Breeding crayfish in an aquarium for sale. Growing crayfish at home. Mating crawfish games

Crayfish farming is a promising new business for Russia. Crayfish meat is different delicate taste. Growing crayfish in Russia on an industrial scale is little developed, but the demand for crayfish meat is consistently high. Villagers are engaged in crayfish fishing in natural environment habitat, but such activity greatly harms the crayfish population in nature. Growing crayfish under artificial conditions was widely practiced in pre-revolutionary Russia, and crayfish meat was imported to many countries. European countries. The current main suppliers of crayfish are China, Türkiye and Spain. In this article we will look at the organization of industrial crayfish breeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of a crayfish farming business

Key consumers of crayfish meat are cafes, restaurants, premium stores and specialized fish markets. Crayfish are very popular in baths, saunas and bars, where they serve as a snack with beer. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of the business:

Advantages Flaws
High profitability from the sale of crayfish meat Long time to pay back costs and reach the break-even point ~3-4 years. Difficulty in selling products
Ability to control your business independently Pronounced seasonality (May-October)
Minimum costs for breeding at home as a micro-business Large financial investments for the organization of industrial crayfish breeding (organization of aquariums, water filtration and heating systems, etc.)

The main difficulty of commercial crayfish breeding is creating a sales network of buyers. Since the main buyers of products will be companies (B2B), it is necessary to conclude supply contracts, provide certificates for product quality, and register your business with the tax office.

Registration of a crayfish farming business

To register this type of activity, the following business form is suitable: individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). When registering, you must indicate the activity code according to OKVED. This is an important procedure because failure to list all activities may result in litigation. The OKVED codes are as follows: 01.21 - “Breeding of domestic animals” (if sales are made to wholesale suppliers, then other codes should not be indicated). For independent sale finished products must be supplemented with the code: 52.23 - “Retail trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs.”

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Opportunity to work with organizations and supply products (B2B). Obtaining product quality certification. Hiring List necessary documents to open an individual entrepreneur:
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to preferential tax regimes: simplified taxation system or unified agricultural tax (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Opportunity to attract additional partners and investors to the business. Receive borrowed funds (loans). Suitable for scaling up, construction of new tanks for crayfish, capital construction List of required documents for opening an LLC:
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to preferential tax regimes: simplified tax system or unified agricultural tax (OSNO by default).

By law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

If you are doing business for the first time, then the individual entrepreneur form is suitable. For this type of business The optimal taxation system will be the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). Interest rate 6%.

The single agricultural tax is canceled if the share of agricultural production is less than 70% and the OSNO (general taxation system) is applied to the manufacturer.

The second option is to apply the simplified taxation system (STS), in which case it is necessary to select the mode for calculating the tax rate:

  • by gross income (tax rate 6%);
  • on income minus expenses (tax rate 15%).

Important to remember! If under the simplified tax system (based on income minus expenses) a loss was incurred, then it is still necessary to pay the minimum established contribution in the amount of 1% of the income received. After registration, accounting can be remotely transferred to an accounting outsourcing company, which will significantly reduce time costs.

The video below explains in detail the features of the calculation of the Unified National Economic Tax for entrepreneurs.

When registering a business, it is recommended that the entrepreneur be the owner land plot. Renting a site will result in the need to obtain additional permits. Also, ponds should not be connected to natural water bodies, which are considered federal property under the Water Code of the Russian Federation. The depth of the pond according to the Russian Federation Law “On Subsoil” should not exceed 5 m.

Method #1. Breeding crayfish in ponds

The first way to breed crayfish is in ponds. For cultivation will do any body of water, except swampy or silted. It is possible to raise crayfish in fish ponds that do not contain predatory fish. With the open breeding method, winter cold, characteristic of Russia, has a strong impact. At temperatures below 17 °C, crayfish hibernate (anabiosis), stop eating and gain weight, and may even die if the pond freezes to the bottom.

A pond is a sustainable aquatic system that renews and cleans itself. You can save a lot on filter system equipment and aerators. Crayfish feed on algae, plankton, and insect larvae in the pond, so much less food will be required. Crayfish growth in natural conditions occurs slowly, marketable mass is gained only by the 5th year of life. Profit is possible no earlier than the sixth year of business. The stocking density of crayfish in natural ponds is low - 8 animals per m². The advantage of such breeding is the minimal initial investment.

