Sample plan for the territory of a land plot. Planning and land surveying

Territory planning project (PPT) is the documentation required for permits for the construction of buildings, structures, and structures.

PPT is the basis of urban planning documentation, which determines the planning structure and other aspects. The development of a territory planning project is regulated by Law No. 190-FZ and is due to the lack of urban planning documentation that has passed the required approval. The need for this document arises if a change in the purpose of an object is required.

The planning project is drawn up as a clarification of the General Plan of the settlement and the Rules for land use and development of the design territory - for a block, microdistrict, site (in urban planning legislation it is called the term “element of the planning structure”).

Based on the PPT, a territory surveying project (TMP) is developed, which is drawn up for built-up and to be developed objects within the boundaries indicated in the planning structure. PMT is needed to establish the boundaries of a land plot and can be included in the PPT or developed separately.

The validity period of the document depends on the type of construction work.

What is PPT?

A territory planning project is a package of technical plan documentation, including drawings of the layout and demarcation of a specific area. To develop the document, regulations and provisions on territorial planning are taken into account. These may be schemes according to which the planning of municipal districts, general plans of settlements, districts, etc. was carried out. The composition of the PPT is strictly regulated by regulations of the Moscow government and, in addition to the drawings, it includes a text part describing the technical and economic indicators.

PPT is an important documentation that allows you to collect the maximum necessary data regarding a piece of land in a certain format.

Checking the planning project, as well as the surveying of the territory of any land plot, is carried out in order to ensure that the construction of new facilities complies with the general development plan, which is drawn up for the long term.

Procedure for approval of project documentation

According to current legislation, verification of a project prepared in advance is carried out directly by federal supervisory authorities. They analyze the compliance of documentation with the requirements set out in legislative acts. For this purpose, 30 days are allocated from the moment the documents are received for consideration. The materials are then either approved or rejected and sent for revision.

Composition of the territory planning project

The PPT includes the main part (which needs to be approved) and the materials necessary to justify it.

  • Drawings or drawing of the layout of a specific area with the image:
    • designations of roads, passages, streets, communication lines, infrastructure and transport facilities;
    • boundaries of objects of communal, household and socio-cultural significance planned for construction;
  • Provisions for capital construction projects at the local, regional or federal level. The characteristics of the proposed development of the territory are prescribed, including parameters of building density, characteristics of the development of transport and social security systems, and engineering and technical supplies.

The rationale for the territory planning project is reflected in graphic materials and an explanatory note to them. The diagrams of the cartographic part include:

  • image of planning structure elements
  • use of the territory at the time of preparation of the package of documents,
  • organization of transport infrastructure in the area under consideration, traffic patterns;
  • boundaries of objects related to cultural heritage;
  • indication of the boundaries of areas with special conditions for land use; demonstrating the specifics of engineering preparation of the territory;
  • indication of vertical layout;
  • other materials necessary to justify the layout of the territory.

The explanatory note contains descriptions and justifications regarding the following:

  • Determining the parameters of the planned construction, including their social, transport support, engineering and technical supplies necessary for the development of the territory’s infrastructure;
  • Protecting the territory from the occurrence of various emergency situations, including man-made ones, as well as a number of measures ensuring civil defense and fire safety;
  • Other decisions regarding the planning of the territory.

The procedure for developing project documentation

The preparation and approval of the territory planning project is carried out in stages:

  • Obtaining permission from the Ministry of Construction to develop PPT;
  • Development of all project documentation;
  • Transfer of documentation to supervisory authorities;
  • After a month, if a positive conclusion is made, public hearings begin (if necessary);
  • As a result of the hearings, a decision is made to approve the design decisions under consideration.

Documents for preparing PPT

What is a territory planning project? This is a document that identifies the elements of the planning structure, establishes the parameters of their development, and identifies the zones for the placement of capital construction projects.

What is a land surveying project? Land surveying project - This is a document establishing the boundaries of land plots.

These documents were invented in order to highlight areas of different status and purpose in the city. Divide public spaces and lands transferred into private hands, including for development.

Allocate land for the construction of roads, pipelines, schools, hospitals, administrative buildings - everything that is needed in a modern city. Of the lands transferred to private ownership, allocate the share of each owner or group of owners.

