Ultrasound of the eyeball interpretation. Ultrasound diagnostics in ophthalmology. Vitreous hemorrhages

They tried to use it back in the first third of the 20th century, but these attempts were unsuccessful. The first diagnosis of a patient using ultrasound occurred only in the fifties of the last century.

Ultrasound of the eye is an informative diagnostic method

Ultrasound is a high-frequency sound that the human ear cannot perceive. Scientists have used the ability of sound to penetrate living tissue to create the ultrasonic examination (US) method.

How it works? When an echo wave passes through tissue, it is reflected and changes speed. The sensor in the device catches the reflected signals, which enter the amplifier, are reconstructed in it and displayed on the TV monitor screen.

The black and white pictures that appear are systematized. Such a study makes it possible to obtain a two-dimensional image of the organ under study.

But science does not stand still and now it is possible to make a three-dimensional image - the result is not a black and white photograph, but a color scanned image in three projections.

The video will show how an eye ultrasound is performed:

Advantage over other types of diagnostics

The procedure is painless for the patient and lasts 15-20 minutes; does not have an ionizing effect, unlike X-ray examination.

There is no need to wait for the examination results - the doctor sees the picture in real time, immediately makes a printout with a transcript of the scan results and gives it to the patient.

If twenty years ago the possibilities of research were limited: only the appearance of stones in the gall or bladder and some other ailments were determined, then in modern medicine ultrasound examination is carried out on all organs except bone tissue and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

What diseases can be detected using ultrasound:

  • Diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands, gall and bladder,
    bile ducts. Ultrasound replaces the unsafe X-ray examination.
  • Research of kidneys and liver. Now the diagnosis of these organs does not require painful punctures.
  • Diagnosis of the lymphatic system. Vessels of the neck and legs (arteries and veins), cardiovascular system.
  • If the patient is already undergoing treatment, ultrasound is used to determine the dynamics of the disease, whether the course of treatment is chosen correctly, and if necessary, medications are adjusted.
  • Examination of the prostate gland in men.
  • In gynecology for the study of the breast and pelvic organs. Examine the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Ultrasound is not used to diagnose bone tissue and digestive system organs.

Why is it important to get tested every year?

Ultrasound of the eye: result

Even if a person feels healthy and vigorous, doctors recommend undergoing an annual medical examination - diseases are much easier to treat, and patients have a better chance of a full recovery if diagnosed early.

Ultrasound examination of the eye

The human eye is a paired organ of the visual system. It is only possible to inspect without special equipment.

Eye disease can be a complication after diabetes, hypertension and other diseases. In order to more successfully treat a disease, including the eye, timely diagnosis is needed. Among the research methods, the most accessible, accurate, without negative effects and painless is ultrasound.

It is successfully used in ophthalmology, which is especially important for patients with an abnormality in the structure of the eye, or if the patient has a disease that is accompanied by partial or complete clouding of the media.

An ultrasound examination is carried out after ophthalmological operations, when repeated checks of the fundus of the eye are required, including after lens replacement to ensure the correct position of the lenses; to study the structure of muscles, the eyeball, to diagnose a tumor.

Ultrasound has been used for diagnosis for more than fifty years. During this time, not a single side effect was identified, that is, there are no contraindications for ophthalmological examination of the eyes.

It can be done during pregnancy and nursing women, children and the elderly. In case of cancer, you can also do an ultrasound of the eye - which shows its complete safety.

There are several temporary limitations associated with the inability to make a diagnosis: acute inflammatory process, corneal ulcers and penetrating injury. Doppler studies are also performed.

Back in the 19th century, Professor Doppler discovered that ultrasound, when reflected from a moving object, changes its physical properties. The method of studying blood flow was based on this.

Doppler examination is used as an addition to the main diagnosis of eye diseases. Used to determine vascular patency and blood flow speed.

When should an ophthalmoechography be performed:

  • with glaucoma and cataracts;
  • when a foreign object enters, to determine its location, its ability to be magnetized and its size;
  • if there is hemorrhage in the eye area;
  • with retinal detachment;
  • to find out how effective the treatment is in order to adjust it if necessary;
  • for malignant neoplasms;
  • in case of defeat;
  • to measure the thickness of the fatty tissue of the eye;
  • for congenital anomalies.

