Surgitron radiosurgical knife. Radio wave surgery: Fotek radio knife (latest modification). Which is better – liquid nitrogen or radio wave treatment?

For patients with tumors, radiotherapy is more effective and safer than surgery. At the Research Institute named after N.V. Sklifosovsky performs such operations for Muscovites free of charge.

Moscow is the only city in Russia where two unique modern Gamma Knife installations operate. They are available at the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky and the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after N.N. Burdenko. The devices allow the removal of benign and malignant tumors and vascular pathologies of the brain using a non-invasive method, that is, without using needles or surgical instruments.

About 12 thousand such operations have already been performed in Russia, seven thousand in the last five years, when the newest models of gamma knife appeared. And the first operation at the Radiosurgery Center of the N.V. Research Institute Sklifosovsky was held on February 8. During the February clinical start, 11 Muscovites were operated on using money from the city budget. In total, 150 operations are planned to be performed this year. The center's equipment - one workstation and two stereotactic frames for calculations and accuracy of irradiation - allows for 200-300 procedures per year. And in the future, the device will be able to treat up to a thousand - two thousand patients annually.

Typically, the cost of such an operation depends on the diagnosis, on average it is 240 thousand rubles - 10 times cheaper than abroad. But Muscovites can count on it for free. Every year in Russia about 60 thousand people need such operations; In the capital, 101 patients are currently being considered and examined as candidates for this procedure.

How it works

Gamma Knife (Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion) is a radiosurgical device for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors and vascular malformations in the cranial cavity. The operation is performed without skin incisions or craniotomy. To do this, radioactive radiation from 196 cobalt-60 sources is used, beams of which are collected together and act like a non-invasive surgical knife. They destroy the DNA of tumor cells. In this case, healthy brain tissue and the entire body are not irradiated.

Benefits of a new installation

Radiosurgery can be performed even on children after the mineralization of the skull bones has ended (five to seven years). According to world statistics, about 10-15 percent of patients are children. The procedure is painless and lasts from 20 minutes to four hours, and the patient remains conscious. Soon after the operation, he can go home without fear of inflammation and complications; many leave behind the wheel of their own cars.

Meanwhile, after surgery, the risk of developing infectious complications and venous thrombosis is quite high. Not only the operation itself is dangerous, but also the anesthesia, especially for elderly patients. Before the operation, the patient spends three to seven days in the neurosurgical department with other patients, including severe ones. And after it he spends another three to ten days in the hospital. Not everyone can immediately return to their normal life after the intervention. There are other disadvantages to surgery: patients usually react sharply to the need for craniotomy and the associated head shaving and post-operative scars. These risks and inconveniences sometimes lead to refusal of surgery even if there are absolute indications for it.

What is treated with a gamma knife?

Among the most common indications for such intervention are primary and secondary (metastases) brain tumors, parkinsonism, epilepsy, and pain syndromes of central origin. Patients with arteriovenous malformations are also referred for radiosurgery - abnormalities in the structure of the brain vessels, when blood from the arteries enters the veins, bypassing the capillary vessels. Another disease for which gamma knife surgery is recommended is brain cavernomas. These are pathological cavities separated by partitions and filled with blood. They can exist without symptoms, or they can cause epileptic seizures, blurred vision, damage to cranial nerves, and hemorrhage.

How to get help for free

If there are indications for radiosurgery, citizens with permanent registration and a compulsory medical insurance policy can undergo the operation free of charge. To do this, you need a consultation with a neurosurgeon at the Radiosurgery Center. If you have a referral from a neurologist or therapist using Form 057-U, it will be free.

After this, the patient receives a list of tests and consultations with specialists and gets in line for surgery. Now patients wait several months for treatment. Radiosurgery is preferable, but not everyone can wait. Such patients are offered alternative operations. This may be microsurgery or endovascular surgery.

How is the operation performed?

Patients are prepared for the procedure according to an individual plan, which includes diagnostic studies. On the day of surgery, after installing the stereotactic frame (a metal ring for calculations and accuracy of irradiation), magnetic resonance imaging is performed on an expert-class ultra-high-field tomograph. If necessary, studies are supplemented with electroencephalography in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, computed tomography or cerebral angiography. These data are used to plan radiation treatments.

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis; there is no need to hospitalize the patient in a hospital. It is completely painless and lasts from 20 minutes to four hours. In the vast majority of cases, one radiosurgery session is sufficient. After the operation, the patient receives recommendations and returns to normal life on the same day.

