Why does a person's eyes protrude? Causes of exophthalmos of one eye and treatment of a bulging eyeball. Local provoking factors include

Exophthalmos is a bulging or severe displacement of the eyeball caused by damage to the shallow orbit. The pathology occurs in children and adults. It is necessary to undergo an examination not only by an ophthalmologist. Pathologies of many other organs lead to bulging eyes.

Causes of bulging eyes

The main cause of eye protrusion is swelling of the tissues located in the orbit, especially in the retrobulbar region. This appears as a result of inflammatory, neurodystrophic, as well as traumatic or tumor processes. Not only eye diseases lead to such a phenomenon as exophthalmos, but also systemic chronic pathologies, for example:
  • tumor processes;
  • diffuse toxic goiter;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • inflammation of the accessory sinuses;
  • lymphadenosis;
  • hypothalamic syndrome;
  • injuries.
Among the eye diseases that lead to protrusion of the eyeballs are glaucoma, thrombosis of the orbital central vein, and severe myopia. Tumors of the ocular orbit are also often diagnosed when the tumor process leads to a forward displacement of the optic apple.

Types of disease

Bug eyes are classified as unilateral or occurring on both sides. The eyeball may move in the opposite direction from the possible tumor. Exophthalmos, if there is no displacement, is called axial.

The manifestation of the disease on one side is typical for visual pathologies, and bilateral protrusion occurs, for example, with diseases of the thyroid gland.

The intensity of the development of the disease depends on the underlying cause. Tumor growth is often indicated by sluggishly developing exophthalmos. A non-visual cause is indicated by bilateral protrusion of the orbits.

Oculists highlight true, and imaginary exophthalmos. In the case of acquired or congenital asymmetry of the eye sockets, various disorders of the development of the skull, imaginary protruding eyes may occur. These are enlarged palpebral fissures, cranial and facial defects, the so-called “tower” head. True bulging eyes can be tumoral, not caused by inflammation, and inflammatory (old and aggravated).

Protrusion of the eyeballs can be slightly noticeable and clearly manifested when swelling of the eyelids, redness and swelling of the sclera appear. The mobility of both orbits can be significantly limited, and sometimes completely preserved. Pain is often observed. Lack of movement of the eyeballs and their significant lateral displacement are signs of a developing tumor or significant inflammation in the orbital area. Due to incomplete and incorrect closure of the eye, severe bulging eyes occur acute keratitis.

The visual capabilities of the organ may also be impaired. It depends on the severity and main causes of pathological protrusion. Ophthalmologists often diagnose excessive hemorrhage and swelling in the retina, separation of the optic nerve fibers, and neuritis.

Forms of the disease

There are several forms of eye protrusion:
  • hypothalamic-pituitary;
  • pulsating;
  • thyrotoxic;
  • edematous;
  • characteristic of newborns.
Hypothalamic-pituitary exophthalmos caused by pathology of the hypothalamic center, as well as excessive production of thyroid-stimulating hormone. Inflammation occurs in the pituitary gland and hormonal levels are disrupted. Ocular swelling occurs abruptly, protrusion of the eyes rapidly progresses, atrophy of the oculomotor nerves is observed, and sometimes increased intraocular pressure.

If the functioning of the hypothalamus is disrupted, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism, sleep, sexual function, body thermoregulation are disrupted, and mental disorders are observed.

For acute diffuse goiter the disease develops gradually on both sides. Both eyeballs move normally without pain. This form of bulging eyes is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Moebius(weakening of the functioning of the optic nerves when looking at nearby things).
  • Stellvaga(the frequency of involuntary blinks decreases).
  • Dalrymple(if you look down, a white stripe stands out above the eye cornea).
Edema form of bulging eyes appears abruptly. For example, after removal of the thyroid gland. In this case, pain is felt in the orbital region. Edema exophthalmos appears due to excessive production of the important thyroid-stimulating pituitary hormone. The pressure inside the orbit may increase. Changes begin in the cornea, causing visual acuity to be impaired. In particularly severe situations, complex intraocular changes and even an ulcer of the ocular cornea are observed.

Pulsating exophthalmos characterized not only by the protrusion of the eyeballs, but also by their pulsation in time with the heart rhythm. There are real and false protrusions with pulsation. The latter manifests itself in tumors of the brain, internal carotid artery, and aneurysm of the ophthalmic vessels. True pulsating bulging eyes occur as a result of rupture of the carotid artery or eye injury.

Arterial blood enters the eyeball into the superior vein, it expands, and pulsation begins. Twitching often occurs after injury to the face or eye, but a delayed version is also possible. After the blow, a headache occurs, noises in the ears, and then pulsation of the eyeballs appears. It is also felt when palpating the eyelids. Enlarged veins on the face and neck are also observed.

Diagnosis of bulging eyes

During the examination, the ophthalmologist determines the symptoms of the disease. To assess the degree of protrusion and its uniformity, the examination is carried out in the projection from behind and from above. Often a special device is used - a proptosometer or an exophthalmometer with several mirrors. Pathology is considered to be a difference in placement between the eyeballs of 2 mm or more.

First of all, the patient is prescribed a CT scan and x-ray of the eye orbit, which will determine whether there is an ocular pathology. In the absence of eye diseases and tumors, a blood test is prescribed to determine hormonal levels, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and an MRI of the head in case of injuries.

Vascular disorders are determined by angiography. The help of a neurologist, an ENT specialist, an examination by an endocrinologist, and an experienced oncologist is needed.

