Runes to attract love and marriage. Runes for attracting love and marriage: how they work when applied correctly


Runes help us in all areas of life - it’s not without reason that master runologists come up with more and more new ligatures from these magical symbols. And they are used especially often by the fair sex, especially when it comes to personal relationships. Today we’ll just talk about the “female” topic and look at the runic bet on a man’s love, and also find out whether such formulas are love spells.

How do runic bets work on a man’s love?

Everything is quite simple here. The principle of operation of such ligatures is similar to classic love spells: the object of sympathy begins to feel attracted to the operator, think about him, pay attention, etc. The main difference between runic bets on a man’s love and ritual love spells is only that the runes cannot act constantly - after a certain time, the force of their influence begins to subside. That is why it is recommended, after activating the formula, not to sit idly by, but to participate in the situation. The runes give the object of sympathy a small push towards the operator, and then he needs to start acting on his own.

So, for example, a girl activates a certain position that arouses interest in her chosen one (for example, a work colleague). Previously, this man simply did not notice her, but now he catches himself thinking that she is very pretty and interesting. If the girl does not do anything herself - for example, does not start a conversation with him, does not ask for his phone number, then after a couple of months the effect of the formula will fade away. Although much here depends on the nature of the object. If the person whom you bewitch with runes has a strong-willed, strong character, then under the influence of stav he can invite you on a date, but if the object is shy and indecisive, then he can simply silently dream about you, without making attempts to get closer. Therefore, it is important, taking advantage of the situation created by the runes, to model the development of relationships independently.

Exclusive bonus! If you are interested in Runes, you will definitely like our  free mini course  "Secrets Hidden in the Runes" ← Learn in 4 lessons the features of safe work with runic energy, how to use the Runes of Health and Wealth, as well as...

Rules for applying, slandering and activating love bets

All love formulas are usually applied to a photograph of the object of sympathy, or in some cases to a joint photo (if this is specified separately). in any usual way. The most important question is how to draw up a reservation for rune bets on love. Here, too, a lot depends on you: when you draw a ligature, you must have an exact idea of ​​how this or that rune, or the entire formula, will act, and be sure to say it. For example, you know that the combination Nautiz - Gebo forces a person to enter into a partnership with you - then say exactly this: “Nautiz and Gebo will force a man (it’s better to give a name) to enter into an equal love relationship with me, which will bring joy to both of us.” If you stipulate becoming a whole, you must definitely pronounce all, all, all the actions and changes that this formula will produce.

Important Information - Moral Issues

Before we move on to specific staves, it is worth mentioning one ethical question: is it possible to bewitch a married man with runes? There is no consensus on this matter: some runologists warn that running a runic sign in a photo of a married man for love may not work, while others allow you to try. Some people do not recommend taking a person away from the family in principle, while others, on the contrary, assure that runes can do anything. The main thing is to understand that a love spell on a person who is not destined for you can lead to unpleasant consequences. If a married man clearly has sympathy for you, and you are sure that he is “the one, the one and only,” then, of course, you can take a risk and try the love spell formula in action. But remember - only you yourself are responsible for this.

Simple formulas for a man's love

If you don't want to bother with very complex formulas, try using simple ones in which the runes are simply written on a line. Such combinations of runes can be applied to a photograph of a person to achieve a specific goal.

  • Nautiz - Kenaz - Gebo - - Vunyo - Yera will force the man with whom you are in a relationship to propose marriage to you
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kenaz - Gebo - cause sexual desire
  • Gebo - - Kenaz - Gebo - Vunyo - Yera - a simple rune for a man to propose to be together
  • Ansuz - Gebo - Yera - shows you in front of a man in the best possible light
  • Evaz - Gebo - Otala - allows you to return your loved one who has left you

Runic formula “Web of Love” from Djess

The author - runologist Djess - created this proven runic bet on a man's love when she fell deeply in love with a man, and he turned out to be married. The purpose of the formula was not the man’s leaving the family, but the preservation of relationships at the level of lovers. We can say that this is a kind of sex bond that prevents a man from leaving you.

