Confrontation of theories of the origin of cancer. Do you know modern theories about the origin of cancer? What is skin hunger

It is widely believed that in science, a vile form of theft by persons in administrative, financial, etc. positions is not uncommon. powers (i.e. “power” from science, including ministers, academics, politicians, etc., as well as smaller administrators from science, etc.),
Using these powers, they steal (or contribute to the robbery) of those scientists who, in fact, are the authors of scientific results.
However, it is very difficult to prove specific facts about specific individuals!

The following article mentions the facts.
However, the topic itself is so complex that we do not yet have specific data for each specific case it is almost impossible to come to an understanding.

I personally know the problems of cancer patients.
The Kiev Oncology Center sometimes admits up to 80 people a day to the hospital.
Surgery at its best. But complete ignorance of the psychological factor, the lack of prospects for a real cure, is also a fact.
I really wish all readers not to experience anything like this.
But in any case, each of us will encounter decrepitude and illness.
That's why this article is important.
At least as a statement of the problem.
As information for thought, sobering from illusions and carelessness.

“A wise man is defined as one who knows how to get out of difficulties, and a wise man is one who knows how to never get involved in them.”
Osho "Book of Wisdom"

I was unable to write an article - the desire to squeeze as much into it as possible led to its indecent spread, and still there was still a lot of material that was not included. There is a need to rearrange chapters, introduce new chapters, add specifics, which I tried to replace with references to other authors, but readers find it difficult to get hold of their books and publications. Now I am in correspondence with the creators of new methods of treating cancer, all this should also be conveyed to the reader.
If you have comments and questions, please send them, I will try to answer and some answers will be placed at the end of the article, so please provide your name and city.


This question from the headline increasingly arises among people who have passed middle age. According to the forecast of the World Health Organization (WHO), in this century, every third inhabitant of the Earth will die from cancer, which means that trouble will affect every family, and in fact, this sword of Damocles hangs over every person. Not only the elderly, but even the healthiest young man cannot say that this cup has passed his end - after all, several thousand cancer cells appear in his body every second, and you don’t need many - one cell is enough for it to multiply and destroy the whole body.

I do not intend to answer another eternal Russian question: “What should I do?”, since I am neither a doctor nor a healer. But both the doctor and the patient will find a lot of useful things here. I just want to draw the reader’s attention to the information that I was able to extract from scientists, doctors and healers, which will allow the reader to find answers to questions himself, without getting into the jungle of oncology, without plunging into the pool of medical secrets, and without fluttering like a careless butterfly in the fog healing. The reader can refer to the series of books by Tamara Svishcheva “Panacea for Cancer...” (they are now on sale in stores), in which one can find the most detailed information about many alternative methods of treating cancer. These books gave an incorrect assessment of the Britov vaccine and did not understand the essence of the bioresonance method. But I will try to compensate for these shortcomings in this article.

Seven years ago, in 1996, I was discovered to have a large tumor in the lower lobe of my left lung and was offered emergency surgery to remove it. The decision was made as a result of an examination by three doctors: an oncologist at the Novosibirsk City Hospital, who admitted him and referred him to the surgical department, then a very experienced surgeon in the thoracic department, and finally, the head of this department. That is, a decent consultation was formed. When studying the background of the tumor, it turned out that it was already noticeable on the fluorogram in 1994, that is, the doctors missed it even then. The question is, why then force people to undergo an annual mandatory x-ray examination if no one looks at the pictures? And what then are the words of doctors that people should be regularly examined to catch the early stages of cancer? A simple extrapolation of the dynamics of tumor growth showed that in 2 years it increased 100 times and it only needed to increase another 10 times and a ticket to heaven could be issued.

However, I flatly refused the operation, since I do not believe in the surgical method, and as a result, I was issued a wolf ticket in the form of a referral for symptomatic treatment, during which it is not the disease itself that is treated, but its symptoms. This means that for pain they give drugs, for fever they give antipyretics, for dropsy they pump out fluid, etc. All cancer patients, when they are discharged home to die, are prescribed this type of treatment. By prescribing drugs, the patient is turned into a drug addict, and even if by some miracle he copes with cancer, he will be faced with a very difficult task of getting rid of drug addiction. And how can you tell the difference? Is the patient writhing from cancer pain, or is he experiencing withdrawal symptoms due to a lack of drug? If a person’s temperature rises, it means the body is trying to cope with the disease itself; this is its natural reaction to the invasion of an infectious agent. And this temperature is reduced for him, thereby preventing the body from fighting on its own. Official oncology believes that heating is contraindicated for cancer, but does not provide clear explanations for this. But now in many Russian cities, including Novosibirsk, a cancer treatment method is being introduced that uses hyperthermia, that is, heating in a bath to a temperature above 43.5 degrees. Many patents have been issued on hyperthermia - this area is intensively developing. However, this is not a new method of treatment; many thousands of years ago in the East they treated cancer by placing a person between two copper sheets, behind which fires were lit. In Rus', many people got rid of cancer by steaming on a Russian stove; this method still sometimes leads to success; successful cases are described in the literature. And our doctors have formed the belief that heating promotes the growth of cancer cells, and they instilled this belief in the patients. Of course, I do not at all advise people to immediately climb onto the stove; it is better to contact oncologists-hyperthermists. They have accumulated experience in using the method with which they treat not only cancer, but also many other diseases (AIDS, drug addiction, etc.). The problem here is that you can't overheat the brain cells and all variants of hyperthermia revolve around ways to avoid overheating the brain. There are such specialists in oncology centers in some cities. They are also in Novosibirsk.

It must be said that doctors divide all treatment methods into three types - radical, palliative and symptomatic.
Symptomatic treatment- this is a complete surrender of doctors to the disease. This, strictly speaking, is not a treatment; grandma’s poultices are even more beneficial.
Palliative treatment- this is the middle and half, as God wants.
Medicine does not cure cancer radically. I know only one person who recently worked in a newspaper with a circulation of 2.5 million copies. stated that he guarantees the cure of cancer of any type and any stage if a person follows all his recommendations. But he is not a doctor, but an electrical engineer, this is RAS academician B.V. Bolotov (RAS in this case stands for Russian Academy of Sciences. There is such an academy in Ukraine, apparently it united Russian-speaking academicians who did not get along with nationalist academicians). He successfully treated cancer in Kyiv, but for this he was sent to a maximum security camp, where he served 8 years. True, in 1991 all charges against him were dropped; it turns out that there was no “illegal medical practice.” But since then he only treats acquaintances .