What is the difference between planning and surveying projects?

The difference is in the level of detail. Why do you need a territory planning project? A planning project is developed for a large planning unit - for example, for a residential area or microdistrict. It establishes (or changes those established in the past) the boundaries of public territories - the road network, natural complexes, sites for the construction of various objects.

Why is a territory surveying project needed? A land survey plan is a document for a narrower task. It is done for a city block (existing or planned for construction) and consists of cutting the land for adjacent areas, areas of schools, kindergartens, other buildings, as well as courtyard driveways, parking lots, playgrounds, etc. located within the block.

The tasks of land surveying and planning are close and partially overlap. Therefore, they often make a single document - a planning project, which includes a land surveying project.

What is the neighborhood surveying project?

According to the Town Planning Code adopted in our country, each land surveying project must necessarily include land survey drawings with plot boundaries, red lines, and boundaries of zones where easements and other land use restrictions apply.

You also need a list of existing, created and altered plots of land, indicating the area of ​​each of them and how it is allowed to be used.

If land surveying is carried out for a previously built-up area, then the dimensions of the adjacent areas of multi-storey buildings are established in accordance with the standards that were relevant at the time of construction of these houses. These norms existed since pre-revolutionary times, and during Soviet times they were gradually reduced. The general principle is this: the later a house is built and the higher its number of storeys, the less adjacent territory is allocated per square meter of living space.

Preparation and approval

The decision to write all kinds of urban planning documentation, including documents such as land surveying projects, is made by the local government authority.

Developing a territory planning project is a very labor-intensive and expensive task and requires the participation of highly qualified specialists, so city administrations usually do not do this on their own, but announce a competition among specialized design companies.

The exception is the case when there is an agreement either on comprehensive development or on the development of a previously built-up territory. In this case, the project is prepared by the company with which this agreement is concluded.

After the project is ready, it is submitted to public hearings (except for cases of complex development of urban territory and two other situations that are rare in urban conditions). This is the only stage when residents can see the project and demand changes and additions to it.

To do this, you must not miss the notification of the hearings, familiarize yourself with the draft, formulate comments and enter them into the logbook. In this case, the city administration or its authorized body (in Moscow these are city and district urban planning commissions) are obliged to consider the comments of residents. But the final decision - to approve the project, reject it or send it for revision - remains with the authorities.


Let's consider the land surveying scheme for a block bounded by Balaklavsky Prospekt, Azovskaya Street, Chernomorsky and Simferopolsky boulevards in the Moscow Zyuzino district. The sample is published on the website of the prefecture of the South-Western District of Moscow at

The project was developed by JSC Mosproekt-2 named after. Posokhin" in 2014. The customer is the Moscow City Property Department.

Justification materials include BTI data on buildings located within the block, ISOGD data on the areas of various restrictions, and field research data on actual land use. The calculation of the required area of ​​adjacent areas was carried out taking into account the standards that existed at the time when the quarter was built up, that is, from 1959 to the present day.

70 plots have been formed, including local areas of 28 residential buildings. For six buildings (three of which are newly built 24-story towers), the adjacent areas turned out to be less than the regulatory required area.

For all houses, in addition to the standard land plots, plots “with minimal encumbrance” are allocated. This practice, introduced by the Moscow government contrary to federal legislation, is aimed at enabling residents (if they wish) to abandon regulatory sites and thereby save on taxes.

17 plots are allocated for public use. These are courtyard driveways, pedestrian paths, parking lots and playgrounds, as well as the roadway and sidewalks of Starobalaklavskaya Street, which does not have the status of an element of the road network.

Further actions

Approval of a land surveying project does not mean that residents automatically become owners of the adjacent areas of their homes. In order to become real owners of their land, they must make an appropriate decision at a general meeting, order a boundary plan from a specialized organization and register the site with the cadastral register. Only after this can you be sure that the earth will not leave.

In a developed state governed by the rule of law, every piece of land belongs to someone and has a status that determines what can and cannot be done on this land. Territory planning is a necessary tool that allows us to establish the correct principles of land use in our Russian reality, where until recently the land was a draw and was distributed for bribes among persons close to power.