Treatment of bulging eyes

Therapeutic measures are directly determined by the cause of the pathology. False physiological exophthalmos when the apples bulge up to 2 mm as a result of anomalies of the palpebral fissures and the skull, there is no treatment. This is a physiological phenomenon, but you should still monitor your eyes by visiting an ophthalmologist annually.

Thrombosis of the orbit, tumor phenomena, high myopia are treated by an ophthalmologist and oncologist. An ENT doctor will help if the disease is caused by swelling and inflammation in the sinus cavity. Endocrine disorders are corrected by an endocrinologist. The inflammatory focus is removed with antibiotics.

Sedative therapy and vitamin and mineral supplements are often practiced. X-ray therapy is performed on the orbital area or pituitary gland. For diffuse goiter, diiodotyrosine, mercazolil, radioactive iodine, and methylthiouracil are prescribed. A pressure eye patch and local X-rays help eliminate exophthalmos with pulsation after injuries.

Special symptomatic treatment is prescribed if bulging eyes are accompanied by swelling, pain, inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, and disruption of the cornea. In such situations, steroid hormones and anti-allergy drugs are also used.

Surgical treatment is used if conservative drug therapy has not helped, and the eyes are already severely out of their sockets. Under anesthesia, the patient's orbital walls are removed to relieve pressure on the apples.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of different eye diseases: some of them can only be determined using special ophthalmological equipment, while others are clearly identified due to physical changes in the organ of vision.

Exophthalmos is a pathology that can be seen with the naked eye. When it occurs, the eyeball protrudes forward and may be displaced to one side.

The disease is a secondary symptom of some diseases of internal organs or an individual, congenital feature of the body.

What is exophthalmos

With the disease, a gradual increase in tissue volume occurs in the retrobulbar space of the organ of vision, which contributes to protrusion of the eyeball.

Pathological development of tissues occurs due to inflammatory, traumatic or neurodystrophic changes of a local or general nature.

Bug-eyes in the final stages of its development are noticeable to the naked eye. The pathology can progress over several years or develop in two to three weeks.

With significant protrusion, the mobility of the eyeball is limited and vision deteriorates. In case of ophthalmological diseases, exophthalmos, as a rule, develops in one eye, in case of general diseases in both.

The disease develops regardless of the gender and age of the patient.


It is customary to classify illness into imaginary and true.

  • Imaginary exophthalmos is detected with congenital asymmetry of the orbits, widening of the palpebral fissure, and abnormal development of the cranium.
  • True occurs in inflammatory, general diseases, injuries and tumors.

According to the nature of the disease, it is divided into constant, intermittent and pulsating.

  • Constant exophthalmos in most cases occurs due to neoplasms in the orbital cavity.
  • Intermittent occurs due to pathology of the orbital veins. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of protrusion only at the moment of physical stress, during which the blood supply to the vessels of the eye increases.
  • Pulsating form of the disease occurs with the development of an aneurysm of the arteries of the eye, injuries. A characteristic symptom is a pronounced and noticeable pulsation in the eye and the recording of noise in the upper part of the apple when the eyelid is closed. Along with the main symptoms, headache and tinnitus are recorded. Later, the veins on the forehead and temples noticeably expand.
  • Developing quickly hypothalamo-pituitary a form of the disease associated with an increase in the synthesis of pituitary hormones. Swelling of the eyelids increases over several days, chemosis of the conjunctiva is detected, and paresis of the oculomotor nerves develops.

There is usually no pain. Edematous exophthalmos with diffuse toxic goiter can develop both when the thyroid gland malfunctions and after its complete removal, which is associated with hormonal imbalance.


The reasons are divided into general and local.

Local provoking factors include:

  • Inflammatory processes in the orbit or adjacent areas. Local causes also include eye injury, pathology of the eye veins, and neoplasms in the eyeball area.
  • Common causes are diffuse goiter, hydrocephalus, abnormalities of the skull, diseases of the hematopoietic system. Inflammation of the nasal sinuses can also be a provoking factor for exophthalmos.


The clinical picture depends on the degree of protrusion of the eyeball. A barely noticeable protrusion does not cause discomfort to the patient. As the pathology progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Swelling and redness of the sclera.
  • Double vision and decreased vision.
  • Incomplete closure of the eyelids leads to the development of dry sclera, resulting in the development of keratitis.
  • The absence of movement of the eyeball or its severe limitation is a sign of a neoplasm or acute inflammatory process in the orbit.
  • Upon examination, pathological changes in the fundus of the eye are detected - hemorrhages, neuritis, nerve atrophy.

Prolonged compression of the optic nerve and its swelling lead to complete blindness, which cannot be corrected in the future.


Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose exophthalmos by conducting a special study called exophthalmometry. It is performed using an exophthalmometer or a special ruler.

Using a scale with divisions, the doctor determines the size of the cornea and compares the tops of its protrusions. After this, the size of the palpebral fissure and the presence of any eye diseases in which complete closure of the eyelids is impossible are taken into account.

Depending on these data, exophthalmos is divided into mild, moderate and severe. Any values ​​of corneal dimensions during exophthalmometry that exceed 20 mm, as well as a 2 mm greater difference between the highest points of the protruding cornea are considered abnormal. A value of 28 mm or more is considered pronounced.

In parallel with the procedure for measuring the size of the eyes, it is necessary to carry out tests and studies of other organs that may be related to the problem: ultrasound of the thyroid gland, checking the state of the immune system, analyzing hormones, checking for the presence of abnormal processes in the eye sockets using isotope diagnostics and x-rays.


