Shih Tzu health problems. Baby Shih Tzu in your home: tips for caring for coat, eyes, ears Video “Funny Shih Tzu breed”

ABSCESS. There is always a danger that under the Shih Tzu's profuse fur the abscess will not be visible at an early stage. The abscess is very painful and should be washed carefully in hot, salted water. Thanks to this, its purulent contents will rise to the head, then the abscess will open, the pus will pour out and the abscess will be emptied. But the washing should continue even after opening the abscess, since it must be completely emptied, and therefore the skin in this place should not be allowed to heal very quickly. If the abscess has not opened, or if there are several of them, you need to consult a veterinarian, who will most likely recommend a course of medication. Abscesses can appear almost anywhere, including near the anus. One of the more common circumstances for the formation of an abscess is a fight with another dog, after which undetected wounds remain on the skin.

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ANAL GLANDS. All dogs have anal glands located on one side or the other of the anus. A Shih Tzu can completely live its entire life without them becoming empty. As I mentioned earlier, it would be prudent to inspect them from time to time. If your Shih Tzu is crawling with his butt on the ground and rubbing his anus, the dog probably has full glands that need to be emptied. If you are not convinced that you can do this without much difficulty without the help of others, you should go to a veterinarian so that he can perform this task, which is usually very simple and painless.

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HEART DISEASES. Occasionally you can find a dog that suddenly dies from a “heart attack,” as we call this condition in humans. But dogs with heart disease may collapse, especially when there is an obstruction that prevents blood flow to the brain. They cannot stand on their feet and lose consciousness. Often in such cases, after a few seconds the dog regains consciousness, and she needs an influx of fresh air. In the case of coronary artery disease (i.e., poor blood supply to the heart muscle), the type of collapse is different - the limbs usually remain stiff and the dog does not lose consciousness. The latter is not particularly common in dogs, but Shih Tzus do have heart disease that is not congenital. Old Shih Tzus may suffer from a weakened heart, as evidenced by a harsh cough and drowsiness, and breathing more frequently than usual. If you consult a veterinarian at the right time, this problem can be completely overcome with a course of pills and diet control.

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LIVER DISEASES. All liver diseases are serious, so at the first sign of one of them you should contact your veterinarian. A relatively simple symptom to see is yellowing of the whites of the eyes and the mucous membranes around the eyes and mouth, as with jaundice. You may also see yellowing on the inside of the ears, which is easier to find in artificial light than in daylight. Other symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and occasional very colored urine.

INSUFFICIENCY OF SALIVARY. If a dog is not eating well, it can sometimes be because he is not producing enough saliva. Put a small and tasty piece of food in her mouth - sometimes this activates the activity of the salivary glands and thereby stimulates the dog's desire to eat.

DENTAL DISEASES. Dogs with short noses tend to lose their incisors earlier than dogs with longer muzzles and a scissor bite. Those puppies whose teeth erupt later than most usually lose them earlier. Perhaps this is due to the fact that their teeth are not rooted deeply enough. It is not uncommon for a dog to lose a tooth without any noticeable suffering, so that the owner does not even notice it until he begins to brush it for the upcoming show. To avoid tooth decay, you need to make sure that there is no tartar on them. If you are not skilled enough to clean your dog's teeth of tartar on your own, this is usually done by a veterinarian, who scrapes off the tartar and grinds the teeth. A dog suffering from toothache usually rubs its head on the ground incessantly and may refuse to eat. You can also see a tumor on her.

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FUNGUS. Dogs that tend to lie on wet grass or other damp places often pick up a microscopic fungus that appears in the form of small dark spots. Usually such spots appear around the nipples or where there is no hair. They may cause irritation. You can cure your dog by rubbing the stains with a substance that the pharmacy will prepare for you from one part chloroform and two parts alcohol. Two wipes with an interval of a certain number of days are usually enough to cope with this problem.

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DEAFNESS. Congenital deafness does not seem to be a widespread problem among Shih Tzus, but complete or partial deafness may be a manifestation of degeneration due to the aging process. It's not always easy to see, but you can usually test your dog's hearing by clapping your hands when the dog is not looking at you and observing his reaction. Just don't clap very close to the dog, because he may gasp and this will give you the wrong idea about the severity of his condition.

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STING. Any dog ​​that has been stung by an insect in the mouth or larynx should be immediately examined by a veterinarian and given an antihistamine injection. Keep the stung dog in a cool place and try to keep the dog's tongue out and his airway clear. The place where dogs get stung most of the time is on the pads of their paws. But it’s not so serious anymore, although it’s more painful. Vinegar is especially helpful against wasp pressure. The area where the pressure was removed after a bite can be moistened with bicarbonate of soda after the pressure itself has been removed with tweezers.

DIARRHEA. It can be caused by a mild cold or a change in diet. In this case, you need to offer the dog chilled boiled water mixed with a small amount of glucose powder. For some time, the Shih Tzu should be kept on a light diet of fish or white meat (chicken, veal). However, diarrhea can be a sign of a much more serious illness, so if you see that your dog is not feeling well, has no appetite or has blood in his stool, you should immediately seek advice from a veterinarian and isolate him from other dogs.

CONSTIPATION. It can be caused by poor nutrition, so this problem can often be cured by changing the feeding program. If you give your dog crackers, try giving them soaked, and if you feed him canned meat, try adding finely chopped green vegetables boiled in slightly salted water. As a temporary measure, you can offer your dog raw dark meat (beef, lamb) or liver without crackers. If you've given your dog bones (which I wouldn't recommend), the pieces may have caused an intestinal obstruction. As a first measure, you can give your dog a teaspoon of olive oil. But if constipation continues, your Shih Tzu should be examined by a veterinarian so that the cause can be found.

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DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Since the Shih Tzu is a short-legged dog with a rather long body, you must be vigilant to ensure that the dog does not develop back diseases. You should take constructive precautions when your dog jumps on and off furniture, especially if it is an older dog. If there are any signs of spinal damage, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. From time to time there may be a complete cure for the dog, but partial paralysis may occur.

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FOREIGN BODIES. stuck in the mouth. If your dog has difficulty closing its mouth, constantly rubs it with its paw, and is drooling heavily, there may be something stuck between or even across its teeth.
Chin puppy dandruff the upper arch of the mouth between the upper canines. If you yourself are unable to remove the item with relative ease, consult your veterinarian immediately, as in addition to the obvious discomfort, your dog will almost certainly experience inflammation from this.

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COPROPHAGY(eating feces). This habit can develop in a bitch after she has raised a litter of puppies. But this usually manifests itself in Shih Tzus during puppyhood. This is a highly unpleasant habit, and although it is often said that coprophagia helps compensate for the lack of protein, vitamins and minerals in the diet, it can also be observed in dogs whose diet is perfectly balanced. There appears to be no reliable cure for this habit, but it is said that adding a little fat or molasses to the dog's food helps. Not to mention that the dog should be persistently weaned from this habit and that feces should be removed as soon as they appear, so that there is no temptation.

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WOOL BALLS. Because Shih Tzus have long hair, they are prone to swallowing hairballs. This can happen when dogs grab each other's fur with their mouths while playing or when a dog licks its own fur. Sometimes a Shih Tzu can regurgitate such a hairball without any fuss or anxiety and without showing any signs of illness or discomfort beforehand. However, hairballs should not be treated as a minor problem as they can cause choking in the dog.

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BALDNESS. This happens when old hair falls out prematurely, before new hair has a chance to grow. This can be caused by changes in hormonal balance and is often seen in bitches who are raising or have recently raised puppies. A course of cortisone or steroids can also cause noticeable hair loss. If the cause of baldness is unknown, you should seek advice from a veterinarian, as this phenomenon can be associated with a number of disorders, including skin diseases.

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POISONING. Initial signs of poisoning may vary, but may include the following: sudden vomiting, muscle spasms. bleeding from exit points such as the gums. The antidote used in such cases depends on the type of poison taken. Remember that a dog can not only eat the poison, but also step on it and then lick it off his paw pads. Contact your veterinarian immediately for treatment. If possible, give him a detailed description of the type of poison your dog came into contact with. When you call your veterinarian, talk to him about whether to artificially induce vomiting in your dog, because this is not recommended for all types of poisoning. Be sure to keep your Shih Tzu warm and calm and provide him with access to fresh air.

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PANT. Logically, this phenomenon should have some special name, but I have never heard it. It's usually not a big deal, but panting can be scary for a new dog owner when they hear it for the first time. It is caused by elongation of the soft palate and is more common in short-nosed dog breeds. The dog suddenly takes short, sharp breaths through the nostrils or mouth. She usually looks quite tense and stands straight, with her head slightly extended forward. This does not happen to all Shih Tzus, but can occur when the dog is very agitated. This "panting" usually lasts only a few seconds or maybe a minute, but you can stop it immediately by closing your dog's nostrils with your fingers and thereby forcing him to breathe only through his mouth - here is a quick and simple solution to this small problem. Of course, there may be other reasons for puffing, such as grass seeds getting into the nasal cavity. If you suspect that it is more than just "panting" but a more serious problem, you should consult your veterinarian.

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DANDRUFF. Dandruff, or dry skin, is a condition that can be treated by adding a small amount of oil to your diet. Try adding a little vegetable oil to each dish. However, if dandruff persists, you should seek veterinary advice because the cause may be a disease of the lower layers of the skin, which should be treated professionally.

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EYE DAMAGE. Shih Tzus usually have a little discharge from their eyes, but if the discharge is more intense than usual or if their eyes are always filled with tears, check to see if anything is irritating them. There is always a danger that, for example, a small grain of sand is stuck in the eye or the eye is scratched during a fight or game. Simple cases can usually be treated with antibiotics, but if there is an eye injury, immediate treatment is essential. If your veterinarian has prescribed eye ointment, hold the neck of the ointment tube some distance from the eye and squeeze the ointment into the inner corner. Then close your eyelids tightly with your fingers so that the ointment is distributed throughout the entire eye. Eye drops are easier to use, but be careful not to touch your eye with the dropper.

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INGUINAL HERNIA. Such hernias, located in the groin area, occur in both males and females, either in one groin or in both. Sometimes they don't show up until the dog is older. In these cases, you should always seek the advice of a veterinarian to determine whether surgery is necessary. No Shih Tzu with this problem should be used for breeding purposes.

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HAY FEVER. Dogs can have pollen allergies just like humans. This manifests itself in the dog's eyes watering excessively and sneezing due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. The best treatment for your Shih Tzu can usually be found through trial and error.

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SHEEP RUNE. Unfortunately, the mite called sheep's fleece can be picked up not only from the sheep themselves, but also from the grass on which they graze. If you are walking your dog in an area where there are sheep, you should be especially vigilant and check your dog's fur and skin when you return home. At first glance, the sheep's fleece resembles a dark blue wart, which increases in size because the tick, whose head pierces deep under the dog's skin, sucks its blood. These mites are very irritating and your dog will likely let you know that he has a problem by continuously scratching and biting the affected area. The most reliable way to remove a tick is to sprinkle it with salt. However, you must make sure that the head is completely out of the skin, otherwise an infection may set in and cause an abscess to form. If you simply try to pull the tick out, you will most likely remove only its body, leaving the head inside.

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CANINE COUGH. There are many different forms of kennel cough, and they are all extremely contagious. The first sign of this viral infection is that the dog seems to be trying to clear its throat, and at first the thought comes that something is stuck in its throat. This uncomfortable noise gradually turns into a hoarse cough. You should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. But don't take your dog into the vet's waiting room. Kennel cough is an infectious disease, and your Shih Tzu should be isolated from all other dogs, not only while she is coughing, but also for several weeks after the cough has stopped. Coughing can lead to bronchitis and is more dangerous in small puppies, older dogs and dogs with heart disease. There are currently vaccines available for kennel cough, and when your dog has other vaccinations, I would advise you to check if any measures are being taken to protect against kennel cough. Some veterinarians now administer this vaccine as a matter of course.

