Side effects and harm of L-Arginine. Arginine - a powerful natural remedy for male potency

Arginine has long gained popularity among athletes. It is especially often used in bodybuilding and is considered a very valuable substance for the body. Athletes using this drug significantly increase the effectiveness of their training and achieve better results. Let's look at what arginine is needed for and how to take it correctly.

What is arginine and why is it needed?

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid, the deficiency of which is not typical only for healthy adults. If there is a certain malfunction in the body (especially if the skin is damaged), the natural production of the substance slows down. Also, this amino acid must be obtained externally for children and people over 30 years of age.

There are 2 types of this substance:

  • l-arginine (most popular in sports nutrition);
  • d-arginine.

The amino acid has a direct effect on the circulatory system and the metabolic process, maintaining the required level of nitric oxide, being its most important source. Nitrogen oxides are also responsible for the condition of muscles, so their production is very important when playing sports.

Quite a lot of time has been spent studying the properties of arginine. It does not cause any harm to health if you do not allow its excess in the body. The benefits of the connection are as follows:

  • Vessels dilate;
  • Regenerative processes are accelerated;
  • The amino acid affects the synthesis of hormones;
  • Participates in spermatogenesis;
  • Stops liver detoxification;
  • Stops inflammatory processes;
  • Supports libido in women and erectile function in the stronger sex, thanks to the flow of blood.

Properties of L-arginine

This form of amino acid is similar to the B vitamin in terms of chemistry and its effect on the body. Its deficiency can lead to a malfunction of the heart, a loss of strength, a deterioration in the condition of blood vessels (atherosclerosis can develop and lead to blood clots), and the endocrine system can also be severely damaged.

L-arginine relaxes muscles, improves cellular nutrition (muscle mass indicators), and removes lactic acid.

L-arginine is beneficial:

  • At the initial stage of hypertension. Its high level in the bloodstream prevents the development of hypertension;
  • For weight loss. Accelerates fat burning;
  • For type 2 diabetes. Arginase, which is synthesized by the body of an unhealthy person, leads to the destruction of the L-form of the amino acid naturally produced by the pituitary gland;

L-arginine for women and men

The use of amino acids in the field of bodybuilding has raised many doubts among the fair half of humanity about the effectiveness of this substance for them. But experts prove that arginine is beneficial for women in moderate doses. Nutritionists use it as a means for weight loss and include it in some fitness cocktails, and cosmetologists recommend preparations with arginine for hair and the fight against wrinkles.

The amino acid can not only accelerate muscle growth. Arginine for men also effectively affects the reproductive system and helps with the threat of infertility and is included in treatment to restore potency.

How to take arginine for athletes

Arginine has been used in bodybuilding for a long time. It has the following effects on the athlete’s body:

  • Strengthens the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • Activates an accelerated muscle recovery process;
  • Delivers creatine to muscle fibers;
  • Stimulates the production of growth hormone.

Before learning how to take el-arginine, it is necessary to determine the exact body weight of the athlete. The optimal dose is 115 mg of the substance per kilogram of weight. That is, the daily dosage is calculated using the formula: multiply your weight in kg by 0.115. Typically, the amino acid is used in conjunction with other additives, for example.

  • For weightlifting athletes, the recommended dose is 3-9 g per day in several doses on an empty stomach. It is better not to exceed the specified grams, because the body simply does not need an excess of amino acids (unless, of course, you are a super heavyweight);
  • Beginner bodybuilders are better off starting at the low end (3g) and gradually increasing the amount;

  • On training days, the drug is taken half an hour before physical activity, in the middle of strength training and half an hour after its completion. This instruction for taking arginine will help maintain the desired balance of nitric oxide, which enriches muscle fibers with oxygen. At the same time, blood flow increases, creating a pumping effect;
  • On rest days, take it one hour before or after meals three times a day;
  • The substance is strictly incompatible with alcohol and fatty foods;
  • L-arginine is most effective in liquid or powder form. If you take this amino acid in tablets, it is better not to chew them and wash them down with plenty of liquid without gas.

