How many calories do we really burn? Burn after reading: how to easily burn calories at home Everyday activity or household chores

To lose weight, you don't have to restrict yourself in calories. Expend as many calories as possible - engage in active physical activity! Use the calculator to calculate your daily calorie consumption and treat yourself to a delicious dinner or favorite dessert.

1 Enter your weight


2 Check the activities

  • House and yard work
    • Digging holes
      Car washing and polishing
      Window cleaning
      Mopping floors
      Washing dishes
      Tree and bush pruning
      Transporting cargo by wheelbarrow
      Moving furniture
      Carrying boxes
      Sweeping floors and carpets
      Buying items for the home
      Buying groceries
      Watering house plants
      Planting in the garden
      Planting trees or bushes
      Cooking while sitting
      Cooking while standing
      Work in the garden
      Working with a rake
      Hand scythe work
      Working with a lawn mower
      Hanging clothes
      Unloading lumber
      Unpacking boxes
      Wood chopping
      Manual snow removal
      Folding clothes
      Folding and carrying firewood
      Wash by hand
      Standing in line
      Cleaning the apartment
      Lawn cleaning
      Cleaning leaves
      Snow removal
      Packing boxes
  • Fitness and sports
    • Water aerobics
      Aerobics intense
      Aerobics light
      Running 10 km/h
      Running 15 km/h
      Running 8 km/h
      Cross-country skiing
      Running in nature
      Running up the stairs
      Cross country running
      Boxing with a punching bag
      Fast walk
      Fast swimming
      Bicycle 10 km/h
      Bicycle 20 km/h
      Bicycle 25 km/h
      Bicycle 30 km/h
      Bicycle 35+ km/h
      Bicycle Exercise bike (high activity)
      Exercise bike (medium activity)
      Exercise bike, warm-up
      Horse riding, galloping
      Horseback riding, trotting
      Horse riding, step
      Water polo
      Water skiing
      Eastern gymnastics
      Martial arts
      Rowing machine
      Rope exercises
      Roller skating
      Skiing from the mountains
      Ski simulator
      Table tennis
      Location orientation
      Swimming (butterfly)
      Swimming (breaststroke)
      Swimming (crawl)
      Swimming (general)
      Beach volleyball
      Lifting weights
      Working as an aerobics trainer
      Stretching, stretching
      Rhythmic gymnastics (easy)
      Rhythmic gymnastics (heavy)
      Nordic walking
      Race walking
      Intensive step aerobics
      Step aerobics light
      Pistol shooting
      Tennis (large)
      Rider type trainers
      Hatha yoga
      Walking 3 km/h
      Walking 4 km/h
      Walking 5 km/h
      Walking 6 km/h
      Walking 7 km/h
      Walking 8 km/h
      Walking up the stairs
      Walking down the stairs
      Walking in nature
      Field hockey
  • Labor activity
    • Working as an actor in the theater
      Working as a bartender
      Office work
      Working in a bakery
      Working at the computer
      Work as a clerk
      Work as a massage therapist
      Work as an installer
      Working with a forklift
      Work on a farm, poultry house
      Working as a carpenter
      Work as a tailor
      Working as a teacher
      Working as a nurse
      Working as a physical education teacher
      Shoe repair
      Fruit picking
      Garbage collection
      Horse care
      Studying in the classroom
  • Recreation, entertainment
    • Active games with children
      Playing guitar while sitting
      Playing the guitar while standing
      Piano playing
      Playing the violin
      Playing the trombone
      Playing the trumpet
      Playing the flute
      Playing with children while sitting
      Animal games
      Feeding the baby
      Bathing a child
      Washing the animal
      Carrying children in your arms
      Dressing a child
      Outdoor games with children
      Taking a bath
      Taking a shower
      Walking with a stroller
      Walking the dog
      Watching TV
      Talking on the phone while sitting
      Talking on the phone while standing
      Handicrafts (sitting)
      Handicrafts (standing)
      Sex (active)
      Sex (passive)
      Family walk
      Construction from snow
      Classical dancing (slow)
      Modern dances (fast)
      Hair Styling
      Reading while sitting

3 Enter the elapsed time

Metabolism cannot exist independently without consuming calories, and vice versa. Metabolic processes that occur in the human body are directly related to the so-called energy exchange. The unit of energy is the calorie.

Heart, respiratory system, liver and kidneys - these internal organs account for the greatest energy costs. They are not interrupted even at rest. Scientists have found that in one hour, every kilogram of the body burns 1 kcal, which in total gives us about 1800 kcal per day.

