Guard dog. Guard dog breeds. Reliable bodyguards Dobermans

Every dog ​​can bark, but not every dog ​​is a reliable watchdog. Good genes from ancestors and skills perfected over centuries, backed up by hard training, are what allow a guard dog to react correctly to strangers and make the decisions necessary to protect an apartment, house or territory from ill-wishers. For those who are looking for just such a dog, we offer a selection of the names of the ten best guard dog breeds, and the photos will help future owners choose the pet that will suit them not only with their guarding abilities, but also with their appearance.

Powerful and muscular dogs have been used in the police service for a long time, so they have earned a reputation as evil and dangerous dogs, which is not entirely true. Aggression can only manifest itself in the absence of sufficient training, so it is important for the owner to initially show the dog who is in charge. But with proper upbringing, a Rottweiler can become an ideal watchman and best friend even to a small child. Usually a calm and balanced dog shows maximum caution at the sight of a stranger and is ready at any moment to rush to the defense of his home or owner.

Large and powerful Giant Schnauzers received their share of fame during the First and Second World Wars. Adult animals have a height of up to 71 cm and a weight of up to 48 kg. Its impressive size combined with the dark color of its coat will have an intimidating effect on any uninvited guest.

The Giant Schnauzer has natural defensive abilities and will first warn the intruder with a menacing bark, and then, if necessary, attack. Devotion to the family, easy training and developed territorial instincts are the main qualities that allow us to form the idea of ​​Giant Schnauzers as excellent guard dogs.

Representatives of this breed rightfully occupy a place in the top 10 best guard dogs in the world. The terrifying appearance even in the photo and impressive dimensions (height 74-88 cm, weight 65-100 kg) are unlikely to make ill-wishers want to enter the territory protected by the Caucasian.

The uniqueness of the breed lies in its unpretentiousness and adaptability to any weather conditions. Caucasians are equally tolerant of cold or heat and are suitable for keeping both in an enclosure and in the open air. They have guarding abilities by nature, but it should be taken into account that due to their aggressive disposition, Caucasian dogs need not only basic training, but also active socialization if the owner wants to get a friendly and faithful guard.

The best guard for a house or apartment can be a German shepherd, which is rightfully considered one of the smartest and most versatile breeds. Obedience, balanced character, unwavering loyalty and quick learning ability make it possible to raise a truly reliable companion with good security qualities. Large dimensions will allow the dog to knock down any intruder if necessary, but he will never show aggression towards family members and invited guests.

Representatives of this breed are not just watchdogs, but also family dogs, which can be considered as another family member, even when kept in an apartment. It is the strong attachment to his family that encourages the Doberman to show his guarding abilities in the best possible way, but naturally under the condition of correct and consistent training. They are able to immediately take the right measures against intruders: if the warning bark is not enough, the Doberman will attack, and their speed and agility will allow this to be done in a matter of seconds.

This is a breed specially bred in Russia, which is also successfully bred in the CIS countries. Since the state project for its breeding was not fully completed, the breed was never recognized by the International Cynological Federation FCI, motivating its decision by the great similarity of the breed with the St. Bernard and not always a stable psyche. But even this does not prevent the Moscow watchdog from remaining a constant participant in the top 10 best guard dog breeds in the world.

Its large size allows the Moscow watchdog to cope with its duties perfectly.

Another impressively sized dog that is mentioned in every rating of guard dogs. Alabais are distinguished by their endurance, fearless disposition and pronounced guard instinct. They have a less aggressive character compared to the Caucasian Shepherd, but are considered “bad” students, so they should only be owned by people who are able to get along with any pet and engage in regular training. A dog that grows up to 70 cm and weighs up to 60 kg can show aggression not only towards people who accidentally or not find themselves in a protected area, but also to their four-legged colleagues.

Representatives of the breed, originally bred to protect herds and farm property, today successfully perform security service and surprise their owners with their tirelessness and unpretentiousness. In addition, the South Russian Shepherd is the leader among its colleagues in terms of running speed, so such a guard will be able to catch up with the fastest intruder. Their thick coat allows them to perform their duties in any weather conditions, and their white color protects them from overheating when spending a long time in open areas. Their only drawback is their coat, which requires care, but otherwise South Russian Shepherds are good companions and guards.

