A scar on the uterus is an inevitable consequence of a cesarean section. Contraction of the uterus after cesarean section: what happens to the uterus after this type of birth

A long-awaited pregnancy and collecting a dowry for a baby are always a crucial moment in a woman’s life. In order for everything to proceed smoothly, it is necessary to obtain answers to many questions in advance. One of them is how quickly does uterine involution occur and why does the uterus in some cases not contract after childbirth?

During pregnancy, a woman's entire body undergoes changes. First of all, they concern the reproductive organs: the mammary glands and the uterus, the volume of which increases approximately 50 times. In the postpartum period, it returns to its original state. But it happens that the uterus does not contract after childbirth. What causes the development of the pathological condition? What to do? Let's try to figure it out.

There are 3 periods in the birth process:

  1. period;
  2. period of expulsion of the fetus;
  3. succession period.

Normally, the first stage of labor takes from 12 to 14 hours for primiparous women and 6-8 hours for multiparous women. The second period lasts from 15 to 45 minutes. The third period takes up to 30 minutes if there is no bleeding. If the succession period is accompanied by bleeding, then measures to stop it are taken immediately, without waiting for a half-hour interval.

In the afterbirth period, the placenta, or placenta, is separated, the size of which is on average 20-25 cm in diameter. A wound surface forms at the site of the separated placenta.

The postpartum period is characterized by the release of clots of mucus and blood from the uterine cavity. Typically, cleansing occurs within 72 hours after the baby is born. The main role in cleansing the uterine cavity is played by phagocytes and proteolytic enzymes that break down postpartum residues.

Lochia is bloody in the first 3 days, then becomes serous-sanguineous. By the end of the 3rd week they lighten, and after 6 weeks they disappear.

Restoration of the endometrium occurs in 21 days, and at the site of attachment of the placenta - in 6 weeks.

How many days does the uterus contract after childbirth?

Complete (return to the original size) of the organ occurs in 6-8 weeks. The uterus most actively decreases in size in the first postpartum days.

The cervix after birth has a dilatation of 10-12 cm. After 24 hours, this size is 3-4 cm, after 72 hours - 1-2 cm. Complete closure of the pharynx occurs 21 days after birth.

The uterus undergoes the greatest changes in the postpartum period. The weight of the uterus immediately after birth is about 1000 grams. After a week, the organ will shrink by half, and after 8 weeks it will return to its original value (50 g), shrinking another 20 times.

With the development of a pathological condition, the uterus does not contract after childbirth or its contraction occurs very slowly. This is dangerous due to postpartum complications, which, if timely medical care is not provided, can lead to death due to large blood loss.

The uterus does not contract: what is the reason?

There are a number of reasons that can lead to the development of a pathological condition:

  • low attachment or ;
  • pregnancy complicated by concomitant pathology;
  • weakness of labor;
  • immobilization of a woman in the early postpartum period;
  • anatomical features, such as its bending or underdevelopment;
  • injuries of the birth canal;
  • history of inflammatory diseases of the uterus or ovaries;
  • blood diseases, including decreased clotting ability.

Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period

During the examination, the fundus of the uterus is detected at the level of the navel. Every day it drops within 1.5-2 cm. By the 6th day, the bottom is 4-5 cm above the womb.

If uterine contractions lag behind normal by 24 hours or more, this is a pathology and requires medical intervention.

If the uterus contracts slowly

In this case, a manual examination of the organ cavity is performed to remove remnants of membranes and blood clots. Additionally, uterotonic drugs are prescribed, such as oxytocin, methylergobrevin.

On the 3rd day after childbirth, the woman undergoes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which may show expansion of the cavity due to:

  • accumulation of blood clots in it;
  • remnants of membranes or placenta;
  • early closure of the uterine os.

As treatment, it is necessary to perform curettage of the uterine cavity. In cases where contraction of the organ cannot be achieved, surgical intervention is resorted to.

If the uterus contracts slowly, you can follow simple recommendations:

  • breastfeed (during lactation, oxytocin is produced, which promotes uterine contractions);
  • physical activity;
  • timely emptying of the bladder;
  • maintaining hygiene, which reduces the risk of infection;
  • lie down and sleep on your stomach.

Causes of uterine subinvolution

Subinvolution of the uterus is a decrease in the ability of the muscular lining of the organ to contract.

Among the reasons that can lead to a pathological condition are:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Anatomical reasons.
  3. Infectious agents.

Hormonal disorders

Among the hormonal causes leading to subinvolution, the main one is prolactin deficiency.

