Samoyed husky. Samoyed dog Samoyed puppies breed description

For thousands of years, the Samoyed dog has faithfully served and continues to serve the northern peoples, sharing with its owners all the hardships of life in the harsh climate of Siberia. This is one of the oldest Spitz breeds.

The Samoyed dog is also called Samoyed, Samoyed Laika, or Samoyed Spitz. A distinctive feature of these animals is their signature “smile,” which gives the Samoyed a mischievous, cheerful appearance.

History of the breed

The homeland of the Samoyed dog is Siberia, the northern territories of Russia. Breeders did not have a chance to work on this breed, since nature itself worked on its formation. The purity of the breed, its genetic code, remained intact for thousands of years.

The Samoyed Laika is a very ancient breed, living in the North together with the northern tribes for a long time. These hardy animals, adapted to harsh natural conditions, were used in sleds as sled dogs; they also guarded herds of livestock and helped their owners during the hunt, although they practically had no hunting instinct. In addition, Samoyeds make excellent nannies; they are ready to endlessly play with children, treating babies with care and affection.

Northern dogs have another important purpose. When the frost at night was too severe, the owners let the Samoyeds into the tent. Animals went to sleep next to people, warming them with their warmth. There is no substitute for such a “hot water bottle”. Modern Samoyeds, kept in cozy apartments, just like their ancestors, strive to warm and create comfort for a person. If he falls asleep with the pet at his side, the dog will lie quietly, motionless, waiting for the owner to wake up.

Regarding the name of the breed, there are different versions, the most reliable options are the following:

1. All Samoyed peoples were called Samoyeds. The sled dogs that these tribes kept and bred were called Samoyed dogs.
2. When the Samoyeds were harnessed to a sled and the sleigh was driving through the white snow, against its background, dogs with light coat color were almost invisible. A person watching such a team from afar might think that the sleigh was moving on its own. This is where the name of the “invisible” dogs – Samoyeds – comes from.

Breed standard

The exterior of the Samoyed clearly shows strength and endurance, combined with elegance and softness. It is impossible to confuse it with another type of Samoyed. The unique shape and placement of the eyes, combined with the slightly upturned corners of the mouth, creates the appearance of a smile. White fur and the signature Samoyed smile are the main distinguishing features of this type of animal.

Samoyed huskies are a medium-sized breed. There are three different species: fox-shaped, bear-shaped and wolf-shaped. In this way, dogs are distinguished by head type. Adult weight 17-30 kg., height approx. 53-57 cm. Males differ from females in their larger size.

The powerful head rests on a strong, slightly curved neck. The ears are triangular, slightly rounded at the ends, small in size, mobile, set wide and high. The muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose; a square or narrow format is not allowed. Almond-shaped eyes are brown, slightly slanted. The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite.

Compact build. Limbs are straight, parallel, muscular. In a calm state, the tail is lowered to the bottom; when the dog is alarmed, excited, the tail is thrown over the back.

The unique shiny coat is capable of self-cleaning, it does not have a specific dog odor and is waterproof. The guard hair is straight and hard. The undercoat is soft and dense. Males have longer and coarser coats than females. The head is framed by a lush “collar”; on the limbs there are feathers called “pants”.

The following coat colors are allowed: white with biscuit, cream, snow white. Pale brown color is not allowed according to the standard.

Maintenance and care

It is not recommended to keep such an energetic, restless and freedom-loving dog in an apartment. A chain and kennel are also not suitable for a Samoyed. He needs space, freedom of movement, will. If a northern dog is locked in a cramped apartment for a long time or put on a chain, he will become sad, angry and may even get sick due to the resulting stress.

If there is a private fenced yard, the Samoyed will happily walk around the territory. She can also adapt to apartment and aviary housing provided she takes long daily walks with active pastime. Having chosen an enclosure as your pet’s home, be sure to let him go for a run every day. The enclosure should not be cramped; for a Samoyed, build it spacious and open.

When keeping an apartment, equip the dog with a sleeping place with a rug or bed. This place should not be in a passing place, in a draft, or near heating devices. Set out bowls for water and food.

Surprisingly, having a thick coat, the Samoyed Laika can easily tolerate hot climates. The main thing is to properly care for your pet, following the rules and carrying out all hygiene procedures:

  • Comb 2-3 times a week. During shedding, brush daily. This procedure prevents tangling and loose hair, removes dead hair, and also removes dust.
  • Bathe twice a year using a special shampoo for dogs with white coat color. An exception occurs in cases of severe contamination.
  • Eyes and ears are wiped 1-2 times every 7 days.
  • Claws are trimmed as they grow.
  • Brush your teeth regularly; for this it is recommended to buy special bones for your dog.


Despite the active lifestyle characteristic of the northern breed, Samoyeds are not gluttonous; they eat relatively little. You can feed them dry food or natural products. In the first case, it is recommended to purchase premium food from reliable, trusted sellers. In the second case, dog food should not be expired. The food is bought high quality, fresh. Only with a properly formulated diet will a puppy grow into a beautiful, healthy, active dog.

Nutrition should be balanced. It is necessary to provide your pet with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is forbidden to feed food from the owner's table, as spices and salt are harmful to the animal's body. It is also prohibited to feed the dog smoked meats, sweets, small chicken and pork bones, and fatty dairy products.