These figures are very ambiguous, as they depend on many components. To keep your body in good shape, consume the maximum possible amount of kilocalories - resort to active physical activities so that the muscle work is very intense. An online table and flow analyzer will help you calculate all the necessary data.

Online calculator for calculating calorie consumption

This counter is very convenient to use, since the counting is completed in a fraction of a second:

  • indicate body weight;
  • type of activity (sports, fitness, sedentary work, entertainment);
  • time spent;
  • the system will calculate the result.

When one gram of protein is broken down, 4.1 kcal is released, fat – 9.3, carbohydrates – 4.1. Every second of our lives, we lose energy by releasing heat into the environment. The intensity of heat exchange depends on activity or inactivity.

On average, the daily energy expenditure of the average representative of the stronger sex fluctuates around 2500-2700 kilocalories, the weak - 2000-2200. But all this is very approximate data, because a spread of 200 units can cause the appearance of fat deposits.

It is better to use a modified version of the Mifflin-San Geor daily calorie consumption formula, which takes into account your parameters, level of activity - and therefore provides more accurate data. When counting calories for weight loss, weight consumption is determined according to height:

  • for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • among women: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (g) – 161) x A, Where:

A1 – minimum activity, =1.2;

A2 – weak, =1.375;

A3 – average, =1.55;

A4 – high, =1.725;

A5 – extra, =1.9.

The arithmetic of the numbers is quite simple: when losing weight, you should increase calorie consumption in relation to consumption, when gaining weight - vice versa, and with a normal lifestyle these indicators are equal. The balance is contained in the elementary equation for measuring calorie expenditure:

Nutritional value of foods eaten = energy loss

To calculate your daily kcal consumption, you can also use a calorie consumption analyzer.

The main source of loss of extra pounds per day, for both women and men, is sports. It improves well-being, has a positive effect on health, muscle tone, coordination, balance, reaction, promotes the development of logical thinking and helps get rid of hated centimeters.

Even the smallest effort or movement brings you one step closer to your goal, and a long period of training will allow you to do this by leaps and bounds, because the main consumption of calories by a person occurs precisely during physical activity. To make it easier to determine how much you spend per day for certain exercises, we suggest using the following daily calorie consumption table:

Activity (calorie consumption per 1 hour), kcal per 1 kg of weight for 80 kg weight for 70 kg weight for 60 kg weight for 50 kg weight
walk 4,5 360 315 270 225
during Nordic walking 5,7 456 399 342 286
when walking 5 km/h 4,5 360 315 270 225
high intensity dancing (high calorie consumption) 6,9 554 485 416 346
when riding a bicycle (driving 20 km/h) 7,7 617 540 463 386
breaststroke swimming 10,6 844 739 633 528
when swimming crawl 8,1 651 570 489 407
during water aerobics 7,6 606 530 454 379
spinning a hoop (hula hoop) 4.4 352 308 264 221
on an exercise bike 7,4 592 518 444 369
treadmill 12 km/h 11,4 912 798 684 570
on an elliptical trainer (health disc) 7,4 592 518 444 369
on the rowing machine 7,4 592 518 444 369
jumping 10,1 808 707 606 505
squats 5,6 448 392 336 280
jumping rope 7,7 617 540 463 386
rowing 3,0 240 270 180 150
step aerobics intensive 10,6 848 742 636 528
aerobics intense 7,4 592 518 444 369
crossfit 11,9 956 833 714 595
bodyflex 10 800 700 600 500
yoga static 3,2 256 224 192 160
Pilates (average calorie expenditure) 4,9 392 343 294 245
roller skating 4,4 354 310 266 221
riding a scooter 5,3 424 371 318 264
badminton 6,9 554 485 416 346
football 6,4 514 450 386 321
climbing the stairs 12,9 1029 900 771 643

No less effective exercises include:

  • bench press;
  • cardio exercises;
  • power training;
  • burpee (with 1 approach, calorie consumption - 1.43);
  • bar;
  • rocking the press;
  • pull-up exercises;
  • push-ups and push-up exercises;
  • in various other sports.

It would be rational to plan your individual training process, which will correspond to your lifestyle, capabilities and skills (this means highly coordinated sports). Join a gym, fitness class or swimming pool, go for a morning jog (you can even get results from jogging and running in place) or exercise right at home. At the same time, you can achieve results faster in the gym using simulators. The most important thing is to lead an active lifestyle!

