The most beautiful cats and dogs. The most beautiful cat breeds: is it possible to find the best of the best?

Cats are the cutest and most gentle pets. And if you decide, then, undoubtedly, you will want to choose the most beautiful, intelligent and appropriate for your lifestyle. After all, for comfortable coexistence together, your beloved pet should be as similar to you as possible.

Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of cats in the world.

1. Norwegian forest.
This is the only species that can descend from a tree upside down in a spiral.

These are playful, friendly and lively pussies. They feel good around children and get along well with other relatives and dogs.

Representatives of this species, they have thick fur on the neck, reminiscent of a chic collar and long hair on the hind legs, similar to panties. These pussies are unique because they have two layers of fur: upper layer– soft and shiny, and the bottom layer performs a protective function; thanks to its thick oily structure, it does not allow moisture to pass through.

They are descendants of forest wild animals, therefore they have excellent hunting qualities, and thanks to their thick fur they tolerate cold well.

Weight: 5 – 7.5 kg.

2. Turkish Angora.
They are easy to train; some representatives of this breed love to swim.

Very elegant and flexible. In appearance, they are real aristocrats: self-confident and energetic. Angoras are very inquisitive and it is almost impossible to hold them in your arms.

Most often, Turkish Angoras have ideal White color fur. : one eye is blue and the other is amber. These animals are very affectionate and form strong bonds with their owners. They cannot stand loneliness.

They just love heights. They can often be found at the highest place in the apartment.

Weight: 2.5 – 4.5 kg.

It is generally accepted that the first cat that was tamed by man was this particular breed.

This is one of the most common subspecies of pets around the world. The European coat is thick and shiny. Tail middle length, slightly rounded at the end.

Each individual of this breed has a purely individual character. But all of them, without exception, easily adapt to new conditions. They easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners. They do not require special care.

They get along well with other relatives and dogs, but due to their highly developed hunting instinct, it is better not to have rodents and birds as neighbors.

Weight: 3.5 – 6.5 kg.

4. Persian.
It is in this breed that the males are much more affectionate and gentle than the females. They become attached to their owner very quickly. They love to sit on your arms or on your shoulder.

Imposing, peaceful and unusually fluffy purrs. Very friendly, completely satisfied with life in the apartment (if it is quiet and peaceful).

They have a soft, silky and very thick coat with a long undercoat. The length of the hair on the body reaches approximately 10 cm, and on the collar area - 20 cm. Completely different colors are allowed

The most characteristic feature of this variety is the nose: small, wide and slightly snub-nosed.

Weight: 3.5 – 7 kg.

5. Russian Blue.
When interacting with people, the Russian Blue will never allow itself to let out its claws.

These are smart and medium sized. Their character is soft and obedient. When communicating with their owner, they always show their best qualities and respond well to gestures and tone. But with strangers they behave timidly and unconfidently.

They have a short coat with a soft texture and a neat, fine undercoat. The color is clean and uniform: blue with a distinct silver tint.

Weight: 3 – 6 kg.

6. Maine Coon.
There are specific tufts at the tips of Maine Coon ears, which make them look as much like a lynx as possible.

In appearance and coloring, the Maine Coon resembles a real domestic lynx. But, despite this, they have a friendly, peaceful and flexible character. They are neat and will not sharpen their claws on furniture if there are special devices for this.

Coat of varying lengths throughout the body, from 10 to 15 cm. For this breed characteristic light undercoat, which may thicken closer to winter.

Weight: 7 – 10 kg.

7. Ocicat.
This is a social cat. He is full of energy and ready to play at any moment. Even if guests come to the house, the Ocicat will easily find a common language with them.

Despite its wild appearance, the Ocicat is a real domestic cat. They have well-developed muscles and, taking a mustachioed friend in your arms, you can understand that he is heavier than he seems.

There are 12 different colors approved for this type. The Ocicat has a spotted color. This breed does not have an undercoat, so with proper nutrition they practically do not shed.

Weight: 4 – 6 kg.

8. Singaporean.
The Singaporean breed is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest domestic cat in the world.

A miniature, affectionate and friendly subspecies of the purr. They are very smart and sensitive, and are good at capturing the mood of their owner. Singaporean pussies know exactly when to go with the caresses and when it's better to stay away.