Working runes

  • Stunginn Iss hides the magical effect (the object does not feel that he has been bewitched)
  • The combination of Gebo - Vunyo - Kenaz - creates a bright love connection that will delight both partners
  • Nautiz - forces a man to perform agreed upon actions
  • Uruz - creates a strong sexual desire
  • Ansuz in the background adds mutual understanding to the relationship (so that a person is not only interested in sex, but also enjoys talking with his partner)

Runic becoming “Love Fire” from Sanea

This runic approach to the love of a man will not cause a strong, painful attachment in the object of sympathy - it will rather act very softly and delicately, awakening in a person the desire to communicate with you, to maintain a connection.

Working symbols

  • Teyvaz is the man we influence
  • - female operator (the rune can be circled with your own saliva or blood for binding)
  • Mirror Ansuz - a love spell that works through words
  • Nautiz in the background - coercing a person
  • The combination Ansuz - Nautiz - gives rise to thoughts about this woman in a man’s head
  • Yera - makes the action of the formula permanent
  • Kenaz and Laguz awaken a flow of passion
  • Vunyo - gives a feeling of joy and harmony when the subject communicates with the operator

Formula “Hook of Love and Marriage” from runologist Angel

This runic bet on a man’s mad love was personally tested by the author named Angel. In her case, the object of her sympathy was in a permanent relationship with another girl, and their relationship lasted two years behind her back without any serious promises on the part of the young man. Under the influence of stav, the man left his constant girlfriend, moved to live with the operator, stopped hiding his new relationship from those around him and began to behave more attentively and tenderly.

Working runes

  • Nautiz forces a person to behave accordingly
  • Vunyo - gives joy from communicating with the operator
  • Mirror Vunyo forces him to be sad and in a bad mood away from the operator
  • Soulu is responsible for the warm, soft and gentle attitude of a man towards a woman, for the revival of the power of his love
  • forces him to conquer the object of his affection
  • Reverse Uruz breaks a man's resistance to stav work
  • responsible for the result
  • Eyvaz forces family ties, living together
  • In the background: Kenaz symbolizes feelings and desires, Gebo builds harmonious relationships, awakens love, protects the connection between people, direct and mirror Turisaz clear the path for a man to a woman

Runic becoming “According to my desire...” from Bezdna

This proven runic approach to a man’s love works without harsh coercion or side effects. It can be called more of a foolishness than a breaking of will.

Ligature symbols

  • Six forces a man to think about a woman
  • Mirror Nautiz creates a conscious need to communicate with her
  • Eyvaz makes the operator the meaning of life for the bewitched
  • Ansuz inspires thoughts about the operator
  • Vunyo awakens feelings
  • Two Laguz disguise magical intervention
  • - Yera open the path of the object to the operator and force him to move along it
  • Dagaz is responsible for changes in consciousness
  • Gebo creates a strong partnership bond
  • Two Kenaz and Soulu are responsible for sexual and cardiac attraction, respectively.
  • Four

The most ancient magical symbols of the runes are used to this day to attract money, luck, health and love. In love magic, runes can be used as a talisman. The love rune can protect against family adversity, conflicts, help strengthen relationships and find your soulmate. What runes can be used to attract love and how to properly control the magic of runes?

Runes for strengthening relationships and harmony in marriage

If you want to achieve better relationships in marriage, protect your family from quarrels and misunderstandings, strengthen relationships, and return your other half to the family, then the Evaz and Inguz runes will help you.

Runa Evaz- This is the rune of marriage and family. It binds two people with strong bonds, creates harmonious relationships, and gives loyalty and reliability. Using this rune, you can achieve complete agreement and peace in a couple. This rune also helps those who want to speed up the approach of the wedding.

