List of documents required for ITU. How to obtain disability and what documents are needed to obtain it. Deadline for establishing disability

Official registration of disability is a rather complicated procedure, since despite precise explanations from the state, the process of its implementation still has many questions and problems.

The algorithm for registering disability is regulated by a decree of the government of our state dated February 20, 2006. According to the second paragraph of this document, official recognition of a citizen as disabled is possible solely on the basis of the conclusion of a medical and social examination.

We will explain how to get to this examination. If there is any disease that does not allow a person to lead full life activities, he is given a referral to medical examination. Three institutions can issue such a document:

  • territorial medical institution at the citizen’s place of residence;
  • territorial institution of the pension fund of the Russian Federation;
  • social protection authority.

You can receive the described document in the last two instances only upon presentation of a conclusion from the attending physician, which confirms the existence of grounds for obtaining the status of a disabled person.

Note! Previously, ITU was called VTEC (medical labor examination). If previously the commission resolved issues regarding the ability to work of disabled citizens, the ITU also deals with disabled minors with disabilities belonging to the category “disabled since childhood.” We will tell you more about the VTEK commission in this article.

Required package of documents for passing the ITU

Having a referral received by one of the methods described above, a citizen applying for the status of a disabled person is sent to the commission. To do this, he needs to collect the required package of documents that are needed to register disability:

  • the direction itself;
  • original and copy of a citizen’s identity document;
  • a copy of the work record book, certified by the employer or a notary (if the person is not currently working);
  • statement of income received;
  • patient's outpatient card from the clinic;
  • discharge from hospital;
  • characteristics obtained at the place of employment or study;
  • application for disability status.

All documents must be presentable. Information should be clearly visible and readable both on originals and copies. Under no circumstances should they contain any errors or corrections. The package of documents must be provided directly upon first contact with the medical and social examination.

Algorithm for completing the procedure

The step-by-step process of passing a medical and social examination is as follows.

  1. Submitting an application with the necessary package of documents and their consideration by the commission.
  2. Citizen registration.
  3. Passing a full medical examination to confirm the grounds for obtaining disabled status.
  4. Checking the living conditions of a citizen by a specialized authorized person.
  5. Providing a verdict on the submitted application.
  6. If a positive decision is made, a document confirming the disability status is issued.

A medical and social examination recognizes a citizen as disabled if the following factors are present:

  • restriction of life processes due to illness or injury;
  • the need for a certain amount of time to successfully complete the rehabilitation procedure;
  • the presence of a permanent pathological disorder.

In the process of going through all the stages described above, the medical and social examination maintains a special protocol of the actions performed. As a result, it is the main document on the basis of which a citizen is recognized or not recognized as disabled.

Important: in certain situations, the commission may recognize a person as disabled, but not assign him the status of a disabled person.

Additional documents required to pass the ITU

If the citizen applying for disabled status is a child, then in addition to the basic package, additional documents must also be provided. They are:

  • a certificate containing information about the child’s place of registration and residence (you can find the list on our website);
  • original and certified copy of birth certificate (if the child has reached the age of fourteen - passport);
  • original and copy of the identity document of the parent, guardian or trustee;
  • completed application.

Documents issued after receiving disability status

If the verdict of the medical and social examination on assigning the status of a disabled person to a citizen is positive, then the person is issued two documents:

  • a certificate of the assigned disability group (may have a validity period, in which case, upon its expiration, you will need to undergo a re-examination procedure);
  • a rehabilitation program that is selected individually for each citizen.

The two documents described above may be needed when applying to a pension fund, social security authorities, when receiving benefits and cash payments, etc. By the way, you can read about what documents are needed for social security for people with disabilities on our website.

How to get a referral to ITU - see the video below:

What is needed to successfully complete the re-examination procedure

The status of a disabled person is not always issued to a citizen on an indefinite basis. In most cases, it has a certain period of validity, after which it is necessary to undergo a re-examination procedure.

In addition to the fact that it requires the provision of the main package of documents, the following documents are required, which are needed again for MSEC:

  • individually developed rehabilitation program;
  • a certificate of disability whose validity is coming to an end or has already expired.

