Why doesn't the puppy bark? The puppy does not want to eat dry food: what to do? What to do if the puppy does not

Natalia Glotova

Both future formidable guards, puppies of medium-sized hunting breeds, and young representatives of miniature pocket dogs love to play. Hereditary memory becomes the reason that it is in the game that they develop dexterity, strength, cunning and the ability to use their teeth in certain situations. However, when such a training game takes place in the nest, littermates and the mother know very well how to stop the puppy from biting.

They clearly demonstrate their discontent: sisters and brothers squeal loudly and do not want to play with the offender, and the mother simply gets up and leaves, ignoring him for some time. But what should a person do?

Why does he bite?

A puppy taken from the “family” too early or born alone, as a rule, is distinguished by its inability to stop in time in aggressive games and can hurt, first of all, its owner and the people around him. Of course, the pain is not too severe, since the teeth have not yet changed into fangs.

But a biting and disobedient pet needs behavior correction, otherwise, having turned into an adult dog, it can cause a lot of trouble to both strangers and people close to it. It is especially important to find an answer to the question of what to do if a puppy bites when there are small children in the house.

The reasons for excessive aggressiveness in a young dog can also be:

  • teething. During this period, puppies feel severe itching in the mouth and are forced to gnaw and bite everything they can reach;
  • improper upbringing or lack thereof. If a young dog constantly shows aggression towards its owner and the people with whom it lives, this means that it either considers itself the leader of the “pack”, or is trying to determine its position in it.

What to do with a naughty and biting puppy?

Almost all dog breeders agree that it is okay to allow your puppy to bite his arms or legs while playing. But you need to carefully monitor the strength of the bites and the mood of your pet during such a game.

If a dog bites heavily, causes pain, does not obey, and this happens regularly, it means that it needs the following educational measures:

  • Game ban. Immediately after the bite, you must stop the game, say “no” or “fu” in a stern voice, turn around and leave, leaving the little aggressor alone;
  • Insulation. An effective method for correcting biting puppies is to temporarily move them (after a bite) to a fence or enclosure;
  • Immobility. If your pet likes to grab clothes with its teeth, then the owner, as a rule, just needs to freeze and not move. Stopping the game (for a young dog, any movement looks like a game) leads to the fact that interest in biting wardrobe items disappears;
  • Switching attention. Offer the puppy a replacement - replace the sleeve or hand with an interesting toy. It is advisable that toys be in all rooms, so the replacement will look more natural;
  • Differentiation of objects. It is necessary to teach your child the basic rules of behavior in the house and on the street. He must understand that there are objects that should not be bitten under any circumstances. But the owner must introduce the dog to things that can and even need to be chewed. To do this, scratch the puppy’s belly and back several times a day, while simultaneously offering a toy, a special bone or ball, which he is allowed to chew. Dogs, especially at the age of 2 months, respond excellently to encouragement and after a while can even meet the owner with a toy in their teeth, showing their exemplary behavior;
  • Education and training. If you can’t train your pet on your own, you can entrust the upbringing and training of your baby to an experienced specialist. But in this case, you will have to wait until your pet is at least six months old.

Teaching your puppy to use his teeth carefully

If you can determine exactly why your puppy started biting, it is very important to teach him to use his teeth carefully. You can avoid punishment (of any kind) if you use a specific technique called a “clicker” to train your child. It is not only simple, but also very effective.

Therefore, you can try it on your pet both simultaneously with humane methods of behavior correction, and instead of them. The essence of the clicker is that good behavior is rewarded with something tasty at the same time as an audible click.

According to the instructions, training is carried out in several stages:

  • We clench our hand into a fist and present it to the dog. If she doesn’t bite for at least a second or two, we immediately move our fist to the side, click and feed her a treat. We repeat several times. If the baby just pokes his fist with his soft nose - great! We click, encourage and move on to the next stage;
  • We very slowly move our hand, clenched into a fist, in front of the pet. If he doesn’t try to bite his fist, we click and give him a well-deserved reward. Repeat several times;
  • We complicate the task: we increase the length of time during which the baby should not bite the hand, increase the speed of the fist and move a little further from the puppy. We click and encourage. Repeat several times;
  • Now we replace the fist with a chewing bone or toy. We reward and click only for calmly waiting for permission, confirmed by the “can” command. When the puppy bites and does not obey, tries to take away an object, or gets angry, we immediately hide the toy or bone behind the back and start the exercise again, moving a little further from the baby. If you manage to reward your pet for correct behavior several times in a row, let him play with an “educational” object. As a result, the puppy will understand that playing with the item he likes will only be possible if he waits patiently. We repeat the exercise several times at different distances from the puppy’s nose;
  • We duplicate the previous exercise using an open hand, index finger, clothing and shoes.

You need to train your baby every day. Only in this case will the puppy learn not to bite or take anything that is in its immediate vicinity without the appropriate command.

Newborn puppies have not yet adapted to the conditions of existence in their new environment, so they need to be given increased attention. During this period, puppies are very vulnerable and sensitive to external influences. They need good care taking into account their physiological needs.

Healthy newborn puppies sleep most of the time (up to 90%) during the first three weeks, and spend the rest of the time eating. The body temperature of a newborn on the first day is 33-36 °C, then until the 20th day it remains within 36.5-38 °C. During this period, the puppy must be provided with temperature control, since he cannot independently maintain body temperature. Even short-term hypothermia can lead to severe metabolic disorders.

