Evening walking is beneficial before bedtime. Walking while you sleep or why is it useful to walk before bed? Increases lung capacity

The light breeze of the sea surf, the fresh breath of the sea, the singing of forest leaves or the quiet rumble of cars while walking in the park - what do you like best? All this, depending on the location, can be experienced during an evening walk before bed, a walk that is not just an addition, but an integral part of a healthy night's rest. Healthy walks before bed are both difficult and very simple!

The benefits of walking in the fresh air

If you have already had the opportunity, more than once, to walk along the quiet streets in the evening, you could note for yourself how much easier it was to fall asleep that day, and how a slight peace and tranquility appeared somewhere inside. It is even possible that it helped you resolve some internal conflict and find answers to your questions. There are many benefits to evening walks in the fresh air.

First of all, it is worth noting that even in a city, during a walk we receive an additional dose of oxygen, which is as important to us as life itself. The more we allow ourselves to relax during a serene procession through the city streets or along the sea coast, the more our blood is saturated with this element. As a result, the processes of regeneration, absorption of nutrients, restoration of nerve cells are accelerated, and the general physical and emotional state improves.

Walking in the fresh air helps to lose weight and improve the processes of assimilation of information received during the day. Even a hard day at work can turn into an easy adventure if you manage to spend half an hour in the evening for a leisurely trip to the park.

The psychological impact of such going out into the street should also not be neglected - peaceful observation of the surface of the water, the movement of cars, and people regularly walking nearby, creates a general atmosphere of calm and unhurriedness, which involuntarily helps to put everything in its place in your mind or simply give it a rest.

5 reasons why walking before bed is beneficial

1. Light physical activity helps relieve tension and helps you quickly switch to a state of rest, both for the body and for the mind.

2. Fresh air saturates the lungs, from where active oxygen penetrates the blood and fills the brain, helping it cope with assigned tasks and difficulties. This same fact contributes to the rapid assimilation of the information received, the normalization of nervous processes in the brain, and the transmission of active signals to the entire body.

3. Regular walks before bedtime are one of the methods of physiotherapy for the rehabilitation of seriously ill patients. This process to some extent contributes to faster healing of wounds, restoration of physical and mental strength, and strengthening of the immune system.

4. The psychological effect of these walks manifests itself quite clearly. Calm contemplation, measured steps, lack of boundaries and haste - all this helps to calm down and tune in to rest.

5. Regular walks also help regulate sleep processes - it becomes easier to fall asleep at the same time. The sleep itself becomes stronger, calmer, deeper, and, therefore, healthier.

How to properly organize a walk before bed

In order for an evening walk to become truly useful for further relaxation, you should adhere to several basic and not at all complicated rules.

1. Choose a regular time for walking, during which you can take your mind off everything and focus on relaxation.

2. The duration of the walk should be at least 20 minutes and no more than 1.5 hours, depending on personal needs and physical abilities.

3. Carefully select clothes for evening walks. It’s important not to get too cold before going to bed, but overheating can negatively affect the quality of your night’s rest. Particular attention should be paid to shoes - feet should not sweat or freeze, there should be a complete feeling of comfort.

4. The place for walking should be optimal for you - not very noisy, relatively calm and not crowded. It is important that there are no industrial enterprises or places nearby where very loud music can be played. It is best if you choose a city park, suburban outskirts where there is a lot of vegetation, the coast or streets along which there is less traffic and the houses are mostly residential.

5. Try not to listen to music while walking, or choose melodic rather than rhythmic tracks. It is also better to avoid reading while walking. All this can disrupt the processes of pacification, and therefore interfere with sleep itself and provoke insomnia.

6. It is better to finish your walk no later than half an hour before going to bed in order to have time to carry out water procedures.

The light breeze of the sea surf, the fresh breath of the sea, the singing of forest leaves or the quiet rumble of cars while walking in the park - what do you like best? All this, depending on the location, can be experienced during an evening walk before bed, a walk that is not just an addition, but an integral part of a healthy night's rest. Healthy walks before bed are both difficult and very simple!

The benefits of walking in the fresh air

E If you have already had the opportunity, more than once, to walk along the quiet streets in the evening, you could note for yourself how much easier it was to fall asleep that day, and how a slight peace and tranquility appeared somewhere inside. It is even possible that it helped you resolve some internal conflict and find answers to your questions. There are many benefits to evening walks in the fresh air.

P First of all, it is worth noting that even in a city, during a walk we receive an additional dose of oxygen, which is as important to us as life itself. The more we allow ourselves to relax during a serene procession through the city streets or along the sea coast, the more our blood is saturated with this element. As a result, the processes of regeneration, absorption of nutrients, restoration of nerve cells are accelerated, and the general physical and emotional state improves.

P Walking in the fresh air helps to lose weight and improve the processes of assimilation of information received during the day. Even a hard day at work can turn into an easy adventure if you manage to spend half an hour in the evening for a leisurely trip to the park.

P The psychological impact of such going out into the street should also not be neglected - peaceful observation of the surface of the water, the movement of cars, and people walking rhythmically nearby, creates a general atmosphere of calm and unhurriedness, which involuntarily helps to put everything in its place in your mind or simply give it a rest.

