Video: Kelp Kelp Coral Club. Benefits and side effects of kelp Kelp nsp instructions for use

Kelp is a dietary supplement, an additional source of iodine and soluble dietary fiber.

Active substance

Brown algae powder (ascophyllum and kelp).

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of capsules, which are packaged in bottles of 100 pcs.

Capsule composition: brown algae powder (ascophyllum and kelp).

Indications for use

  • mastopathy and sluggish inflammatory processes associated primarily with the female genital area;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes and obesity;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the presence of tumors and cysts;
  • bronchitis, asthma, ulcers, emphysema, colitis, constipation;
  • problems of the reproductive system in women and men;
  • irritability, rapid heartbeat, depression;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • intolerance to cold and damp weather;
  • frequent colds and constantly cold extremities;
  • prevention of ovarian and breast cancer;
  • prevention of the development of osteoporosis, arthritis, brittle nails and hair, dental caries;
  • as part of weight loss programs.


Kelp should not be taken for conditions and diseases for which iodine preparations are not recommended, as well as in case of increased individual sensitivity to its components.

Instructions for use of Kelp (method and dosage)

If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 - 3 months.

Side effects

Patients with congenital hypersensitivity to iodine may experience side effects of the drug similar to those observed with an excess of iodine in the body: runny nose, lacrimation, cough, increased salivation, swelling and swelling of the salivary glands, skin damage. Kelp capsules

Side effects also include swelling of the larynx or bronchi, which can lead to suffocation and cause anaphylactic shock.


Information is absent.


No data.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

The basis of Kelp is brown algae extract, which is a valuable source of essential amino acids and 12 vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, E, D, etc.). It also contains micro- and macroelements vital for the human body (calcium, iron, sodium, barium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium and many others) in the most accessible form.

Regular use of the drug ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, helps restore metabolism, improve immunity, memory and mental activity, as well as the condition of teeth, skin, hair and the nervous system.

Brown algae contains salts of alginic acid, whose properties resemble pectin. This substance binds heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins and removes them from the body.

Kelp can prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, rejuvenate a person and prolong his life. The polysaccharides contained in brown algae normalize fat and cholesterol metabolism, preventing the development of vascular sclerosis.

The dietary supplement Kelp is incredibly beneficial for a woman’s health, since reproductive dysfunction and breast diseases are often associated with iodine deficiency in the body. Phytoestrogens and iodine contained in kelp regulate a woman’s hormonal levels, preventing general decline of the body and reducing the adverse effects of menopause. The antioxidant effect of brown algae allows the drug to be used for the prevention of cancer. In addition, this algae contains trace elements such as molybdenum and cobalt, which help optimize reproductive function not only in women, but also in men.

special instructions

Before starting to take Kelp, as well as in cases of development of uncharacteristic symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

In childhood

Information is absent.

Drug interactions

Like other iodine preparations, Kelp is incompatible with ammonia, ichthyol, mercuric amidochloride and essential oils.

Kelp (Kelp) brown algae dietary supplement NSP:

Ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Supports metabolism.

Stimulates the immune system.

Product code in the catalog: 410 – 100 capsules
Retail price: $15.96
Price from NSP warehouse with discount card: $11.40
Cumulative points for additional discount: 8.43

Iodine is an essential trace element for humans. It is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which control the development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, maintain body temperature and energy. Low levels of these hormones can negatively affect both a person's physical and intellectual abilities.

WHO estimates that more than 800 million people, about one-fifth of the world's population, are at risk of health problems due to iodine deficiency in the food produced in the areas where they live. In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, more than half of the territory is made up of regions with natural iodine deficiency.

Natural iodine in the dietary supplement Kelp compensates for the lack of this element in the daily diet. 4 Kelp capsules is the recommended daily dose of iodine. Kelp is a source of 12 natural vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, D, E, etc.), as well as essential amino acids. It also contains several dozen macro- and microelements necessary for humans (iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, barium, potassium, sulfur, etc.), and in the most accessible form for absorption.

Kelp is a natural source of many vitamins, minerals, and natural elements necessary for the body. As a seafood product, it contains those natural elements that vegetables have in small quantities. Kelp helps the immune and endocrine systems resist stress, prevent diseases, improve digestion, metabolism and overall well-being.

Kelp is a brown algae that grows in the cold waters of the North Pacific Ocean. They have leaf-like branches that are usually attached to rocks at a depth of 10-150 m. The branches can grow up to 1 meter in a day. The Greek name Phykos vesicula means “growing vesicle,” referring to the air bubbles on the leaves.

