Teaching reading. Comprehensive reading program. Glen Doman's Global Reading

A bunch of. And the choice of the optimal one will depend on many factors, in particular the age of the baby and his readiness to perceive this or that information.

All approaches to teaching reading can be divided into 4 types:

  • analytical-syntactic;
  • subjunctive;
  • reading whole words;
  • warehouse

In modern Russian schools, the first of these methods is used. Based on the teaching methodology, the unit of reading is sounds, which are subsequently combined into syllables.

Analytical-syntactic syllabic techniques

Analytical-syntactic methods are distinguished by a clear structure of speech units and a clear sequence of teaching order:
“sound → letter → syllable → word → phrase → sentence.”

Their significant difference is that the baby is not asked to immediately learn the alphabet. First, he gets acquainted with sounds, learns to hear them in a word, and analyzes the composition of the word.

A striking example of an analytical-syntactic teaching methodology is the Elkonin-Davydov system.

Elkonin-Davydov developmental analytical-syntactic system

According to this methodology, the learning process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Pre-letter or sound. Games of this period are aimed at teaching the child to hear certain dominant sounds, as well as pronounce them. Examples of such games are onomatopoeia (how a train whistles, how the wind blows), identifying the main sound in poetry and finding a given sound.
  2. Teaching a child to determine the sound composition of a word (what sounds the word consists of, hard and soft consonants).
  3. Sound analysis of a word, when a child learns to count the number of sounds in words and find the stressed sound.
  4. Letter stage. In which the child begins to learn the alphabet.
  5. Composing syllables with learned letters.
  6. Reading words.

Advantages of analytical-syntactic methods:

  • Parents generally understand and are familiar with this system.
  • Children receive a comprehensive understanding of phonetics.
  • Grammar and spelling are easier to learn.
  • Children develop a special sensitivity to the sound and spelling of words, as a result of which they are spared from the mistakes of first-graders (omission of letters, rearrangement of letters).
  • The methods do not contradict the school curriculum; the child does not have to “relearn.”
  • They are perfect for children with speech delays and can be used in parallel with the work of a speech therapist.

Disadvantages of the methods:

  • These methods are better suited for children of senior preschool and primary school age and are difficult to apply for early learning to read, since they require regular classes and exercises that bear little resemblance to play.

Letter subjunctive techniques

The subjunctive method is proposed mainly by foreign authors. It involves studying letters as reading units and then composing words from them (letter-by-letter reading). At the same time, special attention is paid to the comprehensive study of letters and their memorization. The stage of composing syllables in the “pure” subjunctive approach is omitted. An example is the early development system proposed by Montessori.

Teaching reading using the Montessori method

Training begins with a comprehensive acquaintance with letters as an element of language.

The process is divided into three stages:

  1. Introducing the letter as a symbol. The child learns to write letters using special frames, colors them, studies and considers various options for making letters (made of fabric, paper, plastic, various textures and colors).
  2. Studying sounds and relating them to familiar symbols. The child perceives sounds by ear and traces the outline of the named letter with his finger.
  3. Actually teaching reading and writing. Children learn to combine familiar letters and their corresponding sounds into words, phrases and sentences.

Advantages of the technique:

  • A variety of game tasks with toys, templates and manuals.
  • Children quickly learn to read without dividing words into syllables.
  • Since the system is designed for the child to independently familiarize himself with his environment, the baby quickly acquires the skill of independent reading to himself.
  • The materials used in the process not only “teach” how to read, but are also aimed at developing fine motor skills, logic, and analytical and creative thinking.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • Huge labor intensity and high cost at home. Many elements of a developmental environment are required: cards, templates, toys, books, frames, etc.
  • Most of the methods’ classes are designed for a group of children.
  • At the stage of composing whole words from the studied letters, the baby may have difficulties.

Methodology of Olga Soboleva

Among the domestic authors of such techniques, Olga Soboleva can be noted. She also used a creative approach to memorizing letters and sounds using the dominant type of memory, and proposed dividing the learning process into three streams of information (for auditory, kinesthetic and visual learners).