These are just some of the diseases that can be diagnosed using ultrasound.

Ultrasound of the eye - what does it show and how is it done?

Ultrasound of the eye - a painless method of examining the eyes

The examination will not cause any inconvenience - an anesthetic drug is injected into the eye, after which it becomes immobile. The doctor moves the sensor directly over the eye.

Doppler scanning is performed with the eye closed; in this case, an anesthetic is not needed; a gel is applied to the eyelid. During the scan, the patient is asked to move the eye to more fully examine the structures of the eyeball.

The diagnosis takes 15-25 minutes, after which the person can go about their normal daily activities. The only requirement for women is to wash off cosmetics from their eyes, as a gel will be applied to the eyelid to facilitate the sliding of the sensor over the skin.

To make a diagnosis, you don’t have to wait long; the doctor will quickly decipher the measurements obtained, comparing the ultrasound results with the norms.

Are there any changes, how cloudy the lens and vitreous body are, what is the thickness of the internal membranes, the length of the axis of the eye and many other indicators that are not very clear to a patient without a medical education.

Based on the results of decoding, a conclusion is given, from which it follows:

  • Is conservative treatment sufficient or is surgical intervention required;
  • if treatment is already being carried out - is there any positive dynamics, if not, then doctors are reviewing the course of treatment..

Ultrasound diagnostic methods:

  1. To determine the structure of the eye and its size, the A-method is used.
  2. To study the position of the internal structure of the eye, you need to obtain a two-dimensional image of it; the B-method is suitable for this.
  3. The A-method and B-method are used in combination for a more complete and reliable diagnosis.
  4. Ultrasound biomicroscopy, in this case digital signal processing occurs.
  5. Three-dimensional echography provides a three-dimensional image of the eye and its vessels.

Interesting! The advantages of ultrasound include high accuracy of the results obtained, information content, complete safety of the study (the procedure can be performed several times a day), toxic contrast agents are not injected into the eye area, and the skin is not damaged.

Cost of eye ultrasound in clinics

Ultrasound of the eye is available in almost every ophthalmology clinic

Ultrasound prices:

  • Eyeball and retrobulbar space - 1500-1700 rubles.
  • Eyeball - 1000 rubles.
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels - 1000 rubles.
  • Eye biometrics - from 1000 rubles.

Of course, prices must be clarified when registering for the study.

Ultrasound examination is affordable in cost; it is possible to conduct it in medical institutions of large cities and small towns. It is safe, does not take much time, and has no contraindications. Therefore, this method is widely used, helping to identify the disease at an early stage.

Ultrasound of the eye is a research method that is widely used in ophthalmology. This is a safe, informative, painless method that diagnoses most eye diseases and reveals abnormal structure. Using ultrasound, it is possible to study movement, muscle structure, the optic nerve, and obtain data on tumors.

Survey capabilities

Ultrasound of the eye is based on the sensitivity of tissues to ultrasonic waves and their transformation into a picture that is displayed on the monitor. As a result, the doctor has the opportunity to:

  • measure the size of the eyeball;
  • assess vitreous duration;
  • determine the size of the eyelash section;
  • measure the thickness of the inner shell;
  • identify tumor processes;
  • study the condition of tissues;
  • evaluate the choroid;
  • determine the presence of retinal detachment;
  • detect the presence of a foreign body;
  • determine vitreous opacities;
  • identify injury to the eyeball.

An ultrasound of the eye can be done in the presence of opacities of the eyeball, at a time when other diagnostic methods are quite difficult. Typically, the study is supplemented by Doppler ultrasound, which allows one to assess the strength and direction of blood flow.

Indications for research

Indications for ultrasound of the eyeball are:

  • preoperative or postoperative period;
  • identification of blood clots, determination of their volume, localization;
  • violation of the integrity of the vitreous body;
  • eye control for diabetes;
  • presence of bulging eyes;
  • pathological foci of the optic nerve, motor muscles;
  • threat or fact of detachment of the inner membrane of the eye;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • presence of a foreign body;
  • high myopia;
  • diagnosis of neoplasms and monitoring them.