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DRY EYES. This is the drying of the surface of the cornea of ​​the eyes. It is caused by insufficient secretion of the lacrimal gland. Sometimes it leads to conjunctivitis and keratitis in one or both eyes. Dry eyes can result from infection or injury to the tear gland or its nerve. As with other eye diseases, advice from a veterinarian should be sought early. To help keep the eye moist, you can regularly administer special eye drops to your dog to help alleviate the problem.

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RENAL FAILURE. The first signs of kidney failure are excessive thirst and, as a result, increased water consumption and urination. Breathing may become rapid and the dog may age prematurely. Unfortunately, kidney disease occurs occasionally in young dogs, and such problems may be hereditary.

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NAUSEA WHEN TRAVELING. Many Shih Tzus never experience travel nausea at all, but others are unfortunately prone to this problem. Even when your dog was a puppy, you may have noticed whether she suffers from this or not. She often overcomes this problem when she becomes an adult. Travel sickness can manifest itself either as simply excessive salivation, or the dog may vomit all the way to the show. Fortunately, there are very good anti-emetic tablets for dogs available now. They can be purchased at pet stores or at booths at trade shows.

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HEATSTROKE. Extreme caution should be taken not to leave dogs where they are exposed to excessive heat. It's amazing how quickly the heat becomes unbearable in a so-called "ventilated" car, even on a relatively cool day. When it comes to heat stroke, time is of the essence. The dog should be placed in a cool place, the head, neck and shoulder blades should be moistened generously with very cold or ice water. If your dog is unconscious, you should not try to force him to drink, but when he regains consciousness, you can offer him glucose water or a light salt solution.

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EAR INFECTIONS. Because long-haired Shih Tzus have hair that grows very deep in their ears, ear infections can start very easily. For this reason, always check carefully to see if your dog has excess earwax or ear mites. Both can lead to the formation of ulcers. While brushing your dog, inspect its ears at the same time. If there is any sign of foul-smelling discharge from the ear and the ear is red and hot to the touch, you should seek veterinary advice immediately. Ear infections are painful and will almost certainly result in your dog scratching the ear, further increasing the irritation. A dog with an ear infection may also shake its head and tilt its head to the side, usually with the affected ear facing down.

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LAMENESS. One of the most likely causes of sudden lameness in a Shih Tzu is a clump of hair caught between the paw pads and left unnoticed during grooming. The hair sometimes forms a hard ball that presses on the foot of the paw when the dog steps on it. This tight knot should be cut very carefully with scissors. A foreign body, such as a tiny pebble, can also become lodged between the pads and cause sudden lameness. Check to see if lameness is caused by nails that are too long. Of course, there can be many other, more complex reasons why dogs begin to limp, so if after a thorough examination of the paw pads the problem cannot be resolved, you should consult a veterinarian.

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Shih Tzu Health Problems - Shih Tzu Diseases - Shih Tzu Is Sick

Each breed has its own characteristics, and each requires special care. If you have a Shih Tzu puppy in your home, you need to be patient.

After all, in order for a small, affectionate dog to look as delightful as those shown at exhibitions, you will need to devote a lot of time every day to caring for it. If your Shih Tzu is not properly groomed, it will be noticeable even after visiting an expensive hairdresser.

Grooming in English means changing the haircut of an animal. But when they talk about grooming a Shih Tzu, they mean a full range of care for this cute creature:

1. Grooming

The Shih Tzu is a long-haired dog. The unusual appearance of the breed invariably attracts attention. Her silky fur flows and falls all the way to the floor. But in order for a dog’s coat to be healthy, it must be thoroughly combed daily with a hair brush that has flexible bristles. You need to brush your Shih Tzu for a long time to prevent tangles (balls of hair) from forming. It is not recommended to scratch completely dry or wet fur.

2. Eye care

The Shih Tzu's wide-set, round eyes are very expressive. To ensure that they always remain like this, you should monitor their health. There can be many causes of eye inflammation, from getting your own hair in the eye to an infectious infection. If tearing or various discharge is detected, the eyes should be rinsed with a light solution of boric acid and/or applied with regular eye drops. It is also necessary to comb the fur around the eyes, tucking it into a bun above the head.

3. Ear care

You don't need to clean your ears every day. But at least once every 1-2 weeks you definitely need to pluck the hairs in the ear canals. This will prevent bacteria and small debris from accumulating in your ears. After plucking, the pinna is usually washed with 10% hydrogen peroxide.

4. Dental care

The main problem with Shih Tzu teeth is tartar formation. The dog suffers greatly, and it is impossible to cure this disease. Periodically, mechanical removal of tartar can be carried out using a special hook. It's best to see a veterinarian. There is evidence that regular addition of tomatoes and tomato juice to food is a good way to prevent stones.

5. Paw care

Your Shih Tzu's paws should be examined daily. First, you need to trim the fur regularly. Secondly, you should trim your claws in a timely manner. In addition, glass shards, splinters, etc. can get stuck in the delicate skin of a Shih Tzu.

7. Swimming

Shih Tzus love to swim. But during washing, the hair often becomes tangled, especially when the dog has already formed tangles. Therefore, before washing, mats should be combed or cut. When swimming, only the paws should be in the water. After bathing, it is best to wrap your dog in a towel.

8. Haircut

Grooming a Shih Tzu is a necessary procedure, otherwise numerous tangles will form on the coat. The haircut should be done by an experienced hairdresser so that the dog is cut taking into account the characteristics of the breed.

9. Feeding

Nowadays, Shih Tzus are most often fed dry food. An older puppy should be switched to dry food gradually, and the amount of food should not exceed that recommended on the package. With proper feeding you can avoid many diseases and other problems.

10. Communication

They say Shih Tzu dogs are more like people than dogs. They become attached to their owner and really value communication with him. If you pay attention to your dog, it will be healthy and live to a ripe old age.

The Shih Tzu is a small dog with a toy appearance, but despite this, representatives of this breed have good health and excellent immunity. They are the real long-livers of the canine world and live on average 15-17 years, remaining active for a long time.

With proper nutrition and good care, Shih Tzus are healthy, although there are diseases to which representatives of this breed are more susceptible. Due to their short muzzle, Shih Tzus can begin to lose their incisors early. Teeth loss may be accompanied by pain: the dog will begin to rub its head on the floor and refuse to eat. A tumor may appear in the mouth. To prevent dental problems, you need to monitor their occurrence and remove it in time.

Small wounds in thick fur can cause an abscess to develop unnoticeably, especially in hot weather. This is a very painful growth and may require the help of a veterinarian to open it. Abscesses can occur anywhere on a dog's body.

Ear diseases in Shih Tzus are likely due to the fact that they become overgrown with hair and become a favorable environment for the accumulation of excess wax. Untimely care can result in the appearance of ulcers. The dog constantly shakes his head. Therefore, the animal’s ears need to be carefully monitored and cleaned regularly. As a dog gets older, it may experience partial or complete deafness.

Often, Shih Tzus, while grooming themselves, swallow clumps of their luxurious fur. This may result in vomiting or choking. Therefore, it is important to brush your dog regularly.

Due to the peculiarities in the structure of the skull for the Shih Tzu, eye damage becomes a real problem. These problems are manifested by the constant production of tears. You need to carefully examine your eyes, and if there are no obvious signs of damage, you can use regular eye ointment. In more serious cases, you should consult a specialist.

Symptoms of some Shih Tzu diseases

If your Shih Tzu rubs his butt on the floor or ground, this may be a sign that his anal glands need to be emptied.

Older Shih Tzus often have weak hearts. The dog often sleeps, coughs, and its breathing quickens. A timely visit to the veterinarian, proper diet and treatment will help cope with this problem.

If your dog has yellowed whites of his eyes and mucous membranes in his mouth, this may indicate liver disease. In parallel, loss of appetite, constipation, and the release of heavily colored urine may be observed. In such cases, an urgent examination by a specialist and prescription of treatment is necessary.

All photos and articles are taken from open sources and belong to their authors, posted for informational purposes only


Almost all articles are taken from the pages of the site of Kindley Glans and The author of which is: Svetlikina Svetlana

Legends, history of the formation of the breed

The homeland of the Shih Tzu's parents is Tibet - "Top of the World". A land that has given rise to many legends. At the gates of the stone guards of the Forbidden City in Beijing they are called either dogs or lions.

Ancient The legend says that while walking around the world, Buddha was accompanied on the road by a small short-legged dog. But in the blink of an eye she could turn into a huge lion, with Buddha riding on it. Since then, it has been believed that a lion dog standing at the entrance brings prosperity to a home and protects it from evil spirits.

Tibetan dog breeds were formed in the harsh conditions of mountainous Tibet. There was cold in winter, and heat in summer. The Shih Tzu is an ancient breed, DNA analysis shows this; it is about two thousand years old. The parent of the Shih Tzu breed is the Lhasa Apso, which was bred by the Lhasa monks on the basis of temple guard dogs.

In 1908, the Dalai Lama gave a pair of lion dogs to Empress Cixi as a symbol of his gratitude. She highly valued this gift, as she showed great interest in dogs and their breeding. There were about 100 Pikenese in the palace, but she made sure that the two breeds did not mix. Their care was entrusted to the eunuchs of the imperial court. After the death of the empress, eunuchs continued to breed. They changed the little Tibetan, bringing him more and more into harmony with their ideas about the “lion dog”: shortening the muzzle and limbs, widening the head, lengthening the fur. Perhaps there was crossbreeding with other small breeds that were brought to China from Persia, Turkey, and Russia. These dogs were considered messengers of peace. When and how the Shih Tzu was bred is not known exactly, since the life and traditions of the imperial dynasty do not provide any accurate idea of ​​​​those distant times, since dog breeding was kept secret. Therefore, only fairy tales and legends tell about the origin of the Shih Tzu.

For centuries, the Shih Tzu was considered only the privilege of the emperor. The dogs accompanied him everywhere; if they appeared, it was with the emperor. A particularly valuable color was considered golden - the color of emperors, with a white spot on the forehead - the mark of Buddha. These small long-haired Shih Tzu dogs were called the “pearls” of the Empress SI Tzu, whose name is similar to the Shih Tzu. She adored them and herself made the first official description of the Shih Tzu breed. According to the empress’s description, a dog of this breed “moves like a goldfish,” and the color of its coat is “like a lion.”

The reign of the Malzhu dynasty ended in 1911. The country was engulfed in civil war. In 1924, the emperor was forced to flee Beijing. Only a few surviving eunuchs continued to practice the breed. In the early 1930s, dog shows began to be held in Beijing and Shanghai, and “the lion dog became a popular show breed.

Shih Tzu dogs first appeared in England at the end of the 19th century; in 1934, several new dogs of this breed were imported, after which the Shih Tzu was created in 1935. The first club for Shih Tzu lovers, in 1948 the first breed standard was adopted. In the USA the dogs were known only in 1960. The Shih Tzu standard was approved by the American Kennel Club only in 1969.

It is said about Shih Tzus that they are much closer to people than to dogs. and nothing is more appreciated than the love and understanding of people. According to Madame Lu Tse Yen LEE, a dog trainer who gave an excellent description of the Shih Tzu in 1935, “Independence combined with a sense of affection is rarely combined in one breed.” The Shih Tzu often captivates people with its adorable appearance, but the main charm of this dog is its loyal, independent character, as well as its bright personality.

Source: Materials used: E. Popova, World of Dogs

When choosing a Shih Tzu puppy, you need to pay attention to the state of its health, the Shih Tzu puppy should stand firmly on its paws, there should be no swaying when walking, the ears should be clean without plaque, the eyes should be clear, the tail should not have a break, also The veterinary passport must contain vaccination records.

