Pimples on the head of the penis: causes and treatment at home. Why do small red pimples appear on the head?

There are many reasons for the appearance of rashes in the genital area. Most often, pimples on the head of the penis occur due to poor hygiene. Sometimes the provoking factor is hormonal disorders or exacerbation of chronic diseases. But sometimes rashes on the head of the penis are a sign of a dangerous sexually transmitted disease, which is why it is so important to know why acne may appear on the penis. We will tell you how to distinguish pathology from a dangerous disease, and how to treat the rash.

Causes of red pimples on the penis

The appearance of small pimples on the head in men is provoked by various factors. This pathology does not always indicate the onset of a dangerous disease. So, acne on the head and foreskin appears for the following reasons:

  1. During puberty, hormonal changes occur, therefore the content of male sex hormones in the teenage body increases. Because of this, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, as a result of which the pores on the skin become clogged with sebaceous secretions. Pimples on the head of the penis in a young man are ordinary acne (white or pink). These painless rashes do not cause discomfort and go away on their own.
  2. Sometimes acne on the head in men is a consequence of poor hygiene. If bacteria accumulate on the skin of the organ, they cause inflammation and irritation of the head, where acne eventually forms.
  3. Small white purulent pimples appear due to folliculitis. With this disease, the inflammatory process affects the hair follicles. Pathology often develops if a man depilates the groin area incorrectly.
  4. Even an adult sexually mature man has acne on the head, which appears due to clogging of the pores with sebum. Typically, this pathology is observed against the background of poor nutrition and abuse of fatty, spicy, smoked, fried, and salty foods. As a result, sebum production increases and a problem arises.
  5. Small pimples on the head appear when wearing tight synthetic underwear, which does not allow air to pass through and disrupts heat exchange in the tissues. Rough stitches coupled with intense sweating cause skin irritation and contribute to the appearance of a rash.
  6. Rashes on the foreskin and the head of the organ itself also appear due to an allergic reaction. Typically, such a reaction develops to hygiene products, washing powders or some synthetic fabrics.
  7. All kinds of viral, bacterial and fungal infections provoke rashes in the intimate area.
  8. Pimples on the head in men also occur with diseases of non-infectious origin, for example, with dermatitis or balanoposthitis.
  9. Some sexually transmitted diseases are accompanied by a rash on the head of the organ.
  10. Pathologies resulting from disruption of the immune system (for example, psoriasis).
  11. Certain types of rashes can be a sign of cancer.

Important! A painful, large pimple that causes discomfort and itches is most likely a sign of a sexually transmitted or fungal pathology.

If the cause of the rash is sexually transmitted infections, then the problem is usually localized on the head of the organ. Pimples around the head and on the foreskin are a sign of non-infectious inflammation, for example, balanoposthitis or dermatitis.

Dangerous diseases

If the pimples on the head of the penis are red or in the form of watery papules, then they indicate a disease of a sexually transmitted nature. The same can be said about large pimples and formations with purulent contents.

Various sexually transmitted infections are transmitted during sex and through household means. Provoking factors for their appearance:

  • disordered intimate life;
  • weakened immunity;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • use of other people's hygiene products and household supplies.

Dangerous diseases that cause rashes and should not be left untreated include:

  1. Candidiasis. This pathology is caused by Candida fungi. The disease is popularly called thrush. The development of thrush can be triggered by stress, illness, antibiotic treatment, hypothermia, climate change, and decreased immunity. Usually the rash is accompanied by severe itching, redness and cheesy discharge from the urethra. Pimples are more often localized on the head, less often spreading to the entire organ.
  2. Trichophytosis is a fungal disease that is transmitted during sex. Provoking factors are wearing tight underwear, poor hygiene, and severe sweating in the groin area. With ringworm, a large red rash appears in the scrotum, groin and penis. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.
  3. Rashes in the form of pimples with cloudy contents appear with genital herpes. This viral infection is accompanied by itching, pain and discomfort in the affected area. The disease is transmitted through domestic and sexual means. After spontaneous opening of the vesicles, ulcers form. Over time they dry out.
  4. Human papillomavirus infection manifests itself in the form of rashes in the form of pointed tubercles of a pinkish color. The rash affects the glans and scrotum. Condylomas sometimes merge into large formations that resemble cauliflower.
  5. The most dangerous disease in which pimples appear on the head is syphilis.