Before the start of development of any territory (a holiday village, a new urban area, etc.), a planning project must be drawn up. The main goal of developing such a document is to streamline the process of expanding municipal infrastructure. For private plots it is not necessary to draw up a layout plan. The official document that allows such land to be registered legally is a boundary plan. Their owners can locate residential and commercial facilities on private plots at their own discretion, subject to certain standards.

What is included in the planning project

This document is a set of drawings, diagrams and text information containing complete information about the site being built. The land surveying and planning project consists of two parts: the main one (which, in fact, is subsequently approved) and its material justification. The first includes:

  • A drawing of a site that displays the boundaries of capital construction projects, street lines, utility lines, etc.
  • Information about the expected building density and provisions for the placement of objects.
  • Characteristics of the development of the territory's infrastructure.

Justification materials include diagrams:

  • location of the territory;
  • its use during the preparation of the project;
  • road network (with parking lots);
  • boundaries of the territory of architectural monuments and other cultural heritage sites;
  • engineering preparation and vertical planning of the site;
  • boundaries of territories with special conditions of use, as well as other materials substantiating the planning provisions.

In addition, this part of the project includes an explanatory note describing:

  • ways to develop social and engineering support systems and transport services on the territory;
  • measures taken to protect the site from man-made and natural emergencies;
  • measures aimed at ensuring fire safety of the territory;
  • civil defense activities, etc.

The land surveying and planning project is the most important document, the preparation of which must be carried out in compliance with all norms provided by law. Taking into account the information recorded in it, a boundary plan for each specific site is subsequently drawn up.

Planning of the territory of a linear facility

In this case, the project is drawn up in approximately the same way. Its main part includes drawings with the boundaries of the administrative structures on the territory of which the linear facility will be laid, with the designation of transport networks, power lines, etc. It is accompanied by materials justifying the construction, in the form of text and graphic documents.

Private plot planning

The owner can locate buildings on the territory at his own discretion. However, certain standards must be observed. Therefore, often, although this is not necessary, the planning of private plots is entrusted to specialists. The development of projects for such territories is carried out with mandatory compliance with the following rules:

  • The distance between stone buildings should not be less than 6 m.
  • Household units and garages are located no closer than seven meters from the windows of a residential building.
  • The minimum distance from the house (part of the project or a neighbor’s) to the bathhouse is 8 m.
  • The shed, toilet and compost pit should not be closer than 15 m from residential buildings.
  • The minimum distance from the house to the neighbor’s fence is 3 m, from the barn – 4 m, from the utility block – 1 m.
  • From the red line of the street to any building - at least 5 m.

Typically, when planning, the site area is divided into three zones:

  • Residential. It is recommended to allocate 11% of the area for it.
  • Economic.
  • Recreation area. 14-16% of the area is usually allocated for it and utility.
  • Gardening (up to 77%).

Breakdown order

They usually begin to draw up a project for planning the territory of a land plot by determining the location of the house. This is the most important building, and the distribution of other objects depends on where it is located. Most often it is located at the highest point of the site. This allows you to reduce the cost of building a foundation, especially if the soil on the hill is rocky.

The utility zone is usually located deep in the plot, away from prying eyes. Often it is additionally covered with decorative plantings. The sunny side of the area is allocated for the garden and vegetable garden.

Shrubs or trees are usually planted along fences. The recreation area can be located either deep in the yard or next to the house.

The planning and development of territories must be carried out in such a way that buildings do not shade green spaces and at the same time protect them from the winds. You should also try to ensure that the distance between buildings is minimal. Going, for example, to the bathhouse at the very end of the site will probably not be very convenient.

What can affect the location of objects

Territory planning is always carried out taking into account factors such as:

  • terrain;
  • shape of the site;
  • its dimensions;
  • soil type;
  • groundwater level;
  • direction of prevailing winds.

What to consider

The land planning project should be drawn up in such a way that no conflicts with neighbors subsequently arise. At the time of its development, the adjacent lands were probably also not yet developed. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the distance to future objects on them. This can cause all sorts of problems. For example, after the construction of both areas is completed, a neighbor’s toilet may end up in close proximity to your recreation area. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate the location of buildings with neighbors at the design stage.

The layout of the territory should also be carried out in such a way that in the future, equipment can approach all significant objects. Owners, for example, may need to call a sewer truck to clean a cesspool, deliver soil and manure to the garden, sand and crushed stone for construction, etc.

