Why you need to get rid of old things

I was once very impressed by the image of an English aristocrat, in whom, no matter what happens, not a single feature of her face would tremble. You would never know from her facial expressions and behavior that she is worried or that her feelings are hurt - she is simply a model of endurance and restraint. She will never raise her voice, much less swear or break plates. For her, the question of how to get rid of negative emotions never arises, because she keeps them to herself with complete self-control.

Only over time do you begin to understand what we are dooming ourselves to when we begin to strive to live up to this image. I myself realized it completely - no one ever knew about my experiences, worries, and if suddenly someone discovered in me the ability to feel quite acutely, they were very surprised, because by the way I behaved, it was never possible to understand this.

And I myself always thought that I was so calm and reasonable. And strong emotions are not about me at all, and there was no talk of showing them somehow.

Why are we afraid to show negative emotions?

It's no secret that we are often taught to be like this. They teach us to be correct and comfortable for parents and others, not to cause trouble, and are encouraged if we meet these expectations. On the other hand, we ourselves begin to be afraid of expressing emotions, because it opens up our vulnerabilities. Some of those around us take advantage of this, while others condemn the very manifestation of incontinence, the inability to experience everything within oneself. But what do we come to in the end, accumulating more and more unspoken, unexpressed things in ourselves?

Time passes, and suddenly you begin to experience outbursts of rage. And you yourself don’t understand why they suddenly? The reasons seem to be insignificant, but where does so much anger and anger come from?

Everything gets worse if the situation in life becomes tense, for example, a child is born. The workload is huge, you don’t have enough sleep and strength, and now you are hysterical over and over again and you don’t recognize yourself, because it’s not you, hysterics are not about you, so calm and correct. Everyone looks at you with misunderstanding, not recognizing you, not accepting you, and you don’t accept yourself either, because it can’t be that you really were like that, that you couldn’t find the strength to control yourself.

However, sometimes you get the feeling that you don’t want to pull yourself together. You want to scream and swear dirty, throw objects, and even though it makes you feel disgusted afterwards, you cannot overcome this need.

And now the question is: is it necessary to get rid of negative emotions? Do you need to suppress hysterics? And if not, then how to get rid of negative emotions?

You need to be able to rejoice and be able to get angry

The point is that no matter how correct we were raised, no matter how indestructible optimism society expects from us, there are always two sides to us. We experience different emotions, not only joy, but also anger, anger, and this is completely normal, because these are two sides of the same life, and without one, the other does not exist. It is impossible to always be in a good mood, and you need to calmly be able to accept yourself in a bad mood too. There is nothing terrible or reprehensible in this, unless we ourselves make a problem out of it, elevating manifestations of negative emotions to the rank of crimes against humanity.

And, of course, you need to get rid of negative emotions before they turn into an uncontrollable avalanche, sweeping away everything in its path. However, this must also be done wisely and wisely.

How to show negative emotions

It costs nothing to slide further and further into negativity. We’ve all felt this ourselves - just give yourself free rein, and you can be despondent endlessly, finding more and more new reasons for worries and frustrations. Accordingly, you can throw out negative emotions endlessly and on everyone, but can this be called a wise attitude towards life?

You need to allow yourself to be in a bad mood if it arises and you cannot immediately cope with yourself. You never know, maybe magnetic storms, or pressure, or lack of sleep and rest, or maybe there is a reason for worry, and there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to just experience it. The main thing is not to allow yourself to aggravate this condition, not to turn an insignificant everyday situation into an existential problem. A little time will pass, and the mood will level out, the condition will improve, and everything will be fine again.

If there really is a reason for worry, and it causes us a lot of unpleasant experiences, and we feel that nothing will be solved on its own, we need to work on our condition. , meditate, . There is no need to try to convince yourself that nothing is happening and try not to notice it. Everything that is suppressed will not go away, so the sooner we deal with it, the sooner it will stop putting pressure on us and it will become easier for us.

However, emotions become much more intense when the mood is already not the best or when unresolved problems are pressing, and then something irritating happens outside. And here we are just ready to explode... Is it worth doing this and how to do it?

If we can get rid of negative emotions in some harmless way, then of course we need to do it - clean up, chop wood, paint a picture. However, you must admit that more often you want to scream or break something. And there’s nothing wrong with that – you can scream and even break something. In a moment, you feel like it’s coming, and you’re about to explode and it’s too late to work on yourself, sublimate energy and restrain yourself with wise admonitions - and do it, allow yourself.

