Pertussin action. The use of pertussin syrup for the treatment of cough in children. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Colds are almost always accompanied by a dry, unproductive cough, which exhausts the patient. To get rid of an annoying cough, you need to take medications that thin and remove thick mucus. One of the popular cough remedies is Pertussin syrup. Let's look at how it acts on the body, dosage, indications for use and contraindications.

Pertussin is a thick sweet syrup that has a dark brown color, pleasant taste and a characteristic herbal odor. The medicine is produced in dark glass bottles of 100 and 50 ml. The package also includes a measuring spoon for easy dosing.

100 ml of syrup contains:

  • 1 g potassium bromide;
  • 12 g liquid thyme;
  • auxiliary components (80% ethyl alcohol, sugar syrup).

There is another type of medication - Pertussin Ch syrup. It acts on the body in the same way as Pertussin. The only difference is in the composition: instead of alcohol, it contains 95% ethanol.

The price of Pertussin syrup is surprisingly low and affordable for everyone. A 100 ml bottle costs 20-50 rubles.

Indications for use

There are 2 types of cough: dry and wet. For each type, you must take the appropriate medicine. For this reason, many are interested in the question of what cough to take Pertussin for.

This drug is prescribed as part of a complex treatment for inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, which are characterized by the formation of difficult to separate and thick sputum. These include:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • whooping cough;

Pertussin is prescribed for a dry cough when it just begins to turn into a wet cough. For diseases that are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum, the product will have an expectorant effect, help thin mucus and clear the airways.

If the cough is spastic, paroxysmal in nature, the drug will have a complex effect. Not only will the discharge of viscous sputum improve, but the activity of the cough reflex will also decrease.

Within 2-3 days from the day you started taking Pertussin, you can notice the first effect - a softening of the cough. For an unproductive cough, stronger drugs are prescribed.

The effect of Pertussin on the body

Pertussin is considered a phyto-drug, that is, a remedy of plant origin. It has a strong expectorant effect, thins mucus and helps it clear. It was also noted that the drug has bronchospasmolytic and antimicrobial properties.

The active ingredients of the drug include thyme extract and potassium bromide. The first component has a mucolytic effect, that is, it stimulates the production of substances that dilute dense mucus that has accumulated in the upper respiratory tract.

Potassium bromide has a softening effect, calms the nervous system, suppresses the cough reflex and relieves severe coughing attacks.

Directions for use and dosage

Your doctor should explain how to take Pertussin. Despite this, it would be a good idea to study the instructions for use.

This drug reduces appetite, so it must be taken after meals.

Adult patients are prescribed 1 tbsp. l. syrup 3 times a day. The dosage for children depends on their age:

  • 3-6 years – 1 tsp. three times a day;
  • 6-12 years – 1-2 tsp. three times a day;
  • 12-18 years old – 1 dessert spoon three times a day.

For children under six years of age, it is recommended to dilute a single dose of syrup in a small amount of drinking water. Sometimes pediatricians prescribe the drug from 2 years of age. In such cases, the dosage should not exceed 0.5 tsp. syrup twice a day.

The duration of the course of taking Pertussin is 10-14 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended.

Pertussin during pregnancy and lactation

Pertussin contains alcohol, so it is contraindicated while expecting a baby and breastfeeding. In this case, you can choose other drugs that will be completely safe for mother and baby.

Precautionary measures

The instructions indicate that Pertussin cannot be taken simultaneously with centrally acting antitussive medications (Libexin, Terpinkod,) since they delay the removal of sputum. Otherwise, unpleasant complications may arise associated with the addition of a bacterial infection and stagnation of viscous secretions in the lungs.

In addition, the drug should be taken with caution if the patient suffers from chronic alcoholism and neurological pathologies (epilepsy).

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects from taking Pertussin are rare. Among them are:

  1. Allergic reactions (rashes, itching, redness of the skin).
  2. Bromism. It occurs only in case of long-term use of the drug. Bromism is characterized by lethargy, diarrhea, ataxia, bradycardia, and conjunctivitis.