Prolactin is a hormone that determines the production of milk by a woman’s mammary glands. Normal levels of the hormone lead to the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractility. It has been proven that prolactin production is higher in women for whom pregnancy and a child are desired.

If there is not enough prolactin produced, then the level of oxytocin decreases, and the uterus contracts worse after childbirth.

Anatomical reasons

For anatomical reasons, subinvolution may occur due to:

  • the presence of remnants of membranes or placental lobules;
  • inflection of the uterus;
  • blockage of the external pharynx with clots;
  • premature closure of the cervix.

If there are remnants of the placenta or fetal membranes in the uterine cavity, they prevent normal contraction of the organ due to the lack of possibility of blood vessel thrombosis.

The bend of the uterus helps to delay the release of blood clots and mucus to the outside due to their accumulation at the site of the bend.

If the closure of the external pharynx occurs prematurely, the discharge of the uterine cavity, unable to empty itself, accumulates and stretches the walls of the organ.


The first option for an infectious lesion is infection during childbirth or the addition of an infection in the early postpartum period in the absence of sterility. But most often, infectious causes of uterine subinvolution are associated with the presence of the disease during pregnancy.

Postpartum endometritis is a continuation of chorionitis, or the inflammatory process in the membranes. The uterus, affected by infection, is a flabby organ that does not respond to the administration of uterotonic drugs.

After a cesarean section, the mother's uterus recovers somewhat more slowly than after a normal birth. This is due, first of all, to the fact that cesarean is still an abdominal operation, which is not natural for the body, but rather, on the contrary, traumatic. Thus, during surgery, blood vessels, muscle fibers, and nerve endings are damaged. After the procedure, the uterus has a scar, the healing of which requires some time and special care.

How long the uterus can contract after cesarean surgery depends on many factors. With a planned operation and the absence of any complications, in order for the woman’s body in general and the uterus, in particular, to reach a satisfactory state, it takes no less than 2 months, that is, almost the entire postpartum period. If the outcome is good, the reduction process occurs by itself. However, in some cases it is necessary to prescribe drugs that would stimulate this process to proceed somewhat more quickly. These drugs have a stimulating effect on contractile activity and also have a hemostatic effect on damaged vessels.

In general, the process of complete recovery of a woman’s body after a caesarean section takes about two years. Why so long, you ask? Did you know that during pregnancy, a woman’s uterus enlarges almost 500 times? So your body will have something to work on.

In the meantime, when the uterus after cesarean is still quite stretched and measures from 10 to 12 cm in diameter, when the scar is still very fresh, the woman feels a certain discomfort. It may be associated with pain in the incision area, fear and difficulty going to the toilet, coughing, turning over from side to side, etc.

All these nuances are discussed and decided with the doctor who sees the mother during the postpartum period.

As measures to help more comfortably survive the postpartum period, in addition to medications, the woman is prescribed a diet that is acceptable for both her and the baby, as well as wearing a special bandage that protects the tissue from further stretching at a time when effective physical exercise is not yet possible for the woman. not possible. At first, while the uterus has not yet contracted after the cesarean section procedure, and the suture has not healed properly, the woman should get an assistant who will relieve her of housework and heavy lifting, which can very significantly affect the quality and speed of the recovery process.

Is it possible to put an IUD in women after a caesarean section?

While the uterus contracts...

After a cesarean section, as well as after a normal birth, the uterus is one continuous bleeding wound. The greatest damage to the organ is at the placenta attachment site and the incision area. There are still remnants of blood clots and membranes. On days 3-4 the bulk of the bloody discharge (lochia) comes out. Afterwards, the color of the discharge gradually becomes lighter, it takes on the character of ichor (about the third week after the operation) and after 6-7 weeks it should stop altogether. By this time, the process of epithelial regeneration ends.

How is everything going?

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after a cesarean section? We have already said that in 9 months it increases almost 500 times. Immediately after childbirth or cesarean section, the weight of the organ is 1 kg. A week later - already half as much, that is, half a kilogram. In another 7 days - about 350 grams, and by the end of the third month she should have returned to her prenatal size and weight.

Thus, we see that the uterus contracts most actively in the first days after childbirth. Then this process gradually slows down.

Sometimes the period of uterine contraction is accompanied by cramping, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, they are not a cause for concern and are not permanent. However, sometimes, especially after repeated childbirth, these sensations can cause some inconvenience, and some women cannot lead a normal life due to the pain syndrome. In this case, you should consult a doctor. Most often, such situations are resolved by prescribing antispasmodic drugs.

