Magic tests. Human magical power

Sometimes there are two personalities living in a person, one is visible to everyone, and the second is inside, some are not even aware of it. By resorting to tests for magical abilities, you can determine whether a person has witchcraft inclinations, or whether he may have extrasensory inclinations. If you are reading these lines, then you have noticed in yourself a certain force acting at a distance, or you have an undiscovered gift for clairvoyance. It is likely that you imagined all this, and your predictions came true on their own.

Women wonder if I am a witch, the test will give a comprehensive answer. Representatives of the fairer sex with black or unrealistically penetrating deep eyes of a different color may have a predisposition to this. It is also worth studying your tree, perhaps your ancestors practiced magic, then you should definitely have such abilities. In order not to think for a long time, take the survey, answering all the questions correctly, the system will give you a comprehensive answer. Sometimes a person has no idea that he has potential or is even afraid of it.

Using a magical ability test, you will find out whether they are inherent and what their strength is. This test should be taken carefully, thinking about each point. If you do everything correctly, answer without hiding, you will get an accurate result.

The Am I a Witch test will indicate the presence of certain inclinations for witchcraft. Although they mostly come to women hereditarily, they may not know about their existence. There are also learned sorceresses who have developed their abilities with their own hands.

Perhaps you have super hearing, distinguish the voices of animals, know what flowers whisper about. Or you have heightened light perception, you can mentally move objects. What superpower you have, the test will tell you about it, if you have one.

With the help of the test, am I a Witch by date of birth, the secret will be revealed to you about the inclinations for magic and witchcraft, predetermined by your day. Here you should enter the data, and the system will display the result.

By passing the hidden abilities test, you will understand whether you have an internal energy potential that is radically different from the typical one found in ordinary people, without any gift.

For some, card fortune telling is acceptable, others prefer to conduct spiritualistic seances, and still others read the future by hand. Test: What magic is right for me will guide you along the right path if you have not yet understood your purpose.

The Sura test is simple, and at the same time very effective, working to identify magical abilities. There are several options, we suggest using a simple method. After shuffling the deck of cards, you should take one out of it for each question, but do not look until you guess, then give an answer to the question.

By taking the test, am I a magician or not, you will receive a comprehensive answer that will dot all the i’s. Having found out your affiliation, you will understand whether it is worth further developing in this direction or whether it is better to give up this idea.

A magic test based on your answers will make it possible to find out whether you are involved in this. Some people think that they have the makings, they try to develop them, but in the end everything is in vain, time is wasted.

A person can have several abilities at the same time, but some are more developed, others are not; in order to achieve complete harmony, one must decide correctly. Using the test, “What is your gift of magic by date of birth,” you can identify your affiliation.

Almost every person has heard of and encountered magicians, psychics and sorcerers.

It is believed that It is impossible to engage in magical craft without a gift.

But how can the average person know for sure? does he have magical powers.

There are several reliable ways to help you pass the magical power test. and find out whether a person has the makings of a magician or sorcerer.

The first thing a person needs to do is to find out more precisely his ancestry. It has long been known that if there were magicians or psychics in the family, then their abilities could be inherited. If there were any, then the person most likely has a hereditary predisposition to magic.

Also diagnostics of magical abilities necessarily includes an unusual test: you need to take a closer look at the behavior of the people around you. Real magicians have a very strong biofield that can influence the state and behavior of other people. If someone who discovers a gift notices that in his presence others become silent or try to leave quickly, then the person has a very strong biofield that suppresses others.

Another way to check if you have magical abilities. A person needs to carefully analyze his actions, in which he suddenly changed his mind and refused to do anything or go somewhere. It is possible that the cancellation of decisions played an important role; those who have the gift of foreseeing terrible or dangerous events in advance and protected themselves from them. Most often, this uncontrollable feeling is called intuition, but it is this ability that is very well developed among real psychics and magicians.

Many people are interested in: “How to pass a simple test for the magic in me?”

There is another way that allows you to find out the presence of even the smallest gift. To do this, you will need assistants who will select several photographs for the person being tested, which will contain images of living and deceased people. It is advisable that these are ordinary people, and not celebrities who can be easily recognized. Next, someone who has supernatural abilities must accurately determine which of the people in the photo is dead and which is alive. The mark of death for a real magician is very easy to determine. Anyone who guessed everything correctly is endowed with psychic abilities and can further develop their gift.

Testing magical abilities can be done with the help of animals. Most often, pets behave unusually in the presence of people with the gift. An aggressive and almost wild cat may reach out for affection from a real magician, or, conversely, those animals that have a fairly sociable character hide in fear at the sight of such a person. It has also been noticed that those who have very powerful energy cannot calmly walk into the private sector, where there are a lot of dogs. Animals literally go crazy at the sight of such a person, bark loudly and rush to the fence.