With a natural feeding method, the basis of the diet is meat. At the same time, pork is prohibited; the ideal option is beef.


Like all Siberians, the Samoyed dog is hardy, strong, and nature has blessed it with good health. If properly cared for, the Samoyed can live up to 15 years.

Health problems are rare, but you need to be prepared for them. The list below outlines the diseases that Samoyed Huskies are most often susceptible to:

  • - a disease associated with a lack of insulin. With proper treatment and nutrition, the animal will be able to lead a full life.
  • Deafness– genetic predisposition.
  • – a hereditary disease that affects the joints.
  • Digestive problems– due to improper nutrition, bloating or volvulus may occur.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Cystitis– a serious inflammatory disease of the bladder and urethra.
  • Nose pigment change– as a result of changes in weather conditions, when daylight hours are shortened, the dog’s nose loses pigment.

Samoyed owners must be very careful when treating their pets. The fact is that representatives of the breed in many cases can have an allergic reaction to certain medications. Self-medication without the supervision of a veterinarian is strictly prohibited.

Samoyed character

The Samoyed breed is valued because even an inexperienced dog breeder can handle it. These pets are distinguished by their friendliness, unpretentiousness, intelligence and lack of aggressiveness. The Samoyed Laika is quite suitable for guard duty; it is a good guard, since the dog is not a fearful one. But hunting instincts are weak. This helps the pet get along peacefully with all pets.

As a sled dog in the north, the Samoyed is irreplaceable. He is able to sense danger where it is not visible. For example, a dog will never step on a place where there is a crack under deep snow, he will not go where there are holes. In any snowstorm, in a hopeless situation, when the owner gets lost, his pet will find his way home and save a person’s life.

Samoyed dogs get along well with children. They are playful and always seem to be in a great mood. Kids enjoy playing with such resilient pets. But due to the fact that the Samoyed loves to make noise, bark and even howl, it is not recommended for families with infants and very young children. It will not be possible to completely pacify the “talkativeness” of pets.

It’s not for nothing that Samoyeds are called optimistic dogs. Experts recommend communicating more with these animals to those who suffer from depression and are pessimists. The dog himself is drawn to people, and it is hard to bear loneliness. He will never start a fight first, unless he responds to aggression towards him. He will not let himself be offended; aggressiveness is not in the nature of the Samoyed.

Training and education

Without training it is impossible to raise an obedient dog. Learning begins from the first months of life. A Samoyed puppy often shows stubbornness during training; the owner must be prepared for this and be patient. For example, if a small pet refuses to follow a command for the third and fourth time in a row, and the owner does not seek obedience, the puppy will systematically ignore the commands. It is important to bring the matter to the end every time and get the ward to carry out the order.

During education and training, coercion and encouragement are used. Punishments should be minimal. The Samoyed is a proud dog, despite all its friendliness, it can become very offended and flatly refuse training. It is necessary to take into account that this is a pack breed; it is important for its representative to know who the leader of the pack is. The owner must show the pet that he is a leader and his word is law.

Pros and cons of the breed

When buying a Samoyed puppy, you need to realistically assess your strengths and capabilities. This dog will require a lot of attention from you. Like any breed, the Samoyed Laika has its pros and cons:


1. Devotion.
2. The ability to sense danger.
3. Friendly to people and animals.
4. Tender attitude towards children.
5. Adaptability to both hot climates and frosts.
6. Beautiful exterior.
7. Cheerful, playful disposition.
8. Unpretentiousness in nutrition.
9. Easy care.
10. Good health.


1. Heavy shedding.
2. They like to howl and bark for a long time.
3. The need for frequent, long walks.
4. Unsuitable for tight spaces.

Based on the characteristics of the Samoyed dog, it can be argued that it is ideal for families with children who like to lead an active lifestyle. Samoyeds will be happy to accompany their owners on hikes in nature, and charge them with optimism and good mood.

She has a unique coat, a playful disposition and an innate smile.

The Samoyed dog loves snow and thrives best in wide open spaces.

The characteristics of the breed cannot be imagined without a description of the coat. The Samoyed's hair is dense, plentiful, and thick. The Samoyed is a double-coated dog with a soft, short undercoat and a long, harsh outer coat.. In males, a collar forms around the neck and shoulders. There are “pants” on the hind legs, the tail is profusely pubescent.

Interesting fact: Samoyeds' fur fluffs up in the cold. And the colder it is, the more “fluffy” the dog will be.

Typical color for the breed:

  • white
  • cream
  • white with biscuit.

The color should not contain a pale brown tint.

Exists unofficial classification by C. Scott based on the shape of dogs' heads, according to which Samoyeds are divided into:

  • bear-shaped;
  • fox-shaped;
  • wolf-like.

The life expectancy of a Samoyed dog is 14-15 years.

Character, abilities, skills

A very talkative breed, cheerful and friendly. In exceptional cases, stubborn specimens are found. They remain playful until old age. Here is a brief description of the Samoyed: friendly, unpretentious and hardy.

The Samoyed is completely unsuited to the profession of a security guard - he completely lacks aggression towards strangers and strangers.

The practical application of the Samoyed is in the search and rescue field.