Thus, the process of obtaining disabled status in our country is quite complicated. Any inaccuracy in the package of documents provided, the execution of the procedure, etc. can significantly complicate the process. To avoid this, it is strongly recommended that you consult your physician or any other knowledgeable professional before contacting ITU.

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In order for a person to have the opportunity to register a disability, he must undergo an examination, during which doctors confirm the existence of a disability.

The examination, or, as it is called, medical and social examination (MSE), is carried out in a manner strictly defined by law and has a number of nuances. It is for this reason that every interested person should know how the VTEC commission (medical labor expert commission) proceeds.

Why is expertise needed?

The examination is carried out to perform several tasks:

  1. Determining the presence of disability.
  2. Belonging to a specific group with a disability.
  3. Study of connections, factors preceding disability.

The examination is regulated by Russian legislation.

Determination of disability

Within the framework of Russian legislation, the procedure and conditions under which a person is granted a disability group are clearly regulated. Those individuals who are encountering this procedure for the first time have to deal with many unpleasant nuances.

You can count on getting a group only based on the following facts:

  1. Impaired health status due to persistent impairment of the functionality of his body. For example, the reason for receiving a group may be injuries or illnesses.
  2. Obtaining disability is necessary to obtain social income for a citizen who is unable to work.
  3. Limited life activity. For example, partial or complete loss of the ability to care for oneself independently, to exercise control over one’s actions, behavior, and communication.
Attention! Obtaining disability is possible only if a citizen has at least two of the above characteristics. Recognition of a person as disabled is possible only within the framework of the ITU. Download for viewing and printing:

(on establishing disability)

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Re-examination of disability

According to Russian legislation, disability can be granted for a limited period or on an indefinite basis. Then the citizen needs to undergo regular examination.

Attention! In April 2018, the procedure for passing the ITU was changed in order to confirm permanent disability. Now it can be installed after the 1st examination without the need for a second application. Moreover, this can be done even in absentia and in relation to persons under 18 years of age.

If we consider the procedure for undergoing a medical examination in order to confirm the disability group, then there will be no differences in it from a regular examination, with the exception of time.

Frequency of re-inspection of VTEK:

  1. Disability group 2-3 - once a year.
  2. Group 1 - every six months.

In addition, the package of documents must be accompanied by new tests, results of repeated examinations, and a conclusion issued as a result of the previous VTEC examination.

Determination of disability group

During the medical examination, members of the commission determine the possibility of establishing one of the disability groups:

  1. . This means that the person actually has health problems, which means that it is difficult for him to perform his basic functional duties and meet the qualification requirements.
    The presence of this disability group indicates that a person cannot continue to perform his work duties due to the intensity, volume and severity of such activities.
  2. means that a person has health problems that do not affect his ability to work, but taking into account the use of auxiliary aids.
  3. can be assigned only to those citizens who have been confirmed to have a complete loss of ability to work, which means they cannot work.
Attention! Obtaining one of these groups is possible only during an examination in strict accordance with legal norms.

Instructions for passing the ITU

To obtain disability, the person concerned must go through a number of mandatory steps.

Getting directions

To receive a referral for medical examination, a citizen must contact his/her attending physician. At the appointment, you must inform about your desire to register a disability.

The attending physician records all the data in the patient’s medical record and issues a referral for an examination. After this, the person is sent for an inpatient examination, during which he must tell about all his illnesses and injuries.

All information is recorded in a card, which also includes data obtained as a result of inpatient treatment. In turn, a citizen can be sent to a hospital only after long-term outpatient treatment. In the absence of one, a person may be denied even a referral for an examination.

Drawing up an application for an examination

The application is drawn up by the applicant personally and entrusted to a representative. This document states:

  1. Name of the medical institution.
  2. Information about the applicant.
  3. Request for examination, purposes.
  4. Date of application.

The recipient of the document must affix his signature, which is proof of acceptance of the application.