All the energy necessary for life is supplied to puppies with mother's milk; energy reserves are limited by glycogen reserves in the liver, so if a puppy refuses food for any reason, this is an alarming symptom. In addition, in this case there is a danger of dehydration, since the concentrating ability of the kidneys of newborns is imperfect and they excrete a very large amount of urine.

Healthy newborn puppies are active, suck well, and push each other's nipples away. They are warm to the touch and add weight well. If the puppy is placed at some distance from its mother, it will crawl energetically towards her. Normally developing, healthy puppies rarely whine. They squeak loudly when they are cold, hungry, or in pain.

A sick puppy is cold to the touch, he is inactive, sucks poorly, and when he is picked up, he does not twirl, but hangs like a rag. If you put your finger in his mouth, he doesn’t grab it or suck it, but pushes it out of his mouth. Viral and bacterial infections in puppies can be accompanied by diarrhea.

An exhausted puppy, on the contrary, is active and mobile, screams loudly and falls asleep, warmed up next to its mother. His mouth is dry, his tongue is bright pink; If you lightly pinch the puppy, the fold of skin does not straighten out.

The mother rejects sick puppies and pushes them out of the nest. Let's take a closer look at what dangers can threaten a newborn puppy.

Hypothermia in puppies
Hypothermia (as well as overheating) is one of the most dangerous factors threatening the life of newborn puppies. As already noted, for the puppies to function normally, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature in the nest. In the first week of life it is 29 - 32 °C; Depending on the type of coat, fluctuations of 1.5 °C are permissible.

If the puppy’s body temperature is below the age norm, then this is hypothermia. In this case, it must be warmed up urgently. It is best to place the puppy against your own body under a sweater or jacket. It needs to be warmed up for quite a long time: for example, if the body temperature is 34.4 "C, then warming up will take two to three hours. In no case should puppies be warmed up quickly, on a hot heating pad, since this will cause the skin vessels to expand from the surface of the body There is an additional loss of heat, as a result the puppy has to expend additional energy.

A chilled puppy should not be fed either mother's milk or artificial food, since the stomach and small intestines will not be able to cope with the load in this case. During the warming process, he is given a 5-10% solution of glucose with water at the rate of 3.5 ml per 100 g of body weight per hour. Instead of glucose, you can use a solution of honey, or, in extreme cases, sweetened water: 3/4 teaspoon per 100 ml of water.

Insufficient weight gain
Normally developing puppies gain weight daily, and by the 8th to 10th day their weight doubles. If the puppy does not gain weight, you need to carefully examine him and find out the reason. If there are several such puppies in the litter, then we can assume that the problem is in the mother (toxic milk, inflammation of the uterus, insufficient milk production).

The puppy may be born underdeveloped (hypotrophic). Such puppies at birth have a low weight (25% lower than that of their littermates), they have underdeveloped muscles and subcutaneous tissue, shallow breathing and they suck inactively. Their ability to thermoregulate is even less advanced than that of normal puppies. Such puppies are artificially fed and raised in an incubator.

A sudden drop in weight accompanies diarrhea, which is associated with loss of water from the body. In this case, it is urgent to replace the loss of water and electrolytes, otherwise the puppy will die from dehydration. To combat dehydration, Ringer-Locke solution is used, mixed in half with a 5% glucose solution. The dose is 1.8 ml per 100 g of body weight per hour. The solution is poured from a bottle, syringe or pipette. It is more effective to administer this mixture subcutaneously. At the same time, the puppy is warmed up.

Puppies that are not gaining weight due to lack of food whine, tremble, and look lethargic. Such puppies are immediately transferred to artificial feeding and warmed up, since dehydration quickly occurs with insufficient nutrition.

Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) is most often observed in toy puppies between 6 and 12 weeks of age. This condition is usually preceded by stress: change of place of residence, transportation, etc.
Symptoms appear unexpectedly: the puppy refuses to eat, chills, apathy, and indigestion appear. Then muscle weakness and tremors develop (especially in the facial muscles). In milder cases, the puppy appears weakened and his gait is unsteady and unsteady.

Attention! This condition is very dangerous and can result in seizures and death of the puppy. Therefore, treatment must be started immediately to avoid the death of the animal!

If the puppy’s consciousness is preserved, a 5-10% glucose solution, honey solution or sweetened water is poured into his mouth. The condition should improve within half an hour. If the puppy is unconscious, emergency medical attention is required.
To prevent repeated attacks, the puppy must be fed more often (at least 3 times a day) high-quality food with added sugar or honey, and given food in small portions.

Gastrointestinal disorder due to errors in feeding
A normally developing puppy gains weight daily, appears calm, and has normal stools—hard and yellowish in color. Usually there is stool after each feeding. Underfeeding or overfeeding bottle-fed puppies immediately affects the nature of their stool and the frequency of bowel movements.

The first sign of overfeeding is loose stools. If overfeeding is insignificant, then the stool is yellow in color. With severe overfeeding, it acquires a greenish color, due to the presence of unchanged bile due to the accelerated movement of food masses through the intestines. In these cases, it is sufficient to dilute the feeding mixture with water in a 1:1 ratio. After the color and consistency of the stool are restored, the concentration of the mixture is gradually adjusted to the original concentration.

If overfeeding was prolonged and there was a violation of the enzymatic function of the intestines, then the diarrhea becomes gray.