You can shout in the car - so you won’t be heard, you can beat the arm of the sofa with a pillow so as not to harm anyone, you can swear, after all, it exists for a reason.

Having thrown out the negativity, you need to strive to create a positive attitude

The main thing is not to blame yourself for this and even at such moments to remember that you need, you definitely need to throw out the negative and immediately try to swim and swim to the surface, to the light, not to get stuck in this state, not to aggravate it, not to multiply it, not to give it too much meaning, don't let it drag you down. And even if someone close to you or a stranger comes to hand, forgive yourself, come to your senses and make up for the negative with the positive, learn not to attach undue importance to such situations.

Try to be calm if others condemn your behavior. If we have always been so correct, and then suddenly we begin to rage and destroy everything around us, it is quite understandable that this will be a surprise to those around us. It’s hard to blame them for not being able to accept our new side, but you don’t need to blame yourself either. We do not have to always be quiet and inconspicuous, just so as not to disturb the peace of our loved ones. And there is no need to be afraid that we will be loved less for showing feelings - on the contrary, the more we are ourselves, the more we are loved.

Modern life is too dynamic and constantly changing to accumulate all the “junk” from the past. It is gradually necessary to get rid of everything unnecessary, and we are not just talking about things and memories. To decide and decide what you need to be able to get rid of, you need to accurately prioritize in your own life.

Why does a person live?

Most often, when asked about meaning of life, people give answers like this:

  • Rejoice at your parents.
  • Bring light to those around you.
  • Leave a memory behind.
  • Have children and continue the family line.
  • Do something truly outstanding.

Based on this, it turns out that the majority lives only because, by some coincidence of circumstances, they received the right to life and do not have the slightest idea how to dispose of this right.

For many, the meaning of life is purely mechanical maintenance of vital processes, since they were once born. All this is very passive and inert, which is extremely difficult to achieve with such attitudes in this life. It’s even more difficult not to live your life in vain; it’s a shame at the end of your days to realize how many mistakes were made and what a huge number of opportunities there were not implemented.

And the “secret of success” is quite simple, the meaning of everyone's life is to be happy. It sounds selfish, but it is this feeling of happiness that is a kind of measure of success. And a beacon to which every person strives, despite all the “raging waves” around.

How to force yourself to throw away unnecessary things?

On my long journey of getting rid of everything unnecessary better to start with things. This is the simplest stage that does not require serious emotional effort.

Surely in the far corner or in the attic there is a closet in which you can find:

  • Old and definitely no longer needed shoes.
  • Clothes from the time of the Tsarist reign.
  • Broken household appliances.
  • Toys collecting dust that no child would agree to play with.
  • Rags and rags, it’s unclear how they got there.
  • Several old sets, which 40 years ago were a real luxury item.

Such little things can be found in any sofa, on the upper shelves and on the mezzanines. All the things that people leave because it’s simply a shame to throw them away. It seems that the thing is not the worst, maybe someday it will come in handy on the farm.

And then it develops into collecting, and in order to cope with the problem, the help of specialists is required. It will be easier to throw away trash if a person can come to terms with something:

  1. These things are several decades old, their margin of safety is long gone.
  2. A replacement can be found in any store at a reasonable price.
  3. No one will ever use the items left behind; they will continue to gather dust until they are taken to a landfill.
  4. Having thrown away an item, there will be a reason to buy something new and please yourself with this acquisition.

What memories do you need to get rid of to be happy?

It is much more difficult to get rid of memories, especially if they are ingrained in the memory. Not all moments from the past should be “erased,” even if they are not the most pleasant. And not all good episodes are worth remembering.

Bad moments

Good moments

They serve as a serious reminder that anything can happen again.

They can hurt with the realization that things will never be so good with the person again.

Dulling bad memories will allow you to feel the taste of life again.

Erasing good times with your ex will help you move on.

Traumatic experiences are repressed on a subconscious level; over time, consciousness will complete what it started.

You need to leave yourself a certain guideline, which you should strive for in the future in order to be happy.

They form the basis of personality formation, whether a person likes it or not.

Influence behavior and decision making in the future.

