On what day do prophetic dreams occur? When dreams come true: days of prophetic dreams. How to program a dream

If a person is very interested in a dream, and he has a desire to interpret it, then he should not only look into a couple of interpreters, but also take into account what day of the week he dreamed. Much depends on this. After all, each day of the week corresponds to a certain planetary status. This is due to the influence of celestial bodies on each other. So, how is the meaning of dreams determined by day of the week?

From Sunday to Monday

On such nights the influence of the Moon is especially strong. Visions that a person dreams about reflect his mental state and emotions. As a rule, they are associated with personal life, family, and everyday things.

If the dream was long, with a detailed plot, then there is a high probability of a troublesome period. There will be a lot of urgent matters. Perhaps they will be associated with the house.

Was the dream devoid of events? Then there will be few worries, and the person will be able to cope with the situation without losing his positive attitude.

Since Monday is considered a difficult day, there is no need to perceive the vision you had the day before as prophetic. There's probably nothing even symbolic about it. Most often, what is seen is a rethinking of the events of the past week.

From Monday to Tuesday

Talking about the meaning of dreams by day of the week, it is worth noting that on such nights the influence of Mars is especially strong. Dreamed visions, as a rule, foreshadow future confrontations and conflicts. It is also possible that a person will decide to take some action. Especially if the plot was filled with bright events. Visions on such nights are believed to reflect a person's energy, enthusiasm, and breadth of ability.

The meaning of dreams by day of the week also depends on their nature. Was the vision calm? This means that the dreamer is using his energy in the right direction. There were a lot of events and you remember them all clearly? Apparently, he has too much energy, which means it’s time to take the initiative. Maybe he wanted to do something for a long time, but never got around to it. So, the right moment has come!

You should be wary only if the vision is negative. This usually indicates excessive self-confidence and inflated self-esteem, which can ruin the dreamer in important matters.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

On these nights, the influence of Mercury is especially strong. If you study the features and meaning of dreams by day of the week, you will notice that the visions falling on this day are characterized by amazing diversity. Sometimes dreams consist of several unrelated plots.

The interpretation of visions is usually associated with the sphere of relationships and friendship. And the number of storylines allows us to judge how sociable a person is. Was the vision bright, memorable and interesting? This means that he is in demand in society and is sociable. Was the dream so boring that you didn’t even remember it? It is quite possible that the dreamer is sorely lacking in communication.

From Wednesday to Thursday

The interpretations and meanings of dreams by day of the week, as can already be understood, have their own characteristics. So, the visions that fall on the night from Wednesday to Thursday are of a social and financial nature. The influence of Jupiter can be traced. It is believed that dreams indicate changes in work, and changes in relationships with superiors, sponsors, colleagues and partners are also possible.

If the plot of the vision was centered on one specific event, and a person participated in it, then there is a high probability that career growth and tempting prospects await him.

From Thursday to Friday

Most often, it is after a vision that occurred that night that people look into the dream book. The meaning of dreams by day of the week may not be familiar to everyone, but everyone remembers the phrase: “From Thursday to Friday, all dreams come true.” And indeed, among all the visions, it is those that occurred on this night that are more likely to come true.

There is a strong influence of Venus. Therefore, dreams are associated exclusively with personal life, emotions, spiritual values ​​and experiences. Everything you dream about should be perceived as a reflection of your most important and secret desires. In more rare cases, visions may reflect a person's creative predisposition.

By the way, everyone has probably had such dreams, after which you don’t even want to wake up. They are beautiful, pleasant, dreams come true in them, and you can also experience everything in a way that you cannot in real life. So, according to statistics, these dreams occur precisely on the nights from Thursday to Friday.

From Friday to Saturday

Considering the meaning of dreams by day of the week and their interpretation, it should be noted that from Friday to Saturday the influence of Saturn can be traced. This means that all visions are associated with fateful events. They should be taken as a warning about upcoming trials or as a hint as to how to behave in order to successfully overcome them.

It’s good if the vision contained many joyful events. It is believed that this means easily and successfully overcoming any, even the most difficult, obstacles, and also to the implementation of plans. The same thing promises a dream in which there were bright objects and limitless space. But a gloomy vision, accordingly, promises difficult obstacles that will not be easy to get around.