The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture, anamnesis, and a full examination. Exophthalmometry allows you to determine the degree of protrusion.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to establish the underlying cause of the pathology, so the patient is treated not only by ophthalmologists, but also by endocrinologists, otolaryngologists, neurosurgeons, therapists, and neuropathologists.

The main direction of treatment measures is selected based on the identified cause of the pathology.

  • For diseases of the thyroid gland, treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist. Microdoses of iodine, Mercazolil, and radioactive iodine are prescribed. The choice of drug depends on hormone tests. Depending on the level of hormones, pulse therapy using prednisolone may also be prescribed.
  • For inflammatory phenomena, antibiotics, sulfonamides, vitamin therapy, and sedatives are used.
  • Pulsating exophthalmos in case of injury is treated with the use of a pressure bandage, which allows thrombosis of the damaged vessel. Additionally, hemostatic agents are prescribed.
  • Oncological tumors are treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Surgery is used to remove the tumor.
  • If compression of the optic nerve is detected, a decision is made to perform an operation aimed at reducing the pressure in the membranes of the eyes. In some cases, only surgery can minimize the risk of developing complete blindness.


Since in each individual case of the disease the causes may be different, the prognosis will depend on:

  • from a specific diagnosis;
  • from the timeliness of diagnosis;
  • on the severity of exophthalmos;
  • on the correctness of the chosen treatment;
  • from individual characteristics;
  • from the totality of all of the above.

With mild to moderate exophthalmos, the prognosis can be favorable if the exact cause or causes of the disease are identified in time and corrected correctly by contacting specialists.

For any form of exophthalmos, the doctor may recommend surgery (plastic surgery), further actions will depend on the root cause of the eye disease.


First of all, prevention should include a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, giving up bad habits, avoiding stressful situations; This will boost the immunity of the whole body.

If you are being monitored by a doctor due to any disease, then you need to follow all his recommendations so that there are no complications with the disease, which may manifest themselves in diseases of the visual organs.

You should especially protect your head and eyes from injury during hazardous activities, monitor eye hygiene, treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs in a timely manner, and if you suspect a malfunction of the thyroid gland, undergo an examination and a general blood test.


Any disease can develop as a result of inattention to one’s health, this is both a reason for lack of time, and simply an unwillingness to change something. Exophthalmos is also one of these diseases, therefore, in order to avoid a risk to vision or even the danger of losing it completely, it is necessary to follow preventive measures and attend medical consultations.

If you have legitimate concerns about your eye health and your doctor has not confirmed your concerns, visit another doctor to get multiple opinions and make a decision. The disease is always easier to prevent and the chances are much greater if treatment is carried out at an early stage of detection.


Protrusion of the eyeballs occurs due to physiological disorders in the organs of vision. The pathology is caused by an increase in the volume of tissue in the eye orbits. People of different genders and ages face this problem.

Protruding eyes are one of the many symptoms of an ophthalmic disease called exophthalmos. But it can also develop due to other serious disorders in the body.

What is exophthalmos?

- this is a pathological mono or binocular protrusion of the eyeballs from the cavity of their orbits. Bug eyes can be straight or sloping in any direction. In medicine this is a disease included in the section on endocrine ophthalmopathy.

This process, which develops against the background of dysfunction of the immune system, leads to damage to tissues, organs and systems in the human body.

It is easy to notice bulging eyes in yourself or your relatives, because the disease occurs with a visible defect.

Women who are subsequently diagnosed with dysfunction of the endocrine system are more often faced with the problem.

In men, exophthalmos usually develops after an eye injury. Pathology covers all age categories, starting with infants. There is evidence that the disease is directly related to tumors in the cerebellum.


The general clinical manifestations of the disease and their intensity depend on how far the eyeballs have left the orbital cavities. So, if the protrusion is weak and there is no excessive pressure on the optic nerve, then the person does not experience discomfort.

But progressive exophthalmos with strong rolling out causes obvious symptoms:

Most often, exophthalmos accompanies, in which the cornea of ​​the eye gradually loses sensitivity. In more complex cases, the condition of the visual organs worsens and keratitis develops. In this case, the cornea of ​​the eye becomes inflamed, and a characteristic thorn forms in its place.

Long-term pressure on the optic nerve can result in irreversible blindness. It occurs after the death of the optic nerve, due to impaired blood flow and lack of impulse along the nerve fibers from the brain. Therefore, if characteristic symptoms of exophthalmos are detected, one should understand the state of the body and identify factors that negatively affect the organs of vision.

Causes of protruding eyes

In most cases bulging eyes develop against the background of endocrine diseases, which disrupt the functions of all organs and systems in the human body. With this pathology, swelling of the fatty tissue and muscles in the eye sockets leads to scarring.

Most often, both eyes are damaged at once, but there are cases of unilateral exophthalmos. Exophthalmos can appear at any age; in infants, its symptoms indicate congenital diseases.

Less common causes of protruding eyes:

In addition, protruding eyes are detected in people who have congenital, severe inflammation of adipose tissue, and exophthalmos also develops against the background of varicose veins in the organ of vision.

Exophthalmos can be a complication of another pathology - Graves' disease or diffuse toxic goiter. Pathology develops due to a lack of iodine in the body; it provokes the thyroid gland to produce an increased amount of thyroid hormones. They lead to swelling and swelling of the fat pad and eye muscles, causing the development of exophthalmos.

Types of disease

In medicine, this pathology is classified into 3 types:

Protrusion of the eyeballs can be acute or chronic.

