Tips from professionals: how to look good in photographs? How to take a beautiful photo: tips and poses

How to stand up, sit down, lie down, how to turn your head? We are confident that our selection will help you have a great photo shoot and get a decent result that will suit both the model and the photographer.

1. Let's start with a simple portrait pose. The model should look over her shoulder. Pay attention to what an unusual and interesting portrait you can get if you photograph a girl in the same pose, but from a different angle.

2. In a portrait, hands are usually not visible, at least they do not dominate. You can create an interesting photo by asking your subject to play with different hand positions around the face.

3. You may be familiar with the rule of thirds. A similar result can be achieved using diagonals. Also remember that you don't have to keep the camera straight all the time; tilting it can give you a new, interesting angle.

4. A nice photo will work if the model sits with her knees together. It's better to take pictures a little from above.

5. A sincere and attractive pose as the model lies on the ground. Get down on the ground nearby and take pictures from this level.

6. One of the variations of the previous pose - the model lies on her stomach, resting her hands on the ground. It looks very cool if the photo is taken in a field, among meadow flowers.

7. Surprisingly simple, but absolutely stunning and winning pose - the model lies on her back. Take photos from ground level, moving around the model. Ask her to sometimes change her facial expression, the position of her head and hands.

8. Another simple pose that is perfect for girls with any body type. Ask the model to change the positions of her arms and legs, focusing on the eyes.

9. Playful and cute pose. Looks great if the model lies on almost any surface: bed, grass, sandy beach. Shoot at a slight angle, focusing on the eyes.

10. Proud and simple pose. The model is sitting on the ground. The pose emphasizes your posture and slim profile.

11. The model is sitting on the ground. This pose is sincere and open. Try taking photos from different angles.

12. A great pose to showcase the beauty of the model's physique. Looks great if the silhouette stands out against a bright background.

13. Relaxed pose. Ask your model to experiment with hand positions, twists and turns.

14. Elegant pose. The model stands half sideways, with her hands in the back pockets of her trousers.

15. A seductive pose when the model stands slightly bent over. This pose allows you to subtly emphasize the model’s shape.

16. Sensual pose. It is good if the model has a fit, graceful figure. Hands above the head further elongate the figure, which allows you to demonstrate the relief.

17. When photographing a full-length model, a huge number of variations are possible. The pose in the illustration is just a starting point for many experiments. Ask the model to change the position of the body, arms, head and eyes.

18. Relaxed pose: the model leans against the wall. She can support herself with one leg or her arms. Try several options.

19. The principles of such full-length shots are simple: the body should be curved in the shape of the letter S, the arms should be relaxed, and the body weight should be transferred to one leg. Girls with toned figures look good in such photos.

20. An attractive pose for girls with a sporty figure. Experiment and find a body position in which the relief will look most attractive.

21. Romantic and tender pose. Using fabric draperies you can take very sensual photographs.

These are the basic poses that always look good. Please remember that the illustrations are only starting points. Each of these poses has many variations. Ask the model to change the position of her hands, head, body, and facial expression. Observe and look for the most advantageous angle for each girl. Shoot from different angles and in different lighting conditions. Be creative and your photos will turn out unique.

How to pose correctly for a photo shoot is a question that I never asked myself until I was about forty. I didn’t take photos often, sometimes they turned out well, sometimes they turned out monstrously. But I managed to perceive successful photos as a gift of fate, and unsuccessful ones... I simply did not perceive them. And never think about it what am I doing wrong in these unfortunate photos.

Now that I run a fashion blog and take photographs a lot and often, I had to delve into the photography process much deeper. It turned out (that is, I theoretically knew this before, but only now felt it with all my skin) that lighting is critically important for a good photo. In the right light, the most ordinary woman can look like a fabulous nymph in a photograph. And bad light will even turn a beauty into Baba Yaga during the holidays.