First operation at the radiosurgery center

A high risk of blood loss with a fatal outcome, atrophy of the optic nerves and partial loss of vision, a high probability of brain tumor growth - in this condition the patient was admitted to the Research Institute named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky. Radiosurgery turned out to be the only possible method. The first non-invasive operation using a gamma knife device was performed here on February 8 this year.

The painless procedure lasted 45 minutes. During this time, active tumor cells died under radiation. This made it possible to prevent the growth of its remnants and within a week to begin a course of treatment for optic nerve atrophy. Now the patient's vision has improved by 10 percent. In 90-95 percent of cases, such an operation can prevent further growth of meningiomas.

World achievements of Gamma Knife

Melanoma, which develops from pigment cells, is one of the most malignant tumors. This is exactly the diagnosis given to one patient in the UK. Doctors removed the primary lesion on the skin of the back and administered chemotherapy. But after a few months, the patient began to notice general weakness and speech disturbances. The disease progressed rapidly, and MRI showed more than 30 chemotherapy-resistant brain metastases. Luckily they were small. Several radiosurgeries allowed the woman to live without symptoms for more than five years. Just 20-25 years ago it was impossible to achieve such a result, but today the number of people successfully fighting brain metastases is growing.

Now there are more than 300 departments open in the world, where more than 1.5 million radiosurgery operations have been performed. Abroad they cost from 30 to 40 thousand dollars. Neurosurgeons and medical physicists working at the facility have united to form the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, which organizes annual conferences and prepares training programs for specialists from around the world.

High-tech assistance in Moscow

VMP is provided in various fields: from obstetrics and gynecology, dermatovenereology, neurosurgery to rheumatology, pediatrics and endocrinology. The full list can be found on the website

All Russians who have evidence can receive such help. They are determined by the doctor of the organization where the patient is examined and treated. He issues a referral for hospitalization. It must be accompanied by an extract from medical documents, certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the chief physician (authorized person) of the clinic or hospital. Also on the list of necessary items are copies of a passport or other identification document (for children under 14 years of age - a copy of the birth certificate), SNILS (if you have one), and a compulsory medical insurance policy. To hospitalize a minor, you must provide a copy of the passport of his legal representative. The patient must consent to the processing of personal data.

If assistance is included in compulsory medical insurance, documents must be sent to where the patient will be treated. After this, the clinic or hospital will issue a coupon for the provision of VMP. Within seven working days, a special commission must decide whether the patient has indications for hospitalization.

If assistance is not provided for by compulsory medical insurance, then the documents are sent to the department for high-tech medical care of the Moscow Department of Health (2nd Shchemilovsky Lane, building 4a, building 4). The Department will issue the coupon. The patient selection committee will make a decision within 10 working days. Then you need to act in the same way as in the case of providing assistance under compulsory medical insurance. The section on the website portal will tell you more about high-tech assistance in the capital.

Papillomas grow in colonies

The appearance of papillomas is a symptom of the human papillomavirus, which is one of the most common infections. During therapy, it is recommended to remove such growths to stop the spread of the virus. There are many methods of removal, among which radio wave destruction is especially prominent. This is a modern method that is preferred today in many operations.

Removal of tumors is carried out using high-frequency radio waves supplied by a special device. This operation is reminiscent of a surgical one, with the difference that instead of a traditional scalpel, the doctor holds a radio wave knife in his hands. In addition, the procedure itself is carried out in a non-contact manner, i.e. The device does not affect skin or mucous membranes.

During tissue excision with a radioknife, areas are cut, but the cells in them evaporate and are not separated as during surgical operations. Radio wave destruction is effective both for single papillomas and for multiple groups of growths. The peculiarity of the action of radio waves is that they can affect tumors in different, even the most inaccessible places. Thus, the method is used not only on open areas of the body, but also in the eyelids, armpits, genitals, etc.

Removal device

Removal of papillomas is carried out using the Surgitron device, which is considered a universal tool for the destruction of various neoplasms. The device is capable of removing not only papillomas, but also nevi, warts and erosions.

“Surgitron” operates on waves with a frequency of about 4.0 MHz, due to which fluid evaporates from the affected cells. The device is directed by a doctor, so during the operation there is no risk of injury to healthy areas.

In addition, the device has several electrodes, thanks to which a targeted effect is achieved even in hard-to-reach places.

Advantages and disadvantages

Radio wave destruction has many advantages over other removal methods:

  • non-invasiveness of the procedure;
  • bloodlessness of the operation;
  • removal of growths from difficult areas;
  • absence of trauma at the site of injury;
  • the possibility of performing histology of the removed growth;
  • carrying out sterilization of wounds during the removal process;
  • no complications after surgery.