It is easy to distinguish the disease by red pimples with hard edges. Pimples on the head of the organ are present in the initial stage, which lasts about three months. In the second stage, they transform into ulcers that affect the back, feet and palms of a person. In the absence of adequate treatment, irreversible damage to internal organs and systems occurs.

Conditionally safe rashes

Also safe rashes include acne that occurs during puberty. No special treatment is required, since the rash goes away on its own after hormonal levels normalize and sebum production decreases.

How to treat pimples on the head?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to visit a venereologist and urologist to diagnose the disease and identify its causes. Only a specialist can accurately assess the nature of the rash and draw conclusions about health risks. After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed.

Important! If the problem has arisen due to poor nutrition, poor hygiene, or as a result of an allergic reaction, then to get rid of it, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factors.

Preventive measures

  • The following preventive measures will help prevent the development of pathology:
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases is important;
  • refuse unprotected sex;
  • have a discriminating sex life;
  • adjust your diet (abstain from alcohol, fatty, salty, spicy, fried and smoked foods);
  • wear loose cotton underwear;

If you are doing depilation, follow the rules of asepsis.

White pimples on the head of the genital organ in a man can appear due to various reasons. These include dysfunctions in the hormonal environment, various diseases, and lack of proper personal hygiene. Often, such a symptom may indicate the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you should not delay contacting a specialist; treatment should be timely and competent. You should also not engage in self-treatment using dubious folk remedies.

White pimples under the head of the penis are not always a sign of disease. Sometimes such a symptom may indicate that hormonal changes are occurring in the body. This often happens during puberty. When there is a sharp increase in hormonal substances in the body, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, this entails clogging of the pores with sebaceous secretions. A guy may develop white pimples on the head of the penis. Usually they are small, not felt, and there is no discomfort.

In the absence of proper hygiene of the genital organs, an accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms occurs on the skin and epithelium. These microorganisms provoke the development of inflammation and irritation, resulting in red pimples or whitish rashes.

With folliculitis, pimples with a white head form on the body. After poorly performed depilation, bacterial inflammation may develop under the arms. Other provoking factors include poor diet. With excessive consumption of salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods, the production of sebum increases, then the pores become clogged, acne appears on the face, body and mucous membranes of the external genital organs.

Allergic reactions may be accompanied by rashes in the intimate area. An allergen in washing powder, personal hygiene products, or synthetic underwear can cause this problem. The reasons for this symptom may also lie in wearing excessively tight synthetic underwear, which has thick seams, does not allow air to pass through, and provokes irritation on the epidermal layer and the occurrence of rashes on the mucous membranes.

White pimples on the head of the penis can appear due to damage by fungal, viral or bacterial infectious processes: Non-infectious processes include balanoposthitis and dermatitis. They are accompanied by pimples around the head of the genital organ. The rash occurs on the face and body.

Diseases transmitted through intimate intimacy. In such cases, the rash is localized on the head in men. Pathological processes, their etiology lies in immunity disorders, for example, psoriasis. In this case, the rash may appear on the face, body, or genitals. Tumor-like processes in the body.

Fungal or venereal infections are accompanied by large rashes, itching, and discomfort in the groin area.

It is important to visit a dermatologist or urologist in a timely manner. You cannot eliminate or squeeze pimples on your own. You first need to determine the cause of their origin and only then decide how to eliminate such a problem. The majority of diseases that are contracted during unprotected sexual intercourse are accompanied by the formation of scarlet pimples, ulcers, and erosions on the mucous membranes (photo). Such a sign can be the result of diseases that can be contracted at home. If there are predisposing factors, the risk of activation of bacterial, fungal or viral processes increases significantly.

These factors include: weakened immune system due to serious pathological processes, prolonged inflammatory processes, emotional stress, deficiency of vitamins; conducting uncontrolled sexual intercourse; non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, use of other people's hygiene products.


Thrush appears due to damage by fungal agents. They can remain on the skin for a long period of time without making themselves felt. But with hypothermia, a weakened immune system, a sudden change in climatic conditions, prolonged stress or treatment with antibacterial drugs, candidiasis can develop.

This disease is characterized by rashes on the glans, sometimes acne can be located on the entire penis. Additionally, red spots appear on the epidermis and cheesy discharge from the urethra.