Forms of the disease

There is also a division of the disease into forms:

Edema exophthalmos is diagnosed after removal of the thyroid gland; the development of the disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance. If you detect even a slight protrusion of one or two eyes at once, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Modern diagnostics

Differential diagnosis includes a visual examination in the ophthalmologist's office. It is accompanied by a questioning of the patient about concomitant manifestations of pathology. During the examination, the ophthalmologist evaluates changes in the fundus and refraction of the eye, which indicate the nature and severity of the pathological process.

To determine the form and degree of exophthalmos, the following studies are carried out:

The collected data makes it possible to determine the degree of the disease according to Baranov’s classification:

Pulsating exophthalmos is diagnosed using a phonendoscope. The doctor applies the device to the area above the affected eye and listens for pulsation. At the same time, gurgling systolic sounds are clearly audible through the phonendoscope. During listening, the carotid artery is enlarged, and the pulsation stops, but begins a sharp expansion outside the eyeball - in the neck, forehead, temples.

With grade 1 exophthalmos, the pathology almost always occurs without any pronounced symptoms. Most often, pathology is detected during examination of concomitant diseases, if the doctor suspects an unhealthy protrusion of the eyeballs. After conducting all possible studies and receiving the results, the ophthalmologist can send you for an appointment with a neurologist, ENT specialist, neurosurgeon or oncologist.


The treatment regimen directly depends on the cause that provoked the development of bulging eyes. Therapy should be determined based on the severity of a particular disease.

Protrusion of the eyeballs, which develops due to an excess of hormones in the body, requires treatment of the thyroid gland. For this purpose, glucocorticosteroid drugs are used, for example, Prednisolone.

In the presence of diffuse toxic goiter, the doctor prescribes an appointment Mercazolina, Diiodotyrosine, Methylthiouracil or other types of hormonal medications. Radioactive iodine can also be used.

Possible steroid therapy regimen:

Depending on the type of exophthalmos, in addition to steroid drugs, the following are used for treatment:

Urgent hospitalization to a medical facility is necessary if the patient has ulcerative formations on the cornea, complete paralysis of the eyeballs has occurred, or vision is completely impaired.

A successful cure for this disease occurs when doctors managed to eliminate the inflammatory process, and the eyeballs returned to their place. At the same time, it is also important to stabilize hormonal levels to prevent repeated rolling out of the eyes.

A person with such a serious disease needs to strengthen the immune system and nervous system. For these purposes, sedatives and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

To eliminate severe symptoms, you can use the advice of specialists:

  • moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye using special ophthalmic ointments;
  • protect your eyes from the wind, dust and sun rays, glasses with dark lenses;
  • to reduce dryness and irritation mucous membranes of the eyes use;
  • head during sleep should be on a hill to reduce swelling;
  • remove salt from the diet, it retains fluid in the body, which in turn increases pressure on the eyes.

A person in the process of treating bulging eyes should stop driving a car. After all, the pathology is often manifested by blurred vision and double vision, which is dangerous to the health and life of not only the driver, but also pedestrians. With this pathology, it is very dangerous to try to use traditional medicine recipes; the result may be a deterioration in the condition of the eyes.


Because the etiology of eye protrusion may vary from case to case, prognosis will depend on:

  • diagnosis;
  • speed of identifying the cause of the pathology;
  • forms and severity of the disease;
  • treatment regimens;
  • individual characteristics of the patient;
  • accurate compliance with doctor's instructions.

Successful fight against the disease is possible if all the points described above are followed. But displacement of the eyeballs caused by malignant tumors in the visual organs and head leads to irreversible consequences, and the disease has an unfavorable prognosis.

After treatment of exophthalmos, it may be necessary to correct the appearance of the eyes, especially for women. Therefore, you will have to use the services of plastic surgeons.

Prevention of exophthalmos

A wide range of causes leading to protrusion of the eyeballs requires serious preventive measures. First of all, they relate to lifestyle, maintaining general health and non-specific preventive measures.

To exclude the development of exophthalmos it is necessary:

In addition, it is important to regularly examine hormonal levels and the condition of the thyroid gland.


A defect in the form of protruding eyes is a consequence of insufficient attention to one’s health.

After all, many previous diseases made themselves felt with completely obvious symptoms, but the person simply did not want to change anything or did not have enough time to go to a medical institution.

In order not to lose your vision, you need to promptly seek help from an ophthalmologist and related specialists.

Together, medical workers will diagnose, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. But still, it is better to prevent exophthalmos with a healthy lifestyle and a responsible attitude towards your body.

When a person's eyes bulge, this is a symptom that occurs due to certain diseases. The eyeballs move to the side or protrude forward. In medicine, this disease is called exophthalmos. A white gap is clearly visible between the upper eyelid and the iris, while the color of the skin of the upper eyelid changes and darkens. Exophthalmos is treated by ophthalmologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, traumatologists, otolaryngologists and oncologists. It depends on the disease and the person’s condition.

Boggle-eyed Varieties

Bug eyes are divided into three types:

  1. Unilateral- only one eyeball protrudes from the orbit.
  2. Bilateral- both eyeballs protrude.
  3. False goggle eyes- the eyeball protrudes slightly and is considered normal. But such people are at risk and should definitely be observed by a specialist.

Diseases accompanied by bulging eyes

In pathological processes occurring in the body, the cause is exophthalmos. They get rid of bulging eyes only when the disease itself goes away. Bug-eye appears due to three types of disease:

  1. Endocrine system. Thyroid goiter, Graves' disease or thyrotoxicosis. The thyroid gland produces a lot of hormone, the immune system in increased mode produces cells that thicken the eye muscles and cause swelling.
  2. Damage to various body systems. Bulging eyes are caused by: thrombosis of cerebral vessels, aneurysms, fractures of the orbital bones, brain tumors.
  3. Eye diseases. For glaucoma, severe myopia, orbital vein thrombosis, benign and malignant tumors of the orbit.