Runa Inguz- this rune is the achievement of the desired, the rune of the final result. This rune is recommended for those who want to return the relationship and start over. This love rune also helps to conceive a child.

If you want to get rid of loneliness and attract love into your life, then the runes Kenaz, Nautiz and Gebo will help you

Rune Kenaz considered the most important love rune. It opens the heart, instills passion and the fire of love in the soul. Gives charm and attractiveness, can rekindle love in a person.

Runa Nautiz aimed at finding a person’s other half. This rune will attract into your life the one you want to see next to you.

Rune Gebo symbolizes harmony and integrity. This rune helps both to find a loved one and strengthen relationships.

How to use love runes

Runes can be used as a talisman or talisman. To do this, you need to draw the selected rune with your hand on an object that you often carry with you.

In order for the rune to work, you need to achieve an energetic connection with it. Hold her in your hands more often, make wishes while looking at her, ask her for something.

If you feel real strength and support from your rune, then this amulet will really help you improve your personal life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2014 09:03

There are many ways to protect yourself from negative influences. Runic symbols are one of the most powerful talismans...

Runes are known to be used not only in fortune telling, but also as a talisman of good luck and a protective amulet. Runes are considered one of the most...

Since ancient times, runic magic has served people, helping in work, war, and treatment. The rune of love and love affairs was also known to people. To increase your attractiveness and attract the attention of the opposite sex, you can use both individual symbols and runic formulas. They are a combination of several symbols that are used in the form of sacred words or transform their constituent symbols into galdrstavs - bundles of several runes.

Basic rules of runic magic

Runic magic is very popular because, despite all its effectiveness, it does not bring kickbacks like black magic, does not require large sacrifices and acts quite quickly. The impact is carried out in several stages:

If the need for magical influence is no longer necessary, the spell can be easily dispelled without any consequences. To do this, it is enough to erase, burn or otherwise destroy the medium on which the runes are imprinted. If the runes are destroyed or erased, the magic will stop working.

Runic formulas of three symbols

For beginning magicians, it is recommended to use ready-made formulas or individual runes. Of the individual runes, we can recommend the partnership rune - Gebo. This is the best rune to attract the love of a man or woman. You should also use tried and tested the following rune combinations.

Galdstava for love magic

A stronger effect is obtained if you link together several rune symbols to attract love. The strongest bets are listed below. Such amulets are made in two stages:

  1. The entire pattern is drawn on a suitable object.
  2. The stave is additionally colored, and its constituent symbols are written out one by one.

To re-color, use paint of a different color, the blood of a magician or a sacrificial animal. It is most convenient to make an amulet based on galdrstava for constant wear. To do this, the image of the stav is applied to an object made of bone, wood or other natural material. The amulet is worn on the chest. You cannot swim without removing the amulet, flowing water destroys the spells.

Becoming the “Wand of Relationships”

This spell changes the event field of fate around its owner in such a way as to attract the most suitable partner, arouse his interest, attraction and love. Helps to enter into a legal marriage and promotes a happy married life. It can be inscribed on a photograph of a partner or on an amulet for everyday wear.

It works powerfully, but neatly, without unpleasant side effects or kickbacks. Includes the following magic symbols:

Knitting “Unexpected Love”

This stave is intended for special occasions. It happens that the person you like communicates with pleasure, but does not make closer contact. Or a man agrees to rare intimate meetings, but is in no hurry to formally propose marriage. This spell can attract people to each other, making their relationships more intense and serious. It works very quickly.

You can, looking at the object of your sighs, quickly draw an image of this stav on a piece of paper or scratch it on your own nail with a needle. Consists of the following components:

Becoming "Forced Love"

A spell to create a runic love spell. You need to draw it on a photograph of your loved one. You can use paper with a name instead of a photo. You need to carefully imagine the image of the person in whom you want to arouse self-love and say out loud:

“(name) must love me, so be it, no one can stop him!”