This relatively rare breed of dog dates back to the times of Ancient Rome, when they were used in military service and for hunting large animals. Later, after spreading throughout Europe, they were retrained as security guards. Cane Corsos are distinguished by their kind and patient disposition, but only until the moment when it comes to the health and life of the owner. In case of danger, in a matter of seconds they turn into a brave beast, capable of protecting their owner and the territory entrusted to him.

Another guard breed that is especially suitable for keeping in an apartment. They are characterized by obedience, loyalty, quick learning and a well-expressed territorial instinct. At the same time, the German boxer will guard not only the home, but also the owner’s belongings (for example, a bicycle or bag left at the entrance).

It can be used as a companion, watchman, detective and guide, who, in case of danger, will show determination and boldly rush to the defense of its owner.

All dogs can bark, however, if you are looking for a guard dog that can protect your family and take the right action in case of danger, take a look at this list of the 10 best guard dog breeds.

Belgian Malinois

At first glance, the Belgian Malinois can be mistaken for a German Shepherd. In fact, this breed has a smaller body size and shorter coat than the German Shepherd. At the same time, the Malinois is an excellent police and guard dog. These are very smart, vigilant, loyal, active and stubborn animals.

In order to develop a Malinois puppy into an obedient guard dog, it must be given consistent training starting from puppyhood. This breed is very smart and learns quickly.

It is important to know that Belgian Malinois have strong protective instincts. They are suspicious of strangers and some even become territorial. Your dog's level of aggression depends on the quality of training received.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a muscular, intelligent, loyal and independent dog that was originally bred as hunting dogs in Africa. They are highly protective of their families and shy away from strangers. Ridgebacks also bark when they find something unusual.

This breed has a well-developed hunting instinct, as they were originally bred for this purpose. But if they are properly trained, they will not create problems. Their defensive instincts are also strong, so Ridgebacks can attack strangers.


The Puli is a medium-sized herding dog breed that is popular for its long, corded coat. They were originally bred in Hungary for herding. Puli are smart, courageous, energetic, loyal and devoted dogs. It can make an excellent guard dog as it protects its family well.

Bullets bark at something unusual and warn of danger. They are also wary of strangers. Without proper socialization, your dog may become overly suspicious and aggressive.


The Komondor was originally bred as a livestock guard dog. This shaggy creature has a gentle, independent and calm character. Komondors devote themselves to their family and get along well with children, but at the same time, they are very wary of strangers.

An exceptionally large guard dog, an adult male Komondor grows up to 80 cm at the withers and weighs about 50 kg. This size of dog is extremely dangerous for strangers. They can also attack other animals.


The Rottweiler is a muscular, obedient, fearless and alert breed, making it an excellent guard dog for your family. But remember that your Rottweiler will only listen to you if he is properly trained.

Rottweilers are capable of taking the right measures to protect their family from threats. But as an owner, you need to make sure that your dog's territorial instincts are under control. To do this, she must be properly socialized.

Akita Inu

The Akita Inu is considered one of the most difficult breeds to train. However, a well-trained dog will make an excellent companion as well as a watchdog. This breed is considered alert, courageous, dignified and loyal.

Akita Inus are very affectionate and respectful with their family. Luckily, they won't bark without a good reason. They are suspicious of strangers and do not hesitate to take action when necessary. At the command of the owner, a well-trained dog does not create any problems when greeting guests.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd has a reputation as an excellent guard dog. This breed was originally bred in Germany for herding sheep. Besides their unwavering loyalty and protective instincts, the German Shepherd is an easy to train dog. This loyal breed will always let you know if anything unusual is happening around your home.

Their large size allows these dogs to knock down any intruder if necessary. A well-trained German Shepherd does not show any aggression towards guests.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a large, powerful, intelligent and brave dog. This breed became famous as a military dog ​​during the First and Second World Wars. Like the German Shepherd, Giant Schnauzers are easy to train. Strong family loyalty and territorial instincts make this breed an excellent guard dog.

An adult male grows to 66-71 cm at the withers and weighs about 48 kg. This intimidating size, along with its dark color, can intimidate any uninvited guest. The Giant Schnauzer's protective instincts are innate, and they will communicate a threat with their menacing bark, and are also capable of attacking the intruder.


