Blue labia minora. Why are the labia dark?

Dark labia is a phenomenon faced by young and old women. It can be congenital, acquired, the result of natural processes or any disease.

Each person has their own physiological characteristics. Pigmentation of the external genitalia does not have a uniform standard. Some female representatives have a rich dark color of the labia, while others have it pale pink or flesh-colored. This is influenced by a number of processes. It has been noticed that young girls have a lighter shade of crotch than older women. This is due to the aging process, which is normal and does not require intervention.

A sharp change in the usual color of the vagina causes anxiety. To understand the cause of this phenomenon, it is worth considering the presence of provoking factors:

  1. Pregnancy. After conception, increased blood circulation occurs in the pelvic area. For this reason, the small lips darken and acquire a rich shade. Swelling is observed. This phenomenon does not require treatment and informs the woman about successful fertilization.
  2. Wearing tight underwear. Uncomfortable clothing compresses blood vessels. This results in darkening and sometimes cyanosis of the organs. To fix the problem, just change your underwear to something more comfortable.
  3. Untested cosmetics. If intimate cosmetics contain components that are dangerous to the body, the skin reacts to them by darkening. If a symptom occurs after using a specific remedy, it is better to avoid it.
  4. Mechanical damage. If the skin of the labia is injured during shaving, this entails a number of symptoms, one of which is a change in color. A small injury can turn into a dark spot.
  5. Excess body weight. If a woman is overweight, friction occurs in the groin area, which causes increased sweating, and along with this, darkening of the genital area.

Regardless of the reason for such a change, you need to visit a doctor. After the inspection, a decision will be made on subsequent actions (if necessary). If the doctor suspects the presence of any disease, additional tests and examination may be required.

What diseases can cause darkening of the genitals?

There are many diseases that cause changes in the pigmentation of a girl’s intimate area.

In addition to the listed ailments, other diseases are the cause of this symptom. An accurate picture of the condition is obtained from the diagnostic results.

Brown spots during pregnancy

The gestation period has many features associated with internal changes in the body. At this time, the whole body is in a phase of restructuring. Its appearance and internal processes change. Every second pregnant woman faces the problem of age spots.

Pigmentation of the genitals is a natural process during pregnancy. This happens against the background of hormonal changes in the body. The hormones released increase the synthesis of melanin, provoking the appearance of tumors on the skin. Spots appear on the face (on the cheeks, in the mouth), chest and abdomen. Later they move to the intimate zone.

Pigmentation in the labia area is brown (light or dark), irregular in shape and has clear boundaries. Sometimes small spots merge to form large dark areas. The woman’s labia also fall into the pigmentation zone.

During pregnancy, the immune system weakens to prevent rejection. A woman's body is exposed to various diseases. Latent infections awaken, including HPV and candidiasis. These diseases are characterized by damage to the structure of the genital organs, which causes the formation of brown or red spots.

Pregnant women need to treat their own bodies with special attention; the health of the woman and the unborn child is at risk.

How to get rid of dark spots on lips

The labia of a darker color than the skin is normal in the absence of diseases. There is no need to treat this condition. The desire to get rid of the problem is rather psychological in nature. For many women, pigmentation of the labia seems aesthetically unattractive.

You can fix the problem by contacting specialists or using folk recipes at home.

Salon treatments

Cosmetology salons offer to whiten the genital area in several ways:

  • laser whitening;
  • phototherapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • use of special drugs.

Such procedures help achieve the desired result in a short time, but have a list of contraindications. Including, they are not used during pregnancy.

Home methods

Finely chop the parsley until the juice appears. Mix the juice with a small amount of sour cream. Add 2 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the mask to the hollow surface, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane.

Fresh chopped cucumber puree has a whitening effect. You can also add cucumber juice to white clay, which is applied according to the instructions as a mask.

The intimate organ area is a sensitive place that requires constant care and proper hygiene. A drastic change in the color of the labia cannot be ignored. It is better to consult a gynecologist to obtain complete information about your health condition.