If you decide to purchase a show class puppy for participation in exhibitions and breeding, then you need to buy a Shih Tzu puppy aged 4 months and older. At this age, the quality of a Shih Tzu puppy is more clear. His teeth are starting to change, so you can evaluate his bite, as well as the quality of his coat. The first thing you need to do is get acquainted with his pedigree, how many titled relatives he has. Get an oral description of the puppy from the breeder, what shortcomings and good qualities in his opinion the selected Shih Tzu puppy has. You must make sure where the nursery is registered and where the puppy comes from. Registration of the nursery indicates that this nursery is engaged in pedigree breeding of the breed.

A Shih Tzu puppy must have the following documents: Puppy birth certificate and veterinary passport with vaccination records. The puppy's certificate must bear the seal of the organization in which the puppy was certified (KKU club or breeder). Also, the puppy's mark must be indicated in the puppy's certificate and it must match the puppy's brand. The puppy's mark is located in the groin. The owner receives the puppy's pedigree from the KKU. .

A Shih Tzu puppy appeared in the house

Whoever said that happiness cannot be bought did not buy a puppy!

You have purchased a Shih Tzu puppy - this is a playful and affectionate creature. This dog is a multifaceted creature, but most importantly, he will become an elixir for your soul, the existence of which you have not yet suspected. A Shih Tzu puppy has an amazing aura, spreading peace around him. When you bring your puppy home, cover as much of the floor area as possible with newspapers or absorbent diapers (the puppy will be confused at the new place) for the toilet; as you get to know the apartment, remove the newspapers and move them to the place where the Shih Tzu puppy will have a toilet.

Feeding - if you feed your puppy dry food, I recommend Flatozor, Hills for puppies of small breeds; mixing food from different companies is not recommended. You need to switch to new food gradually, replacing it by 25 percent, provided that you do not feed the food that the breeder fed the puppy . You can use natural food (also switch to a new food gradually) from rice grains and chicken, turkey, beef, as well as stomachs, chicken heart, all boiled, you can give cottage cheese with boiled yolk 2 times a week. Starting from the age of three months, you can introduce treats into the diet in the form of cookies, all kinds of crunches, and chicken feet. TITBIT products are suitable for this. You also need to add a vitamin-mineral complex, calcium-containing supplements, and fat-containing oils with omega 6 acids to your puppy’s diet. I recommend medications from 8in1 and Hokamix.

Bathing and grooming: Ideally, you can bathe your puppy once every 10 days, or more often depending on how dirty the coat is. The water should be warm, but not very hot, you can use shampoos for long-haired dogs, I highly recommend the SPA series. made in the USA. Also, while the puppy is small, you can wash it with shampoo for dry hair used for humans. You can use a rubber mat to bathe your puppy in the bathtub. Wash with shampoo diluted in water, apply with a soft bath sponge 2 times. After washing the puppy, wrap it in a towel and leave for about 15-20 minutes, then dry it with a hairdryer while combing it with a massage brush. For care you will need a massage brush with straight teeth, a slicker brush, and a comb with straight teeth.

Paw care: Puppies grow long claws quickly, so you need to trim them periodically with a nail clipper, and also trim the hair between the toes.

Ear care: The first sign that it is time to take care of the ears is when the puppy scratches the ear; as the hair grows in the ear, it needs to be removed. Pluck several hairs at a time with your fingertips. The ears are cleaned with hydrogen peroxide or a chlorhexidine solution (especially if the puppy scratches the ear), after which they are treated with ear bactericidal powder (I recommend f-m 8in1), which can also be used to quickly remove hairs by treating the shell of the ear with it.

Eye care: Eyes can be wiped with plain water, and in case of inflammation, rinse with levomycin eye drops. When Shih Tzu puppies come into contact with other animals, be careful to avoid injury to the eyes. The eyes are a vulnerable spot in the Shih Tzu.

After changing baby teeth (the norm for changing teeth is from 4 to 6 months, the last canines change) the puppy needs to be vaccinated, preferably a comprehensive one, which includes a rabies vaccine. It is best to do it in a state veterinary clinic. Before vaccination, be sure to treat your Shih Tzu puppy against helmitis 10 days before; I also recommend treating puppies once every 2 months.


Maltese eye care (article)



Caring for a Maltese is similar to caring for other long-haired breeds. However, there are some nuances associated with the white coat of the Maltese. With poor care, the white fur under the Maltese's eyes can darken - so-called “dark streaks” form. The cause of leaks is lacrimation from the eyes, which in the world of dog breeding is referred to as “running eyes.”

In general, all dogs have leaky eyes to one degree or another, regardless of their breed. Tearing from the eyes can be caused by various reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the eyes due to exposure to external irritants (growing hairs in the corners of the eyes of puppies, dust, wind, etc.);
  • some biological processes in the dog’s body (change of teeth, estrus in bitches, eyes can leak in bitches even after giving birth);
  • allergies (to any foods, pollen or certain plants, etc.);
  • an inflammatory process associated with any eye disease (conjunctivitis, etc.). Some of these diseases, unfortunately, can be hereditary and passed on from generation to generation.

The tears secreted by the eye wet the fur under the eyes; with frequent sputum, a fungus forms, especially if the color of the tears is not transparent. The appearance of dogs with dark hair is almost not affected by this. But in light-haired dogs, over time, the hair under the eyes gets dirty, dark stains form, which are then difficult to remove. Unfortunately, these breeds include Maltese dogs. Their snow-white fur is very spoiled by dark stains.

Is it possible to do something to prevent the Maltese from leaking? Of course available! Unless it is a hereditary eye disease, which is quite difficult to cure. But, fortunately, hereditary eye diseases are rare in Maltese dogs. Most often, lacrimation in Maltese is transparent in color and is caused by allergies or changing teeth in puppies, estrus and childbirth in females.

If lacrimation is caused by the change of teeth in puppies, estrus and childbirth in bitches, then it will end on its own when the puppy’s teeth change, and the bitch ends estrus or the postpartum period. Puppies also tear when their eyes become irritated by growing hairs in the corners of their eyes. As soon as the length of the hairs allows, gather them in a ponytail so that they do not injure the eye, and the tears will stop flowing.

If lacrimation is caused by an allergy, you need to try to establish what the allergen is and eliminate it from the diet or habitat of your Maltese (do not walk the dog in a clearing where there are a lot of plants with pollen; exclude the allergen product from the diet). Among the foods that often cause allergies in Maltese, chicken and beets. Currently, there are special hypoallergenic foods, which exclude the most common allergen products. Already about 3 weeks after eliminating the allergen product from your Maltese’s diet, the tearing should stop.

In all the cases described above, the color of the Maltese's tears is transparent. If the tear is not transparent, then this indicates an eye disease (conjunctivitis, etc.). In this case, it is worth contacting a veterinarian so that he can make a diagnosis and recommend the most effective treatment. Most eye diseases in dogs, including Maltese, are fairly easy to treat.

What to do if your Maltese’s lacrimation has been eliminated, but smudges have already formed? Dark stains can be removed! Currently, there are many products to eliminate smudges under the eyes: powders, creams, lotions, nutritional supplements. The choice of one or another product depends on the type of coat of your Maltese. Later in this section I will describe various stain bleaching products and my impressions of using them.

After the stains are removed, for prevention I recommend washing your Maltese’s eyes daily with water and putting a soothing lotion in the eyes.

Maltese kennel “DIVINE ANGEL”.

Remedies for puffiness under the eyes.


Angels' Eyes

volume 30 g, price: 1200 rubles

volume 60 g, price: 1900 rubles

volume 120 g, price: 2900 rubles

volume 240 g, price: 4000 rubles

volume 75 g, price: 1400 rubles


Angels' Eyes is a product specially formulated for dogs with light coats to help rid them of unsightly dark spots under their eyes! Angel eyes also help eliminate staining around the mouth.
Angels' Eyes is a dietary supplement that almost eliminates or significantly reduces lacrimation and makes tears transparent. Due to this, smudges will no longer form and the newly grown hair under the eyes will be completely clean. The stains that formed even before the use of the bioadditive will no longer be fed by new bacteria due to reduced oxidation and will become lighter over time.

Angels` Eyes is a delicious food supplement for pets. However, it does not contain food dyes or wheat, which can have negative effects on your pet.

You can use Angels` Eyes in several ways:



Dog weight


30 grams

enough for:


60 grams

enough for:


enough for:


enough for:

Puppy up to 3 months

(regardless of weight)

1/8 scoop*

120 days
(4 months)

240 days
(8 months)

480 days
(16 months)

960 days
(32 months)

Dog from 0.9 to 2.2 kg

1/4 scoop*

60 days
(2 months)

120 days
(4 months)

240 days
(8 months)

480 days
(16 months)

Dog from 2.2 to 3.5 kg

1/2 scoop*

30 days

60 days
(2 months)

120 days
(4 months)

240 days
(8 months)

Dog from 3.5 to 5.5 kg

3/4 scoop*

20 days

40 days

80 days
(2.5 months)

160 days
(5 months)

Dog over 5.5 kg

1 scoop*

15 days

30 days

60 days
(2 months)

120 days
(4 months)

*Measuring spoon included with Angels` Eyes

Use daily until the tear becomes transparent, the amount of lacrimation decreases and the result satisfies you. The result of use is usually achieved within 5 weeks. After this, it is recommended to continue using supplement for dogs an additional 30 days to consolidate the result.

Each dog, like each person, is individual. Therefore, depending on the individual characteristics of a particular dog, it may take more time to achieve results. Apply Angel eyes can be done for a long time, while observing the following rules:

You can use Angels' Eyes every day for 3 months.

Starting from the 4th month of taking the supplement and up to 6 months, it is necessary to reduce the intake of Angels` Eyes to four times a week.

After 6 months of use, the supplement intake is again reduced to twice a week.

It is not recommended to use the supplement for too long; use Angels` Eyes for a maximum of no more than 9 months.

If after a while the lacrimation becomes profuse again and spots appear again, repeat the procedure.

For the treatment and prevention of dark spots under the eyes, along with the use supplements for dogs also try to eliminate the reasons that may cause your pet's lacrimation and smudges. Here are some useful tips:

1. Monitor your pet's health. Check with your veterinarian at least twice a year for ear infections and ear mites, gum infections, common yeast or bacterial eye infections, and clogged tear ducts.

2. Monitor your pet's diet. Artificial food colors and additives, preservatives, soy, corn, and wheat can cause allergies in dogs. For Maltese, the most common allergens are chicken and beets. This type of food allergy can cause watery eyes and puffy eyes.

3. Watch your pet's appearance. If your pet's whisker hair gets into the eyes, it can also cause infections and irritations. Eyelashes can grow at the wrong angle and rub your eye. Check your pet's eyes regularly. Also avoid getting dust, pollen, loose hairs, or other foreign objects into your pet's eyes. Any foreign object in the eyes can lead to infection, discoloration of tears, and, consequently, to streaks.

Don’t forget to give anti-helmite medications once a quarter. (We recommend not giving Drontal because in our country you can often find counterfeits of this brand)

It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian before using Angels` Eyes.

ATTENTION! Before use, be sure to shake the contents of the jar with the additive several times each time.

How to toilet train a dog...

So, dear baby owners!
Your steps in toilet training your little one will depend on where you prefer for your puppy to relieve himself.
There are two options:
1. At home
2. On the street

Let's start from the street:
If you decide that your dog will constantly walk and do its toilet chores while walking, here are some tips:

You can go out with the puppy for a walk after the end of the two-week quarantine period after the last puppy vaccination. Usually this is 3-3.5 months, but I still advise you to check with the breeder and veterinarian about the schedule of vaccinations and quarantine for your baby.

Always go for a walk only on a leash, in order to avoid all sorts of troubles.

