Poodle: description of the breed, education, health, reviews. Kind and affectionate toy poodle: characteristics of a decorative pet Who did they come for this time

The micro or toy poodle is one of the four intrabreed varieties. It is classified as a decorative pet. This is an ideal option for a family of any composition or single people.

He is characterized by a bright personality, a reverent attitude towards people, and increased playfulness. This cute creature is easy to manage, and its main advantage is the absence of shedding.

In contact with


Historical information

It is not known for certain how and where this breed originated. The first mentions of it date back to the 15-16 centuries, when creatures with cute curls came to France. At first they were used when grazing livestock or hunting to bring game from the pond. Back in those days, breeders set out to reduce the size of the animal.

Later they became popular in high society, becoming companions of noble people. During the Renaissance, wealthy segments of the population wore them in sleeves, the width of which was sufficient to accommodate such a baby. This is how another name for them arose - sleeve dog.


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Description of the breed

The baby is distinguished by a harmonious physique, moderate elongation and characteristic curls. Its fur is twisted into small curls or tight rings. He has a light and springy gait. Faithful and we train quickly. Loves to frolic both on land and in water. Perfect for individuals with an active lifestyle.

Within the framework of the standard, it has the following features:

  • Height at withers up to 28 cm.
  • Weight is within 6-8 kg.
  • The size of the head is proportional to the body in a ratio of 2:5. It has the shape of an elongated oval.
  • Dark nose with open nostrils.
  • Almond-shaped, slightly slanted eyes of an amber or brown hue.
  • Flat ears, widening and rounded towards the bottom, covered with long waves of hair.
  • Straight legs, well-developed muscles.
  • The tail can be left long or docked.

The hairline resembles a fleece. It is very elastic, instantly restores its original appearance after pressing on it. The fur coat fits tightly to the skin, it is of the same thickness.

There are different color options. There are white, apricot, silver, chocolate and black individuals. In adults, the colors are without impurities, but up to one and a half years there are also half-tones. This applies to everyone except snow-white puppies.

What is his character?

Does not always enter into play with other relatives. This is its difference from the standard variety. Absolutely bears it calmly moments of loneliness. Receptive to praise and encouragement. This significantly simplifies the educational process.

Considered a proven favorite across generations, he can be shy when confronted with strangers. He loves children and enjoys playing with them. He hardly barks, so he doesn’t bother his household and neighbors. He barks only for business when he protects his owner.

In general, this is a good-natured, affectionate creature. He quickly becomes attached to his family and strives to please in every possible way. Aggression is not characteristic of him.

Does it have any disadvantages?

If you are going to get a micro poodle, immediately take into account its weaknesses so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise for you. Its disadvantages include:

  • Excessive goodwill, which sometimes smoothly flows into cowardice, fear of large dogs, sudden movements, sounds of increased volume.
  • Unpredictability develops in those who are poorly raised.
  • High susceptibility to injury, despite the strength of the skeleton. He's a pretty fragile little guy.
  • Lots of maintenance requirements. You will have to stick to a special menu, get your hair cut often, and buy special clothes.

For those who are not used to moving a lot, the pet's energy will be a real test. He will require you to participate in joint fun, not allowing you to sit on the sidelines. Despite the presence of certain disadvantages, the curly-haired beast makes an excellent friend, because he is primarily human-oriented.

How to care for it?

During the early stages of its development, it grows rapidly, so it is advisable to provide optimal conditions for the puppy. Then he will show his best traits.


Temper your young body by staying outside on sunny and cool days, but at the same time avoid hypothermia. Allow them to play with their peers as much as possible. This helps improve metabolism, improve appetite and strengthen the immune system.


Suitable only for keeping in an apartment. At the same time, keep the temperature within 16-18 degrees. Disinfect the toddler's habitat in a timely manner. Determine a permanent corner for it. Do not place it in a walkway, draft, or near heating devices to keep it comfortable.

The main thing is that it is clean, spacious and light. Lay down a soft mattress or place a basket with bedding. It would be better if there is a replaceable pillowcase that is convenient to remove and wash.


Brush daily with a massage comb, and then wipe the body with a soft piece of cloth. After walking, wipe your limbs and tummy with a damp towel. In the hot season upon reaching 4 months Water procedures in a clean pond or river are permissible, but you should not get too carried away with it.

Don’t forget to clean the ears and rinse the eyes with herbal decoction as they become dirty. Be sure to shorten the claws so that the gait does not become deformed.

Nuances of education

A calm and loving environment contributes to excellent results in educational activities. Then the restless bully turns into the life of the party. At first the puppy experiences a pinching sensation feeling of loneliness, when he is separated from his mother, he whines. Silence and affection will help him come to his senses.

Where to begin?

The process itself starts from the moment a tiny lump crosses the threshold of your home. Immediately introduce him to his new relatives and the place reserved for him. Be prepared for a lot of puddles and piles, don't be punished for it.

Wait until the fool gets used to doing his business according to the schedule and where it should be. Go outside together after he eats and stay there until your ward goes to the toilet. Praise him and reward him with a treat.

How to deal with a rodent?

Characteristics gradually emerge. The pet tears, gnaws and pulls everything that comes into its field of vision. Hide anything that could harm him, as well as your valuables. If you didn’t put away shoes or fragile trinkets in time, and your pupil tried it on his teeth, you will be to blame.

There is no use in punishing. Instead, provide plenty of toys. Let him handle it with a peeled carrot, a ball, rubber rings, old mittens, and a birch block. Game equipment must be of such a size that it cannot be sent into the stomach.