Central Russia with temperate climates is best suited for breeding crayfish in ponds.

Method #2. Breeding crayfish in aquariums

The second way to grow crayfish in aquariums at home. A frameless aquarium > 250 liters is suitable for this. Soil is poured onto the bottom of the aquarium, stones and driftwood are placed to cover the crayfish. Crayfish in an aquarium do not hibernate, but this requires optimal constant temperature(for crayfish 17-21°C, for larvae 18-23°C), water filtration and intensive aeration (saturation of water with oxygen). The planting density of crayfish can be up to 50 animals per 1 m², and they quickly gain weight, and there is also a reduction in time embryonic development for 3-4 months.

The disadvantage of breeding crayfish in an aquarium is the limited space. It will not be possible to achieve industrial volumes. You can grow crayfish larvae in an aquarium until they become so-called “fingerlings,” then place them in a pond or RAS pool (a station with circulating water supply). Strict water quality control is necessary to ensure greater larval survival.

Method #3. Growing crayfish in the basement

The third breeding method is a modification of the second, except that a non-residential premises is used. The temperature in the basement is maintained at an optimal level of 17-20ºС, so the basement does not need to be further insulated. A 200 W light bulb is sufficient for lighting. In the basement, multi-tier shelving structures are installed on which aquariums are placed.

Video lesson: “Business idea. Breeding crayfish at home"

The video presents methods of breeding crayfish, assessment of this business niche, payback period and profitability.

Creating a crayfish farm

Where to buy crayfish?

It is difficult to find crayfish larvae, so adult animals are purchased, and young animals are raised independently. For every two females, one male is purchased. In the fall, the mating season begins for crayfish; at the end of spring, females are easily distinguished from males by the presence of eggs under the tail. The price of a kilogram of crayfish, depending on the size, is 300-500 rubles. In order to reduce purchasing costs, you can catch them in the pond yourself.

Crayfish nutrition

Crayfish are mainly herbivorous animals, although in natural conditions they can eat carrion and organic remains. They also feed on small snails, earthworms, and insect larvae. At artificial breeding The diet of crayfish usually consists of steamed crushed grain, boiled potatoes and grated carrots, and as a source of protein - meat and fish. Daily norm food - 2% of the weight of crayfish.

How do they reproduce?

The mating period for crayfish is September-October. Males fertilize two females in a row and eat the third. Therefore, the ratio of males and females in a reservoir should be 1:2. At first, the female's eggs are under the shell, then she lays them, the eggs are attached to the shell under the tail and abdominal legs. For proper development Once the embryos are formed, the female washes the eggs with water to clean them. The larvae hatch from the eggs after 2 months. They hide under the female’s tail for another 3 weeks. possible dangers until they turn into independent crustaceans. Each female grows in natural conditions on average 12 young crustaceans. One female does not have more than 20 offspring per year, but at home, 1 female can raise up to 60 crustaceans per year.


Young crustaceans molt 8 times in the first year of life, 4-5 times in the second year, and 3-4 times in the third year. Adult crayfish molt 1-2 times a year. When molting, the old shell is shed, which becomes tight for the crayfish, and the animal grows. The molting period is very important; the crayfish becomes vulnerable and is easy prey for predatory fish and birds, and for its relatives.

To obtain significant income, it is better to breed crayfish on an industrial scale. To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • Aquariums. Aquariums are equipped with a filtration system, compressors, and heaters for incubating eggs. To ensure that the waste of larvae is minimal and they develop quickly enough, the quality of the water is constantly monitored.
  • Swimming pools. For incubation, young crayfish that have become independent are transplanted from the aquarium into one pool, and the other (or other) pools are intended for teenagers. Young crayfish, as they grow older, are sorted into different tanks, where they grow to the fingerling stage. They are then released into special indoor ponds.
  • Ponds. There should be at least 2 ponds, preferably more. The minimum pond area is 25 m², depth is 2 m. Elongated ponds are preferable for better gas exchange. If it is possible to dig many ponds on the farm, then it is better to make at least 2-3 of them covered. If possible, the water should be running, so it’s good if there is a river nearby. If there is no river, you can drill water wells. Shelters are needed at the bottom of ponds: fragments of plastic or ceramic pipes, stones, driftwood, etc. Young-of-the-year crayfish are intensively reared in indoor ponds. One of the ponds is used as a “broodstock” for breeding stock. In open ponds, crayfish grow naturally. Division allows you to expand the range of crayfish: they are obtained different sizes and weight.

