Aging English Bulldog. English bulldog. Character, education and care. Why do English Bulldogs live so short?

The English Bulldog is not only a breed of dog with an unusual appearance, but also a true friend to man. The unusual appearance of the bulldog has made this breed one of the most popular all over the world. This is an ideal companion dog and the most reliable bodyguard. That is why we will devote this material to a description of this cutie.

Of course, from the name of the breed it becomes clear that the first representatives appeared in England. Previously, bulldogs were used as baiting dogs, which in the form of gladiators participated in bull baiting. This fun was very popular in those days. That is why the word “bulldog” is literally translated as “bull dog.” In the 19th century, bulldogs were used along with mastiffs to hunt wild boar. Fortunately, in 1835, bull baiting became a prohibited craft, and therefore the bulldog began to be used as a pet for aristocrats. It is the second half of the 19th century that is considered the period of the birth of the modern breed.

The English Bulldog is an artificially bred dog breed. Despite their fighting past, bulldogs are the personification of courage and devotion, endurance and loyalty.

Breed standards

The English Bulldog has a dense build. The body is a little short and knitted, a little prone to obesity. The dog's muzzle is quite large and wide. Such a pet has strong and strong muscles. The weight of the average representative of the English Bulldog breed ranges from 22 to 25 kg. The height at the withers of such pets varies from 31 to 40 cm. The short tail rarely reaches more than 8 cm. Short massive limbs give the bulldog a unique appearance.


The English Bulldog has a fairly calm character, which is distinguished by courage and determination. It is very funny to watch a bulldog in motion, as he moves a little sideways. The gait of a dog of this breed is very energetic and free. Because of their slightly lazy disposition, bulldogs love to lie on the couch all day. For example, if the owner, leaving for work, sees a bulldog in one place, then it is possible that in the evening he will still doze there. Bulldogs by nature are not very playful, and therefore they even need to be persuaded to play actively. Outdoor walks are perfect for such a pet. An animal such as an English bulldog is suitable not only for single people, but also for large families. The Bulldog gets along well with small children, but it is better to keep an eye on their interactions periodically.

This creature is particularly loyal. For example, if something happened to one of the family members or is simply not in the mood, then the bulldog will definitely show extraordinary support. In any case, this dog will “stand up like a mountain” for its owner, and therefore it is difficult for him to endure long-term separation. However, it is worth noting that a bulldog can respond quite sharply to aggression or insult, remembering its fighting past.

Bulldogs are quite loyal to other pets. The same applies to representatives of the cat family. Raising such a pet can be entrusted even to a child whose age exceeds 9 years, but a little help from adults is still needed in this matter. The only drawback of this stocky Englishman is his funny snoring, which not everyone likes.


This breed is perfect for keeping in a city apartment. These English dogs have a smooth, short coat that requires minimal grooming. You need to comb your bulldog's coat once a week with a brush that has stiff bristles. An important point in caring for such a pet is the cleanliness of the folds on the face. You can wipe them with a cotton pad, after moistening it in a weak disinfectant solution. If this procedure is not carried out regularly, an infection may begin to develop in the folds of the skin. After wiping the folds with a damp swab, you should use a dry one. Bathing your pet should only be done when it gets dirty, as frequent water procedures can lead to allergic reactions, irritation and itching of the skin.

The dog's nails require regular care, which should be periodically trimmed and wiped with a damp cloth. Your dog's teeth should also be brushed regularly. Dogs of this breed need regular exercise as they are prone to obesity. Due to its “solid” build, the English Bulldog is not very active on its own, and therefore it needs to be stimulated to active games and walks in various ways.


This stocky dog's diet should contain no more than 20% protein foods. The English Bulldog's menu should consist of cereals (for example, rice and buckwheat), vegetables and lean meats. For puppies, it will be useful to include kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and yogurt in their diet.

You should avoid feeding your dog the following foods:

  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • fatty foods;
  • canned food

By-products should not be given too often and only in boiled form, as they can be poorly digested in the stomach of such a pet. As for fish, it is better to give preference to low-fat sea fish, after boiling it and removing the bones.

Vegetables can be served not only boiled, but also raw, grated. It is also necessary to enrich the bulldog’s diet with fresh herbs. As a treat (in rare cases), you can give some fruits and berries. If your pet leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the amount of food per day should not exceed 5-7% of its own weight. If you prefer to feed your dog ready-made food, then, of course, in this case it is worth using high-quality holistic food or at least super premium food.


When buying a puppy, you must first choose the “right” place to buy. Thus, experienced dog breeders recommend buying a puppy only from officially registered nurseries or from breeders who have all the necessary documents confirming the purebred of the dog and its state of health.

The variety of breeds is amazing: Pekingese, Chihuahuas, terriers...

It can be difficult to make a choice, but if you want a medium-sized dog that is friendly and has a good disposition, but which could protect its owner without delay, you should pay attention to the English Bulldog.

The muscular dog will be an excellent companion and reliable bodyguard. Also, this four-legged pet will be an excellent nanny for children! You can learn everything about English bulldogs from this article - after reading, there will be no questions left!