Owner's personality

Before you take care of your dog, educate yourself. She will copy your behavior whether you want it or not. A psychologically stable person will never raise an unbalanced student. Control your actions first.

Train yourself such qualities as consistency, resistance to stress, patience. Build trusting relationships so that you are understood and respected, and do not tremble in fear at the sight of you.

How and what to feed?

A balanced diet is the key to excellent health. A toy poodle can eat ready-made food or natural products. He eats little, so try to make the portion as nutritious as possible so that the food is beneficial.

Take into account the following nuances:

  • When feeding dry food, give preference only to the highest grade. Don't save money.
  • Do not put food that is too hot or cold on his plate. A little warm is just right.
  • Alternate fermented milk products with meat and grated vegetables. At the same time – it’s impossible!
  • What is not eaten, put it in the refrigerator or throw it away to avoid poisoning.
  • Be sure to place a bowl of fresh water nearby so that you have constant access to it.

If you have chosen a natural diet, enter mineral supplements.

Common diseases

Some diseases are inherited, so always ask the breeder about the health status of the parents and the pathologies they have suffered. Visit your veterinarian annually for a checkup. This will minimize the risk of deviations.

Due to its special structure, the miniature poodle is prone to a number of typical ailments. Among them are:

  • epilepsy;
  • displacement of the knee joint;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • diabetes;
  • deafness;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the heart.

With the advent of old age, teeth fall out, hearing decreases, and partial baldness is observed. The eyes are another weak link. Due to their convexity of the highly placed lacrimal opening, it seems that the animal tears come continuously. The eyelids regularly get wet, which provokes inflammation. To avoid this and not lose your vision in the future, wipe this area with a swab dipped in tea leaves. There is also a predisposition to allergic reactions.

It is quite difficult to choose a poodle, because there are several varieties that differ in coat color and size.

First of all, you need to decide on the sizes. For a family with small children, it is better to choose a small-sized poodle puppy, because the smallest types are very fragile, and large ones may not tolerate the intrusiveness of children and may bite.

For older people, on the contrary, miniature types are best suited, but with a miniature and toy poodle you need to walk more often (about 3-4 times a day) than with a large one, for which 2 walks a day are enough.

Small and large poodles eat more, they need more careful care, in particular for their coat, long and active walks.

The choice of color of a poodle puppy depends on personal preferences; several colors are officially recognized in the breed standard, including brown, apricot, red, white, black, gray, as well as harlequin (black and white) and phantom (black and tan) ).

One litter can have puppies of different colors and different species, but they are still considered high-breed.

Choosing poodle puppies by appearance

When you first visit a breeder, you should not immediately take the first one you like; you should watch the poodle puppies, namely how they eat and play, and you should also pay attention to their appearance. Compare the characteristics characteristic of a certain color, for example, pigmentation of the nose, eyes, as well as the general structure of the body.

You should choose the most active puppy, this rule is especially appropriate when choosing miniature poodles. The smallest ones may be the weakest of the litter, and in some cases they do not survive. In multiple litters, puppies are usually small in size, but over time they gain the desired weight. Miniature Poodles are selected from a litter of Toy or Toy Poodles.

The eyes should be clean, without discharge accumulated in the corners, without traces of tears. Puppies should be mobile, move without limping, and should not itch.

There should be no rash, redness or other uncharacteristic phenomena on the skin, especially clearly visible on the bare tummy.

Do not hesitate to evaluate the condition of the fur under the tail; if the fur is sticky, then there are probably problems with digestion. If you have the opportunity to evaluate a chair, do so. The stool of a healthy poodle puppy should be dark, but with digestive problems it should be shapeless, liquid, and light.

Remember, healthy poodle puppies are curious, active, and playful. If you need a specific species, for example, a toy poodle, then you need to choose from those that are already more than 6 months old, since you can already see the outlines characteristic of a certain species.

The choice of a poodle puppy also depends on its gender. Bitches have a calmer and gentler character; they are more attached to their owner. Males are temperamental, but with proper training they behave calmly. If you plan to breed poodles in the future, then it is advisable to buy a female. But do not forget about the specifics of caring for males and females. For example, it takes longer to walk with male dogs; they tend to mark their territory and they do this for a long time. Bitches go into heat twice a year, at this time they are more active, emotional, and you only need to walk them on a leash. If you need a puppy to participate in exhibitions, then it is best to purchase a male, because bitches lose their shape after giving birth and breastfeeding. Of course, it is possible to restore shape, but it requires additional effort, time and patience.

Until 4 months of age, it is impossible to determine the show prospects of a poodle. Therefore, if they offer to purchase a more expensive but promising poodle, know that this is a deceptive ploy.

The mother’s behavior can say a lot, for example, she may not like some character traits or behavior, but the likelihood that the puppies will behave the same way exists. Therefore, it would not be amiss to observe the mother and evaluate how well she corresponds to the standard and characteristics of the species. Of course, you should not focus on too sparse hair or loose skin in the abdominal area, because after giving birth and breastfeeding, the dog loses its shape somewhat.

Attention to the breeder

When choosing a poodle puppy, you should pay attention to the breeder; if he is overly fussy, nervous or reluctant to answer questions, then you should think about it and be wary. A good breeder will kindly answer all questions and present all documents, namely veterinary certificates, diplomas, photographs of dogs, pedigrees.

When purchasing, do not hesitate to ask about his parents; a conscientious breeder will not refuse a request to show the mother, as well as tell about the father, for example, about his achievements and age.

