Russian proverb who is not. The most famous proverbs and sayings

Folk proverbs and sayings

1. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.
2. Near the water, but without water.
3. Old love is better than new love.
4. The fish rots from the head.
5. God is not Timoshka, he knows a little.
6. Don’t look ahead to what God will bring. God is not Afonka.
7. God has many miracles.
8. For a dog - a dog's death.
9. Time for business - time for fun.
10. Our Postrel has ripened everywhere.
11. Don't hit, just roll.
12. You can’t please everyone, you’ll only hurt yourself.
13. God protects those who are careful.
14. The hair is long, but the mind is short.
15. Don’t wave your fists after a fight.
16. What fell from the cart was lost. The woman is off the cart, the mare is better off.
17. To the daughter-in-law in revenge.
18. Even if you call it a pot, just don’t put it in the stove.
19. Drink less, but have your own.
20. Water does not flow under a lying stone.
21. In one place the pebble becomes overgrown.
22. The love of evil will make you love a goat.
23. Big ship, big voyage.
24. A healthy poor man is happier than a sick millionaire.
25. The more you eat, the more diseases you get.
26. With a knife and fork, we dig our own grave.
27. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
28. You shouldn’t exchange an awl for soap.
29. What a wife doesn’t like, her husband can’t eat.
30. The less you know, the better you sleep.
31. And there is a hole in the old woman.
32. Do not share the skin of an unkilled bear.
33. Let’s sit in rows and talk well.
34. A mind is good, two is better.
35. If you take up the tug, don’t say that it’s not strong.
36. Don’t spit in the well - you’ll need some water to drink.
37. They ate, drank, had fun, and in the morning they shed tears.
38. It’s not enough to crow, we need to ensure the dawn.
39. No matter how much the rope twists, it will still end.
40. A brand new addition to an old abdomen.
41. Dirty, but cowardly.
42. You don’t drink tea, what strength – I drank tea and became completely weak.
43. Don’t put it close - don’t lead the thief into sin.
44. A comb is the calling card of a slob.
45. My tongue is my enemy.
46. ​​Even the sun does not shine equally on everyone.
47. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do.
48. You can’t see the forest for the trees.
49. The sandpiper succeeded in its lifetime.
50. Don’t cut the branch you’re sitting on
51. Water drives water.
52. The weather whispers, borrow and drink
53. If you make a soft bed, you will sleep hard.
54. Laziness, laziness - open the door. I'll burn and won't open it.
55. As is in the cradle, so is in the coffin.
56. Neither at home nor on the field.
57. He aimed at the basket, but hit the window.
58. You can’t put a scarf on every mouth.
59. The thief’s hat is on fire.
60. Every vegetable has its time.
61. Gold is not what glitters.
62. We see a speck in someone else’s eye, but we don’t see a log in our own.
63. What we have, we don’t keep; if we lose, we cry.
64. Don’t renounce prison or scrip.
65. Fear has big eyes.
66. That’s why the wolf is in the forest, so that the hare doesn’t doze.
67. That’s why the pike is in the pond, so that the crucian carp is afraid.
68. People don’t go to Tula with their own samovar.
69. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
70. What is good for Tuesday is not always suitable for Wednesday.
71. Whatever happens, the woman is to blame.
72. I’ll take away someone else’s trouble with my hands, but I won’t apply my mind to mine.
73. Don't hit, just roll.
74. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
75. Two, three are not as one.
76. Why go seven miles to slurp jelly.
77. Beat the fool with three fists, but the fool is still the same.
78. Do not clap with one hand. (Chinese proverb).
79. Neither fish nor meat.
80. No matter how you look, the end of the knot is visible.
81. What is good for a Russian is death for a German.
82. Miracles in a sieve.
83. If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain.
84. You won’t be nice by force.
85. The jug got into the habit of walking on water, not there to lay its head, but there it should be full.
86. Boom or bust.
87. A hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.
88. Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.
89. Tears won’t help your grief.
90. A fly in the ointment will spoil a barrel of honey.
91. Strike while the iron is hot.
92. An egg is expensive on Christ’s day.
93. Dear spoon for dinner.
94. A birch tree will not be born from a Christmas tree.