Of course, the quality of the camera is also important, and even more important is the skill of the one who holds this camera in his hands. But! If you are standing in front of a brilliant photographer in the pose of a pregnant porcupine, the best thing he can do is lower the camera and not shoot.

First of all, the model should know how to make a photo successful

To build the body correctly, take a winning pose, “hide” the flaws of the figure and show the advantages - these tasks are solved on this side of the camera, not on the other. Professional models are taught this, but no one teaches us, mere mortals. But for us this is perhaps even more relevant, because we have something to hide, and for us not every pose will be winning.

Over the two years of filming for my blog, I have accumulated so many bumps that there is enough for everyone. I ruined hundreds of frames - it’s good that they are now digital, otherwise it would have been kilometers of wasted film. But now I know exactly how NOT to pose)))

It would seem that the Internet is full of materials on the topic “How to take a successful photo” and “How to pose correctly”

But there are nuances that are very important for an adult woman of significant merit, and which I did not come across in any of these articles; I had to figure them out myself. You will save a lot of time and nerves if you simply use my experience and remember ten simple rules for a successful photo. Believe me, the quality of your photos will change dramatically!

All photos below were taken under the same lighting, with the same camera settings, almost simultaneously. One photographer, one model, the same clothes. Often these are just two adjacent frames. And the result... Judge for yourself.

Rule No. 1. Half-turn pose

You automatically look a size smaller if you stand not facing the camera, but half-turned, with one hip slightly pulled back, and your chest and face turned towards the lens. Plus, if there is a hint of a tummy, then in a full-face pose, the directly incident light makes a molehill out of this. But half a turn - everything is not so critical.

If the light comes from the side, then turn the hip that is less illuminated slightly back. Then the thigh and stomach will seem to go into shadow and the whole silhouette will seem narrower.

Rule #2: When posing in profile, shift your weight back

Everyone recommends taking photos half-turned or almost in profile; this is one of the most popular photo poses. But no one says that the weight must necessarily be placed on the leg that is farthest from the camera. And the leg that is in front should be free, without weight.

On the left, the weight is on the leg in front. And on the right, the leg in front is free

If you lean on the leg in front, your thigh will seem two sizes larger and your butt will look enormous. Lean on the leg that is behind you and move your butt back - this will immediately make you at least a size smaller.

Rule No. 3. Don’t stick out the hip that is closest to the camera and the light.

As mentioned above, if you move one hip back to the “dark side”, the entire silhouette seems smaller. But if you put your weight on the thigh that is lit and closest to the camera, it automatically appears larger than it actually is.

Here the light falls from the left and therefore the difference is very clearly visible

The photographer who is photographing you can determine where the light is coming from. But you should always keep this in mind!

Rule No. 4. Get your butt back!!!

Always! Although on catwalks and in glossy magazines we see a fashion trend every year - walking and posing for photos with your belly stuck out forward. Even mannequins in store windows stand in this pose.

But models and mannequins, no matter how much they stick out, they simply have nothing to stick out, they don’t have bellies. But this pose is absolutely not suitable for a woman with curves!

On the left, the stomach moved forward a little. And on the right everything is in place

Regardless of whether you pose full-face or half-turned, always try to straighten your chest as much as possible, straighten your back and move your butt back - it will pull your stomach back with it. And, of course, don’t forget about the abs 😉

Rule No. 5. Don't slouch!

In continuation of the previous point. Don’t slouch, straighten your shoulders - this is so obvious, without this you will never get a successful photo. But how often do we forget about this! Meanwhile, a hunched back and shoulders twisted forward are a guaranteed kill for a good shot. A hunched back not only makes you shorter, it also nullifies your neck, steals your waist, lowers your chest, automatically brings your stomach forward - in short, it does everything that you absolutely should not do!

A twisted back is a waste of a shot!

When taking pictures, repeat to yourself all the time: “Straighten your back!” Straighten your back!” No matter how smooth it already is, there is no limit to perfection.

Rule No. 6. Don't hide your waist!