Dobermans are excellent family, service and guard dogs. They are very energetic, agile, intelligent, loyal and obedient. You should consider him as a family member and not just a dog. Since they have a very strong bond with their family, guarding becomes their priority.

Early and consistent training and socialization is a must in raising a Doberman. A properly trained dog becomes extremely loyal and non-aggressive.

Dobermans are capable of taking immediate action against violators. Their bark is very frightening and if it is not enough to scare away a suspicious person, they will attack. Since it is a fast and agile breed, the Doberman can reach an intruder in a short period of time.

At the same time, this breed respects the owner's command. Therefore, when guests come to your home, your properly trained dog will follow all the necessary commands.


With an intimidating look and strong protective instincts, the Bullmastiff is an ideal guard dog. He can get along well with children if trained properly.

To be an obedient guard dog, the Bullmastiff requires a lot of attention from the owner. You must accept him as a member of the family. Otherwise, the dog will become a destroyer. A properly trained Bullmastiff is extremely loyal to its family.

Through intensive socialization, the dog will be able to easily distinguish between good and bad people. Properly trained Bullmastiffs protect their families at the highest level. Nothing unusual can escape the attention of this dog.

An adult male grows about 64-69 cm at the withers and weighs up to 59 kg. This breed embodies enormous strength. Thus, bullmastiffs can knock down an adult person. However, before attacking, they emit a frightening, warning growl, and if this signal is left unheeded, the dog will immediately attack.

Choosing a dog is very difficult and responsible. Especially when the dog is needed for protection. Guard dog breeds are now in great demand, as they are an ideal way to protect a private home. To choose the right dog, you need to have a good understanding of the most popular types of guard dogs.

What affects dogs' guarding skills?

It will be very difficult to teach a dog to guard, since this is purely a genetic predisposition. That is why, when choosing a dog to protect your home and property, you need to give preference to breeds specially bred for this purpose. But you also can’t forget about training. Even the most thoroughbred dog may not perform its duties without training. It is necessary to raise and accustom a guard dog to protection from puppyhood. If you don't miss this age, the dog will turn out to be an excellent watchman and reliable protector.

Who can be a good watchman

Not every dog ​​can become a guard. For example, a hunting dog will constantly rush around the yard after small animals, because it is instincts that force it to do this. The watchdog will silently observe the process, monitoring everything that happens around him. Even rescue breeds such as St. Bernards cannot adequately cope with security functions. It is in their nature to save people, pull them out of difficult conditions or help in accidents. Of course, the external characteristics of such a dog can frighten a robber or bandit who decides to attack in a dark alley, but you shouldn’t rely too much on the security skills of rescuers.

Guard dogs for a private home must be well trained. Therefore, the puppy needs to be taken to lessons with a dog handler. This must be done immediately after the baby has moved to a new home. The average age for starting training is 4 months. Even then, the puppy begins to form habits that will be difficult to remove in the future. Each dog has its own unique temperament and character. But her behavior and habits must be completely shaped by the owner. Otherwise, she can become a source of danger for a person, and not a devoted friend and protector.

Rottweilers are sensitive home guards

Initially, these guard dogs were used to protect and guard livestock in the pasture. They can fight a wild animal to the last, protecting their flock. They will do the same when protecting a private home. This breed has long established itself as a reliable watchdog. They are always ready to defend their owners in case of attack by strangers. In addition, Rottweilers are extremely attentive and vigilant dogs. They are able to hear a person approaching from several hundred meters away.

This breed is known for its aggressive attitude towards strangers. Therefore, when approaching a house that is guarded by a Rottweiler, you can hear a loud, warning bark from afar. You should not carelessly enter the yard where this guard dog is running freely. It is better to wait until the owner comes and takes her to the enclosure.

Reliable bodyguards Dobermans

These dogs are born leaders. They strive to gain primacy in everything, they want to be in charge and do not like to give in to anyone. Therefore, the Doberman needs to be strictly trained even in puppyhood. Otherwise, you can raise not a reliable protector, but an unauthorized, capricious dog. Looking at photos of guard dogs, you can see how popular Dobermans are with many actors and Hollywood stars. This dog breed looks very beautiful and even elegant from an aesthetic point of view.