Trichophytosis is a disease of fungal etiology; it can be infected through sexual intercourse without using a condom. The key reasons for its development are: poor hygiene, wearing tight synthetic underwear, increased secretion of sweat glands in the groin area. The disease is otherwise called ringworm. During its development, large scarlet rashes appear on the surface of the external genitalia, which have an unpleasant odor.


With the development of genital herpes, small transparent pimples appear on the genitals. There is cloudy liquid content inside. You can become infected with genital herpes through sexual contact or through household contact. In addition to pimples, itching, discomfort and pain appear. After a few days, the papules burst, and small wounds appear in their place, which dry out after a while.

Condylomas and papillomas

If a person becomes infected with the human papillomavirus, it may not appear for a long time. But under favorable conditions, the papillomavirus becomes active, causing various symptoms. Pinkish, pointed growths form on the head of the penis or on the scrotum. They can be located in groups and merge.

Rashes should be treated only after a medical examination and diagnostic measures. You should not use any means yourself. It is important to undergo a preliminary examination; you may need to take tests prescribed by your doctor. Only after the cause is discovered is a competent therapeutic algorithm prescribed.

If red pimples appear on a man’s head, then this is the first alarm bell that his immunity is not in order. Having an active sex life and reducing the body's resistance can cause the appearance of many sexually transmitted diseases. Their nature can be not only venereal, but also fungal. Even small red pimples on the head of the penis in a man are a sufficient reason to visit a dermatovenerologist. And if their appearance is complicated by additional symptoms and subjective sensations, then it is better not to delay a visit to a specialist, since advanced stages of sexually transmitted diseases take a long time and are expensive to treat!


Possible diseases

If red pimples on the head appear during puberty, this can be explained by hormonal changes. It is recommended to monitor him and, if additional symptoms appear, seek help from a doctor to rule out the following diseases:

  1. . A very common fungal infection of the skin and mucous membranes, occurring in men aged 20-45 years. The causative agent is fungi of the genus Candida. You can become infected sexually from a girl suffering from thrush or through personal hygiene products (washcloths, towels, etc.). Exacerbations can be triggered by prolonged use of antibiotics, a sharp decrease in immunity, or severe hypothermia. Characteristic differences - inflammatory processes on the glans penis and foreskin, which can manifest as pimples, severe itching, unpleasant odor and pain when pressed. Separately, you need to pay attention to the fact that candidiasis balanoposthitis can be asymptomatic. It is also characterized by spontaneous subsidence of all symptoms, which misleads the patient about a complete recovery.
  2. Contact irritant dermatitis. A very common cause of red pimples on the head in men at any age. An allergic reaction can provoke not only the appearance, but also cause swelling and redness, which will be accompanied by moderate itching. If you do not eliminate the allergen from your daily life, the situation will only get worse. It is recommended to carefully select personal hygiene products (loofah, soap, shower gel), underwear (complete avoidance of synthetics), condoms (may be allergic to latex), lubricants (may be allergic to the substance included in the composition). Mild allergic reactions go away on their own within 2-3 days, otherwise it is recommended to seek help from a dermatovenerologist.
  3. Genital warts. In most cases, these formations are localized along the entire length of the genital organ. At the initial stage, they may appear in the form of small red pimples on the head and foreskin. Characteristic differences are the absence of itching and pain. Very often they are confused with, although their origin is explained by the HPV viral infection, which is sexually transmitted.
  4. Pearly papules. They occur in every fourth man aged 20-35 years, and are localized in the area of ​​the glans penis and on its surface. The color is flesh or dark brown. In the case when the papules are located directly on the head of the intestinal tract, they may appear to be red. Absolutely harmless formations that are not considered a pathology. The number of papules on average ranges from 5 to 15 pieces. Size from 1-2 mm to 4-5 mm.
  5. Venereal diseases. Today, medicine knows many sexually transmitted diseases, one of the symptoms of which is the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis in men. This may be secondary syphilis and gonorrhea or chlamydia. However, it should be noted that all of the listed diseases are almost always accompanied by cutting, burning and pain during urination and other characteristic clinical symptoms that are not typical for fungal infections or allergic reactions.

Also, red pimples on the head in men can be caused by an inflammatory process or infection resulting from mechanical damage or injury.