When you choose a poodle puppy, be sure to find out what to feed him and how to change his diet in the future, as he grows up. Usually the breeder provides a small instruction sheet in which everything is described.

Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and the care of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. He has been working at the same animal clinic in his hometown for over 20 years.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

The Poodle is one of the smartest dog breeds. Toy poodles (also called toy poodles) are the smallest variety of this breed and make ideal pets. They are friendly, learn quickly and become attached to their owners. If you decide to get a toy poodle, carefully consider the process of choosing a dog. You can adopt a dog from a breeder or from a shelter, however, both cases have their own recommendations.


Choosing a Poodle

    Pay attention to the place where the animals are kept. When visiting a nursery or shelter, look at where the animals live. It doesn't matter where you choose to adopt the animal, dogs must be kept clean. If a puppy or adult dog has been kept in unsanitary conditions, they may have health problems.

    Talk to the breeder about the health of the parents. If you decide to adopt a dog from a breeder, ask to see the results of tests and examinations of the parents. Not all breeders will agree to this, which means you won't know if the puppy is susceptible to genetic diseases. If the breeder has such data, you can trust him. Poodles usually rarely get sick, but it is better to study the family history so that you know what health problems the puppy may have in the future.

    Find out what problems can arise with a shelter dog. If you are considering adopting an animal from a shelter, you should be aware of some of the challenges involved. Many dogs that end up in shelters have a history of abuse or neglect. This can lead to behavioral and health problems. Research the dog's history before you adopt him.

    Try to choose a cheerful, active animal that makes contact. As a rule, toy poodles are very active, unless we are talking about older dogs. Pay attention to cheerful and active dogs.

    Visit your dog several times before making your final decision. Having a dog is a big responsibility. You should look at the dog several times before you finally decide.

    Take your dog to the vet within the first two days. When you take your dog home, you will need to take him to a doctor within the first 48 hours. A full examination should be carried out. Bring a stool sample with you so that the clinic can test for worms. If you don’t like something in the examination results, the dog can be returned. Most breeders and kennel employees allow the return of animals within a certain time frame.

    How to find a breeder

    1. Research information about breeders. If you want to adopt an animal from a kennel, there are several ways to do it. You can search for breeders in different ways. It may take you some time to find a nursery that suits you.

      Know the signs of a reputable breeder. When you start talking to breeders, pay attention to certain signs. You should not deal with breeders who work unethically. In this case, the puppy will most likely have health problems.

      Look for signs of problems. Know what signs indicate a bad breeder. If you adopt a dog from such a kennel, there is a high likelihood of health or behavior problems.

      Be wary of the definitions “miniature” and “royal”. The terms "miniature" and "royal" in relation to the poodle are not names of the breed. These are colloquial terms used to describe large or very small Toy Poodles.

The book talks about the most popular indoor dog breed - the poodle. The reader will get acquainted with the breed standard, find all the necessary information about the character of the poodle, choosing a puppy, keeping a poodle at home, learn to train and treat your four-legged companion, and get along with him in a variety of situations.

How to choose a puppy?

It can be assumed that the majority of readers, even those who have never had dogs, are able to answer this question quite competently: the puppy should be cheerful, playful, without visible pathologies, etc. This answer is fully consistent with our knowledge about life in general, but leaves us out of the question view a number of specific and very important nuances. Let's start with the fact that when we buy a puppy, we introduce a new family member into the house. This begs the question: why? Without answering this question, we will not be able to answer the next question: which breed is right for us? However, first we must answer the following questions: can we do without a dog at all? If not, who will look after her? How much time will you have to devote to a puppy and then to an adult dog? The list can be continued and all questions must be answered before...

So why do you need a dog?

Do you need a companion and faithful friend, a house watchman or do you want to participate in exhibitions? Regardless of the answer, if you need a dog in principle, it is safer to purchase a puppy through a kennel club. But even here you should not particularly trust the advice. Let's say, if you decide to make your pet a career as a medalist, before purchasing a puppy, visit dog shows and look at the dogs exhibited there. Watch all the dogs there - champions and young dogs who have just started competing for titles. Here you can approach the owner of this or that dog, get to know him, listen to his advice and comments. Perhaps he can help you find the right puppy.

There is no need to rush into a purchase, and in any case, don’t be fooled by the titles. There are (and quite a few!) dishonest breeders who are ready to push their puppies away without hesitation. For such people, newcomers are a gift. You must clearly understand the poodle standard, remember the shortcomings and disqualifying defects. It goes without saying that you should look at the dog's pedigree, which shows the parameters of the ancestors and the conformation ratings of the dogs. Keep in mind that dogs with ratings below “Very Good” for males and “Good” are not allowed for breeding at all. The pedigree indicates the color of the dog, which is also very important. The character of the dog is also essential for a show career.

Watch your parents. If a poodle can barely trudge around the ring, what kind of winner is it? It’s a completely different matter when a dog shows itself to the public with delight in its eyes, clearly follows all commands and shows with its entire appearance that it is happy to be in the ring! Of course, skillful training is behind this behavior of the dog, but these dogs also play an important role.

It is very important to find the correct answer to this question: who is more suitable for you - a male or a female?

It is difficult to give unambiguous advice to an amateur here, even at the level of preferences. It all depends on what kind of life you lead and what plans you have for your future pet. If you want to participate in exhibitions, then you need to consider the following: starting from the age of 2-3 years, a bitch must be bred 2-3 times and get puppies. In practice, this means that it is impossible to be “in shape” all the time; you will miss shows during estrus, pregnancy and nursing puppies. Therefore, males are often the permanent stars of exhibitions. It's another matter if you have plans related to breeding poodles or want to babysit puppies. In this case, you must be aware that pregnant and lactating bitches, and then puppies, need special care and a lot of attention. If you have time for this, then go for it.