Among the disadvantages of the method, one can highlight the cost of the procedure, which is higher than for other removal methods. In addition, radio wave destruction is not suitable for removing large tumors, which must be removed only through surgery.

Practicing dermatovenerologist Lenkin Sergey Gennadievich will tell you about the radio wave method for removing condylomas and papillomas:


Despite the safety and painlessness of the procedure, it also has its contraindications. Among them:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute form of infectious diseases (herpes, influenza, etc.);
  • heart pathologies;
  • diabetes.

In addition, the use of a device with radio waves requires the absence of any devices powered by electricity. Therefore, radio wave removal is not suitable for patients with pacemakers. Patients with other devices, such as hearing aids, will need to remove them before the session.

Stages of the procedure

The removal of the growth itself is quick, but before this the patient needs to prepare for the procedure. Thus, the process of removing a tumor takes several stages.

Preparatory stage

Any operation to destroy existing growths should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. At this stage, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

In this case, the patient does not need to perform any special preparation before the operation.

Carrying out the operation

The entire procedure is carried out in the clinic and does not take much time. The duration of removal depends on the size and number of growths. In general, the operation can be performed from 5 to 30 minutes. The process itself looks like this:

An important stage in all therapy is the prescription of drug treatment necessary to prevent relapses. The patient should also be consulted on this issue by the attending physician.

You can see how the removal process occurs in our video:


Removal of any tumors using Surgitron is a safe, non-invasive intervention. During and after the operation, the patient practically does not feel any discomfort.

Radio wave destruction is not characterized by complications such as burns, swelling or inflammation. The recovery period passes quite quickly, and the frequency of relapses with proper therapy is minimal.

Before removal
After removal


The radio wave removal method is considered a light intervention, so a second visit to the doctor is not required after the procedure. There are no stitches after the operation, and there is no need for complex daily treatment. Therefore, the patient will be able to perform all care procedures independently.

After radio wave destruction, a scab appears at the site of removal.

It performs a protective function, protecting damaged tissues from the penetration of microbes and aggressive environmental influences. This area must be treated several times a day with antiseptic and regenerating drugs. This will make the entire healing process faster. Usually healing ends in 5-7 days, after which the crust disappears. You should not touch it or try to separate it yourself.

After this, the scab will separate, and underneath there will be clean skin. It turns out to be a different shade and differs from neighboring skin. This is considered normal and does not affect the patient’s health in any way. A small scar usually remains at the site of removal of the growth, which disappears 1-3 months after the procedure.

In this case, a patient who has undergone papilloma removal must follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Do not visit the sauna or steam bath, do not take a bath in the first days after removal. It is allowed to take a shower, but not for too long. Prolonged contact with hot water can contribute to complications and slow down tissue regeneration.
  2. Do not use cosmetics in the intervention area. The skin at the site of removal is weakened and needs to be restored. Even if the papilloma was removed from the face and was very small, you should not cover this area with decorative cosmetics. The substances in its composition will have a negative impact not only on the wound itself, but will also interfere with its systematic recovery.
  3. Use antiseptic medications prescribed by your doctor. When choosing a treatment agent, you should not deviate from the recommendations of your doctor. Aggressive drugs can have a negative effect on damaged skin, so you should stick to gentle products - potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, etc.

The healing of the remaining scar depends on the patient’s body’s ability to regenerate. Each person has these features individually, so differences in healing time can be significant.

After complete healing, the skin at the site of papilloma removal becomes even in color with other skin. Therefore, over time, traces of the operation become completely invisible.

Which is better: radio wave removal or laser

Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, radio wave destruction is more intended to remove convex tumors that rise significantly above the skin. The laser can deal with both convex and flat tumors.

Both methods are effectively used both on mucous membranes and on the skin. They also work on the same principle: evaporation of cells in the affected area. However, the radio wave method has an advantage over the laser method in the healing period. So, a scab after laser destruction heals in about 1.5-2 weeks, while after radio waves the crust disappears after about 1 week.

In addition, the Surgitron device, which operates on the basis of radio waves, is the most common equipment in clinics due to its versatility. While equipment for laser removal is not available in every hospital, since such a device is of a narrower specialization.

approximate price

The cost of removing tumors using the radio wave method can vary significantly depending on several parameters. So, first of all, the number of papillomas to be removed, as well as their size, is taken into account. Usually, when removing growths of more than 5 (sometimes 10), clinics give a small discount. In this case, the cost of removing one papilloma may vary from 300 to 750 rubles.