The breed is highly trainable, but training must begin at an early age. They accept persistent training. Easily adapt to new conditions. Puppies of this breed are in dire need of early socialization.

Samoyeds are ideal for sledding, in which a skier moves freestyle along a ski distance with one or more dogs (skijoring). It is also an excellent companion and family member, it very easily senses the owner’s mood: the owner is sad - the dog will just sit quietly next to him; the owner is in a playful mood - the dog will happily play and run wild.

Conditions of detention

It is advisable to keep a Samoyed dog in a private home. Experts recommend feeding Samoyeds with premium food and not mixing them with “natural” food. Have you chosen natural feeding? Follow simple rules to keep your pet healthy and active:

  • The food remaining after feeding should be hidden in the refrigerator;
  • The porridge should be cooked in low-fat meat broth;
  • Raw meat must always be scalded with boiling water;
  • You need to feed the Samoyed only after a walk, after 15-20 minutes.

Never give your dog prohibited foods (pasta, smoked meats, chocolate, chicken bones, raw eggs, baked goods, etc.).

The Samoyed has a self-cleaning coat, so you need to bathe them rarely, as needed. For water treatments, super cleansing and whitening shampoos for dogs with white fur are used. It is imperative to use a hair mask or conditioner - this is how we protect the dog’s fur from the harmful effects of shampoo.

Maintenance and care of the Samoyed includes combing the coat. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week with a slicker brush or a metal comb with long and round teeth. You don't have to get rid of the wool: it's great for making thread and knitting warm items.

For prevention, you can wipe your eyes once a week with cotton wool soaked in weak tea leaves. The auricle should be wiped once a week with a damp cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Paws should be wiped with a damp cloth after a walk and examined for cuts and injuries. Once every two months you need to trim your nails with a nail clipper for medium breeds. Be sure to trim the fur between your toes. Do not forget about the fifth dewclaw, and also that after trimming the claws need to be filed.

The heat is difficult for a dog to bear, so it must have constant access to water and a bed in the shade.

Origin of the Samoyed dog breed and its original habitat. Description of appearance from the standard, character and ability to train. The nuances of hair care, as well as possible health problems.

Primitive breeds share a similar appearance and purpose, but Samoyeds stand out from this group. Their character is recognized as very friendly, and their training abilities are high. The breed is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world every year.

History of snow-white dogs

The Samoyed dog has served the peoples of the North and part of Siberia for several centuries. She had a lot of real work:

  1. Cargo transportation;
  2. Livestock grazing;
  3. Protection of possessions.

Samoyeds were also warmers and nannies for children and adults. They went hunting with some pets, but these qualities have not taken root in modern dogs. They had light fur, with a thick undercoat. Samoyeds amazed with their endurance and devotion.

At the end of the 19th century, the first dog was taken to England. Soon several more individuals appeared there. They worked on hauling and transporting goods in snowy areas. Enthusiasts set about breeding an independent breed and they succeeded.

In the 20th century, there were almost none of them left throughout Russia. Similar individuals were found only in remote corners of the country, but it is difficult to call them purebreds. By the end of the century, the first representatives arrived in Russia from England and other Western countries.

The breed received its official name “Samoyed” from the Sami tribes. Other options: Arctic Spitz, Samoyed or Laika.

Standard and description of appearance

Important characteristics:

  1. Ideal height: males 53–60 cm, females 48–53 cm;
  2. Weight: males 20–32 kg, females 17–25 kg;
  3. Color: white, cream, biscuit spots are acceptable;
  4. Eye color: dark brown;
  5. Nose: black, let’s say “winter nose” effect, but with a black frame;
  6. Coat: double-layered, with a long fluffy axis and a thick undercoat;
  7. Bite: scissor bite;
  8. Ears: high set, triangular;
  9. Tail: Set high, of moderate length.

Samoyed wool can be seen from afar, it is very stuffed. It forms a collar on the neck, “pants” on the hips, and the tail is even more pubescent. Bitches have less hair than males. The color of the coat is only light, without bright spots, the guard coat of a healthy dog ​​is shiny. Eyes of different or blue colors are considered a defect.

Bitches are more graceful than males. However, all individuals have strong legs and an elegant build. The muzzle is moderately narrowed, the eyes are slightly slanted. Together with the breed's signature smile, they create a positive impression. The lips and eye rims are black.

A dog like a Samoyed moves easily and has a powerful drive. She is active and energetic, without aggression or cowardice. Always friendly to people and animals.

The first English standard was published in 1909. The modern version of the description from the ICF document appeared in 1997.

Character and temperament

Features of Samoyeds:

  1. Goodwill;
  2. Openness;
  3. Activity;
  4. Devotion;
  5. Attentiveness;
  6. Endurance;
  7. Unpretentiousness;
  8. Sociability.

Samoyeds are a true companion who is not afraid of problems. This is facilitated by physical data and a stable psyche. In the USA they are called mood dogs, they are always ready to follow a person, they get to know other dogs without hesitation, and never touch cats.

By temperament they are more sanguine. They know how to listen and feel the mood of the owner. They seek attention and achieve it. They sleep lightly, ready at any moment to go in search of adventure or a regular walk.

In the description of the modern Samoyed Laika breed, aggression is considered an unacceptable manifestation. Therefore, it is convenient to walk with such dogs in public places and travel.