Ultrasound readings are also based on assessing the condition of the cornea and lens


The ultrasound research method is completely safe, thanks to which it can diagnose people suffering from chronic diseases and pregnant women. Since it does not pose a danger to the fetus or children.

However, there are contraindications for this examination. This:

  • the presence of wounds on the eyelids, around the eyes;
  • retrobulbar type of bleeding;
  • presence of open injuries, burns.

Types of ultrasound

Modern ophthalmological practice has several types of ultrasound, which differ in individual technical capabilities that influence what one or another diagnostic type shows.

Using A mode, information about the eye tissue is obtained and some characteristics are measured. This is considered indispensable before ophthalmic surgery. This technique is additional and does not provide full visibility of the picture.

Using the two-dimensional mode, an image of the structure of tissues, blood vessels, and the structure of the eye is obtained in 2D. With the help of a combined study, expanded information is obtained, including the capabilities of the first two types of ultrasound. Three-dimensional scanning allows you to see the picture in 3D. It gives an image located in any ocular layer. Duplex color examination allows you to study the visible ultrasound structure of the ocular tissue and blood flow in real time.

The ophthalmologist most often prescribes the first 2 types of ultrasound. Moreover, in the first type, direct contact with the eye is implied, as a result of which the use of an anesthetic is necessary. Other diagnostic modes do not require the administration of an anesthetic drug. Because the doctor moves the sensor across the eyelid.

Sometimes the procedure is performed in a lying position

How is the procedure performed?

Many people are interested in how this procedure is done, where this diagnosis can be done. An ultrasound is performed in a specially designated room. Typically, the doctor makes the following recommendations. The patient should sit more comfortably in the chair. During an A-mode examination, an anesthetic is instilled into the eyes. As soon as it begins to act, the doctor makes gentle movements along the outer surface of the eye.

Other modes do not require administration of an anesthetic drug. The subject closes his eyes. He assumes a calm state, and the doctor applies gel to his eyelids. The examination lasts about 10–15 minutes. After which the gel is removed from the eyelids using a napkin. The results are then delivered to the patient.

Examination norm

The results are deciphered by a specialist. The norm contains the following results:

  • a healthy lens is not visible to the device, which is associated with its transparency. If this area is detected by the device, it means there is cloudiness;
  • also, the vitreous body should not be fixed as a result of its transparency;
  • the axis size must be less than 27.3 mm;
  • refractive power varies from 52.6 to 64.2 D;
  • the hypoechoic structure of the optic nerve width reaches 1 mm;
  • the thickness of the inner shell reaches 1 mm;
  • the volume of the vitreous body is within 4 ml, the length of this area should be no more than 16.5 mm.

Diagnosis is carried out only according to indications


Ultrasound diagnostics of the eye does not require special preparation. The doctor explains to the patient the essence and purpose of the procedure. If the diagnosis is prescribed to a child, then it is necessary to explain to him the complete painlessness of the technique. When the examination is carried out in A-mode, then clarification is made regarding hypersensitivity to painkillers used during the diagnostic period and a suitable remedy is selected.

Ultrasound examination is performed both in a hospital setting and in a clinic. If the procedure was performed previously, the patient must take the result of the previous study with him. Representatives of the fair sex do not need to use decorative cosmetics before diagnosis, since the doctor will apply gel to the eyelids for better glide of the sensor.

Ultrasound examination of the eye provides information that will allow you to prescribe quality treatment and facilitate ophthalmic surgery.

The function of the organs of vision is an important component of the human sensory systems. A decrease in visual acuity significantly affects the quality of life, therefore special attention should be paid when symptoms or suspicion of any pathological processes appear.

The first step is to consult an ophthalmologist. After the examination, the specialist may prescribe a list of additional examination methods to clarify the data and make a diagnosis. One such method is eye ultrasound.