If taking Pertussin is accompanied by such reactions, you should immediately stop drinking the syrup and consult a specialist for advice.

Like all medications, Pertussin has contraindications. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • decompensation of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • children up to 3 years old.

In addition, the medicine should not be taken by patients suffering from duodenal and gastric ulcers.

The variety of medications that help reduce cough and improve sputum production is very large. One of these medications can be called Pertussin. It has been used in the treatment of coughs for many decades, but is such a drug relevant today? Can it be given to children, in what cases and in what dose? Can Pertussin harm a child’s body and what analogues can replace it?

Release form

Pertussin is a domestically produced medicine and is produced by several Russian pharmaceutical factories in two forms:

  • Syrup. This product is a thick, viscous liquid with a brown tint and a pleasant herbal aroma. It is sold in glass bottles, which often contain 100 grams of the drug, but some pharmaceutical companies also have bottles of 50 g and 125 g of syrup.
  • A solution intended for oral administration. This form also has a brown color and a pleasant smell, but it is more liquid. The solution is sold in bottles of 100 grams only.

Also in pharmacies you can find a syrup called Pertussin Ch. Its composition and effect are the same as regular Pertussin, and the presence of the letter H in the name indicates the main ingredient - thyme. This medicine does not have any distinctive features, and it can be used as a replacement for Pertussin.

There is no solid form of Pertussin, but the medicine is often confused with Pectusin tablets. They have a completely different composition (this medicine contains eucalyptus oil and menthol) and a different mechanism of action, so you should not replace liquid Pertussin with such tablets.


In any of the forms of Pertussin there are two active ingredients:

  • The first of these is an extract obtained from the herb of a plant called creeping thyme or creeping thyme. Its amount in 100 g of medication is 12 grams.
  • The second active ingredient of the syrup is potassium bromide, which is contained in 100 grams of the medicine in a dose of 1 g.

Additional components of Pertussin and Pertussin H are ethyl alcohol (80% or 95%), sucrose and water.

Operating principle

Taking Petrussin helps expectorate mucus, makes bronchial secretions more fluid and speeds up their separation from the lungs. This effect of the drug is due to the essential oil from the extract of thyme (thyme). It is its presence that activates the secretory function of the bronchial glands and reduces the viscosity of mucus, which is secreted by the bronchi, resulting in easier coughing of sputum.

The second ingredient in the medication (potassium bromide) affects the patient’s central nervous system, reducing its excitability and thereby reducing the cough reflex. Thanks to this substance, Pertussin has a mild sedative effect, and the number of coughing attacks is reduced.


Pertussin is prescribed for acute diseases of the respiratory system, the symptom of which is a wet (productive) cough with viscous sputum. The drug is used for:

  • tracheitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • COPD;
  • tracheobronchitis;

  • flu;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis.

In severe cases of such diseases, as well as in cases of non-productive dry cough, Pertussin is usually not prescribed, but is replaced by stronger and more effective drugs

At what age are children allowed?

Since Pertussin contains potassium bromide, this drug is not prescribed to patients under three years of age, since young children have an increased risk of developing bromism.

Children 3 years of age and older are also given the medication with caution., because one of its auxiliary ingredients that ensure long-term storage of the syrup is ethanol.


Among them are:

  1. The taste of the medicine is sweet and most patients find it pleasant, so giving the medicine to a child is often easy.
  2. The liquid form is convenient to use in children.
  3. The medicine is very effective for most acute respiratory infections.
  4. The effect of the drug is combined - Pertussin simultaneously helps expectorate sputum and calms the nervous system, affecting the cough reflex.
  5. The drug is approved for children.
  6. It is inexpensive.

Disadvantages of syrup


  • Pertussin's composition includes alcohol.
  • Sugar is added to the preparation as a filler in quite large quantities.
  • Long-term use or very large doses may adversely affect the patient's condition.
  • There are more effective expectorants (many doctors call Pertussin an outdated medicine).
  • The drug should not be given until the age of three. If the child is not yet 3 years old, he has to choose an analogue.