Sports and physical exercise are effective, but in addition to special loads, energy is lost during various types of activities - even during ordinary daily activities and household chores that we did not even suspect:

  • eating;
  • hygiene;
  • talking on the phone;
  • working on a computer;
  • making the bed;
  • Hair Styling;
  • dressing/undressing;
  • taking a bath;
  • Reading books.

The base and average calorie consumption per day is, on average, lower from such activities than from working out in the gym. And yet, such seemingly insignificant actions also help the body to stay in good shape! The data is shown in the table:

Activity (calorie consumption per 1 hour), kcal per 1 kg of weight for 80 kg weight for 70 kg weight for 60 kg weight for 50 kg weight
lying 1,1 88 77 66 55
sleep (during sleep) 0,6 51 45 39 32
at rest 1,0 80 70 61 51
during active sex 2,1 171 150 129 107
when climbing stairs 12,9 1029 900 771 643
cleaning 2,7 214 188 161 134
when driving a car 1,4 115 101 87 72
being in the bathhouse 3,1 248 220 186 155
being in cold water 1,2 96 84 72 60
during sedentary work 1,1 86 75 54 44
during mental activity 0,13 10,4 8,8 7,8 6,5
office work 1,2 99 87 75 62
during pregnancy 2,08 166,4 145,6 124,8 104
while breastfeeding 2,0 163 142 122 101

Often, in order to bring yourself back to normal, it is enough to simply use the above tables of basic and average consumption, formulas, and a calculator. And understand that after spending a certain amount of energy, we can eat food whose energy value coincides with the energy spent (for those who want to lose weight, coming< затраты , and to gain weight – vice versa).

For those who for some reason cannot or do not want to exercise physically (although this is the shortest way to losing weight), it is enough to reduce their daily diet or make it less caloric and more healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables, meat and fish (preferably boiled or baked), and less sweet, fatty and starchy foods.

Are you looking for exercises online that will get rid of belly fat in 5 minutes? Are you going through lists of diets or are you thinking of signing up for some kind of “crazy cutting”? But if you think about it, the simplest activities will help you tone up and speed up your metabolism in order to lose excess weight faster. AnySports tells you how to burn calories without leaving home.

Morning routines

Brushing your teeth and 5 minutes in the shower will cost you about 20 calories. And if you add another 30 seconds of dousing with cool water, you will burn exactly the same amount.

In 10 minutes you will burn about 80 calories. Singing along to your favorite songs while exercising will increase your calorie expenditure by up to 100! You can gain another 10 calories by jumping rope for a minute. But amateurs who are used to practicing calmly and measuredly will burn about 80 calories in half an hour of practice.

Home life

Few people enjoy washing dishes, but think of it as another test of your willpower and a sure-fire way to burn 35 calories in 10 minutes. If you also do this, you will burn from 20 to 50 calories.

Hand washing not for you? But you still have to take the laundry out of the washing machine, hang it, and then sort and fold it. Voila - minus 35 calories in 15 minutes of useful work! And if you also do ironing on this day, you will burn almost 80 calories in half an hour.

Once the cleaning has started, you can spend half an hour wiping off the dust and putting things back in their places. The result is minus 80 calories and a sparkling clean home! Another 15 minutes of vacuuming is 50 calories, and half an hour of mopping will cost you 153 calories. For those who have gone into a frenzy: 2 hours of “general” cleaning with removal of trash from the apartment - minus 900 calories. The result is so amazing that you don’t even have to go!

Pump up your gym-like body with an intensive training course from Hollywood's best trainer Jim Barcena. Read more about the course.

If you live in your own home, you have to either remove snow or tidy up the lawns. An hour of such work will save you from 330-450 calories. Sometimes you can even wash your car yourself - saving money and minus 65 calories in 15 minutes!

About 180 kcal can be burned in an hour and a half of cooking. Remember, also add spices to your food that help burn fat. While dinner is cooking, have a drink - it forces your body to burn more calories.

Rest with benefit

After such active maneuvers and consolidation of the result, you just have to refrain from heavy lifting and allow yourself to rest. Even if you decide to watch TV, you can burn 72 calories in an hour. By adding light exercises like balancing on a stability ball or swinging your legs, you can burn up to 200 calories while watching a movie.

– this is a pleasant relaxation and minus 100 calories for every 10 minutes of fun time together. If your child is still small, take a stroller to the park - you will burn about 280 calories in an hour.

Shopping is another way to relax, in the process you will spend about 152 kcal per hour. Use the stairs while walking around the supermarket: 5 minutes - 50 calories.