If the need for this person’s love disappears, you will need to burn the runes. After this, the spell will dissipate without harm or consequences. Consists of the following characters:

  1. Gebo. Indicates the direction of the spell - friendship, love, partnership.
  2. Double Nautiz in direct and mirror image completely deprives a person of his will and forces him to behave as the one who drew the runes needs.

By studying the magic of runes, you can positively influence your relationships with the opposite sex. Runes are only beneficial, since they do not relate to black magic.

Attention, TODAY only!


Love is a thing that no amount of money can buy. How much happiness this word brings when the feelings are mutual, and how much pain - when they are unrequited. Each of us has encountered problems in our personal lives at least once, but few people know that if something goes wrong in love, runic formulas can come to the rescue to restore love relationships.

Runes that help in love

In runic magic there are a number of symbols that are used for rituals related to love and relationships. Most often, such runes do not appear on their own, but as part of formulas and staves, interacting with other symbols, complementing them. Let's figure out what kind of runes these are.

Exclusive bonus! If you are interested in Runes, you will definitely like our  free mini course  "Secrets Hidden in the Runes" ← Learn in 4 lessons the features of safe work with runic energy, how to use the Runes of Health and Wealth, as well as...


Laguz is associated with female attractiveness, so it is often included in formulas aimed at getting rid of loneliness and accelerating the meeting with your true soulmate.


Eyvaz is often used in talisman magic. Look at this rune more closely - it resembles two Laguz reflecting each other, doesn’t it? The properties of Eyvaz are most pronounced when a person wants to achieve complete understanding and harmony with his partner. This rune also helps to reconcile quarreling spouses.


Otala is often found in runic formulas for love. If the very meaning of the symbol is associated with the fencing of territory, then it is not difficult to guess that in love matters this rune helps a person find his home, family, and build strong, serious relationships.


Inguz, a symbol of completion, can be used when the situation requires specific actions from your partner: when you are tired of uncertainty, you want to “stir up” your loved one, help him overcome his shyness and force him to show his inner desires.


Gebo - the rune of equal partnership - becomes indispensable when you not only want to achieve reciprocity, but are also ready to invest in the relationship. But the symbol will only work if the partner really has feelings for you, but in runic formulas for the love of a man who does not pay attention to you, this rune is useless.


Soulu symbolizes victory in everything, including in love affairs, as it adds self-confidence and attracts the sympathy of others to a person.


Runic formulas will also help restore relationships - it removes existing barriers and establishes mutual understanding between partners.


And the power of the Yera rune comes in handy when a woman wants to give birth to a child from her beloved man, but for some reason she is unable to do so.

In what situations will runic formulas for love help?

There are no circumstances that cannot be turned to your advantage with the help of the power of runes. The main thing is to know which symbols and in what combination with each other can be used in your specific situation.

Runes can

  • Increase your personal attractiveness to the opposite sex
  • Free you from loneliness
  • Promote harmonization of existing relations
  • “Hurry” the decision of a too modest or shy person who sympathizes with you
  • Reconcile a couple who have quarreled
  • Bring back a man who has left, but on the condition that he still has feelings for you

In theory, with the help of runes you can even turn unanswered love into mutual love, i.e. perform a love spell, but when thinking about this, you must not forget that such an effect will always have its negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to use runic formulas for a man’s love and marriage only when it is not necessary to destroy someone’s life to realize the plan.

Runic formulas to attract love

Runic formulas for attracting love into your life are usually drawn either directly on a person’s skin (in this case, on someone who is suffering from loneliness), or on one’s own photograph, or on a piece of paper, a natural stone or any other talisman. In the latter case, it is important to carry the “charmed” amulet with you in any situation, because if you leave it at home, it will not work that day. There are two strong and proven positions that we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Runic formula “My Red Rose”

The working name of this runic stave or formula is “Charming, charming, the most beautiful.” It is not difficult to guess that the ritual is used to enhance personal magnetism. It makes a girl or woman sexually attractive in the eyes of men. The formula looks like the Gebo rune, surrounded on all four sides by Kenaz.