Side effects and contraindications for taking L-Arginine

A synthetic (not natural) amino acid that exceeds the permissible dosage can harm (not a fact) people with the following diseases:

  • Active herpes;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Asthma;
  • Various central nervous system disorders and mental disorders;
  • Impaired kidney function.

Infants, nursing and pregnant women are also not recommended to take this drug (and there is no point in not using it for such people). Other athletes should be careful when using the amino acid because individual intolerance may occur. Overdose entails the following side effects:

  • Joint deformation;
  • Pressure drop;
  • Diarrhea, nausea;
  • Increase in body weight;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Thickening of cartilage tissue.

Products containing arginine

The natural version of this amino acid, which comes from food, is the healthiest. Arginine is found in considerable quantities in food: a portion of meat or a glass of milk can prevent a deficiency of the substance. Its main sources are protein-rich foods:

  • Milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Peanut;
  • Fish, seafood;
  • Cereals;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Chicken, pork, duck;
  • Raisin;
  • Almonds, walnuts and pine nuts;
  • Sesame and pumpkin seeds.

Where to buy Arginine and how much does it cost?

Drugs sold at pharmacies usually contain low concentrations of the amino acid. Their price is relatively low, but their effectiveness is quite low. You can also buy the supplement in specialized sports nutrition stores, where they offer more expensive products with a high concentration of the substance. The cost in online stores varies significantly depending on the manufacturer, release form and amount of the active substance. For example, a jar of 100 capsules with an amount of active substance of 500 mg will cost approximately 850 rubles.

In the course of repeated studies, American scientists were able to prove the healing properties of the amino acid arginine (a donor of nitric oxide). It was found out that it has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and specifically on blood circulation, blood vessels and heart muscle. Thanks to such an amazing discovery, specialists were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1998.

Benefits and features

Today, the harm and benefits of arginine have been repeatedly studied. L-arginine is the main carrier of nitrogenous compounds, and also participates in the excretion and transport of excess nitrogen, maintaining the optimal balance of this component in the body. Arginine also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and ensures the proper functioning of metabolic processes.

A sufficient amount of this amino acid helps to quickly remove waste and toxins. The substance also accelerates the synthesis of many hormones in the human body. For this reason, the amino acid is actively used in it. It is a catalyst for the synthesis of muscle mass and utilizes breakdown products.

With endogenous production, the fat layer significantly decreases and increases. Over the last decade, preparations with the addition of this substance have become a tremendous success. Tablets for rejuvenation, as well as gels and shampoos to enhance hair growth, are on sale.

Amino acid in bodybuilding

The harm and benefits of arginine in sports nutrition are not equal. During intense strength training, the body cannot produce even 10% of this substance; therefore, athletes need to obtain the amino acid from the outside, namely by using special biological supplements. L-arginine promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues, increases endurance, normalizes cholesterol, and accelerates the recovery process after injuries. It also nourishes muscle cells and removes unnecessary substances. The benefit of arginine lies in its ability to accelerate muscle building, burning fat deposits, and increase the body's protective properties.

Benefits for the female body

A pleasant discovery for most women will be that the amino acid helps not only control weight, but also eliminate accumulated fat reserves. In addition, it is recommended for melancholic and overly suspicious girls to take it, especially during periods of depression. It reduces the main signs of depression, improves mood, increases performance and prolongs youth.

The substance promotes the production of hormones of joy - serotonin, and growth). With a deficiency of these vital hormones, our body ages and fades faster. The healing qualities do not end there. L-arginine stimulates the reproductive system in both men and women.

Therefore, it is often recommended to take it for the treatment of infertility: it increases the production of seminal fluid, increases sexual activity, the intensity of orgasm, enhances sensations and prolongs sexual intercourse. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to consume arginine daily. The properties of the amino acid are unique and help get rid of sexual problems.

What foods contain L-arginine?

The daily intake of this substance for an adult is 6 grams. A person gets it from food. The first place in amino acid content is occupied by:

Pine nuts, walnuts and almonds;

Pumpkin seeds;

In second place:



Chicken, chicken;

Chicken eggs;

Third place in this honorable list is occupied by:



White fish fillet;

Shrimp, crabs;


Arginine is present in products of the following categories:

Legumes (peas, beans);

Cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet);

In addition to this list of foods, the amino acid is found in chocolate, raisins and iron-containing foods.