Pertussin is prohibited for use not only in young children, but also in such situations:

  • if the child has an intolerance to thyme or potassium bromide;
  • for epilepsy;
  • for diseases of the brain;
  • for liver pathologies;
  • with heart failure;
  • for diabetes mellitus (the medication contains a high percentage of sucrose);
  • with traumatic brain injury;
  • for hereditary problems with the absorption of carbohydrates.

Side effects

Since Pertussin has a plant base, taking such a medicine can cause allergies. If the use of the drug provokes fever, rash and other signs of an allergic reaction, you must refuse treatment, take a sorbent and consult a doctor.

Some children the medicine can cause heartburn or sour belching. When it appears, it is recommended to take an antacid.

If the drug is given for a very long time, bromism may occur. Such poisoning is manifested by a runny nose, skin rash, apathy, general weakness, sleep disturbances, conjunctivitis and other negative symptoms.

If these symptoms occur, discontinuation of the medication and examination by a doctor is necessary.

Instructions for use

​Pertussin is given to children after meals, since taking it at other times can affect the appetite of a small patient. The drug is taken three times a day.

  • If required, the syrup can be diluted with a small amount of clean water, which should not be hot. Typically, this dilution of the drug is used before the age of 6 years to make it easier for the child to swallow it.
  • The duration of treatment is 5-14 days (most often the medicine is given for 7 or 10 days), and longer use is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor. You should also talk to your pediatrician about reusing the drug.
  • The dosage of Pertussin in children is lower than for adults. Patients 3-6 years old are given half a teaspoon of syrup or solution at one time. A child 6-12 years old can be given 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml), and the dose of medicine for adolescents is one dessert spoon (15 ml).

The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. During inhalation, the child should inhale the drug calmly so as not to provoke coughing attacks.


Exceeding the dose of Pertussin leads to nausea. As a rule, syrup or solution taken in excess does not cause other negative symptoms.

A child with an overdose should be given some kind of sorbent, and if the condition worsens, a doctor’s examination is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug can be prescribed together with analgesics, antibiotics, vitamins, antivirals and many other medications that are prescribed for pathologies of the respiratory system.

However, like other expectorants, Pertussin should not be given along with medications. capable of suppressing the cough reflex, because this combination will interfere with coughing up sputum and worsen the patient’s condition.

Terms of sale

Pertussin can be purchased at most pharmacies without any difficulties, because it is a Russian drug from the group of over-the-counter drugs. The cost of the medicine depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the bottle, but it is not high and on average you need to pay 20-30 rubles for a bottle with 100 grams of syrup.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the solution and syrup, as well as the drug Pertussin Ch, is 4 years.

To store Pertussin, a dry and cool place is required (recommended temperature is below +15 degrees). Since the medicine is sweet, it is important to ensure that it is not accessible to small children during storage in order to prevent a situation where a child finds the syrup and drinks it in a large dose.

It is unacceptable to give medicine that has expired to children.

Currently, there are many cough medications on pharmacy shelves. Based on their mechanism of action, they can be divided into two large groups.

The first includes medications that inhibit the reflex at the level of transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the organs of the respiratory system. The latter have an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Pertussin belongs to this group; the instructions for use of the medicine describe in detail its active components and the effect it produces.

The pharmacological action, which is described in the instructions for use of the drug Pertussin, is due to the essential oils contained in the thyme herb. These are phenolic compounds thymol and carvacrol. They have a bactericidal effect against the most common pathogens of bronchial and lung infections - staphylococci and streptococci.

The advantages of the drug include a combined composition of substances of natural and synthetic origin, it contains:

  • liquid thyme extract (another name for this plant is creeping thyme) - 12%;
  • potassium bromide - 1%;
  • sugar syrup - 82%;
  • ethyl alcohol - 5%.