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Origin of the breed

Previously, bull baiting was practiced in England: a bull and a flock of dogs entered the arena and were supposed to “drop” it or make it run away. It was quite a popular pastime.

For such purposes, bulldogs adapted to combat conditions were used. A huge number of folds protected from serious injuries, and remarkable strength helped to win. Those ancient fighters were incredibly aggressive and bloodthirsty. They were almost impossible to train. The time has come and in the 19th century bullying was banned. The dogs were no longer needed, the breed almost disappeared, but there were those who appreciated the physical characteristics of the English bulldogs. They began to be “re-educated” and placed in the houses of aristocrats, since their small size allowed this. The dog turned out to be universal: both a reliable guard and a companion.

In the process of domestication, these pets lost their cruelty and aggression, so today they are considered purely domestic dogs, which can even be trusted to play with a child.

Description of the breed

The English Bulldog is always calm, calm and peaceful, despite its formidable appearance. In general, they are cute dogs, but only until someone decides to harm the owner. The offender will immediately recognize what a “bulldog grip” is.

Despite its small stature, the bulldog is a fairly active dog, but only in emergency situations! They get along well with other pets, and children will be happy to meet a four-legged nanny.

Dogs of this breed are excellent conversationalists and companions.

Caring for English bulldogs, however, is difficult - in no case should you allow them to overheat, and you need to approach the choice of food with all responsibility, because the heavy body puts a lot of stress on the short legs, so you can’t lead to obesity!

The English Bulldog is a stocky but powerful dog. A wide and strong chest, a huge number of folds, a protruding jaw, a massive head - these are the physical characteristics of dogs of this breed. Average weight - 22 kg, height at withers about 35 cm.

  • Spotted
  • brindle
  • Ginger
  • White and red-white
  • Brown-yellow


English bulldog - calm and friendly dog. It can be trained, but only an adult, conscientious and responsible person should do this, because a four-legged friend can sometimes be extremely stubborn and lazy. During training, you should never yell at the dog, because the breed is sensitive and understands everything.

Thanks to such qualities as: calmness, friendliness, devotion, the English Bulldog will become an excellent friend for children and a companion for the owner.

These dogs will never look back at their owner - if a problem arises, they can solve it themselves. With pets and small children get along well, but it’s better not to keep a cat and a dog together, because the dog can direct its energy in unnecessary directions, and the cat can suffer physically! The English Bulldog is always self-confident and balanced, and does not bark for no reason (calmness at night).

Important! As a puppy, you need to wean your dog from jumping on your chest, otherwise, being an adult and heavy, the bulldog can knock you down!

How long do they live?

Unfortunately, the life expectancy of these dogs is short - with proper care, only up to 10 years, and in general, English bulldogs die after 7-8 years. The main causes of death are:

  • Oncology
  • Cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, cardiomyopathy and stroke)
  • Volvulus
  • Low immunity, which is why pets are susceptible to various respiratory diseases.

It is interesting that dogs that almost never part with their owner and who are psychologically “comfortable” live long.

The lifespan of English bulldogs depends on heredity, living conditions (hot climates are not suitable for them), nutrition, the amount of attention paid by the owner, and many other factors. So, it is within the power of the owner to prolong the life of the pet by taking proper care of it!


  • Fortunately, the English Bulldog's coat is smooth and combing is not difficult. A stiff bristled brush works great. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a week.
  • Need to pay attention folds on the muzzle: If dirt has accumulated, wipe with a damp swab and then with a dry one. If you leave the fold wet, allergies may occur. You shouldn't use cosmetics either!
  • There is no need to bathe your pet too often - no one has canceled the peeling of the skin. If the wool happens to get dusty, it is better to wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Teeth also require a lot of attention: you need to constantly monitor their health and brush them, otherwise tartar will not take long to appear!
  • Trim your nails regularly!
  • You can't run without a break and walk until you're blue in the face - English bulldogs don't need enormous physical activity, but on the contrary, they are contraindicated. These lazy people like going out for a walk just to do their business.

Dogs of this breed are incredibly sensitive: they can overheat even a couple of hours after birth, and because of their short hair, bulldogs’ bodies are not adapted to low temperatures.

You should take a pack of ice with you on your trip to cool your dog down if necessary. The main thing is not to overdo it. They also place a wet, cool towel in the box with the puppies to avoid overheating. If signs of heat stroke such as shock and fainting appear, it is necessary to remove the secretion from the dog’s mouth and immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

  • Since they have sensitive digestion, it is necessary to practice mixed food: vegetables, meat (40%) and cereals. Bulldogs need a special diet and it is better if the veterinarian tells you what to feed your pet.
  • Washing this sissy once every couple of months is enough. You can be allowed to swim in reservoirs in the warm season, but only under the strict control of the owner: the front part of the body is heavy, so bulldogs swim poorly.
  • Every morning you need to clean your eyes with a cotton swab soaked in boiled water.

If the owner wants to participate and win in various exhibitions and competitions, it is necessary to care for the dog much more: grooming, perfect cleanliness, manners, the dog should not show aggression towards other animals, always obey the owner, be able to walk on a leash, not be afraid of large crowds of people. Documents and vaccinations are required!