The waistline, the narrowest point of your body, must be visible in the photo. That's why models often place their hands on their hips, lift them up, or otherwise move them away from their torso. If you press your arms to your body, the sleeves visually merge with the torso - the lines of the body are dead, no one sees them.

There is no figure on the left at all. On the right is another matter!

Always make sure that there is at least a minimum gap between your waist and elbow.

Rule No. 8. Don't hide your neck!

Especially if your neck is not very long anyway. In an attempt to create a “relaxed”, “lively” pose, we often lower our head to our shoulder - and only memories remain from the neck.

As on the right - also not necessary, this is an exaggerated example

Keep your head higher - a double chin will not appear in the photo, no matter what, and your neck will be longer.

Rule No. 9. Hands off!

Not quite, of course)) The insidiousness of the “half-turn” pose is that the forearm and hand are in the foreground, closer to the camera. And what is closer to the camera seems larger, this is a property of optics. Don't forget to move your arms back a little - this will make your arms and shoulders look more graceful.

In the photo on the right, the forearm looks smaller and the whole silhouette is lighter

Plus, by moving your arm back a little, you provide the necessary clearance between your waist and elbow.

Rule No. 9. Remove your bare hands even more so!

Everything that is said in paragraph 8 is even more relevant if you are photographed in the summer and with bare hands. Everything that is closer to the camera seems larger, and if it is something else that is light, it looks one and a half times wider. Bare hands can look like skinless sausages if you don't move them away from the camera.

The hands are the same. The view is different

Rule #10: Lift your chin

You can write a separate article and even a book about the rules for shooting portraits; there are a lot of nuances there. I will say only one general rule: all other things being equal, a head slightly raised up looks better than a head lowered down. As mentioned above, by lowering your head, you create a double chin, even if you don’t have one.

And here, too, the general principle works: what is closer to the camera appears larger. When you tilt your head forward, your forehead appears larger. When you tilt your head back a little, your lips appear larger 😉

You will say: can a living person remember all this the first time?

And I will answer you: of course not! But, if you systematically don’t like your photos, then maybe it’s time to do something about it? Today everyone has a phone with a camera in their pocket. Practice in front of a mirror, ask a friend to take a photo of you. Take a look at my cheat sheet, try different poses - and you will see what works for you.

With a little practice, you will learn to automatically take a good pose and begin to look at least as good in photos as you are. Or maybe a little better)) After all, photography is not only a technique, but also a little magic 😉

Tags: , Simple tips with examples and photos

First answer, why do you need a photo shoot? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to take really beautiful photos. Something to be proud of. The kind that makes them famous and that 50 years later you won’t be ashamed to show to your grandchildren. Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photography.

How to avoid taking photos

Let's start with common truths that everyone seems to already know, but still thousands of “photo masterpieces” appear on the Internet every day.
    Remember these 5 main taboo rules:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural poses.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, bending over on an unmade bed, on the floor of an apartment, on carpets - this is, to say the least, ugly. If you really want to lie down somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: parts of your underwear should not fall out from under your clothes, as well as some parts of your body. It’s easy to determine this line: there shouldn’t be anything in the photo that you wouldn’t want to show to your current or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear very tight clothes for a photo shoot, so as not to get a “sausage effect” instead of beauty.
  5. Don't stick out your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or to professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

10 tips on how to take beautiful photos

1. Take pictures in nature. It is difficult to take good photographs indoors without special equipment.

2. The pose should be natural. Remember: any pose in which you are uncomfortable will turn out poorly in the photograph.

Natural pose

3. Don’t make a languid expression on your face! A sincere smile or laugh will make even a bad photo more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile that same mysterious smile of Gioconda, which makes any woman’s face more beautiful.

4. Try to take pictures not from the front, but half-turned. Try not to look into the lens - this will make the pictures more interesting.

5. When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, it is better to photograph overweight people a little from above to make the figure look slimmer.