Selling crayfish

The key problem of the business is the sale of crayfish. The main consumers are fish markets, cafes, restaurants, baths, saunas, sports bars. Business success in creating a wide distribution network. In addition to crayfish meat, salted caviar is sold, which in some places is not inferior to red caviar in terms of taste qualities. Chitinous shell, has antiseptic properties and is used as a valuable raw material for cosmetic and medical companies.

Financial plan

Let's consider rough business plan farms for breeding crayfish. If there is a natural pond with an area of ​​25 m², it is optimal to place 200 young-of-the-year crayfish with a total weight of 30 kg. The daily feed consumption for this number of crayfish is 600 g. The weight of each crayfish will double in a year and a half, and a maximum of 4,000 rubles will be spent on food. The cost of a kilogram of crayfish on the market is 450-500 rubles, in a year and a half we will get 26,000 rubles. net profit without large financial investments. If industrial production of crayfish is carried out, the payback will be 3-4 years. The only drawback of the crayfish breeding business is the longevity of generating income.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(2.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(2.8 out of 5)
Growing crayfish as a business is a profitable business. To organize a micro-business in the country (in a pond) or at home (in aquariums), the costs will be minimal. The first profit will appear in ~1.5 years. Industrial breeding of crayfish requires significant costs for the organization of aquariums, heating systems, oxygenation of water, electricity and food.

Breeding crayfish as a business does not bring profit so quickly, but due to the small development of this niche, competition is not great.

An option with less investment is growing in aquariums; when keeping individuals in a pond, you will have to spend more money, but the benefits will be more noticeable.

This is a relatively new way of earning money, so there is not so much competition in the market.

The costs of setting up your own crayfish farm will not pay off so quickly.

But when proper planning, over time you can get a stable income from this type.

Crayfish breeding business: where to start

Registration gives more guarantees to clients, and opens additional doors to the market for farmers.

There are two options here:

  • if only cultivation is planned, the business is registered under OKVED code 01.21 (breeding of domestic animals);
  • for retail trade follows 23 (retail sale of fish products).

In general, crayfish farming as a business at home can be called a fairly profitable business.

Depending on the scale, you can recoup the costs of setting up a farm within a year.

However, significant profits can be achieved after 4-6 years.

Breeding crayfish will not provide tangible income so quickly, but subsequently the benefits will only grow.

This niche has not yet been fully developed, so the competition here is not so high.

Crayfish farming business idea

Cancers are very interesting, unusual pets, and people keep them at home according to various reasons. Some owners strive to diversify their domestic fauna with exotic creatures. Others are ruled by gastronomic interest, because crayfish meat is a real delicacy. But every owner of an “armadillo” asks the question: how do crayfish reproduce? In captivity, these beauties with claws live no more than 5 years - by human standards, not so much. Will crayfish be able to leave offspring living in the most ordinary aquarium?

Why do people breed crayfish?

IN last years the person became more and more inventive in business ideas. Whatever one may say, crayfish breeders often pursue financial gain. Crayfish meat is always in demand, and there are very few competitors in this business. But no large farm will dare to throw in its lot with crayfish farming. This is ineffective - large volumes of this expensive product will be difficult to sell. And, accordingly, it will not be possible to quickly return your initial investment (and it will be considerable).

But breeding generations of crustaceans in home aquariums will not be difficult. In addition, things will go much faster, because a person can intervene natural processes and speed them up. If you create crayfish favorable conditions and establish the optimal water temperature for life, their development and reproduction will be stable all year round. This exotic product will definitely find its regular buyer.

But breeding crayfish in an aquarium is not always a business. Some owners are driven by ordinary human curiosity or the desire to get offspring from their beloved pet. Dreams come true if you put a little effort into them. The first thing the owner needs to do is learn to determine the gender of these amazing creatures.. Often inexperienced owners They place two same-sex hydrobionts in an aquarium and expect miracles from them. Some generally think that crayfish are hermaphrodites, and therefore it is useless to look at them. Cancers, indeed, can look exactly the same (sometimes their sexual characteristics seem to be “erased”), but these creatures are strictly divided into boys and girls.

