Detailed cleaning plan by zone - reactive housewives. Planning house cleaning for every day

A correctly drawn up step-by-step apartment cleaning plan allows you to keep your home perfectly clean and spend a minimum of time and effort on it. Housewives can create a special schedule for the days of the week in the form of a table. You can indicate that on Monday the bedroom will be put in order and clean, and on Tuesday the bathroom will be cleaned. It is good to indicate mandatory procedures for each day, such as dusting all surfaces.

In something like spring cleaning, the main thing is to enlist the support and help of your family. After all, tasks can be distributed among household members, and everyone can find a job they can do. You can entrust washing windows and chandeliers to one of the adults, but a child can cope quite well with collecting garbage into bags. Each family member should be assigned to put their own things in order.

It is recommended to start cleaning early in order to have time to do everything planned. Even if it turns out that the work according to plan is done, and there is still time left, there is no need to start a new stage. It is better to devote this time to rest and gain strength for the next point. After all, the key rule when wet cleaning is not to violate the given algorithm and do everything strictly according to plan.

The first step is to make a list of the necessary equipment. You need to check whether everything on the list is in stock - you may have to buy some things. It’s better to do this right away so that during cleaning you don’t waste time shopping around looking for the missing detergent or mop.

Here is a visual list of what you need:

  • washing powder;
  • garbage bags;
  • mop, floor rag;
  • dishwashing detergent, soda, laundry soap;
  • vacuum cleaner, broom and dustpan;
  • paper napkins, newspapers for polishing glass and mirrors;
  • rags, sponges;
  • beater for carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • rubber gloves, apron;
  • bucket or basin;
  • special cleaning products for tiles, bathtubs, furniture, chrome parts;
  • special tools for interior items that require an individual approach.

You need to make sure that the equipment is in good condition: whether there are enough napkins for the entire cleaning period, whether the vacuum cleaner works and whether there are enough garbage bags. Especially when it comes to construction.

Collections of unnecessary things

Everyone in their home has a corner for objects and things that “suddenly come in handy.” They accumulate on the balcony, in the storage room, and mezzanine. They are waiting for their time, which usually never comes. You need to get rid of such things without regret. No one can fix a broken table lamp anyway. It is better to give a tricycle to neighbors who have small children. And a cracked flower pot will be pointless to ever use. Having thrown away all unnecessary things, you can be surprised to notice how spacious your home has suddenly become.

After the room has been cleared of unnecessary things and the garbage has been taken out, you should wash the pantry and balcony, and wipe off the dust from the mezzanines. Carefully arrange things that are left and are really needed.

During the upcoming cleaning, it will be convenient and practical to draw up a plan and follow it point by point:

  • First, you need to remove curtains and curtains from all windows and doors in the room. They accumulate quite a lot of dust. It settles on washed objects and their surfaces. It is also advisable to remove all carpets and rugs not only from the floors, but also from the walls. All these items need to be washed, cleaned, knocked out and folded before the cleaning is completed. It will be more comfortable to walk on a bare floor in slippers or light shoes. Also, from upholstered furniture, you need to remove capes and bed linen, which are sent for washing.
  • Secondly, cleaning should be done from top to bottom and start from the back rooms. It is necessary to remove cobwebs on the ceiling and in the corners of the walls. Wipe dust between furniture and on walls. and lamps. Then windows and radiators.

Rooms: cabinets and shelves

As mentioned above, cleaning begins from the farthest room, gradually moving towards the corridor or hallway. Each room can be cleaned using the same principle. When the curtains, bedspreads and carpets are taken out, they are taken for hanging shelves, bookcases and cabinets. A lot of dust and soot collect at the very top of cabinets and shelves. Once the outside of this furniture is washed, you can clean up the inside. Remove items from shelves and hangers in the closet and from all sides. If necessary, go through things: send some to the wash, and some may not be suitable for wear at all. Everything unnecessary is thrown away, but some things can be found for another purpose: for example, an old towel can be used as a rag.

Good things that remain should be carefully placed on clean shelves and in special containers. Now you can tackle the upholstered furniture. It is cleaned, vacuumed, knocked out and wiped from dust. The floor is washed last.

Kitchen - the face of the hostess

They start with kitchen cabinets. You need to throw away empty boxes, jars and cracked dishes - they will not be useful. You should throw away products that have expired, as well as cereals that have infested insects. After this, the cabinets need to be washed inside and clean dishes and food placed in them, then wipe the cabinets outside.

