Sweets for dogs: is it possible and how to give them correctly? The dog is again plaintively begging for a piece of sweets: should I allow it? The dog loves sweets, what should I do?

Probably all breeders and dog lovers sooner or later face the problem of sweets. Is it worth giving them to your pet or is it harmful? Veterinarians and smart books They literally burst into tears talking about the dangers of sweets, but not everyone listens to them, and then they face negative consequences.

Yes, sometimes it seems that the dog really wants sweets when the owner eats it. But actually it is not. They just like to eat from their hands or from the table - the shortcomings of upbringing are nothing more than that. Yes, they eat candy if you give it, but if you don’t give it to the dog, it won’t even make you upset; it’s not as important for it as it is for children. She will eat a tasty chop or a piece of kebab with much more enthusiasm. At the same time, the harm from such a delicacy will be significantly less.

From a medical point of view

The problem is that digestive system dogs are not adapted for normal absorption of glucose. It causes fermentation, which is undesirable for their digestion, unlike herbivores, for whom fermentation helps digest rough plant food - cereals, grass. Dogs get the glucose they need for life and digestion from vegetables and fruits, which contain much less of it than sweets.

If a dog eats prohibited sweet foods (even in small quantities), this bad for her digestion. Even sweets are bad for people. For an animal smaller in size than a person, one candy is like a whole cake! There is no benefit and only complete clogging of the stomach. Diseases of the liver and other organs appear. Diabetes or obesity may develop. The first signs of digestive problems are nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, etc.

In addition, sweets have a negative effect on your pet’s vision and hearing. The eyes can begin to water, become inflamed and even fester, and treatment is expensive and troublesome. Hearing can be weakened, and for dogs it is incredibly important.

Sometimes, with excess glucose, allergies can develop, eczema and ulcers appear on the skin, and hair begins to fall out. All these are reasons that the liver cannot cope with the load.

And, of course, the most obvious harm would be damage to tooth enamel. Not all owners brush their pets' teeth, and not everyone buys bones for them to clean themselves. But if you don’t do this and give your pet cookies and chocolate, then soon he will need soft food, as problems with gums will appear, and teeth may begin to fall out. This is incredibly difficult for the animal and also a lot of stress.

Forbidden sweets

  • Chocolate is not only harmful for dogs, but can even lead to the death of your pet. It causes a rapid heartbeat, while the blood vessels constrict and the central nervous system is excited. Not every pet can handle such a load, especially if it already has any problems with the heart or blood vessels.
  • Currants, fresh grapes and raisins, and macadamia nuts (Australian) are toxic.
  • Plums and peaches can also harm the animal, resulting in either diarrhea or poisoning.
  • Watermelon and melon greatly overstrain the animal's kidneys.
  • Persimmon can cause intestinal obstruction.
  • Citrus fruits are prohibited for dogs. They may cause allergies or vomiting. But some pets tolerate them well and can even eat lemon without sugar. Here you need to know when to stop and in case of any unpleasant symptoms Stop giving the treat immediately.
  1. Sugar.
  2. Chocolates and caramel.
  3. Condensed milk.
  4. Sweet acorn.
  5. Marshmallow.
  6. Cookie.
  7. Waffles.
  8. Cakes and pastries.
  9. Cream.
  10. Dough.
  11. Sugar substitute.

It is very important not to give dogs not only sweets with sugar, but also with sweeteners. IN Lately They are very popular, and they cause less harm. And everything would have been fine, but they showed up bad reviews. Recently, several cases of animal poisoning with the sweetener xylitol have been recorded. A person has a stronger body, so it does not harm him, but this is an excellent reminder to all owners that before treating an animal with a treat, you need to not only read its composition, but also study it.

What sweets can I have?

For dogs best view sweets will include fresh and dried fruits. Among them it is worth highlighting apples, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. You can also give a banana. But it contains a lot of glucose, so you can only give small piece. Dried fruits include dates, figs, and dried apricots.

Oddly enough, dogs love sweet root vegetables just as much as ice cream. Among them: pumpkin, sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, rutabaga. Just before giving the treat you need to try it. Carrots are not always sweet, so it is better to take young, juicy ones. The same goes for rutabaga. By tasting the product for sweetness, you can find out for sure whether your pet will like it. Also, you shouldn’t give bad root vegetables just to avoid throwing them away. Ice cream, old with hard streaks, dried - they do not have the same positive effect.