Design project

Any site should be not only convenient, but also beautiful. Therefore, territory planning is usually carried out with the simultaneous preparation of a design project. In suburban construction, when decorating the local area, two styles are most often used:

  • Landscape. In another way, this direction is also called picturesque. In this case, plants are placed without following strict rules, paths can be curving, and landscape elements are arranged naturally.
  • Geometric. This style is usually chosen for areas located on level ground. Its characteristic features are precision of lines and shapes, strict geometry.

Land survey plan

Planning the territory of a land plot (private) is an officially optional procedure. It is necessary to carry out land surveying. This is an official document and only licensed companies or individuals can draw it up. Without a boundary plan, it will not be possible to register ownership of the site. The procedure for its preparation is determined by law. Previously, existing information about the site is collected. This could be, for example, old sales contracts, drawings, etc. Then the work is carried out directly on site. At the same time, the site is inspected, its area and boundaries are determined. Next, preliminary surveying is carried out. After all approvals, the boundaries of the site are finally assigned.

A completed boundary plan is a mandatory part of the package of documents submitted to the Cadastral Chamber. In addition, for registration, a technical passport is required, which contains information about the buildings located on the territory, a document confirming ownership, etc. After being entered into the register, the site is considered legally registered. This makes it possible to carry out purchase and sale transactions in relation to it, draw up gift agreements, etc.

What is a territory planning and land surveying project, what is it for, what is necessary to obtain it, at whose expense is it being prepared and is it necessary to develop it today?

According to the standards of current Russian legislation, construction or reconstruction of capital construction projects is not permitted until the developer receives special permission from the supervisory authorities. In the future, it is required to register the constructed object for cadastral registration or to enter new data about it if it has been reconstructed.

This condition applies to all linear objects of local, regional or federal significance - from power lines and gas pipelines to highways. They are of particular importance because they ensure the effective development of built-up areas.

Latest changes to Art. 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation states that in order to obtain permission for the reconstruction or construction of an object, the interested party must provide a package of documents, the list of which includes a project for planning and surveying the territory (PPiMT).

What is a territory planning and surveying project?

The planning and land surveying project is urban planning documentation, without which it is impossible to place a linear object on any territory. It should include:

    site surveying drawings;

    materials substantiating the drawings made.

If the operation of a linear facility requires the construction of a capital construction facility, an urban planning plan is prepared together with PPiMT, containing data on the water supply system, TP of the system, service facilities, etc.

Why do you need a planning and land surveying project?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the boundaries of the land plot on which reconstruction or construction of a linear facility is planned, as well as in order to avoid possible claims from landowners of neighboring plots in the future.

The current Town Planning Code provides for the development of PP&MT at the local level - by the administration of a settlement or urban district on the initiative of an interested person. It can be either the owner of the land plot or a republican, municipal or federal government authority. The main thing is that this person has one of the documents:

    agreement on the development of a built-up area;

    a lease agreement for a site providing for its comprehensive development in the form of housing construction.

What is needed to obtain a territory planning project?

and the territory surveying project?

  1. First of all, obtain a resolution from the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture (KGA), authorizing construction on the selected site, as well as technical specifications, which determine the procedure for developing project documentation. To do this, an application is submitted, after which the CCA makes an appropriate decision and issues a separate resolution. It is usually issued for a period of 1 year, but it can be extended if there is a significant reason for the delay in construction. Attached to it are technical specifications for the development of PPT and PMT projects. In some cases, a land surveying project may not be required - only an order for a territory planning project is issued.
  2. Only after receiving the resolution of the KGA (with the attached order for the development of PP&MT and technical specifications) can you contact the local administration with a corresponding application. The applicant must attach to it a layout diagram of the linear object, which is subsequently necessary for preliminary approval and determination of the optimal option for its location.
  3. Based on the submitted application, the head of the administration issues a resolution on the preparation of documentation and appoints an employee who must ensure the implementation of the project. In addition, this specialist prepares demonstration materials for public hearings.
  4. Before the approval of the project for planning and land surveying, public hearings are held, with the participation of citizens who live in the specified territory or are the legal holders of the plots under development, as well as all persons whose legal interests may be affected by the implementation of the project. Based on the results of the hearings, a protocol is drawn up, which serves as the basis for the subsequent approval of the planning and land surveying project.