A real aristocrat, a true gentleman, imperturbable, conservative, a little phlegmatic - the English bulldog. He is like the embodiment of “Foggy Albion”. Something so kind and soft, but powerful, with huge life baggage that must be reckoned with and must be lived up to.

Breed characteristics

Origin story

Today, the English bulldog is 100% the result of “jewelry” work, the creation of human hands, under strict selection.

A heavy dog ​​with a dead fight has been mentioned since 1406, in the book “The Art of the Hunt”. The homeland of dogs of this breed is England. According to the modern version of the origin, the English Bulldog is a descendant of the Old English Mastiff and Alan (the Viking dog).

Powerful, hardy dogs were bred for gambling, bull baiting, and dog fighting. Today, it is even difficult to imagine that the English Bulldogs, who were so loving, were so cruel. After the Parliament of England banned such entertainment involving animals in 1835, breeders began saving the breed; it began to disappear. New standards were introduced for the breed: smaller sizes, a more loyal attitude towards animals.

The first standards of the English bulldog breed were the bulldogs Crib and Rose in 1817. It is believed that all modern representatives of this breed descended from them.

Description of the English Bulldog breed

The English Bulldog is of medium size, kind of small and sturdy. They are distinguished by a rather funny wrinkled muzzle, for which the dogs are sometimes called “dear old aristocrats.”

  1. Representatives of this breed have a pronounced sexual type. Cables are larger than bitches, with larger bones and powerful, prominent muscles. The average height and weight of an adult dog: cable - 40 cm, 25 -25.5 kg, female - 38 cm, 21.7 - 22.5 kg.
  2. They have strong bones and well-developed prominent muscles.
  3. The legs are muscular and strong. The front ones are thick and dense. The rear ones are slightly longer and less powerful than the front ones.
  4. Thick, wide, strong neck, medium size.
  5. The head is quite large in relation to the body.
  6. The chest is very wide and round.
  7. The back is short, wider at the shoulders.
  8. The muzzle is short, upturned, and wide. The lower jaw is curved. The forehead is flat. The skin on the head is loose with slight folds.
  9. The tail is of medium length, directed downwards.
  10. The coat is short, thick, quite soft, pleasant to the touch.

Any deviations from the breed standards are considered as faults. Can affect the health and functioning of the dog!


The English Bulldog can come in different colors. But the color must be bright, even and clean. The spots are clear and pronounced.

Popular colors:

  • ginger,
  • brindle,
  • red and white,
  • dark mask,
  • spotted.

The dog's muzzle is darker, has a black “mask” or, as they say, “muzzle”.

Undesirable colors:

  • black and tan,
  • mouse gray,
  • brown and tan.


Despite a rather cruel and difficult past, the English Bulldog is sensitive, very loyal, loving and an excellent companion.

  1. Bulldogs are simple-minded by nature, but very smart.
  2. They are excellent companions, and at the same time excellent defenders.
  3. They love children.
  4. They take part in children's games with great pleasure. Just a fountain of energy and excitement!
  5. They are distinguished by great devotion.
  6. Other pets are dominated but treated with patience and understanding.
  7. Needs attention, care and communication.

The character of an aristocratic dog is calm and decisive without obvious signs of anger and aggression.


English bulldogs are highly intelligent. They are able to remember about “300 human words.” But despite this, they are very slow students. This is due to the clumsy and slow nature of the dog. Therefore, you should be patient during training.

  1. When a puppy appears in the house, you need to establish clear rules of behavior in the house.
  2. Encourage the dog's good character traits in every possible way during training.
  3. The bulldog loves to please his owner, so he readily remembers those commands that bring him joy.
  4. The basis of education is constant encouragement: verbal, friendly tone, various goodies.
  5. Regular communication and training.
  6. Be sure to give the opportunity to communicate with other animals and the surrounding world.
  7. A 9-year-old child can be trusted to train and raise puppies at home.

Love, patience, clear rules, encouragement - this is the answer to the question: “How to raise a pet?”

Important! Training and early socialization are important for the English Bulldog; an untrained dog can be aggressive.

Buying a pet is a responsible step. This should be taken seriously. Find out more about your future family member. The issue of health and care should come first. You definitely need to find out: how long do representatives of this breed live, how to care for and what to feed, how to wash, so that your four-legged friend is always healthy?

Vaccination plays an important role in maintaining a dog's health. Vaccinations should be done according to the schedule, but only for a healthy dog, after deworming.

The health of the English Bulldog should be treated with due attention. The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 10-12 years. The dog requires constant care and attention, but despite this, it is perfect for inexperienced owners.

Dog hygiene

Caring for a bulldog is in some ways similar to caring for a small child. But all the owner’s efforts will be rewarded with endless devotion and love.