The intimate organ area is a sensitive place that requires constant care and proper hygiene. A drastic change in the color of the genitals cannot be ignored. It is better to consult a gynecologist to obtain complete information about your health condition.

From patient questions:
"...It seems to me that the skin on my labia has somehow become darker. The pubic area is light, but from the clitoris, the labia become somehow burgundy. I don’t think this happened before, they were more pink, but not so dark, there was no sharp transition in color from the pubis to the vagina. There is no discomfort, there is no pain, redness, swelling, etc. Maybe it’s not worth paying attention to, but I somehow started to feel uncomfortable. “Why should I be embarrassed in front of a young man?”

"...I have this problem - dark labia, bluish around the edges. I am 18 years old, but not only themselves, but also the places around them. I don't know how to deal with this. I'm still a virgin, but I want to start an intimate life, but that’s why I’m embarrassed. Is there any way to get rid of this?"

"...One inner lip is not special, but still larger than the other. The problem is different, they differ quite noticeably in color. The smaller one is pink, the other labia minora is dark, blue! This was not always the case, but since Recently, about 16 years ago, I haven’t had an intimate relationship yet.”

"...Is there any way to change the color of an intimate area? My skin is light, but my anus, labia and clitoris are darkened?"


Dark labia are a phenomenon that many women, both young and old, experience. It can be congenital or acquired. The mechanism of the appearance of dark areas or spots has long been clarified - melanogenesis (production of melanin) increases in local areas of the body, or inflammatory post-traumatic hyperpigmentation develops.

Causes of darkening of the labia:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Rubbing the skin with underwear;
  • Rubbing the inner thighs against each other;
  • Age-related changes;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Consequences of injuries and inflammation;
  • Exposure to sunlight, solarium;
  • Laser irradiation for bikini hair removal.

Pigmentation and darkening of the genital organs, in particular the labia minora, can occur as a result of disruption of the adrenal glands, the genitourinary system, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and during the long course of certain infectious diseases. The reason for their appearance may be a metabolic disorder or a lack of vitamin C. Increased deposition of pigment in the skin is also possible with problems with the pituitary gland and after prolonged use of certain medications.

Darkening of the labia may be a consequence of venous stagnation. This can happen due to constant compression of the perineal area by tight underwear, a sedentary lifestyle and circulatory disorders due to certain gynecological diseases (chronic adnexitis, adhesions, etc.).

The labia easily darken if you have sensitive skin, because it reacts sensitively to any aggressive influences and changes in the external environment. For example, increased pigmentation and blueness of the edges of the lips result from sunburn when tanning naked or prolonged exposure to radiation in a solarium while completely naked. Persistent pigmentation can appear due to the use of various creams and ointments, especially those containing mercury and sulfur.


The scary-sounding medical term “chloasma” is a solid spot with torn edges or a spot merged from many small ones. Many women, while pregnant, could notice similar spots on the forehead, cheeks, and intimate places, which disappeared after the birth of the baby. This is chloasma. Pregnancy (when estrogen and progesterone appear in excess), taking hormonal drugs, hormonal contraception, disturbances in the hormonal status of the body, menopause - these are the main reasons for the appearance of dark labia in both young girls and older women.

However, chloasma can also be a symptom of more severe endocrine diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, as well as disorders of the thyroid gland and nervous system. Chloasma in the forehead, mouth, temples, eyelids can indicate ovarian diseases, helminthiasis, and liver diseases. If dark brown spots have not gone away six months after the birth of the child or a month or two after stopping hormonal medications, you should immediately consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Come for a consultation with an intimate cosmetology specialist at our clinic, discuss the situation that concerns you, find out the most optimal way to solve it, and clarify the details of the upcoming procedure. Carrying out biorevitalization procedures allows you to recreate aesthetically attractive forms, get rid of existing difficulties and achieve sexual attractiveness at any age. Our capabilities and extensive experience in intimate plastic surgery and cosmetology will help in solving your delicate problems. Depending on the specific situation, we will offer one way or another to get rid of this problem.