Differences between females and males

Determining the sex of cancer is quite difficult. Despite the clear distinction by gender, many creatures have both female and male characteristics. Although ideally, the genital openings of crayfish should differ in their location. In males, tubular structures grow next to the last pair of walking legs. And the sexual characteristics of females (gonopods) are located in front of the third pair of legs (counting from the last).

Female crayfish are usually smaller and much more graceful than their counterparts. Although it happens that a frail male is mistaken for a sophisticated lady, that is why the size of crayfish is not always a correct indicator. The best way to distinguish a female crayfish from a male is by its claws and tail. Boys have more powerful and long claws, but the tail is not as wide as that of females.. Girls also have a fairly wide cephalothorax and body, and their first abdominal limbs are either miniature or simply absent (after all, they do not need to firmly hold the male during mating).

Very young and small-sized ladies are considered poor producers: they carry too few eggs!

Conditions in the breeding aquarium

Breeding aquarium crayfish does not require special experience or great effort from the owner. It is enough to take care of equipping the crayfish’s home, and then nature will do everything itself.

Crayfish are bottom-dwelling creatures, so the wider the aquarium, the better. Height is not so important for these animals, but the total volume of their home should be at least 150 liters. Required condition is a regular supply of oxygen and high-quality cleaning of the aquarium.

For successful breeding of crayfish, it is necessary to create shelters for them, for which a variety of tubes are perfect.

It is recommended to cover the bottom with river sand, small colored pebbles, driftwood, pipes and pots - in short, everything in which the crayfish will swarm and where they can hide. The optimal water temperature in the aquarium for reproduction is 18-20 ° C. More low temperature will cause the cancer to slow down its development and go into hibernation. And some species of aquatic organisms may even die from hypothermia.

If your plans include breeding aquarium crayfish, you need to stock up on a few more containers in advance. Alas, crayfish sometimes turn into cannibals and eat their offspring.

Mating crawfish games

Before mating, females usually molt. At the same time, special substances - pheromones - are released into the water to attract males. Having received such a signal, the gentleman immediately goes in search of his lady and begins to wander around the aquarium. Before mating occurs, the male “courts” his partner, touching her with special antennae.

The process of mating crayfish.

Then suddenly the cancer will begin to follow its natural instincts and “catch” the female, but not with its claws, but with its abdominal legs, which are also quite strong and dexterous. From a romantic tramp, cancer turns into a real hunter, ruthless and persistent. He wraps his legs around his girlfriend and presses against her with the tubular holes on her body. Crayfish usually mate in a fierce struggle: the male holds the female, who resists with all her might, trying to escape. And here everything depends on the size of the future parents. If a male crayfish is inferior to his partner in strength and growth, fertilization may not occur. But if the gentleman is too strong and strong, he can easily kill the girl during the process, and with her the future offspring - the fertilized eggs.

After successful mating, the crayfish girls with fertilized eggs return to their shelter and try not to leave there daytime while the anxious males continue to search love adventures. Under the power of natural reproductive instincts, a male crayfish can successfully fertilize 2-3 partners, after which he languishes from exhaustion and hunger. It costs him nothing to turn on his ancient instinct and dispassionately devour his last fertilized girlfriend after intercourse.

After fertilization, the male's role in the development of the offspring ends. All worries fall on the fragile “lady’s shoulders,” or rather, on her tail.

How offspring grow

After successful mating, at least 20 days must pass, after which future mom lays eggs - but not in shelter or in water, but on its legs (pleopods). Crayfish eggs are held under the tail on sticky threads. It's time to put the lady in a separate aquarium, equipped with shelters and a thick layer of soil. It is important for the female to hide, protecting her future offspring. It is good if the soil is filled with almond or oak leaves, alder cones and numerous small pebbles. Even being in a separate aquarium, the mother is wary of any movement around her. She can be overly aggressive and restless. Day and night, the female guards the eggs and cares for them, bending and unbending her tail to ensure access of fresh oxygen to the eggs.

