Bronchial cancer symptoms and signs. Bronchial cancer prognosis. Classification depending on histological structure

The bulk of various tumors in the lungs is considered to be bronchial cancer. Since the bronchi and lungs are connected to each other and closely interact, the concept of “lung cancer” appears more often in medicine. The mortality rate in the world from this disease reaches 7%, and the category most susceptible to the disease is people aged 40-70 years. The mortality rate for men worldwide from this disease is 30%. This is caused by the fact that there are much more men who smoke than women.

Types of disease

Bronchial cancer is divided into 2 types: large cell, small cell. The first type includes squamous and glandular. The glandular type is also called adenocarcinoma, the cells of which produce mucus.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchi occurs in almost half of the cases, and small cell carcinoma accounts for only 20%. and correct treatment can be prescribed thanks to histological examination.

What symptoms may indicate bronchial cancer?

The symptoms of a disease such as bronchial cancer depend on the form of its development. There are only two forms: central and peripheral.

Signs of central cancer:

  • dry and irritating cough;
  • sputum mixed with blood;
  • development of pneumonia, which occurs with increased cough;

  • temperature increase;
  • frequent pain in the chest area;
  • with periodic weakness.

Patients often mistake such conditions for flu symptoms and receive appropriate treatment. But using conventional medications for bronchitis cannot achieve results, but can only aggravate the situation. In such cases, the doctors’ prognosis will not be optimistic, since all the patient’s symptoms will intensify: the cough will become even more irritating, the chest pain will be unbearable, and the temperature will be even more difficult to bring down.

Signs of late stage cancer: swelling of the face and neck, difficulty breathing, inability to sleep lying on your back.

Symptoms of peripheral cancer are quite difficult to detect at the initial stage of development, since the disease is completely asymptomatic. Typically, a tumor of this form is detected during routine x-rays. Discomfort, pain and severe cough appear only if the neoplasm increases in size or when it grows in the tissues of the bronchi. In the advanced stage, metastases appear in regional lymph nodes, liver, adrenal glands, and the brain and bones are also affected.

It is most difficult to recognize a tumor when the symptoms do not indicate oncology. Therefore, try to minimize all attempts at self-medication. If you notice symptoms, be sure to consult a specialist; do not buy medications yourself. There is a possibility that you will misdiagnose yourself and allow the disease to progress to the next more dangerous stage.

Don't forget to do your planning every year. Most often, people who neglect this procedure risk detecting a tumor at the last stage, when it will be difficult for doctors to provide assistance.


Every year, experts analyze and identify new aspects that bronchogenic cancer carries. They are developing new theories for better radical treatment. Thus, the main factors influencing its occurrence were identified. One of the main reasons for the development of cancer is the strengthening of carcinogenic influences, which can be physical (ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiation), chemical (chemicals) and biological (oncogenic viruses) in nature.

There is a high risk of acquiring a tumor in people who work in hazardous industries involving the use of mercury, asbestos, chromium, nickel, arsenic, coal dust, as well as in workers employed in the rubber, linen or cotton industries. Not least on the list of causes are long-term inflammatory lesions of the respiratory tract: bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases.

A reliably confirmed reason is. Toxic compounds that a smoker inhales with smoke settle in the lungs, accumulate and are not eliminated from the body. When tobacco burns, dangerous carcinogens are released such as: benzopyrene, naphthalamine, heavy metals, nitro compounds. Benzopyrene is destructive, damaging the bronchial mucosa and also causing the degeneration of healthy cells.

According to statistics, anyone who smokes more than 2 packs of cigarettes a day increases their chances of acquiring the disease by 25 times. It is worth paying attention to passive smokers, since they also inhale a significant portion of the smoke, which means they damage the bronchi and lungs.

There is also a constant and independent factor - genetic predisposition. If there are 3 or more cases of cancer in a family, then there is a risk of tumor development in subsequent generations.

Diagnosis of neoplasms

At an early stage, bronchial cancer is similar in its symptoms to other diseases, such as, for example, bronchial adenoma, so it is quite difficult to identify it. With a small development of the disease, it becomes easier to detect cancer. The doctor usually makes an appointment to undergo a computed tomography scan or x-ray in two projections.

