Dog tick treatment. The dog was bitten by a tick - piroplasmosis (babesiosis): first signs, consequences. Piroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Measures to protect against tick infestation

Spring, veterinarians warn, is the beginning of the season for the incidence of piroplasmosis, a deadly disease for dogs carried by ixodid ticks. Currently, piroplasmosis is registered almost throughout the entire territory of Ukraine, where its main carriers are ticks. Pet owners should take care of prevention, be aware of the signs of disease and first aid measures in case of a tick bite.

Although the disease has been well studied and highly effective treatments are available, piroplasmosis is often fatal, usually because the animal is brought to the veterinarian too late. The longer piroplasmosis lasts, the more severe the consequences for the dog’s body.

Pyroplasmas are found in the salivary glands of the tick and, when bitten, along with the tick’s saliva, enter the dog’s bloodstream. The disease has a pronounced seasonal peak character: the warm season (spring-summer). Peaks of incidence occur in May-June and August-September. However, the disease can occur from April to the end of October.

Typically, ticks attack dogs while walking in areas overgrown with bushes or tall grass. A newly attached tick is no larger than the head of a pin; Once pumped with blood, it can reach the size of a large bean. Be sure to carefully inspect your pet after each walk for ticks, and comb out the fur thoroughly.

How to remove a tick from a dog?

If you notice a tick attached to your dog, do not try to pull it out under any circumstances, as this only removes the body, while the head remains and causes inflammation. To remove a tick, you need to drop some oil, alcohol, or gasoline on it.

After a few minutes, the tick will either fall off on its own or loosen its grip, and then it can be pulled out (preferably using tweezers). The tick should be grabbed by the head. After removing the tick, treat the wound with a 5% iodine solution.

Not every dog ​​will become infected if it is attacked by a tick. But, unfortunately, the tick does not indicate whether it can infect or not. This means that now your main task is to carefully monitor your pet’s health and measure its temperature several times a day. The incubation period of piroplasmosis lasts 6 - 10 days. The course of the disease is most often acute, but it can be chronic, as well as hyperacute, when dogs die in a matter of days. Therefore, when the first symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and begin treatment.

Symptoms to watch out for are:

  • Dark urine (or brown, brown, or red urine)
  • Yellowing of visible mucous membranes and whites of the eyes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness (lethargy)
  • The dog falls on its hind legs. Difficult gait.
  • Temperature 39.0 - 40.0 C or higher (Normal should be 37.5 - 39 ° C, for small breeds up to 39.5)
  • destruction of the pathogen
  • removing intoxication and maintaining the general condition of the body

Destroying the pathogen, removing intoxication and maintaining the general condition of the body is the main thing after detecting piroplasms

1. To destroy the pathogen, drugs from the group of organic dyes (berenyl, azidine, veriben) and imidocarb derivatives are used. A common property of these drugs is their toxicity not only to the pathogen, but also to the patient. Since the drugs do not have a preventive effect, they are used only after a diagnosis has been established, under the supervision of a veterinarian!

2. To relieve intoxication and maintain the body, a large number of medications are used: saline solutions, vitamins, cardiac medications, etc. the volume and duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition. In any case, the recovery period lasts at least one month and requires follow-up tests.

Prevention of piroplasmosis consists of preventing ticks from attacking an animal; for this purpose, dogs are treated with acaricidal preparations, which are available in the form of collars (Kiltiks, Bolfo, Hartz), sprays (Frontline, Defendog, Bars). and drops on the withers (Advantix, Frontline, Hartz, Bars, Serco). These products are distributed over the skin and hair without being absorbed into the blood. When the mite comes into contact with treated hair and skin, it dies. These products, unfortunately, do not provide 100% protection against ticks; the effectiveness of these drugs depends on how much time has passed since their application. Protective equipment must be used in advance (2-3 days before going out into nature or going on vacation).

When purchasing protective equipment in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, integrity of the packaging, and instructions in Russian. Be sure to read the instructions! It must be remembered that:

  • When using anti-mite drugs, contact allergies are possible.
  • When using the spray, it is necessary to treat not only the animal’s body, but also the paws and head, and especially carefully the groin area, armpits and behind the ears.
  • If your dog has long hair, then the spray consumption increases up to 2 times.
  • If your dog bathes frequently (or you wash it), then the frequency of anti-tick treatments must be increased.
  • The packing of drops at the withers must strictly correspond to the weight of your dog.