While the puppy is small, go to the toilet more often: up to 5 times a day. And this walking regime must be maintained for approximately 6 months. Later you can walk 3 times a day.

Try to go out with the puppy to do the toilet after he sleeps, eats, and plays.

In winter and autumn, dress warmly and check the paws after a walk to ensure they are not damaged (by sharp objects or salt sprinkled on ice).

If the puppy presses his paw and whines, it means he is really cold.

If he asks to be held, you need to try to distract the puppy and interest him in a walk (a butterfly, a bird, another small dog)

If he really wants to be held, take him for a while, but don’t go home until the baby has done at least some of his toilet chores, so that the child still has an understanding of why you went out with him.

Always praise your baby Chihuahua for what he does!

Bring other dogs to the toilet areas (there are such grassy areas near every house), there the alien smells will definitely stimulate the puppy to action, even if he still hasn’t understood why his owner is driving him around in the cold for so long

It is advisable to play and entertain the puppy after all the “things”, so that he knows that his main and first duty when going outside is to use the toilet, and only then there will be a fun game with the owner.

Again, go home only after using the toilet; try to wait until the puppy does at least something outside. For those who do not like to walk (and there are such specimens of Chihuahuas), this will be a good reward and will encourage them to do everything quickly and at once. The only thing is that male dogs need a little more time and a larger number of “calls” to empty their bladder than girls. With boys, especially older ones, you need to walk a little longer.

If you are a busy person or you simply prefer your Chihuahua to go to the indoor toilet, then the following information is for you.

Firstly, there are the following toilet options for a small dog:
* newspaper
* absorbent disposable diaper (sold in veterinary and human pharmacies; in human pharmacies this diaper is twice as cheap)
* a rag (this can be an old sheet torn into pieces or soft rags for cleaning the house, which are now abundant in the hardware departments of supermarkets). By the way, to remove the smell of urine, rags are washed well in a weak solution of bleach using a few drops of Domestos, for example.
* cat tray with filler and mesh on top.

Secondly, for the first three toilet options for 100% cleanliness of your home, it is advisable to place them in some kind of tray: a plastic kitchen tray, a cat litter box (without a mesh and with low sides) or a car mat (which I personally think is the most convenient toilet). These trays will prevent urine from getting wet on the parquet, flowing under the baseboard, etc. and will securely store all waste until the owner arrives
As for the cat litter box with mesh and litter, in my experience, many Chihuahuas do not like it, I don’t even know why. But it’s worth trying as a toilet. The main thing is that it, again, does not have high sides, does not swing or knock on the floor, and is covered, at least initially, with the same newspaper or cloth.

And now some tips for those who want to accustom a Chihuahua puppy to the “house toilet”:

You need to toilet train your puppy as soon as he gets into your home. Once he does his “wet business” on your carpet a couple of times, the soft, well-absorbing rug will become a pleasant place for him to relieve himself.

In general, during the training period, it is advisable to remove all carpets and rugs around the apartment, in order to avoid temptation, and oh, how great it is. It’s just that later it will be very difficult for the owner to completely remove the toilet smell from any carpet and, having gone there once, attracted by the same smell, the puppy will want to go there again and again.

Chihuahuas choose a place for their home toilet according to the same principle as all dogs. These are places that in some way indicate the boundaries of the puppy’s territory, that is, your apartment: near the front door, near the balcony, on the balcony, under the window. Look at what places the puppy runs on its own. If it is convenient for you to have a dog toilet there, put trays there.

Another favorite secluded place for a puppy can be dark corners: a toilet or the owner’s bathroom - but then there should always be access for the baby Chihuahua and, again, there should be no tempting rugs

To make it easier for the puppy to understand what exactly is required of him, you can slightly wet a cloth or newspaper in his urine and place it in the “toilet” places that you have assigned to him.

Be sure to first make several toilets for the little chi, in several places - he’s a child! :) even knowing where to go, he may simply not make it if the apartment is large or he is easily distracted by something along the way.
For example, when my puppies are at the stage of toilet training, newspapers are in each room so that the kids know that if they don’t make it to the common toilet, then they need to go to the newspaper. It is very comfortable. One owner of my puppy told me that even during a long car trip, as they say “on the go,” they laid a newspaper down on the floor of the car, the puppy jumped out of the carrier, did its business, threw away the newspaper and everyone was happy

As the dog gets older, the number of toilets can be reduced to 1-2, depending on the size of the apartment and the time you are away from home (if you are away for a long time and the toilet is dirty, the Chihuahua should have the opportunity to go to another, clean place).

Always praise the puppy for what he does and scold him if he does something in the wrong place - everyone knows this principle. But here’s a nuance: when your smart child goes into the tray, you don’t need to immediately start praising him loudly and vigorously as soon as he sits down (otherwise you’ll scare him away or embarrass him). Wait for the process to finish, and after a minute express your delight to the talented child with all your heart

There are dogs that, even when trained to use the litter box, do “small” things in the litter box, and big ones – by the way, on the edge or nearby. Your options for action are as follows - either buy a bigger tray or put newspaper around the problem areas and be glad that your dog still knows that in order to go to the toilet, you still need to sit in the tray

Don’t forget about the branded products from pet stores: “Anti-Piss Repellers” (as I call them). These are sprays that, with their smell, scare away the puppy from doing business in a place that is undesirable for the owner) and “Place Trainers.”
As for the trainer, I can only warn you that it itself has a specific smell of urine.
So it’s quite possible that it’s better to get by with a piece of newspaper soaked in the puppy’s own puddle.
But Antipis is a good thing. You can spray it on a place where the puppy is absolutely forbidden to go. Of course, you need to refresh this “black mark” once every 1-2 days and after washing the floors.

Another good way to wean a “difficult” puppy from a certain place is to put his bowls there. A dog will never make a toilet where its food and water are.

While you are away from home, limit the puppy to the area with its toilet, for example the kitchen or room.

I advise owners of mature Chihuahua boys to buy a special toilet “tray with a post” or place a plastic bottle filled with water (and, of course, closed) on the home tray, but this only applies to those who raise their legs.

The toilet should always be clean - don’t be surprised or scold if the puppy pees nearby and not in its dirty litter tray.

And one more piece of advice: ask the breeder how the puppies were trained and what kind of toilet their mother was trained to use. This information may be useful at first in your new home, while you and your puppy are choosing toilet options that are acceptable for both of you.

In conclusion, I want to say that toilet training a baby Chihuahua is not difficult! :)
The main thing is love, patience, understanding and system in training.

Feeding the Shih Tzu

You can feed your Shih Tzu with natural food, mixed food and dry food. Mixed food by adding dry food to the dog’s diet in an amount of 20-25 percent. When feeding a dog with heat-treated meat and vegetable products, it should be noted that raw meat is healthier than cooked meat, so it should make up 20 percent of the dog’s diet (over 6 months).

The natural diet includes the following products:

raw/cooked meat: beef, veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken

beef, turkey, chicken heart.

light beef, lamb (not much)

beef liver (only not much boiled)

mountain tongue, mutton tongue

lung, tripe, beef heart (just not a lot, you can mix it with meat)

salmon fish (boneless)

Meat products are mixed with grains of rice, buckwheat (buckwheat is not common) From the beginning, meat products are cut into pieces and mixed with
The grains make porridge. You can add meat and bone meal, mineral supplements, vitamins, as well as vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean) to the porridge. You can reward your Shih Tzu with various treats in the form of cookies, intestine sticks, crunches, and chicken feet.

You should not feed your Shih Tzu the following foods:

River fish




Pearl barley

Smoked, sweet

When feeding dry food, use only high-quality food, since the Shih Tzu dog has long hair, using low-quality food will immediately affect the condition of the coat. Recommended food: Hills, Flatozor for small breeds. You can water your Shih Tzu using an automatic waterer, this is a very excellent invention. It is mounted on a wall or on a cage. When using a water bowl, your Shih Tzu's whiskers always remain dry and there is no bowl of water that could spill.

You can also feed fermented milk products: cottage cheese with hard-boiled yolk (adult dogs once a week, puppies 2 times), kefir, yogurt (no milk)

Fruits, vegetables: apples, grapes, pears, bananas, carrots, cauliflower, sauerkraut (a little). Tomatoes (no nitrates, no greenhouse gases) are very useful for preventing tartar.

Supplements: seaweed, meat and bone meal, fish oil (sea or ocean fish)

Raising a Shih Tzu Puppy

Before you bring your puppy, make the house safe, puppies are extremely curious, and the puppy may be exposed to a number of dangers. Hide electrical cords to prevent electrical shock to your puppy, and keep cleaning supplies and medications out of reach. When you bring your puppy home, show him his place, his toy, his food and water bowls. Be careful when introducing your new puppy to other pets. When another dog meets the puppy, it is recommended that it be on a leash. Don't leave them in place until you are sure they get along with each other. Each puppy has its own character and its own way of communicating with its owners. However, there is a certain body language that is common to most Shih Tzu puppies.

INTEREST: The tail is carried horizontally or in a natural position, the ears are directed forward, the body is bent forward.

PLAYFULNESS: Slow and wide swing of the tail, body slightly lowered at the front.

FEAR: The tail is feathered and tucked under, the ears are thrown back, the body and head are lowered.

Submissiveness: Tail wagging or tucked under, ears down, body lowered to the ground or floor, head down or turned away.

After the puppy has learned its name and comes to your call, it is time to raise a Shih Tzu puppy. The sooner you start training, the better, Shih Tzu puppies are very obedient students. Once you set up a feeding routine, home training will be very easy. A Shih Tzu puppy will usually have a bowel movement within 20-30 minutes after eating.

Choose a place for the toilet and train your puppy to use it: Dogs like to relieve themselves in one place. When toilet training outdoors, take him to the same place and reward him. Do not play with your Shih Tzu puppy in the toilet area, otherwise he will not understand the purpose of the visit.

Training a puppy to use a litter box at home: Determine a place for the toilet, usually a place in the hallway, cover it with newspapers or absorbent diapers. When the place is chosen by the Shih Tzu puppy, he goes to a certain place, install a tray by placing a newspaper or diaper in it (what the puppy is used to), when the Shih Tzu puppy starts to empty there, remove everything, your puppy is accustomed to the tray.

Selecting a tray: tray size 800x500 mm equipped with a mesh under which an absorbent diaper is placed.

BE PATIENT: Don't punish your puppy after an "accident", especially if you don't catch him in the middle of a bowel movement. He won't understand. If your Shih Tzu puppy has a lot of "accidents", he may not have understood what you want him to do. Training should be short, simple and fun: dogs have a short attention span. Praise and give rewards to your puppy after a good performance. Allow your Shih Tzu puppy to interact with other people and pets - Shih Tzus are very sociable.

BE CONSISTENT: Always act in the same way, use the same voice and words for commands. Reinforce this rule constantly. Set a simple schedule for walks and feeding.

If you adopted a Shih Tzu puppy in winter, then you need to take the puppy out for walks gradually, since the puppy must adapt to the temperature difference. In my kennel, all the puppies are vaccinated, so you can go for walks with them right away. In the summer, you can walk as much as you like, but after treating your Shih Tzu puppy with flea and tick repellents, I don’t recommend walking without treatment. I would also like to note that when walking, avoid contact with other dogs, especially puppies. Despite the fact that the puppy is vaccinated, no vaccine provides a hundred percent guarantee of infection with infectious diseases. Don't risk your puppy's health again. In cool weather, you can take your puppy for a walk in overalls. When buying a jumpsuit, I recommend trying it on your puppy; it should be comfortable for the puppy, let the puppy fit in it.

If you are planning a show career for your puppy, then you need to accustom the puppy to the ring for 6 months. To do this, you will have to attend exhibitions so that the puppy gets used to the atmosphere of the exhibition, where there are always a lot of dogs, noise, and barking. You also need to constantly put your Shih Tzu puppy in a stand several times a day and teach him to walk on a ranger. This should be done gradually, after the puppy gets used to the collar and leash.