In the “Russian Journal of Oncology” for 2001, number 5, I read statistics - for 1999 - in Russia the number of men who died from lung cancer was 95% of the number of cases. Let's take into account that the annual increase in the number of cancer cases is approximately 3%. These are the cancer statistics in all developed countries. That is, in fact, only about 2% of men with lung cancer are cured using all methods. Less than 1% falls on surgery - those were my chances. What is interesting is that if a lung is removed not from a sick person, but from a healthy young man, then one should not be surprised if he dies after some time. Doctors will write this off as a complication after the operation, although the operation itself can be performed perfectly. Moreover, this person has a chance to die from cancer, which he did not have before the operation, or rather was not determined. There are many reasons for this, I will tell you only about two of them.
Firstly, the lungs are an organ of the immune system, and only one’s own immunity can cope with cancer cells. The main organ of the immune system is the thymus, from which lymphocytes called killer T cells emerge. These killer T cells can recognize and destroy any cancer cell anywhere in the body, unless they are prevented from doing so. And not only cancer cells, but any genetically altered cells in general will be identified and destroyed. The thymus is located behind the sternum, that is, next to the lungs, and when a lung is removed, disruption of the thymus function is inevitable, because something around it will be disrupted. In general, any operation leads to such a change in the internal environment of the body that the work of T-killers is greatly hampered.
Secondly, if for some reason the body missed the destruction of cancer cells (for example, a blood vessel was clogged and T-killers were unable to penetrate the cancer cells), then it tries block the cancer focus. surrounding it with a fibrin sheath, that is, a capsule is created around the tumor, which prevents tumor growth. In this capsule, cancer cells are alive, since glucose enters through the fibrin membrane for nutrition, but they cannot leave there, so they remain there for decades. You can live a hundred years with such capsules and not get cancer. But if during an operation such a capsule is accidentally opened, then the cancer cells will have room for their activities. For this reason, even a tumor biopsy is dangerous and oncologists try to refrain from it. And since as a result of the operation the immune system is weakened and T-killers are suppressed, a person can die from cancer quite quickly.

The famous healer Galina Shatalova recently wrote in the newspaper Trud dated August 26, 2002, p. 22: “I had to operate during both the Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars. Surgery, of course, is needed in extreme cases, it would be stupid to argue about it. But when it comes to chronic and psychosomatic diseases, a surgeon is not needed. He violates the integrity of the body. What exactly? Science is not entirely clear. Therefore, I parted with both surgery and neurosurgery, although it was in this area that I had good achievements and even discoveries."

And not only with an operation or biopsy, but also with an ordinary knife wound, blow, or injury, you can open some kind of cancerous burial place. Fans of fighting, as well as athletes, should know about this. Of course, every fighter wants to hurt the other - he himself always expects to remain untouched. But this is weak self-consolation - it will get to his nuts, and the consequences may appear after a certain number of years. Well, the fact that athletes are not long-livers has long been known. People sometimes have innocent moles or spots on their skin that do not bother the person at all, but often there are very aggressive melanoma cancer cells that can kill in a few weeks. This spot is also internally separated from the body by a fibrin membrane, but if it is disturbed, simply scratched, the consequences can be very tragic. Therefore, it is best to remove these stains, out of harm’s way. Now doctors can do this very quickly and reliably, burning with a laser. The spots are on the skin, and inside the body the tumors will be packed into round capsules. These are dangerous burial places. A detailed survey in the USA showed that approximately 10 million men over 50 years of age have very small prostate tumors and half of the men who died at the age of 70-80 years from other diseases have them (Science, 1995, vol. 268, p. 884) . This is only one type of cancer, but in humans there are more than 200 types. That is, it turns out that if these men had not died from other diseases, then after some time they would have died from prostate cancer, because at this age the immune system is very weakened. I wrote above that cancer cells can remain in the capsule for decades. But in adulthood, the blood becomes more alkaline, and alkali can dissolve the fibrin shell of the capsule, thereby releasing cancer cells, without oncologists even suspecting it. Of course, all doctors know that the capsule shell consists of fibrin. And the fact that fibrin is soluble in alkali is also a well-known medical fact. It’s just that there aren’t enough brains to combine these two ordinary facts and draw appropriate conclusions from this. Surgeries and radiation also lead to a sharp alkalinization of the blood. It must be said that our blood in its normal state is slightly alkaline, that is, in the human body there is always something to dissolve the fibrin membrane of cancer capsules and release these cells to freedom. Therefore, Academician Boris Bolotov is absolutely right when he titled his article in the “Healthy Lifestyle” newsletter, 2003, number 5: “If you want to live healthy, acidify yourself! “He recommends regularly drinking a diluted solution of a mixture of hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric and acetic acids.

Some women are addicted to surgical breast augmentation, and in old age they have the skin of the face and neck tightened, thereby reducing their immunity, because it is on the skin of the face and neck that there are the most immune cells responsible for humoral (i.e. tissue) immunity. Thus, a decrease in the number of wrinkles will certainly occur due to a decrease in years of life, but how can this be determined? Beauty does not require sacrifice at all; it expects understanding from a person. Not only operations or blows, but even simple compression of areas of the body can lead to serious consequences. Before the war, Japanese women practically did not know bras and they very rarely suffered from breast cancer. After the war, the Americans brought the fashion for this item with them to this country, and now the incidence of breast cancer in Japanese women is almost equal to the world average. And in general, breast cancer gives the highest incidence of cancer in women, but have you ever heard of any oncologist warning women against wearing a bra? For me, this is a mystery and the answer suggests itself - they do not want to lose their jobs. There are no guidelines on this matter, which is probably why they don’t say anything. Because if they do not know about it, then they can be accused of professional incompetence. I wonder if they warn their wives about this? Do female oncologists know about this? Here you can throw a wedge everywhere: he knows - it’s bad, he doesn’t know - even worse. By squeezing the vessels, the woman thereby prevents T-killer cells from doing their job, but it is these immune cells that are involved not only in the destruction of cancer cells, but also in the creation of a fibrin capsule around the tumor, when it can no longer be eliminated.