Sometimes there are cases when the uterus does not contract or this process occurs too slowly. Such situations can become harbingers of bleeding or other complications, which means that you simply need to seek help from a specialist.

What if the contractile activity is too long?

What can affect the timing of uterine contractions after a caesarean section? First of all, it is worth mentioning about multiple pregnancies or large fetal weight. At the same time, the uterus stretches more and, accordingly, the mother’s body requires more strength and time for it to contract.

The contraction process can also be slowed down if the placenta was low, if the caesarean section was not planned, but was due to weak labor, and also if the woman after childbirth leads a very passive lifestyle and moves too little. Among other things, one cannot discount the woman’s general health, her readiness for cesarean section, concomitant diseases (hyper- or hypotension, nephropathy, etc.).

Speaking about how long the uterus can contract after a cesarean section, one cannot help but draw your attention to inflammatory processes, physiological developmental features (such as bending or underdevelopment of the uterus), which, by the way, may cause the uterus not to contract at all. This is also possible in the case of an injured birth canal, the presence of fibrous formations in the walls of the uterus, inflammation of the appendages present or even in the past, with a blood clotting disorder or polyhydramnios that accompanied pregnancy. Then the time required for uterine contraction can only be affected by timely and correctly prescribed treatment.

The doctor must determine how normally the process of uterine contraction is proceeding before discharge.

If he deems it necessary, the mother will be prescribed drugs that stimulate contractility - oxytocin or prostaglandins.

Sometimes a massage of the fundus of the uterus is also prescribed, which is performed through the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

What else causes the uterus to contract?

An excellent stimulator of contraction is breastfeeding, during which oxytocin is also released. That is why, in order for the uterus to contract more actively, women who have given birth (here - caesareans) are recommended to start breastfeeding their babies as often as possible. In some maternity hospitals, mothers are allowed to rest in the first days, and antibiotics are also prescribed to prevent postoperative infection, and for these reasons, babies are bottle-fed for the first days. Therefore, being aware of these issues, you can discuss such nuances with your obstetrician-gynecologist in advance.

An active lifestyle, in this case – regular walks in the fresh air – walking.

Such physical activity not only helps to reduce the time of uterine contraction, but is also a preventive measure for starting the adhesive process after surgery.

In addition, in order for the uterus to contract better after childbirth by cesarean section, women are advised to lie on their stomachs more often, ideally (if their breasts allow) to sleep on it.

It is also worth taking hygiene procedures very seriously, treating the seam in a timely and correct manner, preventing the penetration and spread of infections.

How long does it take for a scar to heal after a cesarean section?

An important factor influencing the normal contraction of the uterine body after a cesarean section is the timely emptying of the bladder and bowel movements. Often these processes, which are completely natural for a healthy body, give the woman who gave birth (whether independently or by cesarean section) a lot of unpleasant sensations. However, these nuances are extremely important not only for the normal contraction of the uterus, but also for the functioning of other systems and organs, and the recovery of the body after surgery in general. Unfortunately, many women are embarrassed by such problems and delay contacting a doctor. This should under no circumstances be done in order to avoid problems in the future and ensure a good quality of life for yourself and your baby. After all, healthy children most often grow up with healthy mothers.

If the uterus does not contract at all...

There are cases when the time of uterine contraction has been too long and the woman experiences some discomfort and inconvenience. As a rule, this happens because lochia remains in the cavity, which should have gradually come out naturally. However, the os of the uterus can be blocked and this does not happen. Then doctors resort to cleaning (also called curettage), when the remains of labor are removed mechanically.

The most painful but necessary process after a cesarean section is uterine involution. Reverse development is necessary for the reproductive organ, since there is no longer any physiological need for either large sizes or stretched muscles, because the child has already been born.

Contraction of the uterus, if the birth took place with the participation of surgeons and the baby was taken out through an incision on the anterior abdominal wall, has its own characteristics. In this article we will tell you how the contraction occurs, how long the woman will feel discomfort, and how to speed up this process.

Condition of the organ after surgery

The uterus grows with the onset of pregnancy, and by the time of childbirth its size exceeds its original value by 500 times. She goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. So, the placenta is firmly attached to its inner wall, through which uteroplacental blood flow occurs, the walls of the uterus are better supplied with blood, and therefore become thicker, the uterine ligaments are stretched.

When performing a cesarean section, the surgeon removes the baby through an incision in the uterus (vertical if the operation is emergency, or horizontal if the operation is planned) and then manually separates the placenta from the wall of the uterus. Only after this the woman’s reproductive organ is sutured. The threads used are self-absorbing. A separate suture is also made on the abdominal cavity.