A tumor can be diagnosed using bronchoscopy. At the moment this method is the most informative. Using an endoscope, you can take a piece of tissue for analysis. Depending on these results, the doctor will prescribe further studies aimed at finding out whether other organs are affected.

Treatment tactics

The choice of therapy depends on the diagnosis and the presence of metastases. Large cell cancer responds better to combined treatment when radiation therapy and surgery are used in combination. Initially, irradiation is carried out aimed at suppressing metastases and tumors, which can significantly reduce their size. Then surgery is performed. This is a complex operation that will require maximum professionalism from the doctor.

It is important that during surgery the cancer cells are completely removed, since in the opposite situation there remains the possibility of relapse and a new tumor may appear. The prognosis for further treatment for bronchial cancer will depend on the stage of the disease.

Small cell cancer develops faster and more aggressively. Because of this, metastases cannot be effectively removed surgically. Therefore, the patient's treatment depends on his body's response to chemotherapy and radiation. These procedures are usually combined with painkillers and supportive medications.

What are the chances of a favorable outcome?

The possibility of a favorable outcome depends on how early the signs of cancer are detected and whether the treatment is chosen correctly. High recovery rates are observed in patients with large cell cancer - up to 50%. The prognosis for patients with small cell cancer is up to 50%, but only if the disease has not yet affected other organs. If the cancer has spread, the prognosis for the patient will be unfavorable.

It is unacceptable to treat a tumor in bronchial cancer with folk remedies at home; this will only significantly increase the pain of the disease, and the time for effective treatment may be lost.

Preventive measures

Doctors recommend being attentive to your health, never developing and promptly treating inflammatory bronchitis, especially. Smokers are strongly advised to give up the bad habit and start taking vitamins, as well as foods containing antioxidants.

Doctors usually combine malignant neoplasms of the lungs and bronchi under one term (bronchopulmonary cancer). The fact is that tumors of the respiratory system, as a rule, develop in parallel. It is important to diagnose bronchial cancer as early as possible - the first symptoms of the disease, although similar to other diseases of the respiratory tract, allow one to suspect oncology at the initial stages of development.

General symptoms of bronchial cancer at an early stage

At first, the tumor in the bronchus is small, no more than 3 cm in diameter. There are no metastases at an early stage.

General clinical manifestations of malignant neoplasms in the bronchi are as follows:

  • bouts of bullying;
  • fatigue;
  • night sleep disturbances;
  • loss of appetite.

The listed symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases of the respiratory system and nasopharynx, so it is worth paying close attention to the characteristic signs of the described pathology.

The first specific signs of bronchial cancer at an early stage

In addition to the already mentioned dry, painful cough, pneumonitis is very characteristic of bronchial oncology - periodic inflammation of the lung for no apparent reason. It occurs due to inflammation of the bronchial tissue and subsequent infection of the lungs. At the same time, atelectasis (cessation of air access) of one or several segments of the affected lung occurs, which intensifies the pathological process.

Symptoms of pneumonitis:

With appropriate treatment, the inflammation subsides and the patient's condition returns to normal, but after 2-3 months the pneumonitis resumes. Also among the first signs of bronchial cancer is the progression of cough. After some time, this symptom becomes less dry, and even a small amount of sputum begins to be released. The secretion removed from the respiratory tract is viscous and difficult to expectorate. A careful visual examination of this mucus reveals streaks or pinpoint impurities of blood and blood clots. In rare cases, the sputum is completely colored, acquiring a pinkish tint.

It is important to remember that the presence of even all of the listed signs cannot serve as a basis for making an oncological diagnosis. A number of x-ray studies are required.

Bronchial cancer is a life-threatening cancer. It is accompanied by the formation of a malignant tumor in the lungs, causing the organ to cease to perform its intended functions.