The most severe condition is when food is not digested at all., then the feces resemble curdled milk. In this case, dehydration occurs very quickly. (For the fight against dehydration, see above.) In this case, puppies are given 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon (depending on weight) of smecta every 3-4 hours, and the feeding mixture is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Toxic milk syndrome
In some cases, milk from lactating bitches can be toxic. One of the main causes is illness in bitches: inflammation of the uterus or mastitis. This can also be caused by taking drugs or medications. When puppies get into their bodies with milk, toxins cause digestive upset.

This is usually seen in puppies between 3 and 14 days of age. The most typical symptoms are diarrhea and bloating. These puppies whine, look exhausted, and may drool.

In the case of toxic milk syndrome, puppies are immediately weaned from the bitch and transferred to artificial feeding. Puppies are given smecta internally, warmed up and treated for dehydration. The bitch is given a scarf around her chest and belly. If the puppies are in satisfactory condition, the mothers allow them to be cared for.

Cardiopulmonary syndrome
Cardiopulmonary syndrome, or neonatal circulatory failure, is observed in puppies during the first five days of life. It is caused by various stressful situations, to which newborn puppies are very unstable (cold, overheating, insufficient milk, etc.). All this causes a drop in temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate. As a result, food digestion is disrupted or stops completely. If the body temperature drops to 34.5 °C and below, then there is an even greater depression of vital functions, which soon becomes irreversible. To prevent the death of puppies, immediate measures must be taken to normalize vital functions.

The symptoms of cardiopulmonary syndrome, regardless of the cause, are the same: puppies begin to drool, they scream, and make swallowing movements. Puppies become weak very quickly, stop moving and lie on their sides. The heart rate is reduced to 40 beats per 1 minute, and the respiratory rate is reduced to 4 times per 1 minute. This leads to impaired cerebral circulation, which manifests itself as seizures. Convulsions are accompanied by cessation of breathing. Blood may appear in the stool and urine, and fluid may leak from the nostrils. If this happens, it means that the changes have become irreversible.

Attention! Cardiopulmonary syndrome requires emergency medical care!

Inflammation of the navel
The umbilical stump can become a gateway to infection in newborns. The reasons for its inflammation are the treatment of the navel after the birth of the puppy with contaminated instruments or dirty hands, an insufficiently clean living environment for the newborn, or diseases of the mother’s teeth (if she chewed the umbilical cord).

An inflamed navel looks red, swollen, and may fester. Since the navel vessels are connected to the liver, this condition poses a real threat to the health and life of the puppy - he may develop sepsis.

The navel is treated with hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibiotics orally or intramuscularly.

A sick puppy can pose a danger to littermates, as it is a carrier of the infection.

Puppy septicemia(puppy death syndrome)
The disease is usually observed from the 4th to the 40th day of life. Its causes may be the mother's infected birth canal, infected mother's milk and navel diseases. The site of infection is the gastrointestinal tract.

The first symptoms resemble toxic milk syndrome: the puppy screams, his stomach is swollen and tense. Subsequently, the abdomen swells even more and becomes hard as a board. The skin of the abdomen acquires a dark red or bluish tint, which indicates the development of peritonitis. The puppy develops chills, weight loss, and dehydration.

The disease very quickly ends in the death of puppies. If you take the puppies away from their mother in time and start treatment (antibiotics, combating dehydration, artificial feeding), then recovery is possible.

Herpes virus infection in puppies
It is an acute, non-febrile infection of newborn puppies, usually occurring before 14 days of age. Infection occurs during the passage of the mother's birth canal. The virus develops at low body temperature (less than 36.7°C). Hypothermia contributes to the development of the disease.

The puppies stop sucking, scream, they develop chills, bloating (the abdomen is painful and soft), and the stool is liquid and yellow-green in color. Coordination of movements may be impaired.

There is no cure. Animals die within 24 hours after the onset of the disease. Infected puppies raised in an incubator may survive if their body temperature is above 7.8 °C. Recovered puppies may develop kidney failure by 8-10 months. No vaccine has been developed for the herpes virus.

Puppy is a “swimmer”
Normally developing puppies begin to stand at two weeks of age and walk confidently by three weeks of age. If the puppy does not begin to walk within this time frame, then he will be a “swimmer”. These puppies have their limbs turned outward and resemble sea turtles. This pathology can be congenital (especially in cocker spaniels) and acquired (in obese puppies of breeds with massive bones). Slippery floors contribute to the development of this pathology.

As a rule, the pathology is incurable.

Pyloric stenosis(narrowing of the pyloric opening)
This is a congenital pathology in which the muscle ring of the pyloric (outlet) opening of the stomach is thickened. Often found in boxers.

With pyloric stenosis, puppies vomit after sucking, while they suck actively. Puppies can eat vomit, but the vomiting is repeated.

Such puppies are retarded in growth and development. The diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray. Treatment is surgical.

Neonatal conjunctivitis
The disease is associated with infection of the palpebral fissure by microbes before the eyes open (the first 10-14 days of life). The eyelids look red, swollen, and purulent discharge may appear. To remove pus, the eyelids are opened and washed with a solution of furatsilin or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Instill eye drops with an antibiotic (for example, chloramphenicol) 6 times a day.

Treatment of newborn puppies

I've been breeding dogs for over 25 years, but I still can't get used to the fact that a puppy can get sick and start dying. This article contains everything I've learned about how to try to save very young puppies (up to two weeks old) when they get sick. While I was writing the article, there was a box with a two-week-old puppy at my feet. Three days ago he weighed 264g, this evening he weighs 485g and seems to be on the mend. This article is about what I did to save this puppy. Maybe in the future my experience will help save one of your puppies.