Video about the most beautiful cats in the world

These animals are quite graceful and fragile, but at the same time they are extremely energetic and never tire of playing. They love the company of children.

The coat is short, thick and silky. A feature of the Singaporean, compared to others, is their large ears and incredibly expressive eyes, bright green or amber in color.

Weight: 2 – 3 kg.

9. Japanese Bobtail.
When Japanese Bobtails sit they often raise their front paw, which is considered a positive sign that brings good luck.

Unique creatures that look like a rabbit thanks to their small fluffy tail. Of all the family members, they choose only one owner and become his most devoted friend.

Bobtails are very energetic and curious. They can easily open a buffet, enter a forbidden room, or get out of a closed room on their own.

The coat is of medium length, silky and soft, without undercoat. They have an expressive feature - the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones, due to which he can jump quite high.

Weight: 2 – 4 kg.

10. Scottish fold.
Floppy ears can cause problems with the joints, so it is often recommended to pull them by the tail so that their vertebrae do not fuse.

Small, cute and calm purrs. Their weak activity is compensated by good obedience. There will be no problems with them, as they are quite intelligent and do not create noise.

Even a beginner can have such a purr, because Scottish Folds are easy to care for, not picky about food and have good health.

These purrs are unique due to their small, forward-folded ears with slightly rounded tips. Their fur is plush and does not stick to the body; they have a thick undercoat.

Weight: 3 – 6 kg.

11. American curl.
Despite his inherent dexterity, he does not know how to hunt. And, unlike others, he is absolutely not touchy.

The American Curl is a cheerful, active and absolutely non-aggressive breed. They are peaceful and friendly.

The hallmark of this species is their folded back ears; they must be handled carefully and gently so as not to damage them. American Curls have good health and differ complete absence congenital diseases, which is also a significant distinguishing feature.

The shaft is silky and close-fitting. There is sparse undercoat.

Weight: 4 – 6 kg.

12. Sokoke
Despite the variety of colors, the tip of the tail of this breed is always black.

Small, slender, strong and flexible kittens. They are very proud and will not allow themselves to beg. They are quite independent and can. They prefer to sit next to them rather than in their arms.

Have big eyes and ears with tassels at the tips. The fur is short and shiny, lying close to the body. They love nature and spacious rooms, so it is better to keep such a Murzik in a suburban area.

Weight from 3 to 5 kg.

With a rounded body, these cats have quite short legs, which practically prevents them from jumping.

Calm and friendly, requiring special attention. They are playful and do not like to be left alone. Possess strong feeling self-esteem and appreciate attention to themselves.

They have a long coat and require careful grooming. They have an interesting Siamese color: with a light body, they have dark paws, a tail and a flat muzzle. The peculiarity of the Himalayan feline species is their eyes: bright, expressive, blue or of blue color, capable of attracting to themselves like a magnet.

The general parameter is from 5 to 7 kg.

Thanks to their long hind legs, they can reach speeds of up to 58 km/h.

Balanced and proud leopard-colored pussies. They love to sit in their arms and “talk.” They love to play and need lots of toys, otherwise they will play with your things.

From childhood, you can instill a cat's love for water. They lend themselves well to training and education.

The hairline is short and shiny. A distinctive feature of the Egyptian Mau is a pattern on the forehead that resembles a scarab beetle with certain markings, and thick rings on the tail.

Size approx: 2.5 – 5 kg.

Males of this breed have droopier cheeks than females.

This category combines greatness and beauty. Not only their coat is silky, but their character is also silky. They are real intellectuals and easy to negotiate with. They love to explore the house.

They have smooth, short fur that lies close to the body. A distinctive feature of these pussies is their outstanding profile: slightly extended forward. The eyes of Asian cats are large and most often a rich yellow color.

Approximate size: 4 – 7 kg.

According to legend, this particular species was sent by God to catch the mouse on Noah's Ark so that it would not gnaw a hole.

Very curious cats. They resemble a dog in cat form: they love to follow their owner everywhere and joyfully greets him from work, wagging his tail. If in addition to him there are other animals in the family, then the Turkish Van should undoubtedly become the leader. Vans love water very much and are often good fishermen.

The color is special: snow-white with certain markings on the head. The tail differs from the main color and, most often, has dark brown color with large light rings. The coat is medium length: lush and soft.