Reasons for development

The reasons for the development of bronchogenic cancer are completely unknown. But scientists agree that the main factor that leads to this problem is smoking. If a person smokes more than 2 packs of cigarettes per day, the risk of getting cancer increases 25 times. Long-term inhalation of tobacco smoke leads to metaplasia of the epithelium of the respiratory tract mucosa.

Smoking increases the secretion of mucus, in which various harmful particles accumulate, producing an irritating effect. Under such conditions, the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi is not able to perform its assigned functions, which leads to the development of pathological processes.

Bronchopulmonary cancer develops in people exposed to long-term negative effects of chemical agents (mercury, arsenic, chromium and others). It is often diagnosed in people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis.

Bronchopulmonary cancer has different developmental features, which affects the list of symptoms that appear in the patient and the method of treating the disease.

Main classification

Bronchial cancer is usually divided into two main types:

  • central cancer. The pathological process affects the lobar and segmental bronchi;
  • peripheral cancer. Characterized by neoplasia of the distal parts of the respiratory system.

Classification based on the histological structure of the tumor

Symptoms of bronchial cancer may differ, depending on the histological structure of the tumor detected in the lungs:

  • bronchogenic carcinoma. Develops from epithelial cells;
  • squamous cell (detected in 60% of patients). Formed from areas of squamous metaplasia of the mucosa;
  • small cell (in 90% of cases leads to death). Characterized by rapid growth and rapid spread throughout the body.

According to the growth pattern, bronchial cancer can be:

  • exophytic. The neoplasm grows into the lumen of the bronchi;
  • endophytic. A malignant tumor grows towards the lung parenchyma.

Stages of development of the disease

Symptoms of cancer depend on the stage of its development:

  • first. There are no metastases, the tumor is up to 3 cm in diameter, most often located in the segmental bronchi;
  • second. Metastases are found in regional lymph nodes, the tumor is no more than 6 cm in diameter;
  • third. The tumor is larger than 6 cm, cancer symptoms begin to manifest themselves acutely, metastases are detected in the lymph nodes;
  • fourth. Metastases appear in vital organs, all symptoms clearly manifest themselves, which reduces the quality of life of patients.


Bronchopulmonary cancer manifests itself with different symptoms, which depends on the nature of the development of the disease, the stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient. If the tumor develops in the lobar or segmental bronchi, the following can be observed:

  • the main symptom is a dry cough;
  • the appearance of whistles during breathing;
  • pronounced blueness of the skin (cyanosis);
  • the appearance of sputum streaked with blood.

If the malignant process spreads to the pleural cavity, an additional symptom appears - severe chest pain. If the tumor blocks any segment of the bronchi, inflammation of part of the lung will occur due to oxygen deficiency. This will be manifested by symptoms such as fever, severe shortness of breath, loss of strength, painful cough, and production of large amounts of sputum.

Bronchial cancer of the third and fourth stages is accompanied by the development of vena cava syndrome. The appearance of all unpleasant symptoms is explained by a violation of the outflow of blood from the upper body. The patient experiences swelling of the veins in the neck, chest, and on the surface of the arms. Blue discoloration of the skin on the face is another symptom of the development of a malignant process in the body. Due to cancer metastasis to vital organs, their functioning is disrupted.


It is rarely possible to detect bronchial cancer in the early stages due to the absence of clearly visible symptoms. Usually its detection occurs by chance when the patient undergoes a routine examination. The presence of the disease and the stage of its development can be determined using the following diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray examination and MRI of the lungs. Allows you to identify everything in the respiratory system;
  • . Used to identify a tumor and collect biomaterial for histological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the pleural cavity, pericardium. Helps determine the extent of cancer spread to neighboring organs;
  • thoracentesis. It is carried out with the development of carcinomatous pleurisy.

Depending on the developing symptoms, the patient may be prescribed a number of additional diagnostic procedures. These include prescale biopsy, osteoscintigraphy, bone marrow biopsy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and CT scan of the brain.

Treatment options

Depending on the symptoms and diagnostic results, treatment of bronchial cancer can occur with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or surgery. To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to combine several methods in the sequence determined by the doctor.