With proper training, they make first-class watchdogs. They can watch their owners for days without leaving the threshold of the house. Thanks to their natural sensitivity, they have lightning-fast reactions. Reflexes allow them to stop approaching danger in time, cover a person if necessary, or overtake an enemy. Dobermans run very fast, so robbers who break into their territory have no chance. A strong, agile and courageous dog must be well trained. Otherwise, it can pose a danger not only to strangers, but also to its owners.

German Shepherd - calm and strong

It is unlikely that you can find a person who will speak badly about this breed. German shepherds have long won the hearts of not only ordinary citizens, but also famous film directors. Even in films you can notice their incredible devotion to their owners, as well as their ability to protect and protect the house. Positive qualities of these dogs:

  • they are very smart;
  • deeply attached to their owner;
  • know how to feel a person’s mood, as well as his intentions;
  • do not require special maintenance and care;
  • respond well to all types of training;
  • they are not capable of offending a child;
  • playful and kind with their owners.

The German Shepherd will become not only a good guard dog, but also a true friend for humans. The main thing is not to neglect training and love your pet. Then he will give his life, protecting the owner and his entire family.

Moscow guard dog

They were bred through many crossings, specifically for guard and security functions. The Moscow watchdog was withdrawn from Russia. At the moment the breed is one of the youngest. She is distinguished from others by her majestic appearance and enormous strength. From the photo of the Moscow guard dog you can see how large they are. The dog's dimensions are impressive, but they do not prevent it from running quickly and reacting instantly. Their character is very complex, so they need training.

Moscow watchdogs also need a lot of physical exercise. Every day they need to move a lot, run and do exercises. A dog of this breed is distinguished by its aggressive behavior towards strangers. Therefore, you can only let her off the leash in an open area where there are no other people or animals.

Powerful and fast bullmastiff

This dog is known for its strength, speed and agility. If an attacker gets into the house, he will not survive. A dog's instincts make it a good watchdog. When attacking an enemy, she knocks him down and blocks any movement. But in order to achieve such behavior in a dog, you will have to train it well and accustom it to special commands.

By choosing this one among all guard dog breeds, you don’t have to worry about its attitude towards family members. Among household members, the dog will behave calmly and obediently. Having chosen one master for himself, he will completely obey him, protecting not only him, but also the entire family from danger.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

When choosing a good watchman for your home, you can opt for a Caucasian. This breed is distinguished by strength, intelligence and fearlessness. The appearance of a shepherd will scare away strangers and make them avoid the house. The dog can be stubborn, sometimes unauthorized. To prevent this from happening, from childhood you need to show him who is boss in the house. Knowing that he is not in charge, the Caucasian will behave appropriately throughout his life.

This breed is very good-natured towards children. Therefore, he will tolerate all the kids’ antics. However, you should be careful when leaving your dog alone with your child. Every animal can behave unpredictably from time to time. Nobody knows when this moment will come. Therefore, it is better to play it safe once again than to regret the offense later for the rest of your life. The watchdog should always be in its place, preferably in the courtyard of a private house.

How to make a choice

Guard dogs for a private home must have a whole list of necessary qualities. When choosing not only a friend, but also a security guard for your private territory, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Decide on the size. A watchdog should be at least medium sized. The ideal option would be a large, strong and hardy dog. Even a Chihuahua can notify you of the arrival of strangers, but only a big dog can drive them away and protect them from criminals.
  2. Choose a dog with a thick undercoat. If you need not a pet dog, but a real watchman and protector, you need to choose one who will not be bothered by bad weather.
  3. Distrust of strangers. All of the above breeds are aggressive towards strangers. This is one of the most important qualities of a good watchman. If a dog is good-natured towards everyone it meets, no amount of its large size or thick undercoat will save it during an enemy attack.

When choosing a guard dog for your home, we must not forget that, first of all, the dog is a friend. In addition to the training necessary for normal development, you need to devote time to playing and walking with him. Sincere love combined with good training will help make a puppy a devoted protector not only of the home, but of the whole family.

Since the main purpose of such animals is to protect the house from evil people, then, first of all, they must have excellent hearing, vigilance and sensitivity in order to give a voice at the slightest hint of danger. At the same time, such guards must have intelligence and know when they really need to bark, and not mindlessly bark at all the people passing by the yard.