Before we begin, I want to point out that healthy puppies start with prevention. I wrote an article entitled "saving puppies' lives" in which I described many things a breeder can do to keep dogs healthy. This article is devoted to what to do when the puppies have done poorly and their health is deteriorating.
Before I get started, I want to say that this program does not work for all puppies. There are so many reasons why babies get sick, and I will never be able to cover all the problems that can arise. But some sick puppies can be saved with a little luck and attention to detail.
The first thing a breeder needs to do is determine when a pup is in distress and sick. I have to say that, having been breeding for 25 years and raising over 200 litters, I can look at a litter of puppies in the playpen and point out a puppy that is not feeling well. Beginning breeders without this experience can do the same using a “weight gain chart.” The fact is that it is impossible to determine by eye whether a puppy has gained weight during the day. No one (not even me) will be able to notice that the puppy has not gained 10-20 g in a day. Using a weight gain chart and regularly weighing the puppies, you will be alarmed by the first sign of a developmental problem.
In my kennel, if a puppy is born small (about 300 g), we automatically start drawing a weight gain diagram. We weigh the puppies once a day, but if there is any doubt about his vigor or ability to suckle, we weigh him twice a day. I start charting weight gain before the puppies need treatment.
Handling puppies frequently will also help you identify if your puppy is sick. Puppies usually squeak when picked up, but sick puppies cry differently. Their squeaks are usually louder and more desperate and plaintive. In addition, sick puppies often become dehydrated. If you know the skin of a healthy puppy, you can tell the difference between a dehydrated one. You can easily feel his ribs, and his skin feels like cardboard; it loses its elasticity and becomes hard. Dehydration kills puppies quickly; they can die within 24 hours.
Dehydration often occurs due to weak stools. If the mother is licking her puppies, it may be difficult to notice. I look for puppies whose hindquarters appear wet or smooth when in fact they may be dry. The fur will look slick and sticky, and as if damp. If you notice this, you must intervene and help the puppy.
The first thing you should do is start feeding your puppy artificially. Initially I feed the bitch's milk replacer. Never use cow's milk. It will cause the puppy to have diarrhea, and this will only make the situation worse. I add a couple drops of AD liquid Imodium to the feeding tube. We need to regulate the puppy's stomach and intestines before dehydration takes its toll. Imodium helps in most cases.
Depending on the circumstances, I may give an antibiotic. This is worth discussing with your veterinarian. Amoxicillin and Clavomox are two of the most popular antibiotics that can be stored for a long time and are easy to administer with a regular dropper. They can sit on the shelf for years, as they only become active when water is added. Antibiotics should be added to milk (they should not be used without consulting a doctor).
The number and frequency of feedings must be correctly calculated. A puppy weighing 300 g should be given 15 mg of milk 4 times a day. When dosing food, also follow the recommendations on the packaging.
It should be noted that if a puppy is weaned from its mother and is bottle-fed for a day or more, it may lose its sucking instinct. This means you are in trouble for a long time. You will have to artificially feed him until he learns to lap from the saucer.
Feeding is done using a catheter and a 20 cc syringe (without a needle). Determine how deep to insert the catheter by holding it to the puppy. The length of the inserted tube should be equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the end of the chest. If the length is less than this, the liquid will not reach the stomach; if it is longer, it can damage the stomach wall. Often, when you insert the tube into your stomach, you will feel a slight resistance. When you open your puppy's mouth, insert the tube over the middle of the tongue to the root of the tongue. People often ask how to avoid puncturing a lung. If in doubt, remove the tube and reinsert it. But if you marked the length of the tube to the chest with a marker, and inserted it all (without obstructions), it cannot end up in the lungs, they are located much closer to the dog’s nose than the stomach.
I believe that when a puppy is really sick and dehydrated, you need to be careful not to overfeed him. When an adult dog has diarrhea, the veterinarian will often advise not to give the dog anything other than water for 24 hours. I believe that we should be extremely careful with puppies. If your baby is really not feeling well, he needs nutrition, but there is no need to constantly shove food down his throat every 4 hours.
After each feeding I administer 10-15 mg of Ringer's solution, especially if the puppy is still dehydrated. I find this helps to flush the system and "turn it on". Water (or Ringer's solution) will pass through the puppy much faster than milk replacer. This does not mean that food stagnates in the puppy's stomach, but Ringer's solution helps the digestion process. If any veterinarian reads this and disagrees, I'm ready to argue with him. Perhaps there are more effective preparations with more salts, but personally, I use this one in my practice.
Speaking of medical professionals, in my experience, most veterinarians are unable to determine what is causing a newborn puppy's illness. A puppy sucking its mother's milk and starting to wither is a mystery to everyone. I spend $500-$800 monthly on veterinarians and respect their expertise. But when it comes to small puppies, I don't call the doctors. I follow the methods described in this article. This has worked many times and I believe it works in cases where my doctor couldn't save the puppies.
If your puppy is dehydrated, you need to actively deal with it. Simply inserting a tube is often not enough. Subcutaneous fluid injections help more than just giving fluids through the mouth. Purchase a bottle of Ringer's solution. You will also need a large 30cc syringe. A small puppy (300 g) should be injected with 10-15 ml of solution twice a day (subcutaneously), usually for a couple of days. Sticking small puppies with large needles is not easy. Some simply cannot decide to do this, and they have to go to the doctor. When a puppy is dehydrated, this must be done or he will die. This unpleasant procedure is performed as follows: the skin on the puppy’s shoulders is pulled back with two fingers and forms a fold. I insert the needle below my fingers, making sure I don't hit the muscle and being careful not to pierce all the way through the skin. I do this several times until I see the desired effect. If hydration works, you will see your skin become more elastic.
Measure the length of your puppy's feeding catheter. Insert it into your mouth and push it to the end of the ribs (feel the line of the ribs and mark the length on the catheter). While treating a puppy, I remove it from its mother and keep it in a small (50 x 50) cardboard box. I find that it is easier to monitor a puppy's health when he is separated from the rest of the litter. I put the box next to me and at night I take it into the bedroom and put it next to the bed. In this case, I can get up in the middle of the night and give the puppy a little milk replacer or Ringer's solution (whichever is preferable at that moment). During night feedings, I give the puppy the opportunity to let me know that he is hungry. If he wants to eat he will scream, little baby, so rather than waking up every 4 hours and feeding the puppy, I let him tell me what he wants. If the puppy is hungry, I give him milk replacer.
It is important to keep your puppy warm, but not overheated. Too much heat will only add to your problems. Take a room thermometer and place it in your puppy's box to monitor the temperature. Some people use hot water bottles, but I find that a heating pad placed under a bag of rice or beans works better. Make sure the box is large enough that the puppy can crawl out if he gets too warm. If he is strong enough, he can crawl away on his own. If he is too weak, monitor his breathing. If the puppy lies with his mouth slightly open, it means he is hot; in this case, move it to a cooler place.
For warmth, a bag of rice is much better than hot water bottles. Rice or beans retain heat longer than water. You can put an 800g bag of rice or beans in the microwave for 3 minutes, then shake it to redistribute the heat and you have a wonderful hot water bottle for your puppy. Such bags also help in relieving neck and shoulder pain in a person. Wrap the bag around your neck and you will feel relief.
When you are nursing a sick newborn puppy, there are two things you need to remember.
1. You should constantly turn the puppy from one side to the other, like a bird turning eggs in a nest. If you've ever seen a very sick puppy just before he died, he seems to lie flat in his final moments. Turning and repositioning the puppy will prevent him from spreading out. I don't know why, but this is very important to him.
2. I also think it is very important for the recovery of a sick puppy to hold him as much as possible. Stroke it, shake it, massage it. This will help the body's natural functions. I also think it helps his soul. I believe that a puppy's mental state also needs treatment, just like his body. This is all the more important because he is weaned from his mother. Do not underestimate the importance of this aspect in healing. Take him and hug him as often as possible. While I was writing this, my puppy started screaming. He had just been fed, so the reason for crying was not hunger. I started petting him, but he didn't stop squeaking. But as soon as I picked him up and put him on my chest, the puppy calmed down and fell asleep. Things like this never cease to amaze me.
If you manage to pull a puppy out of the other world, you will experience an indescribable sensation. Unfortunately, too often no amount of effort helps and the puppy dies. It's hard to lose a baby after days of close contact. We often mistakenly think that a puppy is just a little weak and needs some help to get started in life, but this is not always the case. When a puppy begins to wilt, you never know whether it is internal or due to unknown damage. I learned to look at it like this: “I did my best, but this puppy couldn’t make it out. Luck was not on his side. This is the hard part of being a breeder.
There is another scenario: there is always the possibility that after long days of treatment, getting up several times a night, the puppy is alive, but it turns out to have some kind of pathology. This forces a respectable breeder to make a difficult decision about his fate. This happened to me twice. With careful care and treatment and some luck, the puppy has a chance to overcome the disease. Try to help him with this!