Cleaning the kitchen is not significantly different from cleaning other rooms. First, they also wipe the ceiling, chandelier, windows and radiators. Then they start cleaning the ventilation grilles and hoods. Clean household appliances and stoves. The refrigerator also needs to be tidied up: remove food from it, defrost it. Wash the shelves and racks, not forgetting the freezer. Sort through the products, throw away everything unnecessary, and put the rest on shelves in the refrigerator. They put order in the lower bedside tables. They are first wiped inside, after removing pots and pans from there. Everything is washed, cleaned and put back in place. Lastly, wash the kitchen furniture and floor.

Bathroom and toilet

Cleaning the bathroom is carried out according to the same algorithm. All things should be taken out: rugs, basins, washcloths, shampoos and other accessories. Then clean the ventilation grilles and put away the cabinets. Treat the surfaces of the bathroom, faucet, and sink with detergent. Pour disinfectant into the toilet. While all this is soaking, you can wash the walls, shelves and door. Then back to the plumbing. Spray the mirror with glass cleaner and wipe it dry with a crumpled newspaper or napkin. The floors are washed last.

Order in the hallway

Another room where a lot of little things are collected is the hallway. Keys, umbrellas, shoes for different seasons - all this needs to be laid out, hung, and cleaned. Things that are out of season should be cleaned and hidden in a bedside table, which must first be wiped clean of dust.

The hallway is the most accessible room. Many different hands and feet leave their marks on different surfaces. Therefore, all furniture, including the front door, must be thoroughly washed both inside and outside. Spray the mirror with detergent and clean with newspaper. Clean the doormat and mop the floor.

Cleanliness is visible in the details

Once a decision has been made, you need to look into all the nooks and crannies. Sometimes one of the family members collects collections of various things. There is more dust accumulating there than might seem at first glance. Therefore, all figurines and small figures need to be cleaned and washed.

Some people have animals or birds living in their homes. Their bowls and trays, cages and bedding also need to be cleaned. Indoor flowers also need to be put in order. Remove dry, yellowed leaves. Wipe off dust from pots and stands.

Photos and paintings on the walls need to be dusted off. Treat glass elements with detergent and wipe with dry newspaper or napkin. The peeled sections of wallpaper need to be re-glued. Damaged baseboards need to be repaired. The next step could be putting things in order in your bag, wallet, or computer.

The last stage is washing. You need to wash all removed curtains, bedspreads and capes. After they dry, they need to be ironed. Then you need to hang the curtains, make the bedspreads and capes. Carpets have been washed and cleaned in advance so they can be installed over clean, dry floors.

Cleaning after renovation

If general cleaning is being done in a room where repair or construction work has been carried out, then the first step will be to remove construction waste. Secondly, they get rid of empty paint cans, other containers, remnants of wallpaper and polyurethane foam. Building materials that will still be useful should be removed or stored in a suitable place. The same goes for tools. Wipe the ceilings and walls from dust and dirt, wash the floor. The next stage is arranging the furniture. Then you can lay carpets, rugs, paths.

We must remember the main thing: it is clean not where they clean, but where they do not litter. If you maintain order and cleanliness throughout the house and do small cleaning regularly, it will go quickly and will not be so labor-intensive.

Each of us at least once had the thought that something was going to happen, and we would start to do everything like genies from a magic lamp. “When I go on vacation, I’ll read more books and watch all the webinars I missed. Once the baby’s colic in the evenings ends, I’ll give myself relaxing baths.” There are many more “ifs” that could be listed. When my second child was born, I realized that the most important thing now is to learn how to make a to-do list for the week so as not to be disappointed in myself, the almighty genie.

From the mass of literature, advice from other mothers, articles and advice on forums, I came up with my own mix on the topic “useful planning of household chores,” which may be useful to you too.

Planning things to do on weekdays

Usually, things come to mind when I'm working with a small child or putting him to bed. I write all these things down in notes on my phone. Thus, I end up with a rather messy schedule. In the evening, every day, I enter my notes into a regular excel file, where I have my own table for each week. I like to take notes in excel because spreadsheets are easy to copy and you can always go back and see what was done and when. The list of routine tasks is always before my eyes and I simply copy the required task into the required cell and do not rewrite the task again and again, as in a paper organizer every week. The things on the list are constantly being updated and, while looking through them, it is impossible to miss something important and necessary. Since the computer is always on and the file is saved on the desktop, there are no accessibility issues.

