Exercises with a ball for the hips. Why do you need exercises with a gymnastic ball?

Surely everyone has at least once seen people doing gymnastics with a ball. At first glance, such exercises seem funny. But you shouldn’t take this sports equipment lightly just because it looks like a children’s toy.

A large fitness ball is called a fitball or Swiss ball. For the first time, the effectiveness of gymnastics with this apparatus was proven by a physiotherapist originally from Switzerland, Susan Klein-Vogelbach, who used exercises with it in therapeutic exercises for patients with cerebral palsy. Later, her colleagues from America began to use the ball for the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal injuries. Quickly gaining popularity due to its versatility, fitball has long gone beyond hospital walls and is actively used not only in gyms, but also at home.

What is the miracle ball for?

It is rightfully believed that fitball in fitness is the same discovery as the wheel for humanity. Its use allows people with poor physical fitness and sore joints to play sports, and is suitable for absolutely all ages. The Swiss ball is so safe that it is recommended even for infants and pregnant women.

Separately, it should be noted the effectiveness of exercising on a fitball for weight loss; thanks to its shape, the ball allows people of any size to train without loading the spine. Training on a ball is safe for varicose veins, which almost always accompanies excess weight. A gymnastic ball makes it possible to work out all muscle groups without loading the veins.

It creates an unstable surface that stimulates the entire body and requires the work of a large number of muscles to maintain balance, which is why exercises on a fitball are more effective than regular gymnastics. Miracle ball training is so popular that it has become an independent trend in fitness.

What are the benefits of fitball?

The beneficial properties of fitball can hardly be overestimated, here are just a few of them:

  • corrects posture;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • provides genitourinary system;
  • increases overall muscle tone;
  • develops flexibility;
  • gives vigor;
  • improves mood.


  • first trimester of pregnancy with complications;
  • herniated discs and severe spinal injuries;
  • heart disease in aggravation.

What types of fitballs are there?

With the growing popularity of gymnastic balls, their range is also growing. You can buy fitball in any sports department of a hypermarket or on the Internet. Their price varies depending on various functional indicators.

How to choose the right ball

Before choosing a fitness ball that is right for you, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Ball surface structure:
  • smooth – the most popular, suitable for both the hall and the home;
  • with ears (handles) – ideal for pregnant women and children;
  • with mini-spikes - a ball for self-massage.
  1. The ratio of the diameter of the gymnastics ball and height:
  • diameter 45 cm – height up to 150 cm;
  • diameter 55 cm – height 150-160 cm;
  • diameter 65 cm – height 160-175 cm;
  • diameter 75 cm – height 175-195 cm;
  • diameter 85 cm – from 196 cm.
  1. Ratio of arm length and ball diameter:
  • arm length 45-54 cm – ball size 45 cm;
  • arm length 55-64 cm – ball size 55 cm;
  • arm length 65-80 cm – ball size 65 cm;
  • arm length 81-90 cm – ball size 75 cm;
  • arm length more than 91 cm – ball size 85 cm.

In addition to height, weight also influences the choice of fitness ball size. If you have an extra 15 kg, then it is better to take a fitball one size larger.

It should also be taken into account that the larger the ball, the more stable it is, so a diameter of 65 cm is suitable for beginners, and 55 cm for experienced ones. If you choose one fitball for the whole family, then it is better to take a gymnastic apparatus with a diameter of 60-75 cm, it is ideal for both for an adult of average height, and for a baby.

To choose the right ball in the store, you need to sit on it, your knees should be 2 - 3 cm below your hips. In addition, you should check the elasticity of the fitball; when pressed, your hand should spring and not fall into it. All seams must be neat, the nipple is soldered inside, a high-quality ball must have an anti-rupture system.

In order not to rack your brains over how to pump up a fitball at home, it is better to immediately purchase a special pump; it is compact and inexpensive. Some manufacturers sell it immediately complete with the ball. As an alternative, you can use adapters for bicycle or mattress pumps.

Losing weight with pleasure

Every overweight person periodically thinks about how to more effectively get their body in shape. Some even go to the gym, but after a couple of sessions on complex exercise equipment, they give up. For beginners, training with a fitball is an ideal fitness option. Even without good training, by performing simple exercises, you can tone your muscles, gradually moving to a more complex level.