95. Seven Fridays a week.
96. Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.
97. What goes around comes around.
98. Don’t drink water from your face.
99. At least she didn’t milk, as long as she walked around the yard well.
100. A hut is red in its corners, but a person’s life is in deeds.
101. Living life is not a field to cross.
102. Whichever radish you pulled out, gnaw on it.
103. A raven will not peck out a crow’s eye.
104. A boot is looking for a boot, and a bast shoe is looking for a bast shoe.
105. The hair is long, but the mind is short.
106. The spool is small, but expensive.
107. Bad man, but a little garden.
108. Bad, but a guy, good, but a girl.
109. Shoot a stump on a red day, and it will be good.
110. Take your time at home, hurry up on the road.
111. Make a fool pray to God, and he will break his forehead.
112. Not everything is done by hunting, but also by captivity.
113. All that glitters is not gold.
114. Birds of a feather.
115. They chop down their own branches.
116. Whoever has a white bench has a bare head.
117. Chickens are counted in the fall.
118. Husband and wife, one Satan.
119. A bird is good with feathers, and a wife is good with her husband.
120. Years would not be a mutilation, it would be a human torso.
121. If you burn yourself with milk, blow on the water.
122. Patience and work will grind everything down.
123. If a woodpecker didn’t have a nose, who would know it in the forest?
124. You won’t be rich soon, but you will soon be full.
125. You can see the bird in flight.
126. Big ship, big voyage.
127. A bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.
128. It’s not all Maslenitsa, Lent will also come.
129. He who laughs last laughs best.
130. Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.
131. For every wise man, simplicity is enough.
132. The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying.
133. Poor Makar gets all the trouble.
134. The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying.
135. Tell your daughters: “Don’t dress like an icicle, speak with half your mouth, look half with your eyes.”
136. The goose is not a friend to the pig.
137. You look like a ram at the new gate.
138. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
139. Masha is good, but not ours.
140. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.
141. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
142. If you let go of a sparrow, you will end up with a cow.
143. There is strength - no need for intelligence.
144. Do not do good, you will not receive evil.
145. I myself do not, and I will not give to anyone.
146. What is natural is not ugly.
147. In autumn: it gets wet for a day - it dries for a week. In spring: it gets wet for a week and dries for a day.
148. The road is a spoon for dinner.
149. Without knowing the ford, rush into the water.
150. Horses are not changed at the crossing.
151. To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear.
152. The cat is out of the house - the mice dance.
153. Let those who have ears hear.
154. The new is born in pain.
155. Where people gather to sin, they do not call a priest.
156. The worse, the better. (Chinese proverb).
157. An early guest is good until lunch.
158. If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.
159. Returning is a bad omen.
160. The road that begins in the rain is a happy one.
161. Shit and give birth - you can’t wait.
162. If you don’t lie around, you don’t eat.
163. In girls longer - married shorter.
164. The bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up.
165. To visit, only bring guests.
166. Woe, woe, husband Grigory, and even thin, yes Ivan.
167. The miser pays twice.
168. The cat scratches its spine.
169. Don’t think ahead about how God will lead you.
170. If there were a cow or a chicken, even a fool would cook it up.
171. If you are going to die, then you are going to give birth, but now.
172. The secret always becomes clear.
173. An egg does not teach a chicken.
174. Sleep is weightless, food is a habit.
175. Lots of snow, lots of bread.
176. They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.
177. Marriage is not an attack; one would not lose one’s wife.
178. I don’t want to study, but I want to get married.
179. Children are living gifts from God, children are given by God - how can you refuse.
180. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
181. Eat mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.
182. Tall women are created for work, and short women are created for love.