Crayfish larvae, recently hatched from eggs.

A few days later, crayfish are born from the eggs - tiny creatures that will continue to live on their mother’s legs until the onset of the first molt. And even after this event, the crustaceans will strive to stay close to their mother. This is how nature tries to protect babies from possible dangers. And if the owner thinks that home aquarium The kids are not in danger, he is making a big mistake. The threat is in the crumbs themselves. Cancer offspring develop extremely unevenly: some babies grow quickly, others slowly. And since in nature it is survival of the fittest, large crustaceans begin to eat their small brothers without a twinge of conscience. That's why the third aquarium is needed - the mother needs to be removed. Then the little ones will have more space and more opportunities to hide from each other.

For small crustaceans, it is necessary to organize as many shelters as possible. This is the only way to save the offspring from cannibalism within the detachment.

As the crustaceans grow, the water will need to be changed more often. Soon the aquarium will become too small for the brood, and the individuals will need to be distributed into new containers, or placed in kind hands other owners.

This is how reproduction occurs in domestic crayfish - natural and at the same time strange. But this only proves once again how unique each aquatic organism is, and how amazing the laws of nature are. By adding your own little touches to the exotic life of a crayfish, a person not only broadens his horizons, but also receives extraordinary pleasure.

Many people today are thinking about starting their own business. One of the options for implementing this idea is breeding crayfish at home. With a responsible approach, their cultivation can become a source of stable income.

Why do you need to breed crayfish?

Breeding crayfish is profitable in financially business. Such products are in demand, but there is no serious competition. Large industrial farms do not consider this type of activity as efficient business. Selling crayfish in large quantities is quite problematic. Their meat belongs to the category of expensive products, and it can only be offered to a limited circle of consumers. To return the investment made on initial stage When breeding on an industrial scale, it will take time. The combination of these reasons makes home crayfish farming an attractive business.

Preparation of conditions

Creation necessary conditions will allow you to get healthy offspring and increase the number of crayfish. Let's consider the features of breeding arthropods in a home farm.

Selection and arrangement of a reservoir

When the temperature drops, crayfish hibernate and their development slows down. Therefore, for breeding you need to create artificial conditions. Each type of reservoir has its own characteristics.


If you choose an aquarium, use a container with a volume of at least 250 liters. It must be equipped with an aeration and cleaning system. Stones and soil are poured onto the bottom so that the crayfish have the opportunity to hide.

The advantage of using an aquarium is the ability to control the volume of production. For 1 sq.m. accommodates up to 350 individuals. Pay attention to the material from which the container is made. Metal products are not suitable for crayfish. It is recommended to use plastic or glass containers.

Important! It is necessary to purchase two or three aquariums, since crayfish are prone to cannibalism; when kept together, adults eat young animals.

The aquarium is suitable for growing a small number of crayfish

Crayfish pool

Artificial reservoirs have their own characteristics:

  1. They must have a system for supplying and filtering water, regulating temperature and feed consumption. Such equipment will require some costs.
  2. In winter, the pool must be heated. Its bottom must be hard, and hard shelters must be created on the surface.
  3. A limited number of individuals can be placed in the pool.

The pool needs to be equipped with a filtration system

Natural pond

A very unique way of growing crayfish, which has its own characteristics:

  1. Animals will be provided with sufficient food, which will not require financial costs.
  2. Cancers are quite sensitive to pollution. And it is quite difficult to control the composition of water in a natural reservoir. It is necessary to systematically clean the bottom at least 2 m deep.
  3. In a pond, crayfish may lack oxygen, which negatively affects their well-being. In this case, the business will not bring significant profit.

Natural conditions are better for crayfish

Equipment installation

The choice of equipment depends on the location in which the crayfish will be grown. For the pond you will need:

  • devices for thermal insulation that will maintain the water temperature at the required level. For this purpose, industrial or conventional greenhouses can be used;
  • frame that will help retain water. The most suitable material for the manufacture of such a structure would be polypropylene;
  • an air compressor will prevent water from stagnating, which will stimulate the growth of crayfish;
  • The oxidizer saturates the water with oxygen. This device is especially necessary in winter. It is installed in late autumn before ice forms;
  • filters.