To treat cancer and relieve symptoms, patients are exposed to radiation at a total dose of 70 Gray. The course of such treatment lasts up to 2 months. Radiation therapy is especially effective for squamous cell or undifferentiated cancer.

In this case, not only the area where the malignant tumor is located is irradiated, but also the mediastinum with lymph nodes. If the cancer has reached the terminal stage, radiation therapy helps reduce the symptoms of the disease.


It is used for patients who have symptoms of non-small cell cancer, when surgery is not possible. By introducing special drugs into the patient’s body, it is possible to reduce the size of the tumor, get rid of pain and partially restore respiratory function. To relieve the symptoms of cancer and for its treatment, the following drugs are used:

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Features of surgical treatment

Surgery is the only effective treatment for bronchial cancer. If the diagnostic results reveal that the tumor is inoperable, maintenance therapy is prescribed. It helps reduce the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease, which improves the patient’s quality of life.

Types of surgical interventions

Lung surgery to remove a malignant tumor can be performed in several ways:

  • circular resection of the bronchi. Performed when a malignant process is detected in the early stages of development;
  • partial resection of the lung with removal of part of the organ;
  • pneumonectomy. Implies complete, which is carried out in extreme cases.

Features of the postoperative period

Surgery to remove a malignant tumor is considered a rather complex procedure that requires careful preparation and proper postoperative care. After surgery, doctors carefully monitor the patient’s condition and developing symptoms. On the first day, lung aspiration is performed through special drains.

After surgical treatment of bronchial cancer, antibacterial therapy is indicated, which reduces the risk of various complications. Based on developing symptoms, patients may be prescribed other medications.

The patient must adhere to a strict diet throughout the postoperative recovery period. A return to the patient’s usual diet occurs only if his condition improves. To eliminate the symptoms of respiratory failure, special breathing exercises are prescribed.

Prediction of treatment success when bronchial cancer is detected

The likelihood of a favorable outcome after treatment for lung cancer depends on its stage. The earlier the disease is detected, the more likely recovery is. If surgery is performed in the early stages, when the tumor size is small and there are no metastases, the probability of complete recovery reaches 80%.

Fluorography of the lungs for the prevention of bronchial cancer

If the malignant process has spread to the nearest lymph nodes, long-term survival after treatment is observed in 30% of patients. If you ignore the symptoms that appear and do not perform surgery to remove the tumor, more than 92% of patients die within 5 years.

Methods for preventing bronchial cancer include regular fluorography of the lungs. This allows us to suspect the development of oncological processes in the early stages of development in the absence of clinical symptoms. Quitting smoking, timely treatment of respiratory diseases, and the use of personal protective equipment in industries with a high degree of dust will help prevent cancer.

Bronchial cancer is a malignant neoplasm that affects the bronchi, resulting in impaired breathing processes. The risk group includes people who smoke for a long time and come into contact with vapors of harmful substances, which reduces local immunity. The prognosis is unfavorable, as the tumor grows in the lung tissue, completely affecting the organ. Only the initial stages are treatable. In other cases, a person will inevitably die.

It is not known for certain what exactly causes cancer cells to actively divide, forming a tumor. But there are prerequisites that contribute to the launch of pathological processes in the bronchi, among which the most common are:

  1. Active and passive smoking - inhalation of tobacco smoke rich in nicotine and tars leads to irritation of the epithelium. This in turn makes the tissue less dense, allowing carcinogenic substances to be easily absorbed and enter the bloodstream. It has been proven that passive smokers, who intentionally or unintentionally constantly inhale cigarette smoke, are no less susceptible to the development of oncological processes in the respiratory organs.
  2. Harmful working conditions in which a person is forced to inhale vapors of heavy metals and toxic substances - respirators and other personal protective equipment are not able to fully protect the respiratory system from harmful particles. This also applies to workers in mills and construction sites, where small dust particles enter the lungs along with the air, settling and accumulating in the body. Constant intoxication provokes a decrease in general immunity, which makes the lungs a vulnerable place.
  3. Pathologically reduced immunity, which leads to the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the bronchi - a person suffers from constant bronchitis, the intensity of which depends on the time of year. In winter, bronchitis can be prolonged, which is accompanied by a severe cough and the need for antibacterial therapy. In the summer season, the disease progresses more easily.