183. The wider the fat tail (hat), the more beautiful the face.
184. Lost - the earth is round - will return.
185. While the fat one dries, the thin one will die.
186. They carry water on fools.
187. An ulcer and a teetotaler drink at someone else’s expense.
188. Who is talking about what, and the lousy one is talking about the bathhouse.
189. A small dog is a puppy until old age.
190. An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.
191. You will laugh at someone else’s, but you will cry at your own.
192. Everything that fits into your mouth is useful.
193. You don’t teach an old monkey new tricks.
194. Russians harness slowly, but drive quickly.
195. If you’ve done the job, go for a walk with confidence.
196. The century is long, and the day is short.
197. If you don’t wear bad things, you won’t see good things.
198. Don’t wake up the trouble - while it’s quiet.
199. A good fellow among the sheep, but against a good fellow the sheep itself.
200. Love, fire and cough cannot be hidden.
201. A holy place is never empty.
202. He who sows the wind will reap the storm.
203. The snow has melted quickly, wait for a wet summer.
204. They carry water on the touchy.
205. A simple man, wait on the threshold.
206. Don’t take on many things, excel in at least one.
207. Drink, but don’t get drunk! Drink little wine for fun.
208. They ate, drank, had fun, and in the morning they shed tears.
209. Those who know how, do it; those who don’t know how, teach. (B. Shaw).
210. An apple at night - all the sores go away.
211. Mountain does not converge with mountain, but man does not converge with man.
212. A smart person will not go up the mountain, a smart person will go around the mountain.
213. The road to hell is built with good intentions.
214. Sit and wait for the leaders to come.
215. Even the oars are dry, even the back of your head is scratched.
216. As it comes back, so it will respond.
217. Don’t watch where you live.
218. The more we love a woman, the less she likes us.
219. The thinner the waist, the longer the life.
220. Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.
221. Be simpler, and people will be drawn to you.
222. Do not boast about three days, but boast about three years.
223. Fool, fool, but smart.
224. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
225. The little bird sang early, so that the cat wouldn’t eat it.
226. Anyone who has pain speaks about it.
227. The fool’s father’s wealth is of no use to him.
228. If you don’t know how to sew with gold, then hit with a hammer.
229. What is given without asking is more valuable. (Arabic proverb).
230. Better late than never.
231. For one beaten, they give two unbeaten.
232. Dashing trouble has begun.
233. You will not be rich on earth, but you will be hunchbacked.
235. God will not give you away - the pig will not eat you.
236. Don’t think ahead about how God will lead you.
237. An old friend is better than two new ones.
238. We are not so rich that we can buy cheap.
239. Appetite comes with eating.
240. Without a piece of bread, there is always melancholy.
241. City of boards, cod and melancholy. (Arkhangelsk).
242. He who does not know how to live always talks about the past.
243. Place the pig at the table, with its feet on the table.
244. A loaf is not in the face.
245. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
246. Saying: “What a mess, there was a blizzard, now there’s a blizzard.”
247. Our upper room with God is not a dispute.
248. There was no happiness, but misfortune helped.
249. Don’t regret what happened, don’t be sad about what will happen, take care of what you have.
250. If youth knew, and old age could.
251. Need and hunger will drive you into the cold.
252. You can’t buy happiness.
253. Having taken off your head, you don’t cry about your hairstyle.
254. The giving hand never becomes scarce.
255. The sun warms like a candle, move closer to the stove.
256. Vanyok is good, he came to live on our leaven.
257. What we have, we don’t keep; if we lose, we cry.
258. God protects those who are careful.
259. You don’t carry your own burden.
260. It’s better for a groove to burst than for something to be lost.
261. There is no tree taller than a pine.
262. A cat knows whose meat it has eaten.
263. There was no sadness, so the devils pumped me up.
264. According to Senka and a hat.
265. Every cricket, know your nest.
266. Don’t do things carelessly.
267. A new broom sweeps in a new way.
268. Work loves a fool.
269. The father beat his son not because he was playing, but because he was getting even.