Avoid "straight" poses

6. The photograph will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and "straight" poses. However, there is no need to bend too much or take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!
You don't need to wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade. Mike Newming

8. Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: "You shouldn't wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade." However, the opposite also applies: if the face is too red, then wearing green clothes will help hide this defect.

9. In makeup, pay special attention to blush to make your face look more expressive. It is better to avoid sparkling and pearlescent shades.

10. When you feel too self-conscious, just do a jump-up (jumping photo). Jump higher a few times and let the photographer select the “sports” shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After this, you can relax and the next photos will turn out better.
But more often than not, the “jumps” themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Use a little imagination to take interesting photos.

. Jumpik is relaxing.

And for those who want not only to take photographs, but also to win beauty contests or create their own lookbook with photographs, there is one magic secret on how to learn how to quickly and easily select clothes, place and poses for photographing: imitate those who like.
Choose a famous “style icon”, preferably from the last century, and start imitating her. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For example, . Do you think Grace would crawl on an unmade bed in front of the camera or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a photo, think, what would Grace do?

Do you like to take pictures? Join the fashionable trend of photography - self-maid: original photographs - for those who like to have fun; beautiful photos in unusual places - for tourism fans; Pictures that will take your breath away - for extreme sports enthusiasts. Well, and little things - cute poses with pets, in front of the mirror, with girlfriends. Your own imagination, courage, acting skills and... our article will help you take a great selfie, capturing “outstanding” events.

A selection of the best selfie poses for girls

Self-photographing (selfie) is an incredibly popular pastime. Millions of photos of yourself/your loved one, taken independently using smartphones, tablets, are posted in, stored on the hard drives of their owners’ computers, in the gadgets’ memory. Most of the fair sex love to be photographed. Selfies provide an opportunity to take shots that will suit every girl’s taste. What poses should you take to show yourself in all your glory?

  1. High quality lighting. Daytime diffused light that hides sharp corners and shadows would be ideal. Cold light lamps will help you take cool shots. On the street, choose such poses and angles for selfies so that the sun illuminates your face without falling directly into your eyes.
  2. . When taking a winning pose, focus on the eyes and lips: well-applied black eyeliner and mascara will visually enlarge your eyes, and bright lipstick will make your lips plump. Highlighter is another indispensable item with which you can highlight the contour of your face and highlight the graceful line of your cheekbones with a darker shade.
  3. Naturalness of the pose. Who would the unknown Norma Jean Baker become if she had not practiced seductive poses in front of the mirror for a whole year? The result is obvious - for more than half a century, photos of the magnificent Marilyn Monroe have been an unattainable ideal for most women. Naturalness, sincerity of emotions, relaxed - the key to the success of your selfie.
  4. Beautiful background. The same type of photos of young beauties: “a la bow lips” in front of the mirror have become the talk of the town. Do you want your selfie to be unusual and exciting? Choose an original shooting location that will serve as an interesting backdrop for the photo. The pose when a smartphone or tablet is raised above the head creates a photo rich in composition with a beautiful background and an interesting plot.
  5. Good angle. The camera, located above eye level, visually enlarges them, lengthens the figure and hides extra centimeters of volume.

World cinema stars and politicians have not ignored this fashion trend. The photo of Hollywood celestials at the 2014 Oscars won top positions in a short time. Successful poses, beautiful makeup of the actresses, smiles of the actors, the right moment - and the photo collected millions of votes on social networks in a couple of weeks. Treat selfies as a pleasant pastime, and fashionable cool photos will get no less likes from your girlfriends and friends.

Selfie photo shoot at home in front of the mirror

Taking her own photographs in front of the mirror allows a girl to appear in a favorable light not only to her friends, but, what is much more difficult, to please herself. In daylight, try to have the lighting from the front rather than behind you. After all, with the latter option, the flash power of the front camera of a smartphone or tablet will not be enough and the face will turn out to be in the shadow.

Also watch the video on the best selfie poses.