In order to get rid of bulging eyes, you need to see a doctor with a narrow specialization.

Manifestation and symptoms of bulging eyes

For exophthalmos the person looks unhealthy, as if the eyes were bulging, which negatively affects them and if left untreated, you can completely lose your vision.

  • Eyes water;
  • Feeling of pressure on the eyes;
  • Surrounding objects begin to double and vision decreases;
  • Strabismus may occur;
  • The mobility of the eyeballs is impaired;
  • The eyelids fit tightly to the eyeballs;
  • Swelling of the eyelids appears, the retina, conjunctiva, sclera swell and turn red;
  • Eye pressure increases, which can lead to atrophy;
  • The eyelids do not close completely, which causes dry sclera, and then keratitis can develop.
  • During the examination, fundus disorders are detected (nerve atrophy, hemorrhage, neuritis).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Graves' disease.
  • Hemangioma. A benign tumor that appears in the first days or weeks of life.
  • Histiocytosis.
  • Hyperthyroidism and drug-induced hyperthyroidism.
  • Leukemia. Disease of the hematopoietic system.
  • Neuroblastoma. Malignant tumor.
  • Orbital cellulitis. Infectious inflammation of soft tissues, life-threatening. Most often found in children. Periorbital cellulitis.
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a malignant tumor that appears in childhood and is located in any part of the body and organs.

Diagnosis and treatment

If signs of eye bulging appear, you should consult an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an inspection and make recommendations. If necessary will prescribe a magnetic resonance or computed tomography scan. Laboratory tests are being carried out. Treatment depends on the disease that led to the development of exophthalmos.

For goiter, the function of the thyroid gland is corrected, and medications based on glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. Thyroid hormones capable of increasing the body's energy. And when there is an excess of them, the body has to convert them into energy. A person develops excessive sweating and does not tolerate high temperatures in the environment. They have a constant feeling of hunger and with increased appetite they lose a lot of weight. In addition, the heart rate increases, pain in the heart area and palpitations appear. The person becomes irritable, the function of memory and attention decreases, and he becomes aggressive.

From the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the abdominal area and frequent bowel movements may occur. Reproductive function is impaired: Infertility may occur, and a noticeable decrease in libido. In men, impotence occurs, and in women, coldness occurs. The inferior rectus muscles of the eyes are most often subject to fibrotic changes. In the clinical picture, they look like strabismus and vertical double vision appears.

Treatment of Graves' disease is carried out jointly by an ophthalmologist and an endocrinologist.

Inflammatory processes are treated with antibiotics, but surgery may be required. In case of tumor it is required surgery with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. If the optic nerve is compressed, surgery is performed to remove fatty tissue. If the cornea is damaged, the eyelids are sutured completely or partially.

How to relieve symptoms

  • Maintain eyeballs in constant moisture. For this purpose, ophthalmic ointments are sold and applied at night.
  • It is necessary to wear dark glasses. They have darkened lenses, mask bulging eyes and protect from sunlight and wind.
  • Skip the salt. Its use can form fluid in the body. Avoiding it will help reduce pressure on the eye area.
  • When going to bed, try to keep your head in an elevated position. You will avoid swelling of the eyelids, which increases the appearance of bulging eyes.
  • Use anti-inflammatory eye drops. But do not overuse them, as they can cause vasodilation.

For treatment bulging eyes may go away some years. With prolonged compression of the optic nerve and its swelling, complete blindness occurs, which is incorrigible in the future.

Lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, give up bad habits, avoid stressful situations, engage in moderate physical activity.

The most ideal eye shape is considered to be round, like Aishwarya Rai's, which makes it easy to create beautiful makeup for large eyes.

Look how amazing her eyes look in the photo, which they made into the shape of an tonsil using a black pencil! This eye makeup is suitable only for this type of eyes. If you are the owner of such eyes, then I really envy you)) It should be noted that the eyes of a standard European face are considered small, and on the contrary, they should be enlarged using various make-up techniques.

But even round eyes are not always perfect; they can be excessively large and even bulging. Therefore, it is important to find your own technique for applying shadows and other means of decorating the eyes, and choose the right color scheme, so that all this together helps hide imperfections, emphasizing the beauty of the natural form.

One of the common misconceptions is that only dark tones are shown for large eyes, which is a taboo for narrow eyes for eye makeup with small eyelids, and on the contrary, it is not recommended to use light shades with a pronounced bulge. All this can easily be ignored, since the main thing in eye makeup is the technique of application, the drawing of shadows and the awareness of one’s pros and cons. It must be said that for large eyes you can safely draw dark arrows, stretching out the eyes, but you should not enlarge them with Use a contour pencil or liquid eyeliner to create your own contour, as this will make your eyes look unrealistically huge.

When doing makeup for large eyes, you should remember that using shades of the same color as the iris makes the latter duller than it actually is.

Contrasting shades, on the contrary, enhance the original color and make the eyes brighter and more expressive. It follows from this that to achieve accentuated eye color, you need to use contrasting colors. On green eyes, emphasis is created using red shades, copper, plum, pink and brown; The beauty of brown eyes can best be emphasized with a turquoise or lavender shade; The depth of blue eyes will be highlighted by orange, copper, plum, pink, peach, gray. But, of course, makeup should not be determined by eye color alone; everything here is much more individual, and skin and hair shade and other nuances must be taken into account.