Documents for conducting a medical and social examination are drawn up at the clinic at the applicant’s place of residence. Responsibility for drawing up documents rests with the chairman of the medical commission.

Receiving an invitation from the ITU Bureau

After receiving an application to undergo a medical and social examination, a citizen must wait to receive an invitation.

Notification of this can be made either in writing or electronically; in the latter case, the invitation is published on a special Internet portal.

Required documents

It is better to start preparing all the necessary documents even before receiving an invitation to undergo the examination. Only in this case can a citizen be sure that he has collected all the necessary papers:

  1. Passport of the subject.
  2. Referral for a medical and social examination.
  3. Medical documents that reflect the patient’s health status.
Important! If, when submitting documents, the applicant does not have any paper left, it will need to be submitted within 10 days.

Conducting an assessment of the body's condition

The examination of the patient's health status is carried out at his place of residence, or, if there is a corresponding application, at home. In addition, the commission has the right to conduct an examination in a hospital setting in absentia.

During the MSA, the main task of the specialists present is to conduct an examination of the patient, study all the documents provided and make a decision on the need to grant him the status of a disabled person, a disability group.

Since May 2019, medical and social expert research has also been carried out in a medical organization at the place of treatment of a citizen, in a correctional institution and in absentia - subject to the decision of the relevant ITU bureau.

Issuance of the ITU act

Within 30 days from the date of registration of the examination, the patient is given a decision by the VTEK commission.

All documents issued as a result of the examination must be entered in the person’s personal file. He can receive copies of these papers upon submission of the appropriate application.

Since May 2019, electronic document management has been introduced.

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Actions in case of refusal to conduct an examination

Cases when a person is denied registration for disability occur quite often. The VTEK expert commission can make such a decision for many different reasons.

How to register a disability - where to start: you need to know the procedure for registering a disability, what documents are needed to register a disability, what is the ITU commission for registering a disability

Cases when work capacity is limited due to an exacerbation of a disease or serious injury are a fairly common phenomenon in labor practice. In order to protect their rights and receive social support, an injured worker must go through a rather complex and lengthy procedure for registering disability. Where to start?

(click to open)

First, you need to carefully study the regulatory framework and determine the procedure for registering disability.

Secondly, you need to clearly understand what documents are needed to register a disability, where to get the work performance form for registering a disability, and decide on the functions and purpose of the ITU commission for registering a disability.

And thirdly, if necessary, distinguish between the features of registering a disability for a pensioner (bedridden), registering a disability for a child, how to register a visual disability, and how the procedure for registering a disability in oncology differs from others.

We will examine all these points in more detail in our article.

ITU commission for registration of disability

You can obtain the status of a disabled person on the basis of the Rules established by government decree number 95 in February 2006. Paragraph two of these Rules directly states that a citizen must first undergo a medical and social examination (MSE) - an MSE commission for registration of disability. Without the appropriate conclusion of medical specialists, you cannot count on state help.

Residents of Moscow, remembering the special federal status of their city, often do not know how to apply for disability in Moscow. Considering that the effect of the government decree of the Russian Federation is equivalent in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that in the capital the procedure for registering disability occurs in strict accordance with the above document, as well as in other regions of Russia.

The basis for contacting a doctor is deterioration in health. A sick or injured person should visit his doctor, who will provide a referral to specialized specialists. They will record the results of the examination and examination in a separate report. Such a document has the right to be drawn up by both the attending physician and the group of doctors who observed the patient.

Particular attention is paid to the patient's condition. It is being determined whether he can live without outside help or continue working. In cases with children, their ability to learn, move independently and control their own behavior is determined.

Referrals for examination are given by the following government agencies:

  • representatives of social protection authorities;
  • branches of the Pension Fund (at the place of residence of the citizen affected by injury or illness);
  • polyclinics (district or city).

If you became disabled due to the fault of a doctor, find out what punishment the doctor should bear for.

Features of the procedure

The legislation provides for both independent appeal of citizens to all necessary authorities, and through legal representatives who have all the powers to protect the interests of a sick person.