In oncology, a 5-year survival period is accepted, that is, if there has been no relapse of the disease within 5 years, then this patient is considered cured. I have already survived this period by five years, if you count from the moment when doctors could have detected the tumor, but did not. Now I feel great and have no plans to die. A recent examination using bioresonance equipment showed that there are no malignant cells in me, and my immune system is in excellent condition. Therefore, I have reason to believe that I will live a very long time. Official statistics give an average figure of 59 years, but this is a disingenuous figure - it includes refugees from neighboring countries. In the Soviet Union, a man lived an average of 58 years, and advanced Soviet medicine pushed the most advanced country into second-to-last place among the 60 countries that record average life expectancy. Over the last decade, the situation with health has not improved in any way, this is obvious, so experts give a more realistic figure, equal to 53 years for a man.

We must understand that doctors are provided with instructions and techniques, beyond which they simply do not have the right. After all, in the event of death, an analysis is possible, and if something was done wrong, not according to instructions, then the doctor will be to blame. The doctor is responsible for the patient’s life, and he is simply forced to furnish himself with all sorts of tests and papers so that later he can justify himself. He is forced to write in advance on the card what is not there. For example, my attending surgeon, without even examining me, diagnosed chronic bronchitis, although I never coughed and never complained. That is, the patient must take responsibility for his health on himself, and not point to the doctor or someone else. You need to know that, for example, in the United States, mortality from medical errors is in 4th place after cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

It is difficult to say any one reason that pulled me out of the grave; most likely, a complex of reasons, united by one idea, played a role. It was a very simple idea, I didn’t invent it, but read it in a thick, reputable magazine, which was very difficult to find. After all, what situation did I find myself in, having escaped the clutches of surgeons? Something had to be done, we couldn’t sit and wait for the end. So I began to leaf through abstract journals on oncology, starting with the most recent issues and gradually moving deeper into the decades. What was I looking for? I got in there, I don’t know where, and I was looking for something, I don’t know what. About 2 thousand articles on oncology are published every month, almost 25 thousand per year. It is impossible to read them, even if you read only the headlines. That is, it was a sea of ​​information, from which, nevertheless, I managed not only to swim, wading through the algae of medical terminology, but also to pull out what I was looking for. This was an experimental fact, which for some reason did not pay attention to oncologists. And over the years, this fact has been covered with silt and it is securely buried; now, in order to find it, a specialist needs to rummage through hundreds of thousands of articles - there are unlikely to be anyone willing to do so.

I already wrote that Cancer cells can only be destroyed by killer T lymphocytes emerging from the thymus. Moreover, they are not born in the thymus, but only undergo training. Immune cells are born in the bone marrow and from there travel to the thymus gland .
It is known that the thymus atrophies with moderate or general irradiation, with the injection of almost any cytostatic chemical used to treat cancer, as well as with all severe acute and subacute infections. The thymus also suffers during surgical operations. As we see Almost all modern cancer treatments destroy the main organ of the immune system. And hence the possibility of relapses - any remaining cancer cell can become the beginning of a new colony in another place, and the body will have nothing to fight it with. The result is known - with all methods in Russia, a little more than 25% of cancer patients are cured, that is, the effectiveness of each method separately is only 8-9%.

We present new articles that speak about the growing public interest in the problems of cancer, and alarm in connection with its catastrophically rapid growth. It is worth noting that many of the researchers' results confirm in detail my theory about the nature of cancer. A quick glance at all the articles is enough to see the imperfection of methods for diagnosing and treating cancer. This is due to only one thing. There is no general theory of cancer formation and its etiopathogenesis. What is described below is a long-past stage in our research. Further, our remarks and comments will be given in italics.

Breast cancer in most cases occurs in women whose older relatives have not had it. This refutes the common belief that a hereditary factor is decisive for this disease. Genetic factors do not play a role in the development of breast cancer. Australian oncologists have proven this, reports Top News. During the study, experts analyzed data from almost 20 thousand mammograms taken by women over 20 years. Among those diagnosed with breast cancer, 72% were the first to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their family; their older relatives did not suffer from it. Previously, it was widely believed that family heredity was one of the main risk factors. In this regard, doctors recommend that all women, without exception, conduct monthly self-diagnosis of the condition of the mammary glands. “Most ladies are confident that if there is no history of breast cancer in their family, then they have nothing to worry about. But this is not true,” said study leader Vicki Pridmore. She added that if lumps are felt in the breast, axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, or discharge from the breast is observed (except during periods of pregnancy and lactation), you should immediately contact a mammologist. In addition, every two years it is highly advisable to consult a doctor for a professional examination. Previously, in my articles and books, I wrote that it is not genetics, but disrupted protein folding that is the main link in the pathogenesis of cancer. The latter is disrupted due to the introduction into living matter of a huge number of xenobiotics (artificial molecules, and a myriad of modulated EMFs (communications, household appliances, etc.). Moreover, these factors primarily contribute to the transformation of L-proteins into D-proteins and chimeric proteins (a mixture of the right and left-handed polarized models). Genetics - drifts, protein folding - rapidly moves in living matter, in which the main driver is the autowave process (solitons). Further. A large amount of fat in the menu of young girls threatens the development of breast cancer in the future. This is due to the accelerated development of milk glands due to irregular tissues. By irregular tissues, the author of the article probably meant benign tissue growths...

