The safest plane and places to crash

Each person cares not only about the comfort of his flight, but also thinks through options for behavior in a possible emergency situation. If unforeseen situations arise during a flight, the chance of survival increases for people who sit in certain seats. For each model, such “safety islands” can be in different compartments of the aircraft.

Where are the safest seats on a plane?

As a general rule, the safest seats on an airplane that help passengers survive a crash are the seats at the back of the plane. In second place are the emergency exit seats.

The most dangerous places are in the center of the plane and in its front part.

Statistics: the safest seat on a plane during a crash

According to statistics, there is 1 plane crash per 1 million flights. There are 59 times fewer victims of plane crashes than in road accidents. Often, plane crashes occur when the plane gains altitude during the first 3 minutes, or during the landing approach within 7.5 minutes. There are 2 times more cases related to aircraft landing. At such a moment, it is important to think about your own safety and carefully listen to the flight attendant’s instructions.

According to Popular Mechanics magazine, seats in the rear of the plane are considered safe. The 2007 study included a comprehensive analysis of US National Safety Council statistics on car accidents that occurred over the past 30 years. The largest percentage of citizens who survived the crash of airliners, namely over 70%, was in the tail section, and only 55% of passengers were in economy class seats in the section above the wing. As for the side, according to statistics, passengers have an equal chance of surviving a crash both when located on the right side and on the left.

The number of survivors in the front compartment of the plane is only 49%, which is very strange, because VIP luxury seats are most often located in these places.

These statistics are due to the fact that in the event of an unsuccessful landing in an emergency situation, according to the laws of physics, the impact falls on the nose of the aircraft. The impact reaches the rear seats with a significant degree of shock absorption: the impact is reduced by about 30%.

The most dangerous places are located in the central part, where the fuel supply tanks are located. In the event of an in-flight emergency, there is a high probability of fire in these compartments, which increases the risk of death for passengers.

The safest seats on an Airbus 320

Capacity varies from 150 to 180 passengers. But, regardless of the location of the seats in the cabin, traditionally the seats in the 12th and 13th rows are considered the safest for people. They are located in close proximity to emergency exits, where there is the most space. The only drawback is that in these rows there is no way to stretch your legs or adjust the seat to a comfortable position.

Interesting fact! In the event of an emergency landing, people located near the emergency exits have a better chance of survival, since they will be able to quickly get out of the aircraft.

Uncomfortable seats in the last rows are statistically recognized as the safest in the event of an emergency landing.

The safest places in Boeing

Boeing aircraft are deservedly considered one of the most comfortable commercial airliners. The convenient arrangement of seats, various modifications for citizens with different income levels, allows Boeing to arrange seats depending on the needs of customers.

As a general rule, business class on such planes is located in the front of the plane: the first 3-5 rows. The large distance between passengers helps them relax and enjoy the flight.

Despite the high level of VIP class service, such places are the most dangerous in Boeing. The statistics above showed that such seats are not much safer than seats located in the center of the aircraft.

The remaining seats in the Boeing are designed for economical transportation and are equipped with 3 people next to each other.

The distance between them does not exceed 75 cm. The only comfortable economy class seats in Boeing are 2 rows of seats at the emergency exits, which are located in the middle of the aircraft.

If the passengers managed to survive the impact, but the cabin caught fire, causing acrid smoke to pour out, the passengers sitting at the emergency exits have a better chance of surviving in such extreme conditions.

The least comfortable seats are in the back, where it is impossible to lean back and stretch your legs. But, despite the discomfort of passengers who were “lucky enough” to find themselves in not very comfortable seats in the tail compartment of the airliner, in the event of a Boeing plane crash they have a high chance of survival.

At Boeing, as at Airbus, engineers considered the places above the fuel tanks, in the center of the plane, to be the most dangerous. The greatest damage in a disaster will be caused to this compartment due to the high risk of fire.

Why is the tail of an airplane the safest place?

The experiment, which was carried out by the Americans and cost more than 1.5 million USD, showed that if economy class customers are seated in the rear tail of an aircraft, their chances of survival in the event of a plane crash increase.

During the crash test, a Boeing 727 aircraft was directed towards the ground at a speed exceeding 220 km per hour.

The passengers in the front of the plane took the blow: their chances of survival were virtually zero, while the people in the rear survived. The fact is that there are no flammable elements in the tail - fuel sensors, engine sensors, etc. In addition, there is an emergency exit door nearby, which increases the chances of a successful outcome.

You can survive only if all safety rules are followed: seat belts are fastened, the seat back is in a horizontal position.