From Saturday to Sunday

On such nights the influence of the Sun is strong. And dreamed dreams are usually a reflection of relationships with people who are closest and dearest to a person. And often they are associated with activities that he either strives for or is already engaged in.

If the dream was vivid and left a pleasant impression, then you should expect to meet new people who can change your life for the better. Did the vision seem boring? This means that no interesting changes are expected in life in the near future. There may even be a period of stagnation. It is possible that the dreamer has lost a lot of energy and needs rest.

The meaning of dreams by numbers

This must also be taken into account. Taking into account the meaning of dreams by day of the week and numbers, it will be possible to more fully interpret the vision. Here are some quick interpretation tips:

  • 1 - prophetic visions;
  • 2 - dreams of little significance;
  • 3 - visions come true, but either immediately or after a long time;
  • 4 - warning dreams;
  • 5 - prophetic, very accurate;
  • 6 - positive dreams that come true quickly;
  • 7 - visions foreshadowing deception;
  • 8 - dreams, after which wishes come true;
  • 9 - visions related to the business sphere;
  • 10 - dreams that come true within two weeks;
  • 11 - visions that may come true in the next three days (if they have not come true during this period, then you should not wait);
  • 12 - insignificant dreams;
  • 13 - all plots are related to personal life;
  • 14 - good prophetic dreams;
  • 15 - visions that mean nothing;
  • 16 - dreams that come true quickly, but they must be accurately deciphered;
  • 17 - dreams promising success;
  • 18 - partially coming true;
  • 19 - visions usually indicate future troubles;
  • 20 - truthful, but before they are executed, no one needs to tell the plot;
  • 21 - dreams reflecting the dreamer’s aspirations (come true in the future);
  • 22 - positive visions;
  • 23 - prophetic, but usually concerns troubles;
  • 24 - subjects symbolizing joy carry favorable signs;
  • 25 - visions that are better to forget (they are difficult to interpret);
  • 26 - dreams that bring joy and goodness come true quickly;
  • 27 - insignificant, but prophetic;
  • 28 - dreams that do not come true, but are not empty (they have a personal meaning);
  • 29 - meaningless visions;
  • 30 - dreams that are divorced from reality;
  • 31 - good visions that lift your spirits.

Interpretations about love

As a rule, people go to study dream books when they have dreamed of some interesting story about love. And the meaning of dreams by day of the week is therefore worth studying using the example of such dreams. In addition, they are usually simple and uncomplicated.

Let’s say someone appears that you like (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a guy). The meaning of dreams by day of the week will be as follows:

  • Sunday Monday. This person means a lot to the dreamer, but he is afraid to admit it to him. If the dream was short, then you need to put aside your fears and decide to act. Was the vision long? Then you shouldn't expose your feelings.
  • Monday Tuesday. You can safely take action to win the heart of your potential soulmate. The feelings are serious and perhaps even mutual.
  • Tuesday Wednesday. Was the dream vivid? This means that your personal life will improve soon. Luck is on the dreamer's side. But a dull and boring dream suggests that a person needs to take personal control of his destiny. It depends on him what colors it will be painted in the end.
  • Wednesday Thursday. The image of a person you like that you saw that night speaks of reciprocity of feelings.
  • Thursday Friday. There is no need for unnecessary dreams here - there is a high probability that the dreamed plot will turn out to be true and will soon come true.
  • Friday Saturday. The vision that occurred this night contains either a hint for action or a warning.
  • Saturday Sunday. The dream will show what a person lacks for happiness. A bright and memorable vision indicates success in your personal life. Gray and gloomy indicates that a person is too fixated on the topic of relationships and forgets to enjoy other things.

We all have prophetic dreams from time to time. It’s just that some of us remember our night scenes exactly, and some forget where their soul wandered immediately after waking up. And it’s not every day that you see such “talking” visions. Folk wisdom has its own ideas about what days dreams come true.

The most favorable period for looking into your future is the Holy Week. It is not for nothing that many girls tell fortunes at this time in order to find out the name of their betrothed. But, besides the potential groom, at this time you can find out about other favorable and not so favorable events that may happen to you in the future. For example, about receiving an inheritance, the birth of a child or the death of loved ones. This happens by the will of evil spirits, whose freedom falls during the period between Christmas and Epiphany. She only tells the truth, but subsequently takes a large fee for it.