  1. The English Bulldog's coat is quite easy to care for. Brush with a stiff bristle brush 2-3 times a week. Molting begins at nine months. You need to comb to remove dead hair and dirt.
  2. Pay due attention to the folds on the dog's muzzle. They must always be clean. Folds should be wiped regularly, alternating wet and dry pads. There is no time to leave folds wet.
  3. The dog should be bathed as needed. Frequent bathing dries the skin and causes itching.
  4. Brush your teeth regularly.
  5. The areas between the toes should not be left without proper care. Without proper care, redness and diaper rash will form there.

The breeding process for English Bulldogs is not easy. Puberty occurs quite early, in females (6-7 months), not every cable can participate in mating. Only proper care can “grant” him such a right.

Mating comes with certain problems. Even with experienced breeders it happens, as they say, in six hands.

According to statistics, 90% of bitches need a caesarean section. The average litter is 5-9 puppies, the optimal number is 5-6.

An aristocrat dog, having a balanced character, is perfect for keeping both in a private house and a city apartment. A little pet needs comfort and coziness.

When purchasing a dog, you need:

  • organize a cozy place to relax;
  • purchase all the necessary things to care for the puppy (brush, toiletries, bowl - preferably made from natural materials, ammunition);
  • be sure to buy toys (chewing something is one of the bulldog’s favorite pastimes);
  • takes care of the temperature;
  • walk your dog regularly, but remember that heavy physical activity is contraindicated;
  • be prepared for snoring;
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly.


Unfortunately, the “gentleman bulldog” is not in good health. The English Bulldog has quite a lot of congenital and even hereditary diseases. Therefore, you need to choose a puppy carefully, from trusted breeders. At the same time, find out the opinion of a specialist: “How to determine a healthy puppy?”

Common Breed Diseases

  1. Brachycephalic syndrome. They do not tolerate heat well and can easily get heatstroke.
  2. Heart and lung problems are common.
  3. They have a predisposition to gastric volvulus. It is not recommended to turn the animal on its back.
  4. Predisposed to eye diseases: entropion of the eyelids, adenoma of the third eyelid.
  5. Allergy. You should monitor your diet. Unhealthy foods: sausage, smoked meats, baked goods, canned food.
  6. Obesity is quite common, which can cause a number of problems.

You should be careful and responsible when changing your teeth. After all, this is an important moment in the life of a little bulldog. During this period, there is a risk of diseases associated with infection in the oral cavity. When baby teeth fall out, they form wounds where various infections can get through the dog’s saliva. The change of teeth lasts about 28 days, over a period of 4 to 7 months.

You should pay attention to the health of your English Bulldog. Proper care is the key to your pet’s health!

What to feed

When choosing what to feed your pet, preference should be given to easily digestible, high-calorie food. We should not forget that representatives of this breed are prone to obesity.

When deciding what to feed your puppy, you first need to ask the breeder about the usual diet and regimen for a small bulldog.

The puppy's diet should include:

  • dairy products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt (raw milk in small quantities);
  • milk porridge;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetables and fruits (unsweetened).

Feeding a small pet at 1.5-2 months - 6 times a day, in small portions. By 6-7 months the number of feedings is reduced, feeding 3 times.

Due to the peculiar physique of bulldogs, their diet should be dominated by cereals, vegetables and fruits.

The diet of an adult dog should include the following products:

  • meat, preferably beef, offal;
  • cereals;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • raw vegetables;
  • eggs (about 3 pieces per week);
  • sea ​​fish.

When using natural products, you must not forget about mineral supplements.

When choosing what food to feed your dog, you need to take into account the dog's tendency to allergies. Some breeders are against feeding dry food. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the dog. It is difficult for him to grab food. He simply swallows it, which negatively affects digestion.

Dry food should be balanced, easily digestible, super-premium.

When forming a diet, you need to take into account the physiology and characteristics of digestion!


Photo of an English bulldog

It is best to purchase an English Bulldog puppy from breeders with a good reputation and positive reviews. How much a companion dog costs depends on the owner’s future plans.

If you need a faithful, loving friend, you can buy it relatively inexpensively, about 10-18 thousand rubles. For this price, the puppy will not have a pedigree or documents.

When the plans are larger - competitions, exhibitions, the puppy must meet the official breed standards. Then the price is much higher, from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.


Gone are the days when the English bulldog caused fear and horror. Today it is a good-natured and devoted companion dog that can bring joy to the home.

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  • Height at withers: males – 38-40 cm, females – 35.7-37 cm
  • Weight: males - 25-25.5 kg, females - 21.7-22.5 kg
  • Color: solid – white, red, fawn, brindle, two-tone
  • Lifespan: 8-9 years.
  • Other names: English bulldog, bulldog

Description of the breed

When they see a small, clumsy English bulldog puppy, many people are moved and delighted. Indeed, a cute face, clumsy movements, wrinkles on the face, and an innocent look evoke extremely positive emotions. Thanks to their impressive appearance, stable, balanced psyche, emotional character, calm disposition, proud, one might even say royal, habits, English bulldogs have become one of the popular breeds in many countries of the world. The appearance of the breed expresses courage, determination, aristocracy, energy and poise.