Red pimples on the head photo

Diagnosis and treatment

On a note! You should be careful, as very often it occurs asymptomatically or with periodic exacerbations, which may seem, at first glance, harmless. But they should even be alarming and, if additional symptoms are added, be a good reason to make an appointment with a dermatovenerologist.

Candidiasis balanoposthitis at the initial stage responds well to treatment and you can completely get rid of it in a few days. To make a diagnosis during an exacerbation, smears and scrapings are taken from the lesions, white plaque, if present, for microscopic examination. After identifying the pathogen, antifungal drugs to which it is sensitive are prescribed. Most often they resort to the following means:

  • Clotrimazole (externally up to 3 times a day for 7-10 days);
  • Pimafukort (2 times a day for a week, apply a thin layer to the affected areas);
  • Itraconazole (1 tablet (100 mg) per day for 10 days);
  • Miramistin;
  • Lamisil;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Triderm.

Also, before applying any drug, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the head of the penis, then treat it with a chlorhexidine solution and dry thoroughly. As a preventive measure, increased personal hygiene, protected sexual contact and increased immunity are used.

Genital warts must be removed using one of the modern methods, ranging from laser to cauterization with nitrogen. After removal, all formations must be submitted for histological examination to determine the likelihood of degeneration into a malignant tumor. It is not recommended to remove pearlescent papules, since they are not a pathology and do not pose any danger to a man’s health. Many clinics still carry out the procedure for removing papules using laser and electrocoagulation. However, the patient should be informed that even complete removal of formations from the surface of the penis does not provide any guarantee that they will not reappear over time.

Sexually transmitted diseases should be treated under the strict supervision of a urologist, since incompletely cured gonorrhea or syphilis can lead to serious complications that will affect not only the quality of sexual life, but also reproductive functions.

A symptom such as pimples around the head can extremely frighten a man. How dangerous is this? Is this disease contagious? And most importantly, what should you do if you discover such a symptom?

Pimples around the head as a normal option

If you observe the so-called. a “pearl ring” around the head, when along the edge there is a row of light, completely painless nodules that are located under the skin, this can be considered the norm. This phenomenon simply indicates an increase in the sebaceous glands. A similar rash can be observed on the skin of the penis itself.

This symptom should not scare you. These are just seborrheic cysts that appear due to the accumulation of secretions or enlargement of the glands themselves. Normally, those located in the scrotum area are also acceptable. Such symptoms can occur in approximately 30% of completely healthy people and do not require any treatment.

Why do pimples appear around the head?

Men often go to the doctor with this symptom. Andrology-urology knows many reasons why this effect may occur. First of all, you need to exclude the presence of STIs. But often the pimples that appear on the genitals are no different from ordinary ones. Accordingly, their treatment occurs in a similar way.

The color of pimples can also vary, incl. they may not differ from the color of the surrounding tissue. It can be similar in size to a millet grain.

To determine the origin of a pimple, namely whether it is a symptom or not, a simple test can be performed. Take a cotton swab and dip it in a solution of acetic acid (5%). Apply the product to the pimples around the head and wait three minutes. If the external color has changed, the color has become whitish, then this indicates the presence of condyloma, i.e. a sign of venereal disease. If the color remains the same, you have no reason to worry.

Sometimes such formations cause discomfort and even pain during sex. Even if it concerns harmless white pimples. There is no need to worry - such phenomena are easily treatable. Usually, all the patient needs is to maintain hygiene, adhere to a diet and not. But to clarify the diagnosis, it is better to contact a specialist in person. You should not ask for advice from online consultants who promise to tell you everything about your illness with just one photo of your penis. It’s better to take all the tests and talk to the doctor at your appointment.

They can often be red or black. This also should not scare you, because... similar formations may appear on other parts of the body. Naturally, if you squeeze out such a pimple, you can introduce an infection into the resulting wound. And this, in turn, can lead to various complications. Therefore, refrain from such actions. Otherwise, you cannot avoid a course of antibiotics and unpleasant procedures. And if you follow your doctor’s recommendations, soon the pimples will stop bothering you.

Many men are familiar with the situation when a rash appears on the head or under it. It may not cause physical discomfort, but lead to the formation of complexes on aesthetic grounds. Due to public concern, many people have thoughts about sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t be alarmed right away; its appearance may not have any pathological causes.