More about the differences between females and males in terms of caring for them. A female dog usually goes into heat twice a year, during which she needs to be monitored very closely. Few bitches can be walked without a leash during this period. Males also need an eye - they are the most carefree and playful among males of all other breeds. Bitches are more restrained and smart; they quite rarely, having forgotten everything, are able to run away on a walk according to “their interests.” Bitches are more affectionate and less prone to independence. Males are more emotional and, if you like, “intelligent.” Walks with male dogs should be longer than with females - the male will methodically mark his territory and you will not be able to persuade him to hurry up, either in the cold or in the heat. The bitch does not mark so diligently; she only needs 10–15 minutes for a walk and activities related to the walk.

The indicated time is the lower limit of one walk. The Poodle is a very active and energetic dog that needs movement and active play. Let us note one more feature: the smaller the type of poodle, the more often it is recommended to walk with it. So, a regular poodle bitch can be walked 2 times a day (the total walking time per day should not be less than an hour), but a miniature poodle must be walked at least 3 times a day. Thus, when choosing a dog, you need to take into account the time it needs for walks.

Since most of us have small city apartments, an important factor when choosing a dog is its size, that is, the size of an adult dog that will grow from a small puppy. On the other hand, the age of our children also imposes certain restrictions on the choice of dog.

In the chapter “Breed Standard” it was stated that there are 4 varieties of poodles, differing in size. Let us remind you: standard poodle (also called large or royal), small poodle (medium), miniature and toy poodle.

In a tiny, overcrowded apartment, a standard poodle can feel a little cramped. But let's talk about children. If they are under 8 years old, neither a toy poodle nor a toy poodle is suitable for you. Their constitution is too fragile to play with small children.

Without advocating for one or another variety of poodle, let us clarify the prevailing ideas about them. You can often hear the opinion that small poodles are evil. A fundamentally erroneous idea. Viciousness is contrary to the nature of the poodle. There are ill-mannered or poorly educated ones, but that’s all. Miniature and toy poodles are often simply afraid of small children who do not understand that they are causing pain or creating other inconveniences for the dog. And when a child is immoderately persistent in having fun, they can snap and even bite a careless hand. This is not a manifestation of malice, this is an elementary defense that the dog is forced to resort to. So, if you got, say, a toy poodle, you need to ensure constant supervision of the child’s games with the dog. Of course, from the very first day you need to constantly instill in your child that you need to play with the dog carefully, without hurting it, without yelling at it or scaring it. If you're confident you can handle it, go for it.

On the other hand, small varieties of poodle are suitable for keeping even in small apartments. They are easier to care for - wash and comb, they eat less, and are easier to transport in any vehicle.

Small and large ones require more care, eat more, and you have to spend significant amounts of money on them to purchase shampoos, hairsprays and other dog care accessories. But these species are excellent nannies. They are quite durable and you can walk any long distance with them. Small apartments are cramped for them, they require more time for active walks, because at home there is nowhere for a large poodle to turn around, and there is more than enough energy.

A few words about the coat of poodles. White, black and brown poodles have thicker and more elastic fur, which looks better than the coat of modern colored poodles. Black Poodles' hair turns gray as they age, some sooner, others later. This is due to the aging gene, which affects the production of melanin in the dog’s body. The same is true for poodles of brown, silver, apricot and red colors. It is clear that in white poodles the sitting position is not noticeable. The apricot and red colors in some breeding lines lighten with age.

Silvers are born black and acquire their permanent color by the age of one year. A dog's full color will only change by the age of three, so it is impossible to know in advance how even the dog's color will be. It is not uncommon to see a silver poodle with light paws, a dark back and other color defects. Of course, breeders select dogs with even colors for breeding, but all modern colors are still too “young” and work on them continues. So, if you are unlucky with the color, do not rush to blame the breeder.

Light-colored poodles require additional costs for special shampoos. White poodles get especially dirty on the bottom of their paws and the tips of their ears, and unless special whitening shampoos are used, their coat will have unsightly yellow spots on the ears and paws.

Whatever variety
If you don’t prefer it, it’s worth reminding yourself before buying again that a poodle requires from its owner intelligence in communication, gentleness in upbringing, patience in grooming and endurance during walks.

1. Where to find and how to choose a real poodle.


One of the unique properties of the poodle is its diversity.
Four varieties - any height, for every taste from 25 to 65 cm (4 choices), while each variety has eight colors (4 x 8 = 32 choices),
and each poodle can be trimmed with four official
(32 x 4 = 128 choices)
and an endless number of fancy hairstyles
(where the choice is limited only by imagination)!
What other breed has such diversity available?


The standard requirements for all varieties are the same, because the standard for the entire breed is the same - the only difference is in height.

- 46-62cm, 15-25kg.

We once called it royal. This is a sensitive, attentive, solid and balanced companion. A more even temperament than other varieties allows for the best manifestation of all abilities. This dog is unusually intelligent and easy to teach anything. He is an excellent student in any program, up to ZKS (protective guard service), it is easy to train him on water game, he is passionate, dexterous and fast in the game-sport of agility. A large poodle is the best choice for a show lover - it’s hard to imagine anything more gorgeous than a large poodle flying over the green carpet of the ring. This variety of poodle wins multi-breed shows more often than others, receiving the title “Best Dog in Show.”
But we must not forget that its unearthly beauty is the fruit of many labors. Of course, the coat can be shortened (sporting large poodles and “pets” are usually cut quite short), but then you will have to forget about exhibitions for a long time.