Very often, owners turn to veterinary clinics with a request to vaccinate their pets against piroplasmosis. Unfortunately, there are no such vaccinations in Ukraine yet. There is a vaccine against piroplasmosis called Pirovac® abroad, but here it is not certified and is not officially imported. The effectiveness of this vaccine is about 80%.

Although precautions are taken, keep a close eye on the animal and inspect it regularly. If signs of illness occur, contact your veterinarian. Remember, self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the health and life of the dog!

If you find similar symptoms in your dog, do not experiment! It is necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic; if for some reason this is not possible, use the service of calling a veterinarian at home.

Spring days beckon to the forest or the river. Of course, your dog doesn't want to stay in a cramped apartment, so you take him with you so he can play to his heart's content on the fresh grass. Unfortunately, spring is also a time of increased risk of encountering ticks. Having woken up after hibernation, these insects are very active; they need fresh blood to live and reproduce. If your dog is bitten by a tick, what should you do?

When to sound the alarm

What danger does a tick bite pose?

The acute form occurs quite often; we observe its manifestation within a week after the dog is bitten by a tick. "What to do at home?" - This is the question most often asked by pet owners. Unfortunately, without special tests and medications, you will not be able to do anything. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. There is a chronic form, which is extremely difficult to diagnose. A short rise in temperature and lethargy are replaced by an improvement in condition, after which the animal again refuses food. Such fluctuations can last quite a long time, but gradually weakness increases, the animal quickly gets tired, and it rarely has a good appetite.

How to properly remove a tick

If you missed this moment and find an already swollen ball of a drunken tick, then you need to remove it. Be sure to wear gloves; if the tick is a carrier of, for example, encephalitis, then upon contact with skin and mucous membranes there is a high probability of infection. To make the tick pull out its head a little, drip oil, cologne or nail polish onto it. About one drop once a minute. After a few minutes, grab the insect with a rope loop as close to the proboscis as possible and try to rotate it in one direction. Usually after two turns it comes out.

There is another good way: heat the tip of the needle over the flame and bring it to the place where the proboscis is immersed in the skin. Usually the insect immediately pulls out its head. Do not pull the tick, there is a high probability of rupture. The bite site should be treated with iodine or brilliant green and the tumor should be observed to subside. If it does not decrease, but on the contrary, redness and abscesses are observed, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

Difficulties in diagnosing the disease

If in the case when a dog was recently bitten by a tick, what to do is more or less clear, then when alarming symptoms arise “out of the blue,” the situation looks confusing. The fact is that the disease does not necessarily appear in the near future; it can “wait” for the moment when the animal’s immunity weakens. If a dog refuses to eat in the middle of winter, rarely will the owner remember that he removed the tick in the summer. But you need to remember such things and seek veterinary help in time.

One more point: an infected tick behaves slightly differently than a healthy one. Especially if it is a male, he can bite and, without sucking, fall off. It is almost impossible to notice this on a walk, especially on a dark, large dog. All that remains is to monitor your pet’s health status and not delay consulting a specialist.

The difficulty of diagnosis is that if a dog is bitten by a tick, the symptoms can be different. But almost everyone experiences a refusal to eat, apathy, and drowsiness. Trembling, shortness of breath and blanching of the mucous membranes are also characteristic. Often animals begin to roll over on their backs and whine, and they are tormented by pain in the abdominal area. Bitches may have vaginal bleeding.

If a dog is bitten by a tick, the symptoms will increase, so do not waste time, tomorrow it will only get worse. Unsteadiness of gait and failure of the hind limbs may be observed. This is not typical, but vomiting and diarrhea do occur occasionally. A little later, there is a foul odor from the mouth, and the urine darkens, and blood may appear in it.

First aid

There are situations when you are far outside the city, in a village, and your pet begins to develop unfavorable symptoms. When the animal refuses to drink and eat, try to prevent dehydration. Try pouring 100-150 ml of liquid into your mouth every hour. If the animal is vomiting, it is better to give an enema or subcutaneous injection in the same amount. The body will take the necessary fluid. If the animal is large and you cannot take it to the clinic for testing, do it yourself. Wipe the dog's ear with alcohol, use a sharp scalpel to cut the blood vessel located close to the edge, and collect the blood on a glass plate. Dry it a little, and you can go to the laboratory or veterinary clinic, and let your pet wait.