When taking a selfie in front of a mirror, turn sideways 35–40⁰. Practice in advance: find poses that will highlight your figure and beautiful facial features. To make your facial skin look matte and wrinkles to become invisible, directed cold light with a flash is the ideal solution. What poses will help you take a successful selfie in front of the mirror:

  • Half turn to the mirror;
  • With a slight tilt of the head;
  • Full-length portrait with a 30⁰ turn left or right;
  • Leaning on some object or placing your leg on a slight elevation.

Are you interested in taking not static shots, but a living, emotional selfie with incredible poses? Natural movements and a sincere desire to have fun will give hand made photographs a vibrant shine. Don't want to repeat the mistakes of unsuccessful selfies? Avoid pretentious, tense poses and vulgar accessories. If the hand gets into the frame in the foreground, change the pose - in this case, the proportions of the figure are disrupted.

Cuddling with pets

Photos with animals are like “cutes”: touching, sometimes funny. Pets look great in any pose, so the main concern of girls for selfies of this kind remains themselves. Gentle hugs with your favorite cats will emphasize your tenderness and love for your pet. Funny selfies with dogs will lift your spirits, and pictures with exotic pandas, koalas, and camels will remind you of a wonderful vacation in . Whatever poses you take, do not forget about the naturalness of the image.

Selfie in the car

Interesting self-made photographs of car enthusiasts refute the opinion that a girl and a car are incompatible. Black sunglasses, bright lipstick - and voila, you have a gorgeous selfie of the fatal beauty. The best poses will be when the camera is to the left of the model. Young mothers who manage to do everything in the world deserve admiration: take a selfie with a baby in a child seat in the back seat; drive a car without violating traffic rules; communicate with friends sitting nearby.

Follow me style

Do you love traveling around the world? Tell the whole world about unusual places, ancient cultural monuments, cool events - just not with words, but with visual images. The “follow me” style involves a monotonous selfie pose - a rear view and an endless number of background options - gorgeous waterfalls on the Iguazu River, ancient ruins of the Roman Colosseum, museums rich in artifacts, and even the endless expanses of the sky.

Cool selfie poses for guys

How can young people excel in selfies? Sports hobbies, extreme sports, relaxing in a nightclub, pictures with celebrities - will not leave any girl indifferent. Original poses hugging a shark or in an airplane cockpit will emphasize the courage and determination of a young man. Do not forget about the appropriateness of selfies - serious events, tragic events - will certainly arouse general interest, only with a negative attitude.

Selfie in the gym during a workout

Are you proud of your success in the gym? Take a self-made photo that shows your pumped up abs. Take the pose of a real athlete by pumping dumbbells - girls will gasp when they see your biceps. But you shouldn’t get carried away with narcissism in the mirror - you’re not a young lady. And the increased load, grueling training does not leave many opportunities for selfie: performing the exercises requires both hands free from the smartphone.

In the night club

Meeting friends at a disco is great fun. A “club selfie” will help you leave a memory of a cool session in the best nightclub in the city. Relaxed poses, cheerful smiles, and a great mood will be the ideal components of a bright hand-made photo. Do you like to dance? Selfies of your own dance steps or “demonstration performances” of friends will add to your collection of self photo frames.

Extreme selfie with gopro

A selfie stick is a long telescopic stick for filming yourself, a loved one or a company at some distance from the side. To cover a larger background, capturing yourself in an extreme situation and the world around you, arm's length is not enough. GoPro provides the opportunity to film yourself in the most original natural poses, in unusual or:

  • on the roof of a skyscraper;
  • in the sky, jumping with a parachute;
  • deep underwater and skiing on its surface;
  • at an amusement park on a roller coaster;
  • traveling along a salt lake where the sky merges with the earth;
  • over an abyss with raging waterfalls;

Photos of successful selfies with friends

A bright, memorable selfie with friends will leave an unforgettable impression, lift your spirits, and bring a lot of positive emotions. The best examples of successful shots can be seen in the photo below. To have a successful photo shoot, use these recommendations from professionals:

  • The person taking the selfie photo should be positioned in the middle of a friendly group so that everyone can fit into the frame;
  • Put the camera in standby mode, agreeing with your friends on the emotional coloring of the photo and poses;
  • To process photos, use built-in filters, as well as special programs on other media.