It’s difficult for me to plan things by the hour, but I easily divide the day into three parts: before 12:00, before 18:00 and after. Each part of the day has its own color in the table.

  • I try to do my daily household chores in the morning and they are always at the top of the list. All I need is to copy them from the general list, which is right there on the sheet, on the day I need.
  • Non-recurring tasks or tasks that need to be done in the middle of the day are highlighted in a different color and located in the center. Thus, they are given visual priority.
  • At the bottom there are usually things that do not require much effort and time, for example, calling and congratulating a friend on her birthday, listening to a recording of a webinar. If I still have something important to do in the evening, I highlight it in bold.
  • I highlight the menu for dinner in a separate line, so it’s easier for me to buy food for the week and my head doesn’t hurt about what to cook. I thought about it once for the whole week and there were no problems.

* You can see my list of household chores for the week in table form in the picture.

Planning with tables

The main thing in this matter is discipline! Since I wrote to myself to clean the refrigerator, it means it needs to be cleaned. For me, keeping such a plan of affairs for the week became a compromise not to get lost in everyday affairs and to get out of the routine gray days when you don’t remember what you did during the day. It is clear that not all cases work out this way, but this is not an end in itself.

Weekend planning

We agreed with our family about this. Everyone has “their own” thing to do: rollerblading, sitting in a cafe with girlfriends, watching boxing, but we definitely go somewhere with our family all together. Everyone chooses a time and enters it into the same file. At the beginning, family members didn’t take this too seriously, but when they saw that everything was going as planned, they quickly got used to it and now often ask to put their important matter in the “file” and check if there is free time there, or they themselves offer a place for joint recreation.

Planning your week is a creative process. At first glance, it may seem, well, how can you forget to wash the dishes or wipe the dust. But when the thought of preparing winter clothes for storage flashes through your head, this thought is transferred to your notes, and then appears on your to-do list for the week, and you can’t forget about it.

We, many mothers and housewives, are prone to self-sacrifice and often forget ourselves in the world of children, husbands, and household chores. But each of us needs very little effort to start making a list of household chores for the week, so that even in the most difficult situations we can find time for ourselves. I was quite able to do this with a simple tool - a table of to-dos for the week. I hope it will become a useful tool for you too.

P.S. And finally, we suggest you take a little break from planning household chores and treat yourself to watching a fun video about how a mother actually works when she is with her baby.

Maria Ivanova, mother of Artem, 8 years old, and Misha, 5 months old, copywriter

Our life. It usually takes a lot of effort, energy and time. People who love cleanliness and comfort are well aware that there is no escape from routine ritual. Wealthier citizens can afford to use the services of housekeepers and cleaning companies. But most often, average citizens, especially women, have to restore order and comfort in their apartments themselves.

And if cleaning cannot be avoided, then it is worth trying to optimize this unpleasant process by thinking through a detailed plan for cleaning the apartment for a week.

Principles of conducting

To begin with, you should understand that even if you have and implement a plan for weekly cleaning of your apartment, the need to perform daily household chores will not disappear. Routine daily tasks If you stop washing the dishes and making the bed every day, then even the most ideal cleaning plan will not have any effect. It will also be necessary to carry out general maintenance periodically. These two rules of daily and global approach to cleaning still need to be followed.

Also, to achieve greater effect, reduce time and effort, and simplify work, you should adhere to the principles of putting things in order:

  • No trash! Get rid of old, dilapidated things, do not clutter the shelves with unnecessary items, and do not turn your apartment into a warehouse.
  • There are no unnecessary, unused things - unnecessary, but in good condition, it is better to give away or sell things. You should only keep what you need at home. Storing things creates additional problems when cleaning.
  • No unnecessary cleaning products - no need to buy a lot of products and equipment for washing and cleaning. For the most part, this is just a marketing ploy; you can easily get by with the usual means.
  • We are looking for helpers - involving older children and husband in cleaning will speed up the process. Household members should know that cleaning is not only a mother’s task, but also a family and household task.
  • Minimalism - the less things there are around, the less time it will take to clean. This is especially true for busy, working people.