The size of animals used for protection, in principle, does not matter much, because their task does not include attacking and detaining suspicious people located in the protected area. All a guard dog has to do is to warn the owner about the intrusion with his voice and scare away uninvited guests. In many cases, this is enough for not-so-brave attackers to give up their idea and retreat.

Therefore, a guard dog does not have to be large, but also very small. The ideal option is medium in size, with a fairly powerful voice, but does not require too much food for its sustenance.

By nature, the guard dog must be moderately aggressive so as not to attack all people entering the territory of the protected area. At the same time, he should not be cowardly in order to protect the owner and his property in case of danger.

The density and length of the animal's coat also matters. For a guard dog, it is important that it be long and dense enough, because she will have to sit outside all the time, including in winter frosts.

For this reason, representatives of short-haired breeds, no matter how attractive protective qualities they possess, are unlikely to be suitable for areas with harsh climatic conditions. But such guard dogs are suitable for southern regions, where they can withstand slight cold without harm.

The best guard breeds

Perhaps the best home guard is the German Shepherd. She is fully endowed with all the qualities that a guard dog should have, and they are in a “balanced” state. This is a universal breed, the purebred representatives of which are famous for:

  1. sharp mind and resourcefulness;
  2. balanced character;
  3. excellent trainability;
  4. good performance at work;
  5. obedience and unquestioning submission to the owner.

These animals are quite large and strong, have a menacing appearance and have thick fur, which makes them one of the best watchdogs.

The Moscow Guard is a dog breed bred in the USSR in the post-war years specifically for security purposes. Among her ancestors are Caucasian Shepherds and St. Bernards, from which she inherited:

  • large sizes;
  • powerful body;
  • thick wool;
  • excellent service qualities.

This is a large dog, calm and balanced, confident in its abilities. It quickly makes contact with people, but, nevertheless, recognizes only one owner. In case of danger, he protects him fearlessly, without hesitation. Due to its large size, a rather large territory is required to maintain the Moscow watchdog.

The Caucasian Shepherd is an ancient breed of dog, bred by the Caucasian mountaineers, which has helped them herd sheep since ancient times. Animals have:

  • large body;
  • physical strength;
  • courage;
  • determination.

Dogs are loyal to their own and suspicious of strangers. The animals' thick coat protects them from hypothermia and allows them to be kept outside all year round.

Asian Shepherd or Alabai. This breed of wolfhound dog was bred for the same purpose as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, so its representatives are distinguished by their impressive growth, strong and muscular body, and aggressiveness towards other dogs, as well as strangers.

The South Russian Shepherd is a dog whose homeland is considered to be the southern regions of Ukraine. This is a large animal with long light hair.

Characterized by devotion, intelligence, independence and self-sufficiency. Excellent for protecting a large garden area.

Other large guard breeds for the home

Not only shepherds, but also other, smaller breeds of dogs are suitable for security service. For example, you can safely entrust your home and everything in it to a Rottweiler. This is a rather large and strong animal, well-built, hardy and muscular. It has bottomless energy, fearlessness and a clear understanding of the task assigned to it. At the same time, dogs of this breed are aggressive, serious and stubborn, and therefore require competent training.. They are loyal and obedient to the owner only if he is recognized by them as the unconditional leader.

The Giant Schnauzer is a large and loyal black dog with a well-developed territorial instinct. Representatives of the breed are easy to train and learn. It is not easy to deceive them - they are smart, incorruptible and immediately recognize deception. These dogs are equally good at protecting any area of ​​territory, both small, just a few hundred square meters, where private houses are located, and huge industrial facilities.

Dobermans are a breed bred in Germany to guard people, so they can also be kept as guard dogs in private ownership. They are not as powerful as shepherds, but have a harmoniously built slender body, high and strong legs. They are friendly towards the owner's family and friends, but do not favor strangers. When they see them, they bark loudly, but if this is not enough, they can attack. The fleeing man is pursued and attacked.

Bullmastiffs are guard dogs bred in the British Isles to guard forests. They are the result of crossbreeding of large mastiffs and tenacious bulldogs. Animals of large size, with a massive head, have an impressive and threatening appearance. But by nature they are calm and balanced, so they do not show aggression without reason.

Bullmastiffs are capable of making independent decisions and learn quickly, are distinguished by patience and understanding of discipline, and take their responsibilities seriously.