The decision on the project, which is ultimately made, must be published in the local newspaper and on the official website of the local government. If it is positive, after 11 months its employees are obliged to provide a completed project for planning and land surveying of the territory or issue a refusal if there are no:

    grounds for preparing project documentation;

    funds in the municipal budget for project preparation;

    information about the location of the facility in the territorial construction plan.

If the result is negative, the interested person, if he has all the rights, has the right to appeal the decision to the judicial authorities.

At whose expense is the territory planning and land surveying project being prepared?

According to the general rules, when preparing documents on territory planning and land surveying, the administration must do so at the expense of budgetary funds. However, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows the raising of funds from individuals or legal entities who are interested in receiving a project or are the initiators of its development. They have the legal right to make it themselves, using the services of the necessary specialists, if a number of conditions are simultaneously met:

    consent of the interested party to finance PP&MT;

    lack of funds from the administration budgeted for the current year and provided for the implementation of such work;

    there is an application from a person to receive a project for planning and land surveying of the territory;

    The KGA adopted an order to formulate a project for planning and land surveying of the territory

Most often, co-financing of the preparation of a planning project and territory surveying is established at the federal, regional and municipal levels with the help of regulations that clearly regulate this procedure. In their absence, the authorities must be guided by the general rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and develop a plan without involving funds from the customer.

Is it necessary to develop today

plan for planning and land surveying?

Changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which during the construction or reconstruction of linear objects it is necessary to prepare PP&MT, have been in effect since December 31, 2012. Thus, the state pursued one goal - to simplify the procedure for obtaining a construction permit, since previously it was necessary to develop an urban planning plan for a land plot (GPZU ). In case of refusal, it turned out that all the efforts and resources of the interested person to obtain the GPZU were wasted.

But, despite the fact that these amendments to the Civil Code were made several years ago, it is still possible to provide an urban planning plan instead of a design for planning and land surveying when obtaining permission for the construction or reconstruction of a linear facility.

In 2012, a transition period was introduced, since not all cadastral engineers had experience in developing a joint plan for planning and surveying the territory for construction. Its term was extended several times, and this year the State Duma adopted a resolution extending the end of the transition period to December 31, 2015. In the future, if nothing changes again, it will be allowed to provide only a draft planning and land surveying of the territory.

1. In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, territory planning is carried out through the development and approval of the following types of territory planning documentation:

1) territory planning projects;

2) territory surveying projects;

3) urban planning plans for land plots.

3. The objects of development of territorial planning projects are the reorganization territories, the boundaries of which are determined by the General Plan of the City of Moscow or territorial schemes.

4. The objects of development of territory surveying projects are built-up areas and areas subject to development. Territory surveying projects are developed as part of territory planning projects or in the form of separate documents. In the reorganization territories, territory surveying projects are developed as part of territory planning projects or in accordance with approved territory planning projects. In complex improvement zones, land surveying projects are developed in the form of separate documents based on the General Plan of the City of Moscow, land use and development rules, taking into account territorial and sectoral schemes.

5. Lost power.

6. The development of urban planning plans for land plots of capital construction projects of federal and regional significance can be carried out:

1) based on the General Plan of the City of Moscow in the form of separate documents;

2) as part of territorial, sectoral schemes, territory planning projects, territory surveying projects or on their basis in the form of separate documents.

7 - 8. Lost power.

Article 39. Contents of the territory planning project

1. The territory planning project contains:

1) drawings drawn up on the basis of topographic plans on a scale of 1:2000;

2) provisions on territory planning.

2. In order to prepare the territory planning project for approval, materials are being developed to justify this project.