270. Sugar at the bottom. (Finnish proverb).
271. Don't hit, just roll.
272. If the will were strong, the mountain would turn into a field.
273. A bad example is contagious.
274. Tangerines do not grow from dewdrops.
275. Without a piece of bread there is melancholy everywhere.
276. A dog barks - the wind blows.
277. Lightning only shoots at a tall tree.
278. Don’t regret what happened, take care of what you have.
279. All you have to do is crow, and at least don’t blossom.
280. At least she wouldn’t milk it, if only she could walk around the yard.
281. Every brave man has his own fear.
282. He goes not where he is asked, but where he is mowed down.
283. Dashing trouble has begun.
284. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
285. God will not give you away, the pig will not eat you.
I would be glad to go to Paradise, but sins are not allowed.
God gave, God took.
286. Don’t think ahead about how God will lead you.
287. Appetite comes with eating.
288. He who does not know how to live always talks about the past.
289. One’s own hand is the ruler.
290. The girl will give you anything - an approach is needed.
291. The reserve does not fit the pocket.
292. Better late than never.
293. Our upper room with God is not a dispute.
294. Live forever, learn forever.
295. Having taken off your head, you don’t cry about your hairstyle.
296. The truth hurts the eyes.
297. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.
298. There are no strangers in the crew.
299. Living life is not a field to cross.
300. Bread is not satisfying, without salt it is tasteless.
301. Measure seven times, cut once.
302. Work carelessly.
303. The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.
304. The loaf is not right for the snout.
305. Don’t take your wife and bull from afar.
306. Don't say "Gop" until you jump over.
307. I didn’t catch it, but I already spun it.
308. Don’t think ahead about how God will lead you.
309. Without knowing the ford, do not poke your nose into the water.
310. Beauty to the crown, and intelligence to the end.
311. Debt is repayable.
312. It would have been so, but the clerk interfered.
313. You can’t wash a black dog until it’s white.
314. Loves like a soul, but shakes like a pear.
315. Beats means loves.
316. The bug is small and stinky.
317. Even if you earn money, the harvest is from God.
318. A successful married person acquires wings, an unsuccessful one acquires wings.
319. Expecting gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is vile.
320. If you endure it, you will fall in love.
321. The farther, the more expensive, the older, the more stupid.
322. Keep your feet warm and your head cold.
323. You will trample and burst.
324. Chickens are counted in the fall.
325. There wasn’t a penny, and suddenly there was an altyn.
325. A man without a wife is like a rich man without a servant.
326. If there was a neck, there would be a clamp.
327. The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.
328. Years are not mutilation, if only it were a human body.
329. You won’t soon be rich, but soon you will be well-fed.
330. Whoever has a white bench has a bare ass.
331. If you suffer, you will learn.
332. What kind of work is it if you just rip shoes?
333. You still can’t jump above your head.
334. As the ancients said, THE MEASURE OF EVERYTHING IS NUMBER.
335. Money is the source of all evil and enmity. (St. Spyridin, bishop
Trilifunsky. Miracle Worker).
336. “Love and love itself will teach you when and how best to act.” (God's
337. Fools learn from their own mistakes, and smart people from strangers.
338. “Lack of education is the root of all evil” (A.S. Pushkin).
339. “The spiritual energy of the ascetics was forged into the material wealth of the region”
(Archpriest Sergius Bulgakov).
340. “It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Apostle Paul).
341. “Learn to control yourself” (A.S. Pushkin).
342. “Man proposes, but God disposes.” (Folk saying).
343. “When the muses sound, the guns are silent” (Folk saying).
344. Remember? “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
345. “The greatest warrior is the one who has never fought.” (Ancient samurai
346. “The purpose of a woman is to interfere with a man’s life, so that he does not stop in his development” (The Sages).
347. “What you don’t wish for yourself, don’t do to others.” (Confucius, Chinese sage).
348. “He who is well prepared for the battle is half the winner.” (Cervantes).
349. Whoever gets up early, God gives him.