When thinking through the details of the plan and where to start cleaning the apartment, it is always worth remembering these principles. Things in the apartment require attention and care. It is much easier to dust off a chest of drawers that has one or two figurines on it than ten. Cluttered cabinets, shelves, and sofas make the cleaning process very difficult. It is better to arrange the interior using a minimum of details, thereby making your work easier.

We do it daily

The apartment cleaning plan for each day should include:

  1. Cleaning the kitchen. A mandatory ritual should be washing dishes and wiping surfaces after cooking and eating. You should return all dishes and kitchen utensils to their places, take out the trash and check for expired food in the refrigerator.
  2. Cleaning the rooms. Make beds, put scattered objects and things in their places, wipe dust on surfaces, ventilate the room.
  3. Wash. If the family is large, then it is advisable not to collect mountains of laundry. This will create additional difficulties for the housewife when she needs to sort out and iron a lot of clothes at the same time.
  4. Floor care. Every day, food debris, debris and sand should be swept up in the cooking area and in the hallway or hallway. If you have small children, you may need to wash the floor daily, or alternate between wet cleaning every other day and using a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Keeping plumbing fixtures and washbasins clean. The well-known flylady system encourages housewives to begin their routine tasks first by cleaning the sink until it shines. In any case, the plumbing must be free of dirt, sand, stains and food debris.

These rituals will be quite enough to maintain visual cleanliness and order.

Places of increased pollution

Also, the apartment cleaning plan for the day should include complex and so-called red zones. These are the places where dirt and germs accumulate most quickly and actively multiply.

Toilet lid - the presence of microbes on the lid is due not so much to the fact that this is a place to relieve natural needs, but to the fact that the lid is often raised and lowered. At the same time, germs and dirt from your hands remain on it.

Door handles - all family members and people coming into the house handle door handles more than once a day, so the number of germs on them is quite significant.

The keyboard of a laptop or computer, remote control buttons - dirt from your fingers is not particularly visible, but if you moisten an ordinary cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the buttons, you may be very surprised how black it turns.

Change sponges at least once a week, since after washing dishes in a humid environment, microbes multiply very quickly.

Kitchen sink - food residues, grease and dirt after washing dishes settle on the bottom and walls of the sink and create a whole breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

Freezer - it turns out that microbes from frozen meat and fish actively populate the freezer, and not all of them die from low temperatures. The inside of the chamber should be thoroughly washed and disinfected every time the refrigerator is defrosted.

Cutting boards - preferably plastic or glass. If you have a dishwasher, wash them in it, and if you don’t, rinse them thoroughly after each use.

Shower Curtains and Shower Heads: Wet environments and dirt after bathing are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Cutlery drawer - it would seem that the cutlery comes clean into the drawer, but often they are still damp and the water creates an environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Such places must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly. Apartment cleaning can be supplemented depending on the characteristics of the family’s life, the number of its members, and lifestyle.

Unloading ourselves

A typical apartment cleaning plan once a week includes washing and vacuuming the floors throughout the entire apartment and dusting surfaces and appliances. Many housewives do laundry and subsequent ironing and sorting of laundry on the same day. All these actions in one day lead to the accumulation of fatigue, to the creation of a nervous atmosphere in the family when trying to attract members of the household, and ultimately to the fatigue of the housewife.

It makes more sense to distribute tasks for the week evenly across zones and do everything gradually. This will increase the productivity and efficiency of cleaning, but at the same time you will not have to spend the whole day devoting yourself only to everyday life.

In parts

Many people get lost, thinking through tasks for the week, and cannot decide how and where to start cleaning the apartment. The zone division plan allows for cleaning in several stages. This is a great option for keeping your apartment tidy, you will never have it dirty.

Once you get the hang of it, you will spend no more than half an hour a day on each zone, but again, it all depends on your intended goals. So, you can brush off the dust and wipe the floor on the balcony in 20 minutes, but re-sorting the contents of the closet and cleaning it takes an additional half hour.