After surgery, the uterus is smaller than before surgery, but only because the fetus, amniotic fluid and placenta have disappeared from it. The walls of the uterus themselves remain stretched and large. It resembles a deflated balloon.

The placenta attachment site on the inside of the muscular organ is bleeding, because during the separation of the “baby place” the integrity of the blood vessels was damaged.

The incision on the uterus itself is a factor that slows down its contractile period. Gradually, under the influence of the natural production of oxytocin, excess uterine cells (myocytes) die and come out along with lochia - blood discharge that begins immediately after surgery and lasts on average up to 8 weeks.


The normal course of the process of reverse development of the uterus after surgery is indicated by the woman’s general well-being and the nature of her discharge.

In the first hours after the operation, the woman begins to be administered contracting drugs. Oxytocin causes intense contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which allows it to quickly get rid of blood clots and particles of dead epithelium. The contraction of the uterus is quite painful, so a woman after a cesarean section is required to undergo intramuscular pain-relieving injections for the first 2-3 days. Antibacterial drugs may be prescribed to prevent infection.

In the first 3-4 days, the reduction occurs at the most active pace. The discharge has a bright scarlet color; blood clots of different sizes are acceptable. After an injection of oxytocin, the discharge usually intensifies, as does the nagging pain in the lower back and abdomen.

Over the next two weeks, the discharge becomes more mucoid, bloody, yellowish or brownish - it is no longer red blood cells that predominate, but leukocytes. The contraction of the uterus during this period occurs at a slower pace, but the reproductive female organ invariably decreases with each passing hour. Women's sensations are weaker; some no longer feel nagging pain either in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen.

One and a half months after the operation, the discharge becomes transparent or translucent with a predominance of mucus, since an intensive process of restoration of the endometrium is underway, including at the site of the former placenta. This process is not normally accompanied by any pain. The uterus shrinks to its previous size 6-7 weeks after cesarean section.

But the processes of endometrial restoration are still ongoing. The muscles of the uterus after the first birth remain more elastic and stretched compared to nulliparous women. Immediately after the operation, the length of the uterus is about 20 centimeters. After a week, the uterus “loses” three times; at the beginning of the 8th week after the operation, it finally returns to its previous size, weighs about 50-70 grams, and the internal membranes are restored. The incision site heals, and the connective tissue in the scar area becomes stronger.

Just as they monitored the growth of the height of the uterine fundus during pregnancy, so they monitor its reverse development after surgery. It is considered normal to reduce the height of the uterine fundus by 10 mm every day.

Possible complications

Violations of the contractile functions of the main female reproductive organ after surgery can be of two types - hypotension or atony. In the first case, the uterus contracts too slowly, the rate of its involution lags behind the norms accepted in obstetrics. In the second case, no contractions occur at all.

Hypotension often develops in women who have given birth to their first child. At risk are very young mothers (who are under 19 years old) and older mothers (if the mother in labor was already 36 years old at the time of the operation). Previously performed abortions and diagnostic curettages increase the likelihood of uterine contractions increasing over time and weakening their intensity.

The presence of a scar in itself is a risk of hypotension, which is why reducing drugs are indicated.

But sometimes oxytocin, which is administered to a woman according to a certain scheme, does not have the desired effect. The reason may lie in endocrine diseases of the new mother, as well as in the low position of the fetus during pregnancy, in which the uterine tone was initially uneven (one part of the muscle walls experienced greater tension than others).

Atony is extremely rare and almost always poses a serious danger to a woman’s life, as it is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding. The causes of atony have been poorly studied, but there is reason to believe that the risk group includes women who have tumors in the uterus, a congenital anatomical disorder, or underdevelopment of a muscular organ. Also, the absence of contractions may be a consequence of severe bleeding disorders.

In both cases, in addition to weak contractile function of the uterus or its absence, additional symptoms are observed - abnormally strong discharge, less often - on the contrary, weak and unproductive. A woman has pain in the peritoneal area, her body temperature rises, and signs of infection appear - purulent, gray, foamy discharge from the genitals.

Treatment is prescribed. Sometimes there is a need for curettage - the uterine cavity needs to be freed from blood clots and dead epithelial cells. Antibacterial therapy and oxytocin reducing drugs are prescribed.

The condition of the uterus is monitored by ultrasound. In most cases, the problem can be resolved. Only in isolated cases is it necessary to resort to curettage, and very rarely does it come to amputation of the uterus due to its complete and inexplicable atony for several days or weeks.

How to speed up the process?