In addition, the area in which the removal will be carried out will be significant in determining the cost. Thus, growths in the perianal area cost on average 500-700 rubles per unit, but sometimes the price can reach up to 2000 rubles, depending on the complexity. Papillomas in the scalp or on the face cost 300-400 rubles.

Radio wave surgery– the most modern, non-traumatic, non-contact treatment method used in gynecology. At the Diana Clinic, the Fotek radio wave knife is used as a tool for performing gynecological operations and diagnosing cancer tumors by biopsy.


What are low-traumatic operations and how is radio wave surgery related to them?

Low-traumatic operations are surgical interventions performed using modern techniques that allow preserving organs and carrying out the procedure with minimal trauma. Such procedures cannot include operations in which a scalpel is used, since deep incisions, bleeding and post-operative scars worsen the functions of the organ, and sometimes even make it “inoperative”. This is especially important when it comes to gynecological operations, because injuries to the reproductive organs lead to female infertility.

At the same time, speaking about outdated methods of carrying out gynecological therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations, it is worth mentioning not only the scalpel. Techniques involving cauterization with acids, alkalis, or electric current cannot be considered low-traumatic. Such procedures injure surrounding tissues, and cause moral trauma to the woman herself, because she has to endure pain and wonder for several months whether there are any consequences. All this leads to a pathological fear of visiting a gynecological office, and consequently to advanced pathologies, including oncological ones.

Low-traumatic operations in gynecology, which can be performed in private clinics without a hospital, include only two techniques - laser and radio wave. The radio wave non-contact method is the most modern of all those approved for use in Russia. Doctors jokingly call it the “cold cutting” method, although this definition closely matches what happens when using a radio wave knife. This is a truly amazing technique that gynecologists all over the world have dreamed of; it allows you to cut tissue without touching it, without heating it or using any chemicals.

Radio knife Fotek: we are for low-traumatic medicine!

The high-frequency radio wave device "Fotek" is an effective tool for combating pathologies of the cervix and neoplasms in the vagina. We purchased the latest model of this device because we believe that our patients should be treated without pain and complications. The equipment has been approved by Russian scientists and has passed all tests, which is confirmed by quality certificates and a registration certificate issued for the Russian Federation.

The advisability of using a radio wave knife is determined by the gynecologist individually for each woman. As a rule, the Fotek device is used for significant deformation of the cervix, since its use does not lead to scar formation. Such consequences occur, for example, with electrocoagulation and chemical cauterization. Due to its low morbidity, radio wave treatment is suitable even for nulliparous patients.

About the FOTEK device we use

Electrosurgical high frequencyThe radio wave knife is used in cosmetology, dermatology, gynecology, urology and other areas of medicine. ModelEHVC-80-03 FOTEK is intended for targeted interventions, each type of operation is performed with a special attachment included in the kit:

Area of ​​use of FOTEK:EHVCh-80:

  • low-traumatic endoscopic operations;
  • ophthalmological and ENT interventions;
  • laparoscopic procedures;
  • plastic surgery in dermatology;
  • dentistry;
  • aesthetic cosmetology.

The electrosurgical radio wave device operates in the following modes:

  • Proximity radio knife . A monopolar incision is made. Ideal for tissue sampling using biopsy for further research. The tissues do not overheat and are not injured.
  • M-polar cutting with cauterization (soldering, coagulation) of tissues. Reduces blood loss and postoperative pain.
  • Mono coagulation. Slow m-polar cauterization. A gentle effect that reduces the likelihood of coagulant rejection and, accordingly, blood loss. The gynecologist can regulate the time and depth of exposure.
  • Non-contact m-polar coagulation. Used for sealing capillary vessels and removing fat.
  • B-polar coagulation . With limitation of the impact area, which is especially important during operations on delicate tissues in ENT practice, when operating in the spinal cord area, etc.
  • Bi-polar cutting with coagulation . The doctor receives a neat cut thanks to the minimum contact area (the thinnest tweezers or knife). The radio pulse penetrates a limited area without affecting healthy tissue.