A stocky, strong man with an extraordinary appearance and a gentle, loving heart bears little resemblance to the confident, courageous fighter that we are accustomed to perceive as the close relative of the “Englishman” - the American bulldog. Since the breed was no longer used for its intended purpose, namely, in bull baiting competitions, representatives of the English Bulldog breed have long lost their fighting qualities and have become aristocratic gentlemen, selflessly devoted pets.

Today, the English Bulldog is a faithful companion, a family member, and a devoted friend to adults and children. Bulldogs are very devoted to their owners, require increased attention to their person and do not tolerate long-term separation from their owners very well. Despite their intimidating appearance, stocky, strong muscular body, the English are not suitable as guard dogs, since the breed was not originally bred for protection, but if the owner is in the slightest danger, a faithful friend will come to the rescue in a critical situation without hesitation. At the same time, bulldogs, with proper training, can well become quite good watchmen, and this is not to mention the fact that when threatened and in danger from their four-legged brothers, bulldogs confidently repel their offenders.

Dogs of this breed have a calm, balanced psyche, an easy-going, indulgent character, a phlegmatic, calm disposition. The peaceful nature of English bulldogs allows the dog to be kept in families with small children and other pets, provided that the bulldog feels like everyone’s favorite. If the bulldog feels your love and care, a devoted friend will reciprocate your feelings a hundredfold. However, you should not think that English bulldogs are a sedentary, inactive breed of dog that prefers to sleep or lie on the sofa all day. Bulldogs are often quite noisy, playful, and impatient, due to their natural passion, at moments when vital energy is in full swing.

The English Bulldog is a very smart, quick-witted breed of dog that is easy to train, of course, with the right approach to training. Many people mistakenly believe that when commands are not followed, the British are simply lazy or disobedient. This is absolutely not true. English bulldogs are highly intelligent dogs with a fine mental organization. Those who are familiar with the characteristics of this breed know well that bulldogs must think carefully and analyze the task at hand before executing a command. The British can be stubborn sometimes. It is difficult to force them to do things they don't like or can't do, so it is very important to be patient, confident and tactful in raising your dog.

English Bulldog breed standard

The English Bulldog breed is a short-haired, stocky, compact dog of medium size, with prominent, well-developed muscles and strong bones. The coat is soft, thick, tightly fitting to the body. The body is short, tightly articulated with muscular limbs. The hind limbs of the dog are well developed, quite strong, somewhat longer and lighter than the forelimbs, but this does not create any disproportion of the breed. The hind legs should not be too high and the hock joint should not be too high. This is why the British have a heavy, slightly shuffling gait. Looking at the bulldog, one gets the impression that the dog moves in short dashes, moving on the tips of its toes in a waddle, from shoulder to shoulder, slightly sideways, but at the same time very energetically.

In relation to the body, the head of the English is massive, quite large. Its circumference should correspond to its height, plus or minus 7-8 cm. The muzzle is short, upturned, wide, with a curved lower jaw, low-hanging jowl wings. English bulldogs are characterized by an arrogant or sad expression on their faces. The neck is wide, strong, and quite thick. The withers are located below the line of the back. covered with thick. elastic skin. The chest is well developed, massive, wide. The back is short and wide.

The forehead is wide, flat, with folds that should not hang over the muzzle or protrude too much. The eyes are located low on the skull, at a sufficient distance from the ears, widely set, large, round, but not protruding, rich, dark brown in color. Individuals with light (blue) or light amber eyes indicate a defect in the breed. Despite the pretentious appearance due to breed characteristics, the appearance of dogs of this breed combines confidence, elegance, tireless energy, and determination. The nose is large, with wide open nostrils. The nose must be black (brown, amber, or pink color of the nose is a disqualifying fault). The jaws are powerful, wide, square. The lower jaw is parallel to the upper jaw. According to the breed standard, fangs should not be visible.

The ears are set high, at a considerable distance from each other and the eyes, hanging, with the front edge of the auricles touching the outer line of the skull in the upper corner. The shape of the bulldog's ears resembles a “rose” in appearance. The tail is low-set, thick at the base, short, no more than 7.5-8 cm. It descends to the bottom or may have a curled shape.

Representatives of this breed have a well-defined sexual type. Males are larger than females, have more prominent muscles, strong, strong bones. Height at withers – 38-40cm. The type of constitution is strong, with elements of dampness. The average body weight of females is 21.7-22.5 kg, males - 25-25.5 kg.

The color of English bulldogs can be any: plain, usually fawn, red with a dark mask on the face, or any two-color variations, for example, white with brown or red-red spots, brindle with a dark mask. A breed defect is considered to be the presence of large white spots in dogs with a uniform coat color.

Character and characteristics of the English Bulldog

The main feature of the English Bulldog breed is its boundless devotion not only to its owner, but also to all family members. Therefore, for dogs of this breed, a long separation from their beloved household members is a real stress, not to mention a change of family. The English need affection, care, and increased attention from the owner, so this breed is unlikely to suit busy people who are often away from home. When going on a long business trip, think in advance about who to leave your dog with in your immediate circle so that separation is less traumatic for your pet. Bulldogs are very affectionate and patient with children and will happily play with them for hours. By the way, English bulldogs love to travel, especially by car, so if possible, be sure to take your pet on trips.