The shape of the eyes itself is also important in choosing the appropriate type of makeup. To make makeup for large round eyes look perfect, you need to follow some important recommendations from makeup artists:

  • With round-shaped makeup, you can lengthen your eyes a little by applying eyeliner along the lash line, starting from the inner corner and gradually expanding the contour to the outer corner. After the shadows are applied to the eyelids, they need to be shaded towards the temporal part;
  • With an almond-shaped neckline, absolutely any type of makeup is suitable, the main thing is to successfully choose a color palette that can best emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the look;
  • Makeup for large bulging eyes is done using dark shades of eye shadow on those parts of the eyelids that protrude. Dark strokes need to be extended slightly upward, in the direction of the eyebrows. Should be used as shadows matte shades, for example, blues, grays, purples and dark blues;
  • If the eyes are at a clear distance from each other, that is, widely spaced, then this feature in appearance can be visually made less noticeable with the help of dark shadows, if you apply them to the inner corners of the eyes, and then shade them well towards the direction of the eyebrows. Eyeliner on the inner corners of the eye will help partially hide the problem.

It is much more difficult to do makeup for bulging eyes, but anyone with this feature in appearance can cope with this task, you just need to know the basic principles of working with paints. The most suitable option in this case is when the work begins with tones of medium intensity, turning into more saturated and dark ones closer to the outer corners of the eyes. If your eyes are bulging, you should avoid pearlescent shades, which enhance the effect of bulging eyes. You can make the shape more almond-shaped using a contour pencil and shadow, extending the line along the lower eyelid beyond the eye, towards the temple.

Large eyes look beautiful and bewitching even without makeup, but well-executed makeup for large eyes will give them additional charm and color, correct them and make them appropriate for the occasion. If you apply makeup carelessly or show excessive imagination, your eye makeup will come out too theatrical. Everything you need for this makeup:

  • Liquid eyeliner or contour pencil;
  • Shadows of the desired shades;
  • Mascara.

Makeup for large eyes: choosing the right color!

Another useful tutorial for daytime makeup for big eyes.

There is no need to be shy about using the opportunities that modern decorative cosmetics provide and using the advice given by professional cosmetologists. Correctly and beautifully done makeup for large eyes will allow you to be irresistible in any situation, no one will pay attention to the cosmetics, everyone will see only flawless eyes.

What is the main charm of large eyes - they do not require enlargement, it is enough just to gracefully frame them and give depth. To do this, only the thinnest, smoothest contour lines are used, which can be perfectly done with liquid eyeliner, which can be replaced by a soft, sharpened eyeliner. When drawing a contour, you need to avoid widening your eyes even more and draw a line along the inner side of the eyelash growth, and not along the outer one. You can express the bottomless depth of your eyes with the help of dark shades of eye shadow: beige and gray tones look ideal in daytime makeup, and brighter and more saturated shades in evening makeup. The central part of the eyelid is covered with shadows, then shading occurs in both directions, crossing the border of the eyelid by half a centimeter.

Makeup for large eyes looks bold and even rough if it uses voluminous mascara. Such eyes do not need to greatly increase the eyelashes, neither in length nor in volume, so you should paint them only in one neat layer, and preferably only on the upper eyelid. Black mascara suits dark girls perfectly, and brown mascara suits fair girls. Also, for a harmonious makeup, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows: they should not be narrowed, since a wide cut neat eyebrow line is good for large eyes. But there are no special rules regarding the shape of the eyebrows; you can give them an arched or straight line, as long as it matches the image as a whole.

And finally, one more video!

In this tutorial we will draw funny bulging eyes on a photo using basic Adobe Photoshop tools.

Final result

Let's start the Photoshop lesson

First you need to open the image ( File > Open(File > Open / Keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl+O’)): ↓

Create a new layer called eye1 base (New Layer(New Layer / Keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl+Shift+N’)).

Using Elliptical Marquee Tools(Oval Marquee Tool / M Key) with the key pressed SHIFT Draw a circle around the dog's eye.

Fill the selection with white ( Paint Bucket Tool(Fill Tool / ‘G’ Key)) and then 2 times By clicking on the layer, enter the following parameters in Blending Options(Layer Style): Bevel and Emboss(Embossing and relief) ↓

Create more 1 layer (New Layer(New Layer / Keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl+Shift+N’)), rename it to eye1 color.

Again with the help Elliptical Marquee Tools(Oval Marquee Tool / M Key) and holding SHIFT draw some more 1 circle.

Right click on the layer eye1 base and select from the menu that opens Copy Layer Style(Copy layer style).

Right click on the layer again eye1 color and select Paste Layer Style(Insert Layer Style).

On layer eye1 color V Blending Options(Layer style) change Color Overlay(Color Overlay): #305fcc.

Almost done! Draw some more 1 small circle in the middle ( Elliptical Marquee Tools(Oval Marquee Tool / M Key) + shift) and fill with black ( Paint Bucket Tool(Fill Tool / ‘G’ Key)).

Merge the layers with the eye (Select the desired layers and press ‘Ctrl+E’ or Menu > Layers > Merge), remove the duplicate ( Layer > Duplicate Layer(Layer > Duplicate Layer / Keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl+J’)) and move ( Move Tool(Move/Key ‘V’)) to the location of the second eye.

That's all.