Video about the removal of tumors using the radio method using the Fotek device

Radio wave surgery: indications and application in gynecology

The surgical knife "Fotek - EHVC-80" is used in gynecological practice for the following purposes:

  • opening of cervical and vaginal cysts;
  • bloodless cauterization (coagulation) and removal of papillomas, condylomas of the vagina, perianal zone (around the anus) and cervix;
  • formation of hemostasis (cauterization of blood vessels) during bleeding due to;
  • treatment of cervical deformities, cervical erosion of any degree;
  • removal of nevi on the genitals and polyps of the cervical canal;
  • cervical biopsy;
  • removal of other tumors in the vagina, cervix, genital area and anus.

Advantages of the Fotek radio wave knife

Radio wave surgery is low-traumatic and absolutely painless. In particular, among the most painful procedures that terrify any woman, but now no longer have terrible consequences thanks to the radio wave method, is a cervical biopsy. The device allows you to take tissue without pain for histological (examination of tissue cells) analysis, while increasing the reliability of the oncology test: when collecting biomaterial, the tissues taken during the biopsy are not destroyed or crushed.

Doctors note a number of advantages of the Fotek device:

  • absence of bleeding - blood loss is minimized due to coagulation (soldering) of blood vessels;
  • due to the non-contact procedure, the tissues are not injured during the incision;
  • the device acts with the effect of local anesthesia;
  • in cases of external influence, the gynecologist receives an excellent cosmetic effect - the radio wave knife does not leave rough scars and ugly scars;
  • tissues heal very quickly after surgery;
  • high level of safety with minimal likelihood of complications;
  • since scars are not formed, the cervix and the uterus itself retain their shape, so the operation does not lead to infertility;
  • the disease does not recur - the absence of relapse of the disease is ensured by the accuracy and high quality of the intervention;
  • this method has a minimum number of contraindications.

Features of interventions carried out using a radio knife "Fotek - EHHF-80"

Preparation for procedures using Fotek equipment includes: gynecological examination and a series of tests that will eliminate any unpleasant surprises during and after the operation.

As before any intervention, a woman must undergo:

  • colposcopy - a routine gynecological examination using an optical colposcope device, which improves the visibility of pathologies - is performed by our gynecologist;
  • cytological smear for atypia - detection of cancerous and precancerous cells (valid for 6 months) - taken by the gynecologist during the examination;
  • smear for microbiocenosis to detect infections and (valid for 2 weeks) - taken at the appointment;
  • a blood test for a number of infections - syphilis, hepatitis (valid for 3 months) - can be taken in our laboratory;
  • for 9 main infections - also available in our laboratory.

Almost all interventions performed with modern radio wave equipment, taking into account preparation, take an average of 10-15 minutes. Women who choose this method do not face any discomfort or pain. The absence of complications in the form of scars is guaranteed.

Low-traumatic operations using a radio wave knife

There are a lot of such procedures, or rather, we can say that this instrument is suitable almost everywhere where it is necessary to open an abscess or remove a section of pathological tissue. Let's look at the most popular procedures.

Treatment of bartholinitis: opening, removal of cyst, abscess of Bartholin gland

Low-traumatic operations - removal of a cyst and opening of an abscess of the Bartholin gland at the Diana clinic are performed using such modern methods as the Fotek radio wave knife and CO2 laser. The optimal method is determined by the operating gynecologist after an examination, but radio wave surgery is usually the priority.

How is an abscess opened?

Opening an abscess (ulcer) involves cutting the purulent cavity with a radio knife, clearing it of pus, and treating it with antiseptic solutions (rinsing). The operation is performed under local anesthesia, in critical cases on the day of treatment. Depending on the situation, it may also be necessary to place a Word catheter postoperatively for 4-6 weeks; this period is required for the formation of a new gland canal, which helps to avoid relapses in the future.

After surgery, restorative and antibacterial treatment is carried out. Bacteriological culture of the discharge is also performed (if necessary). Such measures make it possible to eliminate the disease itself, its consequences and avoid complications.

Removal of Bartholin gland cyst

If a Bartholin gland cyst produces multiple relapses of inflammation, it must be removed. Marsupialization of the cyst may also be required - opening it up, eliminating the secretion of the new gland duct. This manipulation, provided it is performed well, allows you to preserve the gland and duct.

Advantages of surgical treatment of bartholinitis with radio waves

The radio wave knife "Fotek" is a modern tool for treating diseases of the female genital area. It is used to open a Bartholin gland abscess and to remove a cyst (by decision of the gynecologist).

Advantages of the method in the treatment of bartholinitis:

  • effect of local anesthesia;
  • reduction of blood loss;
  • no tissue damage;
  • excellent cosmetic effect (no scar complications);
  • almost zero percentage of complications;
  • accelerated healing;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • reduction of surgical intervention time to 10-15 minutes.