On what days do dreams come true

Often clairvoyants are guided by dreams seen on a certain day of the week. They associate them with the influence of certain planets, which dictate their will to the soul flying in the night in the other world. On what days do dreams come true? First of all, on the night from Thursday to Friday. This is due to the fact that Friday is a special day, because it was then that the crucifixion of Christ took place. Dreams seen during so-called Good Fridays, that is, preceding major church holidays, are particularly accurate.

On what days do dreams come true, besides Friday? It is believed that dreams seen on Monday can come true for those who were born on this day of the week. On Tuesday, a person can see at night something that will come true very soon, in the next 10 days. On Wednesday, dreams come true only if they were seen before midnight. But from Friday to Saturday, love visions are usually fulfilled, and only those.

If we consider when dreams come true according to the dates of the month, then the highest chances of seeing the prophecy occur on the third day. Then almost every vision that a person saw in a dream is fulfilled. But the twenty-fifth is absolutely the opposite in this regard - dreams on this day are completely empty and uninformative.

Visions can also be separated by time of day. For example, seen during the day, they most likely will not carry any sacred meaning - just a dream, nothing more. Evening dreams can also be empty - it is believed that at this time the soul is just separating from the body and is still more aware of the material world than subtle matters. And morning dreams, and especially pre-dawn dreams, are most likely to come true. At this time, the burdens of earthly things are already far from the soul, and it can clearly realize the visions of the world of spirits.

Now you know the days of the week when dreams come true. But this does not mean that you need to believe in it completely. A prophetic dream is not a sentence at all, but just a possible development of events that fate presents to us for familiarization. Let only bright images appear in your dreams!

On what days of the week do you have prophetic dreams?

Dreams always mean something, no matter what symbols or signs they are filled with.

Each vision is a code, a hint, a riddle that is worth deciphering. For this you need dream books - reliable assistants, guides in the world of dreams. They help to understand confusing symbols, predict future events in reality, bring luck closer, and avoid mistakes.

But besides dream books, it is also worth considering additional nuances. For example, the day on which you had a dream.

Do you think these are myths? It is known that all days of the week are influenced by a certain patron planet. And each planet controls certain properties of reality and influences certain aspects of human life.

Therefore, some dreams come true, others can be fulfilled exactly the opposite, but others do not matter at all. How to figure out when you have prophetic dreams and when you shouldn’t pay attention to them at all?

First of all, in general terms it is worth remembering which planets rule the days and what this affects. This will help you more or less orient yourself and understand how to correctly interpret dreams depending on the period of the week. So:

  • Mondays are days ruled by the Moon. She rules the emotional and sensual sphere.
  • Tuesday is influenced by Mars and rules strength and courage.
  • The environment is ruled by Mercury, the planet of airiness, calmness, and lightness.
  • Thursday under the influence of Jupiter - everything is connected with affairs, activity, actions.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus, the planet of sensuality and love.
  • Saturday is the day of Saturn, it is associated with trials, fate, fate.
  • Sunday under the influence of the Sun. This is a star that gives life, energy, strength and joy.

Knowing this, you can interpret dreams wiser and more carefully. The dream period can help you understand what you saw and draw reasonable, maximally correct conclusions. But, in addition to this, it is worth using a dream book - it is the main guide to the confusing and mysterious world of our dreams.

How to figure it out?

It is worth understanding very well why prophetic dreams occur, and why sometimes they do not come true, despite the “prophetic” day of the week.

First of all, if you find out that on certain days of the week, say, a dream is worth believing, do not rush to expect that all its events will come true in detail and accurately.

This often means that on these important mystical days the dreamer should especially carefully leaf through the dream book and trust it. It is not the actual plot of what is seen in dreams that will come true, but the meaning indicated by the dream book.

Although, sometimes this happens - dreams come true exactly, but this is rare. It is difficult to understand why prophetic dreams occur - this is a rare case when the universe gives someone an accurate picture of the future in a dream. Maybe this is a mystical accident, or maybe a gift from a dreamer...

However, the days of the week are worth keeping in mind. This course of action will be most correct if you had a memorable and vivid dream that you want to decipher.

To begin with, take into account when the vision happened, what the day was like - and understand whether it is worth attaching importance to this. If yes, then open the dream book and find out what the vision promises you and what to expect.