5 reasons why walking before bed is beneficial

1. Light physical activity helps relieve tension and helps you quickly switch to a state of rest, both for the body and for the mind.
2. Fresh air saturates the lungs, from where active oxygen penetrates the blood and fills the brain, helping it cope with assigned tasks and difficulties. This same fact contributes to the rapid assimilation of the information received, the normalization of nervous processes in the brain, and the transmission of active signals to the entire body.
3. Regular walks before bedtime are one of the methods of physiotherapy for the rehabilitation of seriously ill patients. This process to some extent contributes to faster healing of wounds, restoration of physical and mental strength, and strengthening of the immune system.
4. The psychological effect of these walks manifests itself quite clearly. Calm contemplation, measured steps, lack of boundaries and haste - all this helps to calm down and tune in to rest.
5. Regular walks also help regulate sleep processes - it becomes easier to fall asleep at the same time. The sleep itself becomes stronger, calmer, deeper, and, therefore, healthier.

How to properly organize a walk before bed

In order for an evening walk to become truly useful for further relaxation, you should adhere to several basic and not at all complicated rules.

1. Choose a regular time for walking where you can take your mind off everything and focus on relaxation.
2. The duration of the walk should be at least 20 minutes and no more than 1.5 hours, depending on personal needs and physical abilities.
3. Choose your clothes carefully for evening walks. It’s important not to get too cold before going to bed, but overheating can negatively affect the quality of your night’s rest. Particular attention should be paid to shoes - feet should not sweat or freeze, there should be a complete feeling of comfort.
4. The place for walking should be optimal for you - not very noisy, relatively calm and uncrowded. It is important that there are no industrial enterprises or places nearby where very loud music can be played. It is best if you choose a city park, suburban outskirts where there is a lot of vegetation, the coast or streets along which there is less traffic and the houses are mostly residential.
5. Try not to listen to music while walking, or choose melodic rather than rhythmic tracks. It is also better to avoid reading while walking. All this can disrupt the processes of pacification, and therefore interfere with sleep itself and provoke insomnia.
6. It is better to finish your walk no later than half an hour before going to bed in order to have time to carry out water procedures.

Walking before bed- an effective means of promoting health, having a relaxing effect on the body before bedtime.

Who is the walking tour for?

This type of activity is relevant for people of absolutely all ages. And this is one of its main advantages – the absence of contraindications. You can start hiking both from childhood and when you are old. Walking in the evening is a very useful pastime, simple and accessible for everyone who wants to keep their body in good shape and have a healthy, sound sleep.

How to walk correctly

The key point in the correct practice of walking in the evening is the regularity of walks. Due to the fact that many people find it difficult to exercise constantly at first, it is necessary to choose the optimal mode so that walking before bed is not a burden, but a joy, and brings maximum positive emotions and sensations. Experts say that it is enough to exercise for 21 days for this type of leisure to become a useful habit that can change your life for the better. But in order to achieve what you want, there are several general rules for walking that should be followed. First of all, this is the pace of walking, which should not be slow, but at the same time should not turn into running. It is unacceptable to endure pain during a walk, in the form of shortness of breath and various tingling sensations. It is worth once again focusing on the dosage of the load, which should increase evenly and gradually, taking into account your physical condition and capabilities at the moment. To prevent negative consequences, it is recommended to alternate between increasing and decreasing speed. This will help the body recover during a difficult period and not be completely relaxed at a slow pace. One cannot fail to mention the posture while walking; the head should not be lowered, the shoulders should not be twisted and tense. When walking, your feet should rest on your heels and push off with your toes. To increase the benefits of walking, it is recommended to give preference to hilly terrain. And by the way, don’t forget about smiling while walking, it should be your constant attribute, despite the weather and other external conditions.

Walk duration

The average walk duration is at least 30-40 minutes. At first, you can reduce this time, but for regular exercise it is not recommended to exercise for less than the specified time.

The benefits of walking before bed

In addition to the tonic and relaxing effect, walking before bed helps you maintain your own weight at the desired level, since while walking at a moderate pace you will be able to burn about ten calories per minute. It is also worth noting that walking before bed helps improve blood circulation by enriching organs with more oxygen, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and the risk of diabetes, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. And in general, walks serve as an effective means of hardening and comprehensive healing of the body, as well as one of the incentives for the development of discipline, organization and endurance. An important beneficial effect of walking is its ability to be a natural antidepressant all year round, which not only lifts your mood every day, but also slows down the aging process, allowing you to remain young and beautiful, which is so important for girls of any age. Positive aspects also include a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and vision. Perhaps for you, walking before bed may seem like a panacea, and there will be considerable truth in this statement, since without much difficulty you can put your entire body in order, without depriving any system of receiving the necessary physical activity.