They study the world around them with interest, not missing a single new detail.

They participate in any activity. Left alone at home, they can chew furniture, shoes, run and bark. This indicates a lack of attention and stress. Simple training with walks will help deal with this behavior. They do not tolerate a change of owner well, as they become attached to one for life. They love to be praised and constantly catch the eye of their owner.

Relationships with people and other pets

Samoyeds get along with any people, but there are care features that impose certain obligations on the owner of this breed. A potential buyer of a snow-white Samoyed puppy should love active pastime and activities with fur.

Although the breed is very friendly and good with children, it is not suitable for a child. The first reason is size. Adult dogs weigh more than 20 kg, and the saiga will envy their agility. A child will not hold a pet that wants to play with its relatives or run after a bird. A responsible teenager can solve this problem if he works with the puppy under the supervision of a dog handler.

Pets are friends for the Samoyed; he will never hurt a cat or small dog. He does not enter into conflicts, does not know how to fight, and avoids any skirmishes. This is an affectionate and gentle dog, drawn to the same relatives. Gets along well with other dogs in the house. There are very few dominant individuals among Samoyeds.

Because of the loud barking of a Samoyed dog or husky, those who like peace and quiet in the house can quickly become bored with the pet. There are ways to wean him from this annoying habit.

White and fluffy wool, when kept outside, will quickly turn gray and unkempt.
In the original habitats of Samoyeds, there is snow most of the time, so they always look clean there. In addition, keeping an aviary requires a lack of communication, and this breed suffers without attention and contact with the owner.

In a private home, Samoyeds quickly get used to the street, but they come home to sleep. They also regularly drop by during the day to find out how the family is doing and get a dose of affection. Such dogs are not kept on a chain.

In the apartment they choose a comfortable place to relax. They follow the owner during his movements and are rarely left alone. They fully justify the purpose of a companion.

A true Samoyed puppy is very active and can get injured if left unattended. Sometimes what saves him is a cage in which he is locked for several hours. Inside it, the dog should be spacious and have enough space for bedding, bowls of food and water. By 12 months, activity decreases slightly.

Samoyeds shed permanently in an apartment. In this case, seasonal shedding is not pronounced, and the coat may not be very thick compared to street dogs.

Training and sports

Samoyeds tend to be a little stubborn, but they show good results in classes. Their mobility and attention to the owner makes training easier. A toy or treat will help you cope with stubbornness. It is necessary to use any positive reinforcement of correct behavior for such a pet.

Their learning abilities are average. You should not expect the German Shepherd's obedience or automatic actions. Samoyeds are an aboriginal breed with their own nuances in character. They can run away during walks, but trained pets in adolescence rarely do this and only in extreme cases.

They engage in various sledding sports. They work well in teams and alone. In terms of strength and stubbornness in achieving goals, they are not inferior to Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes. In the breed characteristics from the standard, you can find references to all of the listed qualities.

General obedience, agility and obedience courses are available for them. Their movements are light, they freely avoid obstacles and cover any distance at high speed.

Training classes begin at an early age. The first of them are like a game, the subsequent ones already become a real school with a clear framework of execution and obedience. Samoyeds are not suitable for guard duty, but they can bark at a stranger who approaches a door or gate.

Care of fur, claws and ears

Wool is one of the main advantages.
The Samoyed dog with a lush and two-layer coat requires significant effort and time to care for. When kept indoors, they are washed 1-2 times a month so that the coat is bright, shiny and smells good. You can achieve snow-white purity with the help of special shampoos; before the exhibition, you also use powders and sprays. It is not advisable to use balms; they weigh down the hair and remove frizz.

Buy two combs for such a pet: a slicker brush and a comb. If you have experience, use a furminator, but be very careful, otherwise it will cut off the spine. During molting, they are brushed daily, the rest of the time they are limited to 2-3 procedures per week. Dry the Samoyed's fur in the direction of hair growth with warm air from a hair dryer or compressor.

Care for teeth, nails and ears is standard. They rarely show signs of allergies or other problems. Therefore, regular inspection and preventive measures are sufficient.

In winter, they can withstand severe frosts with any precipitation, and rain will not wet their thick cover. Samoyeds do not need clothing, only dusters for walks before shows, so that the coat remains snow-white. The Samoyed dog quickly cleans itself of dirt due to its good coat structure.

Feeding Basics

The Samoyed diet includes the following foods:

  1. Lean meat - 60-70%;
  2. Vegetables;
  3. Fruits;
  4. Dairy products;
  5. Chicken egg;
  6. Sea fish;
  7. Porridge.

There should be little grains in the food of these dogs. Turkey meat, beef, and chicken are suitable for daily feeding. Fish is given raw 1-2 times a week, just like a chicken egg. To preserve the white color of the coat, beets, carrots and other products are removed from the diet, from which the coat acquires a yellowish color.

Fermented milk products are necessary to strengthen bones and ligaments. It can be kefir, homemade or calcined cottage cheese for puppies, fermented baked milk.

Dry food is chosen with a small content of cereals from lines for medium breeds of dogs with increased activity . There are ready-made products for breeds with white wool.

With proper care and maintenance, vitamin and mineral supplements are not required. However, for intense physical activity, for example, sledding, they are prescribed by a veterinarian.