Then draw your own conclusions! Nothing complicated, the main thing is to use logic, intuition and be more careful.

When will the dream come true, when will it not?

Now you can look at the individual days of the week in more detail, and figure out which days you should trust what the dream book says, and on which special days you shouldn’t even reveal it at all.

In addition, patron planets can correct and redirect the meaning of what they see, color visions in different colors, and give them additional, narrower meaning.

1. Monday is the day patronized by the emotional Moon. Everything that is dreamed of this night is in one way or another connected with the emotional sphere, with experiences and sensuality.

You should believe what the dream book says; what he says will come true, but will have a bright emotional overtones. And perhaps you will worry more than you really should.

In addition, dreams this night may not be prophetic, but only reflect your inner sensory experiences, dreams and emotions. Still, one should not expect that what one saw will be repeated in reality - the Moon is changeable and cunning.

2. On Tuesday you have very important visions. Mars is the planet of strength and aspiration, and whatever events the dream book foretells, they are connected with your spirit.

Everything favorable will come true if you show strength, determination and character. These dreams are prophetic, but in order for them to turn into life, you need to use your will. And if the interpreter points to unpleasant events in the future, then this is a hint - you should be stronger to avoid troubles.

3. But who dreamers should not trust at all is the changeable and airy Mercury. Whatever phenomena and signs you see on Wednesday night, most likely these are just hints, fantasies, and there is little truth in them.

However, if the interpreter foretells very great happiness or wealth, be sure to believe that your faith will help attract what you want into reality. But remember - everything depends on you, and not on the dream book.

4. What dreams did you have on Thursday, the day of Jupiter? These are important dreams, they show the state of affairs, prospects, and often come true. If you should trust any dreams, then those on Thursday in particular - often it is his dreams that come true and are prophetic.

But remember - everything here is connected with activity, and even if the dream book indicates feelings, romance, love (which is rare on the night of Jupiter) - then it is worth thinking, reconsidering the meaning, and translating it into a more business aspect.

5. On Friday, as many people know, one has prophetic dreams. They are worth believing! Often it is on this Venusian night that dreamed events are repeated in everyday life exactly, literally repeated.

But it is precisely these dreams that are associated with love affairs - and even if the dream book indicates an increase or profit - one way or another, it will come true, but will be somehow connected with amorous affairs. Keep this in mind when interpreting what you dreamed!

6. Saturday dreams come true extremely rarely, and even what the interpreter says sometimes has no basis in reality. Saturn dictates rules and laws, and often through symbols and signs gives advice and warns.

Therefore, on this night one often dreams of something that is not very bright and pleasant, often, on the contrary, alarming and scary. If you see something that the dream book interprets as advice or a warning, be sure to take note!

7. But Sunday visions are beautiful in every way! They are created by the Sun, the planet of life, love and happiness. Any negative aspect of the interpretation can be safely annulled if it is Sunday night. Dreams for Sunday are not only true, but also happy - they do not promise anything bad!

This may seem difficult to the dreamer at first, and many neglect this knowledge, but it is important to take into account the time of the dream, this largely helps to figure it out, to get a more reliable answer whether our visions will come true.

We often wonder why the dream book lied and the prediction did not come true? And the answer is simple - the day of the week dictates its own rules. Take this into account, be able to understand what you dream, and always be happy and confident that fate favors you!

On what days do dreams come true? From what day of the week or just day do dreams come true? Please tell me!



On the night from Sunday to Monday, dreams never come true.
From Monday to Tuesday there is very little chance that the dream will come true.
From Tuesday to Wednesday dreams rarely come true.
From Wednesday to Thursday the dream may come true.
From Thursday to Friday dreams often come true.
From Friday to Saturday dreams almost always come true.
From Saturday to Sunday, dreams always come true, and very soon!
Good luck! =)

Terra Inc

I have long noticed that dreams do not have the habit of coming true or not coming true on some days! It all depends on the dream and your impression of it. My dreams, which later came true (so to speak, dreams in hand) came true, dreaming exactly from Sunday to Monday! Usually a person himself - after observing his dreams - calculates when and what will come true for him.

