Veterinary clinic Dneprodzerzhinsk Syrovtsa. In the “Veterinary Clinics” section, we tried to collect all the clinics providing veterinary services. Veterinary hospitals - sterilization of cats in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Veterinary clinic "Optim-Vet"

I want pussy! Mom buy me a puppy! Dear, I decided that this parrot is a wonderful gift for our children when they graduate from school... How often do we get a pet with these and other words? Every second case of the appearance of an animal in a family is pampering, indulgence in children's requests or a thoughtless gift for a fleeting holiday. If this happened or you just got an animal out of great desire, understand the main thing - this is not a toy, but almost a person, only it can’t talk. Care and responsibility are now your main words.

We all know very well that until people tamed domestic animals, they were all wild. And no matter how much effort was made to domesticate those same cats, it still could not change the genetics of these animals. But every owner still strives to make their life as comfortable as possible; many equate them to family members.

In order to give long-haired and decorative breeds of cats or dogs a more attractive appearance, improve the structure of their coat or improve their appearance, they resort to various types of haircuts. Pets participating in various exhibitions (which are practically never cut) are given a variety of haircuts.

If you delve into the study of statistics, it is easy to draw the following conclusions: half of the happy owners of pets are engaged in self-training of dogs, about 20% send their pets to special clubs to undergo basic courses, approximately the same number of people, after completing special training, send their dogs to additional courses. learning programs. The remaining, approximately 10%, dog owners believe that dog training services are completely unnecessary.

Veterinary clinics in Dneprodzerzhinsk

In the “Veterinary Clinics” section, we tried to collect all the clinics providing veterinary services. Veterinary hospitals - sterilization of cats in Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Organizations of Dneprodzerzhinsk in the “Veterinary clinics” section

Veterinary clinic "Optim-Vet"

Vet clinic. Providing a full range of veterinary services. Veterinary laboratory, diagnostics, surgical and conservative treatment, vaccination, sterilization. We also provide ultrasound and veterinary services. pharmacy, pet store, groomer.

Registration of a company in the “Veterinary Clinics” section

All veterinary clinics are listed in the business directory If you, as a representative of one of the veterinary clinics in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk or region, did not find information about your company here, then

Veterinary clinics in Dneprodzerzhinsk Today they are gaining more and more popularity among local residents. After all, with their help, you can not only alleviate the suffering of your pet during his illness, but also make some purchases that will allow you to avoid such diseases prematurely. It is worth noting that veterinary medicine in Dneprodzerzhinsk these days is significantly different from the past, when the main tool in this matter was just a knife and a rope, and everything else was left to God’s judgment. When visiting Veterinary clinics in Dneprodzerzhinsk, you will find there almost all the medicines necessary for animals. At the same time, it would not be amiss to note that the modern range of such clinics is also not small. Today veterinary clinics and their doctors are ready to treat not only dogs and cats that are familiar to us all, but in some individual cases, parrots.

Residents of Dneprodzerzhinsk should know that even if they have exotic animals living in their home, they should not be afraid to go to pet stores and pet salons only because it is a unique species. Believe me, the assortment of various medicines and products for animals that are presented there these days may well be suitable even for exotic species of animals, so your fears and negative thoughts are in vain, and the life of your pet may indeed be in jeopardy.

It is also worth remembering that today veterinary clinic in Dneprodzerzhinsk It works almost everywhere around the clock, or until late in the evening, which allows even those people who work until late in the evening to visit these establishments. In addition to everything described, do not forget that recently various resources on the global network have become popular, where you can easily find everything for animals in Dneprodzerzhinsk. This approach also allows you to systematize various information that interests you, such as, for example, companies Dneprodzerzhinsk engaged in the sale of goods for the needs of animals, or specializing in the supply of equipment, equipment, and accessories for our beloved pets. And this includes clothes, holders, houses, equipment for caring for pets and much more. Well, you can find the full range of everything that these companies can offer by visiting city ​​website for Dneprodzerzhinsk, which specializes in sales of products and services for animals. You will find the organizations themselves using an electronic map of the city. Just go to the search engine and enter the phrase you are looking for, and the system will do the rest for you and redirect you in the right direction.

The work of the clinic is carried out on the basis of the internal labor regulations of the clinic and the veterinary legislation of Ukraine.

  1. All veterinary services are paid.
  2. Appointments at the veterinary clinic are carried out according to the work schedule by appointment. We ask you to warn us in advance if it is impossible to show up at the appointed time. If you fail to show up at the appointed time, your appointment will be canceled and you can only go in accordance with the order of clients who arrived without an appointment. If there is no free time for an appointment, we ask you to contact us on another day. Patients with prior appointments and patients requiring emergency care are accepted without a queue.
  3. The clinic is under video surveillance. These measures are intended to help resolve disputes.
  4. When choosing diagnostic and treatment methods, the doctor is guided solely by the interests of the animal. Making a final diagnosis may require the use of additional examination methods (laboratory, instrumental, endoscopic, etc.). Many studies and analyzes must be carried out repeatedly to dynamically monitor changes in the state of the body. It is important to realize that making a diagnosis can take a long time. Until a final diagnosis is made, patients receive symptomatic treatment. In cases where the pathology requires a special study that is not carried out at the Na Rabochaya clinic, the animal may be sent to another clinic.
  5. All dogs must have collars, leashes and muzzles in the clinic; cats - in carriers; small domestic and exotic animals (rodents, birds, reptiles) - in cages or containers, in other means of safe restraint. Owners must prevent any contact between animals.
  6. The initial fixation of the animal for examination is carried out by the owner. The clinic staff is not responsible for injuries received by the owner from his own animal.