This problem should not be ignored; the slightest rash can develop into a serious pathology.

There are many factors that cause the appearance of a rash, and very often they interact with each other:

  1. Puberty. Very often, boys 12-18 years old begin to notice that small white pimples appear on their heads. Don't worry, this is a normal reaction of the body to a hormonal surge. With an increase in the concentration of male hormones, the sebaceous glands begin to produce their secretions in increased quantities. This leads to blockage of the excretory ducts and the formation of painless white subcutaneous nodules. Normally, they go away on their own by the end of adolescence.
  2. Fat cysts are cavities filled with sebum. The mechanism of their occurrence is the same as in the previous group, but they appear in men of older age groups and are large in size. Sometimes, during sexual intercourse, they can break through and cause discomfort. If such a situation arises, you urgently need to disinfect the wound.
  3. Improper nutrition causes a response not only from the skin of the penis, but also from the rest of the dermis. They protrude slightly above the skin level and are white in color.
  4. If intimate hygiene is not observed, a white rash may appear around and on the head. They are painless and do not cause discomfort. They appear not only due to insufficient hygiene, but also due to excessive washing. Some cleansers can dry out your skin. This causes lipid imbalance and compensatory activation of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Incorrectly selected underwear. Synthetic fabrics and rough seams can easily irritate delicate skin. Too tight, tight underwear disrupts microcirculation and heat exchange, and this leads to irritation. These rashes are small, red, and can be itchy.
  6. Infectious pathogens. The group of pathogens that can lead to rashes on the glans penis includes not only sexually transmitted diseases. This is a fairly large group of diseases that can be transmitted through household and sexual contact.

Infectious diseases that lead to acne on the glans penis

Bacteria, viruses and fungi cannot cause inflammation on their own. There are a number of contributing factors:

  1. Depletion of the immune system (chronic diseases, excessive thinness, stress).
  2. Unprotected sex and promiscuity.
  3. Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene and culture (rare showering, habit of not washing hands).
  4. Common items (towels, sheets, etc.).

There are a lot of microorganisms that can cause a rash on the head, but 80-90% of the total mass is made up of the following pathogens:

  1. Candidiasis. It is popularly called “thrush” because of the characteristic cheesy coating in the affected areas. This disease is fungal in nature. Transmitted through sexual contact. Often occurs while taking antibiotics. At the beginning, small white pimples form, which, over time, turn into painful ulcers covered with white cheesy masses.
  2. Herpes. Transmitted through sexual and household contacts. Its appearance is provoked by hypothermia, excessive insolation, and colds. First, a papule (redness) forms, which itches. After 3-4 hours, a group of red vesicles filled with clear liquid forms in its place. They itch and hurt. Red pimples on the penis (photo) can form ulcers that become crusty.
  3. Papillomas. Human papillomavirus is transmitted through sexual and household contact. “Brushes” of pointed red formations begin to form on and around the head of the penis. They do not cause pain, but create a very unpleasant cosmetic defect.
  4. Bacterial infection. If the rules of personal hygiene are ignored, white pimples on the head of the penis in men occur very often. The causative agents, in most cases, are staphylococci and streptococci. These microorganisms can get into microcracks, wounds and pores on and around the head. This leads to the appearance of purulent pustules. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, and under no circumstances try to squeeze them out.

Pimples on the head: how to treat

Subject to proper nutrition, personal hygiene and adequately selected underwear, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing a rash.

To treat an infectious pathology, you will have to see a doctor. In official medicine, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Candidiasis. The specialist will prescribe immunomodulatory therapy (vitamins and adaptogens) in combination with external antifungal drugs (Clotrimazole). In severe cases, tablets are used. This treatment can be supplemented with baths of antiseptics and phytoantiseptics.
  2. Herpes. Ointments based on Acyclovir (Zovirax, Gerpevir) are used. In severe cases, in case of violation general condition or widespread rash, it is advisable to use tableted Acyclovir. Herpes is a recurrent infection that will make itself felt throughout life. To reduce the number and severity of exacerbations, immunomodulation is carried out.
  3. Human papillomavirus. Treatment is surgical removal of warts. This can be done using laser, nitrogen or other methods.
  4. Bacterial inflammation. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics for external use (Levomikol, Tetracycline ointment) or, if the need arises, tablets and injections.

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