  • Many activities and games are done together with parents.
  • The learning process is easy to organize with one child.
  • There are a significant number of educational materials designed not only for learning letters, but also reading words; a special “Primer Book” has been developed.

All classes take place in the form of a game, but a smooth transition from game tasks to working directly with the book is expected. Olga Soboleva considers the main goal of education to be the need to instill in a child a love of the printed word.

Both noted methods also have age restrictions. It is advisable to use them when the baby is ready to perceive the word not globally, as at a very early age, but shows interest in the individual components of the objects being studied. As a rule, this happens around 3-4 years.

Mixed syllabic techniques

Quite a lot of mixed methods. They do not place such an emphasis on phonetics as with the analytical-syntactic approach, and after learning the letters, the baby moves on to reading syllables (syllabic reading).

The difference between methods close to the subjunctive method is that phonemes are perceived by ear and remembered as if “by themselves.” Sound analysis is not given such close attention, but the scheme: “letter (sound) - syllable - word - phrase - sentence" remains the same.

Those who adhere to this direction recommend starting to study letters not with their full name, but with the corresponding sound (not “be”, but “b”, not “ve”, but “v”). This way, it will be easier for the baby to get used to composing syllables in the future. The author of the first domestic mixed method can be called Professor Ushakov, who proposed in this way to transform the actual subjunctive method, adopted even before the revolution.

Warehouse reading using Zaitsev's cubes

The methodology proposed by Zaitsev is based on warehouses. What distinguishes them from the syllables we are used to is that the syllables always consist of one or two letters (sounds) - a consonant and a vowel, a consonant and a soft or hard sign. They are easier to understand than syllables.

Therefore, you can start teaching your child earlier - at the age of about 2 years. In addition, the method does not involve boring lessons with the alphabet or primer. Warehouses are located on educational material (cubes).

The cubes differ in size (large - hard, small - soft) and color, in addition, various fillers are often put inside (for voiced and voiceless sounds, vowels). A special table is also used, which contains all the warehouses being studied.

Advantages of the technique:

  • The child easily masters the fusion of sounds.
  • You can study starting from 1 year. At the same time, even at an older age it will not be too late to start classes. At the same time, the author himself notes that even at school age the technique can become a “magic wand” that allows you to catch up with peers.
  • There are no letter combinations on the cubes that are not found in the Russian language. The baby will subsequently never write, for example, “zhy” or “shy.”
  • The cubes develop color and spatial perception, ear for music and memory, sense of rhythm, and fine motor skills.
  • The classes do not take much time and take the form of interesting games.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • A child who has learned to read using Zaitsev's cubes has a more difficult time learning phonetics, as the main element of the curriculum in the first grade. He does not understand how to divide a word into its component parts other than according to warehouses.
  • Benefits are quite expensive and quickly become unusable.

The warehouse method is also used by lesser-known authors. On sale, if desired, you can find cards with warehouses, puzzles and other toys.

Early Development Techniques and Whole Word Reading

This is a relatively new approach to literacy education. However, it is gaining more and more adherents, primarily because it seems to many specialists to be the most “natural” way.

Let’s make a reservation right away - these are not just methods for teaching a child to read. This is a different approach to the entire educational process applied to a child.

The younger the child, the better his perception of images is developed, and the brain, as it develops, independently “builds” patterns based on the received images. This is what most early development methods are based on.

The clearest example of this direction is Glen Doman's global reading technique. It is based on the fact that the child is taught from a very early age (the author himself recommends starting at 3-6 months) to perceive images of words depicted on the cards. Thus, learning the words themselves occurs in parallel with memorizing their spelling.

Andrey Manichenko perfectly adapted and developed the foreign methodology. Several books related to the early development of children have been published under his authorship. In addition, parents have the opportunity to purchase ready-made Doman-Manichenko cards, divided into several sets and provided with descriptions of specific games with them.