Ultrasound examination of the eye (echography) is a manipulation that is based on the penetration and reflection of high-frequency waves from various tissues of the body, followed by the capture of signals by the device’s sensor. The procedure has gained its popularity due to the fact that it is highly informative, safe and painless.

In addition, the method does not require a lot of time and special preliminary preparation. Ultrasound makes it possible to study the structural features of the eye muscles, retina, crystal, general condition of the fundus and eye tissues. Often the procedure is prescribed before and after surgical interventions, as well as to make a final diagnosis and monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Indications for ultrasound of the fundus, orbit and orbit

List of indications:

  • myopia (nearsightedness) and hypermetropia (farsightedness) of varying severity;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • injuries of various origins and severity;
  • pathologies of the fundus and retina;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases associated with pathology of the eye muscles, blood vessels and nerves, in particular the optic nerve;
  • a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, nephropathy, etc.

In addition to the above, ultrasound of the child’s eyes is also performed for congenital anomalies of the development of the orbits and eyeballs. Since the method has many positive qualities, there are no risks to the child’s health.

Ultrasound diagnostics is indispensable in the case of opacity (clouding) of the ocular media, since in this situation it becomes impossible to study the fundus of the eye using other diagnostic methods. In this case, the doctor can perform an ultrasound of the fundus and assess the condition of the structures.

It is worth noting that ultrasound of the eyeball has no contraindications. This diagnostic procedure can be performed on absolutely all people, including pregnant women and children. In ophthalmological practice, ultrasound is simply a necessary procedure to study the structures of the eye. But there are some situations in which it is recommended to refrain from this type of examination.

Difficulties can arise only in the case of certain types of traumatic injuries to the eye (open wounds of the eyeball and eyelids, bleeding), in which research becomes simply impossible.

How is an ultrasound of the eye done?

The patient is referred by an ophthalmologist for manipulation. No prior preparation is required. Patients are advised to remove makeup from the eye area before the ultrasound, as the sensor will be installed on the upper eyelid. There are several types of ultrasound examination of the eyeball, depending on the data that needs to be clarified.

Ultrasound diagnostics is based on echolocation and is performed in several special modes. The first is used to measure the size of the orbit, the depth of the anterior chamber, the thickness of the lens, and the length of the optical axis. The second mode is necessary for visualizing the structures of the eyeball. Often, together with ultrasound echography, Dopplerography is also performed - ultrasound examination of the blood vessels of the eye.

During the manipulation, the patient takes a sitting or lying position on the couch with his eyes closed. Then the doctor applies a special hypoallergenic gel for ultrasound diagnostics to the upper eyelid and installs the device’s sensor. In order to better detail the different structures of the eyeball and orbit, the doctor may ask the patient to do some functional tests - eye movements in different directions during the examination.

An ultrasound of the eyeball takes about 20–30 minutes. After conducting the examination itself and recording the results, the sonologist fills out a special examination protocol and issues a conclusion to the patient. It must be emphasized that only a specialist doctor of the appropriate category can decipher ultrasound diagnostic data.

Interpretation of the results of an ultrasound examination of the eye

After the examination, the doctor compares and studies the data obtained. Further, depending on the results of the examination, the conclusion is given as normal or pathological. To check the results of the study, there is a table of normal values:

  • the lens is transparent;
  • the posterior capsule of the lens is visible;
  • the vitreous body is transparent;
  • eye axis length 22.4–27.3 mm;
  • the refractive power of the eye is 52.6–64.21 diopters;
  • The width of the hypoechoic structure of the optic nerve is 2–2.5 mm.
  • thickness of internal shells 0.7–1 mm;
  • vitreous volume 4 cm3;
  • the size of the anterior-posterior axis of the vitreous body is 16.5 mm.

Where to do an ultrasound examination of the eye

Today, there are a large number of public multidisciplinary and private ophthalmological clinics where you can do ultrasound of the eye orbits. The cost of the procedure depends on the level of the medical institution, equipment, and specialist qualifications. Therefore, before conducting the study, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing an ophthalmologist, as well as the clinic where the patient will be observed.

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