An unbalanced diet in youth can lead to breast cancer in women in the future. This was stated by American scientists from the University of California, reports Daily Mail . They conducted experiments on young mice. They were given food enriched with fatty acids that cause metabolic syndrome, a condition that affects many obese people. It was found that a large amount of fat in food stimulated the premature development of mammary glands in rodents. At the same time, their tissues formed incorrectly, which became a risk factor for cancer. “There is now an epidemic of childhood obesity in many countries, and girls are starting to grow breasts earlier as a result. This could be dangerous,” said the study's lead author, Dr. Russ Hovey. Scientists explain that incorrectly formed adipose tissue provokes the growth of abnormal cells. Also, excessive fluctuations in insulin levels can have carcinogenic properties. Fatty acids similar to those that the mice received are present in large quantities in industrial baked goods and many refined high-calorie foods, experts emphasized. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK. It accounts for 16% of all cancer cases. Almost all patients are female, but in 2009 several hundred men were diagnosed with breast cancer.

Currently, this type of cancer is often completely curable thanks to early detection and new effective therapies. Abnormal cells and an increase in the number of breast cancer in women and even men indicate that by eating modern food, a person absorbs a huge amount of xenobiotics, thereby dooming himself to death from cancer. Even after being cured of cancer, one cannot guarantee against its recurrence and the emergence of a new cancer... Due to the extremely large number of people and the irrational social structure, modern people cannot receive food directly from the fields and farms... And even if they did, it would be there in the fields, vegetable gardens, ponds, barnyards, farms, everything grows on artificial molecules, and everyone uses water almost universally contaminated with xenobiotics, salts of heavy metals, surfactants, products of the pharmaceutical industry, etc... The air is saturated with the same, and EMF of different frequencies and power. It is worth paying attention to some details inherent in modern products. Packed in plastic, with bright labels, tasteless, non-perishable, odorless, colorful, practically no shelf life...

Cancer and fried food

Also, regular hair dyes can cause cancer, scientists have warned. Men who eat fried foods more than once a week have a one-third increased risk of developing prostate cancer. This was stated by employees of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, RBC writes with reference to The Daily Mail. Chips, fried chicken, battered fish and donuts contribute to the formation of an aggressive form of cancer that is life-threatening. The study showed that eating deep-fried foods once a week increases the risk of cancer by 30-37%. And if you eat such food less often than once a month, the danger is reduced. The scientists' conclusion is based on an analysis of the results of two scientific studies involving 1,549 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1,492 healthy volunteers. The age of the subjects was 35-74 years. "This is the first study to show the relationship between eating fried foods and the risk of prostate cancer," said study leader Janet Stanford. According to her, frying foods produces harmful carcinogens that promote the formation of tumor cells. One such compound is acrylamide, others are heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can be found in meats fried at high temperatures.

In addition, even ordinary hair dyes, used by millions of women, can be very dangerous. This was announced by scientists from Green Chemicals, writes Astro Meridian. They found that chemicals called "secondary amines" found in hair dyes can react with tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes and other air pollution to form one of the most potent carcinogens known to man. This compound can penetrate the skin and remain on the hair for weeks, months or even years after the dye is applied. In addition, according to the calculations of this group of researchers, an increasing number of hair dye consumers are becoming victims of allergies, sometimes even fatally. According to researchers, a third of women regularly resort to hair coloring, so the scale of this disaster can be enormous. A 2009 study found that women who use hair dyes have a 60 percent higher risk of blood cancer. Here I agree with the authors of the article with minor additions. Yes, frying, etc. The “delights” of cooking undoubtedly produce carcinogens from ordinary products if they are not subjected to strong heat treatment, or overnight it will be mentioned - the microwave oven! This generally produces radiolysis of all products placed there. Regularly eating microwaved food is guaranteed to cause cancer! Moreover (!!!) all these “stoves” are full of holes, i.e. in some places they let through those very waves that in themselves are carcinogens... I can only say one thing about hair dyes. Hair and nails are living derivatives of the skin!!! They have their own metabolism and are an exact reflection of the strategic processes occurring in the body! Any diagnosis can be made using nails and hair. Therefore, by applying artificial dyes to the hair and impregnating it, a woman dooms herself to cancer... Because the hair loses its main characteristics - dissymmetry and anisotropy. As I already wrote in my books: pregnant women, cancer patients and old people are similar in hyperpigmentation (increased pigmentation of the skin, mucous membranes), brittle, thin hair that does not fit into the hairstyle and fragile nails, swelling and acromegaly (enlargement of the hands, feet, lips )… The article about hair dyes also confirms my theory about the etiopathogenesis of cancer.

Refined foods cause skin rashes. This primarily applies to white bread, potatoes, carbonated drinks and some dried fruits. One of the reasons for the appearance of acne may be the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index. American nutritionists found this out, reports the MEDVesti website. They conducted a meta-analysis of a number of studies conducted over the past few decades. Based on the results obtained, scientists have added to the list of products harmful to the condition of the skin. If previously it was known that the occurrence of acne is provoked by sweets and fatty foods, now the list has been supplemented by milk and refined, highly purified foods. Among them are white bread, potatoes, carbonated drinks. Carbohydrates from them quickly enter the blood and cause sharp hormonal fluctuations, affecting glucose levels. It is noted that the glycemic index refers to the rate at which the body absorbs carbohydrates. The faster glucose enters the blood, the higher this indicator. In addition, a high GI indicates that this product, when ingested, raises blood sugar levels. Products with a very high GI also include beer, dates, and sweet pastries. The lowest index is for most vegetables, for example, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini. Comments are unnecessary... But it is worth recalling the fact about the “side” of glucose polarization! The organisms of all living creatures on earth assimilate only left-polarized amino acids, and only right-polarized sugars! They simply do not notice other derivatives. You can eat five kilograms of right-handed amino acids and left-handed sugars, but not a single gram will stay in the body! Glucose is the “gasoline” for all types of metabolism, and the regular intake of large and easily digestible forms of glucose contributes to the “burnout” of metabolism. Cancer also madly loves glucose... Therefore, by eating easily digestible carbohydrates (they are also called fast carbohydrates), people “grow” cancer and diabetes with their own hands...