In addition to all the obvious benefits of exercises with a gymnastic ball for weight loss, it is worth noting that by choosing a fitball with mini-spikes, in addition to general training, you can actively fight cellulite. At first, such activities will cause noticeable discomfort, but the result will meet all expectations.

To enhance the effect, you need to switch to fractional meals (meals should be 5-6 times a day, in small portions) and drink at least 8 glasses of clean still water a day.

We train correctly

To ensure that the exercises bring visible results, and the desire to continue training does not disappear, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • choose comfortable clothes;
  • always start with a warm-up;
  • exercise at least 2 hours after eating;
  • drink 7-8 glasses of clean water a day.

There are many exercises with a ball to get rid of extra pounds. A video of exercises with a fitball will become an indispensable assistant for losing weight at home.

Pilates with fitball

Pilates is a popular exercise system developed more than a hundred years ago. The advantages of this type of fitness include the fact that it can be practiced both in the gym and at home, and is suitable for people of any age and physical fitness. All movements are smooth, which minimizes the risk of injury. Using a fitball increases the effect of training.

Consider the best exercises of the system with a gymnastics ball.


The exercise actively affects the abs and allows you to quickly remove the belly:

  • body position as for hand push-ups, shins resting on a fitness ball;
  • move the ball toward your chest by pulling it forward with your feet, while bending your knees and lowering your hips;
  • stay in this position;
  • push the ball with your feet and return to the starting position.

Swiss pike

Effectively works the core muscles and increases overall tone:

  • starting position – shins on a fitball, emphasis on straight arms, as if you were about to do push-ups. The body should form a straight line from the crown to the heels;
  • Without bending your knees, move the ball closer to your body with straight legs, lifting your pelvis as high as possible;
  • pause at the highest point;
  • return to the starting position by lowering your hips and rolling the ball into place.

Scissors with fitball

Exercise allows you to tighten the inner and outer surface, making them more elastic:

  • lie on your back, the ball is sandwiched between your knees, your legs are raised;
  • as you exhale, lower your legs to the right so that your knees do not touch the floor;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position;
  • repeat on the other side.

Positive fitness

An inflatable ball is a one-of-a-kind exercise machine that affects the musculoskeletal and vestibular systems, stimulating concentration and vision. Exercises on a gymnastic ball for fitness turn a banal workout into a fun game and improve your mood. In addition, by practicing on a fitball, you will forget about stress and strengthen your nervous system.

Exercises with a small ball called a medicine ball can be a good alternative to dumbbells and kettlebells. Its weight can range from 1 to 20 kg. This type of sports equipment is used to recover from injuries and improve dexterity and muscle function. Increases endurance, develops coordination, strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Some people mistakenly consider an inflatable ball to be an element of exclusively female fitness, but in vain, there are many exercises with a fitball for men. With this sports equipment you can pump up your triceps and biceps, strengthen your muscle corset and achieve abs of steel, while the cost of the ball will not damage your budget.

Exercises for the abs

An ideal flat stomach is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a natural desire of every person.

A set of exercises with a ball for the press will be an indispensable assistant in achieving this goal.

Exercise 1

Do you want to actively tighten your sagging belly? Get started:

  • gymnastic ball between the back and hips, support with hands as for reverse push-ups;
  • stretch your legs parallel to the floor, tensing your abs and taking “steps” with your hands, move the ball to your toes;
  • stay in this position;
  • relax your muscles and lower yourself.

Exercise 2

It uses the upper abs well and strengthens the back muscles. To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips:

  • sitting on the ball, lower your back, rolling the ball under your lower back, hands behind your head;
  • exhale – raise your shoulders and shoulder blades using the efforts of your abs;
  • inhale - return to the starting position.

Work on the buttocks

Fitball can be used for all muscle groups and the gluteal muscles are no exception. A special advantage of exercises with a large ball is that they can even work deep muscle tissue. At first he may seem too unstable and rebellious, at this stage it is important to concentrate and continue moving towards the goal.

Exercise 1

To tighten your buttocks and restore their elasticity:

  • starting position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees;
  • put your feet on the fitball, your lower back pressed firmly to the floor;
  • lift your pelvis up, holding at the top point for 5-10 seconds.

Exercise 2

Helps give the buttocks a beautiful shape. Sequencing:

  • standing near the wall, place the ball between your back and shoulder blades;
  • press the sports equipment against the wall with force;
  • Roll the pressed ball down and perform squats.