If you decide to breed crayfish in an aquarium, then you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Raising animals in such a container is impossible without aerators.
  2. You will also need oxygen generators that generate oxygen, which can increase the viability of young animals.
  3. Thermometers help control water temperature. In too cold an environment, crayfish stop reproducing.
  4. Oxygen levels are monitored using oximeters, salt content is monitored by salinity meters.
  5. A cleaning system is required.

Features of maintenance and cultivation

Arthropods are unpretentious, but when keeping them, some factors must be taken into account.

Introducing crayfish to the selected location

To populate the crayfish, it is necessary to prepare

  1. Before settling, the crayfish are doused with water for 15 minutes. You can replace this procedure with swimming. Individuals are dipped into water 15–20 times, maintaining an interval of 1–2 minutes. This is necessary so that their gills fill with liquid.
  2. If stocking is carried out in an aquarium or pool, the crayfish are first placed without water. Then the breeding area gradually begins to fill. It is advisable to use a faucet with a sprayer for this.
  3. When the larvae are introduced, the temperature in the containers in which they were transported is initially equal to the water in the pond or aquarium. To do this, periodically open the container flaps for two hours. After this, the larvae are transferred to a new habitat. First, they are transplanted into a container without water, which is then poured using sprayers. When its level reaches 10–15 cm, you need to keep the larvae for two hours. Next, the reservoir is filled completely.

Control of water purity and temperature

Clean water is the key to healthy crayfish

Crayfish remain active at temperatures of 18–20°C. In cooler conditions, these arthropods go dormant and do not produce offspring. These temperatures must be maintained throughout the year.

The water in which crayfish are kept must be renewed every 2–3 weeks. Animals are quite susceptible to pollution.

Important! Only 1/3 of the total volume of water can be replaced at a time, otherwise the microclimate in the container will be disrupted.

But even with regular implementation of this procedure, waste products and food debris accumulate at the bottom. If these contaminants are not removed, the health of the crayfish will worsen, which will negatively affect their development.

What to feed?

Cancers are not picky eaters. An adult should receive an amount of food per day that corresponds to 5% of its weight. If you notice leftover food in the morning, reduce the portion at the next feeding. They feed on:

  • meat scraps;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • worms;
  • larvae;
  • aquatic vegetation;
  • mixed feed;
  • living microorganisms;
  • frogs.

They are given food in special trays, which mainly have square shape. These arthropods are nocturnal animals, so they feed in the evening.

Care during shedding period

The first molt occurs approximately on the 10th day of life of the crayfish. As a result, the larvae change their appearance and become similar to adults. On days 12–13, crayfish molt again. At this time, they hide in a shelter, where they grow up, straighten their limbs and acquire the skill of moving their eyes, mustache and claws. A gap forms between the abdomen and the pectoral shield. The body of a crustacean protrudes from it. He sheds his shell, which by this period becomes tight, and builds up a new one.

During molting you need to provide good food and peace

Molting in crayfish is a multiple process:

  1. During the first year of life, the shell renewal occurs 6–8 times. Then the number is reduced.
  2. Crayfish that reach two years of age molt 4–5 times.
  3. During the third year, three moults occur. Adults shed their shell 1–2 times a year. During this period, crayfish become especially vulnerable.

At improper care they may get sick. To avoid this, you need to ensure good nutrition and purify water in a timely manner. Also, during molting, crayfish are more susceptible to attack from their relatives. Therefore, transplant small individuals into a separate container.


To produce offspring you will need a male and two females. Crayfish breed at the end of September or early October. The eggs are first placed under the female’s tail, then move closer to the shell and become attached near the paws. In order for the embryos to fully develop, they must be regularly washed with water. During the breeding season, water is filtered two or three times a week.

Important! There should be no more than two females per male; he eats the third female in the reservoir.

After two months, larvae will emerge from the eggs. In the first days of life, they are exposed to various dangers. The female takes care of them until they are two weeks old. Then the larvae become independent. A female gives birth to 12 to 15 cubs at a time. IN in rare cases their number reaches 20 individuals. At home growing per year, about 60 crayfish are obtained from a female.

During breeding, you need to regularly filter the water.

Important! Larvae especially need sufficient oxygen. After the appearance of the cubs, the diet needs to be increased and diversified with zooplankton and mixed feed.