Dogs have always been the most popular pets. Of course, cats compete with them, but most often people prefer to have puppies.

They are incredibly loyal and gentle, but there are cases of aggressiveness and lack of restraint.

Those people who decide to get a puppy begin to struggle with the fact that it bites. This difficulty is not solvable by everyone, but with the help of dog handlers, everything can be corrected.


So, let's look at why the puppy constantly bites and growls, for example, even when you pet him - what are the reasons for this?

Little puppies love to bite:

  1. they learn and explore the world Just as small children put everything in their mouth, puppies bite everything. Exploratory bites are made with the incisors (the side of the mouth), and they are weak, more like clenching. This worries the owners because... they believe that dogs show their aggressiveness.
  2. Also, pets through bites can show your positive emotions and attitude towards a person. The owner needs to learn to correctly recognize all the signals and desires of the puppy. In this case, all troubles will be prevented.
  3. express their dissatisfaction and go into conflict.
  4. learn to realize their strength.
  5. perhaps (especially if the breed is a hunting breed) the puppy hunts.

For a person, a dog bite is an understandable reaction. The pet is ready to attack or defend. In these two cases, people understand that they need to stay as far away from the dog as possible. Puppies convey through their bites their own positive emotions, which they experience around their owners.

  1. The most common cause of dog bites is defensive reaction. If a puppy doesn’t like something or is not sure of a person’s intentions, it is capable of biting. Also, a pet can bite a person if it is in poor health or mood.
  2. Absolutely any dog ​​bites because this is inherent in nature. There are several reasons why puppies attack and bite their owners.

Up to 2 months

From childhood, puppies play with other dogs or pets, they bite each other and grab small objects. As soon as the puppy gets into a house where there are no other animals, he begins to play with his owner in the same way. There is nothing surprising in the fact that he tries to bite a person.

For puppies at the age of 2 months, it is quite possible to rage and growl at the owner, thus showing interest while communicating. But you still need to start raising your pet as soon as possible. You should not allow your dog to bite your legs or arms. By being strict, you can get rid of many problems.