Contraction of the uterus is a process that is inherent in nature. But a woman and doctors may well be able to influence his speed. In order for the uterus to quickly return to its previous shape, a woman must strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

In the very early period of rehabilitation, early verticalization is recommended. After 10-12 hours, ideally you need to get up to facilitate the passage of lochia from the uterine cavity. Physical activity promotes contraction, but the activity should be moderate, adequate and reasonable. It should be combined with proper rest. The longer a woman lies in bed after surgery, the higher the likelihood of developing inflammation and disruption of the contractile function of the reproductive organ.

After the postpartum woman gets out of bed and begins to walk and sit, she should follow the following recommendations.

  • You should not allow the bladder and intestines to become overfilled or cause increased gas formation in the intestines. The pressure on the uterus will be greater, contractions will be less effective. Therefore, a woman is advised to empty her bladder more often.
  • On the first day you cannot eat, on the second day jelly and broth are acceptable, and in the evening - white crackers. On the third day you are allowed to eat cereals and vegetable purees. On the fourth day, you can eat everything, with the exception of foods that cause fermentation in the intestines and the formation of gases - peas, baked goods, white cabbage, etc.
  • It is important to avoid constipation and, if necessary, use microenemas or rectal suppositories with a laxative effect in a timely manner.
  • You can't have sex or masturbate. During the entire period of contraction of the uterus and the release of lochia, doctors categorically prohibit sexual relations for postpartum women. The uterus should be relatively calm, without the rush of blood that occurs during sexual arousal and orgasm. If this prohibition is violated, the likelihood of infection and mechanical injury to the connective tissue in the area of ​​the internal scar on the uterus increases. Sex is allowed after the discharge stops, no earlier than 8 weeks after surgery.
  • You should not lift heavy objects, and it is advisable to wear a postoperative bandage.
  • Frequent breastfeeding increases uterine contractions.
  • Prone exercises are helpful during the recovery process.
  • Folk remedies for reduction are nettle decoction and burdock juice minced.

You can learn more about the postpartum period from the following video.

A caesarean section is an incision into the uterus to remove a baby, often performed in emergency situations to save a life. But often surgical intervention is planned, due to certain factors and the course of pregnancy. Question, How long does the uterus contract after a caesarean section?, occurs primarily in young mothers, since it is generally accepted that natural childbirth contributes to a faster recovery. However, this statement is inaccurate and lacks validity.

Uterine contraction is one of the main indicators when a woman in labor is discharged from the hospital. The parameter signals recovery, as well as the condition of the uterus - the presence of blood clots and fetal membranes in it. A woman’s uterine deposits come out within almost two months, but they don’t stay in the maternity hospital for that long. In the first days after birth, doctors at a medical institution only monitor the rate of contraction, which determines the state of the body and its readiness for independent recovery. If the uterus contracts slowly, the woman may be prescribed additional medications to promote faster recovery. In particularly difficult cases, the woman in labor is subjected to medical intervention - specialists begin to “clean” the reproductive organ using instruments. To avoid such problems, you should use the recommendations of specialists and effective methods for restoring the uterus after the birth of the baby.

Few women know that during pregnancy the uterus enlarges 500 times, so it takes a very long time to fully restore it to its previous size - more than 2 months. In the first days after childbirth, lochia - blood discharge - comes out of the cavity of the reproductive organ. They can be stimulated a little so that emptying occurs faster, because clots separated from the walls cause pain and discomfort.

After even a natural birth, the uterus is one bleeding wound, the healing of which requires careful treatment and certain procedures. What can we say about the organ after cesarean section? Here, in addition, there is also an incision, accompanied by damage to cells and tissues. During natural delivery, the weight of the organ is about 1 kg, after two weeks - no more than 0.5 kg, and only after 2 months - 350 g. The organ reaches normal size only after 3-4 months. The created suture after a cesarean section interferes with the normal contraction of the uterus, so additional stimulation is required. Doctors advise resorting to simple recommendations in the absence of complications and using medications in case of extremely slow recovery.

This is important: Why is it necessary to stimulate contractions of a woman’s uterus after a cesarean section? The increased size and the presence of clots in the organ significantly slow down the healing of the suture, and this provokes pain.

Reasons for slow recovery

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of how long the uterus contracts after a cesarean section. The uterus is restored due to individual factors - it is impossible to determine the exact timing. The timing of full restoration of the size of the organ before pregnancy is influenced by the following factors:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • complications during pregnancy or after the birth of a child;
  • large size of the fruit;
  • exhaustion of a woman’s body before and after childbirth;
  • weak labor activity;
  • passive behavior of a woman after the birth of a child - lack of body movements.