Malignant kidney tumors are among the leaders in the annual increase in incidence among cancer diseases in the Russian Federation. However, patients rarely receive modern therapy. In most cases, an outdated and ineffective technique is used. In Russia, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of cases of newly diagnosed kidney cancer, and the mortality rate from this disease is also increasing. Such data were announced at a round table meeting dedicated to current legislative issues and problems of the state strategy for the treatment of patients with cancer. Among malignant neoplasms there are leaders in annual increase in incidence. Kidney cancer is one of them, noted the leading researcher at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Russian Cancer Research Center. N.N. Blokhina, board member of the Society of Oncologists and Chemotherapists Dmitry Nosov. - Diagnostic algorithms are being improved, but at the same time there are no significant advances in antitumor therapy. D. Nosov explained that the average annual increase for kidney cancer is on average 2.71%, while in general for cancer diseases this figure does not exceed 0.64%. In turn, the head of the urology department of the Moscow Oncology Research Institute named after. P.A. Herzen, Professor Boris Alekseev said that the availability of effective therapy for kidney cancer is extremely important. However, immunotherapy is still used to treat inoperable patients in Russia - an outdated technology that does not produce tangible results, but is also very expensive. - It has already been proven that targeted therapy is more effective. This is treatment with drugs that target tumor cells. This method increases survival by 2-2.5 times compared to immunotherapy,” emphasized B. Alekseev. Meanwhile, according to expert data, targeted drugs are provided to only 2% of kidney cancer patients who have appropriate indications. The round table participants agreed that it is extremely necessary to ensure patients’ access to modern medicines in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the emphasis should be on the introduction of new drugs into practical medicine, which will expand the possibilities of individualizing therapy. There is no doubt that gathering around a table is a good thing... Especially a round one, at which even oncologists themselves recognize some methods as obsolete... However, for some reason they cannot recognize all existing methods except surgery as obsolete? The main terrible complication of kidney cancer is relapses, metastases to the lungs and bones. Death is terrible and painful. The beautiful word targeted therapy is also practically powerless against cancer. This is another “wishful thinking”... Our statistics say. All patients with kidney cancer who received non-linear medicine drugs are alive.

Oncologists from the USA have developed a test that allows diagnosing certain types of cancer using a breath test. It has been tested in patients with lung and breast cancer. Lung and breast cancer can be diagnosed using a breath test. The first tests of such a test were carried out by American scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Cancer Institute of Emory University, reports the Medical Xpress portal. The study involved 50 women, half of whom were healthy and half of whom had malignant tumors in the lungs. The air samples they exhaled varied in the content of volatile organic compounds. Similar studies have recently been conducted among women with breast cancer; in 78% of cases, scientists were able to determine the diagnosis using a breath test. In this case, the patient breathes into a special device. Chemical compounds in the exhaled air are examined using a special sensor. The process combines two methods - gas chromatography (separation of complex substances from each other) and spectrometry (identification of chemical composition). In cancer patients and healthy people, the chemical composition of exhaled air is different. According to the developers of the test, a simple and inexpensive breath test will allow cancer to be detected at an early stage, when it is curable in more than 70% of cases. The study authors note that the results need to be tested with a larger number of volunteers. The new test can then be used in clinical practice. This article, more than any other, confirms the narrowness of the accepted scientific paradigm in research into the nature of cancer. Everything is based only on molecular biology and biochemistry... These outdated diagnostic methods are the product of an incorrect scientific paradigm, inertia of thinking and immortal bureaucracy... Having conducted tens of thousands (!!!) of studies on our METSIS device, we have proven its 100% accuracy. In all respects, it clearly surpasses all available diagnostic methods in terms of simplicity, cheapness, speed, objectivity, and sensitivity. We are currently legalizing it in Israel and Europe. After it is adopted for use in oncology, all “modern devices” for diagnosing (and treating) cancer will be exhibited in the museum of medicine, as an edification to posterity on how to gracefully answer global questions of natural science.

Men are 12% more likely to die from cancer and have a greater risk of getting it overall. In particular, this applies to cancer of the stomach, pancreas, lungs and seven other types. Cancer in both sexes has the same forms, but recently the incidence of cancer in men has begun to increase exponentially. The Medvest website reports this. The corresponding study was conducted by American doctors from Cornell Medical College in New York. Since 2003, they have monitored a number of cancer patients with ten types of tumors, including the stomach, pancreas, and lungs, and came to the conclusion that men are more susceptible to cancer. In addition, cancer in the stronger sex is 12% more likely to lead to death. This has been proven in seven types of cancer. “This situation is due, among other things, to the characteristics of male metabolism,” concluded one of the study authors, Professor Sharoh Sharyat. In addition, men are more often susceptible to bad habits, which is also a carcinogenic factor.

Deaths from lung cancer among European women are rising and will reach a peak by 2015. This is due to the fact that in the 60-70s of the last century, many of them became addicted to smoking. However, after a decade, the trend will decline: a new generation of European women depends less and less on cigarettes. Whereas previously women in Europe most often died from breast cancer, now in some countries it is more often due to lung cancer. These are the results of a study by an international group of oncologists from EU countries, reports the BBC. According to their calculations, in 2013, more than 82.6 thousand European women will die from lung cancer, and almost 88.9 thousand from breast cancer. At the same time, a reverse trend is already visible in the UK and Poland, and by 2015, according to forecasts, it will spread throughout Europe. Experts say this is due to the fact that in the 60-70s of the last century, many women began to smoke. However, due to the fact that smoking has been falling out of fashion in developed countries in recent years, and the authorities are actively enacting anti-smoking laws, after some time the incidence of lung cancer should decline. According to researchers, this will happen around 2025. Overall, scientists found that people in European countries are becoming more likely to experience cancer. At the same time, mortality from them is decreasing, as medicine is constantly improving methods of treating such patients. However, despite the overall positive dynamics, mortality from lung cancer among residents of EU countries is still increasing. The percentage of deaths in patients with malignant tumors of the pancreas is also high, since this type of cancer is not yet treated very effectively. This applies to both women and men. Oncologists emphasize that smoking and diabetes are to blame for about a third of diagnoses. Other causes of cancer have so far been little studied. I completely agree with the authors of the articles. However, the main cause of cancer is still a damaged environment. By the way(!) depressions and phobias that half of earthlings suffer from are of a “physical” electromagnetic and “chemical” (xenobiotic) nature. Michurin died when he fell from a tree while picking tomatoes. Humanity may die under the car for which it works day and night...