- 36-45cm, 8-14kg.

In terms of temperament and character, abilities and athleticism, it is almost no different from a large poodle. Perfect for fans of agility competitions, flyball, as well as any obedience programs (OKD, IPO, Obedience). It will fit perfectly both in a city apartment and in a country house.

MINIATURE (DIY) POODLE - 29-35cm, 3-7kg.
More impressionable and gentle, but just as smart and hardy as larger poodles. An excellent athlete for mini-agility. A wonderful dog for home and family. Its light weight and light character make it an excellent companion for middle-aged, but quite active and sociable people.

- less than 28cm, about 2.5kg.

Toy means toy, but you cannot take this name for granted and make it a toy for the family, especially children. A toy poodle is not suitable for them as a friend. It is also not suitable for people who are carefree, inattentive or awkward. This tiny dog ​​requires special attention, affection and patience - he is very proud and, defending himself, can compensate for the missing centimeters by biting his strong jaws with small sharp teeth. Very intelligent and athletic. He is an excellent learner and enthusiastically competes in mini-agility. Along with the large poodle, the "toy" variety has great success at the most prestigious dog shows around the world.

But it's not that simple!

Here it is necessary to draw the reader's attention to the fact that in fact the requirements of the official standard are not strictly observed. For example, large poodles with a height of 46-53 cm simply do not exist. If you see one, it is most likely a so-called “overgrown” small poodle or a crossbreed.
Basically, the modern large poodle occupies the following growth boundaries - males 60-65cm, females 58-62cm. These are the measurements that all show celebrities and elite breeding dogs have. Occasionally there are medium-sized bitches with a height of less than 55 cm, but success is achieved less often. Thus, there clearly exists and is maintained by Greater Poodle breeders and show judges, a clear gap, a “neutral zone” of at least 10-15 cm between the Greater Poodle and the rest of the varieties. Mixing them (officially) is impossible. Therefore, the large poodle population is quite equal not only in height, but also in type, and the spread of these characteristics among sisters and brothers of the same litter is minimal.

Poodles of three small varieties form a single group by origin, artificially divided by height. Therefore, from time to time, lovers and breeders of toy poodles, miniatures and small ones have serious problems with the size of their pets. Think about how conventional these boundaries are on a living creature: 28 cm is a toy, and 29 cm is already a miniature poodle, or 35 cm is a dwarf, and 36 cm is already a small one.
In any litter of a poodle of one of the small varieties, a puppy of a different size variety may appear and, as an adult, it will be exhibited and used for breeding according to its height and not its origin!

In official dog breeding, the origin of a dog can at least be traced through pedigrees. What's going on with illegal breeders!?
Therefore, when buying a puppy of a small variety, especially where you are not sure of the careful selection of a pair, choose the most cheerful and active one and not the smallest puppy in the litter. He may just be the weakest.
Beware of buying a puppy where the mother is not shown with the puppies, where they cannot present documents and photographs of the puppies' father. And it doesn’t matter whether you choose a future World Champion or just a “pet” - after all, you choose YOUR DOG.

In the photo: the selection of the “Best Miniature Poodle” at one of the SPK exhibitions.
Representatives of almost all poodle colors participate in the final competition - black, white, brown, gray, red, apricot, black and white (harlequin).
The only one missing here is the recently recognized Black and Tan.


And the one you like best. Each color has its own charm and characteristics.
The oldest color of the poodle is spotted (black and white and gray and white), until recently it was considered non-standard. But such two-color poodles - "harlequins" continued to be born in all varieties. They had no right to participate in official exhibitions and could not be used for the tribe. It's a pity! There are amazing beauties among them!

In many countries, breeders continued to engage in this (and also the black and tan "fantom") extravagant color - in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and here in Russia. The most active were German lovers of harlequins and phantoms, who even tried to achieve official recognition of these colors by the FCI and their inclusion in the poodle breed standard. So far nothing has worked out. The French Poodle Club - custodian of the standard - is against.

But it seems that this color will soon become popular in France. Recently, an Association of Poodle Lovers of these colors was formed there too. The Russian National Poodle Breed Club (SPK) petitioned the Russian Canine Federation to recognize these two colors as standard for the poodle in Russia. Since 2008, these poodles have had the opportunity to participate in exhibitions, receive the titles Russian Champion and Club Champion, and also have legitimate descendants.

Black and white poodle color scheme

Black and white

The two main colors of the poodle are as old as spotted. The coat should be pure black or pure white throughout the body. The color of the guard hair and down should not differ. Black wool should be shiny, elastic, without a brownish or grayish tint. Matte, too soft coat is undesirable. White wool should be dazzling white, shiny, and elastic. Too hard “horse” or too soft “cotton” hair, a yellowish tint of color, pink or spotted skin are undesirable. In both black and white poodles, the skin should be highly pigmented - gray-silver in winter, and in summer, in the clipped areas, tan to almost black. The nose, eyelids and lips are only black. Iris and claws - the darker the better.

2 weeks 40 days 5.5 months. 8 months 14 months


Black puppies' coat should be very shiny in large curls and should not have any tints in any light. A little gray hair in the groins, on the chin or on the tips of the fingers will go away with age if the SKIN IN THESE PLACES IS PIGMENTED. The small white spot in the center of the chest also almost always “closes up” with age. But a large spot with pink skin, white “socks” or “slippers” on their paws never grow over, such puppies are usually taken only as pets. A black puppy's claws are only black. The color of the iris of a black puppy at 4-6 weeks should be very dark, almost black. Brown eyes will turn light brown with age, and light brown eyes will turn amber in an adult dog.