If the issue of increased comfort is not fundamental, then it is better to choose seats at the rear of the plane or near the emergency exits.

In an emergency, this provides benefits that are more likely to save the lives of passengers than those seated in business class, first class, or the center of the aircraft. In any case, passengers must observe basic safety precautions when taking off and landing the aircraft.

When booking a ticket, most tourists do not even think about choosing the optimal seat. Once you learn about the safest seats on a plane, you may become more careful about this issue.

Over the past 40 years, there have been no more than two dozen large-scale plane crashes with fatalities for everyone on board (). Watching TV reports from the scene of such an incident, it seems that the chances of survival of both passengers and crew are zero. In fact, this has nothing to do with reality.

It is clear that in the event of a fire or explosion, the probability of survival is extremely low. Under certain circumstances, a plane can completely burn out in 90 seconds. A recent example is the Boeing shot down over Ukraine in 2014, where no one survived. However, fortunately, such incidents are very rare. Basically, accidents occur during landing and takeoff, and then survival directly depends on how safe a seat you have chosen on the plane.

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Treasured place

There are many very controversial theories on this subject, caused by the fact that, as we have already said, few accidents occur, and experimenting with an airplane crash is too expensive. For a long time it was believed that the safest seats were at the front of the plane, which was one of the reasons why business class was usually located there.

However, according to recent studies, front row passengers have only a 49% chance of surviving a crash (which is also quite good). If you are sitting in the middle of the cabin, the chances of survival are 56%, and if you are in the rear, then as much as 69%. Such results are due to the fact that, in the event of an emergency landing, the first impact always falls on the nose of the plane, and it reaches the rear passengers already significantly damped.


But landing is only half the battle. We still need to get out of the cabin. And here the advantage goes to those who sit on the aisle, and not at the window. Since evacuation will take place through emergency exits, those sitting near them have a greater chance of being the first to escape to freedom. Thus, the safest seats on the plane can be considered the seats in the last rows, which are located as close as possible to the exit.

Not only safe seats on the plane, but also correct behavior can increase your chances of survival. Listen carefully to the crew's instructions on how to act in the event of an emergency. Look around, find out in advance where the emergency doors are, imagine the evacuation process. And remember, forewarned is forearmed.

According to statistics, about 30% of the adult population suffers from aerophobia (fear of flying on airplanes). This fear is caused by the fear of heights, a plane crash in the air, a plane being hijacked by terrorists, etc.

But, nevertheless, air transport - the safest. The chance that the flight could end in tragic consequences is approximately 1 in several million.

The best seats on the plane

If you are afraid of flying on airplanes, but you will be traveling by air, don't panic. Safe and comfortable accommodation in the cabin will reduce your concerns to a minimum.

Which chair is more comfortable?

You should take care of choosing a seat on the plane before booking it.

Most passengers find it most convenient in the front seats. Here you can sit comfortably, recline your chair and stretch your legs without disturbing other fellow travelers. It’s not for nothing that on many flights the first seats are located in the front.

In addition, toilets and staff quarters are located at the rear. This means that no one will disturb you during the flight.

Spaces throughout the cabin at the porthole are considered one of the most comfortable. You can calmly look at the clouds outside the window and have virtually no contact with other passengers.

So, the most comfortable places are considered:

  1. In the bow liner;
  2. Near the portholes.

How to choose a place?

  • Before flying, please read technical features liner, location of seats. This information is publicly available on airline websites.
  • When choosing seats, be guided not only by safety considerations, but also flight duration. When flying for many hours on a foreign airliner (they are considered the most reliable), it is better to buy a seat in the front. This is especially true for tall and large passengers.

You can book tickets using this search form. Enter information about cities of departure and arrival, date, number of passengers.

The safest places

Despite the fact that airplanes are the most reliable transport, people still try to further protect themselves and their loved ones.

Where is it most reliable?

For those who are terrified of flying and are ready to risk their own comfort for the sake of safety, we recommend choosing seats located in tail section. Despite the proximity to the toilet and service areas, these places are considered the safest.

Most accidents occur during takeoff or landing of an aircraft. And since the main impact falls on the nose, the “rear” passengers more chances avoid injury and save your life.

If you want to additionally insure yourself during the flight, pay attention to the seats located next to the emergency exit. Passengers sitting here will be evacuated first.

Where is the most dangerous place to fly?

Despite the obvious convenience, the front seats are not considered safe. In the event of an emergency, the main impact falls on the nose of the aircraft.