How is the substance taken?

For better absorption, it is better to take the amino acid on an empty stomach, without mixing it with fats - an hour before a meal or two hours after a meal (if you are training). When the amino acid and food are used simultaneously, arginine is absorbed slowly. Athletes and all those who want to build muscle mass are recommended to drink the supplement an hour before exercise - 3-6 grams.

If the dosage is exceeded by 10 g. growth hormone increases. It is advisable to calculate the individual quantity with a specialist. The harm and benefits of arginine are obvious if the dosage and rules of administration are followed.

Contraindications and side effects

Doctors do not advise people with mental disorders or any form of schizophrenia to take the drug. And also for young children (increased production of growth hormone is observed), pregnant women (also during lactation) and persons with hypersensitivity (individual intolerance). When taking, the exact dosage should be observed so that arginine does not cause negative effects.

The drug can cause harm to the body if the daily dose is exceeded (over 20 grams). In this case, it will lead to activation of herpes and negatively affect the pancreas. The following manifestations cannot be excluded: dizziness, diarrhea, decreased blood pressure, nausea, weakness.

May cause headaches and vomiting. If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to reduce the amount of supplement. This is the harm and benefit of arginine. The wonderful properties of amino acids are undeniable and multifaceted. Follow the directions and stay young, healthy and beautiful.

Pharmacies and specialized stores for athletes offer consumers a wide range of drugs, the essence of which is completely unclear to an outsider. Arginine or arginine amino acid is a substance present in sports supplements and even some medications. Who needs it and what effect does it have on the body?

What is arginine

The presence of this microelement in almost all sports preparations is not accidental: the amino acid arginine or 2-amino-5-guanidinepentanoic acid is among the conditionally essential ones, because Only an adult without health problems does not experience its deficiency. Once a disturbance occurs in the body (especially skin damage), the natural synthesis of arginine by the pituitary gland slows down. Persons over 30 years of age and children need to receive this amino acid from the outside, because he himself is not so active.

Arginine has 2 types:

  • D-arginine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid;
  • L-arginine is a proteinogenic amino acid found in proteins.

What is arginine for?

Although it has long been argued that this amino acid only causes harm to the body, today it is not possible to overestimate its importance, because it directly affects the main internal system - blood circulation. First of all, arginine is necessary for the body to maintain the optimal level of nitrogen oxides (derivatives of the L-form in cells) and the metabolic processes of this element, because this is their main source. In addition to the general value of nitrogen oxides for blood flow, they are important for athletes because they are responsible for the condition of muscle tissue.

The benefits and harms of arginine

A lot of time has passed since the discovery at the end of the 19th century by Ernst Schulze until the day when medical experts understood why arginine is useful and for whom. At first they only talked about his supposed (!) negative qualities, but later it turned out that these hypotheses were incorrect. The arginine amino acid does not cause serious harm to humans if its excess in the body is not allowed, although based on new research, it has been suggested that arginine may be one of the causes of the development of Alzheimer's disease.

There are a lot of benefits. In addition to the previously mentioned effect of arginine amino acid on the blood flow, doctors highlight:

  • influence on the synthesis of hormones (including creatine);
  • participation in the process of spermatogenesis;
  • vasodilation;
  • stopping inflammatory processes;
  • liver detoxification;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • the need for normal production of arginine to maintain erectile function in men due to blood flow, libido in women.

Properties of l-arginine

Experts say that from a chemical point of view and according to the principle of its effect on the body, this form of amino acid is related to B vitamins. L-arginine deficiency leads to the fact that the endocrine system actively suffers, malfunctions of the heart begin, the condition of blood vessels worsens, up to atherosclerosis and blood clots, there is a general drop in protective forces. The positive properties of L-form arginine are well known in bodybuilding, because it can improve muscle mass (improves cell nutrition), relax muscles, and remove lactic acid.