In contact with

Snow-white and thick fur with an expressive fox face hides the good-natured and one of the most caring dogs in the world - the Samoyed dog. The Samoyed, or as it is also called the Samoyed Spitz, attracts the attention of people at any age, and it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the breed.

History of the Samoyed dog breed

Readers are interested in what is interesting about the Samoyed dog, why was this harmless and such an attractive dog called that? The Samoyed dog got its name from a group of small peoples of the Far North of Russia. For the first time, the Samoyed dog was used by the peoples of the Samoyed group as a companion. The Enets, Nenets and other peoples from the Samoyed group by religion could not use dogs as sled dogs. But some tribes living on Novaya Zemlya used the breed in sleds. The second version of the origin of the name is associated with the snow-white color of the dog. A dog harnessed to a sleigh merges with the snow-white snow and it seems as if the sleigh is moving on its own. Hence the name - Samoyed.

The breed is similar in appearance to the white polar wolf and it is believed that the dog originated from a domesticated wild animal. Among nomadic tribes, the dog served as a shepherd for deer, helped to babysit small children, and warmed the owner on polar nights. Samoyeds have a well-developed freezing instinct. If you hug a dog, it will try not to move so as not to disturb the person’s sleep.

The dog's appearance was first registered in 1959. The breed was classified as sledding.

Features of the Samoyed Laika

The Samoyed is an elegant and confident dog. The dog loves to bark and is considered one of the most “talkative” breeds. Under the soft and thick snow-white fur hides a well-developed dog, medium in size with good muscles and excellent endurance. At the same time, the dog has a gentle character and adores its owner.

The unusual face is remembered for its smile. The corners of the dog's mouth are slightly raised, and the eyes have a sly squint.

Samoyed Spitz can have a different head structure. Based on this characteristic, the breed is divided into three types:

  • Bear type. The head is more round in shape, the ears are small round in shape, and the muzzle is short.
  • Fox type. The head is light with a sharp and long muzzle, like a Spitz. The ears are pointed and set high.
  • Wolf type. The skull is powerful, but the muzzle is more elongated than that of the bear type.

A dog of any type has an easy-going character and developed intelligence. The Samoyed will become a true friend for a person at any age.

Breed standard (appearance)

There is a single standard that a breed description must meet:

  • Bodybuilding. Stocky body with developed bones, medium size.
  • Back. Straight, not long, not wide, slightly higher than the height at the withers. The scapular joints are well defined.
  • Paws. Straight, long, widely spaced. During the stance, parallel to each other. The hind legs have a developed hock joint and are muscular.
  • Neck. Slightly curved in front, medium size, not thin.
  • Head. Wedge-shaped, with a powerful skull.
  • Forehead. Wide, slightly rounded.
  • Muzzle. Deeply planted, has a strong structure. The length of the muzzle corresponds to the width of the skull. Tapers slightly toward the nose. Dogs with a square and blunt muzzle are rejected.
  • Nose. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lobe has well-developed nostrils. Has a black color. In adult dogs, it may fade into a “snow nose”, but the edging should still fade to black.
  • Lips. Fleshy, slightly full. The corners of the lips slightly lift up. The lips are always black.
  • Bite. The correct one is scissor-shaped. The teeth are well developed and the grip is strong.
  • Ears. Thick and small in size, erect. They have a triangular shape, the tips are slightly rounded. Because of the wide head, the ears are set far apart, but high on the top of the skull. A feature of Samoyeds is their movable ears.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped, with a smart expression. Set wide apart, set deep. They have a dark brown color, the edging of the eyes is always black.
  • Tail. Fluffy, high-ranking. When moving or in an excited state, the tail is thrown up or to the side, and in a calm state it is lowered.
  • Wool cover. Double coat with short and soft undercoat, thick and long hair. The longer coat forms a chic collar around the dog's neck and covers the tail completely. Shorter hair on the paws and head of the Samoyed. On the back of the hock there are thick and long trousers. The spine is not rough, but soft and pliable. When it's cold, the fur becomes fluffier.
  • Color. White only or with small areas of biscuit or cream. Puppies whose color turns to light sand or brown are rejected.
  • Height at withers for males from 53 to 60 cm, for females from 53 to 56 cm. A deviation from the norm of 3 cm downward is allowed.
  • Weight from 17 to 30 kg. Bitches are always smaller than males in all respects.

Average life expectancy is 10 to 15 years. How long a dog will live depends on the way it is kept and fed.

Samoyed character

The characteristics of the breed are similar to the description of any sled breed: , . The capricious Samoyed has the following character traits:

  1. One of the most fun sled dogs. Just like a Spitz loves to play with a ball and any active games.
  2. A friendly dog ​​will not rush at strangers and will gladly allow itself to be petted.
  3. The dog is attached to its owner, but from time to time it demonstrates its independence to him by running away from home or while walking, wandering is in its blood.
  4. The fluffy Northern Husky is easy to train and suitable for the beginning breeder. But from time to time the dog becomes stubborn, so the owner must be patient during training.
  5. Playfulness remains until old age.
  6. He accepts other animals in the house well; he quickly becomes close friends with cats and small dogs, considering them his pack.
  7. The dog loves children; it was not for nothing that nomadic peoples left the dog as a nanny near the cradle. The pet is careful with a small child and will remain motionless while the baby is sleeping.
  8. An attentive breed and suitable for older people as a companion. The pet monitors the owner’s behavior and reacts to changes in the person’s mood.
  9. The dog reacts adequately to noise, clapping and other unexpected stimuli, and is suitable as a guide for a blind person.