1. The main way to lighten darkened labia is to undergo a set of procedures for depigmentation of the intimate area in the clinic
2. If the result of a set of procedures for depigmentation of the intimate area does not seem sufficient to you, you can consider the option of labiaplasty surgery to excise the altered skin edges and give the desired shape.
3. In addition to labia skin whitening sessions or surgical correction of dark edges, procedures can be performed. Injections of hyaluronic acid can increase tone, change the shape and size of the external genitalia, narrow the entrance and the vagina itself, and enhance sexual sensations by enlarging the G-spot and clitoris.
4. Previously, it was not customary to discuss the topic of correction and care of intimate places, but nowadays intimate cosmetology offers a unique opportunity. We carry out biorevitalization procedures, plasma lifting, mesotherapy, lightening peelings, as well as cosmetic procedures for care and prevention of age-related changes.

The appearance of women's genitals is individual and unique, almost like fingerprints, and the normal color of the labia varies from pale pink or flesh to dark brown or black. The color of the epidermis in the intimate area may be uneven, when white spots form on the labia on the darker surface. Such cases cannot be regarded as a sign of pathology in all cases. So what can be called normal and what to do if a change in the color of the labia occurs? Let's look at this in more detail.

What color of the labia is considered normal?

The concept of normal for the color of the labia is very relative. For example, among Europeans, Americans and Scandinavians, red labia prevail, with varying degrees of saturation, from pale to bright pink or brick red. Asians and women from the African region most often have brown labia, ranging from the lightest beige to dark, almost chocolate shades. In most cases, pigmentation is inherited and appears from generation to generation with minor changes.

In some cases, the color of the labia may be heterogeneous:

  • different colors of the right and left labia;
  • there is marbling (two or more colors mixed in the form of small specks);
  • There is uneven coloring with a predominance of one color.

Such “spotting” is also considered normal, especially if the girl was born to parents from different racial groups. We can talk about pathology or deviation from the norm only if pigmentation changes throughout life.

Why do the labia change color?

Changes in the color of the genitals can be caused by factors independent of genetics. The most common of them:

  1. Hormonal fluctuations - puberty or menopause. Young girls sometimes have labia that are blue or paler than before. In women, during the period of extinction of sexual activity, on the contrary, an increase in pigmentation or redness of the labia is observed. A similar effect occurs when taking hormonal contraceptives.
  2. Injuries or rubbing of the perineum lead to increased pigmentation with a predominance of blue and red shades. Often after rough sexual intercourse, purple labia are observed. Such conditions are accompanied by swelling and pain.
  3. Increased pigmentation of the external genitalia may indicate pregnancy, intoxication of the body or oncology. Experts note that black labia in European women are observed with cancerous tumors of the pelvic organs, and with Cushing and Addison syndrome, in addition to the genitals, other parts of the body (armpits, knees, lower abdomen) also darken.

All of these conditions require consultation with a gynecologist and other specialists. If there is no severe pathology behind the change in pigmentation, a woman can go to a beauty salon, where a procedure for whitening or lightening the labia will be performed. It will help restore an aesthetic appearance to the genitals.

Any unusual changes in the external genitalia seriously worry women. These include cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the labia. In most cases, a bluish color is not a pathology at all, but can be a sign of illness or injury. What are the causes of blue labia?

The concept of norm is often much broader than the concept of pathology. This also applies to the female external genitalia. Big and small and shape; the skin and mucous membranes are pigmented differently, ranging in color from pale pink to dark brown, and all these variations are normal. Blue mucous membranes may seem unusual, but if such a phenomenon is not accompanied by painful symptoms, most likely it is caused by the physiology of a particular organism.

Causes of blue labia

Blueness of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia is associated with changes in blood circulation in this area. For example, it can be caused by subcutaneous hemorrhage as a result of a blow, which is observed in ordinary bruises. Another reason for blue discoloration is venous congestion and varicose veins that carry blood to the heart.