Eastern medicine has been using Kelp for centuries in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs, including the prostate and uterus. Chinese medicine uses it in the treatment of cysts and tumors. Since Kelp contains iodine, it is necessary in the treatment of goiter and obesity. In folk medicine, it is used to treat constipation, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, ulcers, colitis, problems of the reproductive system of men and women.

One of the important components of kelp is algin. This is a fiber consisting of sodium alginate and algicic acid. Algin adsorbs most toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, reduces cholesterol levels, so it has proven itself in the treatment of obesity and atherosclerosis.

Sodium alginate is a hydrophilic substance that retains water. This property is used to neutralize hydrochloric acid and eliminate diarrhea. Sodium alginate is believed to enhance the immune system by stimulating T cells. Sodium alginate significantly reduces the penetration of heavy metal salts and radionuclides into the body. Among the serious problems caused by environmental pollution with toxic substances, diseases such as leukemia, sarcoma, Hodgkin's disease, anemia and a decrease in the production of red and white blood cells should be noted. Sodium alginate reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with toxic substances of the gastrointestinal tract by forming insoluble salts with them. It has been proven that it removes strontium-90 by 83%.

Another important component of Kelp is iodine. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system as a stimulator of the formation of iodine-containing hormones. Dysfunction of the endocrine glands leads to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Thyroxine is believed to be related to blood cholesterol levels. It increases metabolism and burns excess fat. Therefore, Kelp is recommended for obesity and diabetes.

Diiodotyrosine is another iodine-containing hormone that affects ovarian function. Statistics show that atherosclerosis occurs more often in men than in women. Diiodotyrosine helps convert cholesterol-like breast secretions into milk in nursing mothers.

By stimulating prolactin, a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, diiodotyrosine reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular wall. This process is most pronounced with additional intake of iodine-containing dietary supplements.

For cystic mastopathy, when there is no milk production, taking Kelp helps normalize hormonal disorders and thus prevents breast cancer.

For centuries, Kelp has been used for goiter and thyroiditis. In Japan, where iodine is present in almost all foods (25%), thyroid disease is rare. Remarkable results have been obtained after taking iodine supplements in reducing muscle spasms. The frequency of muscle spasms in the calf muscles and heart decreases and, at the same time, muscle strength increases. There are observations that indicate the effectiveness of using iodine-containing supplements for spasms in the gastrointestinal tract after repeated laparotomy (prevention of adhesions).

Iodine plays a decisive role in the immune system. It is believed that a lack of iodine in the body causes mononucleosis, as well as enlarged lymph nodes. The use of iodine leads to a rapid reduction in swelling of the lymph nodes.
Iodine is also necessary for normal mental development, especially in early childhood.

Kelp contains the compound bromophenol, which is believed to have an effect on pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria.

Selenium and other minerals help Kelp treat fungi (Candida albicans) by enhancing the body's immune response.
Kelp is a source of magnesium, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. It is rich in potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, protein, beta-carotene and vitamin B12.

Food with sufficient iodine content increases life expectancy. Thanks to the consumption of such food, people usually live in good health for up to a hundred years or more.

Kelp has antithrombotic activity, affects the contractility of the heart muscle, prevents the development of rickets, osteoporosis, caries, prevents brittleness of nails and hair, and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Composition of the 1st capsule: Brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) - 525 mg.

APPLICATION: As a food supplement, take 2 capsules 2 times daily with meals.

In case of endocrine disorders, allergic reactions, cardiovascular diseases, you should consult a doctor!

Before treating the thyroid gland with a dietary supplement, be sure to consult an endocrinologist and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland!

Source of information: directory directory for dietary supplements “NSP from A to Z”.

Kelp (Kelp) / Sea Kelp, 200 tablets, 150 mcg

Description, Kelp (Kelp), 200 tablets
Source of natural iodine. Stimulation of thyroid hormones.

Kelp (Brown algae), Indications for use:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Metabolic disease.
- Diseases of the immune system.
- Memory impairment.

Kelp (Kelp), Properties:
Iodine is an essential microelement for humans; the daily iodine requirement is 150 mcg. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which control the development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, maintain body temperature, and regulate metabolism. Low thyroid hormone levels can affect both a person's physical and intellectual abilities.

In Russia, more than half of the territory is made up of regions with natural iodine deficiency.

The brown algae ficus veciculosis is a rich source of natural iodine. Natural iodine in brown algae compensates for the lack of this element in the daily diet. In addition, brown algae is a source of 12 natural vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, D, E, etc.), as well as essential amino acids. It contains
a large number of macro- and microelements necessary for humans (iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, barium, potassium, sulfur, etc.) and in the most accessible form for absorption.

