions grow slowly and often die. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Chernogolovka (PRUNELLA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

Perennials with creeping rhizomes, erect, low (25-40 cm) stems; leaves are entire, with an uneven edge; flowers in false whorls in a capitate inflorescence.


Chernogolovka grandiflora(P. grandiflora)- height 25 cm.

Webb's blackhead (P. x webbiana)- purple flowers.

Chernogolovka vulgare (P. vulgaris)- flowers are reddish.

Growing conditions. Sunny and slightly shaded areas with garden, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2. Capable of forming a thicket and growing weeds.

Euphorbia (EUPHORBIA). Euphorbiaceae family.

A large genus - about 2000 species, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe, but there are also species in the temperate zone. Their height, leaf shape and type of root system are different, but they stand out for their original flowers.

Look at the photo of this medicinal plant: small flowers are collected in an inflorescence, surrounded by a common veil in the form of a glass (which appears to be a flower), and the “glasses” are collected in complex umbrella-shaped inflorescences with wrappers. In general, all this gives the impression of a “flying”, openwork yellowish inflorescence.

In sunny dry places - cypress spurge (E. cyparissias)- a low-growing (15-20 cm) plant of the steppes with narrow bluish leaves, densely located on lodging stems.

On sunny places with rich soils - Euphorbia multicolor(E. poiychroma), forming a tall bush (50-60 cm) of densely leafy woody shoots.

In the shadow - long-horned spurge (E. macroceras) with a high stem (up to 100 cm) and scaly euphorbia (E. squamosa) 20-30 cm high with a spherical through bush.

Growing conditions. Euphorbias can grow in a wide variety of conditions depending on the ecological characteristics of the species, but always in well-drained soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) or dividing the bush (in spring and late summer).

They self-sow easily and are capable of weeding. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Eryngium (ERYNGIUM). Celery (umbelliferous) family.

About 230 species are known, growing on almost all continents. But in cultivation, perennial herbs are more often grown with leathery, whole or dissected leaves, prickly along the edges. The flowers are small, blue, located in the axil of the bracts and collected in a capitate inflorescence surrounded by hard, spiny involucre leaves. Magnificent for their originality and exoticism. They bear fruit abundantly.


Alpine eryngium(E. alpinum) - 70 cm high, interesting wrapper of bluish, curved upward leaves.

Amethyst eryngium (E. amethystinum)- amethyst blue wrapper.

Burg's eryngium (E. bourgatii)- 30-40 cm high, leathery leaves with a white pattern.

Eryngium flatifolia (E. planum)- a plant of the steppes of Europe and Asia, the stems are bluish, the capitate inflorescences are small, bluish.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose, poor, sandy or rocky soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (before winter) or by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Wormwood (ARTEMISIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Large genus (more than 250 species). Of the numerous species, subshrubs and perennials with fragrant silvery leaves, pubescent or tomentose, are mainly cultivated. The flowers are inexpressive and colorless, so it is better to cut off the peduncles.

Kinds. In central Russia the most decorative and stable are:

Wormwood Pursha (A. purchiana)- forms a cover of straight stems with silvery elongated whole leaves, responds well to constant pruning, can be planted in borders.

Steller's Wormwood (A. steiieriana)- a low plant with spatulate leaves, forming a dense spot; sometimes the leaves overwinter.

Wormwood Louis(A. iudoviciana)- with narrow, lanceolate leaves.

Wormwood Schmidt (A. schmidtiana), the “Nana” form is especially interesting, 15-20 cm high with rounded, heavily indented leaves.

Growing conditions. Wormwood is an undemanding plant that grows well in sunny places with any soil, and is especially good on well-drained sandy alkaline substrates.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), by seeds (sowing in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Description of the best medicinal plants and their photos

In this chapter you can read the description of such medicinal herbs and plants as rhubarb, cat's foot, cyanosis, toadflax and mullein.

Rhubarb (RHEUM). Buckwheat family.

A powerful perennial with a multi-headed rhizome, from which large, round, five to seven-lobed light green leaves emerge on long, fleshy, ribbed reddish petioles.

At the end of spring, a powerful peduncle (up to 150 cm in height) rises above the rosette of leaves, bearing a large panicle of small whitish-fawn flowers. Grows in the meadows of Eurasia.

Kinds. In culture they often use:

Rhubarb palmate (Rh. palmatum) And R. Tangut (Rh. tanguticum) with more deeply dissected leaves.

Black Sea rhubarb (Rh. rhaponticum)-dense shiny leaves.

Growing conditions. Well-lit and semi-shaded areas with deep, fertile garden soils and normal moisture.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density is single.

cat's paw, antennary (ANTENNARIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Low (5-10 cm) dioecious plants from pine forests of Europe and North America. The leaves are densely pubescent, white-tomentose, overwintering, collected in a rosette. They grow due to creeping shoots. Flower baskets are small, round, in a capitate inflorescence.

Kinds. Cat's paw dioecious (A. dioica) has the forms:

"Tomentosa"- more densely pubescent; "Rubra"- with red pink flowers; "Minima"- height 5 cm.

"Rosea"- with pink flowers; Antennaria sun-loving(A. aprica)- height 10-15 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with poor, slightly acidic, dry sandy soils. On ordinary garden soils it will quickly grow and lose its decorative properties.

Reproduction. By dividing a bush or a section of a creeping shoot (in spring or late summer). Plant densely - 36 pcs. per 1 m2.

On poor sandy soils it creates a low, slowly growing, but consistently decorative silvery ground cover.

Cyanosis (POLEMONIUM). Family of cyanaceae.

Cluster-rooted perennials, grow in light forests of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bushes from 25 to 50 cm tall, decorative leaves, wintering; the flowers are numerous, collected in a raceme-like inflorescence, blue.


Creeping cyanosis(P. reptans)- height 30 cm.

blue cyanosis (P. caeruleum)- height 60 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunlit or semi-shaded areas with normal garden soils. A very undemanding plant.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring, late summer). Self-seeding possible. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Toadflax (LINARIA). Norichnikov family.

Perennials from the Mediterranean with narrow leaves and two-lipped flowers with a spur in a racemose inflorescence. The plants are graceful, low (40-50 cm).


Dalmatian toadflax (L. daimatica)- yellow flowers.

Common toadflax (L. vuigaris)- yellow flowers.

Macedonian toadflax (L. macedonica)- pubescent plant, yellow flowers.

Purple toadflax (L. purpurea)- red flowers.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose sandy dry soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 20 pcs. per 1 m2.

Mullein (VERBASCUM). Norichnikov family.

Plants of open dry places of Europe and the Mediterranean. Biennials and perennials from 50 to 150 cm in height, basal leaves are large, on petioles; The stem is straight, with sessile, entire, pubescent leaves. The flowers are wheel-shaped, small, in a branched large inflorescence. A magnificent plant that provides flower garden architecture.


Hybrid mullein (V. x hybridum)- often grown as a two-year-old.

Olympic mullein (V. olympicum)- height 180-200 cm, leaves are very pubescent, flowers are yellow.

Purple mullein (V. phoeniceum)- height 100 cm, purple flowers in a sparse cluster.

Black mullein(V. nigrum)- height 120 cm, yellow flowers with a red center.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose sandy soils. Drought resistant.

Reproduction. Seeds (in spring), seedlings bloom in the second year.

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