Predisposition cannot be ruled out. If there are people with cancer in the family, then the risks of developing bronchial cancer in the presence of associated factors are high.

Types of cancer depending on location

Considering the location of tumor formation, bronchial cancer can be of two types:

  1. Central - localized in large bronchi, accompanied by a high probability of their complete overlap, which affects the breathing process. As the tumor grows, a person feels localized pain in the sternum, which intensifies when there is a cough.
  2. Peripheral - formed in small bronchioles, growing through them. It is characterized by rapid growth and the possibility of metastasis to the lymph nodes and nearby internal organs. The danger of this type of cancer is that it is almost impossible to detect it in the initial stages. The first symptoms of the disease appear closer to stages 2-3, which is the point of no return.

Most often, central cancer occurs, since pathological growth of the epithelium is sufficient for its progression, which is caused by constant exposure to pathogenic substances: smoke, toxins, carcinogens, vapors of pesticides.

Classification depending on histological structure

Taking into account the peculiarities of the cellular structure, cancer can have several subtypes:

  1. Adenocarcinoma is a neoplasm that remains asymptomatic for a long time and is accompanied by active growth and an increase in size, which allows it to grow into all tissues of the lung, complicating the treatment process. With the active growth of the tumor, a wet cough appears with the release of sputum, which has an unpleasant smell of rot and a grayish-green color. A person coughs almost constantly, and any movement of the chest causes pain.
  2. Squamous cell carcinoma - a distinctive feature of this type of cancer is its relatively slow progression. A person may not even be aware of the presence of an oncological process, which has been asymptomatic for years. As the cancer progresses, shortness of breath and a dry, paroxysmal cough appear, accompanied by hemoptysis. The temperature may rise, and external clinical manifestations may resemble tuberculosis. Therefore, differential diagnosis is important.
  3. Small cell cancer - consists of small cells that are connected to each other in the form of a garland. In almost all cases, small cell cancer gives extensive metastases localized to the lymph nodes. Typically, the cancerous tumor reaches a small size compared to other types of cancer. It is characterized by a rapid course, in which, without early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, death occurs in the first year.
  4. Large cell cancer - consists of large cells that can be connected to each other, or can be located separately. It is one of the most aggressive types of cancer, metastasizing to distant organs and bone tissue.
  5. Mixed type - includes the presence of small-cell and large-cell structures, as well as glandular neoplasms. The most difficult type of cancer to treat, since individual tumors have their own treatment characteristics, and when there are many of them, in 90% of cases the therapy will be ineffective.

There are 4 stages of bronchial cancer, which affects further prognosis and survival:

  1. The first stage – the tumor does not exceed 2-3 cm in diameter, there are no metastases. Clinical manifestations are mild or absent altogether. The main reason for suspecting oncological processes is the increased frequency of respiratory diseases, which are severe.
  2. The second stage – the tumor diameter reaches 5-6 cm, and metastases are present in the lymph nodes. The first clinical manifestations characteristic of cancer appear.
  3. The third stage - the tumor actively grows and affects large areas of the lungs, growing into the deep layers of the organ. The breathing process is disrupted, there is a constant cough and severe shortness of breath. At night, coughing attacks may appear that cannot be stopped.
  4. The fourth stage is accompanied by the most unfavorable prognosis and an increased risk of death due to asphyxia. The lack of oxygen in the body, which occurs due to impaired respiratory function, is associated with severe coughing attacks. Palliative therapy is prescribed.

Early diagnosis helps detect cancer in its early stages, which can be corrected with comprehensive treatment. Advanced forms of cancer cannot be treated, so the person quickly dies. It is enough to undergo a mandatory fluorography procedure annually, the images of which show the condition of the bronchi and lungs.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of bronchial cancer depend primarily on the stage of tumor progression. There are three clinical stages:

  1. Biological – the image shows minor foci of cell dysplasia, clinical manifestations are completely absent.
  2. Asymptomatic - the tumor is well visualized, but clinical manifestations are either absent or insignificant.
  3. The stage of active symptoms is accompanied by the presence of a vivid clinical picture, which indicates the rapid growth of cancer cells and an increase in tumor diameter.