There are factors that provoke a complete absence of uterine contractions both after natural birth and after cesarean section. An organ may not contract at all if there is:

  • inflection of the uterus;
  • injuries to the birth canal resulting from difficult childbirth;
  • inflammation in the organ and the entire reproductive system;
  • benign tumor in the organ cavity;
  • polyhydramnios during pregnancy;
  • problems with blood clotting and other prerequisites.

This is important: In the first days after the birth of the child, the woman in labor is observed by doctors, who set the rate at which the uterus contracts. If there are problems, the woman is given recommendations for stimulation, and a course of treatment is prescribed to eliminate developed diseases.

Symptoms of normal recovery

You can understand that the uterus is shrinking at quite acceptable rates by the following signs:

  • The woman has cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which is tolerable but unpleasant.
  • Periodically after childbirth, characteristic discomfort is felt in the chest - the so-called sudden rush of breast milk, which has a well-founded name. Yes, with a sharp contraction of the uterus, stimulation of milk occurs rapidly - the concentration of hormones responsible for lactation in the body increases sharply.
  • There is a constant release of lochia - at first with the presence of bloody streaks, later they acquire a transparent appearance with a yellow tint.

The period of uterine contraction reaches 6-8 weeks. At this time, the woman must have discharge and other symptoms. If the manifestation of symptoms that the uterus is contracting suddenly stops, it is necessary to use methods for stimulation.

Stimulation methods

If you notice slow uterine contractions, you should consult a doctor. The specialist, after conducting an examination using ultrasound, will assure the woman that there are no problems or tell her how to contract the uterus after a cesarean section.

Required Methods

You should start stimulating the uterus so that it begins to contract within normal limits from the very first days after delivery. Here the young mother must independently use the following methods:

  • First, you should start breastfeeding. As mentioned above, the flow of breast milk is directly related to uterine contractions. Therefore, you should put your baby to the breast as often as possible - this will stimulate milk production in the quantities required for the baby, which will make him eat up and become calmer. Moreover, after each feeding, the mammary glands begin to rapidly begin producing milk, and this contributes to a rapid and equally rapid contraction.
  • After a caesarean section, the woman in labor is allowed to lie down only for the first few hours until the anesthesia wears off. Subsequently, women are lifted out of bed and forced to move. Elementary actions for personal care after childbirth must be performed independently - movements also stimulate the reduction of the organ. The uterus begins to contract faster when the young mother herself monitors her child from the first days of his life. After discharge, the woman should not be lazy to walk with the baby.
  • Even if there is a scar, a woman in labor is recommended to sleep on her stomach. If this is not possible due to pain in the abdomen or chest, you should at least lie down on it periodically. It is recommended to carry out the presented actions at least 3 times a day for 20 minutes.

After a cesarean section, women have an increased risk of developing adhesions not only of the fallopian tubes, but also of the intestines. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the frequency of bowel movements and even the bladder. Surprisingly, these factors also directly affect how quickly the uterus will contract.


A woman in labor, even after a cesarean section, should not avoid activities that will help the uterus contract. One of the most effective exercises is cycling - it is recommended to do it without fanaticism and, if possible, in a medical facility immediately after the birth of the child.

  • In a standing position, it is recommended to sit down “half-crouched”, bending your knees together.
  • When sitting or lying down, it is recommended to raise your legs a little so as not to provoke strong abdominal tension, and tense your feet, and then immediately relax them.
  • While standing, you should perform breathing exercises - breathe deeply using the abdominal wall. During breathing exercises, a woman should run her palms over her stomach to increase blood circulation.

Young mothers should use effective Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles - this will ensure normal bladder and bowel movements.


In the absence of diseases of the uterus and other complications after a cesarean section, the woman in labor is prescribed a massage performed only by a specialist. The massage is carried out through the abdominal wall, without causing discomfort to the young mother. At home, a young mother can only gently stroke her belly clockwise, stimulating blood circulation and corresponding contraction of the organ.


Immediately after a caesarean section, a young mother is prescribed medications to stimulate uterine contractions. Oxytocin is used here, which is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. It is used only for 3 days after birth. In the future, if the uterus does not recover, the woman is prescribed the following drugs:

  • Hyfotocin is recommended for those giving birth due to its natural origin. The drug stimulates muscles and keeps the blood vessels of internal organs intact.
  • Demoxytocin – protects a woman from the development of mastitis and other diseases of the internal organs. Promotes uterine contraction.
  • Pituitrin - in addition to stimulating recovery, has a vascular strengthening effect.