Denial of service

  1. Clients under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as clients who show disrespect for the clinic staff, are not served.
  2. The clinic staff has the right to refuse assistance to aggressive animals.
  3. Owners whose animals are not vaccinated against rabies may be denied service if their pet exhibits any neurological symptoms.
  4. Minors bringing pets may be denied service. Remember that you cannot send a child to the clinic without an adult. A physician cannot rely on decisions made by a minor. In addition, there are situations that can traumatize the child’s psyche, for example, a serious condition and injuries to an animal.
  5. If the animal owner fails to comply with the prescribed instructions, as well as non-compliance with the treatment regimen, the medical staff is not responsible for the result of treatment. The clinic administration has the right to refuse further provision of veterinary care.
  6. Euthanasia in our clinic is carried out exclusively for medical reasons. The doctor has the right to refuse to perform the procedure. Animal carcasses are not disposed of. The owner takes the animal's corpse for self-disposal.
  7. Vaccinations and injections at the clinic are done using the clinic's medications. For owners of animals who bring their own medications, the clinic staff does not refuse to carry out manipulations, but is not responsible for the result.
  8. The clinic staff has the right to refuse assistance if there is an outstanding debt for veterinary services provided by the clinic.

Payment order

  1. Veterinary clinic "On Rabochaya" provides paid veterinary services to animals owned by individuals and organizations. The price of services is indicated in the clinic’s price list.
  2. Payment for the clinic's services is carried out immediately upon the provision of services, by depositing cash into the enterprise's cash desk or by non-cash transfer to the enterprise's account, as well as by bank cards.
  3. When you contact the clinic, an initial appointment is held. The initial appointment includes taking an anamnesis, examining the animal by a doctor, physical examination and consultation on the animal’s condition, preliminary diagnosis, prognosis, and prescription of treatment. Therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and medications are paid separately according to the price list.
  4. When visiting the clinic due to another disease or problem, the appointment is regarded as a primary appointment, as well as the appointment of another animal belonging to the same owner. For repeated visits to the clinic and consultation with a doctor on the same problem for the same animal, the cost of the second appointment is paid. Therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and medications are also paid separately according to the price list.
  5. Visiting the clinic without an animal for a consultation is paid according to the price list.
  6. The owner of the animal must be aware that they are paid for the work performed by the clinic and the medications spent, as well as other consumables, and not the final result. In the event of death, if the clinic performs its services conscientiously, the bill is paid in full.
  7. The cost of services consists of medical procedures (injections, catheterization, etc.) and the cost of materials (medicines, suture material, etc.).
  8. The owner of the animal has the right to ask the attending physician to draw up an approximate estimate of upcoming expenses. It should be borne in mind that many diseases may have an unpredictable course and consequences, which may lead to a change in treatment tactics and, accordingly, cost.
  9. Consultation on test results, incl. without an animal, paid at the cost as a secondary appointment.

Features of service provision

  1. Considering the biological individuality of each organism, as well as the fact that in nature there are no equally healthy and equally sick people, there is no way to give a 100% guarantee that the prescribed and carried out treatment or manipulation will lead to the result that is expected from them. In their work, the clinic’s doctors are guided by research data that is relevant at the moment and provides the opportunity with the greatest (but not 100 percent) probability of achieving the desired results.
  2. In some cases, diagnostic tools are not enough to make a final diagnosis; this fact may concern not only a specific clinic, but also the state of veterinary medicine at the moment.
  3. Any organism is not a stationary system, and changes constantly occur in it, the same applies to the manifestations of the disease. The work of a doctor is a constant analysis of changes and their correction in the right direction, using available diagnostic and treatment tools.
  4. The doctor’s work is impossible without the owner providing objective data on changes in the animal’s condition.
  5. The clinic’s doctors are able to justify their prescriptions and in their work are guided by the principle of “do no harm,” however, in some cases, unpredictable or individual reactions may occur in response to treatment.
  6. If the owner takes his animal for “home treatment”, the clinic is not responsible for the quality and integrity of the recommendations, as well as for the outcome of treatment in the future.


  1. It is necessary to provide the animal with a fasting diet for 12 hours before surgery.
  2. Before general anesthesia and surgery, the owner is informed by the doctor about the possible risks and signs a document confirming his consent to this procedure.


  1. When examining the abdominal organs, a 12-hour fasting diet is required.
  2. It is advisable to examine the organs of the urinary system for a full bladder.

Laboratory diagnostics

  1. Laboratory diagnostics are carried out only after full payment of the cost of these services.
  2. No more than 2 hours should pass from the moment of urine and feces collection.
  3. The amount of urine for analysis must be at least 25 ml; a smaller amount may distort the result. Urine should be collected from a clean, pre-washed tray (not from the floor or litter) or can be collected by bladder catheterization or cystocentesis at your doctor's office.
  4. Stool analysis is taken strictly in glass or plastic containers without toilet filler.
  5. Test results are prepared within 24 hours.
  6. Owners receive all test results from the administrator or by email only after payment.
  7. A biochemical blood test is performed on an empty stomach (preferably on a 12-hour fasting diet)

ATTENTION! Animal owners who agree to be treated at the Na Rabochaya clinic automatically accept the internal regulations.

The veterinary clinic “Na Rabochaya” is open 24 hours a day.

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