To find happiness again, need to get rid of:

  1. From traumatic memories, shock situations.
  2. From longing and memories of happy moments with a person who is no longer in your life.
  3. From a mass of memories that do not carry any emotional load and only “clutter up” the memory.

When should you say goodbye to someone?

The hardest thing to do is get rid of people in your life. No, not in the sense that you shouldn’t kill anyone or send them into exile for 15 years. Enough cut off any connection, stop contacting:

  1. If a person takes your affection for granted.
  2. When any attempts to get in touch are met with stubborn ignoring.
  3. After unforgivable actions. Everyone sets their own standards.
  4. With a sharp decrease in the amount of attention paid and care received.
  5. In case of outright neglect.

You should not forcefully drag a person along with you; some people simply will not enter your life or will stay in it for a short time, despite all your efforts. This is how the world works, each person is unique. Finding someone you like is extremely difficult; even a dozen attempts does not guarantee a successful result.

Not too different in this regard friendship. It is easy to mistake a person, overestimate him, and mistake him for someone he really is not. Such disappointments can be very painful, especially if the betrayal is revealed at the wrong moment. Although, it’s difficult to name any moment suitable for betrayal.

What should you cut out of your life?

To live fully, you should not engage in collecting in all areas of life. It is necessary to get rid of:

  • From unnecessary things lying uselessly on shelves.
  • From bad habits that only interfere with life.
  • From negative emotions, which accumulate more than enough in just a day.
  • From a constant feeling of fatigue, you need to be able to rest and relax.
  • From traumatic memories, there is no point in reliving the not-so-pleasant moments of your own life.
  • Excessive self-criticism and low self-esteem have never benefited anyone.
  • From the desire to help everyone around, completely forgetting about yourself. Altruism is laudable, but even it must have certain limits.
  • From a bad mood. A constant depressed state and frequent negative emotions can lead to the development of depression. And this is a medical diagnosis.

There is a lot you shouldn’t bring into your life and take with you in order to truly be happy and enjoy every day.

Everyone independently determines for themselves what they need to be able to get rid of and what they should live with. But existing advice should be heeded, it very rarely happens that the whole world around you is wrong, and you are right.

Video: getting rid of the past

In this video, psychologist, Doctor of Science Dmitry Varin will tell you how to be able to get rid of painful memories and experiences, how to let go of the past:

Papillomas are neoplasms on the body that appear as an indicator of the presence of the human papillomavirus or HPV in the body.

Sometimes they are small and almost invisible, but more often than not, papillomas really interfere with life, cling to clothes and cause pain. on the body, how this is done and what if you neglect removal - we will find out further.

Papillomavirus can develop in humans for a number of different reasons, however, the main one is insufficient attention to hygiene procedures. Neglecting hand washing or contraception during sexual intercourse are the most common culprits in the development of HPV. Doctors also identify some other reasons:

  • long-term treatment with strong medications, in particular antibiotics;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful state;
  • long-term infectious diseases;
  • alcohol addiction.

The presence of the above situations in a patient does not guarantee the development of HPV, but only increases the risk of the disease.

Danger of illness

To determine whether papilloma is dangerous, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study. The fact is that today more than 70 viruses of this type are known - not all of them are dangerous. However, if you do not pay the necessary attention to the disease, then, as it progresses, it can pose the following health hazards:

  • inflammation;
  • constant painful sensations;
  • transmission of the virus to the baby at birth;
  • “degeneration” of neoplasms into a malignant tumor;
  • development of cancer.

Regardless of which area of ​​the body suffers from papilloma, if the neoplasm causes discomfort and especially pain, this is a direct indicator to consult a specialist.

Is it necessary to get rid of papillomas or can they disappear on their own?

The nodules, which appear as an indicator of the presence of HPV, form growths that resemble a rooster's comb. They can increase in size, but they cannot decrease. However, medical practice shows that in rare cases, warts go away on their own:

  1. Young age. Usually, experts do not recommend removing papilloma from a child, because it can simply disappear when he gets older and the immune system is fully formed.
  2. Stressful background. If the cause of the tumor was prolonged stress or depression, then there is a possibility that removal will not be required. The situation is similar with short-term infectious diseases or a temporary decrease in the body’s protective functions.