Sayings of Confucius - ancient sage and philosopher

350. Do not say what is alien to the ritual.
351. Humanity is rarely combined with artificial speech and touching
facial expression.
352. If they honor the dead and remember their ancestors, then the people will become stronger again
virtue. (Teacher Zeng).
353. He who looks at the aspirations of his father when he is alive, and after his death at the way he acted, and does not change his path for three years, can be called one who honors his parents.
354. Don’t be sad that people don’t know you, but be sad that you don’t know people.
355. If you rule with the help of the law, settle things by punishing, then the people will be careful, but will not know shame. If you rule on the basis of virtue, settle things according to ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but will also express humility.
356. He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.
357. Sacrifice to another's spirit involves flattery
Inaction at a time when it is possible to do justice means
358. Only he who is humane knows how to both love people and feel disgust for them.
359. Striving for humanity frees you from everything bad.
360. When they start from profit, they multiply malice.
361. A restrained person has fewer mistakes.
362. Just think twice.
363. It's over! I have never met anyone who can condemn himself in his soul when he sees that he has made a mistake!
364. To follow your duty to people, to honor demons and spirits, but not to approach them, this can be called knowledge.
365. If difficulty is preferred to success, this can be called humanity.
366. I also find joy in living on bran with water, sleeping with my palm under my head. Wealth and nobility, acquired dishonestly, seem to me like a cloud floating by.
367. Reverence outside of ritual tires, and caution outside of it leads to cowardice; with courage outside the ritual, it raises turmoil; with directness outside the ritual, they become intolerant.
368. The people can be forced to obedience, they cannot be forced to knowledge.
369. Do not delve into the affairs of another when you are not in his place.
370. Four shortcomings were alien to the teacher: a tendency to conjecture, excessive categoricalness, stubbornness, and selfishness.
371. Crossing is no better than not reaching.
372. When you lead, forget about rest. And when carrying out assignments, be honest.
373. If you place the honest over the dishonest, then you can make all the dishonest honest.
374. Do not count on quick success and do not be tempted by small benefits. If you rush, you won’t achieve your goal; if you’re tempted by small things, you won’t do great things.
375. In my village, straight people are different from yours. The fathers are covering there
sons, and sons - fathers. This is what directness consists of.
376. Leading untrained children into battle means abandoning them.
377. When there is a way with the country, Be straight in your actions and speeches; when there is no path in it, be straight in your actions, careful in your speech.
378. Virtuous people always have something to say, but whoever has something to say is not always virtuous. He who is full of humanity is certainly brave, but the brave is not always full of humanity.
379. Zilu asked about how to serve the sovereign.
The teacher replied: “Don’t lie and don’t give him peace.”
380. A noble man comprehends the highest, a small man comprehends the lowest.
381. In ancient times they studied for the sake of improving themselves, now they study in order to please others.
382. A noble husband does not think about what does not belong to him by position.
382. A noble man is ashamed to talk a lot, but when he acts, he shows immoderation.
383. Don’t be sad that no one knows you, but be sad about your imperfection.
384. Pay for evil with justice, and pay for good with good.
385. He is so categorical that I can’t even object!
386. A noble man does not retreat in need; a small person, enduring need, becomes dissolute.
387. A noble man grieves over his imperfection; he does not grieve over the fact that he is unknown to people.
388. A noble man fears that he will die and his name will not be glorified.
389. A noble man is demanding of himself, a small man is demanding of others.
390. What you don’t wish for yourself, don’t do to others.
391. Artificial speech obscures virtue, and a little impatience can hinder great plans.
392. A person is capable of making the path great, but it is not the path that makes a person great.
393. Only that is an error that is not corrected.
394. A noble husband is firm in principles, but not stubborn.
395. Only the highest wisdom and the greatest stupidity never change.
396. Humanity is rarely combined with skillful speeches and a touching facial expression.
397. The most difficult thing to communicate with is a woman and a small person. If you bring them closer to you, they will become impudent; if you move them away, they will become embittered.
398. There is no future for someone who causes self-dislike at the age of forty.
399. Make friends with those who are suitable for it, reject those who are unsuitable.
400. Craftsmen work in workshops to complete their work, and a noble man studies to achieve his path.
401. When a small person makes a mistake, he always finds an excuse.