The British are true homemakers, they value comfort and homeliness, and can sleep for hours on their bedding or lounger. It is also worth noting that bulldogs very quickly adapt to new conditions and become attached to members of their family. Bulldogs are not one of those dog breeds that do not need long walks, but this does not mean that they do not need physical activity. You may need to make an effort to motivate your dog to be active. Bulldogs will gladly take part in active games in the fresh air and frolic with other dogs in the clearing.

Despite the stubbornness, willfulness and laziness inherent in the breed, bulldogs are very funny, cheerful and energetic dogs. Bulldogs are very smart and quick-witted, therefore they are very trainable, and will be happy to carry out the tasks assigned to them, the main thing is the correct education of the English Bulldog. The main thing is to gain trust and organize the learning process correctly.

Dogs of this breed are prone to flatulence due to excessive swallowing of air, so you need to pay special attention to your pet’s diet. Perhaps the only drawback of this breed is that, due to the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx, English bulldogs make specific sounds similar to snoring when sleeping. But can such a little thing influence and change your decision to have this touching, sweet and wonderful creature?

Unfortunately, English Bulldogs are a breed. who are prone to various types of diseases, especially endocrine, cardiovascular pathologies, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The average life expectancy of English bulldogs is 8-9 years, so it is very important to create optimal conditions for the comfortable maintenance of representatives of this breed.

Buying a dog is a very responsible and important process that involves systematic, regular care for your pet. A puppy of any breed, in addition to joy and positive emotions, brings trouble and inconvenience. And even despite the fact that keeping an English bulldog is not particularly difficult, taking into account the fact that in the process of its development the breed has turned from a fighting breed into a decorative one, owners should know how to care for an English bulldog.

Caring for bulldogs involves timely vaccination, periodic cleaning of the coat and skin folds from dirt, preparation of a correct, balanced diet, education and training.
When you decide to get an English Bulldog, take care in advance of a comfortable place for your pet. It is best to purchase a special mattress or bed for medium breed dogs. Bulldogs simply adore comfort and coziness and very often ask to sit on their owner’s sofa or bed. You should not indulge your pet in this bad habit. The dog must have its own, separate, comfortable place. Bulldogs are not suitable for kennel keeping, since the short coat does not warm the dog enough in the cold season. In the winter, you need to purchase clothes for your English bulldog for walks. Owners should also remember that bulldogs do not tolerate extreme heat very well, so walking in the sun is contraindicated and can lead to heat stroke. During active walks, you need to monitor the dog’s condition and prevent excessive fatigue. Caring for the English Bulldog's coat is quite simple. After a walk, it is enough to wipe the skin between the skin folds on the face with a damp cotton pad. This simple procedure will help avoid the development of infection. You need to brush the coat two to three times a week, using a medium-hard brush with small, frequent teeth or a special massage mitt. During the molting period, do not be lazy to regularly clean your pet's coat. If your dog gets dirty during a walk, you can rinse your pet in the shower or wash off the dirt with a damp cloth. English bulldogs can only be bathed with special shampoos and no more than two or three times a year.

Feeding an English Bulldog

Particular attention should be paid to your pet’s diet, since, given their natural laziness, bulldogs can quickly gain extra pounds, which will not have the best effect on their cardiovascular function. digestive and endocrine systems. Do not overfeed bulldogs or give them forbidden treats. The diet must be nutritious, of high quality and consist either of natural foods, which is more preferable, or of high-quality premium or elite dry food. It is imperative to check with the breeders or veterinarian which vitamins for English bulldogs should be given as a nutritional supplement.

In addition, the British are prone to allergic reactions and dermatoses, so you should not feed your dog food from your table. The diet should include high-quality meat, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream), fresh herbs, boiled, stewed raw vegetables, eggs (no more than once a week), cereals, vegetable fats, and small amounts of offal , sea fish. You should not feed your bulldog raw meat alone, as dogs of this breed have a tendency to develop urolithiasis. The English Bulldog's diet should be varied, fresh, and the diet should be completely balanced in terms of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. There should always be fresh, preferably filtered, clean water in the bowl.

English bulldog puppies

Dog owners mistakenly believe that by purchasing a puppy with a pedigree, they are purchasing a show dog. A pedigree is a document that confirms the breed origin of a dog, so if your pet’s exhibition career is important to you, purchase puppies only from breeders of the breed or in specialized nurseries located in large cities of the country.

When choosing an English bulldog puppy, be sure to look at the conditions in which the babies and their mother are kept, and watch the puppies for a while. It is advisable to look at the document for mating and for the male, since by the external parameters of the puppy’s parents you can understand how your pet will grow up. It is better to pick up puppies from a mother dog at 1.2-2 months. English Bulldog puppies should be active, cheerful, have a shiny coat and a healthy appearance.

English Bulldog training

Representatives of the English Bulldog breed are smart, quick-witted, and easy to train, but unfortunately, they are quite wayward and lazy. Training an English Bulldog is a rather specific process, so you will have to be patient, since the educational process is part of mandatory care. The English are dogs with a fine organization of the psyche, and before completing a given task, they must think it over carefully.

