Thermal springs: harm and benefit. Thermal springs of Russia

The fact that thermal springs have healing power, has been known for a very long time. Treatment natural waters is one of the oldest methods of getting rid of the most various diseases. Baths, showers, wraps and inhalations in combination with ingestion of water help improve the condition of patients suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system and organs gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and excretory systems, skin and endocrine pathologies. Water treatments effective in treating complications of infectious diseases, consequences of physical and emotional stress.

The temperature range and composition of the waters of any geothermal source are unique, therefore each balneological hospital is designed for a specific set of ailments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of the ten most famous thermal resorts.

The concentration of mineral salts in the Dead Sea is extremely high. Therapeutic effect possesses not only water, but also sulfide bottom mud, rich in iodine and bromine compounds. The combination of water and mud procedures has a literally magical effect on the skin, and inhaling air saturated with a suspension of bromine salts has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and respiratory systems.

Staying in Dead Sea spas is especially beneficial for patients suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases, pathologies of the skin and the musculoskeletal system. Effective and simple wellness holiday- it allows you to remove extreme fatigue and get rid of the effects of stress.

You can be treated at the Dead Sea at any time of the year. Resorts are very convenient for people with delicate skin, since salt-rich vapors absorb a significant portion of ultraviolet rays and prevent burning.


This is a popular balneological resort based around twelve mineral springs. The waters have temperatures ranging from 30 to 72 °C and varying degrees saturation with carbon dioxide, but all sources contain high concentrations of sodium, iron, magnesium, bromine and lithium compounds. The therapeutic complex consists of baths (oxygen, radon, etc.), massage, procedures using healing mud and ingestion of water.

Treatment is indicated for patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system (intestines, stomach, liver), obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Most procedures available all year round, but some springs are closed for the winter.


The sulfur springs of Vichy have been known since antiquity and are extremely popular in Europe. A medical, health and cosmetology infrastructure has been formed here for centuries. The resort is visited by patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, skin and gastrointestinal tract, as well as people who seek to improve their appearance and undergo procedures that promote rejuvenation. In addition, a well-known manufacturing company is located in Vichy cosmetics, the basis of which is healing mud.

The resort is open all year round, but the procedures here are not recommended for patients with hypertension. The disadvantages of the resort include the high cost of treatment and stay.


The healing effect of the water of the thermal lake Heviz is due to high content it contains gaseous substances, as well as the effect on the body of bottom calcium-sodium mud. Swimming in open water is possible at any time of the year, as the water temperature does not drop below 23 °C.

In Heviz, it makes sense to be treated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially for problems with the spine), gynecological problems, chronic inflammatory processes, and pathologies of the venous circulation.

The procedures here are contraindicated for children.


One of the most famous European resorts, using therapeutic properties sodium chloride thermal waters. The set of procedures includes bathing in springs with temperatures ranging from 14 to 67 °C, compresses, wraps, inhalations, and ingestion of water. Here they help cope with diseases of the digestive, respiratory, joint, of cardio-vascular system, as well as with skin and gynecological problems.

The resort is considered one of the most prestigious, which explains the rather high cost of treatment.


The thermal waters of Loutraki resort contain bromine, magnesium, sodium and potassium salts. Here you can receive a range of therapeutic procedures at any time of the year, including swimming in pools, massage, mud therapy, physiotherapy and aromatherapy.

Treatment is indicated for patients suffering from cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, pathologies of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems, gynecological or skin problems. Many people come here just on vacation - in the summer, when wellness treatments can be combined with sea swimming and relaxing on the beach.


Hot (at least 40 °C) waters of the volcanic springs of the Blue Lagoon are saturated with quartz, mineral salts, microscopic seaweed and contain a suspension of healing white clay. This mixture extremely effectively softens and cleanses the skin, and also improves the overall tone of the body.

The Blue Lagoon is one of the most best resorts for people with skin diseases. In addition, specific medicinal cosmetics based on local clays and mud are produced here.

/ Why and to whom are hot springs useful?

Why and to whom are hot springs useful?

Thermal water is a unique medicine given to us by nature! It will help restore beauty and health, prolong youth and improve appearance. Of course, provided that you use it correctly.


Mineral water contained in the springs contains useful inorganic components. She stimulates active recovery body, increase vitality, helps cope with cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine disorders, as well as skin diseases. Bromine and iodine ions and gases enter the blood and tissues through the skin, improving the functioning of organs. This explains beneficial effect thermal spring.

Indications for the use of thermal springs

  • Carbon dioxide sources are suitable for patients with asthma, heart disease, and hypertension.
  • Iodine-bromine sources are prescribed for diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as for nervous disorders.
  • Sodium chloride baths are unique in that they improve brain function and endocrine system. Doctors recommend using them for metabolic disorders, depression, joint diseases, for skin rejuvenation, skin diseases. Water also has a beneficial effect on gynecological, urological diseases. Indicated for varicose veins.

Baths are useful for muscle pain, neuralgia, and rehabilitation after illnesses. You can use the grace of thermal waters for no more than 20 minutes. The duration of the bath depends on the disease and temperature. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor!


Healthy people will benefit from taking a bath. If there are deviations, they should be taken with caution.

Who is not suitable for immersion in the source?

  1. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, since sugar levels can drop to a critical level.
  2. Women during their periods.
  3. Pregnant women after the third trimester. For the first three months, it is permissible to immerse yourself in a source, but not a very hot one.
  4. Patients with acute infectious diseases: sore throat, pyelonephritis, bronchitis. Due to the influence of water, the infection can spread throughout the body.
  5. Patients with epilepsy, anyone prone to seizures.
  6. For tumors, uterine fibroids, mastopathy.