The Border Collie is another English breed. Its representatives are considered one of the smartest guard dogs. These are strong and strong animals of black and white color, insightful, intelligent, but in order to maintain health and mental abilities they require constant physical and intellectual stress.

Akita Inu. This is the original Japanese breed of guard dogs, whose devotion the whole world knows about. Animals are brave and vigilant, calm and not aggressive. They are silent and will not bark without a reason, but they will not ignore a real danger. They protect the territory entrusted to them well.

Who else can be used as guards?

Not only huge wolfhounds or versatile German shepherds are capable of guarding their owner’s property. Smaller dogs can do this too. For a small private house the following are quite suitable:

  1. Airedale Terriers. These are guard dogs originally from the English county of Yorkshire. The animals are medium in size, with a build and curly coat characteristic of several terrier breeds. Airedale Terriers are brave and intelligent, non-aggressive and fearless, so they can become excellent guards of the house and yard.
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier. The breed was bred in the USA in 1936. The dogs are also medium-sized, stocky, strong, with a large head. They are active, fearless, endowed with a unique intelligence and contradictory character, so they are suitable only for an experienced dog owner. They are well trained, not aggressive, but do not like to be chained, so they must live in an enclosure.
  3. Miniature Schnauzer or Miniature Schnauzer. In appearance and character they are very similar to the larger Giant Schnauzer and have all its advantages: serious, fearless, easy to train, reliable and loyal to the owner.
  4. Welsh Corgi. This is an old Welsh breed, originally used as a herding dog, and therefore belongs to the sheepdog family. These are squat animals with short legs, a long body and a medium-sized head topped with large erect ears. They are mostly kept simply as family pets, as they are characterized by liveliness and love of life, love for people, especially children and even cats. But the calm, docile nature of these dogs, their small stature and “unrepresentative” appearance do not prevent them from performing their duties with honor if the owner suddenly decides to entrust them with the protection of his home.
  5. Schipperke. This is a Belgian breed of guard dog. The animals are small in stature, with thick black fur, nimble and energetic. Despite their small size, Schipperkes are brave and will never let strangers into the territory they guard. Those who do not take them seriously and ignore the warning in the form of a high-pitched bark may be bitten painfully. These animals are very affectionate and patient towards their own.

As you can see, many dogs of completely different breeds can become excellent watchdogs, you just need to prepare them for this.

How to raise guard dogs

In order for a puppy to grow into a good guard, you need to train him. Just like that, without proper training, a dog will not learn anything. At best, she will not obey the owner well and carry out commands every once in a while, and at worst, she will become completely uncontrollable.

You need to start training a guard dog from a very early age. She is able to remember elementary commands already at the age of 3 months, and after 4 months she can begin full-fledged training. It is better if this is done by a professional who knows exactly how to deal with dogs. Well, if this is not possible, then the animal will have to be trained independently. Information on how to do this can be found on thematic forums or purchase educational materials: CDs and books.

In contact with

There are dogs that perfectly guard property and owners, but not all breeds are suitable for this. Next, we will consider the best breeds with photographs and detailed descriptions. Everyone will be able to choose a watchdog for themselves depending on their living conditions, requirements and personal preferences.

Are considered the best guards, they have instant reaction, strength and cunning. These are very beautiful, smart, brave and loyal animals.

German Shepherds lend themselves well, often to other intelligence agencies, and help in the search for people and prohibited substances. Smart animals have acting skills and often appear in films. They are distinguished by their devotion and affectionate attitude towards, and can become the best friend in the family.

German Shepherds are the best guard dogs for the home and bodyguards for the whole family. They carefully monitor the territory of their yard and are very harsh towards strangers, but affectionate towards their owner.
“Germans” are unpretentious and do not require special care. If necessary, they can be kept in an apartment if the space allows. The main disadvantage is that the shepherd sheds heavily; you will have to clean up the fur in the apartment.

A very popular breed is often used to guard houses. These watchdogs are distinguished by their impressive size, excellent physical strength, confidence, courage and beauty. The Moscow watchdog has an impressive loud voice.
With proper upbringing, these pets will reliably protect the home and their territory and become the best friends of the family. They very aggressive towards strangers and have excellent agility, but quickly calm down if the stranger leaves the territory.