  1. Monday: corridor, hallway. First, we remove unnecessary items that interfere with cleaning, clutter up the space and create a feeling of chaos. We get rid of old checks and receipts, boxes. We hide out-of-season clothes and shoes in closets, leaving only what is necessary for a specific period of the year. We wash the floor, wipe off dust from doors, furniture, lamps, and clean the mirror.
  2. Tuesday: kitchen. We remove items from the kitchen table and countertops that are not related to cooking. These could be toys, newspapers, medicines and more. We wipe dust on window sills, tables, work surfaces, and lamps. We clean the refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher from dirt inside and out. Cleaning the trash can. Cleaning the sink. Cleaning the stove. Finally, vacuum and wash the floor.
  3. Environment: bathroom and toilet. Cleaning the bathroom can be combined with laundry. Cleaning the bathtub and washbasin. We wipe the tiles. We look through cosmetics and body care products to see if they are needed, leaving only those that are used. We change the towels for fresh ones. At the end I wash the floor. In the toilet, we clean the toilet, wipe the tiles, wash the floor, take out the trash.
  4. Thursday: rooms. We put things in their places, remove unnecessary things, get rid of garbage. We wipe dust on dressers, cabinets, cabinets, doors and window sills. In the nursery we put toys and books in order. We vacuum and wash the floors.
  5. Friday: pantry, balcony. We are working on the far corners of the apartment. If they are kept in proper condition and do not contain mountains of rubbish, cleaning goes quickly. It is enough to wipe the dust, vacuum and wash the floor.
  6. Saturday: add some coziness. On this day you can do more pleasant things that you often don’t get around to. Replace the curtain or tablecloth with a more beautiful one, hang a picture or photo on the wall, or do something else that will help decorate the apartment and add coziness.
  7. Sunday: plans and rest. After a week-long marathon, you can relax and take care of yourself or spend time with your family. You can take 10-15 minutes and think through the details of cleaning for the coming week and make shopping lists.

This weekly apartment cleaning plan is not a strict regulation that must be strictly followed. In some families, it will be enough to wash the floor once a week, in others - every other day or two, and if there are small children, wet cleaning may be required every day.

On assignments

When performing cleaning tasks, the scope of activity changes every day. This approach to the apartment cleaning plan allows you to change your occupation every day, and the cleaning process becomes less monotonous.

  • Day one: caring for household appliances. We wipe down all surfaces of household appliances in the kitchen and bathroom. In the kitchen there are stains from hand marks, when cooking, from food on the facades, microwave, oven, refrigerator. To keep your kitchen looking tidy, you should wipe away such marks with alcohol-containing wipes.
  • Day two: washing. We wash, iron and put the laundry in its place.
  • Day three: wet cleaning. We vacuum, dust and wash the floor. We water indoor plants and wipe down window sills.
  • Day four: we take care of the plumbing and bathroom fixtures. Cleaning sinks, bathtubs and toilets
  • Day five: cleaning the kitchen. The kitchen is the most popular place in the apartment and at the same time the most polluted. This area requires increased attention and it would be a good idea to additionally clean areas of particular contamination once a week.
  • Day six: we pay attention to storage and organization. We are improving storage systems, getting rid of unnecessary things, and putting away things that are out of season. Order will make cleaning much easier.

For people who spend a lot of time at work

There are no particularly fundamental differences in the tasks when cleaning is carried out by people busy at work. You have to perform the same manipulations to maintain order, do them after a hard day or devote the weekend. The following rules will help make cleaning easier for working people:

  • Separation, delegation of powers - involving the husband and grown-up children in the cleaning process will relieve the tired mother.
  • Optimization and time tracking - it is better to think in advance what exactly and in what time you want to do after work, without being distracted by listening to music, watching news and TV shows.
  • Attracting outside help - it is rational to resort to the help of housekeepers or cleaning companies if you know that during the same time you will earn more than you pay for the services.
  • Minimalism in the premises - restraint in details and objects will make cleaning easier and help you cope with routine tasks faster.

A weekly apartment cleaning plan for working people might look something like this:

  • The first day is washing.
  • The second day is ironing and sorting clothes.
  • The third day is caring for plumbing, bathroom and toilet.
  • Day four - wet cleaning (floors, dust).
  • Day five - keeping the kitchen clean.
  • Day six - cleaning up unnecessary things, putting them in places and on shelves.

Adjustments to the apartment cleaning plan are inevitable given the busy schedules of all family members in working families.

Marathon of tasks for 30 days

An apartment cleaning plan for a month covers more tasks than for a week.

Cleaning object

What we do

With my alcohol-containing composition or napkins

Mirrors, paintings, photos

My special glass cleaner

Children's soft toys


Wipe down shelves, remove crumbs and food debris

Washing machine

We clean the drum, clear clogged filters from threads and dirt


Add salt, clean the filters from pieces of food

Computer, TV

We wipe the screens with alcohol wipes and clean the keyboard from dirt and dust.