Marianna Bystritskaya

Table showing the fulfillment of dreams.
(count days from the new moon)
1. the dream is fair, means well-being
2. will come true soon
3. the dream is empty
4. will come true
5. it will come true exactly
6. the dream is fair
7. will not come true soon
8. possible
9. not an empty dream
10. nothing will come true
11. on the third day it will come true
12. on the 7th day it will come true
13. on the 9th day it will come true
14. will come true soon
15th birthday soon
16. will be turning 16 very soon
17. will turn 19 on the 19th day
18. will turn 20 on the 20th day
19. will open in 8 days
20. portends prosperity
21. will come true exactly
22. nothing will happen
23. this dream will not come true
24. on the 12th day it will come true
25. does not foretell anything important
26. not dangerous
27. not important
28. on the 24th day it will come true
Will not turn 29
Turns 30 in a month
Dreams from the 4th hour to the morning come true either within 10 days, or in a month, or in a year
Dreams from midnight to 3 o'clock - in the 3rd, 4th or 5th year
From noon from the 9th hour to midnight, not earlier than the 9th and 15th
Dreams that happen during the day - mostly after 7 hours, or never.

Sergei Filatov

Never once have dreams come true

Olga Chalykh

I still can’t determine which days affect the “come true” of my dreams... and what it depends on is also not clear, it doesn’t happen cyclically... it’s very interesting! but I like it =)

How long does it take for dreams to come true?


Svetlana Shustrova

It is of great importance what date, at what time you had a dream and what kind of moon it was that night. It turns out that this is far from the least important.
On a new moon, when the Moon is not visible in the sky, we most often have dreams about our past, about events that happened, about people with whom we communicated. Sometimes they allow us to look into the distant past and find out who we were in a past life... Such dreams have no practical meaning.
If the Moon is in the sky, the dream will be prophetic. Dreams during the waning Moon show what we have to part with, what will disappear from our lives, predict negative events, and dreams during the waxing Moon show what we will encounter, what will come in our lives, predict good things. dreams that occur from 20 pm to 24 am come true after a significant period of time. Dreams that are dreamed from 24 o'clock at night to 3 o'clock in the morning come true within three months. Dreams from 3 o'clock in the morning until dawn come true very quickly. Do not attach importance to the dreams you see during the day, as they very rarely come true.
Well, and most importantly, before looking into the dream book, look at what date is on the calendar. If you had a dream on the 1st day of the calendar month, it will most likely come true exactly and foreshadow something good and kind. 2 - I have empty, meaningless dreams. 3 - dreams quickly come true. 4 - will not come true soon. 5 - carry positive information, anticipate positive changes in life. 6 - will come true, but not soon. 7 - don’t tell anyone about the dreams you had that day - they are fortunate, but they can be “jinxed.” 8 - to fulfillment of desire. 9 - come true and promise quick success. 10 - to troubles that will soon come true. 11 - lead to joy, are fulfilled within eleven days. 12 - dreams are favorable and come true quickly. 13 - to troubles. 14 - to failure. 15 - to good events in life. 16 - empty dreams, do not come true. 17 - within twenty days these come true. 18 - a dream about new things and profits; they should be interpreted from this perspective. 19 - to quarrels and scandals. 20 - prophetic, always filled. 21 - dreams leading to wealth, but not soon. 22 - warn of possible troubles. 23 - coming true soon. 24 - joyful dreams, prophesying good events. 25 - dreams of deception and lies (what to fear, you may dream of someone who is weaving an intrigue against you). 26 - dreams of fun and pleasure. 27 - empty dreams, have no meaning. 28 - come true within a year. 29 - dreams show your past, cannot be prophetic. 30 - there is a lot of fantastic and mystical in these dreams; they do not come true soon or do not come true at all. 31 - come true within 15 days and bring love pleasures and victories.
Remember that unlimited faith in dreams entails excessive anxiety and causeless worries in life. Don't turn faith into superstition! Sweet dreams to you and always good dreams that come true!

The interpretation of dreams is an individual thing, and therefore requires specific attention. It is important not only to remember what exactly you saw and felt, but also to know at what time dreams are likely to come true.

Often a bad dream is either a reflection of accumulated negative experiences, or the planet itself is sending you secret signs that can seriously affect your life in the near future.

It is important to understand on what days of the week and days of the month you can read these hidden messages and learn to interpret them correctly.