Honey is another alternative to candy. Dogs love it, and its use does not harm great harm. It is better to give a little, less than a teaspoon. The pet will feel it, he will like it, but he will not overeat - everything in moderation.

Nuts and seeds are not very sweet and can be a great natural treat. It is best to focus on: sunflower seeds, Walnut(in moderation), almonds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, peanuts.

Possible alternative

There are a lot of sweets that are made especially for dogs. Their peculiarity is that they contain absolutely no sugar and are practically harmless. But only practically! They still cause harm, but it’s like candy for a person - you won’t die from one, but if you eat a couple of kilograms, problems may arise. Therefore, all these store-bought sweets for dogs are nothing more than a simple treat and should be consumed in moderation, as a reward or treat, nothing more!

Popular sweets for dogs include cookies. Bosch, Bosch muesli cookies, treats Royal Canin, Beaphar Super Lekker cookies, Trixie chocolate for dogs and others.

The temptation to pamper your pet is extremely high. And this is even very good, you just need to know what to pamper him with and in what quantities. Natural sweets like fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and seeds will not only please your dog, but will also benefit him. But it is better to completely exclude sweets and cookies.

Each pet has its own preferences. Therefore, you need to understand which natural sweets he likes most. To avoid the temptation to wrap the tablet in candy during treatment or simply give it to him as a reward, it is better to always have a couple of healthy, favorite treats for your pet at home. This will save the owner’s nerves, and the dog will gain health and several happy years of life.

Your pet looks at you with a languid gaze and you can’t stand it, saying to yourself: “Nothing will happen just once,” and you extend your hand with the caramel to its furry face. Time passes, nothing supernatural happens, the “tail” gets a second caramel and everything is fine again. Here you involuntarily think, maybe the horror stories about the dangers of sweets for dogs are just fiction, or are you actually harming your pet? To understand whether dogs can have sweets, you need to understand the subtleties metabolic processes four-legged, because not everything that tastes good to you is good for animals.

Looking ahead, we will indicate that you cannot feed your dog sweets! Some “goodies” can be used as rewards, food additives or pampering, but nothing more! Be prepared, if your four-legged dog turns out to have a “sweet tooth”, he will not stop after eating a few sweets, he will demand more and more. If you don’t keep track of the bag of goodies, you’ll literally poison your dog, but first things first:

  • Sugar as a reward? What bad thing can you say, many people use this method and everything is fine with their dogs. Yes, we won’t argue, everything is fine for the time being. Carbohydrate metabolism in dogs is much higher slower than a human, during training you will feed your pet 10–12 (or even more) pieces of refined sugar. Next, think about what will happen to you if you consume sugar in such a volume? You'll gain weight, won't you? But your pet is young and active, he burns “fresh fat” and remains slim, overloading all the body’s filtering systems. The result? As an option, diabetes by 3–4 years of age, and if you’re lucky, excess weight.
  • Theobromine, found in this delicious treat, stimulates nervous system person, this is one of the factors why chocolate “heals a broken heart” or helps with depression. But our body can remove the substance from the body, but a dog’s body cannot. As a result, the pet's body accumulates theobromine, which is toxic in large quantities. The first blow falls on the nervous system, the four-legged animal becomes hysterical or depressed, the next front of destruction is the heart! 100–150 grams of real dark chocolate will kill a dog within a few hours!
  • Xylitol is a secret enemy! Do you read the ingredients in every product you buy? If yes, then you know that many (even high-quality) sweets contain xylitol. The substance is a polyhydric alcohol and successfully acts as a sweetener. A huge amount of this “drug” is contained in chewing gum (!), so it is important to teach the dog not to pick up “delicious things” from the ground.
  • Flavors, dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives and everything nutritional supplements, used in the confectionery industry are harmful to any animals!

Read also: Grooming and caring for the coat of a Chinese Crested Dog: a set of mandatory activities

Regular begging may indicate a problem, such as vitamin deficiency. A lack of vitamins and microelements can make your pet want to eat non-edible foods; sweets belong specifically to this “section.” Perhaps the reason is more banal, the four-legged animal does not have enough carbohydrates, this happens if the dog receives a predominantly meat diet. And the last, most common reason is that you stopped giving sweets to your dog, but she categorically disagrees with this. In all three cases it is necessary to replace unhealthy sweets useful, and in the second, adjust the diet.

Important! Special chocolate for dogs is not dangerous, but is also harmful to your pet's health!

What sweets can dogs eat?