According to statistics, the most dangerous places are considered to be in middle of the cabin. They are located in close proximity to the wings of the aircraft, where the fuel tanks are located. When a fire occurs, the middle of the liner is the first to suffer. Fortunately, such situations happen extremely rarely.

  • If you're flying with, try sit in front. On planes of foreign airlines, this is where the mounts for baby cradles and strollers are located. For the same reasons, we recommend that passengers without children take the rear seats. Being next to a restless baby does little to ensure a comfortable flight.
  • If you plan to actively move around the cabin (for example, when you are sitting away from your company), it is better not to take a window seat, but to sit closer to the exit so as not to disturb fellow travelers.
  • Remember that on board an airplane you are in complete safety. Your chances of getting into a plane crash are much lower than being in an emergency in a car, train or boat.

We wish you a pleasant flight!

Look video tips about choosing a comfortable seat on the plane:

43 people were on board the UTair airline plane, which crashed immediately after takeoff from Tyumen airport. According to the latest data, 31 people died. 12 passengers survived. All victims were taken to hospitals in serious condition. 8 of them are now in operating rooms, another 4 are in intensive care.

What are the safest passenger seats on an airplane that allow you to survive even the worst plane crashes? Strictly speaking, experts argue that safe seats on an airplane are nonsense and there is no clear relationship between the choice of seats and the chances of survival in a plane crash. But there are still some patterns.

The fact is that most aircraft accidents occur during a difficult landing, during takeoff, or during taxiing collisions. Since the beginning of aviation, 50-60 percent of all aviation accidents occur during the approach and landing phases. This is the most difficult and dangerous part of the flight. Here, your safety really depends to some extent on the choice of place. Most of those killed in such disasters were suffocated from carbon monoxide during a fire that broke out on board. The statistics are unanimous here. This means that the passengers simply did not have time to get out of the cabin.

According to a scientific study commissioned by the UK Civil Aviation Authority, the safest place on an airplane is the passenger seat closest to the emergency exit. The basis for this conclusion was data obtained during a thorough study of the circumstances of the death of numerous passengers in plane crashes and a survey of more than 2,000 people who survived the plane crash.

According to British scientists, the safest passengers are those who are lucky enough to purchase tickets for one of the five rows of seats near the emergency exit: it is from this part of the plane that in the event of a plane crash, passengers most often manage to escape alive. If you sit in one of the passenger seats located further than the fifth row from the emergency exit, your chances of dying increase sharply. In addition, the researchers found that the front part of the aircraft is safer for flying. Statistics show that passengers flying in the front of an Airbus survive in 65% of cases. Getting out of the back of a plane after a crash is very problematic - only 53% of passengers survive. By the way, sitting near the aisle between the seats is also safer - in the event of an emergency, about 65% of passengers survive. Everyone who sits on chairs located away from the aisle is less fortunate - they are saved only in 58% of cases.

After British scientists announced these statistics, they issued a statement to airlines and asked carriers to provide passengers with the opportunity to independently select seats for a future trip on specialized websites. As experts note, the scientists' appeal could provoke an increase in prices for the safest seats on airplanes.

Are there any safest planes? The answer is - choose big planes. According to statistics, single-engine aircraft and aircraft with up to 30 seats account for 73% of all aviation accidents and 68% of fatalities.

The bottom line is: avoid small planes, connecting flights, and prefer emergency exit seats at the front of the plane.

And yet, according to statistics, airplanes are the safest mode of transport. The chances of hurting yourself in your own bathtub are much higher than in the cabin of a modern airliner.


In 1972 - Vesna Vulovich, 22 years old, flight attendant, the only survivor of the DC-9-30 plane crash in Czechoslovakia.

In 1981 - Larisa Savitskaya, 20 years old, the only survivor of the crash of an An-24 aircraft (Aeroflot), which collided with a Tu-16 bomber at an altitude of 5220 m.

In 2009 - Baya Bakari, 13 years old, the only one of 153 passengers to survive the crash of an Airbus A-310-300 (Yemen Airlines), which crashed in the Indian Ocean near the Comoros Islands. The girl broke her collarbone in the disaster and also suffered burns and hypothermia after being in the water for 14 hours.

In 2010, Ruben van Assouw, 9 years old, was the only one of 104 passengers and crew members of an Airbus A330-200 (Libyan Airlines) aircraft that crashed while landing at Tripoli Airport. The boy's legs were only broken.

In 2011 - Alexander Sizov, 52 years old, flight engineer of the Yak-42 that crashed in Yaroslavl. Lokomotiv forward Alexander Galimov also survived the disaster, but he soon died at the Research Institute named after. Vishnevsky.