3. In the drawings of the project, the planning of the territory is displayed within the corresponding boundaries:

3) specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas displaying categories, types, protection regimes, use of these territories, as well as zones and regimes for regulating urban planning activities within the boundaries of these territories;

5) territories of linear objects marked with red lines;

6) public areas marked with red lines;

7) land plots intended for the placement of capital construction projects of federal and regional significance, displaying the purpose and planned parameters of these facilities, the functional, construction, landscape purpose of the territory of such sites;

8) areas of the territory intended for the placement of capital construction projects other than those specified in paragraph 7 of this part, displaying the functional, construction, landscape purpose of the territory of such areas;

9) land plots or areas of territory intended in whole or in part for the creation of public spaces;

10) lands within the boundaries of the territories specified in paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 7, planned for reservation for state needs;

11) territories for subsequent development in accordance with the territory planning project, land surveying projects, urban planning plans for land plots, and territory improvement projects.

4. The provisions on territory planning contain:

1) main indicators of territory development, including indicators:

a) design balance of the territory;

b) the population planned within the boundaries of the territory, including the number of residents, employees, and visitors;

c) planned volumes of development by type of purpose of capital construction projects;

d) the planned development of social, transport, engineering infrastructure facilities, green areas and indicators of the provision of the population and territory with social, transport, engineering infrastructure facilities, green areas;

e) other indicators;

2) a list of the main activities for planning the territory, indicating the sequence of implementation of such activities.

6. Materials for substantiating the territory planning project contain:

1) characteristics of the existing condition and use of the territory;

2) analysis of the prerequisites and prospects for the development of the territory;

3) justification of design decisions for the territory planning project.

7. The composition and structure of territory planning projects, materials for substantiating territory planning projects are established by the Moscow Government in accordance with this article.

Article 40. Development, coordination and approval of a territory planning project

1. The development of the territory planning project is carried out in accordance with the implementation plan of the General Plan of the city of Moscow. The basis for the development of a territory planning project is the city target program for the development of built-up areas, reorganization of territories, in accordance with which the Moscow Government carries out one of the following actions:

1) concludes an agreement on the development of a built-up area in the manner established by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;

2) carries out, at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, the preparation of the territory for the purpose of its reorganization, the construction of infrastructure facilities and the formation of land plots for the construction of capital construction projects, after which the formed land plots are provided on a competitive basis to individuals and legal entities;

3) in order to develop the reorganization of objects of regional importance in the territory at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, carries out the entire range of measures for the reorganization of the territory, including the construction and reconstruction of social, transport, engineering infrastructure facilities, other capital construction projects, as well as landscaping of the territory.

2. The territory planning project is subject to:

1) consideration in accordance with this Code at public hearings;

2) coordination with the territorial executive authorities of administrative districts, districts of the city of Moscow, within the boundaries of which the development of the territory planning project is being carried out, and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow exercising certain powers in the field of urban planning activities;

3) coordination with federal executive authorities in cases established by federal legislation.

3. The Municipal Assembly of the municipality included within the boundaries of the development of the territory planning project sends its proposals to the specified project in accordance with Part 2 of Article 69 of this Code.

4. To approve the territory planning project, the following must be submitted to the Moscow Government:

1) draft territory planning and a draft legal act of the Moscow Government on approval of the draft territory planning;

2) a list of materials to substantiate the territory planning project, indicating their content;

3) minutes of public hearings, conclusion on the results of public hearings on the territory planning project;

4) proposals from the municipal Assembly of the relevant municipality;

5) conclusions on the approval of the territory planning project.

5. Based on the documents and materials specified in part 4 of this article, the Moscow Government makes a decision to approve the territory planning project or to finalize it.

6. The approved territory planning project may be challenged in court in accordance with federal legislation.

7. Government bodies of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Duma, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the Municipal Assembly of the relevant municipal entity, interested individuals and legal entities may submit proposals to the Moscow Government to amend the approved draft territory planning.

8. The procedure for the development, consideration and approval of territory planning projects is established by the Moscow Government in accordance with this article.

Article 41. Contents of the territory surveying project

1. The territory surveying project contains:

1) drawings of territory surveying, drawn up on the basis of a topographic plan on a scale of 1:2000;

2) provisions on land surveying;

3) urban planning plans for land plots developed as part of a territory surveying project.

2. In the drawings of the land surveying project, the territories are displayed within the corresponding boundaries:

1) territories of cultural heritage sites;

2) zones with special conditions for the use of territories;

3) specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas;

4) functional planning formations for residential, public, business, industrial, and recreational purposes;

5) land plots of linear objects;

6) land plots of public areas;

7) built-up and subject to development land plots, including:

a) existing and planned capital construction projects of federal and regional significance;

b) existing capital construction projects, the copyright holders of which are individuals and legal entities;

c) planned for provision to individuals and legal entities for construction;

8) land plots subject to reservation for state needs;

9) areas of public easements.