Kelp (Brown algae) has a number of physiological properties: it affects the contractility of the heart muscle, has antithrombotic activity, prevents the development of rickets, osteoporosis, dental caries, brittle nails and hair, and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Due to the fact that iodine is toxic in large quantities, it should be taken after consultation with a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and diseases.

Functional action:
- promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
- helps normalize metabolism;
- has a stimulating effect on the immune system;
- maintains hormone balance;
- stimulates brain function.

Kelp is a species of brown algae that grows widely in the cool mid-latitude coastal waters of the oceans. This brown algae from the order Laminariales can quickly reach enormous sizes and create kelp forests on the ocean floor. It serves as a source of food and shelter for numerous marine organisms, making it an important part of the marine ecosystem. Extensive research on this sea plant shows that it is an unusually rich source of several important vitamins and minerals, and is therefore increasingly being included in various nutritional supplements. However, overdosing on kelp can sometimes cause certain adverse reactions.

Side effects of kelp

One of the side effects of kelp is an imbalance of thyroid hormones, the development of which may be explained by the high content of iodine in this brown algae. Although iodine is required for the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland, excessive amounts of this mineral can cause hyperthyroidism. Sometimes an overdose of iodine leads to decreased fertility in women.

An overdose of kelp can also cause gastrointestinal problems such as nausea and diarrhea, since kelp is a natural laxative. Also, long-term use of this brown algae can lead to a decrease in the body's ability to absorb certain nutrients, such as iron, sodium and potassium.

In addition, it has been noted that consuming kelp extracts or supplements containing kelp may lower blood sugar levels, so people taking medications to lower blood sugar are advised to use such supplements with caution. Since this algae has blood thinning properties, it may increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, people with bleeding disorders or those taking anticoagulants such as aspirin should not take kelp supplements without consulting their doctor.

Some people may be allergic to kelp and therefore consuming this seaweed or supplements containing it may cause allergic reactions in them. These reactions or side effects may include itching, skin rashes, hives, watery or itchy eyes, runny nose and shortness of breath.

Some other adverse reactions may occur as a consequence of contamination of algae with toxic and heavy metals such as arsenic, as seawater becomes increasingly contaminated with such substances. Arsenic can cause nausea, headaches and dizziness, and in rare cases causes skin pigmentation, memory loss, vitamin A deficiency and kidney and liver problems.

Useful properties of kelp

Kelp is widely consumed in Japan, Hawaii and Alaska. It is an important source of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, and folic acid. It is incredibly rich in iodine, which is required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and thus can be useful in diseases such as goiter, hypothyroidism and cretinism.

In addition, this seaweed contains many other important minerals in abundance, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium and calcium. It can strengthen the immune system, improve liver function, regulate blood pressure and thyroid function, lower blood cholesterol, help control appetite, promote weight loss, and maintain pancreas and prostate health. Kelp also prevents the growth of tumors and maintains a balanced pH level in the body.

There are three main varieties of kelp, which are mostly harvested for their extracts and supplements, available in tablet, pill, or powder form. These are kelp, seaweed and fucus. When consumed in moderation, they can have many health benefits. However, given all the possible side effects, before taking them for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are generally advised to avoid kelp and kelp supplements.

Containing iodine. Most of them are based on synthetically produced potassium iodide. This substance is well absorbed and exhibits beneficial health effects. However, it is obvious that iodine obtained from a natural source is much more beneficial and valuable for the body than an artificially created drug.

The dietary supplement Kelp Altera Holding is a product based on the seaweed Fucus vesiculosa. It is the richest source of iodine, and taking it gives a quick and noticeable positive effect.

Composition and release form

Each capsule of the product contains:

  • Fucus vesiculosa (brown algae) - 525 mg. (equal to 70 mcg iodine)

A small dosage allows you to select the optimal daily dose of the drug for any person, depending on his age and condition. There are 100 capsules in a package.

Kelp Altera Holding: properties

Use of the drugallows:

Eliminate iodine deficiency in the body, and this has a positive effect on metabolism, the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Improves thought processes and intellectual abilities.

Kelp Altera Holding: indications and contraindications

Take the complexCan:

For children to improve growth and development processes.

Anyone to prevent iodine deficiency.

Kelp Altera Holding: instructions for use

For small children with a complete diet, 1 capsule per day is enough; for schoolchildren and most adults, the optimal daily dose is 2 capsules; pregnant women are recommended to take 3 capsules per day.

If you have thyroid disease, it is advisable to consult a specialist before using the supplement.

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