White puppies are not always pure white and this should not scare the buyer if the parents have a pure color. There may be a grayish-platinum tint to the tips of the hairs throughout the body (as if the puppy is a little dirty), but deep in the skin the fur is pure white - this is the best option. Such puppies usually have very dark skin and early blackening of the nose, eyelids and lips, very dark eyes and claws. It is more difficult to remove the yellow and red tint from the white coat - it is usually brighter on the ears, head and along the back. But if an 8-10 week old puppy's fur has already turned white near its skin, we can hope that the yellowness will go away with age. Typically, white poodles finally “cleanse” their color after shedding their puppy coat and replacing it with an adult coat - i.e. by 10-15 months. In summer, they should not be cut too short, because yellow fur may grow back on sunburned areas. The nose, eyelids and lips of a white puppy should be completely black by 3-4 weeks of life. The claws gain pigment later, but should not be completely pink at this age. The requirements for iris color are the same as for black eyes.

Different shades of brown - chestnut (large poodle) and café au lait (small poodle)


This color is younger than spotted, black and white. It was given as a gift
The poodle's ancestor, the Asian shepherd, received European pointing dogs (they finally made his ears hang, making them larger and softer than those of the shepherd's ancestor, and also less mobile). For quite a long time, until the beginning of the 20th century, this color was considered undesirable for a poodle. Now it is quite common, very popular and, together with black and brown, is included in the group of so-called “classic” poodle colors. The brown color can have varying intensities - from dark brown to café-au-lait - but should be as uniform as possible over the entire body, and the guard hair and undercoat should also not differ noticeably in color. At any intensity, warm shades (chestnut) are more appreciated. A coolish shade of silver or violet-lilac on a brown color of any intensity is extremely undesirable. The nose of chestnut and related shades is usually dark liver or reddish liver, sometimes with a dark border at the transition to the coat. The same eyelids and lips. Eyes range from brown to dark amber. Very light ones are undesirable. Browns with a cool shade have a blue-brown nose, very dark, and the eyelids and lips are the same. Silver beiges often have completely yellow eyes.

Large poodle puppy, 4 months old.
"Black Orchid")

Miniature and Toy Poodle puppies.
There is a noticeable difference in the shade of brown color.



Brown Poodle puppies are usually very dark, the color of dark chocolate. But upon careful examination, it is easy to notice that already a 6-8 week old puppy has a shade of color - either reddish-chestnut or lilac, similar to the color of cocoa without milk. The first one is more desirable. The nose, eyelids and lips of “chestnut” puppies remain lighter than the coat for a long time and many buyers do not like this. And in vain - with age, the pigmentation will darken, and the coat will gain a particularly bright chestnut or coffee color by one and a half to two years. After this, the coat may slightly change color, but then from 3-4 years, as a rule, it begins to darken again. Dark with a lilac tint (cocoa without milk), almost black puppies with a very dark bluish-brown nose tend to lighten greatly with age, often the lightening in this variant of the brown color resembles the “silvering” of grays. The recoloring will end by two and a half years at the stage of silver-beige color, very elegant if it is uniform, sparkling after a fresh haircut. But experts at FCI shows do not like it, preferring chestnut ones.
The irises of a brown puppy's eyes should be as dark as possible. Even small glimpses of green in the iris indicate that these eyes will be light amber, and the puppy's green eyes, so beautiful against the background of brown fur, will become transparent yellow with age, no matter what the breeder promises you. The claws should be brown or almost black. For gray and white spots, see "Black Puppies."

Up : even, but too light color (Carl. Poodle)
On right
: desired color intensity (large poodle)


One of the ancient colors, characteristic of the shepherd ancestor, as well as the spotted gray and white, considered standard among many relatives of the poodle. But, despite its antiquity, the gray color was not recognized by the International Canine Federation for a long time, although it was very popular in the USA, Great Britain and Germany. Introduced into the FCI standard relatively recently - only since 1966 has it been allowed to give gray poodles an “excellent” rating at shows in the FCI system and award CAC and CACIB certificates (i.e., a certificate of an applicant for the title of National or International Champion). Along with apricot and red, gray is one of the "modern" poodle colors.

The term “gray” includes a whole range of colors: from light ash blue to the color of antique dark silver or even the color of asphalt. The lightest and darkest options are the least desirable. The preferred color is silver-gray with a cool blue sheen, without the slightest tint of brown or yellowish and as even as possible over the entire body.

The most common fault is lightened hair on the lower legs, as well as a brown tint to the ends of the hair, creating a brownish coating. The coat of gray poodles is thinner and more delicate,
than other colors. Their skin is sensitive, irritation occurs easily, and a short-cropped gray poodle can quickly get sunburned in the summer. In place of scratches, bites and other damage to the skin, completely black fur grows. A Gray Poodle's skin should be lilac or purple. The nose, eyelids and lips, as well as claws are only black. Eyes as dark as possible are desirable, brown and hazel are acceptable.

Undesirable shade of gray

Very promising puppy, toy, 4 months old.


Gray poodle puppies are born black and at the age when they begin to be examined and chosen by future owners, they are just beginning to lighten.