Dreams come true by day of the week

Each individual day of the week corresponds to its planetary status. This is due to the mutual influence of celestial bodies on each other. Of course, our large planet is also subject to similar influences. So:

  • From Sunday to Monday(Moon influence)

Such dreams reflect a person’s worries and fears, internal contradictions between himself and the world around him. May concern close people who have the main impact and are the cause of the experience. Dreams do not carry anything negative - empty little chores, conversations.

  • From Monday to Tuesday (Influence of Mars)

The militant spirit of the planet expresses in a dream the bright dreams and aspirations of a person. A mighty wave of ambitious actions in order to satisfy the hunger of your desires.

If the dreamer felt excited and aggressive, in reality there were possible conflicts of serious proportions. Calm vision has the meaning of moderation and restraint. Everything will be OK.

  • From Tuesday to Wednesday (Influence of Mercury)

The planet is responsible for interaction with people, communication. You can see a crowd, a noisy company, family and friends. Dreams are important in interpretation - they symbolize radical life changes.

If you manage to remember what you dreamed, you are lucky. Under the influence of Mercury, key favorable events occur, rushing rapidly into your life.

  • From Wednesday to Thursday(Influence of Jupiter)

The planet is the patron of material wealth and resources. If you have problems with finances, the vision may provide a hint on what to do right so that everything goes smoothly.

  • From Thursday to Friday (Influence of Venus)

On the night from Friday to Thursday, intuition has a huge impact on human consciousness. On these days of the week it is very aggravated. Therefore, the interpretation is often literal and prophetic.

If there is a sudden loss outside, be prepared to part with something in real life. On the contrary, receiving promises full satisfaction of needs, abundance and prosperity, spiritual balance.

  • From Friday to Saturday (Influence of Saturn)

The signs that appear during this period of the week are very important for the further development of events in a person’s life. It is very important to correctly interpret and understand such a dream, because it carries a fateful meaning. If you've been searching for an answer and see hints, follow the advice.

Everything will definitely happen for the best. Your plans will come true, things will go uphill, your friends will be nearby. It all depends on the period of life you are in now and the questions that haunt you.

Gloom, greyness, wretched atmosphere in a vision are not the best prophecy. It carries the meaning of extinction, loss of strength, and faith. Be attentive to details and accompanying symbols in your dreams. The interpretation from this will be completely different.

  • From Saturday to Sunday(Influence of the Sun)

Light, unobtrusive images can be seen on such a night. There are almost no prophetic dreams from Saturday to Sunday. Usually this is either a reflection of the feelings and thoughts of the day, or a anticipation of future events.

When do you have prophetic dreams and what days of the week?

Prophetic dreams come when a person needs help in solving a difficult situation, a hint on what to do. If something is seriously bothering you, it affects your subconscious.

Sometimes these are confused, incoherent visions. Sometimes vivid, memorable images and actions. Which of them give a person real clues can be determined by studying the fulfillment of dreams by day of the week.

Days of the week when prophetic dreams occur:

  • On Monday you can see a truly prophetic dream. If a situation has been tormenting you for a long time with its uncertainty and burden, this is a sure clue. Everything is going well anyway - don’t focus on the interpretation.
  • On Tuesdays dreams are the result of impressions from conversations and deeds. You can even replay a situation that greatly impressed you the day before.
  • Vision on Wednesday until the next day, do not attach much importance. Arrived already at night for Thursday - may come true.
  • Thursday- prophetic vision. Learn and listen to his advice.
  • On Friday dreams of love come true.
  • On Saturdays- those who came in the morning are significant.
  • And on Sunday Only bright, good dreams come true.

Interpretation of dreams by days and numbers of the week

The satellite of our planet is the Moon. And it is she who influences everything on Earth more strongly than other planets.

The meaning of dreams by day of the week and day of the month and their interpretation explains Moon calendar. Using it, you can predict the meaning of the vision depending on the phase of the planet affecting us.