The success of training is complete trust on the part of the dog in its owner. You will never achieve a positive result by shouting, raising your voice, and especially by using physical violence. Build the training process in such a way that the dog wants and is interested in following commands. Owners of the breed must take into account that each dog is individual. In addition, the English Bulldog is not a working dog breed, so it is important to find the right approach when raising and training your pet. You can start learning a new skill only after the bulldog has mastered the previous command. Combine training with play and always reward your pet with a gentle tone and a piece of his favorite treat. To avoid problems in the future, from the first days teach the dog the correct manners of behavior, pay attention to raising the English bulldog.

History of the breed

It’s hard to imagine that gentle and docile English bulldogs were originally bred for baiting bulls, bears, and brutal dog fights. The ancestors of modern bulldogs were distinguished by good health, endurance, anger and aggressiveness. They could have different sizes and jaw structures. The dogs were so aggressive and dangerous that they were prohibited from appearing on the streets of Ancient Rome. And only at the beginning of the 19th century, the Society for the Protection of Animals in 1835 banned dog fighting and bull baiting. At that time, the breed was no longer in demand and was on the verge of extinction.

But fortunately, one of the breeders, Englishman Bill George, remained devoted to this unique breed, continuing its breeding. The English bulldog gradually moved from the rank of fighting dogs, becoming a faithful and devoted companion, and every year interest in representatives of the breed gradually increased. A noticeable increase in representatives of this breed was noticed in the 90s, and, thanks to the efforts of breeders, today the English Bulldog has high breed qualities and characteristics.

The English Bulldog (Bulldog) is a breed of short-haired dog belonging to the mastiff type. In accordance with the type of use, the standards allow the English Bulldog breed to be classified as bodyguard and companion dogs.

History of the origin of the breed

The exact date of the appearance of the English Bulldog breed is currently unknown, but in the first canine work “Of English Dogs” (1576) by John Caius, bulldogs are not mentioned. However, the pages of this publication describe a breed called "Mastive" or "" (Bandogge), the representatives of which are simply enormous in size, stubborn and vicious, and also incredibly energetic.

This is interesting! The appearance of the bulldog in England is associated with the use of the breed as baiting dogs in “blood sports”, including bull baiting, so the name Bulldog literally translates as “bull dog”.

The statement is unequivocal that at the beginning of the seventeenth century the British distinguished “bull dogs” from other “mastives”, and the famous French naturalist Buffon, on the contrary, argued that it was bulldogs that were the ancestors of the mastiff. Today, a significant part of scientists specializing in the breed are inclined to believe that all mastiffs are related to bulldogs and most likely have a common ancestor - the Alan, descended from the big-breasted greyhounds and molossians.

Description of the English Bulldog

The modern English Bulldog was developed only in the second half of the nineteenth century, and the basis of the breed was the Old English Bulldog, an extinct baiting dog. English bulldogs are characterized by a pronounced individuality, therefore they are deservedly considered the so-called national breed of England. The breed is distinguished by its solidity, complete equanimity, conservatism and some phlegmatism, aristocracy and respectability, which are successfully combined with impressiveness and a little rough elegance.

Breed standards

A purebred dog should be stocky, medium in size, with a short and straight, close-fitting coat, a powerful and compact body, a massive head, as well as broad shoulders and strong limbs. The height of an adult dog at the withers is 35-40 cm.

Breed standards:

  • the skull is large in circumference, high, wide and massive, with a flat frontal part with a pronounced groove;
  • cheeks – convex, protruding in the area under the eyes to the sides and forward;
  • eyes – round, low set, with corners on a line located perpendicular to the interorbital groove, medium in size, dark in color, with an imperceptible blinking membrane;
  • ears – with a high set and an inner edge located along the edge on the upper cranial line, widely spaced, small and thin, “rose” type;
  • muzzle – extremely short from the cheekbone to the nasal lobe, upturned and very deep in the area from the eye corners to the corners of the mouth;
  • the nose is quite large, wide and black, located with good depth at eye level, with wide, large and black nostrils, as well as the presence of a clearly defined “furrow” between them;
  • jowls, or lips - thick, deep and drooping, very dense, and also completely covering the lower jaw and teeth, invisible when the mouth is closed;
  • jaws – with sufficient massiveness, very wide, square, with a pronounced overshot;
  • teeth – large and strong, with widely spaced canines and incisors of the lower jaw, located on a standard line;
  • neck – voluminous and short, strong and quite strong, slightly convex;
  • shoulder blades – muscular and massive, with an oblique and wide set, giving the dog significant strength and sufficient stability;
  • chest – very wide, deep and voluminous, roomy, with rounded sides and convex ribs, with a slightly tucked belly;
  • the back is short and strong, very wide at the shoulders and quite narrow in the lumbar region;
  • limbs – short, very strong, straight and muscular, widely spaced, with a well-developed forearm area, the hind legs are noticeably longer than the front ones;
  • paws - medium in size, strong and quite compact, with not too large and well-separated, arched toes;
  • tail – straight or corkscrew-shaped, short, low set, pointed downwards, thick at the base and noticeably tapering towards the end.