Another innovative treatment that is gaining popularity in the field of gynecology is the surgical CO2 laser. According to the doctor’s decision, this method is used to remove cysts, open a Bartholin gland abscess and perform other gynecological procedures. Its advantages:

  • excellent cosmetic effect (no scars);
  • full control of the depth of exposure (prevention of bleeding);
  • high speed of impact;
  • minimizing the relapse rate.

Both methods are available at the Diana Clinic, but as mentioned above, the decision on the choice of treatment is made by the doctor. The specialist relies on diagnostic results, indications and contraindications; important characteristics are the degree and depth of the process.

Conization of the cervix using the radio wave method

Cervical conization is a surgical procedure that involves removing a cone-shaped section of the mucous membranes of the cervix. The operation is performed for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. In the first case, a section of tissue sufficient for histological examination is removed, and in the second, the entire area of ​​the cervical lesion is removed.

Conization in combination with drug antitumor therapy gives excellent results in the treatment of precancerous and primary cancerous conditions of the cervix. If the disease can be diagnosed in the early stages, the survival rate is 80%, so in no case should you refuse to undergo conization of the cervix.

Gynecologists at the Diana Medical Center have the experience and skills to safely perform the cervical conization procedure using the latest low-traumatic techniques for excision of mucosal tissue. This allows a woman to be free from tumors and diseases of the cervix, while preserving the functions of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

Conization of the cervix: advantages of the technique

Unlike superficial cauterization, conization removes erosion completely, so this method of treatment is especially effective and even indispensable for deep lesions of the cervix. Conization is also preferable for multiple polyps and cervical dysplasia.

Women are frightened by the prospect of traumatic surgery, because when it comes to deep excision, the first thing that appears is a scalpel. We do not use a scalpel where it can be avoided, since our goal is to provide the patient with comfortable and gentle treatment while preserving the organ. We perform conization and removal of the affected area using a radio wave knife. The advantages of the method are the ability to act only on affected cells without affecting healthy tissue areas, bloodlessness and rapid healing.

Conization cannot be perceived as an operation in the usual sense, because the procedure takes place without abdominal incisions and sutures. In addition, this technique is painless - the doctor uses safe local anesthesia. There are no nerve endings in the tissues of the cervix, so this type of anesthesia is sufficient. In addition, anesthesia relaxes the ring of the cervical canal, which facilitates the introduction of microsurgical instruments into the uterine cavity. Conization takes 15-20 minutes, after which the woman returns to her usual lifestyle.

One should agree to conization not only because of the fear of infertility with other methods, but also to conduct a histological analysis of the removed tissue. This will eliminate the risk of malignant cell degeneration.

The radio wave method of conization involves the removal of a conical section of tissue using the destructive effect of radio waves on cells. A special loop is used for this. The main advantage of the method is considered to be the preservation of a woman’s reproductive function, since radio wave equipment does not affect healthy tissue, removing only the damaged area. In addition, the radio wave loop polishes the surface of the cervix, preventing bleeding.

How long will rehabilitation last after low-traumatic conization of the cervix?

The technique is characterized by accelerated tissue healing: the organ is completely restored in 1-3 months. At this time, unpleasant moments are possible - moderate abdominal pain and spotting red-brown discharge. After surgical conization, the same symptoms are observed, but it all lasts much longer.

To speed up healing, you should avoid physical activity, thermal procedures and sexual activity for 3-4 weeks. In general, it is the radio wave technique that is the safety standard in gynecology.

The Diana Clinic presents the latest radio wave equipment for conization, which ensures safety even for nulliparous women. Another condition for the patient’s rapid recovery and preservation of reproductive function is an experienced and qualified doctor. These are the doctors who work in our clinic...

In many clinics, the Surgitron device is used to rid patients of moles, warts, papillomas, condylomas, and skin growths. Removal of papillomas with Surgitron is a non-contact method that is becoming increasingly popular. The procedure for getting rid of tumors is based on the action of radio waves, which is why the device is also called a radio knife.

The use of Surgitron for the removal of papillomas

Various neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes, which look like papillary growths, are called papillomas. They consist of connective tissue, inside which blood vessels pass. If they are injured, there is a risk of bleeding. Depending on the type of papillomavirus that is activated in the body, plantar and other types of warts may appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

Using a radio wave surgery apparatus, the doctor can remove any tumors on the skin and mucous membranes. Radioknife is an atraumatic, non-contact method that is used to cut soft tissues and coagulate blood vessels. High-frequency radio waves act like a scalpel, although the Surgitron electrode does not touch the papilloma being treated.