Important! Those who want to pump up their butt using a fitball need to know one little trick - the wider the position of the legs during squats, the more active the effect on the gluteal muscles.

For the back

Buying a Swiss ball is the best way to please your back. For the spine, exercises with a ball are a real panacea; they were developed at the very beginning of the use of fitballs and have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. General strengthening of the muscle corset reduces the load on the spine. Regular exercise will help you get rid of stoop and scoliosis.

Exercises on a fitball for the back are absolutely safe due to its elasticity.

Exercise 1

Allows you to quickly strengthen the muscle corset, the main thing is to follow the correct technique:

  • lying with your stomach on the ball, feet against the wall, hands clasped in front of your chest;
  • as you exhale, raise your back, head down;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2

Fights with "wings". Following these instructions, it is very simple to do:

  • we sit on the ball, arms spread to the sides;
  • bend to the side, extending the opposite arm above your head, exhale;
  • returned to the starting position, inhale;
  • did the same in the opposite direction.

Leg workout

Exercises with a fitball are indispensable for working out the leg muscles. With its help, you can actively pump up problem areas and do light exercises for varicose veins.

Exercise 1

Watch your breathing and follow the sequence of execution:

  • starting position – standing straight, one foot on the ball;
  • perform squats on the supporting leg;
  • make an effort while inhaling.

Exercise 2

When you start practicing, make sure to use the correct technique:

  • starting position – back on the ball, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor;
  • straighten one leg;
  • perform a pelvic lift;
  • repeat the exercise for the second leg.

You will find a video about what other leg exercises you can use a fitness ball for at the end of the article.

Getting back in shape after childbirth

A set of exercises on a fitball is the most suitable physical activity for young mothers; it gently trains all the muscles and helps restore the body’s lost shape. You need to start training with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load.

Exercise 1

Perform smoothly, gradually increasing the amplitude:

  • sit on the ball, legs bent at right angles;
  • actively jump on the ball.

Important! Keep your butt off the ball and your feet off the floor.

Exercise 2

To improve the result, strictly follow the instructions:

  • sit on the ball, spread your legs to the sides, knees bent at right angles, hands behind your head;
  • make deep turns from side to side.

If for one reason or another you are unable to do these exercises, any other exercise with a fitball will also benefit your figure.

Good day to everyone who wants to get themselves and their body in order, as well as those looking for something new in physical culture. Today we will look (very closely) at such a sports equipment as a fitball. As a fitness trainer with many years of experience, I will say that for some it is still a curiosity, although fitballs have been used in aerobics since 1950.

Men should not turn away from this article, this is not only “girl jumping”. This thing will help any guy gain masculine contours and generally improve his appearance. With us you will learn everything and a little more. But we digress...

So, the functionality and usefulness of this unstable ball has been proven by many studies. is an endurance marathon for girls and women, men, children and adults of retirement age, giving amazing results. You are ready?

Swiss\fit ball is a foreign name for fitball. You can use any of the two proposed words, and it will not be a mistake. Exactly the same as the phrase “gymnastic ball”. A synthetic ball with a diameter of 55 to 75 cm (there is a standard of 40 cm, and even 90), develop dexterity, coordination and correct posture.

The Italians invented an elastic ball for gaming events. But its benefits in the health of newborns and children with musculoskeletal problems were proven in Switzerland in the 80s, hence the name “Swiss”. Further, non-strength equipment was promoted among track and field athletes, and in 1996, seminars on popularization for family sports activities were already actively held in Italy.

What muscles will the fitball pump?

Speaking about the purpose of the fitball, let’s list the muscle groups that it tones: everything. No, this is not the coach's fault. Balancing and lifting the exercise ball with your limbs leads to simultaneous work of the deep muscles of the core. Even lifting a barbell is not like a regular gym ball. Plus, it’s an excellent cardio workout and a marathon for concentration and concentration.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive aspects it is worth noting:

  1. Fitball exercises are very effective and have a positive effect on all muscle groups.
  2. When exercising on a non-power ball, the load on the joints is minimal; you can even select particularly gentle exercise regimens for age categories.
  3. The effectiveness of exercising on a fitball is achieved even with passive exercises (balancing, stretching on a ball, etc.).
  4. The sport equipment is mobile and easy to use.
  5. Light weight of the gymnastic ball and the ability to choose the diameter according to body parameters (see below).
  6. Availability and relatively low cost.
  7. The opportunity to practice on the ball in a group or individually, without a coach.
  8. There are no age restrictions.
  9. Safety when used by children (If you follow the rules of use and personal safety).
  10. Durability.