In addition, thyme herb has mucolytic and expectorant effects. Its active components dilute sputum, restore the epithelium and help remove bronchial secretions with cough.

According to the instructions for use of the drug Pertusin, in addition to thyme extract, it contains potassium bromide. The interaction of these components additionally produces a mild sedative and calming effect. The drug is available in the form of sugar syrup in 100 ml dark glass bottles.

This mixture should be used for non-productive (dry) and wet coughs, which are accompanied by the following diseases:

  • Viral infections (ARVI) with complications such as inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia of bacterial and fungal origin.
  • Bronchiectactic disease.
  • Bronchial asthma during exacerbation, when sputum discharge is difficult.
  • Auxiliary therapy for pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.
  • Cystic fibrosis.

Despite the detailed description of Pertussin in the instructions for use, it should be noted that a doctor must prescribe the drug.

This is due to several reasons:

  1. The causes of cough can be not only damage to the lower respiratory tract and accumulation of sputum. Also, a similar symptom is caused by some diseases of the cardiovascular system, sore throat, runny nose, and adenoiditis. The principle of treating these pathologies is completely different.
  2. Some infections, such as whooping cough, affect not only the epithelium of the bronchi, but also the cough center in the brain. In this case, drugs are needed that inhibit this reflex at the level of nerve impulses.
  3. A prolonged cough, especially if it is accompanied by a low-grade fever (about 37.5°), night sweats, may be a symptom of tuberculosis or tumors in the lungs.
  4. In some cases, herbal components do not act quickly enough; inhalations and medications of synthetic origin may be required.


If the cough does not stop on the 3rd - 4th day of treatment, if the body temperature rises above 37.6°, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. He will prescribe additional diagnostic procedures: x-rays, clinical blood tests.

The instructions for use of Pertussin indicate conditions for which the drug is not recommended:

  • Heart failure.
  • Kidney damage. The fact is that thyme has a mild diuretic effect, which can cause unpredictable consequences in pathologies of the excretory system.
  • Pregnancy. Thyme causes contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which is associated with the risk of miscarriage.
  • Lactation.
  • Traumatic brain injury and other disorders of the central nervous system (for example, epilepsy).
  • Diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, increased acidity, etc.).
  • Children under three years of age, as the mixture contains alcohol (ethanol).
  • The risk of developing an allergic reaction to any component of the medicine.
  • Liver failure, since the active compounds of the drug are absorbed in the small intestine and excreted through the liver.


Pertussin contains a sugar solution in fairly large quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to take it with caution if you have diabetes. In some cases, it is recommended to replace the drug with analogues.

When treating with Pertussin, the instructions for use describe possible side effects:

  • Allergy, manifested in the form of skin rash, itching, peeling.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nausea and vomiting. These symptoms often appear during an overdose, so when they appear, it is recommended to take enterosorbents (Atoxil, activated carbon) and consult a doctor.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Abdominal pain.

The internal epithelium of the bronchi is covered with small cilia, their movement helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract. In addition to reducing its viscosity, Pertussin also irritates these cells, which leads to better expectoration of mucus. Simultaneous use with drugs that inhibit the cough reflex (Paxeladin, Libexin, Tusuprex) leads to the accumulation of sputum and is fraught with the development of obstructive bronchitis or pneumonia (pneumonia).

However, if painful coughing attacks occur at night, which interfere with the patient’s proper rest, combined treatment is possible according to the following scheme. The expectorant Pertussin is taken in dosage according to the instructions for use during the day, and cough suppressants - immediately before bed.


When taking the drug Pertussin, the instructions for use warn about caution when performing work that requires concentration. This is due to the potassium bromide and ethyl alcohol contained in the medication.

How to take Pertussin: dosage for children and adults

For the treatment of cough with various lesions of the respiratory system, the drug is prescribed only from three years of age. The potassium bromide and ethyl alcohol contained in the medicine have a detrimental effect on the child’s liver and nervous system.