Weight: 4 – 7 kg.

The name “snowshoe” comes from the cute white socks on its paws, which are present regardless of color.

Cute and unusual animals with changeable personalities: they can be calm and lazy, or restless and playful. They love to hunt and swim.

You need to be especially careful about the health of these capricious cuties, as they may develop strabismus.

Snow Shus have thick, short fur that lies close to the body. There is undercoat, but it is insignificant.

Weight from 2.5 to 5.5 kg.

They have an original ticked color, which means that each hair has several tones and transverse dark stripes.

Graceful and... They are curious, playful, affectionate and silent. They don't like to be left alone for a long time. They need plenty of space to have fun and play. They feel a person well and are easy to train.

Somali cats have soft, pleasant-to-touch fur. The tail is very long and fluffy. There is a collar on the neck, and so-called “pants” on the hind legs.

Weight: 5 – 7 kg.

When at rest, munchkins' tails always stand vertically, which cannot be said about other cats.

Loyal, confident and inquisitive shorties. Munchkins' favorite pastime is hiding small things in a secluded place. These are exclusively indoor cats and it is highly undesirable to take them outside.

A special feature of munchkins is their very short legs, although this does not prevent them from jumping along with other cats.

The fur coat can be long or short, but it is always light and silky.

They grow from 2 – 4 kg.

The owner of the widest range of intonations.

They are very active, it is important for them to always be the center of attention. Physical contact is important to them. They are affectionate and sociable, very attached to their owners, and can behave possessively and jealously towards them.

The color of this breed cannot leave you indifferent: chocolate paws and muzzle against the background of a soft cream coat. They also have charming blue eyes, which look especially impressive against the general background.

They grow from 4.5 - 7 kg.

Khao mani or diamond eye, in Thailand this cat breed was bred specifically for royalty.

Because of my appearance exotics They look like toys and have a very calm, friendly character. Exotic cats become very attached to their owners, so they can hardly tolerate loneliness. In order not to traumatize the animal’s psyche, you will need to get a carrier and take the cat with you. By the way, a peculiarity of this breed can be considered a love of travel.

Russian blue cat has smooth short fur that is soft to the touch. Very playful and agile with an easy-going character. Cats are fanatically clean and have the same requirements for food and water. It is easy to distinguish the breed from other similar ones by green eyes cats.

Persian cat easy to recognize by its flat muzzle and snub nose. The breed requires careful care of its coat and eyes. They have a very kind character and are not vindictive.

Notable Feature Siamese cats are their blue eyes. Cats have good health, as well as talkativeness, so those who like silence are better off not starting them.

Chinchillas owners of short hair of the same length. In the photo there are cats of golden and silver color.

Siberian cats the largest after Maine Coons, but this does not prevent them from being very active and healthy. Cats shed heavily and require regular brushing.

Breed laperm It has soft curly fur. The character is domestic and flexible, kind to children and other pets.

Usher cat It is large in size and is the most expensive cat in the world.

Ragdolls large, big-boned cats with soft fur. Cats are very calm and beautiful.

American Curl All her life she remains playful like a kitten, very active and playful cats. Distinctive feature breeds have curled ears, the more they curl, the more expensive cat.

Snow shu got its name from the white color of its paws. The breed is very rare.

Ocicat friendly and affectionate breed, coarse consistency. The color is similar to that of a wild ocelot.

Chausie large breed cats. Cats of this breed are rare and expensive.

Nevskaya masquerade cat has a chic appearance with beautiful blue eyes.

Don Sphynx hairless cat breed. Their skin is very elastic and velvety to the touch.

Maine Coons A large breed of cat with an affectionate character. Maine Coons have a wide variety of colors and have tufts on their ears.

Bombay cat looks like a miniature panther. A very cheerful and devoted cat.

Bengal cats They don't meow, but make a squeaking sound. The breed is expensive and has good health.


What cat breeds in the world are considered the most beautiful? Difficult question, isn't it? After all, every loving owner, my friend will say the most beautiful cat in the world. And this will not be untrue, because they are all magnificent and beautiful, they are like children, for any parent their child is the best. But, perhaps someone else is just looking for a beautiful, affectionate pet, and we think this top 10 will be useful to you. So let's find out what cats are considered the most beautiful.