Treatment for your pet

As already mentioned, if a dog is bitten by a tick, the consequences can be very severe. Therefore, in the spring and summer, you need to pay maximum attention to your four-legged friend. Even the slightest deviation in behavior may be a reason to consult a veterinarian. Tests for piroplasmosis are done quickly and are inexpensive, so even if you play it safe, nothing bad will happen.

Rehabilitation therapy

So, the dog was bitten by a tick. Piroplasmosis was identified and successfully defeated. It would seem, what more could you want. But the dog is still lethargic, sleeps and does not want to eat. This condition is normal on the first day, but if it does not improve the next day, you should tell your doctor about it.

In any case, within ten days you will need to take her to the veterinarian, inject her with vitamins, saline solutions, drugs that improve heart function, restore the functions of the liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to carefully monitor the animal’s condition; at the slightest deterioration, it is necessary to undergo a repeat test for piroplasmosis.

Re-infection is possible. Immunity is not formed. Moreover, each subsequent infection will be more severely tolerated than the previous one. The animal may not survive the third bite.

Is encephalitis dangerous for dogs?

So far we have talked about the disease piroplasmosis. Encephalitis is primarily dangerous for humans, but against the background of weakened immunity it can also affect animals. If a dog is bitten by an encephalitis tick, the symptoms can become quite severe. The incubation period is 2-3 weeks. Typically, the temperature rises, convulsions develop, motor functions are impaired, and paralysis is possible. Hypersensitivity of the head and neck and severe pain often occur. Behavior may vary from apathetic to aggressive. Later, paralysis of the facial and eye muscles occurs. If a dog is bitten by an encephalitis tick, there is no specific treatment, and the prognosis is usually unfavorable, with a high probability of death.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Today there are many products on the market that are designed to prevent tick bites. This is a collar, drops on the withers, spray, powder. Since they do not provide 100% protection against ticks, owners often use several types together. For example, they put on a collar, supplement its effect with drops on the withers, which last for several months, and before each outing they additionally treat it with a spray. This significantly reduces the risk of disease and is much cheaper than treatment and rehabilitation therapy. But if the dog is bitten by a tick, the signs will not take long to appear. Don't reassure yourself that you have fully protected your pet. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the easier the treatment will be.

Let's sum it up

Summer outings in the company of an eared friend are very fun and enjoyable events. To avoid serious illnesses, in early spring, use all available methods to prevent tick bites. But don't let your guard down. Usually, even in the earliest stages of the disease, the owner sees that the animal has changed slightly. Immediately start checking the temperature so as not to miss the characteristic jump, and immediately take your dog to the doctor.

BARTONELLOSIS– damage to macrophages, erythrocytes and endothelial cells by bacteria of the genus Bartonella. Manifestations of the disease are very diverse, from carriage for several years to sudden death without any signs of illness. The most common symptoms of this disease in dogs when bitten by a tick include: fever, weakness of the hind limbs, inflammation of the joints, drowsiness, weight loss, various heart and vascular ailments, inflammation of the eyelids. Possible nosebleeds, hemorrhages in the eyeballs, skin vasculitis, pulmonary edema,. Some types of Bartonella are dangerous to humans.

Monocytic ehrlichiosis: weight loss, hemorrhages in the eyeballs, mucous membranes, skin, nosebleeds, severe weakness, anemia, shortness of breath. Hematuria (blood in the urine) is observed, the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood is reduced.

Granulocytic ehrlichiosis: against the background of fever, severe weakness, convulsions, inflamed eyelids, joint pain. There is an enlargement of the liver and spleen, the protein content in the urine is increased, and the number of platelets and albumin in the blood is reduced.

A dog's inactive behavior after a tick bite develops after 2-3 weeks: the pet constantly lies down, does not want to play, and reacts inhibited to the owner. But in some cases, the disease proceeds hidden, which over time leads to severe damage to the eyes, bone marrow, joints, blood vessels, spleen, liver and other organs.

If a dog is bitten by a tick carrier, the consequences may appear within a couple of weeks: fever, stiff gait, swollen lymph nodes, cardiac dysfunction, general weakness, apathy, poor appetite. But more often, dogs suffer for years from sluggish chronic inflammation of the joints, blood vessels, tissues of internal organs, neurological disorders, etc., without clear symptoms of borreliosis.

PYROPLASMOSIS or babesiosis is the most common disease of dogs, which is transmitted by ticks. The causative agent is various types of Babesia that destroy red blood cells. It is not dangerous for humans. Characteristic symptoms: the dog is lethargic after a tick bite, refuses food due to thirst. Temperature appears, rises, shortness of breath and gastrointestinal disorders develop, failure of the functions of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs. Typically, the urine is dark-colored—almost black, brownish, or red.