Postulates of samurai combat

402. A warrior should constantly reflect on the following principles:
1. Be honest with yourself when dealing with all people.
2. Constant practice is the only Path to learning strategy.
3. Master every art that comes your way.
4. Understand the path of other disciplines.
5. Know the difference between right and wrong in human affairs.
6. Try to have understanding and inner judgment about all things.
7. Try to see what is invisible.
8. Don't overlook anything, no matter how insignificant it may be.
9. Don't waste time procrastinating or thinking after you've bet.
403. Stealing a glance at the bird, the dragonfly keeps its distance from it.
404. He who has thoughts has no thoughts.
405. At the highest level of teaching means: “Free your mind and let it move freely until it stops in one place.”
At the lowest level it means: “Learn to recall your free mind and let it move freely until it stops in one place.”
406. If your mind is hiding something, your face will tell about it.
407. When the soul and the sword merge into one, you can act freely in any situation.
408. The scarecrow has no mind, but it does its job perfectly.
409. When the mind stops, delusion is born.
410. You should not place your mind anywhere - then it will expand and fill your entire body.
411. The original mind is like water, the deluded mind is like ice.
412. Pursue the liberated mind.
413. A sword thrown into a stream never remains in place.
414. Pay attention to the most insignificant details.
415. The most important part of the battle begins before you even touch the hilt of the sword.
416. Accurate judgments are generated by a motionless mind and heart.
417. Victory in a fight is generated by relaxation of the mind.
418. The decision must be made before you breathe in seven times.
419. An honorable death is to die in the name of a cause, even if the goal remains unachieved.
420. The less visible the leader is, the better.
421. If you want to know a person, first look at what he has done.
422. Do not reject eternal values ​​in pursuit of transitory ones.
423. When you are irritated, close your eyes and calm your mind.
424. He who keeps the image of a peach blossom in his mind is able to remain serene.

425. No matter how much you say “Halva”, it will not be sweeter in your mouth. (Hajja Nasreddin).
426. After all, you can whenever you want.
427. I would be glad to go to heaven, but sins are not allowed.
428. Every sandpiper praises its swamp.
429. If there was a neck, there would be a clamp.
430. Out of sight, out of mind.
431. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.
432. Your own shirt is closer to the body.
433. It is not the thief who is not caught.
434. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
435. Patience is the path to joy. (Egyptian proverb).
436. Man is afraid of time, and the time of the pyramids. (Egyptian proverb).
437. Mercy is above justice. (Egyptian proverb).
438. It is not the country that paints the ambassador, but the ambassador who paints the country. (Egyptian proverb).
439. They wait three years for the promised one.
440. The night is longer than the day, the morning is wiser than the evening.
441. Even snakes do not bite each other.
442. Every nation deserves its own ruler.
443. With a pig's snout, and in a row of galoshes.
444. Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today - all lazy people say. (German proverb).
445. Your tongue is a lion; if you let it out, it will tear it to pieces; If you don’t let it out, it will protect you. (Eastern proverb).
446. Darkness thickens before dawn.
447. No matter how much grain is pounded in a mortar, you cannot crush it to flour.

The woman is driving the cart - it’s easier for the mare. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you get rid of unnecessary people or situations, then everything will only get better.)

Grandma said in two. (The meaning of the saying is that a person explained the essence of what was happening in two ways and incomprehensibly, or stated the situation incomprehensibly.)

The master's request is a strict order. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you depend on a person, then it is impossible not to fulfill his request, since you depend on him.)