10. Persian cat

Desert and steppe Asian cats took part in the formation of the breed, despite the fact that Turkey is considered the birthplace of the breed. In Europe, full-fledged breeding of Persians began in the 16th century. Compared to many other breeds, representatives of Persian cats have reached the highest degree of domestication: they can no longer be lured either by catching mice and insects, or by living outside the apartment. She is not adapted to this. The character is affectionate and trusting. What surprises the owners most is her devotion and fidelity. The only thing that can be embarrassing is snoring, which is caused by the shape of the nose of these cats.

9. Turkish Angora

This breed is often confused with the Persian, which is incorrect. These cats are smaller, more agile and agile. The shape of the muzzle is also different; you won’t hear strange sounds at night. Breeding in Europe began in the 16th century, and today, unfortunately, it is already difficult to find pure representatives of the breed, because She was crossed with Persian cats more than once. Representatives of the breed are very lively, intelligent, affectionate, and adapt well to different environments.

8. Ragdoll

The breed was bred in the USA in the 60s of the last century. The name of the breed literally translates as “rag doll” and it suits it very well: these cats are very affectionate, pliable and soft. At the same time, they are sociable and playful, they love other animals. But they are very timid, because they do not know how to defend themselves. And Ragdoll, in eighth place in the top 10 the most beautiful cats in the world.

7. Singaporean cat

As the name suggests, the breed was bred in Southeast Asia, in Singapore. The breed was recognized in the USA and Europe in 1980. The peculiarity of the cat is its miniature size: its weight reaches only 3 kg, its hair is thin, short and very delicate. This is an elegant and agile breed.

6. American Curl

The breed has an interesting origin: it was originally found as a street stray cat whose ears were turned inside out. In the 80s, she gave birth to her first offspring, half of which had the same ears. And soon real breeding began in the USA. By nature, cats are cheerful, curious, and very playful. Health is good.

Interesting and beautiful video about the American Curl!!!

5. Sphinx

The reason for the loss of hair in this breed is unknown and is explained by a single mutation that breeders developed in the future. Instead of fur, there is a lot of skin on the body, which sometimes even gathers in folds. The skin feels very soft and hot. Sphynxes are not like other cat breeds: they love water, they have a different metabolism, they sweat all over their bodies and their sweat is colored. What's nice is that they are suitable for allergy sufferers. Perhaps some people don’t particularly like these cat breeds, but the Sphynx with its originality is in fifth place in the top 10 the most beautiful cats in the world.

4. Abyssinian

The breed originated from wild African cats living in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). Breeding of the breed began in 1868. Today these are very active cats that require a lot of attention and affection from the owner. Quiet.

3. Dune cat

The sand cat lives on the territory of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Of course, this cat is not for a home apartment. Despite its small size, it is a true predator, adapted to hunting and harsh conditions. Therefore, it will only suit you if you live in own home, in the areas indicated above.

2. Bengal cat

These cats choose their owners and remain devoted to them throughout their lives. They need communication with people, they like to be loved and give affection in return. The peculiarity of the breed is the absence of aggression. She cannot stand up for herself with dignity. However, these cats are very smart and easy to train: flushing the toilet, opening the door, turning on the light is an easy task for them.

1. Maine Coon

The largest breed of domestic cats and the most beautiful! In addition to their impressive size and weight, they are distinguished by thick hair, but at the same time they have a very friendly and kind character. They love to be in the company of their owner, but if you have no time, they will never impose themselves. They are loyal to strangers, but they are reluctant to accept other animals unless they grew up together.

Educational video about Maine Coon!!!

The cat family is one of the most popular in the world. More than half of US residents keep in their homes furry pets a wide variety of breeds.

In Russia, when it comes to keeping cats, things are somewhat different; many wealthy residents seek to emphasize their status by purchasing a pet for a large sum. Prices for representatives of some breeds reach impressive levels.

Below is the TOP 10 most beautiful cats on the planet.

10th place - Sphinx

An incredibly good-natured and gentle animal, it has an atypical appearance and surprises with its grace. Often has no fur. The price for such a pet ranges from 300 to 3000 in dollar equivalent.