L-arginine is useful and:

  • when losing weight - to accelerate fat burning;
  • with increased physical activity - to improve endurance;
  • in type 2 diabetes, when arginase synthesized by the patient’s body destroys the L-form of the amino acid naturally produced by the pituitary gland;
  • in case of hypertension at the initial stage, the high content of L-arginine in the bloodstream helps prevent its development.

Action of arginine

Biochemical processes within a man and a woman, according to the laws of nature, do not proceed in the same way, so the effect of arginine on the body of different sexes will also have its own differences. The benefits for the circulatory system, nervous and cardiovascular L-form of the amino acid remain the same, as well as the effect on insulin levels, metabolic processes, etc., but the impact on the reproductive and endocrine systems of men and women must be considered separately.

L-arginine for women

The popularity of this amino acid among bodybuilders has raised doubts among women about its value for them, because Men often want to stimulate muscle growth. However, doctors assure that arginine for women (L-form) is also useful and, if taken in moderation, will not give them a muscular body. It was included by experts in some diets and fitness cocktails, recommended as a means of losing weight and even combating wrinkles and hair loss. Advertising photos and reviews promise amazing results, but in cosmetology arginine is still less effective than in other areas.

L-arginine for men

If we forget for a while about the ability of this amino acid to work for the benefit of muscle growth, l-arginine for men can be useful in terms of restoring potency, because it actively affects the reproductive system. The presence of the L-form of arginine in sperm is also important, the secretion of which is significantly reduced with a deficiency of this amino acid; The number of active sperm also decreases. When there is a threat of male infertility, some doctors often supplement the treatment regimen with drugs based on the L-form of the arginine amino acid.

How to use arginine

The benefits of this amino acid were first noted by oncologists, cardiologists and immunologists, so l-arginine is primarily used in medicine. Afterwards, sports nutrition specialists became interested in it, although there is still debate regarding the actual benefits of arginine for muscle growth. The last to reach for this amino acid were cosmetologists, who decided to play on its connection with collagen.

Arginine in bodybuilding

This amino acid is used more often as a sports supplement than as a component of pharmaceutical dietary supplements. Stores offer arginine in the form of capsules, tablets or powders, which is an artificial analogue of an amino acid synthesized by the body. Arginine in sports (L-form) is used for:

  • increasing endurance;
  • accelerated recovery after training;
  • impetus to fat burning processes.

Arginine in medicine

The list of properties and purposes of taking this amino acid in the treatment of certain diseases or preventing their relapse/progression is impressive. It can be purchased freely in pharmacies, although the dosage will be reduced when compared with the dosage of sports supplements of the same type. Arginine in medicine can be used for:

  • changes in fat homeostasis (especially in diabetes);
  • stabilization of blood pressure (for hypertension);
  • eliminating erectile dysfunction;
  • healing of skin lesions.

Arginine in cosmetology

Due to its presence in the chemical composition of collagen, arginine amino acid has become in demand in the beauty industry, where it is added mainly to anti-aging creams. The ability to slow down the aging process of the skin and influence hormones (including those responsible for hair growth) is the reason why it appeared in face and hair care products. Manufacturers' descriptions are tempting, but arginine in cosmetics, according to some experts, is absolutely useless - you can only get the benefits of this amino acid orally.

Instructions for use of arginine

For “pure” drugs, which can be ordered from an online store of organic products, the principle of administration is approximately the same and depends only on the dosage of the amino acid in the capsule/tablet. You can choose the form that is convenient for you, pay attention to multi-component dietary supplements or pure L-form. Experts call the powder the most effective. All the nuances of how to take this amino acid should be revealed in the instructions for l-arginine.

According to the forms of release of the substance, the main features are as follows:

  • Powder (arginine hydrochloride) should be dissolved in liquid.
  • Take the L-arginine capsule/tablet with a large (about a glass) amount of still water.
  • Liquid arginine is taken in its pure form.