The advantages of this method are:

  • The baby learns to read almost from birth.
  • Children taught with flashcards not only quickly begin to read, but also quickly accumulate a significant vocabulary.
  • The child almost immediately begins to understand the meaning of what he read, his reading is fluent and expressive.
  • During the game, the child’s visual and auditory memory is trained, which will be noticeable at an older age.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • The older the child, the less applicable the technique. Many parents who tried it came to the conclusion that after 2 years it is no longer worth the effort, since it is already difficult for the child to remember the required amount of information.
  • Labor intensity. Parents need to prepare a huge number of cards and regularly show them to their child repeatedly.
  • Difficulties with mastering the school curriculum. It is not enough to teach a child to read “according to Doman”; later additional lessons in phonetics will be required.
  • Children who have learned to read whole words fluently make mistakes more often than their peers taught using other methods.
  • A baby may get used to a certain font and have difficulty reading familiar words written differently.

A few words in conclusion

As you can see, there are many methods for teaching a child to read. In this article, we examined the most well-known of them and divided them in accordance with the proposed approach. There are no “good” or “bad” among them. And a technique that works perfectly for one child may not show the best results for another.

It is normal to adjust the educational process in accordance with the characteristics of the baby. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to abandon your chosen approach or borrow some solution from another author.

It is permissible to combine different approaches and elements of methods that are similar in content or to “borrow” one of the stages. For example, when studying letters, turn to Olga Soboleva’s method, based on the associative perception of children. And then, as the baby grows up, it will be possible to smoothly switch to the Elkonin-Davydov method.

It’s another matter if the chosen approach as a whole did not justify itself. For example, a baby simply doesn’t want to play with blocks, and every activity turns into torture. In this case, before changing the methodology, you should take a break from classes (2-4 weeks depending on the child’s age) and only then offer him new games based on a different learning principle.

In Russia, children entering school are usually between six and eight years old. The curriculum of general education institutions allows first-graders to quickly master reading, writing and counting literally from scratch. But the realities of life indicate the opposite.

It is impossible to quickly teach a child all basic skills. Therefore, parents should take care of their development in advance. If you do not work with your child at home before school, then the unbearable workload, poor performance and unflattering comparisons with classmates will certainly lead to psychological trauma.

By school, the child should be familiar with reading

Advice: you need to start introducing your child to letters two years before school, and master reading about a year before.

If the child, as prescribed by domestic legislation, goes to first grade at six and a half years old, then he needs to acquire the skills of reading syllables and words from the age of five.

Skills that should be developed in a six year old child

The degree of readiness for reading depends on the level of intellectual development, mental and emotional maturity of the preschooler. After all, the ultimate goal of a parent is to teach the child not to mindlessly reproduce what is written out loud, but to understand the meaning of what is read. Therefore, before you start learning to read, it is important to make sure that:

  • the baby has a sufficient vocabulary;
  • his speech is correct and literate;
  • The child has no obvious defects in sound reproduction.

If a preschooler's vocabulary is small, his speech is replete with errors or defects, it is too early to start reading. At home it is better to work on the overall development of the baby. Through speech therapy exercises, it is important to teach him to pronounce sounds correctly.

Preparation for school should begin at the age of 5

Reading requires long-term attention span. It is impossible to teach reading quickly or with a child who is constantly distracted. A fidget's concentration skills can be developed in a variety of ways, including making pictures from puzzles, painting, and playing with a construction set.

It is important to teach your child to guide a book with his finger or pointer. If this was not enough, and the baby jumps from line to line or often loses the place where he stopped, it is worth cutting out a window in a white sheet and moving it to the desired area.

For most children, reading is hard work. It is important to ensure a positive perception of this process.

Familiarity with letters should begin at 2-3 years of age.

From the age of two or three, a child should be gradually accustomed to books. It is worth focusing on specimens with bright, detailed pictures that can be viewed and described verbally. At six or seven years old, books with large print will be useful for extracurricular reading.