Of great importance is the unshakable feeling of love a person has for his pet. This unique animal needs care and affection; ignoring the pet’s needs can lead to irreversible consequences.

9th place - Bengal cat

The breed is distinguished by its incredible beauty and high prices; the cost of a pet fluctuates around $2,500. The exotic and charming appearance of such a cat attracts attention.

She has a bright spotted color of predominantly red shades, having seen such a cat in dark time You can get pretty scared, but during the day you can be amazed by the inimitable beauty and endless charm.

8th place - British Shorthair

The obvious favorite of many housewives is the British Shorthair. A representative of this breed has a large body, a massive head, a short, plush coat that is pleasant to the touch (see).

The price for a purebred “British” varies from 500 to 1500 thousand dollars. They are most common in Britain and America; many people raise pets of this breed specifically to participate in various festivals and competitions.

7th place - Russian Blue cat

Millions of families from all over the world adore this incredibly cute and affectionate pet, and the price is Russian blue cat is only relatively expensive. The price range reaches 3,000 thousand dollars (see).

Surprisingly, cats do an excellent job of “nannying” for small children. They play briskly and amuse children, are a reason for the joy of household members, their deep green eyes delight, and it seems as if the flame in them never goes out.

6th place - Persian cat

The Persian breed is one of the most beautiful and sought after in the world. Particularly in demand in the USA and major cities Great Britain. Wide snub nose - hallmark Persians

The gracefulness, plasticity, unique appearance and beauty of this cat are the reason for the delight of many people. The cost of a purebred kitten reaches $500. The pet is well worth its price.

5th place - Allerka breed

A representative of the Allerka breed has a medium-sized body and reaches a weight of 8 kg. It has a black and red color. The cat gets along well with small children and has a good-natured character.

The advantage of this cat is that it does not cause allergic reactions. The price for a representative of this rare breed reaches 6 thousand in dollar terms.

4th place - Savannah Cat

At first glance, it may seem that the cat is directly related to the order of predatory animals, but in fact the pet is completely domestic.

The peculiar color of the coat makes the pet look like a lynx, but the size of the animal is not as large as that of wild animals. It should be noted that the price can reach up to 50 thousand dollars. However, the breed is very popular in the United States. Cm. .

3rd place - Ashera breed

The homeland of this unusual animal is Africa. The Ashera cat is a hybrid of an ordinary and wild Bengal cat.

The animal is distinguished by its extraordinary intelligence and ability to quickly respond to what is happening around it, and understands its owner. The cost of an Asher pet varies from 600 to 10 thousand dollars.

2nd place - Peterbald

First of all, it is worth noting that the minimum cost is about $1,200; $5,000 is a record maximum for this breed. The Peterbald has no coat and is not a representative ancient looking, has a temperate climate great importance a condition for a comfortable existence.

The animal surprises with its physiological structure, webbed feet and huge turquoise almond-shaped eyes. Most people tend to rank that breed as one of the most beautiful.

1st place – Scottish Fold cats

In first place is a representative of the Scottish Fold, the price for a purebred is close to 3 thousand dollars. The pet is particularly intelligent and has a playful disposition. Cats British breed From birth they know how to sit on their hind legs and hold their back.

Their cute faces and furry ears evoke an unimaginable feeling of tenderness. They are in great demand in the USA and Asian countries. This animal needs special care and a properly formulated diet.

🐱 List of 15 beautiful cats from around the world with photos and names of breeds. Find out which breeds have been awarded the title of the most beautiful cats in the world


Beauty is a concept that applies to all living beings on the planet. And cats are no exception - there are many in the world beautiful cat breeds, which their appearance have never ceased to amaze people for many centuries. Some of them appeared thanks to natural processes, other breeds are the result of the work of breeders and breeders. The work of specialists and nature itself can safely be called creative, since its result is uniquely beautiful animals.

Most cats have a brilliant and memorable appearance that is harmoniously combined with amazing character traits. Affectionate, mischievous, calm, independent, proud - domestic cats can be different. And this only adds pleasant emotions for every owner of beauties.

List of the most beautiful cats with names and photos

Impeccably beautiful cats can be fluffy or hairless, snow-white or red, miniature or very large. Attractiveness is, first of all, harmony, which emphasizes the uniqueness of the breed. Of course, all furry four-legged felines can claim the title of “perfection itself.” And yet, despite this, lovers and experts of animal breeds identify 15 of the most beautiful cats. They are the ones who are on the virtual pedestal and are a kind of standard of beauty.