3. The provisions on land surveying in relation to each of the land plots specified in paragraph 7 of part 2 of this article indicate:

1) functional, construction, landscape purpose of the territory, established in accordance with this Code;

2) types of permitted use of the land plot, capital construction projects, established by the rules of land use and development;

3) limit (maximum and (or) minimum) parameters of the permitted construction of capital construction projects;

4) restrictions on the use of land and capital construction projects.

4. In order to prepare a territory surveying project for approval, materials are being developed to justify this project, which contain calculations of the size of land plots made in accordance with regional standards and in accordance with Part 4 of Article 43 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

5. The composition and structure of territory surveying projects are established by the Moscow Government in accordance with this article.

Article 42. Development, coordination and approval of territory surveying projects

1. The basis for the development of territory surveying projects is the legal acts of the Moscow Government.

2. Coordination and approval of territory surveying projects developed as part of territory planning projects is carried out in accordance with Article 40 of this Code.

3. The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of territory surveying projects developed in the form of separate documents is established by the Moscow Government.

4. Public hearings are held on land surveying projects for built-up residential areas that are not subject to reorganization in accordance with this Code.

Article 43. Urban planning plans for land plots

1. Development of urban planning plans for land plots is carried out in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and with the form of urban planning plans for land plots established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The urban development plan of a land plot is a mandatory document that is submitted by the developer or customer to conduct a state examination of design documentation, obtain a construction permit, and obtain permission to put the facility into operation. Inconsistency of the design documentation with the urban planning plan of the land plot is the basis for a negative conclusion of the state examination of the design documentation and for refusal to issue a building permit. Inconsistency of a capital construction project created as a result of construction or reconstruction with the urban development plan of a land plot is grounds for refusal to issue a permit to put the facility into operation.

2.1. The preparation of urban planning plans for land plots is carried out in relation to land plots that are built up or intended for construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects (with the exception of linear objects).

2.2. The preparation of urban planning plans for land plots is carried out as part of territory surveying projects or in the form of a separate document.

2.3. In order to develop an urban planning plan for a land plot of a capital construction project of regional significance or a land plot from urban land planned to be provided to individuals and legal entities for construction purposes, by decision of the body authorized in the field of urban planning and architecture, materials may be prepared to justify the placement on such a land plot for capital construction projects (hereinafter referred to as urban planning justification).

3 - 7. Lost power.

8. Urban planning plans for land plots are approved by the Moscow Government or the body authorized in the field of urban planning and architecture if it is vested with the appropriate powers.

9. The procedure for the development, registration and approval of urban planning plans for land plots, the composition, requirements for the content of urban planning justifications and the procedure for their development are established by regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Government in accordance with federal legislation and this Code.

Article 44. Features of the development of urban planning plans for land plots intended for the placement and construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects in residential areas not subject to reorganization

1. Residential territories not subject to reorganization are built-up territories of blocks and functional planning formations (residential groups, residential microdistricts) for residential purposes, with the exception of the specified territories subject to reorganization in accordance with the General Plan of the City of Moscow, including through demolition in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation of multi-apartment residential buildings recognized in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation as unsafe and subject to demolition, as well as multi-apartment residential buildings subject to demolition and reconstruction on the basis of targeted city programs.

2. In order to protect, in residential areas that are not subject to reorganization, the right of residents to a favorable living environment, the rights and legitimate interests of legal holders of land plots, capital construction projects, residential and non-residential premises, the construction of new capital construction projects in these territories, as well as the reconstruction of existing capital construction projects may be permitted in the following cases:

1) for the purpose of construction, reconstruction on the basis of city programs of individual objects of social, transport, engineering infrastructure of regional significance, the provision of which to the population in a residential area not subject to reorganization does not comply with regional standards;