Learning letters

There are different points of view as to whether it is right to memorize all the letters of the alphabet before starting to read. The author of the original methodology for teaching literacy N.S. Zhukova warns against such actions. The primer she developed is built in such a way that the child learns letters gradually. As the number of familiar letters increases, the syllables become more varied and complex, and then turn into words.

Magnetic ABC Zhukova

Parents who decide to follow one of the author's methods of teaching reading should follow the recommendations of their developers. And those who decide to teach their child to read the old-fashioned way don’t have much choice. They have to first memorize the alphabet, and only then start reading. It is advisable to show letters to a child from two to three years of age.

An original way to learn letters

An important point: the child learns consonant letters the way they are read in a word - without the “e” sound. The correct pronunciation is “r”, not “re” or “er”. If this rule is not followed, the child will begin to read the syllable “ra” as “rea” or “era.”

Learning letters is facilitated by their visualization. Cubes with letters, a magnetic alphabet, an interactive poster with the alphabet - any auxiliary equipment will come in handy. To begin with, the child needs to be taught to quickly search for the desired letter among those offered. Later, you can use it to lay out a letter from sticks or matches, sculpt it from plasticine and, finally, write it. For those who confuse letters, it would be correct to suggest that they feel their three-dimensional images with their eyes closed. Tactile sensations help memory.

You need to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds

Tip: when learning vowels, it is important to pay the child’s attention to the sound reproduction pattern. For example, “A” means the mouth is wide open, “y” means the lips are like a tube, “e” means the mouth is stretched to the sides.

Separate rules regarding learning letters

It is important to encourage your child to listen to words and look for the right sounds in them. If the letter “o” is memorized, you can tell the child words that begin with it: cloud, deer, donkey. To check how well the lesson has been learned, alternately with words starting with “o”, correctly offer the child words starting with other letters. In a similar way, a child can quickly be taught to find the desired letter at the end and middle of a word.

It is important to know: the easiest way for a child to identify the initial vowel in a word (especially if it is stressed). It is relatively easy to indicate the final consonant. At the same time, it is very difficult for a baby to identify the initial consonant and the last vowel.

Modeling letters helps you remember them faster

It is useful to write letters with paints and felt-tip pens with your child. It is important that in your imagination, when identifying a sound and a letter, it is not limited to a certain size or color. You can display different fonts in newspapers, on containers and packaging, on signs, etc.

Advice: a child under 6 years old should definitely not be confused by offering him to read capital letters along with printed ones.

Moreover, you should not teach a preschooler to write in cursive at home. The skills acquired at home may not correspond to the teacher’s ideas regarding slant, continuous or separate writing, method of connection, etc.

Reading syllables

It is important that in the perception of a 5-6 year old child, the unit of reading becomes the syllable, and not a separate letter. The letter combination should be perceived by the preschooler as a single graphic element. If you do not pay enough attention to this issue, the skill of reading syllables and words by letter can be fixed in a child for a long time. This will prevent him from reading syllables and perceiving words. A child who has learned the wrong reading method will eventually have to be retrained.

It is worth trying the following method of teaching merging letters into one syllable. One letter is written at the beginning of the line, the other at the end. A connecting arrow is drawn between them. The child is asked to slowly move his finger along it and all this time “pull” (pronounce out drawn out) the first sound. It is enough to pronounce the second sound briefly. Example: A?U is pronounced as “aaau”, N?O as “nnno”.

Leading syllables help smooth pronunciation

As a result of such training, the child should independently, moving his finger along the connecting line, freely read syllables of two letters. Syllables should be offered to the child in the following sequence:

  • consisting of vowels (ao-, ua-);
  • open, consisting of one consonant and one vowel (na-, yes-);
  • closed, consisting of one vowel and one consonant (an-, em-).

Many children find it difficult to determine the sequence of letters in one syllable. For example, they can read “am-” as “ma-” or vice versa. The ability to correctly combine letters in a two-letter syllable must be brought to automaticity. Offering the reading of three- and four-letter syllables is only possible for preschoolers who can read two-letter syllables fluently and fluently.