Final result

Translation: AmouR;
The text was finalized by the PhotoshopPro.ru website team

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

There are quite a few different eye diseases. One of them is bulging eyes. The disease is more of a symptom of another disease. In medicine, protrusion of the eyeball, sometimes moving it to the side, is called exophthalmos. It is characterized by the appearance of a white gap that can be observed between the upper eyelid and the iris. Depending on the underlying disease, treatment of bulging eyes is carried out by neurologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, endocrinologists, traumatologists and oncologists.

Classification of exophthalmos

Most often, doctors divide pathology into imaginary and true. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • true is the result of inflammation, trauma, orbital tumors and diseases of the whole body;
  • The imaginary form manifests itself with abnormal development of the cranium, congenital asymmetry of the orbits, and widening of the eye slit.

There is also a classification according to the course of the pathology:

  • constant exophthalmos. The appearance of this form is facilitated by the identified neoplasm in the orbit;
  • throbbing. It becomes a consequence of injuries and the development of an aneurysm of the ophthalmic arteries. A noticeable symptom is pulsation in the eye. Associated symptoms are constant headaches and a buzzing sound in the auditory organ. At later stages, the veins on the temples and the frontal part of the head begin to increase in size;
  • intermittent. The cause is pathology of the orbital veins. Characterized by bulging of the eye orbits during intense physical exertion.

When a person's eyes bulge, he does not experience pain. If the thyroid gland does not function properly or after its removal, edematous exophthalmos may develop with diffuse toxic goiter. This is due to hormonal imbalance.

What causes pathology?

The causes of this orbital disease are as follows:

  • general: abnormal development of the skull, diffuse goiter, diseases of the hematopoietic system, hydrocephalus, inflammation of the sinuses;
  • local: pathologies of the ophthalmic veins, orbital tumors, eye injuries, inflammation of the orbit.

Symptoms of pathology

A slight protrusion of the eye practically does not cause discomfort to a person. But the longer the deviation progresses, the more signs appear. These include:

  • Decreased visual acuity and double vision.
  • The sclera turns red and swells.
  • A sign of the appearance of a neoplasm or inflammation in the orbit is inactivity of the eyeball.
  • It is possible to develop keratitis due to incomplete closure of the eyelid, which leads to drying of the sclera.
  • Upon examination, doctors detect neuritis, hemorrhages, and nerve atrophy.

Important! If the optic nerve is compressed for a long time, blindness cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is irreversible.

Is it possible to get rid of pathology?

Protruding eyes are treated only after drawing up a complete picture of the deviation through a full examination, medical history, and exophthalmometry. It is also necessary to find out the factors causing the pathology. Therefore, the patient is obliged to visit all doctors to make an accurate diagnosis. Only after it is known what triggered exophthalmos, the doctor prescribes treatment.

If bulging eyes occur as a result of inflammation, doctors prescribe vitamin therapy, sedatives, antibiotics, and sulfonamides.

To treat eyes without surgery, our readers successfully use a proven method. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Read more…

When oncology is diagnosed, they resort to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The tumor is removed through surgery if necessary.

Endocrinologists treat exophthalmos if the reasons for its progression are problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland. After studying the results of hormone tests, doctors prescribe appropriate medications (radioactive iodine, merkazolin). At their discretion, specialists prescribe pulse therapy with prednisolone.

In case of injury, a pressure bandage and hemostatic medications are used.

If compression of the nerve is detected, surgery is necessary. Otherwise, the person faces blindness.

Preventive measures

First you need to take care of your immunity and improve your lifestyle. To do this, give up all bad habits, if any, play sports and protect yourself from stress. Don't forget about proper nutrition. Fresh fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the body. Thanks to healthy food, you can protect yourself from protruding eyes. After all, a common cause of this phenomenon is Trichinella, which is found in raw pig fat.

If a person is seen by a doctor due to any illness, he must follow all his instructions. Otherwise, the result of an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health may be bulging eyes. At the initial stage, the disease does not bring any trouble, but no one is immune from complications.

It is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. Exophthalmos is no exception. In order to see well and not lose your vision forever, do not neglect visits to ophthalmologists, seek advice on every question that arises.

By secret

  • Incredible... You can cure your eyes without surgery!
  • This time.
  • No trips to the doctors!
  • That's two.
  • In less than a month!
  • That's three.

People with thyroid eye disease have suffered from thyroid dysfunction in the past or will in the future

Thyroid disease can affect the eyes, causing the muscles and soft tissues inside the eye socket to swell. This pushes the eyeball forward and causes various eye symptoms. Treatment includes measures to protect the eyes: the use of artificial tears, medications, and in some cases even surgery. The thyroid disease itself also needs to be treated.

Swelling of the muscles and fatty tissue of the eyes

When thyroid disease affects the eyes, there is swelling of the muscles and fatty tissue surrounding the eyeball within the orbit (eye socket). Edema is associated with inflammation of these tissues. There is limited space inside the orbit of the eye, so when the tissues swell, the eyeball moves forward. This causes the clear window at the front of the eye (cornea) to lose its protection. The eyeball cannot move as easily because the muscles now have less control over it. When the disease is very severe, the nerve connections from the eyeball to the brain can become compressed and damaged. This period of swelling is accompanied by healing.

Thyroid eye disease also called thyroid ophthalmopathy, dysthyroid eye disease, ophthalmopathy, or ophthalmic Graves' disease.