Most often, pregnant women complain about the blue color of the labia, which is not surprising. It’s enough just to imagine the changes that occur in the female body after conception. The fetus, located in the uterus, begins to actively grow and with all its weight puts pressure on the organs and vessels located in the pelvic cavity. Plus, there is a radical change in the hormonal background of the body.

With age, the color of the skin of the external genitalia changes. This is due to maturation and aging of the body, accompanied by hormonal changes. Noticeable changes occur during puberty: the labia darken.

A woman's sex life also affects their color. Thus, frequent and violent sex, accompanied by strong tissue friction, leads to increased pigmentation. By the age of 35, the production of the female hormone estrogen increases significantly, which also affects the color saturation of the mucous membranes.

Injuries and illnesses

Sometimes blue mucous membranes of the labia are indeed a pathology, but extremely rarely this is the only sign of a serious problem. Most often, abnormal blue discoloration is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms: pain, swelling, bleeding.

  1. With strong blows to the perineum, subcutaneous hemorrhage may occur and a “bruise” may form. Trauma that preceded the blueness of the labia indicates the true cause of the problem.
  2. Serious inflammatory processes in the genitals are also accompanied by cyanosis of the mucous membranes. Other symptoms: ; the appearance of ulcers, sometimes bleeding, foci of erosion; sticky white vaginal discharge.

The labia can also turn blue as a result of minor damage to the skin, for example, during shaving. A small blue lesion forms at the site of the ingrown hair. The same effect occurs from deep ones.

A woman's wearing of tight, uncomfortable synthetic underwear and other clothing can lead to chafing, damage to the skin, compression of blood vessels, oxygen starvation and, as a result, blue discoloration of tissues.

Blue labia during pregnancy

Pregnancy stands apart among the possible causes of a bluish tint of the labia. This characteristic sign can appear as early as two weeks after conception. In the second half of pregnancy, the labia change even more, discomfort and itching often appear; the color of the mucous membranes may be purple-bluish. The labia majora and minora become noticeably swollen and swollen. All these changes are natural, normal and do not pose any threat to women’s health. They are caused by a sharp change in blood circulation (especially in the pelvic organs), pressure from the growing fetus and are an auxiliary mechanism for delivery.

Such physiological changes can lead to venous congestion and varicose veins of the perineum and genitals in late pregnancy, which usually resolve on their own a few days after birth. The likelihood of this phenomenon increases in women who become pregnant again. Among first-time mothers, only a third of expectant mothers experience varicose veins of the perineum, while in the second pregnancy it already bothers two-thirds of women.

In critical cases, venous congestion can lead to the development of acute thrombophlebitis, severe pain and bleeding. These complications can be prevented by following certain medical recommendations:

  • a pregnant woman should move as much as possible - in static positions, blood stagnates in the pelvic area;
  • It is recommended to lie on your side;
  • wear underwear without seams - it does not exert much pressure; in addition, if necessary, special compression garments are used to keep the veins in good shape.

The gynecologist may also prescribe a special medicinal ointment.

Thus, in most cases, the bluish tint of the labia is a variation of the norm. Blueing of the external genitalia during pregnancy is a natural process that does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and baby. However, it is necessary to take some preventive measures to prevent the development of thrombophlebitis. If the blueness of the labia is accompanied by pain, swelling, or the appearance of skin ulcers, you should consult a doctor.

Many women wonder why the labia are dark. After all, very often women, looking at themselves in the mirror, begin to notice that the skin of the labia is significantly different from the color of the vagina, and this seems very unaesthetic. What are such changes usually associated with?

Physical impact on the labia

The labia may begin to darken for many reasons. One of them is physical impact. Very often, a woman does not even notice that she is wearing uncomfortable or too tight underwear, as a result of which dark age spots appear. The skin also receives a lot of microtraumas during shaving.

Some women's legs are positioned in such a way that friction occurs between them when walking. Therefore, the skin begins to wear off in the area of ​​the groin folds, and dark areas form. In such women, greatly increased sweating is observed in the inguinal folds, and this is another reason why the labia become dark.