3-4 months

What to do if the puppy is aggressive even at 3 and 4 months? The reason why the dog bites is lack of proper education. You need to do this especially diligently as soon as the puppy turns 3 months old. If the owner makes mistakes in upbringing, then in the future the pet will show aggression.

Often no one takes care of the pet, believing that it will become more affectionate on its own. It must be remembered that as soon as a puppy enters the house, people become responsible for its behavior and character. A puppy is not a toy, so if you don’t work with it, it will grow up to be quite aggressive.

If your puppy bites in all seriousness: i.e. full mouth, pulls, shakes his head, demonstratively intimidates you, then this is the name conflict aggression. It occurs when you force your puppy to do something he doesn't want or not do something he wants. In this case, do not delay or spare money, go to a dog handler - it is very difficult to resolve such issues on your own.

This type of bite is solved by eliminating the conflict itself (for example, training to unpleasant procedures) and building a good “dog-owner” relationship.

Breed predisposition

It is worth noting that there are some breeds that are more aggressive than others. Puppies of fighting breeds require more training and education. The help of experienced dog handlers is needed to help the owners. It will be more difficult to wean a puppy from biting at 4 months, because by this time he already has a fully formed character.

A dog will never bite a person without a reason. It simply reacts to certain stimuli that it does not like. In this way, the pet expresses its own emotions, but if the care is not correct, the dog will not trust the owner. It is also worth noting that your puppy may bite because he is teething.


Beginning owners also face the question of whether the puppy is hunting for legs or arms. The fact is that it is in his nature to track down prey. He simply may not calculate the force of his bite and thus cause harm. It is necessary to clearly explain to the pet that this cannot be done.

The puppy will stop biting once all its teeth have erupted. If he constantly chews something, then this process will turn out to be much faster. By the age of 8 months, the puppy will have all of its teeth replaced, and it will definitely stop biting. It is necessary to provide your pet with a sufficient number of toys so that he has something to do. If this is not done, the pet will ruin clothes, shoes or furniture.

When will it stop?

If you don't raise a dog child, he will never stop biting, gnawing everything around and even growling at you! On the contrary, it will do this constantly, thereby educating and training you.

How to educate correctly?

What should you do if your puppy constantly bites very hard? Raise him, of course!

Most often, the owners' arms and legs suffer from bites. A number of corrective behaviors need to be implemented, including having toys or being ignored. You can use furniture sprays to repel your dog, but it won't work on everyone.

It is much easier to train a puppy than an adult dog. The fact is that excitability and activity are typical for a small pet, but the owner should monitor its behavior.

During play or when stroking hands

Puppies are a lot like small children, so they should have toys. It is necessary to clearly explain to your pet that biting is not good. If he has already started biting his arm or leg, then you need to immediately put a ball in his mouth.

The pet must understand that a person only strokes with his hand, showing attention. A small puppy should play exclusively with his toys, understanding this and avoiding mistakes in the future.

How to teach, and most importantly, train a puppy not to bite:

You should not punish your pet before the age of 3 months. If there is a need to spank the puppy a little, it is better to do it not with your hand, but with a newspaper. By teaching your pet special commands, you can prevent possible punishment. After some time, the puppy will be able to understand why the owner is dissatisfied.

The pet understands that a mistake has been made and this cannot be done in the future. The puppy will begin to appreciate the owner and treat him with the utmost care.

If you don't listen

What to do if the puppy does not obey your commands? The baby must have the opportunity to express his character in a form that is acceptable to the owner. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed in order to know how to properly train your pet.

He must have his own rug, house or bed. If the puppy bites, then you need to send him to his place. Training can be very effective, the main thing is not to forget to give treats.

You need to try to become an authority for the animal. A puppy who continues to bite should be picked up by the mane and pressed to the floor. The fact is that in this way the leaders demonstrate strength and character. If you train constantly, the puppy will grow up obedient and friendly.

Methods of influence

Not all dog owners can raise a growing pet correctly. As soon as a pet starts biting during play, it is already an obstacle. Certain recommendations must be followed:

  1. It is necessary to avoid those games in which the puppy may accidentally bite the owner.
  2. If the dog bites the owner during play activity, then the jaw must be opened very carefully. You cannot punish your pet physically.
  3. The pet is good-natured towards all residents of the house. If it turns out that the puppy bit the owner, then you can pretend that it is incredibly painful. It is even recommended to pretend that the person is crying, after which he quietly leaves the puppy. He will understand that he has caused pain to the owner and this should not be done.
  4. The pet does not immediately perceive the person as a leader, and therefore does not obey him. This often happens due to improper upbringing. Training the puppy will help establish the dominant role of the owner. The pet will not bite during play and without reason.

Many argue that a barking puppy cannot bite a person, but in reality it all depends on age, gender and breed. If your pet begins to bare its teeth and bark loudly, then you need to look menacingly into its eyes, showing your importance.

How can you not wean it?

It is a known fact that the mother of the puppies nibbles them a little and shakes them. In this case, they calm down and behave extremely carefully. Many dog ​​owners believe that this method is effective, so if the puppy bites, then it needs to be beaten.

This should not be done, because the puppy may perceive such blows as a challenge, continuing to show aggression. A person may not calculate the force of the blow and harm the pet. It is better to simply devote more time and attention to your pet.

Features of breeds

Before getting a puppy, you should familiarize yourself with some features of the breeds. The fact is that you can stop pets from biting on your own, without the help of dog handlers. Each breed has its own characteristics.