Unfortunately, all of these diseases are deadly. And even with timely treatment, they often lead to serious consequences - chronic dysfunction of the affected organs, joint diseases, neurological changes, etc. If you notice these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately! Insist on testing using the PCR method - this is the only way to make a 100% correct diagnosis. Ask your doctor about your dog's diet after a tick bite, because... in almost all cases a recovery diet is required. And don't forget that prevention is always cheaper than cure. Don't skimp on your pets' health!

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Many dog ​​breeders are faced with an unpleasant problem that appears in the warm season: ixodid ticks can attach themselves to the skin of their pets. These insects are small in size, but cause serious inconvenience. Ticks, which can transmit disease when bitten, are dangerous not only for pets, but also for people. Thus, an encephalitis tick can infect the human body with a virus that will lead to unpleasant consequences. Below you will learn what to do if your dog is bitten by a tick, what the consequences of the bite are and measures to help avoid the same situation in the future.

Types of ticks in dogs and symptoms of their bites

The risk of finding a tick on a dog increases with the onset of spring. When it gets warmer and the temperature rises above zero degrees, small insects begin to hunt. In summer, at the peak of the heat, ticks are less active, but even then the likelihood of a bite is considerable. Ixodid arthropods move slowly and do not jump from trees, as many mistakenly believe, but they have the ability to feel the warmth of a mammal ten meters away. After the tick senses food, it begins to crawl towards the animal. Having reached the target, it moves onto the dog's fur.

Some time after the tick has landed on the dog, it explores the area in search of thin skin: there it will be easier for it to obtain the necessary nutrients from the blood. As a rule, their “favorite” places are the neck, ears, and stomach, but they can also cling to the back and other places. In some cases, the tick's search for suitable feeding conditions takes several hours, which gives the dog owner the opportunity to detect it in time. They are attached for a long time (see the image below), and the first watch will not be too difficult to remove.

Once the tick has firmly embedded itself into the dog’s skin, it no longer changes position. The feeding period is several days. Due to a special natural anesthetic that is injected into the blood at the site of the bite, the dog cannot feel the foreign body at first and does not experience discomfort - itching and irritation appear only on the second or third day. If a tick has infected a dog with something, unpleasant symptoms occur earlier.

Ear mite

An ear mite is a common ixodid insect that gets into a dog's ears and bites him there. When it gets inside the ear, the dog begins to feel discomfort almost immediately. The first symptom of an ear mite is permanent itching, forcing the pet to scratch the affected area, often injuring itself. Then a second obvious sign appears: a brown liquid with an unpleasant odor that comes out of the ear. Upon seeing this symptom, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian who will prescribe anti-tick medications.

Subcutaneous mite

The subcutaneous mite infects the inner layer of the epidermis, sebaceous glands or hair follicles of the dog. When bitten, harm is caused not only to the skin, but also to internal organs. Signs of a tick bite: severe itching, causing the dog to constantly scratch, baldness in the affected areas, the appearance of small wounds and ulcers. Basically, subcutaneous mites infect puppies whose immunity is still weak, usually entering the body from the mother. It is difficult to treat the affected skin areas, so it is better to protect your pets in advance.

What to do if your dog is bitten by a tick and how to get it out

The easiest way to detect a tick is on the surface of the skin of smooth-haired dogs or after several days of a bite, when, having been saturated with blood, it becomes larger. Depending on the time spent on the upper layer of the epidermis, and also on the number of mites, the difficulty of eliminating it changes. When removing an insect, you need to act carefully, observing safety precautions so as not to accidentally injure the dog or contract an infection from a tick. Popular ways to rid a pet of a tick: manual removal, shampoo and changing linen.

Manual removal

Manual removal is the most effective way to rid your dog of the insect, but this procedure requires care and certain precautions. Firstly, you cannot force an arthropod upward, as you risk tearing off its body, leaving the head attached to the dog. Squeezing the tick is also not recommended, otherwise there is a chance that harmful substances inside the insect will be injected into the pet’s blood. Before the procedure, be sure to wear gloves to avoid infection. How to remove a tick from a dog:

  • Liquids. Lubricate the tick with oil or gasoline - after twenty to thirty minutes it will fall off on its own. The method does not always work. Some experts believe that the lack of oxygen provokes the release of harmful substances into the blood that pose a threat to the pet’s life.
  • Use tweezers. Grasp the tick firmly in the area just above the head, but do not squeeze too hard. Start twisting it, but do not pull it sideways or upward. The procedure may take from a few seconds to ten minutes.
  • Thread. Tie the tick with a thread on both sides, similar to the previous method, begin to “unscrew” it carefully and slowly.