When do dreams come true according to days of the week and numbers, what do their signs carry and should they be taken into account? Let's see what he says about it dream book on days of the week and dates of the month:

  1. Troubles in family affairs.
  2. In the near future the dream will begin to come true.
  3. The likelihood of fulfillment is not soon.
  4. Be careful. May have problems.
  5. In any month, a dream seen on the fifth day will come true.
  6. Quick joy.
  7. The seventh number is difficult to interpret.
  8. Funny adventures, adventures.
  9. Don't attach importance. Vision is meaningless.
  10. In the next 20 days, everything will come true; grievances and troubles are likely.
  11. It won't come true.
  12. The dream is not accurate.
  13. Success in love.
  14. Fulfillment of desires.
  15. What you dream about on the fifteenth is unimportant.
  16. Everything will come true soon.
  17. Everything will happen, but not very quickly.
  18. A good sign. Listen.
  19. The vision will be fulfilled soon.
  20. Something very good will happen.
  21. To achieve what you want.
  22. To success.
  23. Frivolous problems.
  24. A big joy.
  25. Expect bad news.
  26. An unpleasant period in life.
  27. Everything will work out and come true quickly.
  28. Bad vision will not bring trouble.
  29. It won't come true.
  30. Completing long tasks.
  31. To material profit.

What is the probability of dreams coming true by day of the week

There is a certain probability of when the vision can be expected to be fulfilled and how soon. For example, from Saturday to Sunday, it is considered prophetic until lunch.

  • To understand how to cope with your problems, remember dreams from Friday to Saturday.
  • On the night from Thursday to Friday- prophetic dreams come.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday— warning about problems at work, misunderstandings with management.
  • How closer to morning the vision has come - all the more certain that everything will be fulfilled.
  • Until midnight- can come true for a very long time.
  • Dining- does not mean anything.

What are the dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Knowing when and what vision comes true, the dreamer can make wishes and ask questions. For such cases, there are dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary for every day of the week.

In ancient times and to this day, people use her prayers to ward off misfortune, attract good luck, and protect loved ones and the sick. Those who believe in this have experienced by their own example the miraculous powers of the Mother of God’s dreams.

  • Prayer from enemies and illnesses read three times on Fridays. If you read twelve times over the head of a sick person, he will soon get better.
  • On Thursday - for cleansing from the evil eye, witchcraft and troubles twelve times a night.
  • At the workplace, reading the prayer three times will help you get enough.
  • To fulfill wishes and receiving privileges in life - three times on Tuesday.

Essential part of our life. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every person has at least once asked the question: “When do prophetic dreams occur?” and “Will what I just saw come true”? In this regard, ELLE decided to understand the phenomenon of prophetic dreams.

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Prophetic dreams are dreams during which you dream of events that after some time actually begin to happen in your life. If you consider yourself a creative person, like to dream and come up with all kinds of stories, then most likely, unlike most, you have clear and clear dreams. According to researchers, this is due to the fact that “dreamers” have a more active part of the brain that is responsible for fantasy, and it is much easier for their consciousness to form a consistent story. In addition, most often so-called prophetic dreams are dreamed by people who do not neglect spiritual practices and meditation, since they know how to work with their subconscious and tune it in the right way.

Touching on the topic of interpretation of prophetic dreams, it is also impossible not to mention that there is still no scientific confirmation that a prophetic dream really comes true. Therefore, people often rely on popular beliefs in this matter. In particular, most Orthodox Christians believe that the most truthful dreams occur on the eve of Epiphany, while Catholics, in turn, are convinced that you can only believe those dreams that you saw on Christmas night. Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are also one of the most common beliefs.

In addition, if you answer the question on what days do you have prophetic dreams, referring to folk signs, you can name the dates of any church holidays and the third day of each month. But we must not forget about the feelings of the person himself. Therefore, if after waking up you cannot get the plot or individual details of the dream out of your head, then most likely this is a prophetic dream.

Do all dreams necessarily serve as predictions for the future? And if they report the future, on what days of the week do dreams come true?

Dreams by day of the week: meaning Night from Sunday to Monday

Monday, ruled by the Moon, is considered a difficult day. Dreams that occurred on the night from Sunday to Monday, regardless of the content, resonate with your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday affairs, family and relatives, home, small children, as well as women, including your mother. A short dream, not rich in content, is considered good - you will be in a positive mood, embody restraint and composure, there will be little fuss. But if Monday's sleep was intense and long, and there was water in it, you will need to do a large amount of daily housework.