Devon Rex

The world first learned about these beauties in 1960, when several very unusual kittens were found in Great Britain. The appearance of these cats is so unusual that they are called alien creatures. Short soft coat with curls, very large ears on flat head, short curled mustache and graceful body - these are the main distinctive features this breed.

In addition to their unique appearance, they stand out among their peers for their playfulness and good ability to learn various tricks. At the same time, they are very devoted to their owner and feel good only in his company. Another nice feature of this breed is that they are hypoallergenic.

14. Munchkin

At first glance they seem strange: their limbs are two to three times shorter than those of other domestic felines. Because of this feature, unusual cats are sometimes called dachshunds. The breed trait appeared due to a mutation, but it does not at all prevent the handsome cats from moving and showing the activity usual for cats.

Intelligent and very easy to communicate with, munchkins evoke admiration and joy from everyone who has ever met them. Large eyes, shiny soft fur, a wide palette of colors and, of course, unusually short but absolutely straight legs create a memorable exotic exterior. This cat seemed to come from a fairy tale into a person’s life and remained there forever.

Abyssinian cat

Talking about beautiful cats, one cannot ignore the Abyssinians. Their images were found at one time on Egyptian tomb paintings, which indicates a very ancient origin breeds

Looking into the large almond-shaped eyes with black eyeliner, it seems that these beauties are characterized by deep wisdom and insight. Short coat with double or triple ticking has a uniform color and an iridescent effect.

Abyssinians are sometimes compared to wild pumas. And their active life position, intelligence and grace only emphasize this similarity. Unsurpassed beauties are very popular in the USA and European countries. This breed has yet to gain recognition from residents of other regions.

British Shorthair

Kind and smart Britons are often compared to the Cheshire cat. Characteristic features These beautiful cats have a strong and large build, short plush hair and a rounded muzzle with noticeable cheeks. The cute expression inherent in all pets of this breed makes them look like toys.

The British Shorthair cat is beautiful in any color: blue, black, lilac, smoky, marbled, tabby. The close and attentive gaze of bright orange eyes always attracts attention and makes you want to pet these fluffy cats. The attractive image is complemented by British calm, self-control and self-esteem.

Maine Coon

A mysterious domestic lynx – that’s exactly the impression these beauties leave about themselves. This comparison is supported not only by the large dimensions of adult individuals, but also by their external resemblance to a predator. The Maine Coon cat has large ears decorated with tassels, a long and very fluffy tail, and heavy but soft fur. A serious look reflects calmness and does not reflect their truly playful nature.

A special feature of Maine Coons is their gait, which is somewhat reminiscent of a trot. They are strong, resilient and active cats have not only aesthetic value, but can also bring real benefits. They are excellent rodent hunters and friendly playmates.

Petersburg Sphinx

Fancy cats with hairless and elastic skin always remain in memory. The lack of hair in many representatives of the breed does not detract from their beauty. recognized as an independent breed only in 1996. And since then, their model appearance has been actively used for photo shoots.

When looking at the St. Petersburg Sphynx, one’s attention is drawn to its graceful long neck, large ears, amazing beautiful eyes like the Shamakhan queen and slender legs. Along with hairless pets, within the breed there can be sphinxes with partial hair (only on the face and paws) or completely covered with hair. Sometimes kittens are born with a short-haired coat, but lose it with age. In any case, animals retain their inherent character traits: sociability, talkativeness, friendliness.

American Curl

It is difficult to find a more extravagant and beautiful cat breed than the American Curl. Their distinctive feature is their ears, which are folded back. Such a weird shape ears gives the appearance a very funny and attractive look.

Unusual beauties can be either long-haired or short-haired - this is allowed by the breed standard. The coat is silky to the touch and adheres to the body, and its color can be very different: plain, bicolor, colorpoint, tabby, tortie.

A funny appearance is organically combined with a groovy character. Both kittens and adult cats willingly join in playing with the child. At the same time, they are curious, intelligent and attached to their owner.