Special shampoo for dogs

It is not uncommon, especially for dogs living in private homes in the wild, to have a large number of mites on their skin at once. Manual removal in this case will take a lot of time and effort, so you need to try to destroy them using a special shampoo. Ask your pet store for a drug that kills tick larvae and can help remove those that have already bitten your pet. Carry out the wool washing procedure once a day. If possible, remove the remaining ones manually.

Replacing bedding

If the dog was infected, the likelihood that tick larvae remained in the sleeping area is very high. When treating with shampoo, it is advisable to change bedding every day or at least shake them out and vacuum them. Washing old bedding daily and replacing it with new bedding is much more effective than cleaning without water or detergent.

Possible consequences after a tick bite

Symptoms of the pathogen entering the blood:

  • Temperature above 39 degrees.
  • Lethargy, lack of appetite.
  • Little activity.
  • Colored urine, turning brown, beetroot, black, red.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomit.
  • Jaundice.

Borreliosis (Lyme disease) is less common in Russia; the presence of microorganisms that cause it can be confirmed only by laboratory blood testing. Depending on which system of the dog is affected, borreliosis of the joints, heart, and neuroborreliosis are distinguished; their symptoms differ. This disease can be dangerous for humans, so if there are signs of damage to one of the pet’s body systems, it is worth doing a test for Lyme disease.

How to treat piroplasmosis in an animal

If you find one of the symptoms of piroplasmosis in your dog, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner a specialist prescribes treatment, the higher the chance of the animal’s future well-being, because even cured pathology can provoke liver and kidney diseases. The first thing to do is to destroy the Babesia that causes the disease. To do this, the doctor injects the dog with a special drug, after which the microorganisms are removed along with the affected red blood cells, and maintenance therapy is also prescribed. After administering the medicine, the dog feels better, usually on the third day.

The easiest way to protect your dog from ticks is to inspect his coat and skin after every walk. The peculiarity of insects is that for the first few hours they may not bite the animal, looking for a convenient place, so the chance of getting rid of it without loss is high. To detect a tick, run your hand against the dog's fur, carefully examine it, and feel it. If it has already “sucked in”, you will feel a small, convex ball to the touch. Examine the scalp, neck, ears, and abdomen especially carefully.

Anti-tick drops and sprays

There is no way to constantly examine the dog if the owner goes with it to nature or to the country. To prevent bites, veterinarians have created special preparations that repel arthropods and prevent the risk of infection from a bite. A few days before departure, it is recommended to treat the dog’s neck with Advantix drops - the product lasts for about a month, so it does not require frequent application.

Folk remedies

Experience shows that there are no effective folk remedies against ticks, because insects sense blood well, although there is a method that slightly reduces the risk of a bite. To do this, you need to wash the mammal with tar soap, and then rinse it with a decoction of wormwood. Another way to avoid bites is to sew a light summer jumpsuit and wear it for walks in parks, where there is tall grass and there is a high risk of catching a tick. In addition, your pet should not be allowed to interact with yard dogs.

Video: how to get a tick at home

In order to remove the tick accurately and not harm the dog, you should have a good understanding of the removal technique. The video below shows manual removal. The dog breeder does not recommend using oils, vodka or other liquids to block his access to oxygen. The owner of the dog, who uses a means at hand to remove the insect, notes that it is not worth pulling or pressing on the tick, otherwise it will stick even stronger. After removing the arthropod, the wound is treated with disinfectant iodine, and the ixodid tick is destroyed.

Photo: what a tick looks like on a dog

In order to immediately identify a tick and understand whether your dog needs help, you need to know what it looks like. This is an insect with eight legs, a small head and a scute. It has brown, black, reddish shades. On a dog it speeds up and becomes more agile. If a tick has already bitten a pet, then it becomes easier to determine - it feels like a small yellow, gray or pinkish pea to the touch. See the photos to easily understand what a tick looks like and spot it on your dog in time:

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After a tick bite, symptoms can appear within an hour or within a week. The main difficulty is that different dogs experience different symptoms. First of all, you need to know that tick bites are very painful and cause discomfort. Animals become irritable and restless. The fact that the dog was bitten by a tick is also indicated by the dog's constant desire to itch.