All rights reserved Kutushov M.V., 2013.

Prof. Kutushov M.V.

To date, there is no exact theory of the origin of a cancerous tumor, and many doctors and scientists argue about this. So far, there is a general theory to which everyone is inclined - that cancer arises as a result of mutation of genes inside cells in both men, women, and young children.

With the development of technology, more and more theories are appearing that have a place, but have not yet been 100% proven. If scientists understand where a cancerous tumor comes from, they will be able to predict this disease in people and destroy it in the bud.

It is not yet possible to answer the question of where cancer comes from, but we will provide you with several theories, and you will decide which one is the most plausible. We recommend reading this article in its entirety, it will completely change your understanding of cancer.

When did the cancer appear?

Not only humans, but also animals and some plant species suffer from cancer and other tumors. This disease has always existed in our history. The oldest mention was in 1600 BC in Egypt. Ancient papyri described a malignant neoplasm of the mammary glands.

The Egyptians treated cancer with fire, cauterizing the damaged area. Poisons and even arsenic were also used for cauterization. They did the same in other parts of the world, for example, in the Ramayana.

The word “cancer” was first introduced into the designation by Hippocrates (460-377 BC). The name itself is taken from the Greek “karkinos”, which means “Cancer” or “Tumour”. So it designated any malignant neoplasm with inflammation of nearby tissues.

There was another name “Oncos”, which also means tumor formation. A world-famous physician already at that time first described carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract, uterus, intestines, nasopharynx, tongue and mammary glands.

In ancient times, external tumors were simply removed, and the remaining metastases were treated with ointments and oils mixed with poison. On the territory of Russia, moxibustions using tincture and ointment of hemlock and celandine were often used. And in other countries where these plants did not grow, they burned them with arsenic.

Unfortunately, internal tumors were not treated in any way and the patients simply died. The famous Roman healer Galen in 164 AD already described tumors with the word “tymbos”, which translated means “tombstone hill”.

Even then, he realized that early diagnosis and detection of the disease at an early stage gives a positive prognosis. Later, he tried to pay attention specifically to the description of the disease. He, like Hippocrates, used the word onkos, which later became the root of the word “Oncology”.

Aulus Cornelius Celsus in the 1st century BC tried to treat cancer only in the first stages, and in the last stages the therapy no longer gave any result. The disease itself has been rarely described. There is no mention of it even in honey. Chinese book “Classics of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor”. And there are two reasons:

  1. Most healers did not describe the disease, but tried to treat it.
  2. The incidence of cancerous tumors was quite low. And at this time, the peak has come due to a technical breakthrough in the century, factories, industry, etc.

The first more accurate description began in the mid-nineteenth century by the physician Rudolf Vircherow. He described the mechanism of spread and growth of cancer cells. But oncology as a branch of medicine was founded only in the mid-twentieth century, when new diagnostic methods appeared.

Problem of the 21st century

Yes, cancer has always existed, but it was not on such a scale as it is now. The number of diseases is growing every decade, and the problem can affect every family, literally in 50-70 years.

Another problem is that the cause has not yet been clarified. Many scientists and oncologists argue about the occurrence of the disease. There are quite a few theories and each provides some aspect and lifts the mystery of the origin of the disease. But there are also those who contradict each other, and there is no common answer to the question - where does oncology come from? - Not yet.

Hepatogenic theory

At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, a group of German scientists studied cancer based on the so-called “cancer houses”. People living there constantly suffered from cancer, and doctors came to the conclusion that this could be indicated by a hepatogenic factor. Later they even began to produce some protection against this radiation, although they themselves did not know how to detect it.

The International Congress of Oncology later refuted this theory. But later she returned. Hepatogenic zones: faults in the ground, voids, intersections of water flows, subway tunnels, etc. These zones drain energy from a person during a long stay.

Hepatogenic rays have a diameter of up to 35 cm and can grow up to the 12th floor. When exposed to the area during sleep, rest or work, the affected organs are at risk of any diseases, including cancer. These zones were first described in the 50s of the last century by Ernst Hartmann, he called them “Hartmann’s grid”.

The doctor described the occurrence of cancer in six hundred pages. His theory was that it was the immune system that was being suppressed. And as we know, it is she who first begins to fight mutated cells and destroys them in the first stages. If anyone is interested, you can always find and read his book published in the 60s of the 20th century - “Diseases as a problem of location.”

One of the famous doctors at that time, Dieter Aschof, told his patients to check their places of work and home with the help of dowsing specialists. Three doctors from Vienna, Hochengt, Sauerbuch and Notanagel, advised cancer patients to immediately move from their homes to another place.


  • 1977 — Ocnologist Kasyanov examined more than four hundred people who lived in the hepatogenic zone. The study showed that these people suffered from various diseases more often than others.
  • 1986 — A Polish doctor examined more than a thousand patients who slept and lived in geopathogenic zones. Those who slept at the intersection of the rays fell ill for 4 years. 50% are mild diseases, 30% are moderate, 20% are fatal.
  • 1995 - English oncologist Ralph Gordon found that breast cancer and lung cancer are more common in people living in hellish zones. Let us remember that, according to statistics, these are the two most common diseases in men and women.
  • 2006 — Ilya Lubensky introduced the concept of “hepatogenic syndrome”. He even came up with a rehabilitation technique for people who were influenced by anomalous rays.

Virus theory

In 2008, Harold Zurhausen received the Nobel Prize for proving that viruses can cause cancer. He proved this with the example of cervical cancer. At the same time, many Soviet and Russian scientists and doctors of the last century also put forward this theory, but could not prove it due to the scarcity of technology and diagnostic equipment.