Therefore, for therapy at an early age, pediatricians recommend choosing a safer analogue.

For acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, ARVI and damage to the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis), the medicine is used three times a day. Adults and adolescents over 15 years old, 15 ml (approximately one tablespoon), from 12 to 15 years old - 10 ml, from 6 to 12 years old, the dosage is selected by a pediatrician depending on the severity of the condition and ranges from 5 to 10 ml, and from 3 up to 6 years - 2.5 - 5 ml. The duration of therapy ranges from one week to 10 days.

It is worth noting that the drug must be continued for at least 2 days after the cough has stopped. Other drugs for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia include broad-spectrum antibiotics, inhalations and massages (physiotherapy procedures are carried out only in the absence of fever). In acute respiratory infections, additional drug therapy is most often not required. For ARVI, antiviral drugs (Novirin, Groprinosin, Anaferon) and immunostimulants (Aflubin, Interferon) can additionally be used.

And in case of damage to the upper respiratory tract, rinses, antiseptic and moisturizing sprays, lozenges (Strepsils, Tonsilgon, Faringosept, Septefril, Tantum-Verde, Ingalipt) are additionally used. For cystic fibrosis, the drug is started with a standard dosage, gradually reducing the amount of the drug by 1 - 2 ml every 2 - 3 days until the desired effect is achieved. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually.

Pertussin is a symptomatic drug that helps prevent the development of pneumonia and bronchitis. Cystic fibrosis requires complex long-term therapy. For bronchial asthma, the dosage of the medicine is prescribed according to the instructions for use, and treatment continues throughout life. Additionally, sprays Salbutamol, Berodual, Atrovent, etc., inhalations are used.

Doctors recommend taking Pertussin after a meal (approximately 30 - 40 minutes). This method of use helps reduce the risk of side effects from the digestive system from thyme extract. In addition, the mixture has a sweet taste, which can worsen appetite.

For children under 6 years of age, Pertussin syrup (sometimes pharmacies offer its complete analogue Pertussin-Ch) is recommended to be diluted in a small amount of warm boiled water. This also helps reduce the toxic effects of ethanol. It is worth noting that if the cough continues for more than a week while taking expectorants and is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, this may indicate the development of whooping cough.

Such a pathology requires other treatment with drugs such as Euphylline, Theophylline, Paxeladin, etc. The doctor should describe how to take Pertussin, the duration of treatment and dosage. He also determines the effectiveness of the medicine, and if necessary, other, stronger drugs are prescribed.

Pertussin syrup, its analogues and their comparative characteristics

As mentioned above, drugs that have the same effect are divided into two large groups: expectorant mucolytics of synthetic and plant (natural) origin. Medicines based on chemical compounds are more effective, but have a wider range of contraindications and side effects.

Medicines containing one of three components are generally prescribed:

Active substance Name of drugs Release form Price
Ambroxol Lazolvan;
Tablets with different dosages of the active ingredient.
Solutions for oral administration and inhalation using a nebulizer (mixed with purified water or saline).
Ampoules for injections.
From 85 to 250 rubles depending on the manufacturer and form of release.
Bromhexine Bromhexine;
From 25 to 200 rubles.
Acetylcysteine ACC;
Effervescent tablets and granules for dissolution in water.
Ampoules for injections.
From 130 to 500 rubles.

The duration of treatment is the same as when using Pertussin syrup and is 7 - 10 days. In addition to a more pronounced effect in the form of increasing the secretory activity of the bronchi and facilitating the discharge of sputum, the advantages of synthetic drugs include a wide selection of release forms and the possibility of use in early childhood.

However, herbal medicines are still safer and are not addictive. If necessary, the course of therapy can be extended without fear of side effects. A comparative description of Pertussin syrup and other natural antitussive medications is given in the table.