2) for the purpose of construction, reconstruction on the basis of city programs of individual residential buildings intended for citizens in need of social protection in the housing sector, if such construction, reconstruction does not contradict technical regulations, sanitary standards, standards regarding population security and (or) accessibility for the population of social, transport, engineering infrastructure facilities and public areas, and also if during such construction and reconstruction the standard indicators of the provision of existing capital construction projects with areas of the territory are observed;

3) at the initiative of an individual or legal entity - the legal holder of the land plot, provided that the construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project planned by the specified person:

a) ensures compliance with the requirements established for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects on the basis of city programs and specified in paragraph 2 of this part;

b) does not require the laying of utilities to the land plot, the construction of driveways, entrances to the land plot, does not violate the existing system of improvement and landscaping of the territory, including during the period of preparing the territory for construction, reconstruction and implementation of construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project.

3. Projects for land surveying of residential areas not subject to reorganization, developed as part of or in accordance with such projects for land surveying; projects of urban planning plans for land plots and materials for their justification, as well as draft urban planning plans for land plots, developed in the form of a separate document at the request of the legal holders of land plots , are considered by the relevant district commission, presented in the manner prescribed by Articles 68 and 69 of this Code for public hearings and for consideration by municipal meetings of the relevant municipalities.

4. Public hearings on the land surveying project of a residential area not subject to reorganization, a project developed in the form of a separate document of an urban planning plan for a land plot intended for construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project on a residential area not subject to reorganization, are held without fail in accordance with this Code. The Municipal Assembly of the relevant municipality sends its proposals to these projects in accordance with Part 2 of Article 69 of this Code.

5. Based on the results of public hearings and proposals from the municipal Assembly of the municipality, the district commission makes a decision on submitting a land surveying project, an urban planning plan for a land plot for approval or on making changes to these projects.

6. Urban planning plans for land plots in residential areas not subject to reorganization are approved by the Moscow Government or the body authorized in the field of urban planning and architecture, in the manner established by the Moscow Government. Drafts of the specified urban planning plans for land plots are submitted for approval with the mandatory attachment of the following materials:

1) the decision of the district commission to submit an urban planning plan for the land plot for approval;

2) materials specified in part 2.3 of Article 43 of this Code;

3) minutes of public hearings and a conclusion on the results of public hearings;

4) proposals from the municipal Assembly of the relevant municipality.

    • Chapter 1. (Articles 1-10)
      • Article 1.
      • Article 2.
      • Article 3.
      • Article 4.
      • Article 5.
      • Article 6.
      • Article 7.
      • Article 8.
      • Article 9.
      • Article 10.
    • Chapter 2. (Articles 11-18)
      • Article 11.
      • Article 12.
      • Article 13.
      • Article 14.
      • Article 15.
      • Article 16.
      • Article 17.
      • Article 18.
    • Chapter 3. (Articles 19-22)
      • Article 19.
      • Article 20.
      • Article 21.
      • Article 22.
    • Chapter 4. (Articles 23-27)
      • Article 23.
      • Article 24.
      • Article 25.
      • Article 26.
      • Article 27.
    • Chapter 5. (Articles 28-30)
      • Article 28.
      • Article 29.
      • Article 30.
    • Chapter 6. (Articles 31-33)
      • Article 31.
      • Article 32.
      • Article 33.
    • Chapter 7. (Articles 34-37)
      • Article 34.
      • Article 35.
      • Article 36.
      • Article 37. Repealed
    • Chapter 8. (Articles 38-44)
      • Article 38.
      • Article 39.
      • Article 40.
      • Article 41.
      • Article 42.
      • Article 43.
      • Article 44.
    • Chapter 9. (Articles 45-50)
      • Article 45.
    • Chapter 10. (Articles 51-57)
      • Article 51.
      • Article 52.
      • Article 53.
      • Article 54.
      • Article 55.
      • Article 56.
      • Article 57.
    • Chapter 11. (Articles 58-65)
      • Article 58
      • Article 59.
      • Article 60.
      • Article 61.
      • Article 62.
      • Article 63.
      • Article 64.
      • Article 65.
    • Chapter 12. (Articles 66-70)
      • Article 66.
      • Article 67.
      • Article 68.
      • Article 69.
      • Article 70.
    • Chapter 13. (Articles 71-74)
      • Article 71 (Articles 76-78)
        • Article 76.
        • Article 77.
        • Article 78.

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