How to take arginine

The dosage regimen is determined by the goals, and the dose (single and daily) is calculated based on body weight. You need to distribute L-arginine and food so that there is a free hour between them, and there is no fat present among the foods consumed (with them you need to increase the interval to 5 hours). Basic rules on how to take l-arginine if you decide to buy and drink without a doctor’s recommendation:

  • If you intend to improve your endurance and muscle mass, drink L-arginine before and after training (30 minutes before). The dose of amino acid per day ranges from 3 to 9 grams, it is advisable to start with the lower threshold value.
  • For the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, and liver disorders, arginine is taken up to 3 times a day, with meals. Take no more than 3 g of amino acid in total per day.
  • Children are given liquid arginine (gel), dosage - 1 ml per year of life. Children under 3 years old should not drink this amino acid.
  • Alcohol is prohibited during the course of taking arginine.

What foods contain arginine?

The healthiest version of this amino acid is natural, coming from food. This way you can maintain its normal level without fear of overdose, although arginine is contained in large quantities in products. Even a glass of milk and a serving of meat can prevent deficiency of this substance. The main sources of arginine are foods rich in protein. List as the dose of this amino acid decreases:

  • pumpkin and sesame seeds;
  • peanut;
  • pine nuts and walnuts, almonds;
  • seafood, fish;
  • pork, chicken, duck;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • cereals;
  • raisin;
  • chocolate.

Contraindications and side effects of arginine

This amino acid can cause obvious harm only to persons who have certain disorders in the functioning of the body:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • schizophrenia and other central nervous system disorders;
  • herpes (active);
  • asthma.

The use of L-arginine in pregnant and lactating women and infants is contraindicated. The rest should be careful in the first days, since individual intolerance to this amino acid may occur. An overdose provokes the following side effects of arginine:

  • weight gain;
  • pressure drop;
  • thickening of cartilage tissue;
  • joint deformation;
  • digestive problems;
  • nausea, diarrhea.

L-arginine price

You can buy this amino acid inexpensively, but its concentration will be low, because calculation for treatment. Arginine in pharmacies is predominantly such an option, although there are also sports drugs. Specialized brands of supplements for bodybuilders offer more expensive, but also more concentrated arginine (L-form of the amino acid). The price range in Moscow (excluding delivery) is as follows:

Video: Arginic acid

Arginine is a nonessential amino acid that is important in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It has anti-ischemic, anti-atherogenic, anti-platelet properties. It has also found its use as a dietary supplement as a substance that stimulates erectile function in men. It enters the body with food or is created from others.

general characteristics

Arginine was first isolated in the 1880s from animal horn. Nowadays this substance is known for its numerous positive properties.

Perhaps the most important characteristic of arginine is that it is the only reagent for the nitric oxide molecule, which regulates vascular tone, provides vascular flexibility and has a strengthening effect on the entire cardiac system. Due to its ability to increase nitric oxide levels, arginine is considered beneficial in cardiovascular diseases, sickle cell anemia. Nitric oxide is produced in various cells of the human body and is involved in many physiological processes.

Strengthens the immune system, regulates hormonal levels and blood sugar. Enhances male fertility. Research shows that this amino acid can improve blood circulation, which is why it is so important in the treatment of heart disease and impotence.

By neutralizing ammonia and other toxins, it promotes liver detoxification. Laboratory experiments have shown that arginine can reduce fat reserves, speed up metabolism and promote intense weight loss.

High concentrations of arginine are found in the skin, connective tissue and muscles. And thanks to its ability to renew damaged tissue, it is useful for athletes and people suffering from arthritis. It also promotes rapid regeneration, including of nerve, muscle cells and epithelium.

Arginine is an important substance for adequate functioning of the brain (pituitary gland). In particular, together with ornithine and phenylalanine, it promotes the production of growth hormone.

Arginine for treatment and prevention

Arginine is classified as a nonessential amino acid, but under some circumstances it becomes an essential substance for the body. The need for arginine is extremely high during periods of intensive growth and pregnancy. It is also important to monitor the consumption of amino acid-rich foods for people with liver disease, cancer, sepsis, and poor wound healing. The results of some studies have shown that arginine consumption reduces the risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants, has a positive effect on intestinal motility, and protects it from inflammation. In addition, there is an assumption that the use of arginine by pregnant women helps to increase the weight of the fetus.