Removal of papillomas using the Surgitron device must be carried out by a qualified doctor. He can determine what frequency of exposure will be optimal, to what depth it is necessary to treat soft tissues in order to remove the root of the papilloma.

A frequency of 3.8 MHz is used to cut tissue and coagulate it. Radio wave radiation is concentrated at the end of the electrode used, which is directed to the papilloma. The wave flow affects the tissue, a sharp surge of thermal energy occurs, and because of this, the cells begin to evaporate.

Cells that are in the path of radio waves disappear, and the tissues surrounding them move apart without heating. This method allows you to:

  • get a microscopic, even cut;
  • instantly get rid of papillomas on the body;
  • prevent bleeding due to coagulation of blood vessels;
  • minimize the likelihood of infection.

The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the tumor and the required depth of exposure. An experienced dermatologist will need no more than 15 minutes to treat 1 wart.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

When using Surgitron, the doctor has the opportunity to regulate the intensity of exposure and the form of radiation. Thanks to this, only papillomas are removed; the device does not affect healthy skin.

The advantages of the method include:

  • the skin after removal is smooth, clean, only in rare cases does a small scar remain;
  • 1 procedure is enough to remove papilloma;
  • the patient practically does not feel pain;
  • rapid healing, recovery takes place in 1–7 days;
  • swelling of surrounding tissues is insignificant;
  • the ability to lead a normal lifestyle immediately after the procedure (minor restrictions are established);
  • low cost compared to .

The absence of pain is due not only to the administration of local anesthesia. There is no pain due to the fact that the radiation does not irritate the nerve endings. Patients may only complain of tingling and burning sensations.

But with the help of the Surgitron device you can only get rid of small-sized papillomas. Large tumors are difficult to treat and are difficult to completely remove. This is considered a disadvantage of the method.

How is the procedure performed?

No preliminary preparation is required for the procedure for removing papillomas with the Surgitron device. But before the manipulation, you should consult with an oncologist, because malignant neoplasms cannot be excised.

The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

The patient goes home after the procedure. There is no need for medical supervision. After removal, the patient will need to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic several times. The healing process is accelerated if you use special local regenerating agents.

The wound site should be dry. It is prohibited to get it wet for 48 hours after the operation. For 7 days, the patient cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or solarium. It is advisable not to allow the area treated with the radio knife to be exposed to sunlight for a long time.

A crust forms 1–2 days after surgery. Therefore, there is no need for further treatment of the area with antiseptics.

It is important not to peel off the crust; the skin will form underneath it. Removing a scab on your own can lead to the formation of an unsightly scar in this place.

Existing contraindications

  • fever;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological processes;
  • pulmonary and heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • epilepsy;
  • glaucoma;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • menstruation;
  • inflammatory and viral skin diseases, including herpes, pustules;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

The procedure is not performed on patients under 16 years of age. If there are contraindications, the doctor selects a different method of treating and removing the formation.


You can find out the cost of removing various tumors directly from the doctor who will perform the procedure. The price is affected by:

  • type, size of formation;
  • location;
  • complexity of the procedure;
  • prestige of the chosen clinic;
  • surgeon qualification.

To cut out a small papilloma or mole with a diameter of up to 1 cm using a radio knife, you need to pay 400–1200 rubles. To remove a plantar wart you will have to pay 1200–1700 rubles. If it is necessary to remove a tumor in a visible place, the price will be higher. The cost of radio wave treatment on the face is traditionally higher.

Removal of warts with Surgitron is carried out using a special device that allows you to remove various types of growths on the skin. The action is carried out due to radio wave radiation. The drug is quite easy to use, it allows you to control the depth of exposure, which makes the procedure absolutely safe.

The device allows the surgeon to masterfully perform precise, atraumatic incisions of skin and tissue

Surgitron (“radio knife”) is a device whose operating principle is based on the conversion of electric current into high-frequency radio waves. The waves are directed to the wart using an electrode (waveguide). They promote the evaporation of fluid from skin cells and mucous membranes. Healthy cells, to which radio waves are not directed, do not evaporate. Therefore, this device allows you to remove papillomas without affecting the surrounding tissue.

Scars on the skin remain minor and may disappear on their own after some time. Scars are less noticeable than after laser wart removal.

Surgitron can be used on any area of ​​the skin, including the face and genitals; it can also be used on the cervix. It is also used in areas where the skin or mucous membrane is thin, where the appearance of scars is undesirable.