TIPS FOR TRAVELING IN A CAR: Puppies and adult Shih Tzus generally tolerate car rides well, but try not to leave him unattended until he gets used to being alone in the back seat.

How not to handle a puppy?

Sent BMG
  1. You cannot wake up a small puppy without a good reason, because a puppy is still a child, and while sleeping, a four-legged baby grows and gains strength.
  2. You cannot lift the puppy by holding it by the front legs or withers, because you can accidentally injure the dog: sprain the baby’s ligaments and dislocate the paws.
  3. The feeding regimen cannot be ignored: feed rarely, and at the same time give the puppy a large amount of food at one feeding, because the puppy may have a curved spine and deformed ribs; You also shouldn’t feed the baby poorly, because the health of the adult dog depends on proper nutrition of the puppy in the first months of life.
  4. You should not allow the puppy to stand on its hind legs, because in this position the load on the dog’s spine is unevenly distributed, and this can lead to curvature of the spine.
  5. You should not allow your dog to jump from a great height because it can injure its front legs.
  6. Until a certain age, you cannot allow a puppy to go up and down stairs, because... This is a very large load on the spine of a small four-legged child.
  7. The puppy should not sleep or lie near heating devices or in a draft, because overheating or hypothermia may cause him to catch a cold.
  8. You should not allow your puppy to walk or run on a slippery floor, as he may slip and get injured.
  9. You cannot make concessions: allow the dog not to follow commands, allow the baby to snap, because the dog perceives all the owner’s concessions as his weakness.
  10. You cannot allow a puppy to do everything that will later be prohibited to an adult dog: biting; show unreasonable aggression towards people and other animals; jump, placing the front paws on the owner; climb on sofas, chairs and beds.


If you have a coat made of expensive fur, then you know what to look after it

care. The Shih Tzu's coat also needs to be brushed every day.

Fortunately, the dog likes this procedure, and once you get used to it, so do you.

You will enjoy caring for your pet. Remember how

little girls love to brush their dolls and give them -

chesically Caring for a Shih Tzu is roughly from this series, only here everything is for us -

Much more interesting, because you have a living, charming dog in your hands!

Choose quality grooming tools: Shih Tzu

They live for about 15-16 years, so spending the money will pay off. Also to you

you will need a special table. Since the dog is small, we -

It is much more convenient when during the procedure it is approximately

your waist level. Just don't let her jump off the table -

be sure to remove it yourself.


The Shih Tzu has especially thick and long hair on the top of its head. If you re -

decided not to give your pet a haircut, put it in a high ponytail -

tick so that it does not interfere with the dog's vision. Intercept ma's ponytail -

Using a thin elastic band, tie a bow if desired. Sde -

It’s quite difficult to style such a hairstyle: you need to keep the hair from falling -

It was tight on the eyes, but it wasn't too tight. At the end

day, it is better to cut off the elastic: when tightening, you can tear out a separate one -

new hairs and cause pain to the dog.


Train your puppy to lie on his side while brushing so he can -

but it was possible to get to his tummy and armpits, where most often -

the tangles are coming out. Caring for your puppy's short and fluffy coat -

kov is quite simple. But, at about 10 months, the Shih Tzu appears

an “adult” coat, and if you don’t teach the dog to be brushed,

It won't be easy for both of you.


Before you start brushing, dampen the coat with spray.

Conditioner or spray water. Comb her for an hour -

in the direction of growth, from roots to tips. Having discovered a spy -

tanned wool, apply conditioner to it, leave for a few

minutes, and then comb gently. If during a walk you get covered in wool

thorns or thin twigs get in, remove them immediately, otherwise the

There will be a tangle that will have to be cut out. When brushing your dog, first

use a massage brush and then a comb. If the pet has length -

hair, divide it at the back of the head so that it falls evenly

at both sides.


The soft fur behind the ears gets tangled quickly, so regularly

inspect these areas and comb them carefully. Do not forget

also about the armpits and tummy. Trim the fur promptly between

pads: it can roll into lumps that will cause

the dog is uncomfortable.


Many Shih Tzu owners tie their pet's fur around

mouth and on the back of the head so that it does not get dirty. If you do not want

call tails, be prepared for the fact that after eating the wool

will have to be washed and combed.


Despite their miniature size, Shih Tzus make excellent

watchman! Perhaps because the ancestors of this dog kept watch in

distant Tibetan monasteries, protecting their native walls from uninvited

guests. Shih Tzus have very keen hearing, so when a stranger appears

he immediately started barking. If the stranger behaved friendly, the barking stopped.

If not, the barking became more and more intense, and the monks released the mastiffs.

Whether you have a mastiff or not, your Shih Tzu will immediately

will notify everyone about the appearance of a stranger - be it a postman,

a neighbor or your beloved grandmother.


The Shih Tzu is a very smart dog, so it is easy to train it in different ways.

tricks and commands. She will be happy to complete tasks

for agility because he loves to jump. However, commands to obey

may seem tiresome to the dog, and, being an independent nature,

she will only do what she deems necessary. Sit on your lap

She will become a Shih Tzu only when SHE wants it. It may very well be that

the proud woman, contrary to your wishes, will jump off and retire to her personal

residence to take a short nap. This is not some kind of toy!


Although the Shih Tzu does not require intense training, it is capable of exhibiting

amazing activity. According to the owner, Fletcher, the hero of the "Super -

dogs", together with his friend Tommy often races

throughout the entire first floor: from the hallway to the dining room and back. Their record

33 laps!


The Shih Tzu is a short dog, so don't let it jump off

Small dogs love to eat, so don't be charmed

your pet's eye and don't give him too many treats. Under long

A thick layer of fat may soon appear in the fur!


Shih Tzus, like Pugs and Pekingese, have rather prominent eyes, so

They are easily damaged by accidental impact or scratching. In place of micrograsses -

we may form an ulcer. Therefore, examine your pet’s eyes every

day, and in case of the slightest problem, contact your veterinarian: the sooner

If you start treatment, the faster the dog will recover.


Like other short-nosed breeds, Shih Tzus experience episodes of shortness of breath.

during which the dog is tense and breathes short and hoarsely. Such a suck -

Heating can cause overstimulation or overheating. Close your nose tightly

pet so that he starts breathing through his mouth, and the attack will stop.


At 10-20 weeks of age, the puppy is unusually receptive to learning.

Don't waste time, and you will find a smart, well-mannered friend!

Your puppy will quickly learn to respond to his name.

Start the learning process literally from the first minutes of your stay

puppy in your home. Almost all dog training methods are based on

principle of reward: for good behavior the dog is rewarded with loved ones

with a treat, stroking or playing with the owner, but the offense is not

pay attention.

Before you get a puppy, come up with the rest of the members

family nickname for him, decide what words you will use

as main commands. It is important that everyone who interacts with the puppy

made the same demands on him, then he will know what

they want from him. The dog does not understand human speech as such, but

quickly remembers sounds and actions associated with them.
First of all, teach the puppy to respond to its name. Name the doggie

by name, when you see him, pet him and, of course, when you want to call him

to yourself. If your baby reaches out to you to smell, tell him something like:

"Rover, come here!" and stroke him so that he has an association between

words "Rover", "come here", a smile and stroking. Never about -

use these words if you want to punish the dog, otherwise he will quickly learn,

that these sounds threaten her with trouble, and, on the contrary, she will run away.
Put some dog treats in your pocket and do it in the garden

or a large room such exercises. Stand with someone from

family members at some distance from the puppy and call the baby. When

the puppy will approach, give him a treat and reinforce this action with words

Praise the dog. After that, have a member of your family do the same.

Repeat these steps several times: the puppy will like to run back and forth,

carrying out commands for which he is praised and encouraged.
If the puppy is very small, such lessons should be very short. Try

end training on a pleasant note - encourage the dog, praise it.

Never start training if you are in a bad mood or...

hurry up. The dog will sense this and will not be able to concentrate.

All about exhibitions

Exhibitions have different ranks - National (CACIB), All-Ukrainian (CAC in each class), regional (CAC - the best male, the best female). There are classes depending on the age of the dog - baby class 3-6 months, puppy class 6-8 months, junior class 9-18 months, intermediate class 15-24 months, open class from 15 months, champion class from 15 months. upon receiving the title Champion of Ukraine.

In order to complete the title of Junior Champion of Ukraine, it is necessary to receive 3 WJC, it is given to the dog that received first place in the junior class, WJC is given to a junior at an exhibition of any rank. From 15 months, you can continue to show your dog in intermediate or open classes. To become the Champion of Ukraine, you need to receive 4 CAC (provided that at least one of them will be received at the main exhibition of the organization in Kiev), or 6 CAC received in a number of other cities, but without Kyiv.

If you decide to give your Shih Tzu a show career, then you need to train your dog from puppyhood. To prepare and train, you need to have a ranking. The lining should be 3-4 mm thick. You can start training from 3 months of age, as follows, teach your Shih Tzu puppy to stand, the sooner you start, the better.

Arrive at the exhibition at least 2 hours in advance so that the dog gets used to it. Try, if possible, to familiarize your Shih Tzu dog with the ring where the competition will take place.

Keep calm, as your nervous state will be transmitted to the dog! Keep calm! Before the exhibition, three days before the exhibition, you can give your Shih Tzu subcutaneous injection of FOSPASIM (homeopathic complex) 1 ml into the withers, 12 hours before, GAMAVIT 1.5 ml. at the withers or 1 ml of "IMMUNOFAN" at the withers per day. These drugs are administered to avoid infecting the dog with any infectious or viral diseases that may be present in large concentrations of dogs from different regions.

The dog in the ring must be led from the left side, so that the rope is taut. To do this, you need to bend your arm at the elbow. Make sure that the dog walks halfway in front of you, not too close and not too far. Know that the left side of the dog's body is for show. You should show your dog from the left side. This also applies when showing a dog on a table in a standing position.

If your dog did not show a high enough result, do not be upset, because there are as many judges as there are opinions. One person likes one type of Shih Tzu, another the second type, and unfortunately the judge does not always know the breed thoroughly! Try to find out more about the judge before registering your dog for the show. The success of a show career also depends on the competition provided by other dogs. The higher the rank of the exhibition, the higher the competition.

Remember that a lot depends on you!!! Whatever the quality of your Shih Tzu dog, I hope that my advice will help you in this difficult matter.

Shih Tzu coat care. Cosmetics

One of the most important aspects of caring for a Shih Tzu dog is grooming and choosing cosmetics. Having tried many different hair care cosmetics, I came to the conclusion that professional cosmetics “Laser Lites” made in Australia work best on Shih Tzu fur. Can be used for daily care
Herbal shampoo is a very high quality shampoo, contains oils of various herbs, it does not dry out the coat and is very delicate. It can be used with Protein Conditioner - this is the best product in the range of intensive care products. Treats and restores damaged or injured hair. It works well with
SILK (liquid silk). Protein conditioner is especially good to use for fine and thick wool, it makes combing easier. If you are growing your Shih Tzu dog's fur, then it is good to use MATTELESS MAGIC products - this product prevents hair from tangling, moisturizes and helps to grow, it can also be used when placing wool in papelettes. This cosmetics is not cheap, but it pays for itself, it is high quality and concentrated and lasts for a long time. For shows, you can use Lanolin shampoo and conditioner, the conditioner may not be rinsed off depending on the coat.
It is practically impossible to grow a Shih Tzu dog's fur to the floor without twisting it into paper clips. The clips need to be twisted periodically, make sure that the hair does not fall off, and you need to comb it with a metal comb with straight teeth. The dog's whiskers also need to be tied with rubber bands or curled into paper clips.

In order for your Shih Tzu dog to have a neat appearance, you need to shave the hairs under the nose and around the anus using a contour hair clipper.