Drug name Compound Features of application Price
Pertussin (Russia) Thyme herb extract Described in the appropriate section. 100 ml bottle - from 19 to 25 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.
Travisil (India) More than 10 herbal components with expectorant, mucolytic and restorative effects Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age. Bottle 100 ml - 230 rubles.
Gedelix (Germany) Dry extract of climbing ivy leaves Available in the form of a solution that can be used for inhalation. Bottle 100 ml - 410 rubles.
Drops 50 ml - 340 rubles.
Gerbion (Slovenia) Dry extract of climbing ivy leaves
Plantain Leaf Extract
Primrose root liquid extract
Not prescribed for children under 2 years of age. Bottle 150 ml - 325 rubles.
Bottle 150 ml - 275 rubles.
Bottle 150 ml - 270 rubles.
Bronchicum (France) Thyme herb extract. The elixir additionally contains primrose Can be used by children from the first months of life. Lozenges also soften the throat with tracheitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Elixir 130 g - 400 rubles.
Syrup 100 ml - 430 rubles.
Lozenges for resorption - 270 rubles.
Tussamag (Germany) Thyme herb extract Sugar-free syrup is produced. Syrup 200 ml - 235 rubles.
Syrup 175 ml without sugar - 260 rubles.
Drops 50 ml - 240 rubles.
Bronchipret (Germany) Ivy leaf and thyme herb extract The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Syrup 50 ml - 200 rubles.
Tablets 20 pcs. - 300 rubles.
Drops 100 ml - 360 rubles.

It is worth noting that there are no combined herbal preparations that are complete pharmacological analogues of Pertussin syrup and contain potassium bromide. According to doctors, medications with natural ingredients increase the body’s immune defense, which is important for colds and inflammatory diseases.

Many buyers prefer this drug because of its relatively low cost compared to other analogues of herbal and synthetic origin. In addition, the medicine has a pleasant taste and smell. This facilitates the treatment process in children, but Pertussin tablets are not available, which to a certain extent limits its use.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The drug Pertussin

Pertussinexpectorant, which contains both plant and synthetic components. Active substances of the drug - potassium bromide and liquid extract of thyme herb (another name for creeping thyme).

Thyme has an expectorant effect. It promotes the production of a phlegm-thinning substance in the upper respiratory tract. The viscosity of sputum decreases, and when coughing it comes out much easier.

Potassium bromide has a calming effect on the central nervous system, reducing its excitability and partially suppressing the cough reflex.

Pertussin activates the cilia of the ciliated epithelium and stimulates peristalsis (wave-like muscle contractions) of the bronchioles, which promotes the movement of sputum from the lower parts of the lungs to the upper respiratory tract with its subsequent elimination.

Release forms

The drug is available in the form of a thick brown syrup with a pleasant odor. 100 g of syrup contains 12 g of liquid extract of the herb creeping thyme (thyme), 1 g of potassium bromide and auxiliary substances - sugar syrup and ethyl alcohol.

Pertussin is packaged in 100 ml dark glass bottles in cardboard packaging.
The bottle comes with a measuring spoon for easy dosing.

Instead of 80% ethyl alcohol, Pertussin Ch contains 95% ethanol. But in terms of their effect on the body, these two drugs are practically no different.

There are Pertussin tablets (Medphano, Germany), which, however, cannot be considered a complete analogue of Russian Pertussin: they contain only dry extract of thyme herb, and do not contain potassium bromide.

Instructions for use of Pertussin

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in complex therapy for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, which are accompanied by a cough with viscous, difficult to separate sputum:
  • bronchitis in acute or chronic form;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • arterial hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • malabsorption (impaired absorption) of glucose and galactose;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • alcoholism (since the medicine contains ethyl alcohol);
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (hereditary disease);
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • children under 3 years old.
Prescribe with caution to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus due to the sucrose content in the syrup.

Side effects

  • Disturbances in the digestive system - nausea, heartburn.
  • Allergic reactions - itching, urticaria, angioedema.
  • With prolonged use, phenomena of bromism may occur (a set of symptoms that occur with prolonged use or after large doses of bromides) - runny nose, conjunctivitis, skin rash in the form of cyanotic acne, apathy, depression, general weakness, gastroenterocolitis, emaciation, sleep disturbances, decreased sexual activity, decreased heart rate and loss of coordination.