When applying a formula, it is important to “intend” it correctly, i.e. when drawing symbols, convey a message about how you want to appear to the men around you. During the slander, you must clearly pronounce the necessary words, which may include the definitions of “interesting”, “sexy”, “beautiful”, “charming”, etc.

It is also important to say when it has finished its work - after erasing the inscription, burning the photo, or simply at the moment when you stop carrying the amulet with runic script. Activated by any traditional method: breathing, fire, elements.

Runic formula for a man’s love and marriage “Find a betrothed”

This complex runic combination will help single women find their soulmate as quickly as possible. It consists of the runes: Raido, Soulu, Odal, Gebo, Eyvaz, Laguz, three Teyvaz and.

  • Raido paired with Soulu symbolizes lighting the path that will lead you to your future lover
  • Odal will make sure that all your relatives like your new partner and will not dislike them
  • Gebo will establish equal partnerships in a couple, in which both people will give and receive
  • Eyvaz together with Laguz activate the subconscious craving of lovers for each other, connecting them with invisible threads of a subtle emotional connection
  • Three Teyvaz will make your life path together long and smooth. At the same time, the Teyvazy will appoint a man as the head of the family (which, in principle, is what most women want)

This clause has its own peculiarity: it must be negotiated nine times every nine days - the last reservation is carried out on the 81st day. It is better to activate the formula with the fire element - candles.

Runic formulas for restoring relationships

Rituals with the following steps can be used when you already had a relationship, but for some reason it was interrupted, for example, if you quarreled with your loved one or decided to temporarily separate.

A simple formula for reconciling lovers

Runic formulas for restoring relationships can consist of only two runes. The simplest example is a bunch of Gebo - Vunyo runes. This combination, applied to a joint photo of lovers and activated in any way, will allow the quarrel to end very quickly and lead the couple to reconciliation. Intends to become any suitable words, preferably without particles “not”. For example, it is better to replace the phrase “so that we don’t quarrel” with “so that we make peace.”

Runic formula “For a truce”

This combination of runes is best applied to your own body or a photograph where lovers are captured before a quarrel. The formula is drawn in two lines: on the first there should be a link Gebo - Thurisaz - Odal, symbolizing the successful resolution of problems in the relationship, and on the second - Gebo - - Odal, helping partners find a common language and understand each other's needs. During the slander and intention, it is necessary to pronounce the names of both lovers, and also say that this stave will destroy the wall of misunderstanding between them. You can choose any activation.

Runic becoming “Reconciliation”

It is better to use this formula for restoring relationships “hot on the heels”, i.e. immediately after a quarrel. Its composition:

  • Gebo - a symbol of reconciliation and partnership
  • Two inverted runes - they help lovers quickly forget mutual grievances
  • Two Vunyos - fill the couple with a feeling of happiness and joy from reunion
  • Soulu - rekindles the spark of passion, “throws wood” into the fire of love, which is dying out due to a quarrel

It is believed that the formula written in blood on a joint photograph works best. Activation - any.

Runic bets on harmonization of relationships

You should turn to this category of formulas when you have a relationship, but for some reason it does not suit you: passion has disappeared, they began to move away from each other, a crisis has occurred, etc. All formulas are applied, specified and activated in the same way as most of the above.

Becoming “The Joy of Communication”

It includes three runes: , Gebo and Vunyo. The first helps return the relationship to its peak. The second - makes communication between partners mutually beneficial - one that suits both. Vunyo paints life together with bright colors, gives joy from mutual love and understanding.

Formula “Harmonization of Relationships”

This runic formula for love works very softly and delicately. Despite the fact that it is composed of only three runes, the effect is very powerful and necessary, especially for couples experiencing a crisis in their family life.