There is trouble in the village if there is quinoa on the table. (Russian folk proverb. It means that if there is quinoa on the table (this is a type of grass), it means there is a bad harvest in the villages and there is nothing to eat except grass.)

Poor Kuzenka - a poor song. (Previously, in Rus', a song with praise was sung to grooms in order to present all his virtues to the bride. If the groom was greedy, then at the wedding they sang a song to him not with all the praise, in response to his greed.)

The poor man just needs to get ready to gird himself. (Russian proverb means that it is very easy for a poor person to get ready for a trip, because there is nothing to take.)

Troubles torment, but teach the mind. (Russian folk proverb. It means that when trouble comes, it is of course very bad, but conclusions must be drawn from each such situation in order to prevent the misfortune from happening again in the future. Troubles teach a person to draw conclusions, analyze each of his actions, so as not to have more troubles.)

He ran from the smoke and fell into the fire. (Russian proverb. Means that if you rush and rush thoughtlessly in a difficult situation, you can only make the situation worse.)

He runs as if the earth beneath him is on fire. (Proverb. It means that a person runs very fast at a particular moment in time, or simply runs very fast in life, like an Olympic champion.) at the request of Alice.

Without letters and grammar one cannot learn mathematics. (The proverb means that if you do not know the letters, then it is almost impossible to learn mathematics, since letters are an integral part of mathematics, and without them mathematics would not exist.)

Without water, the land is a wasteland. (Everything is clear here without decoding.))) Without water, nothing can grow and survive.)

Without a year a week. (The saying is said when very little time has passed, or the age is very small.)

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky. (The proverb says that every person in life should do what he does best. If a person does nothing in life, then such a life is devoid of much meaning.)

Sleep better without money. (Russian proverb. It means that it is difficult for a rich person to keep his money; there will always be people who want to take it away. And if they are not there, then there is nothing to take away.)

I got married without me . (The proverb is said when a person was absent from some action or event, and others decided everything for him.)

Without science it’s like without hands. (A simple but very wise proverb. It means that if a person does not study, does not try to gain new knowledge, then he will achieve little good in life.)

Without trousers, but in a hat . (A saying about a person who puts on a new beautiful thing, along with old ugly pants, shoes, or other bad old clothes.)

Discussion: 74 comments

    what is the meaning? help me please


  2. Science is the sea, knowledge is a boat in its vastness


The earliest Russian proverbs and sayings discovered by scientific researchers date back to the twelfth century AD. Accurate, biting expressions, literally a few words long and containing all the salt of folk wisdom, have reached us, albeit in a slightly altered light.

Take, for example, the most well-known sayings, like, “I've eaten dogs in this matter” or “two boots are a match.” This is only part of the phrase; initially these Russian proverbs sounded like this: “I ate the dog and choked on its tail”, “two pair of boots, both on the left foot”.

And immediately the proverbs of the Russian people take on a different meaning, don’t they? They always have a double meaning - direct and indirect, so sometimes you need to read Russian proverbs more than once to understand their meaning.

Of course, many of them are outdated, and the words used in them are also outdated, but nevertheless, most of them still live, carrying their worldly wisdom through the centuries.

Not all proverbs were created specifically in Ancient Rus'; some of them were borrowed from religious books, and much later - from the works of Russian writers.

As an example, we can cite such popular proverbs as "And nothing has changed", under the authorship of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, or, for example, “They don’t wear happy watches.”(from the play “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov).

Russian proverbs are often equipped with a fair amount of humor, forcing people to take a different look at this or that problem, and even, perhaps, find the right solution.

And even though we will never know the authors of many such sayings, their names have been lost, erased in the merciless passage of centuries, erasing human destinies into dust, but these proverbs of the Russian people still live and make us happy. And then it depends only on ourselves whether we will preserve this heritage left by our distant ancestors.

The Russian people composed sayings on the theme of love, friendship, a person’s life path, aptly noting certain details, immortalizing them on paper, and even earlier - on a thin birch bark sheet.