Intravenous administration of the amino acid (calculated from 50 to 250 mg per 1 kg of weight), according to some scientists, can increase the chances of survival in people after a heart attack or stroke. For diabetics, arginine is useful due to its property of stimulating insulin secretion and increasing the liver’s sensitivity to the hormone.

Consumption of this amino acid has a beneficial effect on the condition of people with tuberculosis or HIV: it helps increase weight and reduces cough. There is also an assumption that this substance prevents infectious complications in people after surgery.

Benefits for the body

Arginine is able to convert ammonia into urea, thus preventing toxins from entering the blood and brain, protecting against cirrhosis and various types of hepatitis.

Also, high levels of ammonia in the body lead to insomnia. Therefore, it is important for people with sleep disorders to take care of adequate levels of arginine in the body.

By stimulating the production of the hormones glucagon and prolactin, arginine helps build muscle mass and, conversely, prevents fat accumulation. And by increasing cortisol levels, it relieves emotional stress and minimizes the effects of stress.

Thus, the therapeutic benefits of arginine include the following:

  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • treat erectile dysfunction;
  • relieve anemia;
  • act as a growth stimulator in children and adolescents;
  • improve the results of bodybuilders;
  • promote muscle growth and development;
  • reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • maintain normal cholesterol levels;
  • promote proper blood flow, in particular in the smallest vessels;
  • prevent excessive blood clotting in some disease states;
  • strengthen memory and increase learning ability;
  • increase insulin resistance;
  • prevent and treat atherosclerosis and vascular calcification.

Daily norm

It is believed that the body of a healthy person should have from 50 to 150 micromoles of arginine. This serving is easily obtained from animal protein products. Approximately 5.5 g of amino acid per day is consumed by people whose diet includes a sufficient amount of fish and meat. Vegetarians, on the contrary, should take care of additional sources of amino acids.

Through experiments, the approximate daily dose of arginine was established. However, the dosage depends on many subjective factors and ranges from 6-30 g of the substance per day. However, the more common recommendation is to take about 6 g of the substance for adults, and about 4 g for children.

Arginine is sometimes called a semi-essential amino acid because although the body produces the substance, there are times when additional sources may be required (foods rich in arginine, dietary supplements). Increased portions of the amino acid are primarily needed by people with serious illnesses and injuries, as well as children. In addition, during the first months, the body of newborns is also not able to produce its own reserves of arginine, so this amino acid is also essential for babies. After 35 years, the production of amino acids in the body also slows down.

Recent studies have shown that arginine is extremely useful for people with diseases that suppress the immune system (oncology, AIDS and others). But in these cases, as well as during periods of intensive growth, it can be difficult to “cover” the daily requirement of amino acids exclusively from food and by the body’s efforts. At this time, you can resort to the use of dietary supplements.

Contraindications for use

Science has not yet known any cases that could cause a categorical contraindication to taking the amino acid arginine. Meanwhile, the drug is not recommended for people after an acute heart attack, and taking the supplement during pregnancy or lactation is also undesirable.

Side effects of arginine

Arginine can rarely cause side effects. However, although in isolated cases, diarrhea and nausea were recorded while taking the dietary supplement. Taking the drug in high doses may cause a bitter taste in the mouth. And given that the amino acid has vasodilating properties, it may lower blood pressure. Arginine in the form of intravenous injections contains a high concentration of chlorides, which is fraught with the development of metabolic acidosis. In patients with renal or liver failure, while taking the amino acid (taken in extremely high doses), hyperkalemia and increased urea levels are possible.

Patients with malignant tumors, people with amino acid intolerance or systemic lupus erythematosus should not get too carried away with the substance.

Risks of shortage and excess

The minimum daily requirement for arginine is from 2 to 5 g.

Stress, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other factors can increase the body's requirements for amino acids. Signals of acute arginine deficiency can include heart failure, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, growth retardation, and liver problems. Other symptoms: high blood pressure, impaired hormonal metabolism and obesity, early aging, poor brain function.

An excess of the substance can cause allergic rashes, hives, tremors in the arms and legs, and at the psycho-emotional level - nervousness and aggressiveness.