Catching crayfish

Immediately before catching, several factors need to be taken into account:

  1. If the crayfish were planted in a pond or aquarium in the spring, the first larvae will appear in June.
  2. After the second moult, young individuals are caught and transplanted to a separate place. One-year-old crayfish are moved to special containers or feeding ponds to increase their mass.
  3. After 2–3 years, the crayfish grow up to 10 cm in length, each weighing 40–50 g. Such individuals are ready for commercial sale.

Fishing rods and traps are used for catching. Most the right time The period for this procedure is from July to November. The best catch is observed in the summer at night in rainy weather. Some breeders practice draining water from a pond. But it is not recommended to use this method, since young individuals often die as a result.

After the crayfish are grown, there is a need to sell them. There are two possible options here. The first involves distributing the product among friends. First, it is enough to offer crayfish to two or three people. They will pass on the information further, and thus the circle of buyers will increase.

It is effective to use special traps for catching

But the seller's task is not only to find a sales market. It must retain customers. To do this, monitor the quality of your product. Send identical ones for sale appearance and the size of the crayfish. Choose the most loyal pricing policy. Find out the cost of crayfish in supermarkets, and sell your goods cheaper. You can arrange for delivery of products to customers' homes.

The second implementation option is suitable for those breeders who can offer wholesale supplies. It is necessary to negotiate sales with enterprises Catering: restaurants, cafes and bars.

Video: master class on making clamshells

Growing crayfish does not require much effort or significant financial investment. But in order to get healthy young animals, you need to take into account the temperature, systematically purify the water and monitor the nutrition of the crayfish. If you follow all the rules, in a few months you will be able to make your first profit.

The idea of ​​growing crayfish can come to mind for various reasons. This is both a desire to earn money and simply to eat a tasty organic product. The meat of these arthropods is not only a delicacy, but also useful product. It contains a minimum of calories and a maximum necessary for the body elements: sulfur, calcium, vitamins E and group B. Crayfish can be bred in ponds (natural or artificial) or in aquariums.

In order for crayfish to take root and reproduce well, the reservoir must be from 1.5 m to 3 m deep. Its bottom is sandy or rocky. There must also be conditions for animals to dig holes. Optimal quantity ponds - at least three with an area of ​​at least 30 m2. Two of them are intended for fattening, and one for raising fingerlings. Pool insulation provides accelerated growth crayfish, because at subzero temperatures crustaceans hibernate or even die. No less important is the indicator of water purity and acidity. To do this, the water must be running and the pH must range between 6.5 and 8.0. This can be ensured by a drainage system and pumps. Change the water every 2-3 weeks, but no more than 30%, so as not to disturb the natural microclimate. Buy breeding stock from specialized commercial enterprises. The pond is populated with adults with eggs at night, being careful not to damage the offspring during transportation. You can also release the fry, but no later than the second half of August, so that they have time to acclimatize. For each male there should be two or three females, which he will subsequently fertilize. The planting density is small - six to eight pieces per 1 m2.

It is better to keep large crayfish separately from young animals, as they are capable of devouring their offspring. Only at 3-4 years of life do animals reach marketable weight. In captivity, crustaceans feed on mixed feed, chopped vegetables and grains, algae and worms that can be found in a pond. Feeding is done at sunset, because crayfish are nocturnal inhabitants. Breeding crayfish in artificial aquariums guarantees the continuous growth process of animals. Purchase containers on the market or make them yourself from non-toxic material: plastic, polypropylene or plexiglass. Arrange the bottom with sand and small boulders to create a familiar environment for your pets. In addition, you will need air aerators, an oxygenator, a salinity meter, a thermometer and oximeter, heaters and a water filtration system. In aquariums, crayfish molt not once a year, but 3-4. This means that they will gain marketable weight faster than their relatives from open water bodies (crayfish only grow when they shed their shells). Regardless of how you raise crayfish, they need to be protected from disease and infection. Strictly control temperature regime, change the water on time, saturating it with oxygen. Do not overfeed the livestock.

As you can see, growing crayfish in open reservoirs is a less expensive activity, but animals grow slower than in aquariums, because no one has canceled seasonality (at least in central Russia). Plus, this business requires considerable investment, the payback period of which is 3-4 years.

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