If a person decides to get a dog, he should know several aspects of education. The character of these puppies is quite kind and flexible. When choosing between a girl and a boy, you should choose the cable one, because they are calmer.

From childhood, babies of this breed are active and playful. They love to spend time with their owners, but there are times when accidental bites occur. You need to figure out why huskies bite:

  • hunter instinct;
  • teeth are being cut;
  • desire to play.

Many people think that only small dogs bite more often, but this is far from true. Owners need to know what to do in order to stop their puppy from biting. The main thing to understand is that you cannot teach your pet to bite, even in a playful manner.

You need to show the puppy that the person is the master of the house. All games must be started by the owner so that the dog does not manipulate the situation. A person should always leave the house first. This is how the pet will understand that it is not the leader.

Pets need to be weaned from an early age. If your pet starts biting your arms, hands or legs, you need to scream loudly and go to another room. You need to do this until the puppy stops biting altogether.


It would seem such a kind breed, but also capable of biting: why and what to do if a Labrador puppy turns into a biter? In fact, a puppy bite can not only be an indicator of aggressiveness. Not all people pay attention to what their pet is doing, so they miss the opportunity to raise it properly.

The dog can choose a position in which ignoring the owner will not be effective. In this case, the Labrador will simply come up and lightly bite the owner on the arm or leg.

You need to show your pet that attention and care will be given to him only after the bites stop. If the puppy bites the owner during play, then you need to stop it and yell at the pet a little. After some time, the pet is much less likely to show aggression.

In the case when a puppy at the age of 5 months bites its owner, it is necessary to take care of the issue of dominance. If this problem is not solved in childhood, then more serious troubles will appear in the future. Aggression will begin to manifest itself towards all family members.

German Shepherd

Why did a German or any other shepherd puppy start biting and what should I do?

To stop your German Shepherd puppy from biting, you need to do a few simple exercises. The owner should grab the pet by the muzzle and hold it for a while. The pet will start to get nervous and snap, but if you do this often, the dog will get used to it. Then you need to repeat holding the muzzle at moments when the dog bites.


Puppies of this breed are incredibly obedient, so they are least likely to bite the hands and feet of their owners. These pets are pliable, making them easier to train. Why then does the alabai bite and what can be done about it?

If the animal starts to bite, then you need to buy it soft or rubber toy. In this case, the puppy will sharpen its teeth by switching to its objects. Furniture, shoes and clothes will not be touched, because the dog can be trained quickly.


During games, you need to pay attention to whether the dog bites. As soon as the first signs of aggression appear, you need to switch the puppy’s attention to toys.

It is worth noting that pets love to grab their owner’s clothes, so you need to wean him off this habit as soon as possible using the technique described above.

One rule is very important for small dogs: Don't forgive them for their beautiful eyes, shaky tail and small size! Some, due to the connivance of their owners, grow up to be real robbers! Meanwhile, bites from small dogs are very painful and unpleasant.


What to do with a biting Spitz? If the puppy gets too excited and starts biting its owner, then you need to switch its attention to toys. It is strictly forbidden to hit the animal, scream loudly, push it away or scare it. The dog may withdraw into itself and become less active.


In order for a puppy of this breed to stop biting, it is necessary to spend a lot of time raising and training him. If everything is done correctly, then over time the pet will become affectionate and sweet. A lot of toys and balls will help get rid of a number of problems that lead to bites. The main thing is to be firm and strictly follow our instructions - Chihuahuas are quite stubborn, so stock up on sedatives!

How to train a puppy correctly?

Guard and hunting dog breeds require special training. They go through a course where they are shown and taught how to bite. A correct attack on an attacker or prey is the key to an excellent result. Puppies are trained to distinguish enemies from peaceful people. They can easily determine whether a stranger poses any danger to the owner.

  1. During the training process, you do not need to cause aggression and anger in your pet. He should be active, but not particularly embittered. The fact is that guard qualities manifest themselves in the course of work. The owner shows his pet what is important to him, so it is worth taking care of the property.
  2. Regarding hunting breeds, it is worth noting that such behavior is in their blood. With special training, loyal behavior can be achieved. In order for the bite to be correct, you need to wear special equipment and provoke the dog. She will accept this as a danger and will be able to discover her character.
  3. As soon as the dog becomes aggressive and moves towards a potential enemy, he should run away. This way the puppy will become confident in himself and his own abilities. At the moment when the pet grabs the protected hand, you need to resist a little, but then relax. In order for the dog to open its mouth, you need to put your hand in there. You shouldn’t worry about this, because the pet will not be able to harm the owner.

Useful training videos

How to stop a small dog from biting:


Cool photos

If a person cannot teach a puppy to bite on their own, then it is imperative to seek help from a dog handler. You should not refuse to train your dog if it is a smaller breed. Experts recommend observing the behavior of puppies and their mother. They claim that she herself can correct the behavior of children by teaching them to behave well.

When you get another bite from a domestic woolly crocodile, breathe deeply and remind yourself: this period will end one day :)

Of course, it is quite possible that there are other ways to stop puppies from biting. Opinions on this issue are divided, but is there a way out of this situation? Is there another way to stop a puppy from biting?

Many caring owners are frightened when a puppy does not eat well. Someone immediately runs to the doctor, someone tries to put a tastier piece in the dog’s bowl.

But before taking such actions, you should try to figure it out yourself. To do this, you need to take a closer look at the puppy and remember the latest events.

The puppy is not eating, but looks healthy. Why is this happening?