With your significant other in the park, you will burn 130 kcal each. Kiss for pleasure - 25 calories in 10 minutes. And if you move on to having sex, estimate your energy consumption at the rate of 200 calories per hour!

Did you know that 8 hours of sleep burns about 476 calories? This is another reason why you should get enough sleep! Sleeping in a cool room will help you feel more alert in the morning and burn an additional 35 calories overnight.

Be sure to read useful materials or a book chapter - burn 33 calories in 15 minutes. And if you get a 15-minute massage, you will not only get a feeling of lightness in your body, but also burn 33 calories.

If you are, remember: you need to spend more calories than you consume in food. If you are active all day and watch your diet, parting with extra pounds will be very easy! And you don't even need to go to the gym for this.

Hello my dear readers!

We all dream of staying healthy, young, beautiful, fit. The key to all of the above has always been and will be a healthy diet, as well as a physically active lifestyle. Today we’ll talk about how to burn 1000 calories at home and how to keep yourself constantly in great shape. Go.

There is one very good formula that helps keep your body in great shape. This formula looks like this: 50%/50%. What is this, you ask me. Here's what.

A person needs a certain amount of calories per day for normal functioning. This could be 1800-2200 kcal. It all depends on personal data. For example, on height, health status, and so on. (yes, you can easily calculate your norm). So, 50% of this daily norm should be spent inside our body on various metabolic processes. The remaining 50% is for physical activity. That's the whole formula. By sticking to it, excess weight will never overtake you.

But what if you can’t burn everything according to these rules? Then 50% of the calories received will remain in the body. And after some time, a large number of unused ones will accumulate, which will turn into extra pounds.

Even if you spend no more than 600 calories at work or doing everyday chores around the house. Then 500 will still remain. If only 500 of them accumulate in a day, then in a week there will already be 3,500 of them.

How to burn 500 calories at home or all 1000 per day? The answer to this question is simple. Take a piece of paper, write “500 calories” or “1000 calories” on it and burn it over a candle. Done 😉

As always, the best and lasting results can only be achieved through physical education. But physical education can be not only in the gym. Let's talk about how to burn calories at home.

Do physical exercise and you will be happy

Sometimes home workouts are just as effective as sessions with a trainer. Moreover, now you can buy special training programs and look at different types of exercises on the Internet. The most important thing is desire and a positive fighting spirit.

In addition, there are also home exercise machines, simple household chores and other activities that can help you burn 1000 calories without leaving home!

We connect home exercise equipment

  1. Treadmill. I have already written about all the pros and cons of running and. But you can't always run outside. Then the simulator will help. Home workouts on a treadmill are not only good for losing weight, they have a healthy effect on the entire body. With an average load, 633 kcal will be consumed in 60 minutes.
  2. Exercise bike. Great option. Although it is not as fun as, it is easy to adjust the load on the simulator. And to avoid getting bored, you can combine training and something pleasant. For example, I listen to audio books. Or you can pedal in front of the TV and watch your favorite series. Eh, if you could also attach a dynamo to an exercise bike, you could also generate energy 😀 In 1 hour of cycling you will burn 432 kcal. Be sure to forgive.

  1. Ellipsoid. One of my favorites. The load in it is much more intense than when walking or running. The back and arms also work with the help of levers. At an average pace, 600 kcal are consumed in 60 minutes. Read.
  2. Rowing machine. This machine is used for both strength training and cardio training. It works very well on all muscle groups at once. You turn on your favorite music and imagine that you are rowing along the river. And the sun is all around, the birds are singing... I’m daydreaming :) So, 60 minutes of rowing burns 432 kcal
  3. Jumping rope. To get rid of 648 kcal you will have to puff for 1 hour. For me, this is not suitable for everyone and you get tired of jumping up and down for a long time.
  4. Hula hoop (aka hula hoop). It was calculated that when you spin a hoop (not the heaviest one) at an average pace for 1 minute, you can lose 10 calories. If the hoop is an addition to other strength exercises, then this is a very good result. Exercise 10-15 minutes a day every day, and in just 2 weeks you will reduce your waist by 5 centimeters. I wrote about him separately.

  1. Instead of running. Don't want to run on a treadmill? Boring and monotonous? Get home a simple game like Dance Dance Revolution. You connect it to a computer or TV, lay a special platform on the floor and start moving to the music. This game simulates rhythmic dance movements. Remember, in the movie “Wasabi” Jean Reno did such amazing pirouettes on a slot machine. It turns out that you can install such a thing at home and burn calories while playing :)

I found a video where a girl dances so well that I wanted to do it myself :)

But mother and daughter are also “on fire.”