Reading syllables should not be considered only as preparation for reading words. Reading syllables, especially complex and unusual ones (shpy, vpu, smo, zdra) trains the skills of correct sound pronunciation. Unlike words, the child does not mentally associate abstract syllables with anything, so reading the syllables eliminates the temptation to read at random.

Pictures help you read quickly

Advice: in parallel with reading, it is worth teaching a 6-year-old child to contrast syllables with hard and soft consonants (ma-mya, nu-nyu, ko-kyo). This will help your child write them correctly at school.

Reading words

Traditionally, the simplest words are those consisting of two repeated two-letter open syllables like “mama” and “dada.” Children who have previously trained to read complex syllables can easily master words consisting of one sentence (cat, cancer, sleep, chorus, onion).

When reading words, children may have problems with stress placement. This problem does not have a universal solution. When reading a word, the child will have to “recognize” it. There is only one way to provide him with such an opportunity - by expanding his horizons and vocabulary. It is important that the parent monitors his child’s understanding of the meaning of the words read.

Reading words by syllables - cards

Advice: if a child has problems when transitioning from syllables to words, it is worth simplifying the task for him and dividing the words into syllables with dashes.

Example: mu-ha, lu-na, slo-ny, string-na. If the child does not have such problems, you can immediately read the words that are not written together.

Reading sentences

A 5-6 year old child quickly realizes that a sentence is a complete thought. At this stage, it’s time to introduce your child to punctuation marks (“.”, “!”, “?”). Using them, the little reader must navigate where the sentence ends. To begin with, you should offer your child sentences consisting of two words like “Kolya is walking.”

The transition to reading sentences is easiest

The main difficulty when reading sentences is to remember previous words when reading subsequent ones. The best way to teach your child to form a three-word sentence is as follows.

The first word is read. The child must remember it. Repeating it from memory, he reads the second word and remembers it too. Next, the child repeats the first and second words from memory and reads the third. This is how the composition and understanding of the sentence as a whole is achieved.

Similar materials

Being a parent seems to be more difficult today than ever. Society demands more and more from children, and in order to meet the priorities of the new time, family people have to work very hard. They need to be fully involved in the all-round development of their child. It is important to spend enough time and effort on this, to approach the learning process in a scientifically sound manner, and at the same time, in a childish playful way. Caring for a child carelessly is the same as not caring at all. Indeed, in this delicate matter, not only the result itself is important, but also the learning process, its comfort for the child, the child’s individual interest in the mechanism of play and learning.

One of the most important stages in the development of any preschooler is the formation of reading skills. Today there are many methods that help teach this to a child. For example, there is a method for teaching reading to a preschooler in 15 lessons. Of course, whether you believe or not believe that you can effectively teach a child to read in just two weeks and is not traumatic for a child’s psyche is up to you. However, the existence of many high-quality methods is confirmed by practice. In this article we will look at some of them.

Traditional technique

This teaching method is still one of the most common today. With its help, most of today's adults acquired the skill of reading. Also, this particular technique is now used in absolutely all schools - it is universal.

According to this, it should be done in stages: first letters, then syllables, then words and so on. Awareness of the pattern of combining sounds into whole phrases comes to the child gradually, some take longer than others.

Also, a lot depends on the literal age of the child. A one-year-old baby is quite capable of remembering letters, but he will not be able to master the skill of reading. To do this, it is necessary to be able to understand the patterns inherent in this process, which such a small child is not capable of.

Patience is required. Children often forget what they have just read. The process is new, and sometimes the child sets the pace of the lessons himself.

The main advantage of this method is its reliability. Regardless of a child's abilities, he will learn to read anyway.

Zaitsev cubes

The technique under consideration helps to learn reading through the perception of syllables. It actively uses a variety of cubes, as well as colorful tables. According to some reviews, many parents have some difficulties. They are due to the fact that not everyone is able to decide how it would be correct to use all these teaching aids. Practice has demonstrated that this technique achieves its greatest effectiveness only when interacting in a group. Thus, classes using Zaitsev’s cubes in kindergartens and various development centers will help you get maximum results in minimal time.