Well, I have nothing to say about the cons, there are none. Even if you fall off the swishball, you will have already done physical work. Although, let people in the body forgive me, when I trained a very plump lady of Balzac’s age, the result for a long period was at zero. She cursed both me and the Swiss ball, accusing me of charlatanism, because my waist was not even outlined yet. The reason is banal: madam and mine.

Exercises with fitball are paired with at least limited consumption of foods containing many calories. If you are not prepared to achieve perfection through hard work, an exercise ball is not the equipment for you. Its benefits and harm are incommensurable, because the latter is absolutely non-existent.


Attention! Although the training system can be selected in a gentle manner, people with heart and vascular diseases should not undertake it. There are also restrictions for people with problem joints, intervertebral discs and pathologies of internal organs. Newborn children, without surgeons' testimony, are allowed to train with specialists after 2 months!!! For pregnant women, a ban on classes will be the threat of interruption or disruption of blood flow to the placenta, VSD.

Which ball is right for you?

A great variety of balls often confuses beginners. First, let’s decide which fitball you need.

To practice elementary gymnastics in the first couples, I recommend taking a small (45 cm) ball. The limbs and vestibular apparatus will get used to the functional load, and the muscles will also adapt to the exercise. After gradually getting used to it (a week of training), take a larger ball.

For classes with children, pregnant or elderly people, it is advisable to take a relief massage fitball, which significantly improves the condition of the skin and blood flow in the “working” areas.

You can also select a ball using the height grid

  • Height over 185 cm ball with a diameter of 75 cm.
  • Height 165\185 cm ball with a diameter of 65 cm.
  • Height 155\165 cm ball with a diameter of 55 cm.
  • Height up to 155 cm ball with a diameter of 45 cm.

Remember, dear future fitness girls, the projectile should be elastic, not cause skin allergies and should not cause fear that it will burst under you! To do this, make sure that the ball is not inflated all the way; it should bend by 2 cm!!!

Scheme of classes and types of exercises

First, let's talk about techniques and types of execution. What goal are you pursuing exactly? For those who want to tighten their muscles, the exercise “plank”, “twisting”, lifting a fitball with limbs and lunges with a ball in various positions is suitable.

  • For those who desire a waist like young Gurchenko’s, doing the figure eight and jumping on a fitball is suitable.
  • You can put your hands in order by grouping sports on a fitball and weights (or dumbbells).
  • Your back and posture can be corrected by “stretching” and lifting a fitball with your back without using your hands.

There are a huge number of workouts that can be performed using gymnastic equipment. All of them are divided depending on the muscle involvement, position (standing, sitting, lying) and purpose (for stretching or strengthening muscles).

Back exercises

  1. We lie down on the fitball with our stomach, rest our feet on the floor, align our body, trying to maintain balance. Slowly raise the upper abdomen and chest, doing hyperextension on the ball.
  2. Position – lying face down on the ball. We rest our hands on the floor. The task is to raise your legs up one at a time. For advanced exercisers, you can train with an expander, making the workout heavier and adding stress to your legs. We start with 10-15 lifts on each leg, gradually increasing the number.

Exercises for the abs

  1. Pose – face down, legs below the knees lying on the ball, standing on outstretched arms. Raise your pelvis up, while slightly pulling the projectile towards you. Attention: since its implementation requires certain skills.

  1. Rolls: lie with your back on the floor, legs bent at the knees, lying on the apparatus. Hands spread out on the floor. Roll your feet over the ball until they are a couple of centimeters off the floor in one direction or the other. Perform the workout until you feel tension in your oblique muscles.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

  1. We stand up straight, the fitball is behind us. One leg is bent at the knee, lying on the ball. Let's roll it back. Squatting on the supporting leg, that is, doing reverse lunges.
  2. We stand against the wall and place the ball between it and our back. We squat, rolling the projectile down. You can do this exercise on one leg.

Add to your complex exercises that are familiar to us, weighted with the help of a fitball. For example: plank, crunches, push-ups.