Are you afraid of flying by plane? Take our survey. It's to the right of this article.

Most airline customers are afraid to fly. When purchasing tickets, some passengers choose seats based on the level of comfort, while others prefer cheap options. But there is also a category of people who try to choose only safe places in order to at least slightly reduce the risks of a plane crash and get a chance of survival.

The safest place on a plane if it falls

In 2007, the popular science magazine Popular Mechanics published information that the best seats are in the rear of the aircraft. The results were obtained through an analysis of statistics from the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States of America. To assess the situation, the worst air disasters in the last 35 years, the causes of passenger deaths and vehicle patterns were taken into account. The safest place on the plane can be considered the so-called last seats. It’s comfortable to sit on them during the flight, but you can’t even compare them to the comfortable conditions of first class. The advantages of the second are obvious. Although, not all passengers understand why pay more.

Experts compared the number of victims in the incidents, taking into account the places where they were at the time of the crash.

Which seats on the plane are the safest and most comfortable?

Why it turns out that the cheapest seats on a plane are the most optimal from a safety point of view is not understood by everyone. The fact is that these positions experience the smallest load when falling. The nose of the airliner always falls faster, therefore it bears the heaviest impact when it hits the ground. In the tail are the most inexpensive and uncomfortable places.

Important! The interior layout of passenger aircraft differs significantly from each other. The same company can use different types of aircraft for flights.

To choose the most convenient place not for safety, but for comfort, experts recommend:

  1. Check the information on your aircraft on the airline’s website in advance. On the resource pages you can find data on the type of transport, level of cabin comfort, spacing between rows, location of toilets, etc.
  2. Use a special self-service kiosk or order tickets online via the Internet, thanks to which you can choose your seat by looking at its location according to the map.

You can always ask a consultant at the airport for advice if you book your ticket in person at the ticket office. The safest landing spot may be near the emergency exit if the aircraft has landed and passengers need to be evacuated urgently. It is difficult to talk about survivability in this case, because situations can be completely different, ranging from banal malfunctions to terrorist attacks. When falling from a great height, the survival rate for all passengers is zero.

Which part of the plane is the safest?

It’s worth noting right away that if an Airbus or other plane crashes from an altitude of 8-10 km, then it makes no difference where exactly your seat is in the cabin. Risk reduction is only possible in cases where the plane makes a dangerous landing from a low altitude or an accident occurs in the first few minutes after takeoff. There is a chance to survive if the altitude is low and your place is at the rear of the aircraft.

According to statistics, it is the tail section of the aircraft that is the safest. If you are planning to fly, choose your flight and seats wisely. Especially if you are afraid and nervous about traveling.

The safest plane

Today, the Boeing 777 is reliable from a safety point of view. Production of this type of transport began in 1995. A total of 748 cars were created, which are especially popular among travelers all over the world.

In 20 million flight hours, only 4 accidents were recorded, but they cannot be considered plane crashes. The aircraft model is equipped with the most powerful General Electric GE90 engines in the history of aircraft manufacturing. Wide-body aircraft capable of seating 300 to 500 people.

Rating of the safest aircraft

It is difficult to definitively answer which aircraft is the best. There is a whole TOP of aviation, which, according to experts, is worthy of attention and is considered relevant. The list was created taking into account data on plane crashes that were recorded over the past 100 years.

Number in the rating Vessel name
1 Boeing 777
2 Airbus A340
3 Airbus A330
4 Boeing 747
5 Boeing 737NG
6 Boeing 767
7 Airbus A320
8 Boeing 757

  • number of accidents;
  • number of models put into operation;
  • service life;
  • total flight time.

Why an airplane is the safest mode of transport in the world

Airplanes often suffer disasters, but this does not affect the fact that they are the safest way to travel. Experts say that the chances of dying while driving a car or bicycle are much higher.

It is a fact that 0.6 people die per 100 million miles. As an example, let’s take information for 2014, when 21 accidents involving air transport occurred in the world. In total, according to the data, 990 people died, of which eleven aircraft were passenger aircraft, and the remaining ten were cargo aircraft.

In total, thirty-three million flights were operated in 2014. There was only one accident per million flights. Statistics point to the fact that the probability of dying in a plane crash on an ordinary passenger flight on an Airbus or other aircraft is minimal, and is 1 in 8 million. As a result, we can say that you are more likely to get into an accident when you are driving a car to the airport than getting into a plane crash.

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