Causes of thyroid eye disease

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that is located at the top of the throat (trachea) at the front of the neck. It plays an important role in controlling the rate at which chemical reactions occur in the body's tissues (metabolic rate). The thyroid gland may become overactive or underactive. It is most often associated with an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune diseases and the thyroid gland

The immune system usually creates small proteins (antibodies) that can attack foreign organisms (bacteria, viruses). In people with autoimmune diseases, the immune system produces antibodies against the body's own tissues. It is not yet clear why this happens. Some people develop autoimmune diseases: their immune system attacks the body's own tissues. Autoimmune thyroid disease (See article:) occurs when the body's antibodies attack the gland. In some people, these same antibodies can also attack the tissue surrounding the eyeball. This is a thyroid eye disease. It is not known why this occurs in some people and not others. Therefore, thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune disease that is most often associated with an overactive thyroid gland. In some cases, thyroid eye disease occurs even when the thyroid gland is working normally. However, people with thyroid eye disease usually have a history of thyroid dysfunction or are beginning to experience thyroid dysfunction.

Prevalence of thyroid eye disease

This rare condition affects approximately 16 women and 3 men out of 100,000 people each year. Most of these people have problems with an overactive thyroid gland, which is due to an autoimmune condition. This usually occurs in middle age. Some people have genes that increase their risk of thyroid eye disease. In addition, this risk is increased in smokers.

Symptoms of thyroid eye disease

Symptoms cause swelling in the tissues of the eye socket and push the eyeballs forward: 1) The eyes may become red and irritated because the cornea is affected and poorly lubricated. 2) There may be dry eyes because the production of tears by the lacrimal glands is impaired. 3) Your eyes may hurt. 4) Eyes may appear more prominent. 5) Double vision (diplopia) may develop because the muscles become too swollen to function properly. 6) In the later stages of the disease, vision may become blurry and colors may appear less vibrant. The two eyeballs are not always affected to the same extent.

Diagnosis of thyroid eye disease

The diagnosis can be made simply by examining the eye if thyroid disease is already known. Blood tests are sometimes performed to confirm the diagnosis. Hormone levels in the blood can indicate how well the thyroid gland is functioning. More specific blood tests may be done to measure the level of antibodies in the blood.

You need to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland to see how actively it is working. If your doctor is particularly concerned about eye orbital swelling, he or she may order an MRI, which will determine which tissues are most affected. The doctor should also evaluate how well you see colors as well as your peripheral vision. An eye movement test may be done to show which muscles have been affected by the autoimmune process. These assessments should be carried out throughout the illness.

Treatment of thyroid eye disease

If thyroid eye disease is left untreated, the inflammation should resolve on its own within a few months or years. However, symptoms caused by swelling (such as bulging eyes) may remain permanent because some of the tissue that has been stretched may not always return to its original shape. The goal of treatment is to limit the damage caused during the period of inflammation. Treatment of thyroid eye disease requires joint efforts of an ophthalmologist and an endocrinologist.

Drugs for the treatment of thyroid eye disease

At an early stage of the disease and when the disease is mild, artificial tears are used, but they may not be enough. As the disease progresses, you may need immunosuppressants, a family of drugs that suppress the immune system that produces abnormal antibodies. Commonly used immunosuppressants are steroids such as prednisolone. You may also need to take certain other medications (omeprazole protects the stomach lining) to counteract some of the more common side effects of steroids. If you have a very severe illness, your doctor may prescribe a course of steroids given through an IV.

Surgical treatment of thyroid eye disease

About 5 in 100 people with thyroid eye disease have a severe form of the disease, which causes the optic nerve (the connection from the back of the eyeball to the brain) to shrink. This can damage your entire vision. In this case, the doctor may decide to organize decompression. This is a procedure that creates space in the orbit for inflamed tissue to spread. This relieves pressure on the nerve. In some cases, surgery may be performed to move the eyeballs back. Sometimes surgery to remove pulled muscles allows you to return everything to its place. If there are problems with elongated tissues that need surgical correction after the inflammation has passed, surgery is done in the orbit and then on the muscles.

Other Treatments for Thyroid Eye Disease

If double vision (diplopia) develops, your doctor may prescribe modified glasses that block vision from one eye; or cover your eyes with a special prism to stop diplopia. Radiation therapy (treatment by exposure to a radioactive substance) may be used for some people. The goal is to reduce swelling in the eye. It is used along with other forms of treatment. There are a number of new treatments for thyroid eye disease that are being studied. In addition, the doctor will treat abnormal thyroid function. For this purpose, medications (radioactive iodine) or thyroid surgery will be prescribed.

Advice for patients with thyroid eye disease: 1) Smoking worsens the course of the disease, so give up this bad habit. 2) Bright light can irritate the eyes, in which case sunglasses will be useful. 3) If you drive a car and have double vision, be sure to control it with prism glasses.

Complications of thyroid eye disease. Most people do not develop permanent complications. However, they do occur in some people, especially those whose treatment is delayed or whose disease is severe. More often, complications occur in older people, as well as in smokers and patients with diabetes. Possible complications: 1) damage to the cornea; 2) constant squint or double vision; 3) damage to the optic nerve, which leads to decreased vision or color perception; 4) unsightly appearance.

Complications due to treatment: 1) side effects due to the use of immunosuppressive drugs. 2) side effects due to surgery: double vision (in 15 out of 100 people with thyroid eye disease); loss of vision (less than 1 in 1,000 people with thyroid eye disease).

Thyroid eye disease is a long-term illness. The period of inflammation lasts from several months to several years (usually about two years). However, for most people the condition is mild and requires only the use of artificial tears and regular eye exams. Then this disease goes away on its own. For patients with severe thyroid eye disease, the prognosis depends on how early the diagnosis is made and how intensively treated. About 1 in 4 people will eventually have reduced vision.

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