  • Increased symptoms of bromism;

Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. The drug is immediately stopped, the patient is prescribed to drink plenty of lightly salted water (3-5 liters of water per day) in combination with diuretics.

In severe cases, intravenous administration of saline solutions and diuretics is indicated.

Treatment with Pertussin

How to take Pertussin?
Pertussin is taken orally three times a day, always after meals. It is not recommended to drink syrup before meals, because... Appetite may worsen.

The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Only a doctor can prescribe the drug again.

Pertussin dosage
The dose of Pertussin depends on the age of the patient:

  • Adults take 15 ml (1 tablespoon) syrup three times a day.
  • Children aged 3-6 years can drink syrup 2.5-5 ml (0.5 - 1 teaspoon) 3 times a day.
  • For children aged 6-12 years, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 5-10 ml (1-2 teaspoons) three times a day.
  • Children over 12 years of age can take the medicine 10 ml (1 dessert spoon) three times a day.

Pertussin for children

For children under 3 years of age, treatment with Pertussin is not recommended due to the bromide content in it, and therefore the possibility of bromism developing in the child.

For children under 2 years of age, syrup should only be prescribed by a doctor in a dose of no more than 0.5 teaspoon three times a day.
The simultaneous use of these drugs with Pertussin will lead to stagnation of sputum in the bronchi and the proliferation of pathogenic microbes in it, with subsequent exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

In some situations, however, the doctor prescribes a combination of these drugs. In the daytime, the patient should take expectorants, and in the evening, an antitussive drug, so that the night passes peacefully, without obsessive coughing attacks.

Pertussin's analogs

The combination of components of this drug is unique, and Pertussin has no synonyms among herbal syrups.

There are expectorant medications similar in action to Pertussin, which also contain herbal ingredients:

  • Travisil (India) – syrup, tablets, solution, ointment;
  • Codelac Broncho (Russia) – tablets;
  • Doctor Mom (India) – syrup;
  • Amtersol (Russia) – syrup;
  • Dr. Theiss (Germany) – syrup;
  • Gerbion (Slovenia) – syrup;
  • Linkas Lore (Pakistan) – lozenges.

When a child falls ill with bronchitis, any mother runs to the pharmacy for expensive medicines, just to save her child from terrible coughing attacks.

But to cure a cough, you don’t have to pay fabulous amounts of money to pharmacists. You can remember the old “grandfather’s” methods.

Probably each of us remembers the familiar taste of Pertussin. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the instructions for using Pertussin cough syrup for children, the method of administration and dosage, and look at the prices and reviews of parents about the children's medicine.

We will answer the questions that concern moms and dads: is it possible to give Pertussin to children and at what age, how to take the syrup correctly, and when to take it for a cough.

Composition, active substance, description, release form

Pertussin - syrup based on synthetic and vegetable oils, helping to remove phlegm.

The active ingredients listed on the packaging are a synthetic substance - potassium bromide, as well as a plant component - liquid thyme/thyme extract.

What causes the therapeutic effect? Thyme acts as a catalyst for mucus production in the upper respiratory tract. This effect favors the dilution of sputum and its rapid removal from the body through coughing.

The second substance has a sedative effect and suppresses the urge to cough.

The drug is prescribed to remove phlegm. Pertussin provokes ciliated epithelium and activates muscle contractions of bronchioles.

In simple terms, the drug pushes mucus out, preventing it from accumulating in the lower respiratory tract.

Pertussin - thick, light brown syrup. It has a sweetish taste and smell. Available in light-proof bottles of 50 or 100 ml.

The manufacturer puts a spoon inside the package; you can use it to adjust the dosage of the medicine.

Syrup (100 ml) consists of thyme/creeping thyme (12 g), potassium bromide (1 g), ethyl alcohol 80% (5 g) and sucrose (82 g).