Cutlery drawer

We wash and disinfect the storage area of ​​the devices.

We clean the inner surface, grilles and door from grease

We clean and vacuum the furniture surface, remove stains and dirt

We put things in order inside, get rid of unnecessary things, put things away out of season

We remove grease, clean and disinfect

Completing all points of the apartment cleaning plan at least once a month will help maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment.

Cleaning up globally

A well-thought-out plan for general cleaning of the apartment will help you not to forget about remote corners and keep them clean. Typically, general cleaning is carried out once every six months. Depending on the desire, strength and time available, you can clean globally more often - once every couple of months, or less often - once a year.

When paying attention to tasks that are not performed weekly and monthly (washing windows, washing curtains, bedspreads, cleaning carpets). The question often arises of where to start general cleaning of an apartment. An action plan will help answer this question.

Windows, textiles

We remove and wash curtains and curtains, wash windows and window sills, wash bedspreads and blankets

We thoroughly wipe the furniture from dust, polish if necessary, move and wash the floor behind the furniture, in hard-to-reach places, wash the baseboards

Global decluttering

We get rid of old things, broken household appliances, children's supplies that are small or not used

Cabinets, racks, walls, indoor plants

It is necessary to remove dust from books, dishes, flowers, ventilate cabinets and remove dust in them and above

Carpets, pillows, mattresses

We knock out carpets outside, ventilate mattresses and pillows

Thoroughly wash tiles in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet

General cleaning by zone

A plan for general cleaning of an apartment by zone involves sequentially thoroughly putting things in order in each living space. The actions will be approximately the same, only they are carried out in turn in each room.

The plan for general cleaning of an apartment may differ from one housewife to another and may include other items, but in general the tasks will be similar.

I continue to add pages to mine, and I hope yours. I also continue to plan cleaning. This time I suggest you download and fill out a worksheet with a weekly cleaning schedule for your home.

I'll tell you a little about this.

I made 2 sheets. one is already filled out, for those who are interested in my schedule and for whom such a schedule will suit. And a blank form - you can fill it out yourself.

I built my schedule as follows. Every day I have repetitive routine tasks, and general cleaning of the house (Weekly house blessing hour, like the Fly Lady), I “scattered” it throughout the week. On Saturday I do things as usual. On this day, it is mainly the father who takes care of the daughter. Therefore, this is kind of my personal “fasting” day. Well, Sunday is our family day. The only things I have planned for this day are those that have already, one might say, become a habit. Such as making the bed or wiping down the sink.

I'll tell you a little about some points. Don’t be confused by such a point as washing the floors every day. No, I'm not some kind of clean-minded housewife. We just have 3 cats! so the fur and other cat joy immediately make themselves felt. But, nevertheless, this is not an item that I impeccably fulfill every day - it is a kind of reminder: “If you have time, wash it!” But, if I missed washing the floors yesterday, I must wash them today. But the “sweep the hallway and kitchen” item on Saturday is mandatory. that is, even if I have catastrophic time pressure, I must find 3 minutes to sweep.
By the way, in this schedule, despite the fact that it cleaning plan, there are items such as creating a menu and a to-do list for the next week.

I included them here because planning is like a hobby for me! I’m ready to sit and plan all day long, filling out beautiful signs! ABOUT! I love planning! So, sometimes I get so carried away with planning that I forget about my household chores and work. To make sure this happened as rarely as possible, I noted these points during regular working days. and I try to devote time to this exclusively these days. During the week, of course, I check my to-do lists for the day, but this is an adjustment, not a compilation)).

And it’s not easy for me to plan my menu on Saturday! On Sunday, the whole family goes for a walk, and when we return, we go to the supermarket to buy groceries with a menu plan for the week and a list of necessary products. Moreover, we have a small family tradition, I call it “Dish of the Week”. Every Sunday we all together, and of course our three-year-old Mashenka too, prepare some unusual dinner. But I will tell you about this tradition a little later.

It is impossible to achieve order without daily cleaning. These simple activities can significantly reduce your weekly cleaning time. So, what places in the apartment need to be washed every day?


Dishes should always be clean. At the same time, it is best to wash it immediately after eating, rather than accumulating it in the sink and then washing off dried food residues in the evening. How nice it will be to start cooking dinner right away without first washing the pots and pans.