Checking with money can also reveal information about the presence of a gift. To do this, you need to take several thick envelopes and put a paper bill in one of them. Money, like photographs, has very powerful energy and it will be easy for someone who has unusual abilities to determine which envelope the bill is in.

You can also check magical abilities by date of birth. On the Internet you can find special sites that will help a person reveal the secret of his gift and name the strengths of his abilities. To find out whether a person can become a magician or psychic, you just need to enter your date of birth in special fields.

Many people are not even aware of the gift they are endowed with from birth. And everything that they manage to predict or prevent is considered to be the will of chance, but not their unusual abilities.

What are human magical abilities, and what are we given at birth, and what do we have to develop ourselves? For beginners, this one is perhaps like no other. Now the most interesting thing - in this article we will talk about how to find out whether you yourself have magical abilities, if you have already decided that magic is your path.

How to find out if you have magical abilities - three manipulation techniques

Effectively use the mental command “look!” - part of the daily training of a witch or sorcerer. In order to magically manipulate a person - and we know that people have different strengths of energy and will, you need to be able to attract and hold his attention. There are three methods by which the order “look!” is implemented. The first of these is the use of attractiveness. The second and third techniques are compassion and surprise. Rarely in practice is only one technique used. As a rule, combinations of them are implemented. Try to attract and hold the attention of a stranger.

This exercise is a simple test to determine magical abilities.

Absolutely honestly and impartially decide for yourself which category (compassion, surprise) you belong to, which category suits you better and more naturally than others. The first method, relating to the use of sexual relations, speaks for itself. If a woman with magical abilities who is casting a love spell on a loved one is attractive, she must do literally everything possible, everything in her power to become as seductive as possible.

Thus, she must make herself, her appearance, her most powerful weapon. Having awakened a man's interest, arousing emotions and strong feelings in him, the witch is free to use him in her own interests. In truth, this is how a man following the path of a magician should act. But, I repeat, the determination of magical abilities must be done absolutely honestly with oneself, because the right choice of strategy will directly affect your art and the ability to manipulate other people.

Human magical abilities - the art of elegant deception

The second way to gain power over others is defined as compassion. This technique is often used by women who have magical abilities and are of advanced age. Granny God's Dandelion is a type of witch to whom children are drawn, unconsciously guessing witchcraft power, and adults are looking for wise advice and guidance. Such a witch, using the art of deception, easily achieves her goals, and there can be no doubt about the presence of magical abilities of a given person.

The third method of manipulation is surprise. The task of a person with magical abilities is to stun, defeat, and confuse the victim. This method of influence is most suitable for a witch with an exotic and impressive appearance. Using her appearance, the sorceress can play with other people in her own interests, and they will obey, fearing the consequences of disobedience. By adopting the above, you can independently find out whether you have magical abilities and determine which category of manipulators you belong to.

Basically, most women fit into more than one category. For example, a girl who has an angelic, innocent face, while being attractive, can use such methods of manipulation as love and compassion. A middle-aged femme fatale, adding disturbing impressions to intimacy, involves love and surprise. An old witch can practice compassion and wonder to solve her problems.

Today, many are interested in the question of how to find out if you have magical abilities. Of course, every person wants to be different from others and have some unusual skills. But, unfortunately or fortunately, they are not available and open to everyone. If psychic abilities and intuition can be at least somehow developed, then with magic the situation is much more complicated.

For some people, the answer to the question “how do I know if I have magical powers?” known since childhood or adolescence. In this case, we are talking about those who clearly feel their presence and even use them. Well, for those who do not know how to find out their magical abilities, we want to give some tips and recommendations.

The best ways to understand if you have magical abilities

Testing magical abilities is not a difficult task. You just need to carefully monitor yourself and note any unusual phenomena. How can you find out if you have magical abilities? There are a couple of ways here. Choose the one you like:

One of them is taking tests on the Internet. They are called: “How to check if you have magical abilities?” For the most part, you can go through them for free on special websites. The computer will give you a result (conclusion) about the presence or absence of magical abilities.

Another method of understanding whether you have magical abilities is to compare some characteristic signs with your life and characteristics. We offer you the following signs that can directly or indirectly determine the presence of magical abilities. But before you test your magical abilities, carefully read each statement (sign). Answer only the truth, otherwise the result will be erroneous:

How can you tell if you have magical abilities based on the results of this test? Very simple. If you agree with 8-13 statements out of all those presented, then you have magical abilities (perhaps not very clearly expressed and developed).