Please note that papillomas can be of different types. For example, if we have a papilloma that has a stalk or is one of the genital warts, then it probably will not disappear on its own: surgical intervention will be required.

What happens if you tear it off

The most impatient and inattentive to their health are ready to remove the growth manually, without fear of pain. This must not be done under any circumstances!

The fact is that an unexamined wart may well turn out to be a malignant tumor. In addition, with mechanical non-professional damage, a benign tumor can degenerate into a malignant one. Let's consider other cases of wart tearing:

  1. It came off by accident. Large growths that constantly rub against clothing can come off due to careless movement or other external influence. As a rule, this situation occurs with papillomas on the head and neck and is accompanied by severe pain and sometimes bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and, if possible, take the detached papilloma with you.
  2. I broke away on my own. There are times when the papilloma was still there yesterday, but today it is no longer there. In this case, it means that the body itself coped with the virus and the papilloma came off. Such deliverance is painless and unnoticed, there is no reason to panic.

Even if we have a keratoma in front of us - a benign neoplasm - we cannot remove it ourselves under any circumstances. If the patient is concerned about the growth, it is better to seek help from a professional.

Do papillomas need to be removed? The doctor will tell you

The opinion of experts regarding the removal of papilloma is unanimous: if the growth causes you discomfort, take care of its examination and removal. However, it is not always necessary to remove growths: benign neoplasms that do not interfere with a person in any way can remain quite safely on his body.

When should papillomas be removed?

Let's consider a number of cases when the removal procedure is inevitable:

  • growths that are constantly injured by clothing or jewelry;
  • location on mucous membranes (tongue, mouth, throat);
  • in particular in the eyelid area;
  • large neoplasms that grow over time;
  • plantar warts.

Even in the above cases, a comprehensive study is first required and only then treatment and removal.

Subtleties of treatment of papillomatous elements

Patients are often afraid to go to a dermatologist or surgeon for help, as they are concerned about various questions regarding the treatment procedure. Let's look at the most common of them below:

  1. Does it hurt to remove? Pain sensations directly depend on the method of removal and the patient’s pain threshold. However, modern anesthesia methods make the procedure as painless as possible - even in intimate areas.
  2. Is it dangerous to remove? You can get rid of a wart under professional supervision from a specialist absolutely safely and quickly. Self-removal is unacceptable, as it can pose a health hazard.
  3. Is it possible to treat at home? Treatment at home is only possible if two conditions are met. Firstly, the papilloma has already been studied and it is known that it is not malignant. Secondly, the size of the tumor is small.

The main feature of the treatment is that it must take place in 100% sterile conditions, eliminating the possibility of contamination, dust, and microbes getting into the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Need for medical supervision

Medical supervision is required in several cases:

  1. First stage. When treatment has not yet been prescribed and the nature of the papilloma has not been determined, medical control is very important, since there is a risk of developing a malignant neoplasm.
  2. Treatment stage. Medical control is especially important at the treatment stage, especially if it is carried out in.
  3. Pregnancy. Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a specialist to identify HPV and its preliminary treatment.
  4. After removal. In this case, control is needed if the patient has discomfort after removal.

Do not neglect consultations with specialists, especially in situations where the tumor bothers you, hurts, causes discomfort or changes.

How to get rid of formations

Modern medicine offers a whole range of methods for removing papilloma:

  • Laser. Laser therapy ensures removal of the wart at the root without leaving any traces.

  • Electrocoagulation. Removal occurs using high-frequency current.

  • Radio wave therapy. Removes tumors using the Surgitron device.

  • . In this case, the papilloma is treated with liquid nitrogen by freezing.

As a rule, the patient can choose the removal method independently. However, in special cases, the specialist recommends one or another method for better treatment.

Is papilloma treated with traditional methods?

There are many traditional treatment methods that help successfully fight papillomas. However, their use is not always permissible. Please note the following conditions:

  1. The neoplasm has been proven not to be malignant.
  2. There is no pain during treatment.
  3. The wart size is no more than 0.7x0.7 mm.
  4. There was a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

As a rule, at home it is possible to get rid of papilloma in 1 month, and the first results are noticeable after 10–14 days of treatment. If there is no result or you experience discomfort and pain during cauterization, then the procedure should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Disease prevention

Prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, pay attention to the following simple prevention methods:

  1. Prevention. Always use contraception, even during oral and anal sex.
  2. Hygiene. Follow the rules of hygiene, including hand washing, when visiting public places - swimming pools, gyms, etc.
  3. Observation by a doctor. Annual regular checks with a specialist will help detect the infection at its early stages of development.