Have you noticed that recently the puppy’s appetite has decreased, although he is still cheerful, plays happily, and enjoys going for walks. It’s worth remembering that perhaps you included unusual foods in his diet and did it too abruptly. Or winter has come and you and your dog begin to spend less time outside and play less.

Due to the decrease in physical activity, her appetite also decreased. It also happens that the puppy simply has not yet developed a clear feeding schedule and he simply does not want to eat at the moment. Then you can simply skip one meal so that your baby is hungry enough.

You can also use other tricks to increase his appetite.

What to do and how to increase your puppy’s appetite?

You should never try to persuade your dog to eat. If food is offered, but the puppy sniffs it and leaves, then you should wait 10 minutes and remove the bowl exactly until the next feeding. Only next time you need to offer the same food, and not something especially tasty, otherwise the dog will deliberately starve, expecting a more preferable menu.

If the puppy is constantly malnourished, then you should offer him only as much as he can eat. Don't fill a bowl full for the whole day. If a dog always has food, his appetite is unpredictable. It is better to adhere to a strict feeding schedule, in which over time the dog will develop an appetite only at the allotted time.

You should also monitor the dog’s activity; it should walk and play enough to have a good appetite. The puppy looks sick. A more alarming situation is when the cause of the lack of appetite is illness. In this case, he will no longer have fun playing.

The puppy appears lethargic and his fur is matted and dull. He may drink frequently, his body temperature may be elevated. There can be quite a few reasons for this condition. For example, intestinal obstruction or disruption of other internal organs, food poisoning, viral or infectious disease.

the mother of the newborn was not harmed during the birth process, then your

The main task is to help the puppy with your active actions

adapt to the new reality, and further care for the baby

provide to mother.

In the event of the death of a bitch, all responsibility for caring for the puppies falls on the breeder.

Low weight puppies are at risk. In small dogs of decorative breeds (Yorkshire terrier, toy terrier, toy poodle, chihuahua), the average weight of a newborn puppy is 100-120 g. A puppy born with a body weight of less than 70 grams does not always have a chance of survival. The breeder's task is to help him adapt and become viable.
Puppies born by cesarean section also deserve close attention; very often they are poisoned by anesthesia at birth, and if the cesarean is not planned, they manage to suffer during a long, unproductive birth.
There is a lot of hassle with puppies that do not cling. First of all, make sure that they do not have a cleft palate (cleft in the palate), such puppies are not viable, since all their food pours out through their nose.

Let's get back to the weak puppies.
The most important thing is to prevent them from hypothermia (in the first days of life, babies have no thermoregulation), we maintain the temperature in the nest at 24°C. (the first 3 days -30") The nest should be small in size so that there is enough space for the bitch and the babies to lie down. When the puppies are 3 weeks old, they begin to crawl, you will move them to a more spacious home.
The main task is to establish breastfeeding. First 1-2

problem babies are often unable to hold the nipple, they

repelled by stronger brothers. Try to feed these little ones

manually, placing and pushing them to the last nipples, there is always more

milk, but be careful that the puppy does not choke.
If the newborn is unable to suck on his own, cold to the touch, all

time squeaks, you will have to feed it from a syringe or a special

bottles (it is included with some types of bitch milk), but first you must warm the baby.
It will be good if you manage to express your mother's milk. By the second day of life, the baby should be suckling independently.

Weigh the puppies regularly; if there is no weight gain, the baby does not suckle from the mother, feeding with bitch milk is necessary. During feeding, hold the puppy in the palm of your hand with its muzzle down, as with natural feeding. Be sure to make sure that the mother licks the puppy (if you have a picky mother, massage the baby’s tummy in a circular motion using cotton wool or a piece of bandage dipped in warm water); he does not know how to empty his bladder and bowels on his own.

Number of feedings
-The first 2 days you need 0.5 ml - 10 times a day (about every 2

hours). In case of poor weight gain, add 4-5 microspheres of the drug Creon 10,000 to milk for 2-3 days with a gradual reduction in dosage
- Day 3 1ml 10 times a day by the end of the week up to 4 ml
-7-14 days - 4-10 ml (we gradually increase the amount) 8 times a day
-14-21 days - 7 times a day (6 hour break at night)
-21-30 days - 6 times a day
from 2 months - 4 times
The branch substitute must be heated to 37-38 degrees.
By the 21st day of life, you can replace part of the milk with supplementary feeding.

Medication assistance for weak puppies

-If the puppy does not maintain body temperature, (you can only feed him

after warming up, otherwise the food will not be digested) it is necessary to drink it

5-10% glucose solution, diluted in half with boiled water, 1 ml per 30 g of puppy weight every hour.
- If the puppy swallowed amniotic fluid during labor - amoxiclav + catosal (0.5 ml s.c.
-Drip placentol 1-2 drops into the mouth every other day for 5-7 days
-Travmatin (veterinary pharmacy) 1 drop every hour - 3 days
-nucleopeptide by mouth 0.2 ml from 3 to 6 days
-Traumeel drip (homeopathic Heel)
-Children's suspension Augmentin
-liarsin - for problems with stool subcutaneously, 0.2 ml
- in case of dehydration (when you pull the skin back, it sticks and does not return to its place), alternate subcutaneous administration of glucose (1-2 ml) + 0.1 ascorbic acid and Ringer-Locke solution (1-2 ml) + 0.1 gamavit every 2 hours 4 times a day

Feeding puppies- this is very hard work, but you will receive incomparable satisfaction when you see the grown puppies.

Video showing one of the feeding options in practice puppies

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