Glen Doman Method

The considered method of teaching reading to a preschooler at home implies the skill of perceiving the whole word, and not any of its parts. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this method became known only in the nineties of the last century. Preschoolers are trained using this method through the use of special aids and the most frequent and high-quality communication with the baby.

Advantages of the Doman technique:

  • Suitable for children of any age, even the smallest.
  • Preschoolers learn to read through play, which allows them to enjoy the attention of their parents and gain new knowledge.
  • The system effectively develops memory and provides valuable encyclopedic knowledge.
  • Many Nobel Prize winners were raised using this technique.
  • Teaching reading to preschoolers in this way develops them in a very versatile way.

Disadvantages of Glen Doman's technique

Like any method of teaching a preschooler to read, Doman’s method has its drawbacks. They are as follows:

  • It takes a huge variety of cards to achieve the desired effect. This is extremely difficult and time-consuming if parents decide to make them themselves. Or you can purchase a ready-made kit, which can be somewhat expensive.
  • The method of teaching a preschooler to read recommends showing such cards to the child every day and more than once. In this case, cards that the child has already seen should be replaced promptly and correctly. If this is not done or done irregularly, the effectiveness of the technique may be significantly reduced. This becomes a problem if parents work full time and, accordingly, have other responsibilities, as well as if there are several children in the family.
  • All children are different. Many people find it difficult to sit in one place for a sufficient amount of time. Some children simply do not respond to any cards or quickly forget what they learned yesterday. Kids may try to take away the chew and spoil it. In such cases, this method of teaching a preschooler to read does not work.
  • In elementary school, difficulties may arise in relations with the teacher. This often happens to those children who are not taught using traditional technologies.
  • This is perhaps the main drawback. The baby is not an active participant in the process. Only one sensory system of the child is involved: only visual. Although the baby gains knowledge, he does not learn to reason and analyze. This method of teaching reading to a preschooler should be combined with other, more creative ones.

Step by step training

Teaching children to read consistently requires significant time and effort. It would be reasonable to divide it into a number of stages, which will facilitate the process of developing a new skill for the child. You will have to go through the following steps: the process of learning and memorizing individual letters; development of the ability to read syllables, regardless of their size and complexity; learn to understand the meaning of individual words; be able to understand the meaning of the text as a whole.

Memorizing letters

At the very beginning, the traditional method of teaching a preschooler to read is based on memorizing letters. To begin with, it is important to learn to distinguish them from each other and recognize them among other designations. The next step is reading them.

The method of teaching reading to a preschooler at home recommends that the child name consonant letters as they are pronounced (that is, sounds), and not as they are presented in specialized books. This will speed up the perception process and help the baby understand how to use this information in practice.

Teaching children to read at this stage involves concentrating the child’s attention on new material. To do this, you can hang up images of letters and objects associated with them in the preschooler’s room and throughout the house as a whole. It is also effective to pay attention to familiar signs in the names of signs while walking.

Reading syllables of varying complexity

This stage is fully reflected in Zhukova’s method of teaching reading to a preschooler. It is based on the perception of an individual syllable as a minimal unit. This helps to realize and remember the connections that exist between various syllables and how they should be pronounced. At this stage, the baby usually faces many difficulties. In order to help him cope with them, it is necessary to consciously make this stage of training as clear as possible.

It would be most preferable to speak slowly and clearly, while pronouncing the words as correctly as possible and asking the child to repeat everything after you. Then the baby will get used to the correct version of reading.

In no case should a child be taught to pronounce syllables separately or silently and only then combine them into a single whole. Unfortunately, such a habit can become entrenched in the mind for a long time, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. This is an important nuance in the methodology of teaching reading to preschoolers. Zhukova also focuses on this in her works.

Understanding the meaning of a word read

This stage is the basis for learning synthetic reading. Its basis is the assimilation of meaning. This is the basis for the Starzhinskaya method of teaching reading to preschoolers. The method in question is extremely effective and even necessary. After all, understanding the meaning of what you read becomes the key to reading fluently in the future. By the time the child reaches this stage, the child has enough skills to effectively learn the meaning of words.