To obtain the status of a disabled person with the help of such a voluntary assistant, you must have the appropriate court decision in hand. It confirms the special condition of a person with disabilities and gives the representative the right to obtain a power of attorney at a notary’s office. can be found in this article.

To figure out how to register a disability, you must first clarify all the nuances of the procedure at the clinic or social service. Such consultation will help you avoid annoying mistakes.

Documents must be provided within ten days after submitting the application. This can also be done electronically. But the document must be certified by a qualified signature. After you have dealt with the paperwork, the immediate process of registering disability begins, which consists of 3 stages:

  1. Invitation to ITU. It may come in paper or electronic form.
  2. Conducting an ITU and obtaining a decision. No more than 30 calendar days pass from the date of filing the application until the examination. The decision is made immediately after the procedure. Explanations from medical experts can be provided immediately after the examination.
  3. Obtaining a certificate confirming the disability of a certain group.

Features of registration for certain groups of citizens

How to apply for disability for a child

To clarify how to register a disability for a child, you must also first consult with the social examination bureau or at the clinic.

In most cases, registering a disability for a child is no different from examining an adult. The documents are additionally accompanied by the passport of the adoptive parents, guardians or parents.

Another important nuance is the need to present the characteristics issued by the place of education (if the child is studying). For children with genetic or mental illnesses, permission from the attending physician will be required. This document will give teachers the right to disclose medical confidentiality in the characteristics they compile.

In general, there should be no problems with how to register a disability, since the procedure is approved by law with all the details for patients of any age.

How to apply for disability for a pensioner

Before applying for disability, a pensioner will have to do the following:

  • Visit to a medical facility. The doctor performs an examination, after which he issues a medical report, which indicates the mandatory additional examination.
  • if the doctor determines that the level of illness of the applicant corresponds to the definition of one of the disability groups, then the patient will be given a referral for a medical examination at the BMSE;
  • Based on the results of a medical examination at the ITU, the applicant is issued a certificate - a certificate stating that he has been assigned a disability group;
  • With the certificate, the pensioner goes to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration, where he receives the status of a disabled person. With this status, a citizen has the right to receive benefits and an increase in pension.

Sample performance characteristics for disability registration

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. In this regard, the state assigns a disability pension.

Before applying for a disability pension, you need to collect all the necessary documents:

  • certificate of passing the ITU;
  • passport;
  • SNILS card

Having a package of documents in hand, the citizen contacts the Pension Fund branch in his region and writes an application for payment of a disability pension.

Let's consider how much pension different groups of disabled people will receive.

  • disabled people of the first group and disabled people from childhood of the second group – 8647.51 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the second group – 4323.74 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the third group - 3675.2 rubles per month;
  • disabled children and disabled children of the first group - 10,376.86 rubles per month.

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Every year the number of people unable to lead a full life increases. Disorders of the body's functionality due to diseases, trauma or congenital defects that caused limitation of life activity, the need for social protection - all this gives a person the status of “disabled”. Confirmation of the patient's condition is carried out by the medical and social service (MSEC). Disability documents, which are reviewed by representatives of the commission, certify a person’s right to register disability.

What is disability

A condition in which a person is unable to perform mental, mental or physical activities to the fullest extent is called disability. This term is used not only in the medical field, but also in the legal field, because the determination of a patient’s disability is carried out by special bodies in accordance with the law.

A medical and social expert commission determines a person’s condition. The procedure called obtaining disability is based on the assessment of the following criteria:

  • type of dysfunction in the human body;
  • degree of severity of the violation;
  • class of human activity;
  • the degree of limitation of the class of life activities;
  • criteria for establishing disability and disability groups.

List of diseases that give the right to apply to MSEC

The patient’s opinion alone that he needs to be registered as a disability is not enough. There is a certain list of pathological conditions, on the basis of which the commission determines the patient’s status. Generalized groups of persistent changes in the functionality of the body include:

  • psychosomatic functions;
  • speech and language functions;
  • functionality of the senses;
  • motor functions;
  • metabolic state;
  • internal secretion;
  • functions of hematopoiesis and cardiovascular system;
  • the functioning of the respiratory, digestive and excretory systems;
  • state of the immune system;
  • birth defects (if any).