After a tick bite, dogs become lethargic and inactive.

Often dogs stop being active and playful. After a tick bite, pets show no interest in walks, toys, or even their owner. After some time, they refuse food and favorite treats. Within a week, alarming signs from the digestive system may appear - vomiting and diarrhea. The dog becomes inactive, experiences spasms and convulsions, and the temperature rises.

What does a bite look like?

It is best to examine your dog after every walk in the warm season, especially in spring and autumn, since ticks are most active and hungry at this time. First of all, the skin folds in the neck, ears, groin and armpits are examined. Carefully examine each area of ​​skin, moving the fur against the direction of hair growth.

Massive tick infestation causes the dog special discomfort and pain.

A well-fed tick fills with blood and swells

What should I do if bitten by a tick

If during examination you find a tick attached to the skin of an animal, it is important to remove it and submit it to the laboratory for examination.

It is better to entrust the tick removal procedure to a veterinarian, but if this is not possible, you should do it yourself.

There are many ways to remove a tick:

It is important to remove the tick correctly without damaging it

If your dog has been subjected to a massive tick attack, then removing them is divided into two stages:

Many methods of removing ticks using improvised means involve treating the tick with oil or alcohol so that, while suffocating, it tries to free itself. However, veterinarians advise using this method only as a last resort - when the tick suffocates, it spits blood and saliva back.

By doing so, you increase the likelihood of your dog becoming infected. The Tick Key plate is light and compact, it can be carried in your pocket The most popular tool for removing ticks is the Tick Twister hook.
Special tweezers for removing ticks are very easy to use

Trixie tongs make tick removal easy If you don't have tools to remove a tick, never do it with your hands.

Also, when removing it, be careful and careful, do not damage the tick itself, crush it, tear off the head or proboscis. This way you minimize the chance of your dog becoming infected.

  1. If, however, during the procedure you accidentally separated a tick, you need to continue the procedure:
  2. Find the remaining head and proboscis, they look like black dots.
  3. Disinfect the wound.
  4. Calcinate (burn) a thin needle.

Remove the head like a splinter.

Sometimes the remains of the tick go deep into the skin, making them difficult to see and pick up. In such cases, it is better to go to a veterinary hospital, where the doctor will remove the remains using a small incision.

Treatment of the wound Immediately after removing the tick, it is necessary to treat the wound that forms at the site of the bite. You can use any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, fucorcin, chlorhexidine, iodine, brilliant green) or alcohol.

The wound is watered with an antiseptic to disinfect and prevent other infections. Use alcohol-containing liquids in moderation; do not apply a compress, as this may cause skin burns. With proper treatment, the wound will heal quite quickly - in 3–5 days.

After the tick is removed and the wound is treated, you need to carefully monitor the pet’s behavior and well-being.


  1. Diseases carried by ticks and their symptoms:
  2. Lyme disease. Dangerous for both dogs and people. A week after the bite, the following symptoms appear: lack of appetite, fever, apathy, lameness, enlarged lymph nodes, and inflamed joints. Lyme disease is especially dangerous for pregnant dogs, as it is transmitted in utero and can lead to the death of puppies.
  3. Bartonellosis. Signs include: fever, weakness and inflammation of the joints, anemia, severe weight loss, nosebleeds, meningitis, heart and vascular diseases. Bartonellosis is also dangerous for humans.
  4. Ehrlichiosis. The main symptom is prolonged fever. Intracellular bacteria destroy platelets, monocytes and granulocytes. With monocytic ehrlichiosis, the dog begins to lose weight, hemorrhages appear in the eyeballs, blood in the urine, and anemia. With granulocytic ehrlichiosis, there are convulsions, joint pain, and an enlarged liver. The main symptoms may appear 10 days after infection.
  5. Encephalitis. Affects the nervous system and leads to inflammation of the brain. When infected with encephalitis, paralysis, loss of vision, and high fever appear.

Even though these diseases are indolent and may not show dangerous symptoms, they are still very dangerous. If necessary medical care is not provided, the infected animal may die. Therefore, if you notice these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately. Only after diagnosis will doctors prescribe the necessary medication to restore the pet’s body.

Prevention of infection

Your pet will be given a preventative injection at the veterinary clinic.

Anti-tick collars, sprays, drops and shampoos can also be used as preventive measures.

Video: dog bite symptoms and treatment

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