Kitchen sink

One of the dirtiest places in the house is the kitchen sink. Leftover food coupled with a moist environment creates ideal conditions for the development of bacteria, mold and mildew. Therefore, thoroughly clean the sink after each dishwashing. And also fill the sink with boiling water every two to three days.

Kitchen towels

There should be several towels in the kitchen: for hands, dishes and work surfaces. If you use only one, there is a risk of bacteria transferring from the fabric to plates and washed vegetables and fruits. Moreover, various pathogenic microorganisms develop on wet towels. Change kitchen towels every day, wash them at the highest temperature allowed, and then iron or dry them.

Cutting board

Wash your cutting board every day. Wash it with a sponge and detergent, and then rinse thoroughly with hot water. If you use a dishwasher, place the board down each time you start the machine.

Unfolding things

This item must be included in the daily cleaning schedule. Put clothes in the closet, dirty clothes in the laundry basket, magazines in the newspaper rack, and books back on the shelf. Train yourself and your household not to throw things around and immediately return them to their place. This useful habit will save a huge amount of time and nerves.

Once a week

Weekly cleaning schedule includes wet cleaning of the entire house, cleaning and disinfection of some things. You can complete these duties in one day, or you can stretch them out over the whole week.


Wash floors and wipe dust from all surfaces once a week. If you cook every day or have small children in the house, you may need to wet clean some rooms more often.

Bed sheets

During sleep, a person loses a lot of skin cells and sweat. Both attract dust mites. These mites are harmless, but their waste products are powerful allergens that can cause allergies and even asthma. To get rid of them, you need to wash your bed linen weekly at maximum temperature, and then iron it on the “cotton” setting.

Carpets and furniture

Don't let your family carry food around the house. Vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture weekly using a special attachment.

Door handles, switches and control panels

Every family member touches these things dozens of times a day, so bacteria multiply and spread throughout the house. Every week, wash door handles and switches with soap and water, and wipe the remote control with wet wipes. If someone in the family is sick, do this every day.

Toilet and bath

It is enough to rinse the bathtub with water every time after use, and wash it with cleaning products once a week. Dirt that remains on the toilet should also be removed immediately. General cleaning of the toilet is carried out weekly.

Once a month

These surfaces do not get dirty so quickly, but once a month it is still worth remembering about them and washing them thoroughly. Use this monthly apartment cleaning schedule.


Defrost the refrigerator, remove all contents, and throw away spoiled or expired food. To remove bacteria, wash all compartments of the refrigerator with a sponge, warm water and soap.

Microwave and oven

These kitchen appliances need to be wiped down every time after use. And once a month, give them a thorough cleaning. Remember that the inside of the microwave is coated with a special coating that reflects microwave radiation, so it cannot be washed with products containing abrasive particles.


In your monthly cleaning schedule, do not forget to include washing the windows, because they are where sunlight enters the apartment. It is better to wash windows in cloudy, windless weather. Otherwise, in direct sunlight, the glass will dry out quickly, and then it will be impossible to wash the windows without streaks.

Cutlery drawer

It would seem, why wash the cutlery drawer if you put clean spoons and forks in it? In fact, damp appliances cause germs, fungi, and mold to grow in the drawer. And then it all ends up on the spoons with which you eat. Once a month, remove all appliances, rinse with warm water, and clean the holes and grilles with a brush.

Once a year

Of course, these things will not be offended if you, without following a cleaning schedule, clean them more often, for example, once a season. But washing them less often than once a year is contraindicated!

Blinds and curtains

Washing curtains and cleaning blinds once a year is sufficient. But if you live in a big city and dust accumulates faster, then this should be done as it gets dirty. Do not forget that dust can cause various respiratory diseases. Machine wash curtains or dry clean them, and vacuum blinds using a special attachment.


Even though you vacuum your carpets regularly, they still need a thorough cleaning once a year. They can be cleaned with a special shampoo using a vacuum cleaner with appropriate functions, or you can call specialists from a cleaning company. The main thing is to dry the carpets well after wet cleaning, since mold immediately develops under wet coverings.


Clean the lamps annually; dust and dirt accumulated on them can dim the light from the bulbs by 30%. Turn off the power before starting work. Carefully remove the parts of the chandelier and wash them with water, and wipe what cannot be removed with a damp cloth.

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