Can dogs eat sweets without harm to their health? It is possible, but, as they say, be careful. The following list of products is not recommended for pets kept in industrial feed. When feeding natural products, the puppy can be given a small amount of sweets to try, the reaction of the pet and his body will be the instructions for further actions. So, allowed sweets.

The dog was the first wild animal to be tamed by man. For thousands of years now, these creatures have been brightening up our loneliness, sharing shelter, and sometimes sharing meals. The latter will be discussed in the article.

Is it possible to treat your pet to dessert? What are the consequences of consuming sugar for a dog’s body? Let's find out!

In canine predators, the body is simply not adapted to proper assimilation carbohydrates of this kind. Metabolic processes are much slower and the risk of obesity increases accordingly. However, being overweight is the least of the evils.

Why is it not absorbed?

Almost all factory-made sweets contain xylitol - polyhydric alcohol and sweetener. For human body its consumption passes without a trace, and for the dog it can result in intoxication.

Reference! Xylitol is found in huge quantities in chewing gum! Be extremely careful while walking and stop your pet from picking up anything from the floor as soon as possible.

Following dangerous substance– theobromine. It is found in chocolate and its derivatives - candies, cookies, ice cream, etc. It is what affects our mood, improving it. For the canine psyche, theobromine plays the opposite role. Two cubes of chocolate are enough for theobromine to accumulate in the organs and tissues of the animal and begin to poison it.

Even if at first the pet rejoices at the desired treat, it may soon be overcome by an attack of causeless aggression or apathy. Then he gets hit the cardiovascular system– the dog begins to suffer from shortness of breath, arrhythmia and pain.

Harm and consequences

A dog's digestive system is simply not able to digest the amounts of glucose found in sweet treats. As a result, diseases of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver, skin, ears, eyes and teeth occur.

A dog's teeth are an indicator proper nutrition. If you notice redness of the gums, chips or blackness on the enamel, then it’s time to show your ward to the veterinarian and think about changing the diet.

Important! To keep your dog's teeth healthy, take him regularly professional cleaning and purchase special chewing sticks against tartar and plaque.

Why does he want to?

There are only 3 reasons why a dog constantly begs for sweet treats:

  1. Omissions in education. You constantly treated your pet from your plate, and he got so used to it that he constantly asks for his piece. Wean both yourself and your pet from this bad habit and gradually the craving for forbidden sweets will subside.
  2. There are not enough carbohydrates in the diet. This often happens when the owner feeds the dog exclusively with meat and protein products. To prevent your pet from looking into your plate, diversify its diet with porridge, vegetables and permitted fruits.
  3. Vitamin deficiency and nutrients, poor diet. A common problem for dogs on dry food. Dilute the food by a third with natural products so that the dog does not look for gastronomic delights outside its bowl.

Powder, cotton wool and other products

If you deny your dog a piece of sugar, do not try to replace it with another treat not intended for the dog.

All forms of sugar, including sand, refined sugar, powder and cotton wool, are prohibited. Remember that by following the lead of a begging pet, you are not showing love, but are risking its health, and in some cases, life.

In addition to sugar, dogs should not be given the following foods:

  • candies – chocolate, caramel, chewing and other varieties;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • condensed milk - all varieties;
  • custard;
  • whipped cream;
  • marshmallows;
  • cookie;
  • baking.

Among the sweet treats plant origin There are also prohibited ones:

  • Oranges, lemons, grapefruit and others citrus– cause severe allergies and have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Peaches, apricots, plums and others stone fruit– upset digestion, cause diarrhea.
  • Sweet acorns- cause poisoning.
  • Grapes and raisins- cause poisoning.
  • Currant(all varieties) – toxic to dogs.
  • Watermelon and melon– puts a lot of strain on the kidneys.
  • Persimmon– causes indigestion.

What should I do if I ate it?

You can tell that a dog has eaten too much sweets by the following clinical signs:

  1. restless state or apathy - the pet begins to show unusual aggression or lethargy;
  2. nausea or diarrhea;
  3. body tremors or convulsions;
  4. increased or decreased heart rate;
  5. hard breath.

Note! How smaller dog, the faster she experiences attacks of poisoning. The larger, the longer. The meal can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

If all signs indicate that your pet has eaten a forbidden treat, provide him with plenty of fluids and try to induce vomiting. This will help the dog’s body get rid of some of the resulting toxins.