Food sources

The best sources of arginine are protein-containing foods: meat, milk, soy, nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pine, almonds), pumpkin seeds, eggs, snails, peas.

Meanwhile, it is important to know that heat treatment of foods significantly reduces the level of arginine in food. Therefore, whenever possible, you should focus on raw foods. These could be walnuts or cashews, which contain a very high concentration of the substance.

Arginine in the form of a dietary supplement is usually a natural product created as a result of chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins. In laboratory conditions, arginine is “extracted” from gelatin or synthesized from ornithine and cyanamide with the participation of barium.

Interaction with other substances

Arginine affects insulin activity and can reduce cholesterol levels.

Arginine has a decisive influence on many vital processes in the human body. The production of hormones, the formation of insulin and antibodies are largely dependent on this amino acid. This means that insufficient consumption of the substance leads to serious disorders in the body. And to prevent the consequences of arginine deficiency, doctors recommend taking good care. It is important to pay special attention to the menu during serious illnesses and during the period of recovery of the body.

In modern medicine and dietetics, the drug “L-arginine” is often used. The fact is that arginine belongs to the group of conditionally essential amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Of course, many people are interested in additional information. For example, it is useful to find out in what form this product is produced and how much it costs. How does an amino acid affect different organs? In what cases is it necessary to take medicine? Can it cause harm?

The drug "L-arginine": composition and release form

This product is available in the form of gelatin capsules. The main active substance of the drug is the L-isomer of arginine. In pharmacies you can purchase capsules with a dosage of 0.18, 0.5 or 0.75 g of the active substance. Gelatin, magnesium stearate and MCC are used to make the capsule. One package contains from 30 to 250 capsules.

By the way, they produce L-arginine in powder, but this form of the drug is usually taken by athletes and bodybuilders. There is also a special solution for intravenous administration.

What properties does the medicine have?

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid. This substance actively regulates many vital functions of the human body. For example, the amino acid stabilizes cell membranes, acts as an antioxidant, and has antihypoxic and cytoprotective effects. The substance also regulates many intermediate processes in the body and partially affects hormonal levels.

Arginine takes part in the synthesis of polyamine, proline and agmatine, the processes of fibrinolysis and spermatogenesis. The amino acid is involved in the synthesis of urea in liver cells, and also protects hepatocytes from the harmful effects of toxins, acting as a hepatoprotector.

When administered intravenously, the maximum concentration of the amino acid in the blood is observed after 20-30 minutes. This substance is filtered in the kidneys and is almost completely readsorbed in the renal tubules.

Benefits of taking L-arginine

L-arginine is very important for the normal functioning of the body. This amino acid acts as follows:

  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration processes in the body;
  • takes part in the processes of synthesis of growth hormones;
  • increases physical and mental endurance;
  • provides enzyme systems with sufficient nitrogen;
  • stimulates the formation of urea and accelerates the process of removing waste and toxins from the body;
  • improves liver function;
  • reduces the number of free radicals that have a detrimental effect on cell membranes, thereby protecting tissues from damage;
  • while taking it, activation of muscle mass formation is observed along with more intense loss of subcutaneous fat;
  • the amino acid is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, as well as joy hormones; It has been noticed that while taking the medicine, a person’s mood significantly improves, he becomes more stable emotionally;
  • It is believed that periodic use of the drug reduces the likelihood of developing an angina attack.

The role of L-arginine is difficult to overestimate, because this amino acid is involved in many metabolic processes. Normally, a person should receive this substance with food, but, unfortunately, with the modern rhythm of life, it is not always possible to carefully monitor nutrition. In such cases, doctors recommend taking the amino acid in the form of tablets or powder.

Main indications for taking the drug

  • The amino acid is prescribed in the presence of certain diseases of the digestive system, including cholecystitis, cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver, and viral hepatitis of unknown origin.
  • Capsules are recommended to be taken during regular increased mental and physical stress.
  • Indications also include a weakened immune system.
  • The drug is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of atherosclerosis, secondary hypertension, and coronary heart disease.
  • The amino acid can be prescribed to children with delayed physical development.
  • Problems in the male reproductive system (for example, insufficient genital response, infertility) are also indications for taking capsules.
  • This supplement is also prescribed to people suffering from diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent type) and various forms of asthenia.