One of the downsides is the dog's good-natured behavior. A Samoyed will never become a security guard or bodyguard. The breed, like any sled dog, does not know how to show aggression towards humans.

Care and maintenance

How to care for a pet with such fluffy fur? It is recommended to comb the dog once a day with a special stiff brush. During shedding, the undercoat is removed with a metal comb.

Once a year and before the show, the dog is washed with a special detangling shampoo. But soft and thick wool takes a long time to dry. Therefore, after the procedure, it is dried with a hairdryer.

After each walk, you need to inspect your pet's paws. The Samoyed loves to run and is curious, so it often cuts its pads. The damaged area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and lubricated with fucorcin.

The dog is not afraid of drafts and low temperatures. The coat is better in animals that are kept outside. But the enclosure must be quite reliable; the dog makes digs and easily jumps over high fences.


Samoyed huskies are not artificially bred and have high immunity. But before a year, the puppy must be vaccinated against viral diseases: plague, enteritis, parainfluenza, hepatitis. By the age of one year, an active dog is vaccinated against rabies.

The Samoyed dog is predisposed to the following pathologies:

  1. Eye diseases: cataracts, retinal atrophy. The diseases develop against the background of untreated conjunctivitis and appear in older dogs. As a preventative measure, once a week the eyes are treated with an antiseptic or chamomile infusion to remove dirt and mucus.
  2. Endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. They develop more often in dogs fed natural food.
  3. Renal tissue dysplasia. Congenital pathology.
  4. Joint dysplasia is more common than in other breeds of the Far North. In a mild form of the disease, the disease practically does not manifest itself; the dog has a slight lameness.

Before buying a puppy, you should ask what pathologies the pet’s parents and grandparents suffered from. If the parents were in excellent health, but the grandmother has joint dysplasia, then your dog may well get the disease.

Samoyed dog training

Easy to train, a puppy up to a year old can be taught the most complex tricks and commands. The owner can independently teach him to follow commands: sit, ugh, come to me, walk.

After three months, the Samoyed is enrolled in OKD courses. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the dog will learn to walk side by side, lie down and stand, and will follow commands given by signs. It is important to combine training with sports activities. The sledding breed needs a daily run, and the course with obstacles will only bring joy to your pet. The light dog jumps over the highest barriers and maintains good balance on a log.

If the puppy begins to be stubborn, do not insist on following the command. Punishments will also not bring the desired result. It’s better not to insist and replace the workout with a walk-rest or a game of ball. After some time, you need to return to training.

Samoyeds, like other sled dogs, are not allowed to participate in protective guard training. A dog of this breed will not learn guarding qualities.


Good coat condition and the dog's physical activity depend on a properly selected diet. It is easier to feed with specialized foods: ABBA Premium Adult, ProNature Classic, Perfect Fit, Monge Dog Medium.

Natural feeding is more problematic, since not all products are suitable. What to feed the pet is the owner's choice.

The natural food diet consists of the following products:

  • lean meat and offal;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn, rolled oats;
  • vegetables, any except potatoes and onions;
  • fruits and berries.

It is forbidden to give your dog confectionery, baked goods made from wheat flour, smoked and pickled foods, and semi-finished products.

  1. Puppies are separated from their mother's milk at 1-1.5 months.
  2. Up to 2 months, the puppy’s diet consists of liquid porridge with milk formula and a small amount of fermented milk products. The puppy should be fed every 3-4 hours.
  3. From 3 to 4 months, porridge with meat broth and a small amount of lean meat are added to the diet. The number of feedings is reduced to four.
  4. From 4 to 6 months, the dog is switched to three meals a day. Vegetables and fruits, cartilage and offal are gradually added to the diet.
  5. From 6 to 8 months, the puppy is transferred to two feedings a day. An adult dog is fed in the morning and evening.

Vitamins are added to the diet of a dog on natural food.

Suitable brands:

  • In 1 Excel Deter;
  • Beaphar Laveta Super;
  • Doctor Zoo;
  • Polidex Super wool plus;
  • Beaphar Vitamine B Complex.



In the photo, the Samoyed has a standard white color, with fluffy and thick hair.

In the photo we managed to capture the traditional “Samoyed smile”, which makes the dog’s facial expression even more intelligent and cute.

Puppies are more like plush toys.

Samoyed dog(Samoyed) - northern white breed, medium height. Companion, shepherd, watchman and sled dog. This snow-white beauty captivates a person’s heart with his beauty and elegance at first sight. This is a dog that smiles, because the corners of their lips are raised, which is very similar to a smile. They sing, love people, and are always ready to help. Dogs have a proud posture, dignity and endurance, a gentle character and self-confidence.

The Samoyed dog is considered one of the oldest breeds and is closely related to the Spitz.

In Siberia, their homeland, they are used in sleigh rides, they herd reindeer, and do an excellent job as a living heating pad for humans on a harsh winter night. It’s so nice to hug them, and they seem to feel their purpose, they seem to freeze and lie calmly, giving off warmth next to you.