It's not easy to take a good photo of yourself. When you take photos of yourself, are you not only thinking about whether you look good, but also whether you're photographing yourself from the right angle? But if you prepare everything correctly, know how best to pose, and follow a few simple rules, you can take great photos of yourself. If you want to know how to photograph yourself successfully, read on.


Preparing to photograph yourself

  1. Prepare your hair. If your hair sticks out in all directions or covers part of your face, your photos may not turn out the best. Make sure that your hair is combed and styled in such a way that it will not create any bad effects.

    • They don't need to be perfectly styled, just make sure they don't distract attention from your face.
  2. Put on some makeup. When you're photographing yourself, you'll want to wear a little more makeup than usual so that your facial features don't appear washed out due to bright lighting. But don’t overdo it, otherwise you won’t look like yourself, or you’ll create a mask effect. If you don't wear a lot of makeup in your life, you can simply use mascara and lip gloss to draw attention to your features.

    • If your skin is naturally a little oily, you can use face powder or apply natural products for oily skin to your skin. Such skin may look even oilier in photographs.
  3. Prepare the lighting. Natural lighting is best, but you can experiment with lighting in different rooms. Always take photos in rooms where there is enough light to show all your facial features.

    • If you are at home, stand by the window.
    • If you're outdoors, take photos early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid strong sunlight ruining your photos.
  4. Choose the right background. The background you choose should not distract attention from you, or make you look dull in comparison. If you are in a home, a plain white or colored wall will do. Don't stand in front of a wall covered in posters and bright patterns, otherwise you won't stand out.

    • If you're outside the house, choose a calm background, such as trees or a lake. Try not to pose in front of other people or moving objects (such as buses).
  5. Try to hold the camera in a straight hand. This is the most common way to photograph yourself, so you should practice before you take it seriously. This way, you won't have photos where your forearm looks too big and takes up half the photo.

    • Since your arms will get tired, remember to take breaks to adjust the lighting or change clothes.
  6. Set yourself up to be positive. Your photos will turn out much better if you feel good. You'll be more relaxed in front of the camera, and you'll be in the mood to experiment. During your photo shoot, play music that makes you feel good, or hum your favorite tune to yourself.

    In the process of photographing

    1. Prepare your camera. You should try several poses to find which one best accentuates your features. If your camera has a timer or multi-shot, you can have the camera take multiple photos in a row, giving you the time you need to strike the desired pose and smile. You may do better if you don't have to operate the camera and pose at the same time.

      • Set the camera timer so that you have enough time to calmly return to your place and take the desired pose.
      • If you like to take photos with a timer, you can buy a camera with a remote control.
    2. Experiment with shooting angles. You should try out as many angles as possible to find the one that suits you best. Don't take photos holding the camera underneath you, otherwise you will appear shorter and have a double chin. If the camera is slightly higher than you, you will appear slimmer and taller.

      • Don't take pictures with the camera directly in front of your face, otherwise your face will look "square." It is better to hold the camera slightly to the left or right for more dynamic photos.
      • Try 10 or 20 different angles. Just play around until you find the best angle for your face. Remember that just because one hairstyle looks great from one angle doesn't mean another hairstyle will look good from that angle too.
      • Try to take pictures in front of a mirror. This will give a new perspective to the photos.
    • If you don't like decorations but want your photos to express your personality, you can experiment with backgrounds. You can add backgrounds after you take the photo simply by using programs on your computer.
    • If you want to highlight your personality with decorations, you can hold a guitar if you are a musician, or stand next to a horse if you are a horse rider.

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