First, the fur near the skin on the face and fingers lightens. The black color gradually fades to the ends of the coat, giving way to gray. When three-week-old gray poodle puppies have their faces and paws trimmed, they look very cute.
By 6-8 months, the fur on the entire body should turn gray, but in unclipped areas it will look almost black - the ends of the fur do not change color. The recoloring ends at about one and a half to two years.
It happens that a puppy, having begun to change color seemingly normally, does not become gray and, in the best case, by the age of three, such a poodle is similar in color to a dark Kerry Blue Terrier. This happens in the offspring of "mixed marriages" when only one parent is gray. Mixed pairs can only be done when breeding white poodles (gray x white). No other matings involving grays are allowed.
It is rare, but it still happens that a puppy is immediately born gray. Such “grey-born” poodles are treated with caution as they can be carriers of serious hereditary anomalies.

So, remember that a gray poodle puppy at the age of 8 weeks should have black hair on its body, a gray muzzle and paws. The nose, eyelids and lips, as well as the claws, are completely black. The puppy's eyes should be dark, the darker the better. Blues and greens will become transparent yellow (“fishy”) with age. For white spots, see Black Puppies.

Apricots and reds of all shades and color intensity are examined together and only at specialized (specialty) exhibitions each color has its own ring.


This is one of the three new or "modern" poodle colors, although yellowish and cream have been around for a long time. They used to be considered a bad option for white. The British managed to turn cream poodles into apricot poodles. In Great Britain, poodles of this color have been registered in the Kennel Club Stud Book since 1912, and in the 20-30s, “apricots” became very popular in the USA. Here they achieved that the color became a shining golden-orange. But the keeper of the standard - the French Poodle Club - terribly resisted the recognition of another color, although in the 50s and 60s these smart dogs simply conquered Europe. It took a quarter of a century of struggle before canine legislators in France agreed to recognize the apricot color and in 1977 it was finally included in the poodle standard. But until now, passions around the degree of saturation of apricot color have not subsided.

The name “apricot” combines a wide range of warm, yellowish-golden colors, reminiscent of the color of a ripe apricot. Too light colors approaching cream or beige, as well as those similar to the red-brown (mahogany) color of the Irish Setter, are undesirable.

Apricots are different... Almost white and almost red...


Apricot Poodle puppies are generally darker than their parents. With age, their color becomes lighter. There are breeders who breed bloodlines of poodles that do not lighten with age, but become even more elegant than in puppyhood. But there are few of them. As a rule, those puppies that have a delicate apricot color at the age of 4-6 weeks will become pale apricot, almost cream, by the age of two. Brighter, more red ones (not darker!) have a better chance of maintaining the richness of the color even after they lighten. The nose, eyelids and lips of a good apricot puppy are preferably black, although dark brown is also allowed according to the standard. Claws and skin should be as dark as possible. Eyes - almost black or dark brown. White spots are not allowed. In structure, elasticity and shine, the wool of apricots should be similar to the hair of black poodles.

Red color.

The authors of this color live in the USA. Nobody knows how American poodle lovers managed to get such a dark version of the apricot color. But there were all sorts of conversations... And therefore, when the number of “reds” in Europe began to rapidly multiply, the guardian of the breed standard, the French Poodle Club, decided (and the International Canine Federation approved it) to consider a particularly dark version of the apricot color non-standard. But the majority of lovers of this color option both showed their dogs in the apricot ring and continued to show them. Although, by order of the FCI, experts did not have the right to give such poodles a rating higher than “very good”. There is nothing to say about titles...
Entering the ring, the owner of the red-apricot poodle did not know whether he would leave with a reduced score, or would receive the title of winner from an expert who decided to disobey the canine authorities. There have been cases of gorgeous poodles being disqualified for this color. But, despite the ban, at the same time red poodles even received such titles as Interchampion and World Champion.

However, lovers of the red color decided not to give up, united, wrote a Petition for the recognition of this color, collected signatures all over the world and sent it to the FCI. As a result, since April 2007, the red color has been included in the FCI poodle standard.
When choosing a puppy in a litter from red parents, you should not be surprised by the presence of apricot, sometimes very light, puppies among the littermates.
Red puppies are usually darker than their parents. But such color intensity rarely remains with age. Usually the color fades by about 3 years. Sometimes quite strongly.
But it also happens that the puppy who looked like an apricot, suddenly begins to gain color with age and becomes indistinguishable from red ones.
Who likes what. One thing I can say with confidence is that mental abilities and health do not depend in any way on the color of the puppy.

ShM Florentiy


This is the name for any color not mentioned in the poodle breed standard.

White spotting.

Irish spot - black, brown, gray or apricot with a white chest, collar and socks. These poodles also have a white blaze on the forehead and muzzle, as well as a white tip of the tail. Even if there is a lot of white on the face, the poodle's ears usually remain colored. The area of ​​white does not exceed 20% of the body.
Piebald color , called "particolor" in a poodle - spots of a different color (black, brown, gray, apricot) scattered throughout the body on a white background. A poodle's ears and areas around the eyes (the "glasses") will most often remain colored even if the fur on most of the body is white. White occupies up to 80% of the body area.

Extreme degree of piebaldity , in poodles called "harlequin" color, when there are only small areas of color on a white background. Sometimes it is just the ears or one dark spot on the back or at the base of the tail.
When kept short, piebald poodles often have visible markings of the same color as the larger spots.
More recently, in Russia and several other countries this color has been recognized as a standard color for the poodle.