Chatting while walking

It is very important to note that your walks can take place either alone, in order to enjoy everything that escapes our eyes in a hurry and to be alone with yourself, or in the company of your loved ones: family, friends, acquaintances and your pets . Communication with them will complement the emotional component of walking before bed and will help you relax from everyday worries and talk about what you don’t have enough time and energy for during everyday work. By taking a walk in the fresh air, you can solve several problems at once: lack of communication with family, problems with appearance, insomnia, stress, etc. It is important to remember that you will not be able to come away from a walk unhappy, and spending the evening in front of the TV is unlikely to help make you happy.


  • How to walk for health benefits, social network "Country of Mothers"

Late evening walks are beneficial for many reasons, but not everyone wants to go outside in the cold winter.

But it's summer now! So why not take advantage of all its gifts: warm air, mesmerizing night sounds and intoxicating smells?

Taking just 4 walks a week will bring invaluable health benefits.

Break out your favorite sneakers and hit the road today!

1. Peace and quiet

One of the main advantages of evening walks is that they provide much-needed peace and tranquility.

Think about how much noise surrounds you during the day: passing cars, endless conversations in the office and at home, frolicking children, always blaring on the TV and radio... You can’t count it all!

Without noticing it, you are exposed to stress under the influence of noise!

Evening exercise will bring long-awaited calm to the body and mind and allow you to relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day.

2. Getting rid of depression

Staying inside four walls for a long time contributes to feelings of depression and despondency, even if you look outside for short periods of time.

Taking a leisurely walk in the open air in the evening will help you get rid of depressing feelings. This practice is excellent not only for the prevention, but also for the treatment of depression.

Walking is a great way to add physical activity into your daily life.

However, don't set the pace too fast!

It has been proven that slow walking is much more effective in reducing cortisol levels than fast and intense walking.

4. Pleasant sounds

Have you ever listened to the sounds of a summer night?

The chirping of crickets and the rustling of tree leaves are some of the most mesmerizing sounds in nature.

At such moments, the brain produces dopamine in huge quantities, sending calming signals to our body.

5. Melatonin synthesis

Melatonin is a hormone that puts our body into rest mode. However, its production can be suppressed by spending too much time indoors or sitting for a long time in front of a glowing monitor screen.

Instead of watching TV before bed, take a walk and then take a hot bath.

This will promote the production of melatonin, which means deep and restorative life-giving sleep.

6. Stress relief

Surely, in the life of each of you there are problems at work or in the family.
Walking in the evening or at night, when the world around you seems to be plunging into calm, you yourself will notice how the accumulated tension begins to literally dissolve.

7. Good mood

Another great thing about late night walks is that you will wake up in a great mood the next day.

Walking stimulates the production of serotonin in the body, a hormone that is responsible for a good mood.

After late exercise, you will not only fall asleep faster, but in the morning you will see the world in brighter colors!

Now you see how beneficial it is to be in the fresh air before going to bed.

The best time for walking is between 7 and 9 pm, when the sun is just beginning to descend towards the horizon.

Do you go for walks in the evenings?

You need to get enough sleep any time

Need to get enough sleep! If you don't sleep enough on weekdays, get enough sleep on the weekend.


You should not get up later on weekends; it is much more important to establish a constant sleep and wakefulness pattern 7 days a week. This mode prevents insomnia and improves sleep quality.

Evening workout before bed

Evening fitness classes contribute to fatigue and you will fall asleep faster.


Regular exercise normalizes sleep, but it should not be closer than three hours before bedtime. A “hot body” will not allow you to fall asleep peacefully: the body temperature after exercise returns to normal only after three hours.

Age and sleep

Older people need less sleep.


Older people seem to need less sleep. In fact, this is a misconception: they also require 7 to 9 hours.

The brain rests during sleep

Sleep is needed for the brain to rest.


It is not the brain that needs rest, but the body. During sleep, the brain continues to work, controlling breathing and many other body functions.

Wake up in the middle of the night

If you wake up in the middle of the night, it's best to get back to sleep as soon as possible. It’s better not to get up and do anything, otherwise you won’t fall asleep later.


If you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep within 15-20 minutes, then do something relaxing: listen to quiet music, sit in a chair. If you only think about how to fall asleep again, then you will not succeed.

Walk before bed

To get ready for bed, it's a good idea to take a walk.


You can go for a walk, but it’s better 2 hours before bedtime. But it is better not to do activities such as watching TV or staying vigil at the computer. It will be more difficult for you to sleep.

Sex before bed

Sex at night is stimulating and makes it difficult to fall asleep.


Sex releases endorphins, which block stress. Therefore, it is easier to fall asleep after sex.

Ideal room temperature for sleeping

It's better to sleep in a cool room.


The body responds to sleep faster in a cool room. Do you remember how difficult it is to sleep in the hot summer? So let some fresh air into your sleeping area.

Snoring and sleep

Snoring is a common and harmless phenomenon.


For most people, snoring is harmless. But it can cause apnea syndrome (sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep). If you snore frequently, consult your doctor.

Alcohol and sleep

A glass of wine will help you relax and fall asleep faster.


Despite the fact that alcohol helps you fall asleep quickly, such sleep cannot be called restful: you will toss and turn, wake up, and ultimately not get enough sleep.

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