Do not delay visiting the veterinarian - the sooner your pet is examined by a qualified doctor, the lower the risk of a disastrous outcome.

For puppies

The puppy’s body is not yet fully strengthened, which will make it even more difficult for him to cope with the consequences of such a treat. If you have puppies in your home, carefully inspect your kitchen and pantry for accessibility. Sit on your knees and analyze what the puppy can reach, open and try and isolate.

Pregnant and lactating

Pregnant bitches are often quite gluttonous and often look not only into their bowl, but also into the owner’s plate if they feel that they are not getting enough nutrients. Even if your pet is pregnant, you cannot make exceptions in favor of sweet treats.

Reference! Sugar causes bloating and intestinal colic in a pregnant dog, which causes her a lot of discomfort.

Breed exceptions

As mentioned earlier - in dogs large breeds by-effect From consuming sugar, symptoms do not appear immediately. In some cases it does not occur at all. Toxins still accumulate in the dog’s body, but they do so more slowly. Regardless of the dog’s breed, you should not feed it desserts!

What to replace it with?

You can pamper your dog with sweets without harm to his health by adding the following sweet vegetables and fruits to his diet:

  • yam (sweet potato);
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • parsnip;
  • banana (no more than half of the fruit);
  • apple (cut into slices and peeled);
  • wheat sprouts.

Special cubes

For allergies

Execan is a drug for allergies and its manifestations - skin itching and rashes.

Basic active ingredients– dexamethasone, nicatinomid and methionine and vitamin B6.

The drug is quickly absorbed into the blood, and its remains are excreted in the urine.

It has a convenient release form, reminiscent of refined sugar cubes - one dose weighs 8 grams. You can feed it to your pet directly from the palm of your hand, dissolve it in water or mix it into food.

The dosage is calculated based on the body weight of the animal. For the first 4 days of treatment it is as follows:

  • From 30 kg or more – 2 cubes per day.
  • From 15 to 30 kg – 1.5 cubes per day.
  • From 5 to 15 kg – 1 cube per day.
  • For dogs weighing less than 5 kg and cats – half a cube per day.

Upon completion of the four-day stage, the medicine should be given for another 8 days, but the dosage should be half the original

Important! The drug is contraindicated in pregnant bitches, patients diabetes mellitus and viral infections.

From worms

Used for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

  • toxocariasis;
  • dipylidiasis;
  • uncinariasis;
  • toxascariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • diphyllobothriasis.

Available in the form of yellowish sucrose cubes with a longitudinal groove to regulate the dosage. It is given to the pet unchanged, mixed in drinking water or it is forcibly poured into the mouth using a syringe.

The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal, where for every 5 kg there is half a cube. The minimum dosage is 0.5 cubes, the maximum is 6 cubes per day. For prevention, a single dose is enough; for therapy, a two-time dose with a break of 10 days is needed.

Contraindicated in pregnant females and in the presence of allergies to components.


It is possible for a person to deviate from proper nutrition and indulge in a sugary dessert, but not for a dog. Even if your pet sat down opposite you and looked at you with the saddest eyes in the world, after which a piece won’t go down your throat, you shouldn’t share it with him.

Monitor your pet’s diet, teach him not to pick up from the floor or steal from the table - this will be your true manifestation of love and care!

In contact with

Many of us treat our four-legged friends as for their children, and therefore they always want to encourage them and please them with tasty things, as a rule, without thinking, can dogs have sweets? And there is something to think about here.

After all, giving your pets sweets, cakes, ice cream instead of meat, bones, vegetables and fruits is not the best idea. Even if they absorb it all with great pleasure. It turns out that sweets and dogs are incompatible concepts and such treats can bring them nothing but trouble instead of joy.

Benefit or harm?

The whole problem is that digestive organ These animals, which nevertheless belong to the category of predators, do not digest and, therefore, do not absorb glucose. This causes various disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and liver in dogs, which is mainly reflected in the ears and eyes of the animal. Sometimes they get sick and skin, which makes itself felt by the appearance various changes on them. All this indicates that the liver is overloaded: it is simply powerless in the face of such a sweet load.

Chocolate is especially harmful. It is generally unacceptable for the animal’s body. The high presence of theobromine in this product provokes a rapid heartbeat in the pet, narrowing of the arteries, and stimulation of the central nervous system.

It is sweets that can provoke the occurrence of such problems in your pet. clinical signs, such as nausea, diarrhea, irritability, restlessness, and often convulsive seizures, acute heart failure, hypoglycemia and even death.