Hot springs of Tyumen and Sverdlovsk region

The springs located near Tyumen allow you to swim at any time of the year. The most relevant springs in Verkhniy Bor, they differ in the types of pools. The water is healing, has a tonic effect on the body, is useful for cardiovascular and nervous disorders. Water temperature is 30-40 degrees. Mineral water "Tyumenskaya-2" in the source is bromine, sodium chloride, with a total mineralization of 75 grams per liter.

The baths of the Sverdlovsk region are located in the towns of Rezh and Turinsk. These are radon waters of various compositions, which contain radon gas. Such baths normalize microcirculation in the skin, improve heart condition and stabilize blood pressure.

You can always check with the managers of the UralTurGroup company by contact numbers for information about holidays at hot springs.

The secret of thermal water lies in its chemical composition, which promotes healing and rejuvenation of the body. When choosing a thermal spring, you should immediately decide what kind of result you expect to get from such healing. The most effective course of treatment is from 14 to 21 days. Thermal water is universal remedy treatment and should be used correctly in consultation with a doctor.

Thermal water is a formation of vapors that are released by cooling magma, they seep into the upper layers of the earth and at this level are exposed to more low temperatures, which leads to their condensation into water.

Do not confuse thermal water with mineral water. Although they are similar in their purpose, they have differences. Thermal water is formed at deeper levels of the earth, where harmful impurities from chemical substances, thermal water is enriched with a large number of salts, micro-, macroelements, which include potassium, calcium, silicon, sodium, manganese, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, iodine, bromine, fluorine and chlorine, magnesium. These elements help to the human body function and be in good shape.

Treatment on the waters is called balneotherapy and must necessarily pass under medical supervision. Thermal water promotes healing skin diseases- inflammation, increases protective properties skin, relieves redness, irritation, normalizes water-lipid balance. In addition, it has a beneficial effect during the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins veins, urological and gynecological, as well as many others.

How to choose the right source of thermal water?

The doctor helps you choose a thermal spring individually. For hypertensive patients, asthmatics and heart patients, bathing in carbon dioxide springs is suitable, as they deepen breathing and improve the condition of the myocardium. People suffering from thyroid disorders and nervous system, iodine-bromine sources are suitable; hydrogen sulfide baths will help in the treatment of diseases of the skin, heart and musculoskeletal system. Sodium chloride baths have a beneficial effect on increasing the efficiency of the brain and endocrine system, improving metabolism.

You can stay in natural or indoor pools where thermal water is supplied for no more than 15-20 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the temperature of the water and the condition of the person. Remember that the load on the heart depends on the water temperature, the higher, the greater. During baths, the pulse can increase 1.5-2 times, so the state of the body can be compared to training on a treadmill. Doctors recommend monitoring your heartbeat; if it increases by 10 beats, then you should leave the pool. The effect of immersion in thermal water is achieved when the pulse becomes rare, then the body is saturated with all useful microelements.

How to prepare for immersion in thermal water?

Meals must be taken 1.5-2 hours before the procedure; on the day of the procedure, any physical activity is not recommended - visit gym, climbing mountains, excursions. After the procedure, you must rest for at least 20 minutes in a relaxed state, the best way An hour and a half sleep is considered rest.

You need to dive into the thermal spring correctly: so that the area of ​​the heart remains above the water, since there is a possibility of dizziness and a person may lose consciousness, you do not need to go down to your neck.

The effect of bathing in a thermal spring, subject to 10 procedures, lasts 2-3 months. Salts dissolved in thermal water act on skin receptors not only during the dive, but also after the procedure, a thin layer of salt crystals forms and remains on the body, hidden from the human eye, which saturates the body with microelements. This is the effect of thermal water treatment.

Side effects from thermal water

For a healthy person, baths with thermal water will only bring benefits; for a sick person, thermal springs can either speed up the healing process, or, on the contrary, aggravate problems, it depends on the diagnosis, so it is worth consulting with a doctor first. Balneotherapy has an ambiguous effect on different forms one disease, for example, a person with type II diabetes will benefit from thermal baths, but with type I diabetes, the sugar level can drop to a critical level.

Who should not take thermal baths?

  • Women on critical days.
  • Pregnant women, from the second trimester. During pregnancy, from 1 to 3 months, you can only dive into warm springs, not too hot! In the second half of pregnancy, hot baths can lead to premature birth or risk of infection.
  • People with acute inflammatory diseases: sore throat, bronchitis, pyelonephritis, diving is prohibited due to the risk of generalization of infection - the possibility of inflammatory foci spreading to other organs.
  • Thermal water promotes the rapid manifestation of metabolism, causing cells to actively divide, and different educations, even benign ones, grow faster because of this, so immersion in thermal springs is contraindicated for those with mastopathy, uterine fibroids, or tumors.
  • People with heart disease and prone to seizures (epilepsy).

What is prohibited?

You should not combine mud wraps, Charcot showers with thermal baths on your own without consulting a doctor, move from source to source, change procedures one after another. A thermal bath is, first of all, relaxation, and not stress for the body, which is provoked sudden changes procedures. Despite the fact that your body is in a relaxed state, it is actually working, increasing blood and lymph circulation, the heart beats faster, the blood is saturated with hormones produced by the glands internal secretion, the functioning of the immune system increases. Remember that such a load can lead to breakdown of the body, so pay attention to all recommendations.

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