Examples of workouts

Workout for home

At home, you can easily start individual classes, even by looking at pictures and videos of the complexes offered on our website. Don't forget, before strength training you must do a warm-up. I offer a description of it in the “Advice from Experienced Gurus” section.

  • We sit on the ball with a straight back. Legs are straight. We bend over to our feet, trying to grab them with either our left or our right hand. Important! We do not arch our back, we leave it straight. We perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions. Upon completion, take deep breaths and exhale 3 times. This activity is indispensable for the legs, their level of stretching and for correcting back problems.

  • Next, stand with your back to the wall, pressing the fitball against it. Feet shoulder width apart. We squat smoothly, at the lowest point when squatting, we tense our muscles, freezing for 5 seconds. We also rise smoothly. Great for pumping up your thighs and buttocks. Perform 5 times for 12 repetitions, then repeat deep inhalation/exhalation.

  • Sit on the ball, back straight, hands behind your head. We “draw” a figure eight with our hips (clockwise and counterclockwise). Perfect for bellies that want to become more defined. The number of approaches reaches 5 approaches 15 times.

  • Starting position: sitting on the ball, resting your hands on the back of the ball. We begin to slowly walk forward with our feet. We move until the pelvis “hangs” above the floor. And now we return in the same way. We repeat the procedure 10 times. 4 approaches.

Workout in the gym

In the gym, experienced athletes will offer more complex variations. For example, a description of the TOP species:

  • Lie on the ball with your back, namely the lumbar region. Place your feet on a wall or floor and bend at the waist (5 sets of 15 times, then the breathing exercises described above).
  • Lie on the ball with your stomach, while standing on your knees, and the fitball resting on them. We cross our arms behind our head and lower it, our back arched. Gradually, while maintaining your breath, raise your face (your back should straighten, do 10 to 15 times, 3 approaches).
  • Lie with your back on a gymnastic ball, take dumbbells in your hands. Gradually lift the dumbbells up. Fixing them in the raised position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times per set. We do 5 of them in total. Be careful! Don't hit the dumbbells, do your sets slowly! (great for breast lift).
  • We put 2 fitballs next to each other. Place your forearms and elbows on each. The elbow joints should visually be like a right angle. Feet shoulder width apart. As you inhale, lower your torso, leaning only on your hands. As you exhale, raise your body, fixing the position for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets of 10.

After completing all the loads, consolidate the result with several stretching exercises (“mill”, bending over or clasping your legs with your hands).

Before strength training, you should warm yourself up properly. Swing your arms 5 times each, tilt your body in all directions 10 times, 15 squats and head swings will not be superfluous. I also recommend moving up and down with your shoulders (up to 30 movements in total). Having taken a comfortable place, stretch your legs slightly apart and, lying on them with your body, touch your toes with your hands (up to 10 times). Walk around the hall or room, raising your knees high, for about 7 minutes and feel free to begin more energy-intensive activities. Important! Do not stop training abruptly, and after it is finished, calm your heart rate and breathing with light walking and deep inhalations/exhalations.

Normalization of approaches

On average, it is worth performing 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions, preferably in order of starting positions: first sitting in a row, then lying down, etc. Set aside about an hour and a half a day for sports. The number of times performed should increase by 1 per day.

Music for classes

Pick up collections of dynamic, motivating music. Or fiery Latin tracks, they will give inspiration and assertiveness. In general, classics and lyrics don’t count.

Common Mistakes

Frequent mistakes made by beginners are full-fledged sports activities on a completely “unheated” body, which results in pain and rejection of gymnastics on a fitball. Start small, actively prepare yourself, and everything will fall into place. Also, many simply do not adhere to the training regime, missing several hours a week. Get up in the morning and do at least a minimum of approaches - this will invigorate you, and you will be younger with a beautiful body!

What can you do with this bulky inflatable ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (that’s what this ball is called) is an excellent tool for keeping your body toned. You perform the exercises in a shaky position, which also forces you to maintain your balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps reduce the stress on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we get to the training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable working with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another screening test that will help determine the ideal ball size for you. All you have to do is sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss below, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of training. We recommend performing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start with a small amount and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work the core muscles of the legs.

1. Squats with a ball over your head

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall Squats

This exercise uses a ball to support your back. During the exercise, it should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with your thighs

It may look funny, but the exercise works great for the muscles of the hips and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to maintain balance. Hold this position for 30–45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular ball.