These disorders manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Fluctuations in indicators of changes in functionality range from minor to pronounced.

Life classes

Obtaining disability requires an assessment of a person’s vital activity and the severity of changes, taking into account the patient. When a disability is granted, the following indicators are determined:

  1. Assessing self-care ability involves determining how much time a person spends each day on daily activities without assistance. May range from partial use of assistive devices to complete dependence on assistance.
  2. Analysis of the ability to move independently takes into account the partial need for additional technical structures or complete dependence on outsiders.
  3. Indicators of the ability to navigate space, terrain, and one’s own thoughts vary from independence to absolute inability to such orientation and the need for help from third parties.
  4. Assessment of the ability to communicate is based on determining the need to use technical means or nonverbal factors of linguistic speech.
  5. The ability to control behavior ranges from partial self-correction of behavioral reactions to the absolute inability to be responsible for it independently.
  6. The analysis of learning ability includes the possibility of attending general education or specialized educational institutions, as well as the lack of opportunity for independent learning.
  7. Assessment of the ability to work is based on determining the conditions necessary for the work process of a particular patient, the intensity of the load, and the volume of tasks performed. Otherwise, the inability to work independently is confirmed.

Disability groups

In the case when a minor patient is given the status of a disabled person, his category is called “disabled child”. Persons over 18 years of age are divided into 3 main groups. The first disability group is given to a person in the following cases:

  • there is a pronounced dysfunction of the body of a persistent nature;
  • the presence of criteria for absolute inability in one or more classes of life activity;
  • the patient needs social care and rehabilitation.

The second group is assigned to persons who meet the following criteria:

  • there is a pronounced impairment of body functions of a persistent nature;
  • the presence of intermediate criteria for disability in one or more classes of life activity;
  • a person needs social protection and recovery after illness.

The third group of disability is based on the following indicators, which are taken into account by the medical and social expert commission:

  • there is a moderate impairment of body functions;
  • the presence of initial criteria for disability in one class of life activity;
  • social protection and rehabilitation are required.

Duration of disability assignment

Persons who have received group 1 disability must submit disability documents to MSEC next time after 2 years. For representatives of other groups, status review is carried out annually. “Disabled child” is issued for 1, 2 years or until reaching adulthood.

After the period has passed, it is necessary to undergo an examination at the ITU to confirm or refute the state of health. Confirmation of the group may leave the patient in the same category, or may determine the need to transfer him to another.

Permanent disability

Lifelong (permanent) disability can be established on the basis of the presence of tumor processes of a malignant or benign nature, incurable diseases of the nervous system, mental pathologies, irreversible changes in the brain, progressive systemic diseases, limb defects, the presence of deafness and blindness.

The following population groups have the right to obtain permanent disability:

  • men over 60 years of age and women over 55 years of age (regardless of group);
  • men who must have their next review after age 60 (regardless of group);
  • women who turn 55 years old before the next renewal (regardless of the group);
  • military personnel who received injuries, wounds and defects during their service (regardless of the group).


In the case of the first determination of disability, the patient asks the question: “What documents must be submitted to MSEC for disability?” Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The pension authority or the social security department issues a referral to the commission. Hospitals and clinics issue such a document only after diagnosing the disease, carrying out treatment and rehabilitation. Referrals issued by other authorities must be confirmed by relevant instructions from health care facilities.

A refusal to give a person a referral to MSEC must be documented so that the patient can independently contact the bureau.

List of documents that are mandatory to determine the working capacity of a particular person:

  • copy of passport or birth certificate (depending on age);
  • in the case of an application by a representative of the patient - a document confirming his identity;
  • an application for the specified purpose of conducting an examination;
  • referral to MSEC issued by a health care facility or other authority;
  • documents on the education received;
  • production or pedagogical characteristics;
  • upon re-application, a certificate of disability;
  • individual rehabilitation card;
  • other documents upon request.