Now, in the age of information technology, it is enough to open the Yandex or Google search bar and enter the query “proverbs of the Russian people”, and many pages with various sayings will immediately appear, and will even be selected according to relevant topics. We don’t even appreciate the fact that today humanity has such powerful capabilities, but many centuries ago, wise sayings were diligently copied by hand and passed on from father to son, from grandfather to grandson.

An interesting fact: it turns out that proverbs and sayings are a layer of cultural heritage found among all peoples of the Earth. And each huge layer of this folk wisdom is similar to all the others in its own way - after all, despite different cultural traditions and customs, ways of life, all people, without exception, value honest work, good relationships - whether with neighbors or relatives, and value hard work and a sharp mind.

This is exactly what popular sayings are about - they emphasize the importance of work in a person’s life, ridicule laziness, greed and other human vices, and joke about everyday troubles.

In essence, it is humor that helps a person survive troubles. Humor and hope for the best, it’s not for nothing that one of the sayings says: “In joy, know your limits, in trouble, do not lose faith”. And this is just one of hundreds of thousands of others!

It is also interesting that many sayings of different peoples of the world are very consonant with each other, for example, the well-known phrase about an apple and an apple tree is very popular all over the world, only each nation has reshaped it in its own way.

Funny video about proverbs:

They are easily remembered, imprinted in the memory forever, and perhaps that is why they live for so many centuries. After all, books may be lost, Internet sites may stop working, but what you remember will be forever in your head. And you yourself will be able to pass on this wisdom of the Russian people, captured in apt phrases, to your children and grandchildren, and maybe great-grandchildren - who knows?

“Proverbs and sayings are both useful and dangerous,
like any other stereotypes"

Quick explanation

Proverb- this is a whole sentence with meaning, and proverb- just a beautiful phrase or phrase. This is the main feature that distinguishes proverbs from sayings.

A proverb contains a moral, a sign, a warning, or an instruction. A saying is simply an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced with other words.


Proverbs and sayings are often confused

On the Internet they often write “Proverbs and sayings”, and at the same time they mean only proverbs.

Most often, sites provide a list of “Proverbs and sayings”, which in fact only contain proverbs. Very rarely, some sayings may appear in such lists. It is not uncommon to find a list of proverbs entitled as a list of sayings.

How not to confuse the words of proverbs and sayings?

To remember not to confuse these concepts with each other, use the following tips:

1. There is a phrase “Proverbs and sayings”.
Word " proverbs"always comes first, since a proverb is whole complete sentence, with morals and deep meaning.
And the word " sayings always in second place because it just a beautiful and symbolic phrase, unable to act as an independent proposal.

2. Read individual articles about and sayings on this site. Feel the difference between them.

3. You can always go to this page to once again remember the differences between proverbs and sayings.

Proverb - complete sentence

A proverb is a short sentence containing folk wisdom. It is written in simple folk language and often has rhyme and rhythm.


You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

An empty barrel rattles louder.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Small spool but precious.

A saying is a symbolic phrase or phrase

A proverb is an established phrase or phrase, figurative expression, metaphor. Not used on its own.
Proverbs are used in sentences to give a bright artistic color to facts, things and situations.

Examples of sayings

“to put a pig” (to play a dirty trick)

“disservice” (help that turns into harm)

“to be left with the nose” (to be deceived)

"stay at a broken trough"(to lose something due to stupid behavior)

“when the cancer whistles on the mountain” (never)

“wedding general” (an important person who is of no actual use)

Examples of using sayings in sentences

I'll give you this car when the cancer on the mountain whistles.

Illegally dismissed employee screwed us over.

Basilio the cat and Alice the fox left Pinocchio with a nose.

Our new director walks around important, is interested in every nonsense, pretends that he understands something, and at the same time asks the most stupid questions, in short - another wedding general.

To obtain more complete knowledge about proverbs and sayings, the following articles on our website are recommended.

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