The first symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer are:

  1. Periodically manifested cough, independent of respiratory disease.
  2. Pathologically reduced immunity, causing frequent respiratory diseases that occur in an aggravated form.
  3. Chronic fatigue, which provokes a decrease in performance.
  4. Discomfort in the sternum area, which occurs when turning the body and taking a deep breath.
  5. Development of shortness of breath during exercise.

As cancer progresses and the tumor rapidly increases in size, clinical manifestations develop such as:

  1. An increase in temperature and its persistence for a long time, which cannot be controlled with antipyretic drugs.
  2. The appearance of coughing attacks that develop without any prerequisites.
  3. Sputum secretion mixed with blood and pus, which has an unpleasant odor and color. Its volume directly depends on the location of the tumor and its size.
  4. Dyspnea that develops at rest.
  5. Inability to sleep on your back.
  6. Acute pain in the sternum and under the shoulder blades, which is caused by tumor growth and damage to nerve receptors.
  7. The development of anemia, which is caused by an acute lack of oxygen in the body.

The patient's condition worsens as the tumor grows. In the absence of complex therapy, death soon develops.


There are several ways to diagnose cancer, the most common of which are:

  1. X-ray – a picture of the lungs shows the presence of dark spots, which are neoplasms. Using the image, you can assess the size of the tumor and its location, but not the type and form of cancer.
  2. Cytology and histology of the sample - a biopsy is used to obtain a small sample of the tumor, which is examined for the presence and type of cancer cells. This allows you to determine the type of cancer, the stage of progression and predict the further course of the disease.
  3. MRI of the lungs is a high-precision equipment with which it is possible to examine the tumor in the smallest detail. Helps control tumors and view dynamics.
  4. Bronchoscopy is effective only when the tumor is localized inside the bronchus. A special tube, at the end of which there is a microscope, is inserted through the trachea into the bronchi, which helps to examine the tumor as accurately as possible.
  5. Ultrasound of the pleural cavity helps to identify the presence of accumulated effusion, as well as prevent the development of cancer complications in the form of pleurisy.

Radiography is one of the methods for diagnosing bronchial cancer

Early diagnosis helps to identify early forms of cancer, the treatment of which is accompanied by a favorable prognosis.

Treatment methods

The main goal in cancer treatment is to destroy cancer cells, slow their growth and development, and remove the affected area of ​​the lung. Therapy must be comprehensive, since surgical removal of damaged areas of the lung does not guarantee a complete cure for cancer.

If the tumor is small and not prone to metastasis, part of the damaged bronchi is resected. Advanced forms of cancer require removal of a third or an entire lobe of the lung.

Chemotherapy using cytostatics can suppress the activity of cancer cells throughout the body, which reduces the activity of metastases and slows down the progression of cancer. In the process of remission, people live for years, leading a full life

Radiation therapy is prescribed in the presence of extensive lesions, including the lymphatic system, bone marrow and bone tissue. In some cases, the body cannot tolerate the increased load, which leads to death.

Inoperable tumors are practically impossible to treat. With the help of chemotherapy courses it is possible to prolong life, but it is impossible to get rid of cancer completely. The terminal stage involves the use of palliative treatment aimed at alleviating the person’s condition and relieving the consequences of respiratory failure.


As a preventive measure, it is necessary to exclude all factors contributing to the development of cancer:

  1. Stop smoking and inhaling toxic substances.
  2. In the presence of hazardous production, use personal protective equipment to prevent toxic substances from entering the lungs.
  3. Spend more time outdoors, preferring walks in the forest.
  4. Visit sanatorium-resort complexes annually, giving the body the opportunity for recreation.
  5. If there are inflammatory processes in the lungs, treat them correctly and in a timely manner, preventing the development of a chronic form.
  6. Undergo a medical examination annually, including fluorography.
  7. If you are prone to cancer and have strange symptoms such as a prolonged cough, you should immediately consult a pulmonologist.