A copy of the passport must be confirmed by the original document. A copy of the work record book should be certified by the personnel department where the patient works. The medical record must include extracts from hospital treatment, results of examinations, tests, and x-ray images. Previous inspections by specialists must be officially certified with seals and signatures. If there are pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, a description of the x-ray taken immediately before contacting the MSEC is mandatory.

More precisely, the medical registrar of a particular bureau will answer the question of what documents you need to submit to MSEC for disability.

Progress of the examination

The commission's specialists conduct a comprehensive examination of the person who has applied to establish disability, analyzing his psychological, somatic, social and professional state. In some cases, additional examinations are carried out directly during the examination. The patient may refuse these activities, which is recorded in the documentation. In this case, the decision is made based on the available facts.

The examination is carried out in an office located geographically at the applicant’s place of residence or registration. If a person is unable to attend the commission, it is possible to conduct it at home, in a hospital, or in the absence of the patient (solely based on available documents).

The establishment of a disability group is confirmed by a corresponding certificate issued by the commission with signatures and seals. An individual rehabilitation card is also filled out, which includes the following information:

  • term of assignment of disability;
  • passport details;
  • intensity and volume of the recommended work regime;
  • the timing of the required hospitalization during the rehabilitation period;
  • consultations with specialists before the next re-examination.

Composition of MSEC

The general commission includes a therapist, a surgeon, a neurologist, a representative of the social security agency, a trade union representative and a registrar.

The commission, which has a narrow focus, consists of two specialists in the field in which the specialization takes place, a doctor of related specialization, representatives of social protection and the trade union, and a registrar.

The following areas of narrow-profile commissions are distinguished:

  • psychiatry;
  • phthisiology;
  • ophthalmology;
  • cardiorheumatology;
  • oncology;
  • traumatology;
  • occupational pathology.

Refusal to receive disability

If the citizen has not been declared incapable of work, he is given a certificate documenting this decision. With this document, the applicant can contact a higher bureau to reconsider his question.

To appeal, all the same documents are submitted, adding to them a refusal to assign disability and a personal statement. This must be done within a month after receiving the first decision of the commission. The issue is considered and a decision is made no later than 30 days from the date of filing the appeal.


The commission's decision is binding and requires the fulfillment of the obligations of public services to the applicant. It can be appealed in court on the basis of instructions established by law.

Disability can be registered if there is:

  • impairment of health with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
  • limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);
  • the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation and habilitation.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled is made based on the results of a medical and social examination (MSE).

Depending on their health status, adults are assigned disability group I, II or III, and children under 18 years of age are assigned the category “disabled child.”

2. How to get a referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise?

Referrals for medical and social examination are issued by medical organizations (the legal form of the medical organization and your place of residence do not matter).

When determining whether you have signs of disability, your doctor must rely on diagnostic tests, treatment, rehabilitation, and habilitation results. Therefore, it is best to contact your attending physician for a referral to MSA. But you can also go, for example, to the chief doctor of the medical organization where you are being treated.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.”

">the law, if a person needs social protection, social protection authorities and pension authorities can also issue a referral to MSE, but only if they have medical documents that confirm impairment of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. In practice, this means that you will still have to contact a medical organization.

If you are denied a referral, request that you receive a written refusal. With this certificate, you have the right to contact the ITU office yourself. In this case, the staff of the ITU bureau will prescribe an examination for you, and based on its results they will determine whether there is a need for a medical and social examination.

After you receive the referral, you will be scheduled for a medical and social examination at the ITU office.

3. What documents are needed to register a child for ITU?

To register your child for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (children over 14 years of age fill out and sign the application on their own; for children under 14 years of age this must be done by legal representatives);
  • identification document (for children under 14 years old - birth certificate, for children over 14 years old - passport);
  • medical documents indicating the citizen’s state of health (outpatient card, hospital extracts, consultants’ reports, examination results - usually issued by the doctor who issued the referral for medical examination);
  • SNILS;
  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • to the guardian (representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority) - a document establishing guardianship.