Lie on the floor, extend your arms perpendicular to your body. Place the lower part of your shin and heel on the ball. Using your abs and buttocks, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees toward your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, then inhale and stretch your legs back out. Always keep your hips weighted to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats while holding the ball in front of you

This exercise simultaneously works the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with a ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just the push-ups you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them because you have to keep your balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse ball crunches

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on a ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of exercises with a ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the torso.

14. Abdominal exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower. The number of repetitions is 6–10 depending on your preparation. Pulling your knees towards your stomach

Starting position as for push-ups. Just instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising your knees while lying on the ball

While performing this exercise, you need to press your knees firmly against each other so that your legs do not move apart. To avoid pain, hold a towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right and turn your body to the left. Do 12–15 reps on each side.

20. Bend to the side with the ball

It is useful to finish your abdominal exercises with stretching. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

A gymnastic ball, fitball, Swiss ball is a gymnastic equipment that helps improve your figure, pump up the necessary muscles, and also lose weight. Moreover, unloading exercises can be done with it at any age, after injuries, and for pregnant women. To lose weight, you need to follow a zero-carbon diet, as well as do exercises on a gymnastic ball, which help burn extra calories.

Properties of fitball

Choosing a fitball

You need to choose a ball according to your height - up to 150 centimeters, the ball should have a diameter of 45 centimeters, respectively, height 150 - 160 centimeters - a ball of 55 centimeters, 165 - 180 centimeters - a ball of 65 centimeters, with greater height you need to use a ball with a diameter of 75 centimeters. If you don’t have a centimeter, you need to sit on the ball, the angle between your thigh and shin should be straight, you need to sit comfortably. The properties of the rubber and the weight of the person are also taken into account here - after all, the ball should not bend too much, but still be soft enough to sit comfortably on it.

The color doesn’t really matter, but you have to like it, because there are bright ones and more neutral ones, matte colors and shiny ones. Handles are needed for jumping exercises; if you plan to use them for sitting, you need a massage relief (pimples on the surface), which, in addition to massage, also prevents the ball from rolling too freely.

For a greater effect, a gymnastic ball needs strong pumping, then it becomes harder, elasticity will lead to greater efforts that need to be applied to maintain balance. Choose high-quality balls that are equipped with an explosion protection system when the surface breaks, then even intense training will be safe.


Exercises for weight loss are designed to work all parts of the body, they can be done daily, or every other day. When training three times a week, weight loss should be about five kilograms per month. To relax, you can jump around the room between exercises; for this activity it is better to have a ball with handles.

  1. Warm-up, walking exercises - side steps, turning the ball in your hands (hold at shoulder level) in the direction of movement, 30 times. Walking in place with knees raised high - 60 times. While walking, lift the ball above your head, squat 15 times with the ball on outstretched arms. To relax, jump around the room on a ball.
  2. Hips training - standing, squeeze the ball as tightly as possible with your hips in a standing position, hold the position, keeping your back straight and your stomach pulled in. Jump 20 times on your toes without releasing the ball, do four approaches.
  3. Buttock lift - place one foot on the ball and squat 10 times on the other leg, pulling in your stomach, repeat on the other side.
  4. Place your shins on the ball and do push-ups from the floor five times with your palms wide apart and five times with your palms shoulder-width apart.
  5. Place your feet on the ball, palms of your hands on the floor, pull in your stomach, bring your shoulder blades closer to each other, stretch yourself like a string and hold on for a minute. For the second minute, alternately stretch your arms up, maintaining a straight body position. In the third minute, stand with your toes on the ball and try to make an upward angle between your legs and body, slowly straighten up again.
  6. To lose belly fat, lie on your back and hold the ball between your shins. Pull the ball to your chest, pick it up and place your hands behind your head, touching the ball to the floor. Work until exhaustion; determine the number of approaches yourself, based on your capabilities.
  7. Lying on your back, grasp the ball with your calves and, tensing your abdominal muscles, pull it to your chest, trying to simultaneously raise your head and shoulders.
  8. Place your elbows on the fitball, toes on the floor and straighten up. Roll from palms to elbows and vice versa, maintaining a straight body position.
  9. Feet on the floor, sit on the ball. Place your hands behind your head and slowly roll the ball towards your shoulder blades, balance for a minute, then lift one leg in turn and try to maintain balance on the other.
  10. Standing on your hands, the ball is under your shins. Bend one leg and roll the fitball to your shoulders with your knee and return to the starting position.