Important! The Moscow Watchdog cannot be kept on a short chain; it needs physical exercise and movement.

It is important to raise a dog correctly; the training process is more difficult than with a German shepherd and requires a special approach. They are not particularly whimsical and do not require special care.

Very popular and used as a guard dog for the home. The Caucasian's large size and courage impress all unexpected guests.
It is important to raise the animal correctly, teach basic commands and gain its authority.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog tolerates the antics of children, makes friends with them and loves them. Friendly and loyal character dogs suitable for all family members.
The thick coat of the Caucasian makes it possible to easily tolerate low temperatures. To maintain good physical shape, daily games in the fresh air for two hours will be enough. The Caucasian Shepherd has very well developed guard instincts, she has excellent control over her territory and does not need to be taught this for a long time.

When raising a Rottweiler, it is recommended to train him from a young age, then you will get a fearless guard. Strong jaws and a wide chest make the dog a powerful weapon against intruders and an excellent bodyguard for the owner.
The dog is perfect for guarding a private home, but does not tolerate extremely low temperatures.

The stubborn nature of the animal requires a special approach, but with proper upbringing, the Rottweiler can become a very good protector of the owner and a devoted friend.

The Bullmastiff is distinguished by enormous strength and courage; the dog’s appearance is impressive. The dog is ideal for protection of private homes and children. The Bullmastiff is very loyal to all children's antics. He is good at distinguishing good people from bad and instinctively senses the enemy.

A dog must feel like a member of the family, only then is it happy. The Bullmastiff treats his entire family well, protects everyone and does not single out one owner.
The small size of the bullmastiff allows it to be kept in an apartment.

Possesses graceful appearance and lightning-fast reaction. Guard dogs of this breed have an athletic, muscular build and fascinate with their beauty. They can be used to protect a private home without any problems.
The Doberman is smart and brave, an excellent guard, bodyguard and devoted protector. True, it is not recommended to keep it in families with small children, but with proper upbringing, the dog clearly follows the owner’s commands, obeys him and is completely controlled.
This breed is distinguished by the fact that it makes the rounds of the territory and perfectly controls the situation both in a country house and in an apartment. It can stop and detain a criminal, but does not try to kill him.

Did you know? Humans and dogs have a gene structure that is 97% identical. The genome of different dogs is 99.85% identical, and a difference of 0.15% is responsible for all the diversity of breeds. A person can distinguish several thousand odors, a dog can distinguish half a million.

The guard dog breed Dogo Argentino is capable of scaring off a criminal with its appearance alone. A strong neck and powerful jaw, an athletic body with a short, shiny white coat are the main characteristics of this breed.
Dogo Argentino have strength and courage, love to dominate other animals and people. Therefore, it is difficult to educate them and prove their superiority and power. In order to get a dedicated guard, you need special training.


Powerful and beautiful are considered one of the best among guard dog breeds for home and territory. This large animal needs regular walking and has an excellent guard instinct, endurance and courage.

Important! It is important to raise the Alabai correctly in order to be confident in his loyalty and reliability; the owner must be a leader for him.

This huge handsome man with a strong voice perfectly protects the house and yard from all strangers, acts quickly and confidently. Ruthless towards strangers, but kind and reserved towards his owners, very smart.

Giant Schnauzer

The best guard dog for a private home is. This breed is easy to train to produce an incredibly brave, loyal watchdog and protector. Giant Schnauzer good with children, loves active games and quickly becomes attached to the owner.

You need to let your dog run actively to maintain its physical fitness. The Giant Schnauzer is unpretentious, but requires grooming. This beautiful shaggy dog ​​gets along well with other pets, but is merciless towards strangers and intruders.

The Boxer is a born guard, but despite his formidable appearance, will never hurt a child. The dog calmly and patiently withstands all tests from children.
This is a very smart dog, easy and pleasant to train, very active. Requires significant physical activity to maintain the athlete's shape. Very strong, an excellent guard and watchman, warns the owner of danger. He plays with his owner with pleasure, loves to spend a lot of time with him, is cheerful, sociable and loyal.

All guard dog breeds for home use require special education and training. Some breeds are easier to train, others are stubborn and want to dominate. You need to approach the upbringing process correctly and on time, and then you will have a devoted bodyguard next to you, a guard for your home and property, and a devoted friend.

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