Also today there are special vaccinations that protect the body from HPV. They are not a panacea, but they help fight this complex and dangerous virus throughout your life. Timely contact with a specialist is the best way to prevent the dangerous effects of HPV and maintain your health.

There is a strong belief that the intestines need to be “cleansed” regularly. Some try to do this with enemas, others use laxatives, and still others use colon hydrotherapy.

Are such procedures useful and are they indicated for everyone? AiF.ru told proctologist, head day hospital of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel Pletner.

First symptoms

Abdominal pain, regular bloating in the intestines, increased gas production, stool disorders - all these are reasons to wonder if everything is okay with the gastrointestinal tract and go to the doctor. It is usually recommended to undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist and proctologist to determine exactly what the cause is.

It is a pity that today people neglect the practice of medical examination, as a result of which they turn to doctors with already advanced diseases, the consequences of which are much more difficult to correct.

At the same time, it’s not worth rushing to extremes and performing a cleansing procedure “just for the sake of prevention.” You need to listen to yourself very carefully, because the body is an accurate and well-functioning apparatus that will always give a signal for help in time. For example, you can find out that not everything is in order with your intestines by looking at the condition of your skin—small pimples may appear on it. In addition, it is believed that due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the skin color changes and becomes sallow. A person also develops weakness, increased fatigue, and loss of strength.

Temporary effect

Today, doctors know many different options for cleansing the body - enemas, rinsing, colon hydrotherapy, laxatives. In some cases, people manage to try them all on their own. Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most popular methods today. Perhaps because it is simpler and more convenient than a standard enema. It is also often called a “super enema”. During this procedure, cleansing occurs and a therapeutic effect is achieved through the use of herbal infusions or medications.

It is worth remembering that this option of self-medication can be extremely dangerous if special examinations have not been carried out. After all, the patient may well have contraindications to such a procedure, which will lead to serious complications.

Colon hydrotherapy is often used as a means of losing weight - it is believed that after its implementation you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. However, you shouldn’t expect any magic from it. Yes, there is an effect, but it is temporary, and the body will quickly gain back all these kilograms, or even add more on top. To maintain weight, it is not enough to get rid of accumulations in the intestines; you need to lead a healthy lifestyle - eat right, exercise enough, get enough sleep, etc.

In addition, an additional disadvantage of colon hydrotherapy carried out without indications for this is the washing out of the intestinal microflora.

And here, according to statistics, up to 80% of human immunity is formed. This means that an irrational approach to such a procedure will simply lead to a decrease in the body’s defenses and a serious deterioration in human health.

As for the huge number of laxatives that are offered in pharmacies today, there is another problem - many begin to use them uncontrollably, because... those are sold without a prescription. In this way, you can very easily and quickly disrupt the intestinal microflora, which again will lead to a deterioration in well-being and a decrease in immunity.

There shouldn't be any pain!

Contraindications for colon cleansing should also be taken into account. These include colon tumors, polyps, the presence of diverticula and other inflammatory processes. If you ignore them, there is a risk of reaching a condition where surgical intervention and a long rehabilitation period are required.

During the procedure, if you decide to do it, you should pay attention to the appearance of pain in the abdomen and blood. Any procedure should be tolerated easily and without any serious complaints.

In general, the intestines can cleanse themselves. In order for it to function like a watch, it is enough to follow simple rules. It is definitely worth organizing frequent—fractional—meals: at least 5 times a day, but in small portions. At the same time, it must be rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as fiber - this is a necessary substance for normal intestinal motility and the process of eliminating waste and toxins. Naturally, you should not forget about the correct drinking regime - at least a liter of regular drinking water per day, preferably 1.5 liters.

If you experience discomfort, pain, and even more so blood, you should consult a doctor. Against the background of such disorders, self-administration of laxatives and enemas can be deadly.

And it is worth paying attention to prevention. An active lifestyle, visiting the pool, proper nutrition and an optimally selected diet, in addition to a well-organized workday and rest regime, will allow the body to independently solve problems related to cleansing and health.

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