Egyptian Mau

For more than three thousand years of its existence, this breed has not undergone any changes in appearance. Egyptian cats They are distinguished by a spotted color, which is present not only in the coat, but also on the skin. Another breed marker is the “scarab” mark on the head and the “makeup” of the eyes, representing a black edging. Egyptian cats have striking almond-shaped eyes the color of unripe gooseberries. At the same time, the look of green eyes seems to radiate amazement.

Egyptians are good in any of their three colors: bronze, silver and smoky. Mau in a black or marble suit are considered rarer. But they, according to experts, are not purebred representatives of the breed.

Persian cat

The popularity of these long-haired beauties is difficult to overestimate. They are loved for their affectionate nature, calmness and devotion. Inner beauty is perfectly complemented by external qualities. Because of the wide open eyes and a wide upturned nose look like fluffy toys.

The soft, silky coat comes in a variety of colors. Initially, scientists were able to breed Persians of only two colors: white and blue. The breed now includes a wider color palette. The hairs themselves on cats can reach a length of 10 cm. Such increased fluffiness adds charm and encourages you to once again caress the handsome Persian.


The ability to completely relax makes these beautiful cats “rag dolls”. The progenitors of these unique cats are the Siamese cat and the snow-white Persian cat with blue eyes. Ragdolls have inherited the best qualities and beautiful qualities from them.

Ragdolls have heavenly colored eyes and they amaze everyone with their depth and purity. It is rare that a cat breed can boast such a natural reward. The memorable appearance is emphasized by a lush collar, elegant trousers and a fluffy tail. The fur of cats is very soft and silky, somewhat reminiscent of the skin of rabbits. These purrs have exactly the same character - soft, pliable and affectionate.


“Snow Slipper,” as these beautiful cats are nicknamed, holds a special place in the cat kingdom. With medium and large body sizes, they exhibit traits of grace and harmonious development. A striking feature of cats is the white “socks” on their paws - they gave rise to the name of the breed. This feature is combined with the Siamese-type color, blue eyes and long limbs.

With such an amazing appearance, snowshu have best qualities character: they are sociable, inquisitive, active, moderately vocal. Pets of this breed do not mind soaking their luxurious coat in water. Although cats also like land games.


This is not only the most expensive cat in the world, but also one of the most attractive. Savannahs were obtained by hybridization with African Serval. As a result of this unusual crossing, cats were obtained with an amazingly beautiful coat and an equally wonderful character.

Grace and leopard-like colors make the Savannah an affectionate pet. The appearance is complemented by large ears, expressive yellow or green eyes and long slender limbs. The athletic build allows the descendants of the serval to lead active image life and find fans among people who appreciate not only beauty, but the “lively” sociable character of a cat.


List of the most beautiful cats would be incomplete if it did not include the Toyger breed. The “Toy Tiger” appeared quite recently (in the 90s of the 20th century) and has already managed to charm with its unique appearance.

Toygers have a muscular, slightly elongated body, strong long limbs, and thick fur. But the most remarkable thing is the brindle color. Black or brown stripes may be interrupted and may be few in number, but they always appear in contrast against a light yellow background. This coloration is currently the only one in the breed, but breeders are persistently working to breed toygers in silver tones.

Siberian cat

Fluffy cats with thick and very warm fur are not included in the category of very beautiful cat breeds by chance. Siberians are distinguished by a sweet, sweet facial expression, rounded body and head features, and powerful body size. Slightly slanting large eyes radiate calm and prudence.

Aboriginal origin endowed Siberian cats with excellent hunting skills, restraint and high mental abilities. Despite the long fluffy coat, it is considered hypoallergenic. This quality makes beauties desirable in any home.


When deciding which cat breed is the most beautiful, experts and lovers of furry four-legged animals put this particular breed in first place in the ranking. earned this place of honor thanks to their sparkling yellow or blue eyes. No wonder they are called “diamond eyes”. Sometimes kittens are born in a population with with different colored eyes. Such heterochromia does not spoil the impression of the breed; on the contrary, it adds charm and mysticism.

Another name for kao-mani is “white pearl”. Most often, the fur of animals is snow-white without a single spot, although occasionally there are cats with black and even red spots. These very friendly and trusting creatures belong to the category rare breeds, but cat lovers do not lose hope that the numbers the most beautiful cat will increase much more people will be able to enjoy her beauty and pleasant company.

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