The Soviet scientist Leah Zilber first wrote about this theory. He sat in a concentration camp and wrote his theory on a piece of tissue paper. Later, his son Fyodor Kiselev continued his father’s idea and developed a work together with Zurhausen in which the main enemy was the human papillomavirus (HPV), which could cause cancer. Later, in large countries, almost all women began to receive HPV vaccinations.

Genetic theory

The essence of the theory is that there is an influence, both external and internal, on genes during the process of cell division and during ordinary life. As a result, the genetics of the cells break down, and they mutate, turning into cancer. Afterwards, such tissues begin to endlessly divide and grow, absorbing and damaging nearby organs.

As a result, scientists found so-called oncogenes - these are genes that, under certain conditions and external factors, begin to degenerate any cell in the body into cancer. Before this state, such genes are in a dormant state.

That is, a gene is that part of the program code in the body that begins to work only at a certain moment and under certain conditions. This is why the risk of getting sick is higher for people whose parents had cancer than for others.

But we must remember that all mutated or broken cells are fought by our immune system, which constantly scans the body for breakdowns and destroys careless cells.

And if immunity is lowered, then the chance of getting sick is greater. This is especially dangerous for a child at an early age, when he has already stopped receiving mother’s milk as food. And also when the remaining stem cells divide, they are more vulnerable to changes in tissue DNA molecules in babies.

Today, this theory is the main and most widespread, which is used by almost all oncologists and physicians. Since all other theories are largely just a risk factor, be it viruses or hepatogenic in nature.

Plus, he noticed that cancer cells do not form tissue like living ones, and the tumor is more like a large colony. Nevyadomsky believed that tumor cells are foreign organisms like chlamydia.

O.I. Eliseeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, oncologist, who has been studying cancer tumors for 40 years, came up with the theory that a tumor is a structure of interaction between fungi, microbes and viruses, as well as protozoa. Initially, a fungus appears on the spot, on which viruses and microorganisms with protozoa develop further.

H. Clark suggested and wrote in his work that a cancerous tumor appears at the place of life of a trematode, a flatworm. And if you kill him, the spread of cancer will stop. His other theory is chemical - under the influence of benzene and propylene. At the same time, in order for cancer to begin to occur, you need to accumulate a sufficient amount of these substances.

And now an interesting fact - ALL the sick people examined by Dr. Clark had propylene and trematodes in their bodies. He studied factors in everyday life that affect everyone where propylene is located:

  1. Dentures, crowns.
  2. Freon from refrigerators.
  3. Bottled water.
  4. Deodorants.
  5. Tooth pastes.
  6. Refined oils.

Added to this was another theory about radiation, which arose in 1927 and was invented by Hermann Müller. He saw that as a result of exposure to radiation and all types of rays, cells begin to mutate and cancer can occur. True, the irradiation was carried out on animals, and not in the laboratory directly on tissue.

Scientists have noticed that cancer cells mainly arise in an acidic environment. In such an environment, the immune system and all nearby tissues of the body weaken. But if the environment is made alkaline, then everything will be the other way around and cancer cells simply will not be able to survive in it, but the immune system will be normal. Because of this, there is a rather old and good method of treating and restoring the alkaline balance with calcium and.

Biochemistry and cancer

In our age, chemicals, substances, pesticides and other harmful substances are found quite often. The basis of the theory is that all these substances affect every cell of the body. As a result, immunity drops significantly, and a favorable environment for the emergence of cancer cells appears in the body.

Proponents of the immune theory believe that cancer cells arise constantly during life, but the immune system periodically destroys them. With any impact within the body and during the regeneration process, our cells grow and clog both internal and external wounds. And the whole process is controlled by the immune system.

But with constant irritation and wound healing, mutation may occur and control may cease. This theory was first proposed by Rudolf Ludwig. Yamagaw and Ishikawa from Japan conducted a couple of tests. They put chemical on the rabbits' ears. carcinogen. As a result, after a few months a tumor appeared. The problem was that not all substances affected the occurrence of cancer.


The founder of this theory is Otto Warburg. He discovered in 1923 that cancer cells actively break down glucose. And in 1955, he put forward a theory according to which malignant cells, when mutated, begin to behave like primitive Trichomonas, can move, cease to carry out the program laid down at the very beginning and grow and multiply very quickly.

In the process, their flagella, with the help of which they moved, disappear as unnecessary. As mentioned earlier, many scientists have noticed that cancer cells can move and move like protozoa, and subsequently spread throughout the body, forming new colonies, even under the skin.

Each person has three types of Trichomonas: in the oral cavity, intestines and in the reproductive system. This is where cancer most often occurs. In this case, before this, some kind of inflammation of the cervix, prostatitis, etc. occurs. Moreover, Trichomonas themselves, without flagella, are indistinguishable from human epithelial tissues in the blood. And there are quite a lot of types of protozoa.

A few facts

  1. In the laboratory, under any conditions, not a single doctor or scientist in the world has been able to turn a normal cell into a cancer cell. By influencing it with both chemical reagents and radiation.
  2. No one has been able to initiate metastasis in the laboratory.
  3. The DNA of a cancer cell is 70% similar to the DNA of protozoa, similar to Trichomonas.

NOTE! And at the same time, no one takes the theory of Otto and Svishcheva as a basis. Everyone talks about genetic mutation as the dominant theory, and no one has found the right answer. Maybe the problem is that scientists and doctors are looking the other way?! It is not yet clear why this theory is not being explored.

Oncological tumors arise as a result of disruption of the circulation of internal energy through the jilo channels, according to Chinese theory. At the same time, the energy of space, entering and leaving, must circulate according to certain rules. When the law is violated, disruptions occur in the body: a decrease in immunity, the occurrence of any diseases, including tumor diseases.

All this came to us from Eastern medicine. Each cell emits its own biofield, and in the complex there is a general radiation in the form of an egg. If this field weakens, then the body begins to be attacked by viruses, fungi and microorganisms, which can lead to malignant formations.

Any sore, additional disease, is the reason that the biofield begins to spin in the other direction. And the patient feels painful symptoms, his mood worsens and the biofield fades even more. But speaking in general, the theory here is based on the effect rather than on the cause.