This is important: Self-administration of medications after childbirth is strictly prohibited. A woman should definitely consult a doctor.

In addition to medications, a woman in labor can use folk remedies to stimulate contraction of the organ - their use is also discussed with the gynecologist. When using folk remedies, it is important to monitor the baby’s condition, since this increases the risk of developing allergic manifestations, colic and other unpleasant diseases in the child. At the pharmacy you can purchase a special royal collection, which contains the herb shepherd's purse. Its effect is aimed at muscle contraction, which has a positive effect on the reduction of the reproductive organ. After natural birth and cesarean section, the uterus should contract - this happens over the course of several months. During this time, the young mother should experience unpleasant, but quite tolerable symptoms. If they are absent, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, since this may signal the development of inflammation and other pathologies that doctors did not detect immediately after birth.

Pregnancy and childbirth are stressful for a woman’s body as a whole, but the uterus takes longer and is more painful than other organs to recover. After all, it was she who bore the main burden, starting from the attachment of the embryo to its wall and ending with the birth of the child.

What happens to the uterus after childbirth and how to understand that everything is normal

The uterus enlarges early in pregnancy and continues to grow and expand until the baby is born. Contraction of the uterus is a natural process of its restoration. As the uterus grows during pregnancy, new muscle cells are formed. After birth, they gradually die off or significantly decrease in size. Blood vessels and lymph nodes become compressed and dry out.

To make sure that the uterus is contracting normally, a woman should pay attention to the symptoms of this process, and also be aware of the timing of contractions and how breastfeeding affects this process.

Symptoms and timing of normal uterine contractions

The process of restoration (contraction) of the uterus occurs normally if:

  • Dark bloody clots emerge from the uterine cavity within 3–5 days after birth. Over the next 3–4 weeks, the discharge becomes scanty and thin;
  • there is moderate aching pain in the lower abdomen, lasting no more than five days.
Dark spotting after childbirth is one of the indicators of normal uterine contractions in the first 5 days after birth

After about 2 months, an ultrasound shows that the uterus has returned to its prenatal weight and size. Usually this time is enough for its full recovery.

Breastfeeding to help

Natural feeding is directly related to uterine contractions. In the first days after childbirth during breastfeeding, uterine contractions occur most intensely.

Breastfeeding produces the hormone oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract faster.

During breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which stimulates muscle contraction. That is why, when putting a baby to the breast, many mothers notice a mild or moderate aching pain in the lower abdomen. Muscles that have undergone changes during pregnancy and childbirth contract and shrink. This leads to pain. When breastfeeding, the uterus contracts faster and, accordingly, the body cleanses itself earlier. During breastfeeding, the uterus can shrink completely within a month and a half.

Immediately after birth, the uterus weighs 1 kg, and after another week this figure drops to 500 g. Gradually, the woman’s reproductive organ “stops” at its usual weight - 50 g.

What are fast and slow uterine contractions?

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth is an individual process, depending on many factors, including:

  • mother's age;
  • fruit size;
  • number of fruits;
  • number of births and their complexity.

Rapid contraction of the uterine muscles is a phenomenon in which the uterus returns to its previous size in 3–4 weeks, but a woman should not rejoice at such a rapid contraction. After all, the remains of the placenta, amniotic membrane, and large blood clots (lochia) could linger in the uterine cavity. Without receiving a natural outlet, these residues undergo rotting, which provokes inflammatory processes in the body.

There are no special drug methods to prevent accelerated uterine contractions. For prevention, you need to get plenty of rest, don’t be nervous and eat right.

Rapid contraction of the muscles of the uterus can lead to retention and rotting of lochia (blood clots) in it.

Rapid contraction of the uterine muscles can also result in less breast milk production. A woman’s body is not ready for an early contraction - such a pathology is a shock to it. Due to the acceleration of the recovery process, a repeat unplanned pregnancy may occur.

According to statistics, the problem of rapid contraction is extremely rare - more often in women one can observe a slow contraction of the uterus.

The situation may be the opposite: the uterus contracts slowly. Pain after eight weeks after birth may be a sign that the uterus is slowly returning to normal size. The causes may be hormonal disorders, infection, as well as structural features of the woman’s genital organs, for example, a bend in the cervix.

The situation also depends on the woman’s health during conception and gestation, the process of childbirth, the weight of the child, the number of fetuses in the uterus and other factors. Maternity hospital doctors should make sure that the uterus is contracting well. They will not discharge a woman from the hospital until the uterus begins to contract normally.. If it contracts poorly, parts of the placenta and lochia may remain in it, which will lead to their rotting.