  • Teyvaz enhances truly masculine qualities in a man
  • makes a woman more feminine
  • Gebo, connecting these two runes, allows spouses to better understand each other and realize their roles in the family

Runic becoming “Flower of Love”

This complex formula includes the following runes:

  • Two Gebos responsible for reciprocity in a couple
  • Teyvaz, strengthening the union
  • Soulo, symbolizing the mutual warmth between lovers
  • Four Kenaz, causing mad love and passion as in the “candy-bouquet” period
  • Two Dagaz, personifying changes in a favorable direction
  • Four Eyvaz, forcing spouses to move towards each other and make mutual concessions
  • Two Turisaz, destroying all existing problems and disagreements
  • Four as a sign of the patronage of Higher powers, protecting the family from any negativity

How long does it take for the formula to work?

Runic formulas for restoring relationships and love usually begin their action at the moment of activation, but often some time must pass before the desired events are realized - in most cases from a week to a month. Some bets work faster, others slower, because it all depends on what exactly you wanted to achieve.

So, for example, you can reconcile lovers who have quarreled over nonsense in a couple of days, but organizing a meeting between a person and his other half, whom he is not yet acquainted with, may take more than one month.

The main thing is to believe in the magic of runes and not sit idly by, but try with your own efforts to bring what you want closer.


The modern world is filled with such negative energies as stress, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction and the like... Doctors (in the usual sense of the word) know how to treat the body, but most often try to distance themselves from spiritual illnesses. Only magic can resist this evil. Magic is a supernatural science, that is, beyond our understanding. But it is given to anyone who seeks a path to self-improvement and harmony to comprehend it. You can start by studying runes.

The word "rune" comes from Scandinavian and carries a meaning close in meaning to the word “secret”. The birth of runes took place during the Viking Age, about one and a half thousand years BC. In those distant times, knowledge about runes was owned by rune masters who were called “erils”. They were the highest caste in ancient Scandinavia, since they were in possession of the keys (runes) that opened the doors to knowledge and power. Each key was filled with meaning and tied to gods and natural phenomena.

Runic alphabet

Runic magic has 24 runes, which together form a certain ancient alphabet, or rune series:

These symbols are the basis that gives rise to all magical practice. The rune row is also called “futhark”, after the first letters: f, i, th, a, r, k.

Runes came to us from time immemorial, and what time preserves is the truth. There is power in truth! But you cannot throw yourself into a pond without checking the bottom, so the study of the supernatural must be approached slowly and thoroughly.

Proven rates and formulas

If you do not have proper practice, then you should probably ask yourself the question: is it necessary to rely only on rates tested and compiled by a specialist, or to come up with something yourself?

Before you start using the formulas, it is strongly recommended to study reviews about the strength and correctness of their action. Numerous forums will help with this, where people with experience who have been working in this field for a long time will share information with you. It also describes the various actions of the stakes in any particular case. It is better for beginners not to use unverified information.

The whole point is that a beginner can make an unfortunate mistake, for example, not taking into account the relationship of at least two symbols. This will entail quite unpleasant consequences. It’s good if the formula simply doesn’t work, but it will be much worse when such a “gag” causes some harm.

Sequence of actions in runology

A formula is created from individual runes, or ligature (in another way - “sub-formula”). The components of each formula can be either individual runes or ligatures. After this, each rune from the created formula is applied to wood or paper (runescript), thus forming a “stave”.

It is also possible to strengthen the stave by pronouncing a certain clause on the runic stave, but, most importantly, remember the basic rules of the clause:

  • the words are pronounced slowly, as if penetrating the picture that was previously mentally drawn in your mind about the person you are becoming;
  • make a reservation alone and experiencing positive emotions, while trying to forget about everything unpleasant;
  • In addition, it is important to pronounce a reservation while coloring the stave.