Dark labia can be the result of a variety of diseases associated with inflammatory processes. In addition to darkened lips, swelling, hyperemia, swelling, discharge of an unpleasant color and odor, as well as small ulcers on the lips may be observed.

Dark labia can suddenly acquire this shade if the disease pityriasis versicolor is noticed. In this case, the labia majora and minora begin to itch very much, and small transparent blisters will be noticeable on them, which will burst over time. If treatment is not started in time, dark spots can spread from intimate areas to the inner thigh. But not only lichen will indicate similar symptoms. Any fungal disease will have similar symptoms. After treatment, the fungal cultures that caused the inflammation will disappear, but pigmentation on the skin may remain.

If the labia begin to contrast strongly with the skin on other parts of the body, this indicates the presence of serious diseases.

If the mucous membrane has acquired a black tint and a velvety surface, this indicates a risk of stomach cancer. But genital cancer not only changes the pigmentation of the labia, but also thickens the surface of the skin.

Consequence of intoxication

Dark labia with a slight brown tint may be a consequence of constant intoxication of the body. Harmful substances can be ingested through food, food, or inhaled while working in hazardous conditions. Toxic substances also enter the body in the form of drugs.

Labia dark in color during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy you may notice that the labia and vagina have acquired a darkish tint. Often pigmentation also affects the nipples. Rarely the neck and face area. Such changes are called chloasma.

Such processes in the body occur due to hormonal changes in the very first stages of pregnancy. Thus, the body is constantly preparing for its new state. Blood circulation increases in the pelvic organs, which means the load on the vessels located in the genital area increases. The body responds to this effect with pigmentation.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the effect on the labia area increases significantly. You may notice that they become more elastic and soft, and more pigmentation appears.

Dark colored labia may result from the use of hormonal contraceptives, as well as other medications containing hormones.


Often the dark labia minora become this way due to the appearance of venous stagnation. In the first stages, the lips swell a little and change color slightly. And then they turn completely blue.

The most common cause of varicose veins is pregnancy or obesity, as well as genetic predisposition. However, women of normal weight are also susceptible to this disease.

For perineal varicose veins, doctors strongly recommend increasing activity as much as possible and sitting, standing or sleeping on your side as little as possible.

in intimate places

Dark labia minora is a problem that many women face. However, today there are many ways to successfully cope with it.

First, perform a peeling procedure and thoroughly exfoliate the skin. After this, you need to apply a special whitening cream or serum. But it is best to do this a few days after peeling, so that there are no microcracks or scratches on the skin. In order to whiten the skin of intimate areas, you don’t need to spend a lot of time and make hellish efforts. After two weeks of regular use of the whitening cream, you will already be able to notice the result. The skin will become more uniform and well-groomed, pigment spots will gradually begin to disappear.

Dark spots on the labia: whitening at home

Try squeezing the juice from parsley and mixing it with rich homemade sour cream. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this and apply to problem areas for a few minutes. As soon as you feel a burning sensation, wash it off immediately.

Cucumber puree also copes well with this problem. If you add white clay to it, the effect will be achieved as quickly as possible.

A mask with parsley will give faster results, provided that you do it about three times a day for a week. The cucumber mask will manifest itself only after several weeks of regular procedures.

Salon treatments

Many women are concerned about very dark labia. If this problem occurs regardless of inflammatory diseases, then it generally does not bring any unpleasant sensations. But many girls believe that dark labia and the area on the inner thigh look extremely unaesthetic, and therefore are ready to take any measures to solve this problem.

In modern beauty salons, special procedures can be performed to whiten the skin, but they are not performed on the labia minora and mucous membranes. Several laser correction procedures can completely restore skin color and give it a more well-groomed appearance.

No matter how you try to lighten your skin, use a nourishing cream afterwards.

Don't worry too much about the color of your intimate areas. In these places, a woman's skin may actually have a darker shade. This is not a pathology, this is how nature intended it. So if it doesn't cause you physical discomfort, don't worry about it and continue enjoying life. After all, even the most harmless procedures can cause harm to the body.

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