Monday Tuesday

Fiery Mars, which generates aspirations and gives impetus to action, patronizes Tuesday. Dreams seen on this day reflect your personal desires and aspirations. Being a masculine planet, Mars is also considered the planet of warriors, so Tuesday’s dreams will tell about familiar men, scandals and wars, upcoming or past. Sharp objects seen in a dream indicate your readiness for active action. A vivid dream means that you are now filled to the brim with vitality. If Tuesday’s dream turned out to be calm, it means that you have directed your energy in a certain direction, you will easily and quickly cope with any difficulties that arise on the path to success, and there are no scandals in your life in the near future. If the dream is unpleasant, then it speaks of the advantage of selfish desires and high self-esteem.

Tuesday Wednesday

The environment is ruled by the mediating planet Mercury. A rich Wednesday dream, rich in plots and action, speaks of your sociability. It’s pleasant and easy to communicate with you; soon you will make new friends with whom you will have fun and well. They will be able to teach you a lot in an unobtrusive manner. If you had a calm, spare dream, or even one filled with uninteresting situations, you will soon experience a lack of information, and no one will be able to help you. Airy Mercury usually gives varied, light and, most often, unmemorable dreams. But if you still remember the dream, when you decipher it you will receive information about those with whom you often communicate (acquaintances, friends, acquaintances, relatives).

Wednesday Thursday

The social planet Jupiter rules over Thursday. Dreams on this day will tell you about future prospects, work, your bosses, sponsors, mentors and patrons. If you dreamed of ancestors or pictures of bygone times, in life you will have to study the profession of your parents and continue their work. Thursday's dreams will also talk about activities that can bring success, and about solving issues related to public and social life. If in a dream you saw yourself as a participant in a major event, this is a good sign. Such a dream means that you will soon achieve success in social activities, you will quickly advance up the career ladder, and your superiors will treat you well.

Thursday Friday

Friday is the day of the planet Venus. Dreams of this particular day of the week reflect our feelings and, as is commonly believed, often come true, being associated with our strong desire to fulfill something. Dreams will tell you about the timing and methods of bringing what you want into reality. The scenes of these dreams are related to personal life, financial situation and creativity. If in a dream you receive money or acquire something, it means that your feelings will be satisfied, and soon you will not be able to limit yourself in anything. Dreams in which we lose or cannot get something indicate that our personal life will be boring, we will soon have to reduce our needs, and material support will be meager.

Friday Saturday

Saturday is the day of the planet of trials, fate and fate - Saturn. He limits us by dictating laws, so Saturday's dreams will tell us what we need to give up, what we should limit ourselves to, what rules we should obey. Often these dreams talk about the prospects for the implementation of plans, the sequence and connection of upcoming events. If the dream is colorful, it means that much of what you planned is being realized, and you will not face any serious restrictions. A black and white, gloomy dream, in which high walls, obstacles or crosses appear, suggests that plans will come to fruition only after hard work and nothing will come easy in the near future. Saturday's dream can tell about the fate - yours or other people.

Saturday Sunday

Sunday is the day of the Sun, associated with impulses of inspiration, love and creativity. Dreams that occurred on the night from Saturday to Sunday tell us about what can make us happy and bring positive emotions into our lives. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you may dream of situations or people who fill our life with light, saturate it with interesting things or, conversely, darken your joy. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity and suggests that you will soon have new ideas, as well as interesting acquaintances with extraordinary abilities. A dream can be a harbinger of future strong love or help you discover a talent that has remained hidden to you until now.

On what days do dreams come true?

Every dream will definitely be reflected in reality. But when? Dreams come true on certain days of the week. How to find out on what day the dream will come true?

You can get an answer to this question by turning to astrology, in particular to the seven-pointed star of magicians. It brings together the seven planets, showing the relationship between them. The fact that Monday’s dream will come true on Thursday or Friday (maybe even simultaneously) is indicated by two straight lines running from Monday’s patroness, the Moon, to Jupiter, which rules Thursday, and to Venus, associated with Friday. On Saturday or Friday we should expect the dream of Tuesday - Mars - to come true. Wednesday dreams come true on Saturday, the day of Saturn, or Sunday, the day of the Sun, since two straight lines from Mercury are directed towards them.

The easiest way is to add 4 days to the day on which the dream occurred, thereby obtaining a kind of dream realization table. If you had a dream on Monday, it will come true on Thursday. If it's on Tuesday, it will come true on Friday. If on Wednesday, it will come true on Saturday. The dream from Thursday to Friday comes true on the last day of the week, Sunday. If you had a dream on Friday, it will come true on Monday, etc.

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