You need to wash your Shih Tzu with water at about 38 degrees; to do this, dilute the shampoo with water. After washing, wrap for 20 minutes and then start drying.

If you do not intend to keep your Shih Tzu dog's hair in papelettes, you can apply REVIVOR polishing serum made in Belarus to the ends, it prevents delamination and restores split ends. The serum does not need to be washed off, it is used frequently, you can also use the anti-hair loss serum of the same series

Walking a Shih Tzu Dog

Shih Tzu dogs do not need physical activity that is necessary for other dog breeds, so you don’t have to walk her, but if you decide to walk your Shih Tzu, she will be very grateful to you. Shih Tzu dogs enjoy walking, they are very sociable and easily find friends among dogs of other breeds.
For walks in bad weather, when the street is damp and dirty, you can dress your dog in overalls.

Choosing overalls for walking

When buying a jumpsuit, you need to try it on your dog; the jumpsuit should not fit the dog’s body, but it should not be too big. When purchasing a jumpsuit, try it on your dog and let it pass. The overalls should be made of smooth, waterproof fabric and have no lining, especially flannelettes. One of the disadvantages of overalls is that they mat the wool so it needs to be silky and smooth.

In winter, in snowy weather, overalls are simply not necessary, because the snow will stick to the wool. To remove stuck snow from the paws, you can place the dog in a bath or basin with warm water.

For walks in the summer, if you are growing your Shih Tzu dog's fur and it is in papelettes using oils for this, you need to dress the dog in overalls made of cotton or knitted fabric to avoid dust sticking to the fur. Also avoid grasses such as sedge, it cuts the fur, especially on the paws.

Choosing a collar for a Shih Tzu.

The collar should be made of soft genuine leather and have a size of 400x15 mm. You cannot lead a Shih Tzu dog in a harness, as it will tangle and wipe the dog’s fur; the leash can be chosen in any shape.

Prevention and treatment of ears: Since the Shih Tzu dog has folded ears, the auricle is poorly ventilated, and otitis may occur. Puppies are especially susceptible! To prevent otitis, you need to remove hairs from the auricle. If a dark plaque appears in the auricle and the dog scratches its ear, then treatment should be started. To do this, moisten the ear stick with hydrogen peroxide and carefully remove the plaque, and then drip the ear with drops (I recommend) OTIBIOVIN, Surolan (zoo pharmacy), "Ottipax" if you don’t have it, then you can drop Otipakam (pharmacy), close the ear further and rub lightly so that the medicine penetrated into the auricle.

Treatment and prevention of eyes. Since the Shih Tzu's muzzle is densely covered with hair, and its eyes are quite large, you need to make sure that dirt and tear residues do not accumulate in the corners of the eyes. The eyes can be washed with running water or eye lotion. If pus appears in the eyes, then rinse it very well with levomycin eye drops 4 times a day (4-5 days at the pharmacy).

Prevention and dental treatment. One of the diseases in Shih Tzu is periodontitis. The first signs of it are swelling of the gums and loose teeth. This can lead to tooth loss. Periodontitis can be a consequence of tartar. To prevent the formation of tartar, you can use toothpaste. You can brush your teeth with a toothbrush placed on your finger - 2 times a week. You can also give your dog tomatoes or juice. During treatment, you can use Metrogyl-gel (pharmacy). You can remove tartar using a special tool or contact your veterinarian.

Disorder and poisoning. If your Shih Tzu has poisoning (diarrhea, vomiting), you can give 0.5 g of levomecithin (disguised, for example, in a piece of cheese, since it is very bitter), give it chamomile infusion using a syringe, and if it doesn’t feel better, contact a veterinarian.

Prevention of the digestive system. To prevent liver and intestinal diseases, you can use a drug based on bioculture BIOPROTECTIN or DETOXIL 1/2 capsule 1 time per day (according to the instructions for use)

Luxation of the eyeball in dogs

Occurs as a result of mechanical injuries in the head and temporal fossa. The loss of the eyeball is facilitated by the lack of closure of the bony orbit: on the lateral side it is replaced by the orbital ligament, and in certain breeds of dogs the bony orbit is shallow (Japanese Chin, Pekingese).
After prolapse (dislocation), the eyeball is pinched by the eyelids. The conjunctiva quickly swells, hangs like a roll over the cornea, the latter dries out and loses its shine (Fig. 58). With prolonged non-reduction of the eyeball into the orbit (more than a day), degeneration of the epithelium, areas of necrosis and ulcers develop. Changes are observed in the optic nerve nipple and in the nerve itself, which leads to blindness.

When the eyeball is dislocated, the prognosis depends on the severity of the damage to the eyeball and the duration of the dislocation. The sooner the eye is set into the orbit, the greater the chance of restoration of visual functions.

The animal is given general anesthesia. The eyeball is washed with a 0.5% solution of diocide or a 0.25% solution of novocaine, removing all contaminants and exudate. 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of novocaine with the addition of 0.2-0.3 ml of hydrocortisone is injected behind the eyeball. The eyelids are infiltrated with a 0.25% solution of novocaine. Then the external commissure of the eyelids is cut by 0.5-1 cm; After 10-15 minutes, using light pressure through a napkin lubricated with tetracycline ointment, the eyeball is pushed into the orbit. A knotted suture is placed on the wound, and a purse-string suture is placed on the eyelids, tying it with a loop. After this, the eyelids are generously lubricated with tetracycline ointment and a binocular bandage is applied, which is removed after 3-4 days. The purse string suture is opened and the eyeball is examined. By this point, conjunctival edema decreases sharply, and corneal opacity and exophthalmos are often observed.
Novocaine with corticosteroids and ophthalmic ointment are injected under the conjunctiva of the sclera, after which the purse-string suture is pulled off and a binocular bandage is applied. Such procedures are carried out after 3-4 days until complete recovery (within 3-4 weeks). If the bandage and suture are removed early, a corneal ulcer and strabismus develop. The most dangerous complication is inflammation of the undamaged eye in the form of sluggish iridocyclitis and optic neuritis.

Should you untie your dog?

Sent BMG

Many of us consider it right and simply vital to breed our dog just once in our life, motivating this with only one phrase - “FOR HEALTH.”
Is it so? Do our pets get this sea of ​​health after mating?
And so, for example, a male. When purchasing a puppy, you often clearly give preference to him: I don’t want to bother with puppies, estrus is tormenting - they are almost the main arguments when choosing a sex.
The puppy grows quickly into a strong, optimistic dog. During puberty, hormones rage so zealously that neither the dog’s nervous system nor the patience of the owners can cope with it. “Tie it up,” a well-wisher will advise, “you’ll see, and it will become calmer and the sound will be heard in the wider world.” It happens that the owner will be overwhelmed in search of the “long-awaited” bride. And then it happened: sweating, covered in wool, with their hearts pounding wildly with joy, the owners say with relief: “Well, thank God!” And you no longer understand who needed it more?
However, the relief does not last long. For some reason, a week later, our boy, who should now be feeling better, rebelled again, and even with greater force. And for some reason the chest of our “Don Juan” did not reach the width of a bulldog...
Having learned the truth, the male dog begins to be attracted to nature.
Pavlov's three most powerful reflexes: food, self-preservation and sex are inherent in all living things on the planet.
They let the male understand what a girl is and reinforced the reflex. What's next?
When, as in nature, everything is much more complex and simpler. In packs, herds, and prides, a hierarchical ladder exists throughout its entire life, on which each animal occupies a certain level.
Mostly the leaders mate. The strongest, the most enduring, the most worthy to continue their family line and leave offspring. But many males are never destined for the role of producer. And no one in nature dies from this. Nature manages in such a way that it develops another reflex in animals - the withdrawal reflex. That's how they live.
Therefore, take pity on your still untied male, once in a lifetime is nothing, only the dog’s psyche can suffer. And the delicate chest will not expand if this is a genetic condition (an Italian greyhound, no matter how many times he mates, will not expand to the width of a bulldog).
Feeling like a “continuator of the family”, the male is now ready to defend his territory in battles, where potential competitors will appear, and go in search of new adventures, which was not the case with him before, and, having returned home exhausted, lick his wounds until new shoots occur.
Do you need this? Or do you need it more than your dog?
But hormones can be dealt with and it is not necessary to castrate - not everyone has such a need.

Shih Tzu dog pregnancy, care

Before you decide to breed your beloved Shih Tzu dog, you need to weigh everything carefully. Are you ready to face a lot of troubles and worries? Breeding ornamental breeds is not an easy task. But if you still decide, then I want to give recommendations, I hope they will help you in this difficult work.

In cases of refusal of food, the Shih Tzu dog should try to feed it by hand; if this fails and the dog still does not eat, then it will have to be force-fed; it must receive all the necessary nutrients - this is very important for the full development of puppies. For forced feeding, you can feed with the following nutritional mixture; for this, add the yolk of a chicken or quail egg to low-fat cottage cheese and dilute it with a substitute for bitch's milk.

Feeding can be done using a syringe (20 ml). To do this, draw the mixture into the syringe and feed it. The diet of puppy dogs should include the following products:

Meat - beef, veal (you can even cheese or lightly boiled), turkey, chicken.

Fermented milk products (exclude milk) - yogurt, cottage cheese,

A week before giving birth, you need to limit protein foods, that is, animal meat, you can give fish (salmon) without bones, cottage cheese with yolk. Fish is allowed only during pregnancy, during lactation it is strictly forbidden (reduces the amount of milk).

The place where the puppies will appear needs to be prepared in advance and the dog familiarized with it. The place should be located in a quiet place in the apartment or house, there should be no drafts. The place where mother and offspring stay should be kept covered to maintain the microclimate, and at the same time accessible to you to examine the babies. You will best need an electric heating pad or thermal blanket to maintain the temperature around 38 degrees. The dogs' temperature is 38 degrees, the babies are born. will adapt to the external temperature for 4 days, so the temperature inside the place for mother and babies should be maintained at the beginning of 38 degrees, then gradually reduce to room temperature.

The first signs of labor: body temperature drops; it will be 37.1 degrees; to do this, you need to measure the temperature using a thermometer (for people) by placing it in the dog’s anus. The Shih Tzu dog begins to dig, defecate frequently, and refuses to eat. This usually happens 10-12 hours before giving birth. You should not leave the Shih Tzu dog, if you are not around, the dog will be nervous and this may affect the flow childbirth

Make sure that the number of Shih Tzu puppies matches the number of afterbirths, this is important; if not all of the afterbirths come out, they may come out later (watch the dog’s temperature). After the last puppy has appeared, it is imperative to administer oxytocin 0.3 ml intramuscularly or into the withers, this drug promotes the appearance of milk and contraction of the uterus. If a Shih Tzu dog has a fever, then you need to act, you can use AMOXICYLIN 15 percent 0.1 ml per 1 kg of the dog’s weight, it is done once every two days, it is done intramuscularly or at the withers, it is also used and puppies need to have it, it is sold at the pet pharmacy. After giving birth, a Shih Tzu dog eats little, since puppies don’t eat much yet, she has to control the flow of milk, also try to feed the dog with fermented milk products, you can give cheese, you absolutely cannot give raw meat, since when the dog’s body processes meat, loss of calcium, which can lead to its deficiency and create a threat of eclampsia. Dogs also need to be given calcium gluconate 4 ml once a day for one week, after birth there is a threat of eclampsia. Eclamsia can be caused by calcium deficiency, usually 2-3 days after birth.

C. The most common congenital diseases are the respiratory and digestive systems; they are more vulnerable in newborn puppies. The first dangerous period lasts four days, it is during this time interval that the viability of puppies can be determined; this time is the most difficult for newborns; adaptation to the environment occurs.