Black and tan.
In Europe, this color of a poodle is also called “dob”, and on the American continent “phantom”. Indeed, this is the color of a black and tan Doberman and it looks very elegant on the long and curly coat of a poodle, but differently than on a Doberman (5). Tan and gray options are only good for puppies, but an adult poodle of this color looks like a washed-out rag. The apricot and tan color becomes very light with age, the contrast between the background and the tan disappears and such a dog does not look at all elegant.
Black and tan has recently been recognized as the standard color for the poodle in Russia and several other countries.

Also known as silver-beige and silver-tee, this is a very elegant bluish-beige color with a cold pearlescent shimmer. Such puppies can appear from silver parents if they have brown ones in their family. The heritage of brown ancestors is "hidden" for many generations under any dominant color, such as black or pure white with black pigmentation, and then suddenly appears in puppies from a pair of carriers of this trait. Isabella puppies are born dark brown, almost black. The pigmentation of the nose and lips is dark immediately, and at two months it becomes even darker violet-brown. By this age, the coat begins to lighten in the same way as it happens in gray cats (6). By one and a half to two years, such a poodle becomes a silver-beige cold, lilac tone. Isabella Poodles have light green or blue eyes as puppies, but as they age they become light hazel or even yellow.

Tiger color.
Surprisingly, poodles also have this color. It usually appears where the ancestors have both apricot and gray poodles. Such a puppy is very elegant, while the hair is short. Especially if he is tiger-piebald, i.e. with white spots. Then such a poodle goes through a rather long “ugly duckling” stage. It’s good if by the age of one and a half years the color gradually fades and the stronger the influence of silver ancestors, the more attractive the resulting color will be. But it happens that the recoloring suddenly ends at 7-10 months and the resulting color is terrible - I don’t even know what to decently call it, in general, “black with hair.”
In the photo on the right is a gray brindle toy poodle aged 3 days, 3 weeks, 2 years.

Sable color

At a young puppy age, such poodles look like apricot with a black coating. Each of their hairs is red, but the tip is black. The fur on the ears, lower limbs and tail is almost all black (or dark gray).
With age, such a poodle becomes lighter, but the color remains unusually elegant.

There are a lot of lovers of poodles of non-standard colors in the world. In the USA, where the standard allows a poodle to haveany single color, there are often nurseries that deal exclusively with party colors and phantoms. In Germany, for example, black and white harlequins and black and tan poodles are recognized by the Poodle Club, have legal breeding rights, and the offspring of such pairs receive normal pedigrees, but with the mark SRR ("Special Register"). This pedigree allows the poodle to participate in exhibitions at the club and national level along with all other poodles, but in a separate ring.

In Russia, 10-15 years ago, there were also several breeders who were engaged in black and white colors (parti-color and harlequin) in small and miniature poodles. Large poodles were allowed to work with Isabella and a group of bearers of this color had already become isolated. But after the RKF joined the International Federation, this work came to naught.
Now, after the permission received by the National Breed Club from the RKF Breeding Commission to work with the colors harlequin and black and tan, the population of poodles of these colors is growing at a rapid pace and not only due to the import of producers. There are already several Russian Champions in the colors harlequin and black and tan.
Following the Russians, Ukrainian lovers of two-colored poodles achieved recognition for their work.
These colors are also gaining popularity in France. But the French Poodle Club is still adamant, although the list of countries in which these colors are recognized as standard is very impressive. Time will show.

If your plans do not go further than “a dog for the house, for the family” and you want to buy a puppy with some small defect, so that no one pesters you with “these terrible exhibitions”, then I strongly advise you to take a healthy and cheerful poodle with a non-standard color, but not a puppy rejected due to any anomalies (lack of teeth, testicles, non-standard coat with bald spots, etc.).

In the photo: a poodle puppy of a non-standard color “black and silver”
with their completely standard
white littermates.


Already a 4-6 week old poodle should have a noble head
with an oblong and laterally flat skull.
The muzzle is solid, rather long with a clearly visible chin. The puppy's muzzle ridge may have a slight hump - this is a good sign.
EYES should be small, dark with dry, well-pigmented eyelids, oval in shape. There should be no wet streaks from tears under the eyes!
The puppy's EARS are very wide, soft, long - they reach the nose. There should be no discharge or strange odor!
Poodles' teeth erupt early and by the time they are weaned (6-8 weeks), the 6 incisors at the top and bottom should be fully visible and level. The poodle has only a scissor bite (that is, when the jaws close, the lower ones stand tightly behind the upper ones). At this age, the canines should come out, but not completely yet. They gradually grow and form a castle on the right and left with the outermost large incisors (edges). The tips of the lower canines should point outward, not straight up, otherwise they will stick into the upper gum. The lateral teeth (premolars and molars) in the milk set do not correspond to the permanent ones, and it is impossible to guess whether all of them will come out in an adult dog. As a rule, families of fully-toothed ancestors rarely have partially-toothed descendants, and families of partially-toothed ancestors rarely have fully-toothed descendants. If the shape of the bite is important for both a show dog and a pet, then having a full set of teeth is important only for exhibitions and breeding.

Noble head of a real poodle puppy
(at 8-10 weeks of age)
1 - miniature poodle (Airi-Arabesque )
2 - large poodle (DAWIN, Canada )
3 - toy poodle (Monomakh's hat )


A poodle puppy of any variety at the age of 6-8 weeks should be dense (like rubber!), compact, with a fairly wide back, strong loin and plump croup. The length of the NECK should be equal to the length of the entire head or even more. The TAIL is set high, but should not fall over the back. If the tail is docked, then 2/3 of its length should remain (the lowered tail reaches the middle of the lower leg). Recently, most breeders, especially those whose dogs are exhibited abroad, do not dock the tails of poodle puppies.

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