Regular fluorography, which reflects the health status of the lungs, will help protect your life.


The prognosis for bronchial cancer is conditionally unfavorable. Success in treatment is achieved only in the initial forms. Survival rate is 18-30%. Life expectancy depends entirely on the progression of the tumor and its aggression towards other organs and systems.

Most often, people die from respiratory failure or pulmonary hemorrhage, which develops due to severe bronchospasm. The average life expectancy, if all doctor's recommendations are followed, is 1-2 years. This form of cancer is one of the most rapidly developing and prone to metastasis.

You need to pay attention to the first signs of bronchial cancer, which in its symptoms resembles a cold. Self-monitoring and comprehensive diagnostics will help identify the ill-fated disease at an early stage, and specially selected treatment can get rid of cancer.

Over the past few decades, the number of cases diagnosed with bronchial cancer has increased several times. In this pathological process, neoplasms are formed from the integumentary epithelium and bronchial glands, which are malignant in nature.

Bronchial cancer - causes

There is a certain list of factors that can provoke the development of the formation of an oncological process in the bronchi.

  1. Malignant tumors form when healthy tissue degenerates. Doctors have not yet found an exact explanation for why this happens.
  2. A tumor in the bronchi can develop due to, since nicotine can damage the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract. In addition, temperature disrupts the process of cell division, which leads to the rapid development of neoplasms.
  3. Working in poor conditions, such as in a mine, chemical plant or nuclear power plant.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases, scars on the lungs after treatment, and so on.

Types of bronchial cancer

There are two main types of tumors that arise in the bronchi:

  1. The situation when neoplasms concern only the lobar and segmental parts indicates central bronchial cancer. In this case, the tumor quickly grows inside the organ.
  2. Peripheral bronchial cancer in women and men is accompanied by neoplasia of the distal respiratory tract. This type of disease is asymptomatic for a long time.

Bronchial squamous cell carcinoma

Epidermal cancer is the most common and in this case the formation is formed from large flat cells that are arranged in a spiral or polar manner. The tumor may be of low differentiation, with or without keratinization. Squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus is highly malignant and often has a poor prognosis and low survival rate.

Small cell bronchial cancer

An undifferentiated type of cancer, in which the formation grows infiltratively, and in most cases the tumor originates directly in the lung. It consists of small cells, without signs of multilayered epithelium. They are arranged in the form of a garland or path. In some cases, small cell cancer produces extensive metastases and aggressively spreads to nearby tissues.

This form of the disease accounts for about 20-25% of all diagnosed types and is directly related to smoking. It is worth noting the high aggressiveness of such bronchial cancer, since the tumor metastasizes to distant organs, for example, the adrenal glands, brain and bones. The malignant formation is inoperable, so chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used in treatment.

Large cell carcinoma

In this type, the formation consists of large cells. There are two types of cancer: those with mucus secretion and those with cavities filled with atypical cells. Large cell cancer is the disease that occurs the least often, and this is for the best, since death occurs in the early stages. Oncologists note that the formation of this type is influenced by passive smoking and long-term drug addiction.

Bronchial adenocarcinoma

Glandular cell carcinoma is characterized by the appearance of a tumor with a well-formed structure. It is characterized by the production of mucus. The tumor occurs in the peripheral part of the lung, and in the first stages the symptoms of the disease do not appear. Bronchial adenocarcinoma metastasizes to the brain. If a tumor is diagnosed in the early stages, it can be removed through surgery.

Bronchial cancer - symptoms

It’s worth mentioning right away that tumor growth takes a long time, so more than one year passes before the first specific symptoms are identified from the onset of the disease. When figuring out how bronchial cancer manifests itself, it is worth noting that, according to clinical signs, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Biological. At this initial stage there are no clinical or radiological signs. When carried out, you can see changes in the pulmonary structure.
  2. Asymptomatic. The development of the first signs is observed, which are determined during an x-ray.
  3. Stage of clinical manifestations. The patient notices various symptoms and the disease is already actively developing.