It is important that now everything is read at approximately the same pace with which it is pronounced in ordinary daily speech. If this time stretches too long, then it becomes incredibly difficult for the child to guess or feel the meaning.

You need to start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Each time you should clarify with your child what words are unclear to him and what needs to be explained.

Learning to understand the meaning of a whole text

This stage completes the traditional method of teaching preschoolers. Now it’s time to learn to simultaneously understand the meaning of everything the child reads. This requires quite a lot of time, so parents should be patient and not demand too much from the baby. Understanding content is a long and complex process.

Sometimes a child is able to read each word of a sentence absolutely correctly, but cannot understand its meaning. This is due to the presence of a complex combination in the phrase, which fully captured the baby’s attention. And sometimes a preschooler is simply not able to hold all parts of a sentence in his mind at the same time in order to form its meaning. You can overcome this difficulty by repeatedly rereading this text.

Another difficulty is trying to guess the meaning of a sentence based on the first association. And other children begin to constantly skip or replace letters in words. This is due to the fact that the preschooler perceives some general image of the word, using it for other similar linguistic units.

You should not force your child to re-read the same text over and over again. This forms an incorrect associative chain, creating an aggressive-negative attitude of the baby towards this process.

It is important to carefully work through each stage. This directly determines how the child will read in the future and how competently he will write.


The development of your children is entirely in your hands. Of course, today it is not so easy to find time to spend quality time with a child, but nothing should be more important for parents. Therefore, sufficient time and attention should be given to the process of researching and finding a reading teaching method that is suitable for your child.

Sometimes failures will happen. They are inevitable. This has happened to every child, and to you too. This does not mean that your baby is developing worse than others or will never learn to read fluently and understand texts clearly. These failures only indicate that the wrong choice of methodology was made, or parents pay insufficient attention to the process, or classes are held irregularly, or the essence of the method does not contribute to the concentration of attention of this particular child. In any case, you should not be angry with the baby; this is absolutely not his fault. Be reserved, patient, friendly. It is important to be at the same time with your child. If you are one team, victory is close.

Many people today prefer to choose traditional teaching methods, which combine the methods of Zhukova and Starzhinskaya, and in general imply the gradual formation of skills. Such methods have collected a huge number of positive reviews; they are simple and reliable. Every child can master reading with their help. Only the time required for this may differ.

Newer techniques, such as Zaitsev's cubes and the Doman method, are not suitable for every child, but this in no way detracts from their effectiveness. To implement each of them, you need a certain amount of props, for example, a certain number of cards, cubes, tables. They are used as visual material for better perception of new information. As a rule, such methods of learning are positively perceived by children, since they have an obvious play element. The child does not get tired so quickly and is easily involved in the process. A special effect can be achieved if training takes place in a group. The successes of others motivate a child much more than simple personal interest in this process.

It may not be possible to choose the appropriate method the first time. Failures are inevitable. However, don't despair. Your child's well-being deserves every effort you make!

Many modern parents have to teach their children to read even in preschool age. Indeed, in many lyceums and schools, quite serious requirements are placed on first-graders: the child must already be able to read, write and think logically. Of course, these skills make it easier to master during training and quickly integrate into the learning process.

Where to begin?

In fact, preparation for reading begins at a very early age. First of all, it’s worth starting not with reading itself, but with the child’s general cognitive development. Such development is greatly facilitated by simple logic problems, fine motor skills and speech improvement.

Some examples of games for 4 year olds

  • Continue the word . We learn to come up with words, develop imagination and speech.

When throwing the ball into your child’s hands, say the beginning of a word. For example, the syllable “Ma”. And the child, returning the ball to you, must continue it and say “Sha” or “Shina.” Be sure to pronounce the whole word afterwards: Masha or machine. Then complicate it a little and set a specific theme for the hidden words. For example, fruits, transport or names.