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed dog) - history of the breed

The photo shows a Samoyed dog wearing red tulips.

The Samoyed Laika is an Arctic dog that accompanied the ancient Samoyed tribes who lived in northern Russia and Siberia in their nomadic life, helping them survive in the harsh climate. Tribes used it as a sled and guard dog to hunt walruses and bears. As nannies for children, they always warmed the little ones with their warmth on cold nights.

The dog could get its name from the fact that, being harnessed to a sled, it rode through the snow, and it was not visible (the white fur dissolved in the snow), it seemed that the sleigh was moving on its own, hence the name.

  • There is a version that in 1889, the British zoologist Ernst Kilbrun Scott from his expedition brought a brown puppy named Dog to England. From his next trips he brings back a cream-colored bitch named Whiteley Pechora (White Pechora) and a white dog named Masti. In 1909, the first breed standard was recorded in England.
  • There is also an erroneous version of the appearance of the Samoyed Laika at the end of the 19th century in Great Britain. The famous explorer Robert Scott, who reached the South Pole, used the husky to transport heavy loads over long distances, thereby drawing attention to this amazing breed.

But with any version, the modern Samoyed comes from various individuals imported to England. Dog breeders have appreciated the qualities of the Samoyed Laika, and today it is very popular in many countries.

Description of the Samoyed dog breed and FCI standard

  • The Samoyed dog has a double coat: long, heavy, flexible, non-curly guard hair with a short, soft and dense undercoat.
  • Around the neck and shoulders, it forms a “collar”, this is more noticeable in males. The cover on the head is short and even.
  • On the outer side of the ear it is short and grows vertically to the ear. The inner surface of the ear is well furred. On the thigh, the fur resembles “pants.”
  • The coat of females is shorter and softer than that of males.

Samoyed husky color

Samoyed dog photo of a baby on a turquoise blanket

  • White
  • Cream
  • White with fawn markings

The predominant color should be white with an inconspicuous amount of biscuit markings. There should be no presence of pale brown.

Samoyed dog (Laika) character

By nature, the Samoyed is a smart, friendly, intelligent, affectionate and devoted dog. He can sense the owner’s mood very well and can just sit quietly next to you if you are tired. But if the owner is in a playful mood, the dog is always ready for play and pranks. He has a balanced psyche and is suitable for families with children.

They love children and their company and play and frolic with them all day. Serves as a good nanny and toy for them at the same time. Children who are too young should not be left alone with a dog for a long time, due to their size and playful temperament. He may simply not calculate his strength when playing and knock the child to the floor. But he will never intentionally bite anyone.

The dog gets along well with cats and pets with whom it grows up. But I often hunt other people's cats. Not at all suitable as a security guard. Has a complete lack of aggression and distrust of strangers.

In the photo, a white Samoyed dog poses for the camera.

She doesn't bark, doesn't bite, doesn't rush at people. But he is a good watchman and has a great sense of his territory. They don’t like to be left at home alone, they don’t live separately from people, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an apartment or a country house. The Samoyed dog is a bright representative of a pack breed that is accustomed to living in a family - a pack and being part of it. They get along well in any conditions, do not take up much space in the house, but need regular walking and active walks.

In hot climates, Samoyeds overheat, which is very dangerous for their health. They need access to fresh, cool air and plenty of water to drink.

They are easy to train, they are smart and understanding, but they should start from an early age. They take well to persistent and patient training. Excellent for agility and skijoring (a sledding sport in which a cross-country skier moves freely along a ski course with one or more dogs).

Samoyed Laika - care and maintenance

Photo of Samoyed husky mother with puppy

Coat: dense, snow-white with dense undercoat, practically odorless, sheds. Shedding is seasonal and heavy. Many breeders do not throw it away, but collect it, weave threads from it and knit warm products.

It is enough to comb 1 - 2 times a week with a slicker brush or a metal comb with long and round teeth.

The shedding period lasts 2-3 weeks, once a year for males and twice a year for females; brushing will have to be done daily. But if you live in an apartment with warm, dry air, shedding will be constant and you will have to comb and vacuum the house more often.

Bathing: The Samoyed has a self-cleaning coat and requires bathing rarely or only when necessary. For example, a dog is always bathed before a show, or once every 1 - 2 months. She is characterized by cleanliness and neatness. Too frequent washing makes the skin dull, washing away natural fats, the skin flakes and turns red. For bathing the Samoyed, use whitening and super cleansing shampoos for dogs with white hair. Always use a conditioner or hair mask, this way you will protect your hair from the harmful effects of shampoo.

In the photo, a Samoyed husky plays with a ball of red thread.

Eyes: in a healthy Samoyed they are shiny, without souring and without tear tracks. Once a week, to prevent souring, you can wipe with a damp soft cloth soaked in weak tea leaves.

Ears: Check regularly for large wax buildup or foul odor. Once a week, wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Claws and paws: after a walk, wipe with a damp cloth and look for any cuts or injuries. With an active lifestyle, the claws should wear off, but they will still have to be trimmed. Be sure to accustom your dog to this procedure from an early age, otherwise trimming the nails of an adult Samoyed will not be easy. Once every 2 months, trim the nails with a nail clipper for medium breeds, always remember about the fifth dewclaw. Sharp ends must be smoothed with a nail file. The fur between the pads must be trimmed.