At the second and third stages, changes in a person’s condition may be observed that are characteristic of other diseases, for example, ARVI, pneumonia, and so on. In the later stages of cancer, signs of pulmonary failure are revealed, shortness of breath, pain in the chest and problems with the heart are noted.

Bronchial cancer - symptoms, first signs

Many oncological diseases have nonspecific early signs, so patients rarely come to the doctor in the first stages of the disease, when treatment is most effective. Symptoms of bronchial cancer at an early stage: coughing, decreased performance and loss of weight and appetite. Over time, signs of respiratory failure gradually increase. The first symptoms of bronchial cancer include the appearance of pain when the tumor grows into the surrounding tissue.

Stages of cancer

There are 4 stages of development of the disease and each has its own symptoms. Doctors say that treatment will give results only in the first two stages and the earlier signs of bronchial cancer are detected, the better the prognosis.

  1. Stage No. 1. The neoplasm does not reach more than 3 cm in diameter. In most cases, it is localized in the segmental bronchus, but metastasis is not observed.
  2. Stage No. 2. Metastases begin to spread to regional lymph nodes. The diameter of the formations reaches 6 cm.
  3. Stage No. 3. At this stage, the tumor in the bronchi becomes even larger, symptoms appear and metastasis in the lymph nodes is already observed. Another important point is that the oncological process spreads to the neighboring bronchus.
  4. Stage No. 4. Symptoms of cancerous pleurisy are noted and metastases develop in other important organs. At stage 4, bronchial cancer has a poor prognosis. The formation is inoperable, and treatment will consist of radiation and.

Bronchial cancer - diagnosis

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, doctors use the following diagnostic methods: CT, MRI and X-ray. They help to identify not only the presence, but also the location and volume of the tumor. X-rays and other techniques help determine bronchial cancer, and the diagnosis also necessarily includes a general blood test to find out the level of leukocytes and ESR indicators. Cytological examination is important because it helps determine the nature of the formation.

Bronchial cancer - treatment

To help the patient, doctors use conservative and surgical treatment methods. The first group includes radiation therapy, which in the final stages is used together with surgery. Irradiation is carried out for 2 months. and the total dose is up to 70 Gray. To remove a tumor without anesthesia and complex surgery, doctors, based on individual indicators, can prescribe stereotactic radiosurgery, which uses a cyberknife. This instrument emits radiation that removes tumors and metastases.

Non-small cell bronchial cancer (stage 3 and other complex stages) is treated with chemotherapy. It is used when surgery is not possible. Chemotherapy drugs are prescribed when it is necessary to treat a small cell tumor that is sensitive to such drugs. For non-small cell types, chemotherapy is used to reduce the size of the formation and pain, and also restore respiratory function. Treatment of bronchial cancer with folk remedies is impossible and very dangerous.

Surgery cannot be performed in all cases. Bronchial cancer is treated faster if the formation is completely removed, which will ensure a quick recovery for the patient. At stage 4, surgery is not performed, since metastases affect nearby tissues, and such intervention is ineffective. Surgical treatment of cancer is carried out in several ways, and the choice of option takes into account the extensiveness of the process:

  1. Lobectomy refers to the resection of a lobe of the lung. The doctor makes the final decision after the chest is opened. If indications are found, for example, the spread of the oncological process, the operation can be expanded.
  2. Bilobectomy is based on removing the upper or middle, or lower and middle lobes together. The lobes that remain are sutured to the mediastinum. Immediately during surgery, nearby lymph nodes are removed.
  3. During a pneumonectomy, the lung and nearby lymph nodes are completely removed. This operation is performed only if the patient is in good condition.

Bronchial cancer - prognosis

It's no secret - the earlier the problem is identified, the more likely the chance of a complete recovery. If you are interested in how long people live if they have bronchial cancer, then you should know that if the tumor is identified in the initial stages and treated in a timely manner, the five-year survival rate is up to 80%. When the disease is advanced, according to statistics, approximately 30% of operated patients survive. If a person refuses treatment, then only 8% of patients survive to five years.

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