4. What documents do adults need to register for ITU?

To sign up for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (can be filled out by both the citizen himself and his representative);
  • identity document (original and copy);
  • referral to medical examination issued by the attending physician;
  • work book (original and copy);
  • professional and production characteristics from the place of work - for working citizens;
  • medical or military medical documents indicating the citizen’s state of health (outpatient card, hospital extracts, consultant reports, examination results, Red Army or military record book, certificate of injury, etc.);
  • SNILS;
  • if the documents are submitted by a representative - a power of attorney for the representative and his passport.

In some cases it may be necessary Additional documents (depending on the specific case):

  • act on an industrial accident in form N-1 (certified copy);
  • act on occupational disease (certified copy);
  • conclusion of the interdepartmental expert council on the causal relationship of the disease, disability with exposure to radioactive factors (certified copy, original presented in person);
  • ID of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or living in the exclusion or resettlement zone (copy, original presented in person);
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation - a residence permit;
  • for refugees - a refugee certificate (to be presented in person);
  • for nonresident citizens - a certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • for those discharged from military service - a certificate of illness drawn up by the Military Military Commission (a certified copy, the original must be presented in person).
">additional documents.

An application for a medical and social examination can be considered up to one month from the date of submission of the application.

5. Which ITU office should I contact?

Medical and social examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. In some cases, MSE may be carried out:

  • in the ITU Main Bureau - in case of appeal against the bureau’s decision, as well as in the direction of the bureau in cases requiring special types of examination;
  • in the ITU Federal Bureau - in case of appeal against the decision of the ITU Main Bureau, as well as in the direction of the ITU Main Bureau in cases requiring particularly complex special types of examination;
  • at home - if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (ITU Main Bureau, ITU Federal Bureau) for health reasons, as confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization, or in a hospital where the citizen is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.

6. How is the examination carried out?

During the examination, the bureau’s specialists will study the documents you submitted and analyze social, professional, labor, psychological and other data.

In some cases, ITU specialists may prescribe additional examination for you. You can refuse it. In this case, the decision to recognize you as disabled or to refuse to recognize you as disabled will be made based only on the data you provide. Your refusal will be reflected in the ITU protocol, which is maintained during the examination.

Representatives of state extra-budgetary funds, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, as well as specialists of the relevant profile (consultants) can participate in the medical and social examination at the invitation of the head of the bureau with the right of an advisory vote. You also have the right to invite any specialist with his consent, he will have the right to an advisory vote.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled or to refuse to recognize him as a disabled person is made by a simple majority vote of the specialists who conducted the medical and social examination, based on a discussion of the results of the medical and social examination.

Based on the results, a medical and social examination report is drawn up. You have the right to request copies of both the act and the protocol.

In addition, the bureau’s specialists, after conducting a medical and social examination, will prepare an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) for you.

7. What documents are issued after the examination?

A citizen recognized as disabled is issued:

  • a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group;
  • individual rehabilitation or habilitation program (IPRA).

A citizen who is not recognized as disabled, at his request, is issued a certificate of the results of a medical and social examination.

If it is necessary to make changes (new personal data, technical errors) to the IPRA or if it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of previously recommended types of rehabilitation and (or) habilitation measures, there is no need to undergo a new medical and social examination. It is enough to write an application to the ITU bureau that issued the document. You will be given a new IPRA.

The date of determination of disability is the day the bureau receives an application for medical examination. Disability is established until the 1st day of the month following the month for which the next ITU (re-examination) is scheduled.

8. How to get re-examined?

Re-examination of disabled people of group I is carried out once every 2 years, disabled people of groups II and III - once a year, and disabled children - once during the period for which the category “disabled child” is established for the child.

Re-examination can be carried out in advance, but no more than 2 months before the expiration of the established period of disability.

If disability is established without specifying the period for re-examination, or if re-examination needs to be carried out earlier than the established period, it can be carried out:

  • at the personal request of a disabled person (or his legal or authorized representative);
  • in the direction of a medical organization due to a change in health status;
  • . More information about the work of the ITU Bureau can be found on the website

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