After giving birth, before being discharged from the hospital, a woman must undergo an ultrasound to check whether the uterus is contracting correctly.

Contraction of the uterus after caesarean section

After a cesarean section, the same changes occur to the uterus as during natural childbirth, but since the muscles of the uterus are damaged by surgery, the pain during contraction will be more pronounced. The reduction process itself will increase by 2–3 weeks. To speed it up, they practice applying ice to the stomach. Painkillers are unavoidable after a caesarean section.

Is it possible to speed up the process of uterine contraction?

In addition to the natural process of accelerating uterine contractions described above by breastfeeding, there are other ways.


The most common medication is Oxytocin, an analogue of the hormone of the same name. It is produced naturally during the process of establishing lactation and breastfeeding. Accordingly, the drug is harmless to the baby.

Oxytocin is used to contract the muscles of the uterus

In some cases, it becomes necessary to strengthen or weaken the active substance of Oxytocin. Then drugs of the oxytocin group are prescribed with various pharmacological additives, in injections, tablets or droppers. These include:

  • Ergotal;
  • Ergometrine;
  • Ergotamine hydrotartrate;
  • Pituitrin;
  • Demoxytocin;
  • Cotarnine chloride;
  • Methylergometrine;
  • Methyloxytocin.
Dinoprost is an oxytocin drug prescribed to contract the uterine muscles.


This well-known drug has an effect on the smooth muscles of the muscles, and therefore is used to reduce pain. When breastfeeding, taking No-shpa is allowed with some reservations. If the drug is used once and within the dosage prescribed by the doctor, there will be no harm to the child.

The active substance of No-shpa (drotaverine), accumulating in the body, penetrates into milk, and with a cumulative effect has a toxic effect. Therefore, in case of long-term use of No-Shpa, you need to stop breastfeeding for a while and then resume it after completing the course of taking the drug. In this case, you can first express breast milk in a storage container and freeze it. If you were unable to stock up on milk for the entire course of taking No-shpa, then feeding formulas will help. At the same time, in order to avoid stagnation of milk in the mammary glands, regular pumping will be required.

No-Shpa is a drug that should not be taken frequently by a nursing woman


For many women, doctors prescribe suppositories to contract the uterus. Most often these are Oxytocin suppositories, Pituitrin, Dinoprost.

Folk remedies

There is a category of people, including mothers, who refuse drug intervention in the functioning of the body. For them, we will consider folk remedies that stimulate uterine contractions, the use of which can be discussed with your doctor.

Shepherd's Purse

Shepherd's purse is known for its properties of enhancing muscle contraction, and an infusion of this herb is allowed to be used during breastfeeding. Shepherd's purse is called the best herb for women in labor.

Water pepper tincture

Many mothers successfully use this remedy to speed up the contraction of the uterine muscles. However, it is worth considering that water pepper extract contains alcohol. This means that it is not advisable to take it while breastfeeding. In addition, it is very unpleasant to eat, which also affects the taste of milk. mother. Therefore, for women who choose breastfeeding, it is better to replace water pepper with drugs with a similar effect, but harmless during lactation.

Other folk remedies

The following are also used to contract the muscles of the uterus:

  • viburnum juice;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • birch leaves;
  • nettle and many other herbs.

Will cognac help after childbirth?

There is an opinion that a spoonful of cognac in a cup of tea promotes uterine contractions. But this method has not been proven and is even more unacceptable when breastfeeding. However, if your baby is on formula, you can try it.

Photo gallery: folk remedies used to contract the uterus

Shepherd's purse is called the best herb for women in labor Tincture of water pepper contains alcohol, so a nursing mother should use it with caution Viburnum juice is useful for a nursing mother, it helps contract the uterine muscles

How can you reduce pain?

Any mother knows that when breastfeeding it is better to limit the use of medications. However, the pain can be so severe that it is impossible to endure. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a pain reliever that is most suitable for a specific clinical case. Most often prescribed:

  • No-shpa;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ibuprofen.

Be careful not to take these medications without consulting your doctor if you are breastfeeding. If it is impossible to see a doctor, you can check whether the drug is acceptable to take using the international directory e-lactancia.org

No matter how the uterus returns to its prenatal state, this process is almost always painful. The degree of severity of sensations varies and depends on many factors. A woman needs to remember that in the maternity hospital she is under the supervision and protection of experienced doctors. The pain will pass, but the joy of motherhood will remain. It is important to understand that self-medication can harm you and your baby.

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