The game is equivalent to an intense jog. 10 calories are burned in one minute. This is an impact cardio session at a convenient time, without leaving home. You can also keep your child busy for a while with fun dancing. And you will spend 600 kcal in 1 hour.

My husband said he would give me money for this. Hooray! 🙂 Sometimes it’s really too lazy to drag yourself to the gym, especially when it’s cold outside, that it’s better to work out at home. I already found it on AliExpress (only their names are crooked...):

1 603 rub.

To the store

Let's sum it up results How long will it take to lose 1000 kcal during training? on simulators. The data is approximate. It all depends on your weight. More weight burns more calories.

It turns out that in 1.5 hours on some exercise machines you can lose the treasured 1000 calories

Aerobic exercise

I have separated them into a separate category from exercise machines. In aerobic exercise, exercises are performed at “medium” or “low” intensity. Helps you lose weight and strengthens your heart.

  1. Yoga. Many exercises are aimed at strengthening the back muscles. During breathing practices, internal organs are massaged. Breathing, relaxation and harmony with yourself. Here are 3 basic tenets to start practicing yoga at home. Such classes. For 60 minutes of yoga - minus 252 kcal. Performing at home to calm music will help you calm down and relax. And it can be very beautiful:

  1. Dancing. Practice at home with your favorite music. Pleasure and buzz are guaranteed 🙂 Slow dancing will help you spend 180 kcal in 60 minutes, and with fast dancing 396 kcal.
  2. Fitball. I love it very much. From the outside it seems that playing with the ball is easy. In practice, you must constantly keep your coordination and muscles in good shape so as not to fall off it. Abdominal exercises are especially good; they are one of the three best exercises specifically for the abdominal area.
  3. Aerobics. Even in Ancient Greece they practiced rhythmic gymnastics. There are so many varieties of it that you can’t count them. But if you look at calorie consumption, then when you exercise at an easy pace, 360 kcal are burned per hour, and when you exercise at an intense pace, 432 kcal.
  4. Step aerobics. Perhaps this is one of the most energy-intensive types of training. Even with a light load, 432 kcal is easily burned in an hour. And with intense training it’s already 648 kcal.

All you need is a simple platform with the ability to change the height level. Those who have tried it will confirm that after training, “at least wring out the towel.”

Let's sum it up summary of aerobic training at an easy and intense pace.

Tips for increasing the effectiveness of home workouts

  • Proper breathing is the key to your success: inhale through the nose/exhale through the mouth;
  • Make sure that the exercises are performed correctly;
  • Regular training is best. It's best to set aside a few days a week to study. This will put your body into physically active mode;
  • Stay hydrated by drinking a glass of water before exercise;
  • Chocolate is also the best friend of athletes, but not milk chocolate, but bitter chocolate. A small piece will energize you and help you burn calories faster;
  • Workouts can be supplemented with special sportswear, which will speed up the weight loss process. For example, you can play sports in;
  • With additional weights on your legs or arms, you burn calories faster.

Remember that active sports can be used not only for losing weight, but also for maintaining health. Sport has a positive effect on the respiratory system, on the cardiovascular system, increases metabolism and performance, and helps in the fight against stressful situations. As a result, overall health improves significantly.

Daily activities or household chores

What if you don’t have time to play sports? Is it really necessary to forget about a good figure forever? In no case! Do your daily activities, be active and you will also lose calories.

List of daily activities and the number of calories burned per hour:

The indicators were calculated for a girl’s weight of 60 kg. For different weights the consumption will be different. The more you weigh, the more calories you burn.

The best workout for 1000 kcal

After evaluating all types of home workouts for myself, I decided that I would rather buy an elliptical trainer. And spin it every day for half an hour. And sometimes if you're in the mood to dance on Dance Dance Revolution.

If you are still wondering “how many calories to burn to lose weight and how to do it correctly,” then believe me, no one-time work to the point of exhaustion can replace regular daily training.

How do you fight extra pounds? What are your methods? Share in the comments. It is very interesting to me. to my updates to stay informed about the release of the most interesting articles on my blog :)

A sedentary lifestyle can be a serious obstacle on the path to a slim figure, because in order to burn more calories, you need to move more. For many, this will seem like a difficult task, especially in office or sedentary work. But there are simple ways to increase your activity levels naturally. In this article we will look at simple methods and illustrate with specific examples that everything is possible - you just need to take it and do it.