The device has several types of waveguides:

  • triangular loop;
  • round loop;
  • ball electrode;
  • scalpel-waveguide.

The use of this drug is effective not only for the removal of warts, but also other types of benign skin tumors.

The Surgitron device has a number of advantages:

  • Non-contact technique. This minimizes the entry of pathogens into the wound during the procedure. The absence of bleeding helps prevent further spread of the human papillomavirus throughout the body. The non-contact method makes the procedure absolutely painless.
  • The absence of swelling in the postoperative period reduces the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes during rehabilitation, and also simplifies the process of wound care.
  • Only affected cells are affected. The skin is damaged minimally, the scar is almost invisible.

The gentle impact of radio waves allows you to eliminate skin growths without negative consequences and achieve maximum cosmetic effect. The procedure is carried out quickly and does not require special preparation, which is why the Surgitron device is widely popular. The intensity and depth of wave exposure are determined depending on the type of neoplasm, its location and multiplicity.

The nozzle is also selected according to the type of growth. For raised warts, a loop tip is used; for plantar warts, tweezers are used to pull the wart back.

Indications for use

Surgitron is used not only to remove warts, but also to treat gynecological diseases

The Surgitron device is used to remove the following tumors:

  • fibroma;
  • nevus (mole);
  • papilloma (wart);
  • lipoma;
  • atheroma;
  • condyloma.

In gynecology, Surgitron is used in the following cases:

  • cervical deformity;
  • endometriosis;
  • nevus located on the genitals;
  • cervical biopsy;
  • polyps;
  • leukoplakia.

Before starting the procedure, you must consult with a specialist to first clarify the details of the manipulation. In addition, the specialist must inform the patient about possible contraindications.

As a result, a person gets rid of any growth in one procedure. After removal, a small wound will form on the skin if the neoplasm occupied a large area, and after the wound has healed, a scar will form. After the procedure, it is necessary to carefully care for the wound to avoid infection and other undesirable consequences.


Removing warts using Surgitron is prohibited in the following cases:

  • renal failure in chronic or acute form;
  • acute infectious diseases:
  • history of epileptic seizures;
  • glaucoma;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

In addition, it is necessary to postpone radio wave exposure to the body during menstruation. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How is wart removal performed using a radio knife?

Removal of warts with Surgitron occurs in several stages:

  • the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  • Local anesthesia is performed using novocaine or lidocaine (injection or by surface application).
  • Wait 5 minutes for the anesthesia to take effect.
  • The specialist selects the required electrode, taking into account the type of tumor and its location.
  • After setting up the device, the wart is directly affected. The larger the growth itself and its root, the deeper the radio waves have to be directed.
  • Using a ball waveguide, all remnants of skin growth are cleaned.
  • The wound is treated with chlorhexidine solution or another antiseptic.

The growth can be completely removed by excision along with the root. In this case, the neoplasm can be sent for histological examination if there is a suspicion of oncological degeneration. After this type of excision, the scar remains most visible.

You can also remove the growth gradually, smoothly removing layers of the tumor. In this case, the exposure to radio waves remains minimal, so the scar on the skin is almost invisible.

Wound care

Proper care ensures rapid wound healing

After removing the growth, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the wound to avoid infection and other negative consequences. In order for the wound to heal quickly, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Monitor the cleanliness of materials used for dressing.
  2. In the first 3 days after the procedure, avoid getting the wound wet.
  3. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  4. A week after the procedure, it is necessary to wash the wound with warm water and soap.
  5. Do not use scrubs or washcloths to avoid injuring the affected area.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight on the wound and avoid tanning in a solarium.
  7. Prevent any mechanical stress on the scar.

If Surgitron was used in gynecology, the following should be considered:

  • Some time after the procedure, a pulling pain syndrome may appear in the abdominal area. The pain may not subside throughout the day.
  • The wound should heal under a fibrin film for at least 7 days.
  • On the 5th day, the fibrin film begins to be partially rejected. At this time, minor bleeding may begin. They can last up to 20 days, after which they gradually decrease.
  • The wound should be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Potential Complications

All sorts of complications arise if the patient does not follow the rules of hygiene and does not care for the wound properly.

The most common complication is the development of infectious wound inflammation. When pathogenic microorganisms enter a wound, they may further spread through the bloodstream, which negatively affects the condition of the entire body.

In addition, if proper wound care is not taken care of, the scar may remain for several years or even a lifetime.

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