Application in bodybuilding

Today, L-arginine is rightfully considered one of the most used supplements - it is recommended to professional athletes and bodybuilders. As mentioned above, this amino acid removes toxins from the body and has a positive effect on muscles. In particular, this drug is involved in the process of muscle cell division, stimulates regenerative processes after training, and increases the amount of oxygen and creatinine received by muscle cells.

The amino acid can be taken directly in its pure form (in capsules). In addition, it is part of many sports nutrition mixtures. Of course, in order to calculate the correct dose, it is better to consult a specialist.

L-arginine product: instructions for use

Despite the fact that this acid is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, it is not recommended to use the drug on its own. It is better to first consult a doctor - he will choose the appropriate form and dosage of L-arginine. The instructions for use contain only general recommendations.

If we are talking about a solution for infusion, then it is prescribed only in severe conditions. It is administered intravenously, using a dropper, at a speed of 10 drops per minute (after 10-15 minutes the speed can be increased to 20-30 drops). For adults and adolescents over 14 years of age, the daily dose of the solution is 100 ml. Children under 5 years of age are administered 5-10 ml per kilogram of body.

How to take L-arginine capsules? After all, it is in this form that the product is most often used. Experts recommend taking 0.35 g three times a day or 0.5-0.75 g of the active substance twice a day. The course of therapy depends on many factors, but, as a rule, it lasts no more than two weeks.

Are side effects possible?

Is it possible to develop complications while taking L-arginine? Tablets are generally well tolerated. Cases of adverse reactions in most cases are associated either with long-term use or with too high a dose of the drug.

Some patients complain of a sudden feeling of heat, body aches, and joint pain. It is possible to develop allergic reactions, which are accompanied by the appearance of swelling, itching and skin rash, sometimes urticaria. In some people, while taking it, the skin becomes pale and sometimes bluish.

During long-term use, patients may experience a decrease in immune defense, which, accordingly, entails the frequent development of infectious diseases. Some people complain of nausea, dizziness, weakness, and increased anxiety. Sleep disorders are sometimes observed. It is extremely rare that blood pressure fluctuates during therapy.

Main contraindications to treatment

Despite the fact that this amino acid is a natural component of human metabolism, a significant increase in its level in the blood does not have a positive effect on the condition of every patient. The drug "L-arginine" has a number of contraindications, the list of which should be familiarized with even before starting to take the capsules.

This medicine is not prescribed to patients suffering from herpes infections. It is also worth paying attention to whether the patient is allergic to the components of the drug. L-arginine is not recommended for women to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the effect of the drug on the body of the mother and fetus has not been studied enough. The list of contraindications includes schizophrenia and some other neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, before you start taking capsules, you should consult with a specialist, be it a doctor, nutritionist, or at least a professional fitness instructor.

Additional Information

This drug should be used with caution simultaneously with certain diuretics, as it may increase the level of potassium in the blood. Concomitant use with aminophylline may increase the amount of insulin, which can be dangerous. Arginine should never be taken with thiopental.

The supplement is used cautiously to treat patients with renal failure. You also need to closely monitor patients suffering from endocrine diseases, since taking arginine is often accompanied by an increase in the level of insulin and growth hormone in the blood. If a person develops asthenia during therapy, the medication should be stopped immediately.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the shelf life of the capsules is 2 years (the date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging). It is recommended to store the packaging in a warm place, at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight.

How much does the drug cost?

Of course, for many people, not only the properties of the drug “L-arginine” are important. Price is another important point that many patients pay attention to. Of course, the cost depends on the dose of the active ingredient and the number of capsules in the package. The city of purchase and the pricing policy of the pharmacy matter.

A package of 50 tablets containing 500 mg of L-arginine will cost approximately 1100-1300 rubles. 90 capsules with a dose of active substance of 1 g cost approximately 2100-2300 rubles. As a rule, one package is enough for the full course of treatment, although everything depends on the person’s condition and the purpose of taking the medicine.

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