You should know that such a reaction of the animal’s body to eating “delicious” may not be immediate. The degree of poisoning usually depends on the size of the dog: dwarf breed the larger ones will suffer faster, in a few hours.

When asking yourself whether to give sweets to dogs, you shouldn’t forget about your pet’s teeth. After all, it is common knowledge that these products cause tooth enamel. After all, dog owners do not always take care of their pets’ teeth or purchase the necessary bones for them so that they can do it themselves. So it is possible that after regularly eating sweets they will not develop gum disease or tooth loss.

Prohibited sweets for dogs

As mentioned above, the biggest danger is chocolate. Its use, especially for animals with heart or vascular pathology, is unacceptable. You can not only harm, but also lose your four-legged friend.

Among the prohibited fruits it should be noted:

  1. currants, fresh grapes and raisins - they are toxic;
  2. plums, peaches - cause poisoning and diarrhea;
  3. watermelons, melons - do not show up well on the kidneys;
  4. persimmon - causes intestinal problems;
  5. citrus fruits - they should not be given to dogs at all.

A strong taboo lies on such sweet foods as:

  • sugar,
  • candies of all kinds,
  • condensed milk,
  • sweet acorn,
  • marshmallows,
  • cookie,
  • waffles,
  • cakes and pastries,
  • cream.

By the way, sugar substitutes are also prohibited. There have been cases when poisoning was caused precisely by xylitol. After all, what is acceptable for humans is not always suitable for animals. This should not be forgotten.

The danger is also yeast dough. It is strictly forbidden to give it to dogs. Swelling in the animal's stomach, it can cause severe pain. And yeast, which releases toxic substances, will not have the best effect on your pet’s health.

What goodies can dogs eat?

There are many fresh and dried fruits that will be healthy for your pet and tasty at the same time. In the first place here you should put apples, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. A small piece of banana wouldn't hurt. But you can’t give it whole, since this fruit contains excess glucose. As for dried fruits, dates, figs, and dried apricots will be useful.

No less than ice cream, dogs will like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and rutabaga. But when offering them to your pet, it is advisable to try them yourself so that their taste is truly pleasant.

Honey will also be beneficial for the animal. Usually dogs treat him well and love to treat him. But for one dose more than 1 tsp. it should not be given. Among natural delicacies, it is necessary to note walnuts (in small quantities), pine nuts, almonds, sesame seeds, and peanuts.

In addition, pet stores now offer a large selection of special treats for four-legged pets. They are sugar-free and therefore do not cause much harm. But they are high in calories, so when buying them and giving them to your beloved dog, you should still observe the measure, so as not to have difficulties with their health later.

I think you’ve figured out why dogs can’t have sweets. But if you definitely want to please your pet with something tasty, figure out what you can give him from natural products so that it is both healthy and he likes it. And then be sure to keep them at home so that at the right time you have something to please your pet. Believe me, this will save you nerves, and will add health and a few happy minutes to your pet.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8371 voice

    Dry food only 26%, 4710 votes

Today we will talk to you about the topic of proper and healthy nutrition for your four-legged true friend. Special attention Let’s focus on treats and look in detail at why dogs shouldn’t have sweets.

What does it depend on good condition pet? Not only from games with the owners and walks, but also from proper healthy nutrition. It is necessary to follow the regime and diversify the diet, enriching your pet’s food with vitamins. The quality and quantity of food also matters heavy weight in the dog's well-being. A good owner always knows what can and cannot be given to a pet. Today we will look at the following questions:

  • prohibitions;
  • proper diet;
  • what vegetables can you feed your pet;
  • what the treats should be like;
  • what meat and bones can be given and what should not be given, and so on.


As mentioned earlier, a good owner should always know what he can and cannot feed his pet. Therefore, we devote this section to what dogs can and cannot do. The recommendations below are given by experienced veterinarians with long experience work.

The food you give your dog should be warm, but never hot or cold. It is worth protecting your pet from spices (salt, pepper), smoked meats or large quantity fat This has a bad effect not only on well-being, but also on appearance animal. Sweets should also be excluded from the diet. You will find out a little later why dogs can’t have sweets.

In order to avoid the appearance of worms, fish should be given only boiled and sea fish. Eliminate river fish, especially raw. Inexperienced owners sometimes replace food with bones; this should not be done. There are several reasons for this: bones are not absorbed by the body and constipation is possible, and rapid wear of teeth occurs.