Now you know how to determine whether a person or yourself has magical abilities. Agree that it is simply necessary to know about this. After all, this gift is given for a reason. A person must use it for the benefit of others and himself.

First steps into magic. How to remember your past life?

Each person's abilities are different. One can dance mesmerizingly, another can draw amazingly, and the third has psychic abilities. But signs of extrasensory abilities in a person can manifest themselves in different ways, and such people are always somehow different from others. Let's look at the most striking signs that can definitely speak of the supernatural.

1. Vivid and lucid dreams are one of the signs of psychic abilities

If throughout your life you regularly have vivid dreams in which you travel or are conveyed to you, then we can say that you have unusual abilities.

Sometimes people live two lives in this way - in a dream and in reality. There are many technologies that allow you not to get lost in such a kaleidoscope of events. But the most important thing that can be recommended for developing the ability and the emergence of awareness is to write down your dreams. This way you will also be able to check how accurately the dreams conveyed to you come true.

What signs of psychic abilities still exist? You can learn more about this further from the article.

2. Unconscious hand healing

Do you know anyone whose touch can relieve pain? Or maybe you yourself have this ability? If so, then you or someone you know can clearly heal with hands human pains of the physical body. Many healers have such abilities. In addition, you can be able to influence not only the body, but also its energy shell, healing holes and clearing dirty spots.

3. Fear of open doors

The first signs of psychic abilities are anxiety if the doors in the room you are in are open. It has always been believed that door and window openings are the line between worlds (albeit not as obvious as mirrors). Energy-sensitive people try not to linger in doors and do not sit in front of open windows. Also, an open door or window leads to a loss of one’s own energy, which is why many rituals are performed in a completely closed room with dim lighting (most often candle fire).

4. Materialization of your thoughts and desires

You clearly have special abilities if your desires and thoughts come true with enviable regularity. For some, only positive things come true, while for others, negative things come true. In general, such people with strong energy need to watch what they think about, as well as their desires. If this does not happen regularly, but sometimes, then the ability can be developed more, thanks to special techniques.

5. Vision of the aura

Vision of the aura should also be classified as extrasensory abilities. Even if you only see a train without color, the rudiments of this ability are still there and it can be developed further. It should be noted that it is better to learn from a knowledgeable person who has already taken quite a lot of steps along this path and achieved success. For example, this ability is developed in psychics and if one of them agrees to teach you, then do not refuse.

6. A clear sense of other people's feelings

Empathy is another manifestation of extrasensory abilities. If a person possesses it, then he is able to feel the emotions and feelings of other people, as if they were his own. Unfortunately (or vice versa, fortunately, since it is quite difficult to control), such an ability is quite rare. Some people have it healers that really help people. Sometimes it can be found among psychologists and psychotherapists.

7. Visions of the future in any form

The ability to see the future definitely guarantees the presence of extrasensory abilities. Pictures can appear during dreams, touching objects, vision through a mirror ball... Even if you accurately guess with the help of cards and everything comes true, this is also a sign of strong energy, revealed third eye .

8. Lines on the hand are signs of psychic abilities

Psychic abilities can be determined by the lines on the hand. For example, pay attention to the Mount of Mercury, which is located on the pad at the base of the little finger. If you count at least three lines on it, then you definitely have a gift, most often a healing one. Such people have quite a lot of positive energy, which they give to others. This gift is already revealed in childhood, the main thing is not to oppress him, but to help develop him.

The existing island on the belt of Venus indicates the presence of intuition. Try to check it or analyze your life and you will understand that all your actions are guided by it. If you find a cross in the center of your palm, then your life is in harmony and you are also a very harmonious person. Meditation, predicting the future, managing your own energy - all this is inherent in you.

Now look at your index finger. If at its base you find a ring that completely encircles your finger, then you have psychic abilities. This is the so-called white magician's ring, which indicates the presence of telepathy and clairvoyance. A little lower on the same finger is the black magician's ring. This means that a person’s energy can cause harm to another.

9. Strong intuition

You always know when to stop and when to move on, you very often find yourself in the right place and meet the right people, and also anticipate trouble - this is a sign of highly developed intuition and another psychic ability.

10. Testing abilities using cards

If you cannot understand the presence of extrasensory abilities, the signs of which are described above, then try to test yourself. Take a deck of any cards, concentrate and shuffle it. Pull the card face down. Try to guess the color of the suit. If you guess right, keep guessing. To do this, take another card and try to guess the suit itself, and then what kind of card you took out. This way you can train foresight and understand whether you have superpowers.

So now you know the strongest signs of psychic abilities. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t have them, or if you have them, but in their infancy. Try to develop them yourself using various techniques or by enrolling in school, where you will be trained by experienced specialists.

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