The higher the calorie consumption, the more effective the weight loss - this is a fact. High calorie consumption allows you to become more active and makes losing weight comfortable. Our body is not only used to move, but also to maintain temperature, breathing, and heartbeat. Unfortunately, achieving significant expenditure through exercise alone is difficult unless you do it daily. Daily multi-hour training is the prerogative of athletes, but for ordinary people, three training sessions per week are enough and increase energy expenditure due to.

The human body is designed to move. To get their food, our ancestors spent hours hunting animals and working in the fields. For long periods of modern history, physical labor was the only way to feed ourselves. Automation of production and the advent of household appliances have simplified our work, while television and the Internet have brightened up our leisure time, but have made us sedentary. The average person spends 9.3 hours a day sitting. And this does not take into account sleep, watching TV and communicating on the Internet. Our body is not designed for this lifestyle. It suffers, gets sick, grows fat.

According to statistics, obese people spend 2.5 hours more sitting than slim people. And during the years of rapid development of information technology from the 1980s to the 2000s, the number of obese people doubled.

There is a way out, even if you work in a sedentary job 8 hours a day.

If you decide to lose weight, then you will have to become more active than you are now. The easiest way to increase your activity is to find an active activity that you enjoy. Cross stitch will not work. Look for something that will make you move.

Active hobby options:

  • or ice skating;
  • Classes in the martial arts section.

An active hobby can help occupy your free time, but if you work a sedentary job, find ways to get away from your chair.

  • Get off one stop earlier and (can be done both before and after work);
  • During a break, do not sit in the office, but go for a walk;
  • During your coffee break, do a light warm-up.

The worst thing you can do with a sedentary lifestyle is to come home and sit back at the computer or in front of the TV. However, you can combine business with pleasure - do a set of exercises or exercise on a simulator while watching your favorite show.

If you spend most of your time at home, then use the following methods.

  • Household chores;
  • Wash by hand;
  • Active games with children;
  • Shopping trip;
  • Perform a light set of exercises.

It is important to understand that the point of these actions is simply to increase calorie expenditure, which will allow you to lose weight faster and more effectively. And if you turn this process into an exciting game “Get rid of extra calories,” then by the end of the week the result will pleasantly surprise you. To encourage yourself to move more, place things as far away from the places where you use them as possible. For example, put the printer in a far corner so you can get up from your desk more often, and at home, deliberately lose the TV remote control to change channels manually. Train your body to be active while playing!

Let's look at the example of the day of two women weighing 90 kg, but one leads a sedentary lifestyle, and the other an active one.

In the first case of an ordinary person - sleep, light morning exercises, personal hygiene, cooking and eating, walking to the bus stop and back, sedentary work in the office, watching TV for two hours and taking a shower. A woman weighing 90 kg will spend a little more than two thousand calories on this activity.

Now look at this example. The activities are the same here, but this woman went out on her work break to buy groceries and walked a few extra hundred meters on the way home. She gave up the elevator, did some light homework in the form of hand washing, spent an hour playing actively with her child, and did simple balance and stretching exercises while watching her favorite TV series. As a result, she managed to burn a thousand more calories!

No grueling workouts or active hobbies, but a natural increase in activity, which allowed me to increase my calorie consumption by a whole thousand. Who do you think will lose weight faster? And add here workouts, active hobbies and uncounted regular getting up from your seat and calorie consumption will increase even more.

You too can calculate your energy costs and think about how you can increase them. The main thing is that it is easy and natural for you. So that you can maintain approximately the same level of activity every day.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

Place in : out of competition ()
Date of: 2011-08-28 Views: 1 942 398 Grade: 4.9

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Physical activity level:
Minimum (sedentary work) Average (I walk or drive a lot) Increased (mainly physical work) High (hard physical work) Maximum (load cars around the clock)

Your aim:
Lose weight Relief: without weight change Muscle mass and strength Only strength without mass

Number of workouts per week:
Not training 1 workout 2 workouts 3 workouts 4 workouts 5 workouts 6 workouts 7 workouts

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This calorie expenditure calculator will calculate your average daily energy expenditure using Tom Venuto's formula. This is a pretty accurate formula, but I've made it even more precise by adding adjustments for training and physical activity. In addition, you will not only know your calorie expenditure, but also see how many of these calories you need to consume in order to achieve your goals. The program will select the amount of kcal consumption per day based on your goals. After all, as is known, in order

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