Samoyed dog photo in the snow

You will have to take the Samoyed for walks a lot and often, at least 2 times a day. Laika is active and temperamental, loves to be the center of attention. Choose places for walks where your dog can be trained, run, and taught how to perform simple commands.

Nutrition of the Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)

Photo of Samoyed dogs outdoors in the forest

There are two types of feeding:

  1. dry prepared food
  2. natural food

You can find out which food is best for your dog by consulting your veterinarian about his health condition. Many experts recommend feeding the Samoyed husky with ready-made premium food, and under no circumstances mixing it with natural food. They contain all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for development and health.

When choosing to feed natural foods, follow simple rules and your dog will be healthy and active.

  • Always feed freshly prepared food at room temperature
  • Provide constant access to water
  • One serving should be eaten as a snack
  • Hide any leftover food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • In this case, make the next portion smaller
  • Provide your husky with essential vitamins and minerals
  • Never give prohibited foods
  • Always scald raw meat with boiling water, or cook in a small amount of water for 5-10 minutes of boiling.
  • Cook porridge in low-fat meat broth
  • Feed the Samoyed only after a walk, after 15-20 minutes
  • Frozen fish or fillets, 1 - 3 times a month (remove from freezer, hold for 10 - 20 minutes at room temperature, divide into 300-400 gram portions)
  • Bones from pressed veins (only possible from 5-6 months)
  • If you notice that your Samoyed eats excrement, don’t be alarmed, buy unpeeled tripe, divide it into portions, and let’s chew it 1-2 times a week (for 1-2 months)
  • Veterinarians recommend using natural food when raising a Samoyed for up to 6-9 months.

Laikas lined up for a photo shoot

Prohibited foods for Samoyed:

  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Chicken bones
  • Raw eggs
  • Bakery products
  • Pasta
  • Smoked meats
  • Pork and fatty meat
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Mutton
  • Fresh veal
  • Beet
  • Potato
  • Spices
  • River fish
  • Beef (rump, stock parts, edge, lungs, heart)
  • Ground beef for small puppies
  • Chicken, turkey, rabbit
  • Sea fish (can be raw, lean, not bony)
  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, you can mix 1:2, boiled in broth)
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk)
  • Goat's milk and cottage cheese (very healthy for puppies)
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Greenery

Attention: introduce vegetables and fruits one new product per day, carefully monitor the body’s reaction to avoid allergies!

Samoyed husky (dog) training

The Samoyed needs training and education from an early age. You must show patience, understanding and most importantly, never use physical force. Set rules for huskies from the first minute, as soon as the puppy gets to your home, he should know what he can and cannot do. If you don’t want an adult dog to climb onto the bed, don’t let the puppy sleep with you, no matter how much he asks, he must know his place.

The Samoyed Laika is very sensitive to the intonation of the owner’s voice, therefore, do not scold him too much, if he has done something wrong, say sharply “Fu” and lightly slap him on the face, never hit him, the dog should not feel pain.

Be sure to teach your puppy the “Come to me” commands; he must come to you at home or on the street.
Command “Fu” - the owner prohibits, the Samoyed must move away or throw the object that interests him.

When following a command, always praise it and treat it with a treat. Teach your dog not to even approach the road; many die under the wheels of cars. But in any case, you shouldn’t let the Samoyed off the leash while walking in the city. To maintain good physical and mental health, the Laika is recommended to play a lot, run in the fresh air, live surrounded by a loving family, and feel the need.

The Samoyed is a sled dog; in winter, it can be harnessed to a sled and let the kids take it for rides.
In the first year of his life, he misbehaves and plays pranks; he becomes an adult only at the age of 3. But with proper upbringing, he grows up to be an intelligent and reliable friend.

Samoyed huskies cannot be kept on a chain, they cannot stand it, they begin to get sick and waste away.

Choose a place in the house in a secluded corner so that it does not disturb you when you sleep; it should not be in a draft or near a radiator.

By 5 months, when riding training begins, he must know the commands “Sit”, “Lie down” and “Come to me”.

When teaching your baby, praise and reward with treats:

  • Boiled beef liver or lungs (cut into 1x1 cm pieces, lightly dry in the oven until it becomes a crouton)
  • Boiled chicken hearts (finely chopped)
  • Lamb gizzards (finely chopped)

Choosing a Samoyed Husky puppy

If you want to buy a Samoyed, pay attention to several factors:

  1. Pay attention to the conditions of detention
  2. The room should be clean, warm, well ventilated, without any unpleasant odor.
  3. Ask to see your parents.
  4. Be sure to ask the breeder for a pedigree
  5. Learn about hereditary diseases
  6. Choose a mobile and active puppy
  7. A purebred Samoyed has a small head, small almond-shaped eyes, and a short and wide muzzle. The ears are small, triangular, and widely spaced. The coat is clean, shiny and without dandruff.
  8. Don't forget to take documents and veterinary passport.
  9. Find out about all vaccinations at the time of purchase.

Diseases of the Samoyed Laika

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Kidney disease
  • Bloating
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Portosystemic shunt
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Depigmentation of the nose
  • Congenital deafness

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