From the first minutes of life, you need to monitor how actively the puppies suck the mother; Shih Tzu puppies often have narrowing of the nasal passages (nostrils), the puppy cannot suck the mother, he suffocates. You can check this by holding a mirror to the spout and see if it fogs up. Also, narrowing of the canine passages can appear from 3 weeks of age to 2.5 months. It happens quite often in Shih Tzu puppies.

Symptoms - the puppy snores and shakes his head. In order to check this fact, you need to put the puppy on your palm with its tummy down and lift it in your palm; if the puppy opens its mouth and pulls out its tongue, its nose is clogged.

When the nasal passages are narrowed, the wings of the nose are trimmed, this is done by a veterinarian. YOU NEED TO CONTACT THE VETERINARIAN ASAP starting from 3 weeks of age, since the puppy’s chest does not develop, it becomes flat - this is another sign of narrowing of the nasal passages, the puppy can also suffocate, it is difficult for him to eat. When contacting a veterinarian, make sure that he can competently perform this not at all complicated operation; the wings of the nose are trimmed from the inside.


Digestive problems are the most common problem in newborn puppies.

Symptoms - the puppy is lethargic, sucks poorly, does not gain weight, lags behind others, squeaks.

Sometimes it seems that the puppy is sucking, you need to make sure and try to tear the puppy away from the nipple. The Edora puppy latches onto the nipple quite tightly. If you determine that the puppy is not suckling well and is not gaining weight - this usually happens within a period of up to 4 days, you need to immediately apply the following measures.

1.Transfer the puppy, as far as possible, to artificial nutrition, first attach the puppy to the nipple, then feed it with a bitch milk replacer gradually, using a syringe. You will see how much the puppy has eaten. The daily dose for a week-old puppy is 15-20 ml.

2. Inject the puppy with an antibiotic intramuscularly, you can Gemtomecin 0.1 ml STRICTLY using an insulin syringe (mark 10 on the syringe) twice a day for 3 days. This surgical treatment works immediately. You can use AMOXITACIN 15% (vetapteka) - this is a long-acting antibiotic. Sometimes treatment with antibiotics in the first days of life is the only solution! As a rule, without emergency treatment, puppies die.

If the puppy has stopped sucking and cannot be fed artificially, you need to administer GLUCOSE 5% 2 ml. into the withers 2 times a day until the puppy begins to eat, also inject 0.2 ml of Gamavit into the withers. 2 times a day (insulin syringe)

When treated with antibiotics, dysbacteriosis may develop. You can give LINEX 1/3 capsule 3 times a day with antibiotics. At the end of treatment with VETOM 111 (vetapteka). If diarrhea occurs in a puppy, the drug ENTEROFURIL SUSPENSION (pharmacy for people) 1.5 ml is given. 2 times a day for 5 days. Can also be used for intestinal infections.

You can add a nutritional mixture to your puppy’s diet for faster recovery and weight gain, such as VIYO RECUPERATION according to the instructions (vet pharmacy)

In the first days of life - this period of up to 10 days, the puppy adapts to the new world and nutrition outside the mother, it is the most difficult for puppies. During this period, bloating of the tummy is observed, since gas exchange caused by the digestion process is settled by 8-10 days of the puppy’s life. In this case, you can help the puppy by introducing carminatives into the diet, such as espumezan for infants, Plantex, Bobotik (pharmacy for humans) 10 drops 3 times a day, when artificially feeding, add 5 drops to the mixture at each feeding.

Calcium metabolism disorders in newborn puppies.

Symptoms: flat chest, late eruption of teeth (the norm is 45-50 days), the fontanel does not heal, puppies get up on their paws late. Violation of the ring metabolism results from poor absorption of calcium and leads to the development of rickets. Especially for puppies whose mother's pregnancy occurred during the winter season, since in winter there is little sunlight.

By 45-50 days, puppies have their first milk teeth, usually the upper ones, and puppies stand on their paws by 30 days. By this time, fermented milk products are introduced into the puppies’ diet, or pureed chicken. To prevent rickets, it is very effective to irradiate puppies with an ultraviolet quartz lamp starting from 3 minutes. up to 10 minutes 1 time per day for 10 days. You can also ferment a pregnant dog. The quartz ultraviolet lamp "Sun" is suitable for these purposes - it promotes the production of vitamin D2 in the body, which promotes the absorption of calcium.


Sent BMG

Eating their own feces is a fairly common but very annoying habit in dogs. The true reason for this phenomenon has not yet been fully elucidated by science, but we will still try to understand some of the reasons for this disgusting habit.
Let's try to turn to the root causes. Perhaps we will find answers to these questions in them.
Caprophagia is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon in lactating animals. The absence of this reflex (and no other way!) would lead to the death of the babies. The kids are growing up, and mommy simply instinctively MUST take care of their health. Parents regurgitate food (at least this is what happens in nature) with enzymes and partly with their own gastric juice, forcing the growing child’s body to work independently.
Further. In the process of evolution, dogs have become so domesticated that not every mother will regurgitate food for her children, unfortunately, and not everyone fawns over their children anymore.
Where can I get the primary source of coenzymes and enzymes for breaking down nutrients that enter the stomach? Especially if puppies are transferred to additional complementary feeding before the age of three weeks?
So, the body begins to experience a lack of enzymes. A metabolic disorder in the body that is immediately noticeable begins. The way out is in the heaps left by someone, or even by himself.
This is how the missing enzymes that synthesize B vitamins and some missing microelements are replenished.
Also, a consequence of coprophagia can be helminthic infestation, constant handouts from the table, sometimes turning the dog into just a trash can. The root cause can never be ruled out - protein overfeeding. At the same time, there is always a lack of fiber, which plays an important role in the absorption of protein molecules.
Problems associated with metabolic disorders are corrected very slowly. It may be best to start by looking at your client's diet. But still, start with the main thing: adding enzymes to your diet. Colibacterin, lactobifid, and unenzyme help to establish the enzymatic balance of the body. The drug from the company "8 in 1" DETER also has an excellent correction - this is a remedy for dogs and puppies to prevent them from eating their own feces.
In addition to this, remembering to get enough exercise and a high-quality diet can also help control this type of behavior in your dog.

Going on vacation with a Shih Tzu dog

To transport an animal across the country, vaccination against rabies 30 days before travel is sufficient, but on airplanes, airport veterinary control requires vaccination against infectious diseases. For dogs this is: infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, preferably vaccination against parainfluenza. You can obtain the certificate at a veterinary clinic that has state status and the right to administer the rabies vaccine; the certificate is valid for 3 days from the date of issue. The certificate is issued if you have a veterinary passport with a mark on the rabies vaccine. When applying for a certificate, you must indicate what type of transport you will be using with your dog and your destination.

If you are going on a trip by car with your Shih Tzu dog, then you must have your dog vaccinated, including against rabies, since in an unfamiliar place there may be infections that you do not know about. Shih Tzu dogs tolerate transport well, including a car, you should not feed the dog on the road, during a long trip you can take treats, it is better to give the dog a drink using a drinking bowl, you should not keep the Shih Tzu dog in a carrier, it will be difficult for her to breathe. If you are going to a place with a hot climate, then it is not necessary to cut your Shih Tzu dog's hair; the hair can be tied into curlers. I often visit the Lower Volga, where the temperature reaches 40 degrees, and I noticed that dogs with long hair tolerate the heat better.

Shih Tzu dogs do not eat well in hot weather; you can feed them raw meat and give them boiled water to drink.

Avoid contact with local animals; at first glance, they may appear healthy, but in fact they can be carriers of infections.

On your trip, you will need to take a first aid kit for your Shih Tzu dog with you; it should include the following emergency supplies:

Levomycetin 0.25, furazolid 1 tablet - for poisoning, intestinal infections

Furacilin (diluted in hot water) - wound treatment.

Syntomycin emulsion 10 percent, levomikol ointment - wound treatment

Traumatin for injury 2 ml to the withers using a syringe

Dressing material (sterile wipes, bandage, bandage retainer.

Choosing a carrier. The carrier should be made of plastic and have dimensions of 560x350 mm, the disadvantage of such a carrier in winter is that you need to put a cover on it, so it is cold and the dog will not be comfortable in it.

China is considered the official homeland of the breed. According to one version, Tibetan monks were the first to breed long-haired dogs. However, the stubborn hermits did not want to sell their pets to anyone, which is why the ancestors of modern Shih Tzu were unable to penetrate deep into the continent and settled in the Middle Kingdom. According to ancient manuscripts, the first shaggy puppy was presented to the Chinese emperor by the Dalai Lama himself in 1653.

In China, unusual dogs were immediately elevated to a cult, labeling them as court pets. The imperial family was declared the owner of all rights to animals, which brought the Shih Tzu a lot of privileges, but made them recluses. It became impossible to see these fluffy creatures anywhere other than the chambers of the Chinese ruler, since unauthorized sale and theft of “royal property” was punishable by death.

After the Communist Party came to power, attitudes towards the breed changed dramatically. Supporters of the new regime perceived decorative dogs as part of the hated monarchical past and began to mercilessly exterminate them. This arrangement turned out to be beneficial for European breeders, who had long dreamed of getting to know the mysterious imperial favorites better. Taking advantage of the confusion that reigned in the Celestial Empire, shaken by conflicts, Europeans began to export Shih Tzus from it. The first “lion cubs” were exported from 1930 to 1932 to England and Norway. About a dozen more animals left China between 1932 and 1959. As for the breeders of the New World, the dogs came to them only after the Second World War, as war trophies.

Chinese fluffies began to gain popularity among breeding specialists and ordinary people already in the 30s of the 20th century. For example, in 1933, the first club for Shih Tzu lovers opened in Great Britain. In America, a similar organization began its work in 1959. In 1948, an appearance standard was developed and approved for “chrysanthemum dogs,” and in 1969, the favorites of Chinese nobles received the status of an independent breed.

Why Shih Tzu?

From Chinese the word "Shih Tzu" is translated as "lion cub". The breed owes this name to an ancient legend that tells about a tiny ha-pa dog that accompanied Buddha on his travels. In case of danger, the brave animal turned into a lion and stood up to protect the spiritual teacher.

Video: Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu appearance

Several kilograms of pure charm - this is approximately how one can characterize the appearance of these glamorous hairies. The height of the average Shih Tzu reaches 27 cm at the withers, and its weight ranges between 4.5 and 8.5 kg, so when trying to embrace a dog, be prepared for the fact that the seemingly airy creature will in fact not be such a light burden.

Upon a quick inspection, the “lion cub” can easily be confused with another famous “Tibetan” - the Lhasa Apso, which has the same strong build, but is distinguished by more impressive dimensions. Some scientists put forward theories about the relationship of both breeds, but since it is not possible to track the process of their development over the years, guesses remain guesses.


The skull is quite large, round in shape, with a steep stop. The muzzle is shortened (about 2.5 cm), wide, and square-shaped. Since all Shih Tzus are brachycephalic, they may have difficulty breathing on hot, humid days.


For “lion dogs” a pincer-like type of bite is typical. In addition, a minor snack is allowed as standard. The jaws of representatives of this breed are wide and slightly weighted.


The bridge of the nose is extended in a straight line or slightly turned up. The lobe is located at the same level with the edge of the lower eyelid and is colored black or chocolate. The nostrils are open, with a fairly wide opening.


Rounded, but without excessive convexity. Set wide apart, the whites of the eyes are not visible. The preferred shade of the iris is dark, but exceptions are allowed for Shih Tzus with brown or chocolate-spotted coat color. Such dogs may have relatively light eyes.


Hanging, large, planted just below the level of the crown. The ear flap is long, hidden under abundant flowing hair.


Graceful, moderately long, with an elegant curve that allows the Shih Tzu to hold its head proudly raised.


Straight back with a dense, strong loin. The chest is of sufficient width, deep and noticeably dropped.