Of course, classes are effective not only for losing weight, but also in general for improving health and raising tone, mood, and overcoming stress. Be sure to do a warm-up, warming up your muscles, and do stretching exercises after class. Exercises need to be performed 10 - 15 times. Between exercises or approaches, you need to train your heart - run, jump rope, or simply jump on a gymnastic ball with a handle, then the effectiveness and speed of weight loss will increase significantly.

It is used for, since the muscles and sides are involved in the process of execution.

The exercise can be performed either by placing it on the ball or by resting your hands. However, it’s worth saying right away that by bracing yourself with your hands, you can easily slip and get. That is why it is better to put your feet on the fitball.

We do the exercise as follows: put our feet on the ball and stand on straight arms so that our body is a straight line, without bending or arching in the area. You should hold this position for at least a minute to get the desired effect.

If you have fairly good physical fitness and want to make the most of your potential, then use a fitball as a support for.

We do it this way: we kneel and place our elbows on the ball; slowly straighten up, maintaining balance. After this, we roll the ball forward, maintaining balance. You want to stop at a point where your body is completely straight and your elbows are still well on the ball.

What will this exercise give us? The static plank, in the process of its implementation, engages the muscles and. Also, part of the load goes to the deltoid muscle (shoulders). Remember the following: after the exercise you should not have. If pain appears, it means you are doing the plank incorrectly. To avoid injury, perform all activities near a mirror.
The following exercise on a fitball for weight loss will help remove folds from the abdomen and. We start with the same static plank with outstretched arms, after which we begin to slowly lift the pelvis up, while moving the ball closer to ourselves. The fitball must be in contact with the ankle so that you can control the process.

The peak point is the position in which your straight arms and back will be in one line.

Before performing dynamic exercises, you should evaluate the strength of your hands and preparation, since they will be the ones holding yours. If you are concerned that you will get a sprain after the exercise, use an elastic bandage.

Squats with a ball over your head

Another simple exercise for losing weight on a fitball, which can easily be performed at home. While performing a squat, you should not arch your back like a cartwheel or lower your gaze to the floor.

Important! During the execution, you cannot bring your knees together or spread them apart.

Since a fitball is not a weighting agent, you need to do at least 25–30 squats to get results.

Wall squats differ from the previous version in that the fitball will not allow you to arch your back like a wheel.

To begin with, we stand against the support and place the fitball between the back and the wall so that during the squat it does not fall and end up in the head area.
After you have placed the ball in the right place, place your feet shoulder-width apart and direct your gaze forward or upward. Slowly squat down so that the ball moves with you. We freeze when the calves are perpendicular to the thighs, and just as slowly return to the starting position.

Push ups

We start by lying on our stomach on the fitball so that our torso is parallel to the floor. To do this, place the ball in the area of ​​the upper thighs and pelvis. Next, you need to press your toes into the floor to create balance. If you don’t feel it, move it back a little, moving the fitball to the side.
After taking the starting position, we begin to lift our torso up, arching our back. At the peak point we freeze for a few seconds and slowly descend. During the execution, your feet should not leave the floor, otherwise you will “drive” forward and may get injured. Also, don’t help yourself with your hands, otherwise it will turn into push-ups.

The number of repetitions depends on your physical fitness and the presence of back problems. You should start with 8–12 repetitions with strict adherence to technique.

Unlike the previous option, reverse hyperextension involves moving the legs, not the body.
Lie on your stomach on the ball so that you feel balanced. With your hands you need to grasp some static object that will serve as a support. Straighten your back and raise your legs, stopping at the top point. After this, slowly lower the lower limbs and repeat again. During reverse hyperextension, only the legs should be used, the arms serve as support. The back should bend during the lifting process so that all working muscles are used to the maximum. Moving forward or to the sides during the exercise is unacceptable, as you can damage the static part - the hands.

This concludes the top exercises with a fitball that will help you “pump up” all the muscles of your body. Some of the above assume good physical condition, so don't be discouraged if you can't complete a lot of sets the first time. Follow the instructions and exercise your body regularly to achieve the desired results.

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