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Currently, there is a belief that the vast majority of cancer diseases have an unambiguous, although not always known, cause: various types of radiation, contact of the body with certain chemicals, certain viral infections, repeated mechanical irritation.

It is believed that the occurrence of cancer is a two-step process. The impact of an unfavorable external factor leads to the so-called initiation or emergence of a “sleeping” transformed, actually cancer cell in the body, the effect of which, however, should not manifest itself immediately. Such a “sleeping” changed cell (or group of cells) can exist in the body for a long time (ten, fifteen or more years) without manifestation of the disease. But any other impulse, external or internal (mental stress, certain types of viral diseases, the entry of any chemicals into the body, endocrine imbalance, for example in adolescence, decreased body resistance, in particular due to poor nutrition, weakened immune response etc.) can cause expression when “dormant” transformed cells begin to rapidly and indefinitely divide and form one form or another of a tumor. At the molecular level, initiation probably corresponds to the attachment of a molecule of a certain carcinogenic substance to DNA in the cell nucleus. This step, which is key in terms of cancer occurrence, is considered irreversible.

Today, the occurrence of cancer is considered as a multicomponent disease; For its manifestation, the interaction of a number of factors, sometimes unlikely, is necessary. Since we are considering chemical carcinogenesis, i.e. the occurrence of cancer under the influence of chemicals, attention is paid mainly to them, even when we are talking about the interaction of a wide variety of external and internal factors (radiation, disease, genetic influences, food, changes in the immune system). body reactions and many others). Rarely do chemicals affect the body in isolation. In most cases, we are talking about the complex action of a number of substances, both entering the body from the outside (together with food, water, medications) and those formed within it (hormones, various enzymes, salons, components of immune defense). In principle, the effect of two different carcinogenic substances can be additive, antagonistic, when it is mutually weakened, or synergistic, i.e., enhanced as a result of interaction.

Similarly, the influence of any foreign, but non-carcinogenic substance on the occurrence of cancer caused by a chemical substance can manifest itself in the body in three ways: either this substance does not interfere with the action of the carcinogen at all, or inhibits it (inhibitor), or enhances it (promoter, carcinogen). Of these groups, inhibitors deserve special attention. It is suggested that the use of such substances by people exposed to cancer factors could, at least to a certain extent and before the onset of the effects of some substances, protect them from the onset of the disease. In this regard, the effect of a number of vitamins (vitamin A and its derivatives, retinoids, vitamin C in very large doses) or microelements (magnesium, selenium) is being intensively studied all over the world. From the point of view of cancer prevention, finding effective inhibitors would naturally be of great importance.

Japanese experts were able to isolate a special protein that helps deliver essential amino acids through the placenta and ensures the normal development of mammalian embryos. Details are reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The placenta is an organ that ensures normal development of the fetus and the supply of all necessary nutrients.

Specialists from the Institute of Physicochemical Research in Japan conducted special genetic studies to determine the role of amino acids in the functioning of the placenta and the process of fetal development. The main task was to clone mammalian cells. This process has enormous potential for the development of specific animal models for the purpose of detailed research into the study of various diseases and reproductive medicine technologies.

A series of genetic manipulations helped specialists understand the special role of the neutral amino acid transporter in the process of early development of mouse embryos. Scientists were able to create embryos with a deficiency of this substance, which led to a large number of abnormalities, including an abnormally large placenta. Only 5% of these mice were able to fully develop.

It turned out that such changes were directly related to the reduced level of amino acids in the blood circulation of the embryos, which was probably the main cause of problems in their development.

The scientists' findings also have some value for human reproduction. The researchers plan to study in more detail exactly how amino acid transporters affect the normal intrauterine development of the fetus.

What is skin hunger

Skin hunger is a condition when a person feels an acute lack of skin-to-skin contact. Moreover, it is not only babies who are susceptible to it, who literally need to feel their mother’s touch. Adults may also be susceptible to skin hunger.

Specialists from the Touch Research Center have been observing interactions between teenagers and parents and young children on playgrounds for quite some time. They concluded that people in general began to hug and touch each other much less often.

It has been proven that children and adolescents who often hug their parents and friends have much better health, lower levels of aggression and higher development. But the problem is that modern people want to touch each other less and less. Part of this may be due to the fear of being misunderstood or setting a precedent for harassment allegations. The constant presence of gadgets in people’s hands also played a decisive role. This is noticeable at train stations and airports; people hug less often, simply because their hands are busy with their phones.

Experts have found that gentle touch activates the same areas of the brain that work when observing a loved one. But experts from Oxford University observed children in the process of drawing blood from a finger. Children who were stroked with a soft brush at this moment tolerated the procedure much easier, and their brain activity, responsible for pain, immediately decreased by 40%. Therefore, your touch can ease the pain or illness of a loved one. Remember this.

Touch also provokes the production of the hormones oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. Stroking and hugging can strengthen the immune system and even lower blood pressure by slowing down the heart rate.

Even if everything you read seems nonsense to you, believe me that living without hugs and touches is actually difficult. In such a situation, the situation “nobody needs me” is formed in the brain and this can provoke: depression, anxiety, headaches, decreased immunity, and sleep problems.

What to do if at the moment you are alone and there is simply no one to hug with? You will find it useful:

  • Take a massage course
  • Show tactile activity during a conversation
  • Hugging with friends when meeting and parting
  • Sign up for couples dancing or yoga
  • Study tantric practices.

How drawing is good for the brain

Scientists have found that drawing objects and giving them names activates the same areas in the brain. That is, the visual processing system in the brain helps us a lot in creating drawings. Details are provided by JNeurosci.

In the study, healthy adults performed two different tasks while researchers recorded activity in their brains using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). At this moment, the volunteers imagined drawings of furniture, and then created these same pieces of furniture themselves.

In the end, it turned out that in both actions, people used the same neural representation of the object, regardless of whether they drew it or just saw it.

Interestingly, each participant drew his object several times, but the mechanisms of activity in the occipital cortex remained unchanged. But the connection between the occipital and parietal areas at these moments became more distinct. This shows that drawing improves coordination in the brain and increases the flow of information between different areas of the brain.

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