The front legs are straight, short, with excellent muscles. The shoulders are strong and tilted back. The hind legs are muscular, with strong bones and rounded massive hips. The paws are strong, oval in shape, with dense, elastic pads.


Placed high and thrown over the back. Abundantly covered with long silky hair.


Double type, consisting of long outer coat and soft undercoat. Ideally, the top coat hair should have a straight structure, but wavy varieties are also not considered a serious defect. The head of the Shih Tzu is decorated with long, thick hair, and a “mustache” and a “beard” stand out on its face. Despite its decent length, the hair does not interfere with the animal’s organs of vision, so the Shih Tzu can see no worse than other dogs.


The standard allows for variability in the colors of the Shih Tzu, but the most common varieties remain the following: black, white and blue, golden and white, brindle, black and white, brown, red and white and red with a mask, ash, cream, black and tan and blue . For individuals with a spotted coat, it is highly desirable to have white markings on the forehead and at the tip of the tail.

Rock defects

  • Pink nose.
  • Pointed muzzle.
  • Long legs.
  • Curly coat and lack of undercoat.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Weakly defined stop.
  • Small and close-set eyes with visible whites.
  • Narrow skull.

Shih Tzu photo

Shih Tzu character

Shih Tzus are friendly, cheerful and very sociable pets. A dog living in a family does not look for an idol for itself in the person of one of its members, trying to distribute its own affection equally among all members of the household. As for children, these cunning Chinese “lion cubs” will find an approach to them. Shih Tzus' strong nerves help them look at children's pranks philosophically. True, dogs will not tolerate violence and outright bullying from the younger generation. So if your baby makes it a habit to pull your pet's tail, get ready for bitten fingers.

Shih Tzu puppies are small in size and require careful handling. Before leaving your dog in the care of a child, give instructions on the rules of behavior. Warn children about the possible consequences of careless handling of an animal and explain to them how to properly hold the baby without squeezing his stomach.

Shih Tzus are often called dogs for retirees, which is generally not far from the truth. They are moderately playful, but not hyperactive, and will happily lie on a soft sofa if they cannot go for a walk. Dogs consider their owner's lap to be a cozy enough place for themselves. A well-fed and peaceful Shih Tzu can sit for hours on this improvised “podium,” thinking about something of his own.

Another surprising character trait of “chrysanthemum dogs” in all respects is gullibility. Shih Tzus easily make contact even with unfamiliar people, seeing each person as a potential friend. At first glance, such behavior is touching. But we have to admit that there really is no guard dog, whose vigilance can be easily lulled with one kind word. So, when you leave home and leave it under the protection of a Shih Tzu, you can hardly count on the safety of your own property.

You should not think that the whole world for an animal lies in its owner. Of course, furry babies feel strong affection towards humans, but they also don’t forget about themselves. Dogs are quite peaceful towards other pets and consider conflicts over spheres of influence to be useless. But a Shih Tzu who has recently appeared in the house may well be jealous of its own owner.

For your information: like most popular breeds bred by unscrupulous breeders for the purpose of personal enrichment, the Shih Tzu has become overgrown with a whole range of shortcomings. For example, among them there may be overly cowardly, nervous and stubborn individuals with whom it is impossible to build normal relationships. The only insurance against purchasing such a pet will be careful monitoring of the market and the choice of a reliable breeding nursery.

Training and education

A Shih Tzu can adore his owner to the point of mania, but this will not stop him from demonstrating his obstinate disposition during the training process. It’s not that “Buddha’s pets” don’t like to study, but rather they don’t see an urgent need for it. Mastering the given material and learning a dozen commands is not a problem for a Shih Tzu. The difficulty is to get the dog interested in the activities.

The only possible training option for representatives of this breed is play. Attracted by a new type of activity and the insinuating tone of the owner, the pet is able to perform a couple of exercises, especially if a tasty treat looms somewhere on the horizon. You should also be prepared for the fact that a bored “lion cub” will interrupt the training at the most interesting place and go on more important matters. Trying to return the dog and keep it in this case makes no sense. Take a time out and wait until the animal is in the mood for further study.

Raising a Shih Tzu, like all dogs, is necessary from the first days of arrival in the house. The puppy must recognize the authority of the owner, obey the feeding schedule and know his place. Representatives of this breed experience certain difficulties with the toilet. To teach a Shih Tzu to use a litter box or even a diaper, you will have to make a lot of effort. However, you shouldn’t give up what you started halfway: “chrysanthemum dogs” are far from stupid, they just need a little more time to overcome their own willfulness.

Shih Tzus do not suffer from confinement within four walls: if only the owner was nearby, and food would appear in the bowl in a timely manner. As for the conditions of detention, you will have to work a little here. Due to the structural features of the skull (that same brachycephaly), these charming hairies are very sensitive to temperature conditions. Hot weather is no less destructive for Shih Tzu than cold and drafts. Accordingly, it is necessary to place your pet’s bed away from open doors, radiators and air conditioners.


The Shih Tzu is not averse to walking with you to the nearest supermarket or park, but only if the weather is good. In the cold and slush, your pet will be happy to sit at home, surrounded by his favorite toys. If for some reason you had to miss the promenade, the dog will not be offended and will find something to do with itself. Shih Tzu puppies can be taken outside from the age of 8 months. Walks are usually started after sleep and food, so that the dog has the opportunity to go to the toilet outside the house. And remember: representatives of this breed are walked exclusively on a leash.


If you have a Shih Tzu in your home, you can rest assured that you know exactly what to do in your free time. First of all, the dog’s coat requires increased attention, which in representatives of this breed tends to mat. Your Shih Tzu needs to be brushed daily. If you miss a day or two, a disaster, of course, will not happen, but the external gloss of your “chrysanthemum” will fade slightly. It is better to wrap clean, combed hair of a future exhibition participant in curlers: this way it will get less dirty and tangled. Be sure to buy hair oil and apply it to clean strands, then roll them into flagella.

Brush the Shih Tzu's coat in the direction of hair growth, starting with the hind legs. The tangled areas are sorted out by hand, and the tangles are cut out. It is best to use a bristle massage brush or a metal comb. For six-month-old animals, the hair on the head is collected in a ponytail and secured with a hairpin or elastic band. After the Shih Tzu has eaten, its “whiskers” and “beard” must be wiped with a clean cloth, as food particles often get stuck in them.

They wash the “Buddha’s companions” a couple of times a month. To do this, the shampoo is diluted with water and the resulting substance is applied to the wool. To make combing easier, balm is also used in diluted form. After the hair is washed, it is blotted with a towel and dried with a hairdryer.

Important: before bathing, the Shih Tzu must be thoroughly combed, sorting out tangled areas of fur and removing tangles. Otherwise, after washing, the dog will have to be cut, as water will only aggravate the situation, knocking the hair into “icicles”.

Every day it is necessary to examine the animal’s eyes and move the fur framing the eyelids to the sides. If there is inflammation, the eyelids and eyes are washed with a solution of boric acid. The same boric acid, but in powder, will help remove tear grooves in the fur under the lower eyelids. If a pet constantly crosses its eyes or rubs them, this is a reason to be wary, and the appearance of a white dot on the pupil and clouding of the eyeball signal that it is time to take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

Shih Tzu ear care is standard: inspection + cleaning. If the hair in the ear funnel has grown too much, it can be partially removed so that the air inside can circulate more freely. The animal’s paws will also require their share of attention. Long hairs on them should be trimmed, and the pads themselves should be lubricated with a nourishing cream to prevent cracks from appearing. It’s great if the pet ends up with a pedantic owner who will brush his teeth every day and monitor their health. In cases where the owner does not have time for regular cleaning, you can try to get by with crackers, seeds or tomato juice, which are considered a good preventive measure for tartar.

Shih Tzu haircut

If your pet isn't a championship contender or you just don't want the hassle of daily brushing, your Shih Tzu can be cut to look like a puppy or a teddy bear. The hair of shorn animals does not shed as actively; in addition, the skin under it breathes and the animal does not suffer from overheating (especially important in the summer). You will still have to brush your Shih Tzu after this, but now this procedure will take less time.

For exhibition animals there is a separate type of haircut - show. The fur of such animals is shortened slightly, and the hair on the head is braided into a braid or knot. A fairly popular type of haircut is the “glamor Shih Tzu.” This option is chosen to attract attention to the animal. Dogs with glamorous haircuts are the pets of celebrities, Instagram bloggers and other publicity lovers. Typically, this haircut is accompanied by the use of bright accessories and stylish dog outfits, giving the Shih Tzu a resemblance to an expensive toy.


Shih Tzus eat both natural and dried food with equal pleasure, so each owner decides on the type of feeding independently. The diet of an animal treated with “natural food” should consist of 20% animal protein (meat, offal). For example, it is useful for a dog to be given soups with meat broth, meat and vegetable stew, and also add sliced ​​meat to porridge. Ocean fish fillets, fermented milk products, vegetables, and cereals should also be present on the Shih Tzu’s “table.” By the way, about fish: it can be given raw or boiled in combination with vegetables and a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Among the additives designed to “complete” the dog’s diet with vitamins and minerals, it is worth mentioning meat and bone meal, ground eggshells into powder, kelp and fish oil (preferably from salmon). Puppies under 3 months of age should receive milk porridge, chicken broth and fruit and vegetable salads seasoned with butter daily.

Prohibited products:

  • potatoes and any types of legumes;
  • pearl barley;
  • corn;
  • River fish;
  • pork;
  • raw liver;
  • confectionery;
  • hot, spicy and smoked dishes.

From 4 to 6 months, the Shih Tzu begins to change its teeth, so during this period of time it is better to exclude solid food from its diet.

Shih Tzu Health and Diseases

Shih Tzus, despite their not the most outstanding build, have a reputation for being robust. Only heart disease, congenital subluxation of the knee joint and nephropathy can undermine a dog’s health.

Ailments that can also occur in Shih Tzu:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • alopecia;
  • periodontitis;
  • cataract;
  • ear infections;
  • distichiasis;
  • heart diseases.

How to choose a puppy

The main difficulty when choosing and buying a Shih Tzu puppy is the excessive promotion of the breed. In recent decades, everyone who is not too lazy has been breeding “chrysanthemum dogs,” so the market is overflowing with mentally unstable animals with defective exteriors. Usually unfortunate breeders sell their charges very cheaply, which is what most buyers fall for. However, if your dream is a real purebred Shih Tzu, it is better to close the topic of cheap puppies from unknown “breeders” for yourself.

The optimal age for selling animals is 2.5 months. At this point, the breeder is obliged to give the pet the necessary vaccinations and enter information about them in the veterinary passport. It is better to buy future exhibition participants (show class) when their baby teeth change, that is, at approximately 6 months of age. In addition, in six-month-old individuals their exhibition potential is clearly visible - the quality of their coat, their anatomical features.

Reasons not to buy a Shih Tzu puppy:

  • baby's bloated belly;
  • inappropriate behavior (sullenness, timidity);
  • the puppy tucks its tail, hiding it between its legs;
  • the haggard appearance of both the baby and his mother.

An obligatory point in the epic called “Choosing the right Shih Tzu” is checking the living conditions of the puppies. Dirty and cramped kennels are unlikely to offer you a healthy animal. It would not be superfluous to ask the breeder how adequately his charges perceive hygiene procedures. In self-respecting nurseries, babies are taught to bathe and brush from an early age. Such animals are not afraid of water and do not throw tantrums during a visit to the groomer.

Photos of Shih Tzu puppies

How much does a Shih Tzu cost?

You can buy a purebred pet-class Shih Tzu puppy with a brand and RKF metric for 25,000 - 30,000 rubles. The price tag for breeding individuals starts from 50,000 - 60,000 rubles. Prices for show class remain approximately the same. An exception to the general rule can be animals that are especially successful in terms of exterior design, with a complete absence of external defects, the cost of which usually reaches 100,000 - 120,000 rubles.

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