  • Sound riddle . Learning to develop memory and auditory attention.

Prepare several children's musical instruments or toys: a pipe, a rattle, a bell, etc. Demonstrate all the sounds one by one so that the child remembers them. Then ask him to turn away and guess which object is making the sound now. Gradually make the game more difficult and alternate several sounds in turn. This game trains auditory attention, which is so necessary when learning to read.

  • Gift for a toy. We learn to identify the first letter in a word and develop imagination.

Celebrate your child's favorite toy. May it be her birthday today. Invite your child to choose a gift for the toy and draw it. The main condition of the game is that the first sound in the name of the gift is the same as the first sound in the name of the toy. For example, gifts for a doll begin only with the letter k: paints, xylophone, cubes. And for the bear - a ball, honey, a car. The more options the child names, the better.

A good aid in such a game would be pictures or cards with various objects depicted. Invite your child to pick up a gift and choose one of those shown in the picture.

This game helps develop the ability to analyze words soundly, which is necessary when reading.

  • Finish it. We learn to complement figures, develop attention and fine motor skills. There are many options for drawing games.

Drawing according to a model teaches the child to concentrate when working with signs, and also contributes to better memorization of letters and the correct reproduction of words when reading.

Learning letters

An integral stage on the path to reading is learning letters. And the more interesting and exciting this process is, the faster the child will learn everything. To make the process of memorizing letters easy and productive, there are several simple rules of pedagogy.

  • It will be easier for a child to remember a letter if he first draws it or molds it himself from plasticine. Another excellent option would be to compose letters from sticks, buttons, pebbles, etc.
  • It is important not to overload the child’s memory and not try to remember more than two letters a day.
  • Learn letters by pronouncing their sounds correctly. For example, pronounce the letter M not with the sound “em”, but with a short “m”. Otherwise, the child will get confused when reading and pronounce syllables incorrectly.
  • You should not start teaching capital letters while your child has not yet mastered all printed letters.
  • To make it easier for your child to remember the letters, let him figure out what each of them looks like. For example, compare them with different objects.

Learning to read by syllables

Currently, there is a lot of educational literature for teaching preschoolers. And each parent selects the most suitable and interesting version of the primer or alphabet for children who are just learning to read. They use various techniques for reading syllables. Somewhere the option of extending sounds is considered, and somewhere transitions from letter to letter in the form of colorful pictures.

In fact, when reading, we no longer think or realize that all the syllables come to us by themselves, because they are pronounced automatically. It is memorization that helps us read quickly and without hesitation. Therefore, teaching children must also be approached with the same goal. Each syllable needs to be pronounced several times, searched for in words and pictures.

Reading the words

When the child has mastered and memorized the combination of syllables well, word reading begins. At this moment, it is important to teach the child to understand the meaning of what he read. This is also facilitated by various puzzles and games with pictures.

Insert letter

This game is very effective for initial learning to read words. It will require three pictures for three-letter words. For example: onion, house and cat. Write the first and last letter under the pictures, and leave a space where the vowel is. Invite your child to guess the missing letter in the word. While completing this task, he will think and select letters one by one. Thus, in this game the child learns to read meaningfully, understands the distinctive meaning of letters, and develops phonemic awareness.

Picture with the word

The most common game with words. Ready-made options are often sold in the form of lotto. It’s easy to do it yourself by preparing pictures in advance and signing words on them in block letters. You need to cut the picture with the word in half so that the child can pick up the two halves of one picture.

Finish the word

For this game you will need several pictures from coloring books or postcards. The initial syllables of words denoting the depicted objects are attached to the pictures with a paper clip. And the endings of words need to be placed in front of the child so that he can choose the appropriate ones.

For a few more secrets and useful tips on how to quickly and correctly teach a child to read, watch the video

When teaching a child to read, it is very important to give tasks in an easy, playful way to maintain interest. The main thing is not to overdo it with the load and select benefits according to the age and abilities of the child. Always show patience and diligence, then your child will definitely be well prepared for school and quickly learn to read.

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