All aspects of the breed must be harmoniously combined with each other in such a way that none stands out so much that the individual appears ugly or disproportionately built. The color is uniform, pure and bright: brindle, brindle-white, white, red, fawn and piebald.. The skin is elastic and loose, especially in the area of ​​the head, neck and withers.

Dog character

English Bulldogs fully justify the title of a devoted companion dog that does not require too intense or regular exercise. The “Englishman’s” favorite pastime is relaxing on the sofa next to his owner. Despite their rather menacing appearance, the purebred English bulldog has almost no aggression, so such pets are very affectionate and friendly not only to people, but also to any other animals.


The English Bulldog is one of the breeds most often susceptible to many, sometimes quite severe and dangerous diseases. Many sources indicate the average life expectancy of the breed at twelve years, but in practice, English bulldogs, as a rule, live no more than eight years.

Care and hygiene

Experienced dog breeders, professional breeders.

Specialists are well aware of several mandatory rules of hygiene and care for representatives of the English Bulldog breed:

  • during walks, it is not recommended to force your pet to walk or run for a long time, since increased physical activity is contraindicated for this breed;
  • In the summer, you should walk your pet early in the morning or after sunset, which will avoid severe overheating or heatstroke;
  • purebred individuals have smooth and short hair that does not require excessively complex care, so it is enough to comb your pet twice a week with a special hard brush;
  • It is extremely important to carefully monitor the condition of skin folds, which can become dirty and cause irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly wipe the folds with a moistened and then dry cotton pad;
  • claws are carefully trimmed with special nail clippers as they grow;
  • For periodic cleaning of teeth, only special toothpastes and special brushes are used.

Important! Too frequent, uncontrolled and illiterate implementation of water procedures using ordinary soap can cause your pet to develop various skin diseases that are difficult to treat.

It is advisable to bathe your English Bulldog pet not too often, using specialized moisturizing shampoos, due to the characteristics of the skin.

English Bulldog Diet

There are several rules that you will need to pay special attention to when compiling the diet of an “Englishman”. The basis of the diet should be protein foods, not too fatty and easily digestible. When using industrial diets, you need to choose high-calorie ready-made feeds, preferably for animals with digestive problems. Diets should consist of easily digestible foods that will minimize the risk of obesity in your pet.

A natural diet for an English Bulldog involves adding meat to the menu daily in the form of beef, turkey and chicken. This meat is given to the dog raw and finely chopped. English bulldogs are prone to developing urolithiasis, so the diet should include vegetables and cereals cooked in water. Beets, pumpkin, carrots, cucumbers and cabbage should be grated and added to chopped meat or porridge.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed your pet dishes from the common table, and especially flour products, smoked and roasted meats, sweets and semi-finished products, any fast food or fatty foods.

The total amount of daily food should be 2-3% of the animal’s weight, but may vary depending on the age and size of the pet. You should feed your English Bulldog immediately after a walk.

It should be noted that representatives of this breed are characterized by a high risk of developing food allergies or dermatosis, therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, all suspicious foods must be excluded from the diet one by one.

Diseases and breed defects

The most common diseases common among purebred English bulldogs are:

  • cherry eye;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • dermatitis on skin folds;
  • demodicosis;
  • flea allergic dermatitis;
  • allergies of various origins;
  • entropion;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • distichiasis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • vaginal hyperplasia;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • ventricular septal defect;
  • lymphatic sarcoma;
  • deafness of varying degrees of severity;
  • heat or sunstroke;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • brachycephalic syndrome;
  • interdigital cyst;
  • congenital subluxation of the elbow;
  • tracheal hypoplasia.

All animals are disqualified:

  • with cryptorchidism;
  • with straight and scissor bite or underbite;
  • with visible teeth or protruding tongue when the mouth is closed;
  • with a brown or “dudley” nose;
  • with depigmentation of lips and eyelids;
  • with a disproportionate, small, dry head with a pointed or elongated muzzle;
  • with semi-erect “tulip” ears;
  • with erect type or cropped ears;
  • with a straight muzzle;
  • with a sagging back;
  • with a candle-shaped, docked, sickle-shaped or ring tail.

Animals with defects include pets that have a color that is not provided for by the standard, have long or curly hair, are short or too tall, and are also underweight or overweight, amble or have a light gait.

Education and training

For all their affection for their owner, the majority of “English” dogs are incredibly stubborn, which can create difficulties in the process of education and training. If the owner of such a dog can find an individual approach to his pet, then there will be no problems.

Important! In the process of training and education, the owner of an English bulldog should not be too demanding and tough, but at the same time it is very appropriate to show rigor, and also constantly prove his undeniable authority.

Bulldogs do not assimilate new commands too quickly, but quite reliably and for a long time. It is necessary to accustom your pet to street noise and large crowds of animals or people, which is especially important for dogs that participate in exhibition shows. Representatives of this breed compete exclusively in obedience and conformation, and workloads are not given.

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