The final result depends on the desire of the person pronouncing the slander to achieve the goal. In other words, it works like this: desire gives birth to emotion, emotion gives birth to thought, thought gives birth to a word, and words are a direct projection onto our lives. Moreover, it depends on the speaker whether this projection will be positive or negative.

Meaning and Applications

The Power of the Runes extends to all aspects of our lives. They can be used in almost any situation: relationships with friends, loved ones, relatives.

Those who practice rune magic always have runes and staves for any life situation in order to always be able to bring them to life. Each person, if desired, can collect for himself the necessary set of formulas. Everything you need for this is present in this article. But, before use (if you are a beginner), you need advice from a knowledgeable runologist.

The topic of runes and staves, as well as reservations, will be interesting, and most importantly, useful to almost everyone. The list of runic staves and stipulations to them can be endless, since there are a great many of them.

The most common (working) positions

Let's look at several important formulas for our lives that have been tested and proven to work in practice.

A universal formula for good luck in all matters

To begin with, it is worth understanding what is luck. We break down the meaning of this word into the following components: achieving what you want, realizing yourself as an individual, material well-being. If a person manages to realize all this, he can safely be called happy, and rune bets on luck will help in achieving such a goal. This stav consists of the following runes:

This bunch of runes can rather be called the main script in the formula than a complete formula for luck. Such a “core” can and should be supplemented with other runes, depending on the situation.

To promote health as well as well-being

Well-being in life is only possible if if there are no health problems. Even when a person is doing well in all aspects except health, it is unlikely that his well-being can be considered complete. A fairly simple formula will help improve your health, achieve greater well-being, and also remove melancholy. It’s not difficult to create such a stave: it’s a simple script of two runes:

  1. Dagaz.
  2. Inguz.

Bringing them together will give the desired result.

Increase in material wealth

Almost everyone has their own threshold in the fulfillment of material desires. With the right approach to the issue, raising this bar is quite possible. The most popular money formulas in rune magic are:

  1. Triple fehu is the simplest and consists of three identical fehu runes standing next to each other. Despite its simplicity, this system works quite effectively.
  2. Banker. This becoming smaller than others depends on stopping factors, so it has a high percentage of operation. The following runes are used for creation: perth, fehu, uruz and nautiz. And also kenaz (2 times), Inguz and Yera.
  3. The third, “golden dragon”, is more complex in execution, but the result of its action will not be long in coming. Its composition: teyvaz, algiz, evaz, dagaz, mannaz, inguz (4 times), laguz (2 times).

Attraction formula “Magic kick”

Betting according to this formula has a very great bewitching power, which is why it is very popular among the people. Its twisted name is more often used: “Magic Pendel”. If a girl’s feelings go “off scale” when drawing up this stav, then the man will be ready to do anything for her.

So, Here are its components:

  • eyvaz, gebo, kenaz and thurisaz - causes a whirlwind of attraction;
  • Eyvaz and Uruz - encourages action;
  • kenaz and gebo - generates attraction;
  • thurisaz - guides and strengthens all the runes coming in front of him.

When assembled according to this formula, it carries within itself an explosion of feelings and lust of enormous strength, a specific challenge to feelings and an irresistible desire to come, rush, call.

And one more identical to this: becoming interested in love and sex: - “fire of passion”

Active runes:

  • Teyvaz;
  • kenaz (3);
  • sovilo;
  • Inguz.

This ligature is applied to yourself or a partner to increase excitability. . The following disclaimer applies to this clause:

You are burning with love for me,

And you burn in fiery passion.

Find happiness for yourself

Be close to me, where I am.

The action of stav is similar to the action of Viagra.

Plunging into the world of runes, we are all beginning to understand the power and effectiveness of these seemingly mystical signs. By accumulating knowledge and practicing, each person will be able to adjust their life. The most important thing (I repeat once again) is not to rush in this matter, thoroughly study all the intricacies yourself and learn from others!

Attention, TODAY only!

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