There is a drug on the pharmaceutical market called “Pertussin Ch”. This may raise questions and doubts.

Pertussin Ch for children, according to the instructions, contains ethanol instead of the notorious ethyl alcohol.

This fact does not affect the action of the syrup in any way. They have the same effect.

When is it prescribed?

The drug helps to cope with acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis,. An ENT doctor prescribes Pertussin as part of complex therapy.

For what cough is Pertussin syrup prescribed for children:

Indications, contraindications and side effects can be found in this material.

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Syrup is contraindicated for children under three years of age.. It is not recommended to take the drug against the background of liver disease, after a head injury, or against the background of heart failure (only during the period of decompensation).

The use of Pertussin is vetoed if there is hypersensitivity (allergy) to one of the components of the drug.

Medical drug contains sucrose. This must be taken into account if the patient suffers from low tolerance to carbohydrates.

Pertussin is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but you should notify your doctor before using it.

How it works and how long it takes to see the effect

The drug is prescribed in different volumes for 10, sometimes 14 days under the supervision of a doctor. A second course of treatment can only be prescribed by an ENT specialist.

Pertussin is contraindicated for young children due to the potassium bromide contained in the medicine, which leads to the development of bromism.

The drug has an expectorant and sedative effect thanks to the active substances - potassium bromide and thyme.

Thyme vegetable oil activates bronchiole peristalsis, stimulates expectoration, and potassium bromide softens cough, calming the nervous system.

Dosage at different ages, permissible frequency of administration

Among the frequently asked questions from parents: at what age can Pertussin be given to a child? Is it possible to give syrup to children under one year of age?

Pertussin is not recommended for small children under three years of age. In special cases, a two-year-old child can receive a prescription, but not more than 0.5 scoops.

Appetite worsens during treatment with Pertussin. Young children from three to six years old should dilute the medicine with a small amount of water before use.

How to give Pertussin to children? Dosage - three times a day:

  • from 3 years – intake in a volume of 2.5 ml;
  • under six years old – 2.5-5 ml;
  • under twelve – 5-10 ml;
  • over twelve – 10-15 ml.

How to take: special instructions

The syrup is prescribed in combination with other medications aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Mucus-thinning drugs and antitussives are used alternately: the antidote is taken at night, and the expectorant during the day.

Take Pertussin with caution, if the patient suffers from diabetes, since the medicine contains sucrose.

Young children need to dilute the syrup with water due to the ethanol or ethyl alcohol content in the syrup.

Interaction with other substances

Doctors do not recommend simultaneous use of syrup with medications such as Codelac, Libexin, Terpinkod and other drugs with antitussive effect.

If there is an urgent need for treatment with these medications, you should consult your doctor.

Overdose and side effects

You should carefully monitor the child’s well-being while taking the medicine to avoid unwanted reactions of the body.

How to understand that an overdose has occurred? The patient experiences severe malaise, weakness, periods of bradycardia (slow heart rate), ataxia (impaired coordination), skin rash, gastroenterocolitis (inflammation of the large and small intestines and stomach), rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), .

As soon as the child shows the first signs of an overdose, the drug should be stopped completely. You can start a second course of treatment with Pertussin only after consulting a doctor.

The patient experiences discomfort if an allergic reaction occurs to any component of the product. The patient begins skin itching, unexplained redness and rashes.

Increased sensitivity is the cause of sudden difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure.

As soon as signs unusual for the child’s body appear, you should inform the doctor, who will decide on the possibility of further therapy using Pertussin.

Price in the Russian Federation, storage and release conditions, expiration date

The cost of one bottle of Pertussin is on average 25 rubles. In different pharmacies the price will be from 16 to 40 rubles.

The syrup should be stored in the refrigerator. The conditions are indicated on the packaging: at t from -8 to -15 ℃ in a dark place protected from light.

The product is available without a prescription in any pharmacy in the country. Shelf life of Pertussin is four years.

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