Avoid store-bought sausages. They can destroy your pet’s liver in a short period of time, which is how flavoring additives work, which are not so dangerous for people. Sausages, sausages, smoked hams are poison. Remember this!

Limit your consumption of lamb and pork, as the meat of these animals is high in fat. Sour food is harmful to animals, as well as to people. You should not feed your animal waste.


A puppy up to two months is infant. As you know, small children eat quite often (every 3-3.5 hours), this is due to the characteristics of the stomach. A growing body requires more food; complete emptying of the stomach occurs three hours after eating. For two-month-old puppies, it is necessary to introduce six meals a day, which are distributed evenly throughout the day. At the same time, there is no need to give increased portions, because animals do not see the limit and eat everything to the last drop. As a result of this, there may be serious problems with the puppy's health.

Of course, it is necessary to give what the dog likes, but do not forget about proper diet, about vitamins. A grown puppy up to four months old is able to adapt to five meals a day. From four to six months, the number of meals should be reduced to four. Up to a year, the dog should eat three times a day. At one year old, the puppy already reaches the status of an adult dog and easily switches to two meals a day.


All dog owners should remember that their pet is a carnivore. The basis of their diet is protein. Protein products include:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products.

You should not accustom your puppy to sugar and chocolate. He should not know the taste of these products at all. Please note that sometimes dogs are allergic to sweets.

You can see in the table what food you should accustom your dog to.

Veterinarians recommend feeding beef, as it is less fatty compared to other types. The meat should be pre-processed. Processing can be carried out as follows: pour boiling water over it, boil or fry. The serving per day should not exceed 50 grams for a puppy and 250 for an adult dog.

If you decide to treat your pet to offal (heart, liver, etc.), then you should boil them thoroughly

Particular attention should be paid to pearl barley. Young dogs can be given it no more than once a week; for adults, the number of feedings with this product can be increased. Oatmeal is best for digestion. It can be soaked in dairy products, meat and vegetable broths. It is good for puppies to eat oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice. Be sure to alternate daily porridge

Suitable for dogs the following vegetables: cabbage, pumpkin, carrots and zucchini. They go well with meat (beef).

Milk products

You can give your dog milk, kefir, yogurt, but the best thing is cottage cheese, as it is enriched with calcium (its content in cottage cheese is much higher than in kefir or milk). Pay attention to the method of use hard cheese. It should not be given in pieces; it is much better to add it to the porridge in grated form.

Pets are given raw. One raw yolk per week will be enough for the puppy. It is better to mix it into cottage cheese or porridge. An adult dog can eat up to two raw eggs in Week

Dogs at any age should be given crackers and bread. But you should not overuse these products so as not to cause digestive problems.

As mentioned earlier, the fish must undergo careful processing. It is better to give it boiled. Give preference marine species, so there is less chance of infection with worms


In this section you will learn why dogs should not have sweets. There are several reasons for this:

  • sweets are difficult to digest;
  • possible development of stomach cancer;
  • harm to teeth;
  • possible diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity is common.

To avoid all these problems, you need to take care of the correct and healthy eating your four-legged friend.


Can dogs have nuts? These products can only be given to pets in very small quantities. This is due to the fact that the dog often swallows them whole.

So, can dogs have nuts and what kind? The following types will not harm your pet in small doses:

  • almond;
  • pine nuts;
  • coconut;
  • peanut;
  • chestnut.


The best dog treats are homemade natural products. However good feedback We received “Village treats” for dogs from veterinarians, which are available in the form of canned food or vitamins.

The basis for the product are:

  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • chicken;
  • duck;
  • lamb;
  • pork;
  • turkey.

Please note that the manufacturer distinguishes the following categories: puppy, adult dog and mini breed.


A favorite country dog ​​treat is bones. However, you should not give them to your pet often. There are some species that are the most dangerous:

  • chicken tubes;
  • turkeys;
  • goose;
  • rabbit

Bones are useless product. You can cook broth on them, but be sure to strain it. The bones can also be boiled until they become stewed.


Dogs need solid food every day. Vegetables can become it. The following types are suitable for dogs: cabbage, carrots, pumpkin and zucchini. Usually vegetables are an addition to the main dish. You can add it to porridge or cook it in vegetable broth.


Cottage cheese is the most useful. However, milk, kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk also help improve digestion and satisfy hunger. Feed the right one four-legged pet and remember that sweets are very harmful to his health.

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